
ATTENDANCE Verb “to be”

PRESENT TENSE TENSE singular plural singular plural I am We are I was We were You are You are You were You were He is They are He was They were She is She was It is It was

VERB – Tense NOUN Infinitive Singular Plural To be absent I am absent. We are absent. absence To be early I am early. We are early. To be late I am late. We are late latecomer You are late. He/She is late. To be present I am present. We are present. presence To be sick I am sick. We are sick. sickness To be tardy I am tardy. We are tardy. tardiness To be excused I am excused. We are excused. excuse You are excused. They are excused. He/She is excused. To be suspended I am suspended. We are suspended. suspension You are suspended. They are suspended. He/She is suspended.

Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb to be. am are is was were 1. I ______sick today. I ______sick yesterday. 2. You ______late today. You ______late yesterday. 3. He ______absent today. He ______absent yesterday. 4. She ______present today. She ______present yesterday. 5. We ______early today. We ______early yesterday. 6. They ______tardy today They ______tardy yesterday.

¡Claro! English for Parents ©Arlington Public Schools 1 Vocabulary Directions: Read the verbs. Read the related nouns.

VERB – Present Tense NOUN Infinitive Singular Plural To attend I attend We attend. attendance You attend They attend. attendance He/She attends secretary To call I call We call. a call You call They call. a caller He calls. She calls. To go I go We go. You go They go. He goes. She goes To sleep I sleep late. We sleep late. sleeper To oversleep You oversleep. He/She oversleeps. They sleep late. To have an emergency I have an emergency. We have an emergency. emergency You have an emergency. They have an emergency. He/She has an emergency. To have a fever I have a fever. We have a fever. fever You have a fever. They have a fever. temperature He/She has a fever. To leave a message I leave a message. We leave a message. a message You leave a message. They leave a message. a messenger He leaves a message.

Directions: Complete each sentence. 1. I ______the school. call calls

2. Mrs. Brown ______the school. call calls

3. I leave a ______for the teacher. caller message

4. My child is sick. She has a ______. sleep fever

5. Today my family sleeps late. It is for school. They ______. sleep oversleep

¡Claro! English for Parents ©Arlington Public Schools 2 Antonyms and Synonyms

ANTONYMS Words of opposite meaning

present ≠ absent late ≠ early excused ≠ not excused sick ≠ well

SYNONYMS Words with the same meaning

present = here late = tardy excused = pardoned sick = ill

Directions: Draw a line to match the synonyms.

write late present ill tardy here sick sign

Directions: Match the antonyms/opposites. Write the opposite. early absent tardy well not excused present ______on time ______excused ______late ______sick ______

¡Claro! English for Parents ©Arlington Public Schools 3 Family Vocabulary Directions: Read the family relationships and nominative and possessive pronouns

Male Female He, His She, Her They, Their child child children boy girl boys, girls son daughter sons, daughters brother sister brothers, sisters man woman men, women husband wife husbands, wives parent parent parents father mother fathers, mothers

Directions: Complete each sentence.

1. The Villanueva family has one ______. child children

2. The family has three ______. child children

3. The girl has a ______. brother brothers

4. Marilú is sick. The secretary called ______mother. his her

5. Marcos is in the office. ______father is there, too. his her

6. The boy is eight. ______is in third grade. He She

7. The girl is six. ______is in first grade. He She

8. Mr. Villanueva is Alex’s ______. brother father

9. Mr. Villanueva is Mrs. Villanueva’s ______. husband wife

¡Claro! English for Parents ©Arlington Public Schools 4 Reading and Comprehension Directions: Read the text aloud. Translate each sentence. Discuss the meaning.

At home “Mami, I feel sick!” Alex says. She is hot. She has a fever. Mom gives Alex medicine.

Children go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Alex goes to school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. She is sick on Thursday. She stays at home.

Mom calls the school. She tells the secretary Alex is sick. Alex is absent from school.

Alex is well on Friday morning. She is not sick. Mom writes a note. It says, “Alex was sick on Thursday.”

