Optical Glass

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Optical Glass SUPPLEMENT: INDEX t o VOLUME 149 Vol. 150, No. 3803 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1942 Two S h i l l i n g s CHANCE-PARSONS OPTICAL GLASS PLATES AND MOULDED BLANKS FOR PRISMS AND LENSES OF FINEST OPTICAL QUALITY Unworked Coloured Glass for contrast filters Sextant shade glasses Didymium and Uranium Glass Chance Brothers &! Co. Limited GLASS WORKS SMETHWICK Double Gear Release - New Rider System - Pan Guides TH E B.T.L. APERIODIC BALANCE r- (Patent N&,(Patent Not. 523, 483/39) W ith automatic Rider System, Ease and accuracy of manipulation and reading*. • Capacity 200 g. • One Knob controlling • Sensitivity 0*I mg. • Three Riders covering a r i. i , range of 1600 mg. Full particulars sent on application ° ° BAIRD & TATLOCK (LONDON) LTD. 14-17 St. Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.I WDC 259a GALVANOMETER TYPE D-41-A ★ An extremely robust moving coil reflecting Galvano­ meter with interchangeable suspension piece. ★ The taut suspension and perfectly balanced coil make special mounting and levelling devices unnecessary. ★ Ideal for marine use, in mobile testing units, etc. ★ Standard Suspension: Sensitivity— 20 millimetres per micro-ampere at 1 metre distance. Coil resistance— 1,000 ohms Damping—Dead beat. ★ Spare suspensions and suspensions with other resistances and sensitivities can be supplied. ★ Overall dimensions: Diameter of base • 5 r Height - ■ w ★ Weight s -61b. A complete description is given in Bulletin B-513, a copy of which will gladly be sent on request. A limited number of these Galvanometers is available from stock. MUIRHEAD & COMPANY LTD., ELMERS END, BECKENHAM, KENT. BECKENHAM 0041-0042. FOR OVER 60 YEARS DESIGNERS AND MAKERS OF PRECISION INSTRUMENTS CRC -II Early delivery of EDWARDS TYPE 3 MERCURY DIFFUSION PUMPS CHARACTERISTICS Speed, litres per second ... 2-3 Heat Input, watts ... 150-200 Ultimate vacuum, mm. Hg. ...I0 '6 Mercury charge, c.cs. ... 20 “ Backing” Pressure mm. Hg. 0-5 Weight, lbs............................ 3 Price, pump only ••• £12 14 0 Write jo r catalogue describing our complete range o f products A Type 3 diffusion NOTE NEW ADDRESS: pump on stand with heater W. Edwards & Co. (London) Ltd. KANGLEY BRIDGE ROAD, LOWER SYDENHAM, LONDON, S.E.26 Telephone : SYDenham 7026 Telegrams : Edcohivac, Phone, London DUST & SMOKE :ns s Jet Dust Counter, £9:7:0. Dr. Owens’s Air Pollution Instruments are all manufactured and marketed by C. F. CASELLA & CO. LIMITED REGENT HOUSE FITZROY SQUARE L O N D O N , W. I Pamphlet on application Members Scientific Instrument Manufacturers’ Association of Great Britain u m f L u e :! KODAK B IO ‘ PHOTOSCRIPT” PLATE Introduced two years ago, the “ Kodak ” B.10 processing—development 2 minutes, fixing less “ Photoscript ” plate remains without a com­ than 1 minute, washing less than 5 minutes, and petitor—unique in kind and unique in purpose. drying only a few minutes. Reversal processing, It is a slow, high-contrast process plate, very moreover, takes only 12 minutes. suitable indeed for copying purposes. Again, the B.10 “ Photoscript” plate has a Its special characteristic is that its emulsion high ultra-violet sensitivity, down to about 2000 coating, made by a patented process, is so thin A.U., and is much easier to handle than a that inscriptions or hatching lines made with a Schumann plate. It is, therefore, valuable for needle-pointed graving tool give perfectly clean spectrography, or for high-resolution photo­ edges. By comparison, even a collodion emulsion micrography with (or without) ultra-violet illu­ gives lines with ragged edges. For all purposes mination. in which inscriptions, shading, alterations or Altogether a remarkable plate of wide, all­ additions have to be made on the negative itself, round utility in laboratory use. the “ Photoscript ” plate will be found a boon. For further particulars see Kodak Data In addition, its thin-film coating means rapid Sheet X.4. KODAK LIMITED • WEALDSTONE • HARROW • MIDDLESEX PUBLIC UTILITIES IN RECONSTRUCTION NATURE HE eleventh report of the Select Committee on T National Expenditure gives fresh pertinence to the discussion in the House of Lords on the extent, No. 3803 SATURDAY, SEPT. 19, 1942 Vol. 150 control and management of the essential public services, which Lord Reith initiated, and Mr. Bevin’s speech to the National Chamber of Trade on July 15 CONTENTS Page also raised these important questions as to the exact Public Utilities in Reconstruction .... 329 relations between Government and industry and the Physics in Biology. By Dr. Harold Jeffreys, F.R.S. 332 nature and extent of State intervention. Whatever Measurement of Trees. By E. P. S. 333 concern may be felt as to the capacity of the Civil Social Geography in India. By Prof. H. J. Fleure, F.R.S. 334 Service in this respect, no report that has fairly faced A Problem in Econometrics. By Dr. A. L. Bowley, the issues involved in reconstruction fails to recognize C.B.E., F.B.A..................................................335 that some large measure of intervention will be Catalysed Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate in the Liquid Phase. By Prof. R. G. W. Norrish, F.R.S., necessary for a prolonged period after the War. That and R. R. Smith ....... 