FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For media information contact: Jo Brantferger – (214) 435-1936
[email protected] ANGELIKA POP-UP OPENS AT UNION MARKET ON JUNE 13 WASHINGTON, DC (May 21, 2014) – DC’S acclaimed Union Market and Reading International, Inc. (NASDAQ: RDI), have announced that the Angelika Pop-Up, a three Screen micro cinema located in the growing Union Market diStrict, will open on June 13, 2014. The Angelika Pop-Up will Serve as the DC hub of Angelika’S Signature mix of Specialty film programming and unique events during the development of the permanent Angelika Film Center expected to open in late 2015 at Union Market. AS announced in late 2013, Reading International Signed a lease for an Angelika Film Center in Union Market. ThiS new multi-Screen cinema will combine the moSt cutting edge preSentation technology with elements of luxury and comfort in StyliSh SurroundingS reflective of the creative Spirit exiSting at the Market, an artiSanal, curated year-round food market featuring over 40 local vendorS. While thiS new State-of-the-art Angelika Film Center iS Scheduled to open at Union Market in late 2015, the Angelika Pop-Up will SatiSfy a growing demand for unique entertainment to complement the Market’S vast culinary offeringS. “The vibrancy and creativity already exiSting at Union Market make it a perfect home for the Angelika Pop-Up,” SayS Ellen Cotter, chief operating officer of the US Cinema diviSion of Reading. “And, we are honored that our State-of-the-art Angelika in development now will be part of the continued re- Shaping and tranSforming of thiS important area of Washington DC.” “Our viSion for Union Market iS to create a place that bringS together the innovative and creative community of DC,” SayS Jodie McLean, PreSident and Chief InveStment Officer of EDENS, developer of Union Market.