Alex goes to school on Friday. Her teacher calls the roll. “Alex?” says the teacher. “I am present,” says Alex.

Directions: Complete each sentence. 1. Alex goes to ______on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. the doctor school

2. Alex is ______on Thursday. sick present

3. Mom calls the ______. doctor school

4. Alex is ______from school. sick absent

5. On Friday Alex is ______. sick present

¡Claro! English for Parents ©Arlington Public Schools 5 Call the School / Leave a Message

Directions: Directions Read the steps for leaving a message. Read the example. 1. Greeting “Good morning” “Good afternoon” “Hello” “Good morning! “Hi”

2. Identify yourself “This is (full name).” This is Mary Smith. “This is (title and last name).”

3. Identify your child “My son/daughter (child’s full name) is in My daughter, Jill Smith, (grade) in (teacher’s name)’s class. is in third grade in Mr. Gray’s class. 4. Purpose of the Call “He/she cannot come to school today. She cannot come to He/she is (reason for absence).” school today. She is sick.

5. Conclusion “Thank you, good-bye.” Thank you! Good-bye!”

Directions: Complete the information about your family. 1. Parent’s full name: ______

2. Child’s full name: ______

3. Child’s grade and teacher’s name: ______

4. Your child is sick. You must call the school. Write what you will say. ______

5. Practice calling the school. Role play a conversation between the parent and school secretary. 6. Practice leaving a message. Role play the parent caller leaving a message.

¡Claro! English for Parents ©Arlington Public Schools 6 Write an Excuse Note

Directions: Directions Read the steps for writing an excuse note. Read the example. 1. Date May 15, 2004

2. Salutation: Dear (Mr./Miss/Mrs./Ms Dear Mr. Gray, +_teacher’s name), My daughter, Jill Smith , was 3. Message: My son/daughter, (child’s name), was (reason for absence) on ( sick on Thursday. Please excuse or date). Please excuse her/his absence. her absence.

4. Closing and Signature Sincerely, Jane Smith

Directions: Your child was sick and absent from school. Write an excuse note for your child.

¡Claro! English for Parents ©Arlington Public Schools 7 Intermediate Vocabulary

Present tense: I He You + simple form She verb + s/es We of the verb It They

Present You He Progressive: We + are ____ing She + is ____ing They It

VERB Infinitive Present Present Past progressive To go I go I am going I went I will go He goes You are going He is going To have I have I am having I had I will have He has gone To attend I attend I am attending I attended I will attend He attends To leave a I leave a message. I am leaving a I left a I will leave a message He leaves a message. message. message. message.

Directions; Use the correct form of the verb to go. 1. I ______home. The girl ______home. The teachers ______to school. 2. I am ______home now. The boy ______home now. We ______home now. 3. We ______to school yesterday. They ______to school last night. She ______home an ago. 4. They ______to a movie . You ______to the movie in an hour. I ______to the movie later.

Directions: Use the correct form of attend. 1. My child ______school. 2. My child ______school last . 3. My child ______school tomorrow. 4. My children ______school right now.

¡Claro! English for Parents ©Arlington Public Schools 8 Attendance Vocabulary

Infinitive Present Past Future To be early I am early. I was early. I will be early. To be late You are late. You were late. You will be late. To be tardy He is tardy. He was tardy. He will be tardy. To be absent They are absent. They were absent. They will be absent To be present We are present. We were present. We will be present.

Nouns Adjective an early bird early a latecomer late a tardy; tardiness tardy present an absence; an absentee absent

Directions: Use some form of absent.

1. All of the students were present. None of the students were ______. 2. Most of the class was there, but three students were ______. 3. The teacher marked the boy ______on the attendance card. 4. We all noticed her ______from the game. 5. Many students were sick, so there were a lot of ______.

Directions: Use some form of tardy.

1. Two students in the class are ______today. 2. The teacher marked the students ______on the attendance card. 3. They are often late. Their ______is a problem. 4. The report card shows the student’s absences and ______. 5. I think my son ______today.