336 follows at once from the recognition that the Govern­ Illumination and Visual Range under Water. By Dr. ment must assume responsibility for creating the H. H. P o o l e ........................................... 337 social and economic conditions in which our objectives The Figure of the Earth. By Dr. R. Stoneley, F.R.S. 339 of economic security, steady employment, greater Obituaries : equality of opportunity and distribution and a rising Prof. F. E. Suess. By J. V. Harrison . .341 standard of living can be secured. Mr. E. A. Nahum. By Prof. J. D. Bernal, F.R.S. 341 From the point of view of the relations between the News and Views ....... 342 State and industry, Government has two functions. Letters to the Editors : The first, which is negative, is to act as referee Raman Spectrum of I, 3, 5-Triphenyl Benzene.— Prof. S. K. Mukerji and Laksman Singh . 347 between the various economic groups, to secure and Formation of a Double Crystal Aggregate and the maintain economic freedom and remove the present Structure of the Intermediate Temperature institutional defects—the tendency towards combina­ Modification of Ni (N 0 3)2.6NH3.— S. H.Yü . 347 tions in restraint of trade, the resistance to adaptation Mechanism of Metallic Friction.— Dr. J. E. Hurst . 349 to new circumstances which nearly always develops Shape of Subjective Space.— Shaun M. Cox . 349 from monopolistic practices, and the power of Role of Adenine Nucleotides and Growth Factors managers of industry to make decisions which may in Increased Proliferation following Damage to Cells.— Prof. John R. Loofbourow . 349 vitally and even adversely affect the interests of the Sexuality in Dugesio tigrina (syn. Planaria maculata). community without being accountable to the com­ — Dr. E. D. Goldsmith ..... 351 munity. This function probably involves revision of The Public Schools in Great Britain.— Prof. J. D. the patent laws. It certainly involves constant Bernal, F.R.S.; Prof. P. G. H. Boswell, O.B.E., vigilance and control over monopolistic practices, a F.R.S.; Prof. S. Brodetsky; Prof. J. Chadwick, new code of industrial behaviour, some modification F.R.S.; Prof. W. E. Le Gros Clark, F.R.S.; Brig.- General F. A. E. Crew, F.R.S.; Prof. C. Lovatt of the Companies Act, and more publicity from Evans, F.R.S.; Prof. B. Farrington; Prof. C. B. companies about their activities. Fawcett; Prof. Sargant Florence; Prof. P. F. The second function of Government is positive and Frankland, C.B.E., F.R.S.; Prof. Lancelot Hogben, directive. It is that of ensuring that the whole com­ F.R.S.; Prof. Julian Huxley, F.R.S.; Dr. R. K. Kelsall; Prof. R. D. Laurie; Dr. Joseph Needham, munity is properly fed, clothed and housed, and F.R.S.; Prof. R. Pascal; Prof. J. A. Ryle; Dr. F. preventing the periodic recurrence of large-scale and Soddy, F.R.S.; Dr. H. G. Stead; Prof. Geo. demoralizing unemployment. In certain spheres it Thomson; Prof. F. E. Weiss, F.R.S.; Prof. F. may involve the subordination of the profit motive Wood-Jones, F.R.S.................................... 351 to social incentive, though there should remain a vast Research Items ....... 352 The League of Nations ...... 354 area of industry and trade in which the fullest pos­ Man-power in the National Fire Service . 354 sible scope is given to enterprise and profit as the Contact Resistance ....... 355 mainsprings of efficiency, adaptability and enterprise. Magnetic Fluxmeter ...... 355The main problem is that of harmonizing the interests of the economic groups and those of the community, of reconciling freedom and security without losing the Editorial and Publishing Offices driving force of enterprise. M A CM ILLAN & CO., LTD., It is when we enter on the discussion of the evolu­ ST. MARTIN’S STREET, LONDON, W.C.2 tion of the suitable technique of control that the Telephone Number: Whitehall 8831 main difficulties arise. No single formula is suitable Telegrams : Phusis Lesquare London for all purposes and for all forms of economic activity Advertisements should be addressed to which it is desirable to control or supervise. Some T. G. Scott & Son, Ltd., Talbot House, 9, Arundel Street, London, W.C.2 Telephone : Temple Bar 1942-3 activities or industries might be taken over entirely The annual subscription rate is £4 10 0, payable in advance, Inland o r Abroad by Government. In this category fall certain public All rights* reserved. Registered as a Newspaper at the General Post Office services and industries that have reached an advanced stage of development.
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