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the exclusive roster of conferees points to the fact that the honor remains one of the few ways the United States gov- NOTES ernment can acknowledge a foreigner’s contribution to the nation and/or to mankind. The congressional joint resolu- 1. T. Lawrence Larkin, “A ‘Gift’ Strategically tion clearly enumerated Gálvez’s contributions: he led a truly Solicited and Magnanimously Conferred: The multi-national military force to strategically significant American Congress, the French Monarchy, and the victories against Great Britain during the Revolutionary State Portraits of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette,” War; he later served the cause of science as viceroy of New Winterthur Portfolio 44, no. 1 (2010): 31–75; Larkin, Spain by sponsoring hydrographic expeditions of the Gulf “Final Report for Research Undertaken with the Aid of Mexico; his name has been given to several localities in of the U.S. Capitol Historical Society, April–June Texas and Louisiana; and the state of Florida named him a 2000,” Research Files, USCHS. “Great Floridian” in 2012. 2.James Alton James, “Oliver Pollock, Financier of In the spring of 2014, Representative Jeff Miller (FL) the Revolution in the West,” Mississippi Valley His- introduced H.J. Res. 105 in the House, and Senator Marco torical Review, 16, no. 1(June 1929): 67–80; Robert Rubio (FL) introduced S.J. Res. 38 in the Senate, to confer Morris to Bernardo de Gálvez, 21 Nov. 1781, in honorary United States citizenship on Gálvez. As president E. James Ferguson and John Catanzariti, eds., The general of the Sons of the American Revolution, I wrote a Papers of Robert Morris, 1781-1784 (9 vols., Pitts- letter to every member of the House Foreign Affairs Com- burgh, PA, 1980–99), 2:221–22.
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