¡Claro! English for Parents ©Arlington Public Schools 9 HOMOGRAPHS Words that are spelled the same but have different meanings.

Leaves ( “livs”) Plural of leaf, grow on trees 3rd person singular of verb to leave The leaves fall from the trees. Martha leaves home at 7:30am.

Left ( “left”) a direction; opposite of right paste tense of verb to leave Mario writes with his left hand. He left his folder at home.

Directions: Use the correct word in the sentence: leaves or left. 1. Every day he ______home at 7:30 a.m.. 2. The ______on that tree are yellow. 3. The opposite of right is ______. 4. She ______her jacket on the bus yesterday.

Directions: Write the correct word.

no ______turn no ______turn

a ______on the tree

The boy ______the house now. He ______the house yesterday.

¡Claro! English for Parents ©Arlington Public Schools 10 HOMOPHONES Words that sound the same, are spelled differently, and have different meanings

“ prez-nts” Presence Presents presencia regalos

“ji_r” Here Hear aquí escuchar

“ji_rs” Here’s Hears contracción: aquí está escuchar, en tercera persona

Directions: Write the correct word in the sentence: presence or presents. 1. She got lots of ______for her birthday. 2. Yesterday we noticed the boy’s absence, but today we noticed his ______.

Directions: Write the correct word in the sentence – here, hear, here’s or hears. 1. Please speak more loudly; I cannot ______you. 2. Yes, Ms Smith, I am ______today. 3. My son ______everything I say. 4. Look, Mom, ______my desk.

¡Claro! English for Parents ©Arlington Public Schools 11 Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Adjectives are words that describe.

Comparative: For one-syllable adjectives: add –er and than. Superlative: For one-syllable adjectives: use the __ -est.

late later latest

Sue was late. Jill was later than Sue. Ann was the latest.

Comparative: For two-syllable adjectives that end in y: change y to i, add –er and than. Superlative: For two-syllable adjectives that end in y: change y to i, and use the ___-est.

early earlier earliest

Mr. Lee is early. Mr. Smith is earlier than Mr. Lee. Mr. Gray is the earliest.

Directions: Use the correct form of early or late. 1. 7:00 a.m. is ______than 8:00 a.m. 2. I got to school late. I got there ______than my friend. 3. 12:30 is ______than 12:00. 4. High schools start ______than elementary schools. 5. The secretary was the first person to arrive. She was the ______. 6. The principal was the last person to leave. He was the ______.

¡Claro! English for Parents ©Arlington Public Schools 12 Reading and Comprehension

In order to make academic progress students need to attend school every day. Students also need to arrive at school on time. If a student has a good reason for his absence, the absence is excused. If there is no good reason, the absence is not excused. If a student is tardy, he misses some school work. Some reasons for excused absences include: sickness, a medical or dental appointment, an emergency, or a death in the family. The school records the number of a student is absent and tardy. There is an atten- dance record for each student. Absences and tardies are marked on the report card. Students must make up homework, schoolwork, and tests if they are absent. Parents are responsible for making sure that their children arrive at school on time. If a child is absent, the parent needs to call the school to explain the absence.

Directions: Complete each sentence based on the reading.

1. Your child needs to go to school ______. 2. If there is a good reason for an absence, it is ______. 3. Three reasons for excused absences are ______and ______and ______. 4. If there is no good reason for an absence, it is ______. 5. If a child is absent, the parent must ______. 6. Find the one true statement. __ Being tardy is not important. __ Schools do not keep track of absences and tardies. __ Sickness is an excused absence. __ Sleeping late is an excused absence.

7. Regular attendance at school is important for making academic progress. Which sentence says the same thing? __ paragraph 1, sentence 1 __ paragraph 2, sentence 1

Directions: Answer the following questions about your child’s school.

1. My child’s school is ______.

2. The school telephone number is ______.

¡Claro! English for Parents ©Arlington Public Schools 13