Amefican Mineralogist, Volume 59, pages 876-881, 1974


STUDIES IN EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCES; A Under petrology and mineralogy there are seven articles '3Alrv-Sirv MEMOIR IN HONOR OF HARRY HAMMOND HESS, ranging from a discussion of disorder in sillima- 1906-1969. Edited by Reginald Shagam and others. Geo- nite and its effect on phase relations of the aluminum silicate logical Society of America Memoir 132, 1972. vii { 683 minerals," by Hugh Greenwood, to "Differentiation trends quartz pages. $22.0O. and parental magmas for anorthositic and mangerite series, Adirondacks, New York," by A. F. Buddington. A Harry Hess would have been pleased with this volume. review of pigeonitic pyroxenes by G. Malcolm Brown con- From mineralogy to lunar geology it spans the full range of firms through structural and experimental thermal studies his own efforts, as well it might be expected to, considering some of Hess's predictions on the processes of subsolidus his influence on its authors. Dynamic and imaginative inter- exsolution and inversion. An article by G. B. Hess discusses pretations of data, his hallmark in life, becorne his legacy "Heat and mass transport during of the here. It is an exciting book with broad appeal. Stillwater lgneous Complex," a result of collaboration with Tho volume begins with 17 articles on geotectonics. Harry Hess that began many years ago. Topics discussedinclude plate motions and mantle convec- Several articles on deformation of materials and environ- tion, poles of rotation and paleopoles, the origin of litho- mental geology are included. An article by David B' Mac- sphere behind island arcs and the genesisof oceanic crust' the Kenzie dealing with "Peridotite fabrics and velocity ani- origins of active continental margins, continental fracture stropy in the earth's mantle" follows up a line of research zones and majo,r rifts, possible uncoupled convection and initiated by Hess in 1964. Such studies may have the po- the generation of orogenic belts. Most are excellent articles, tential for an interesting new look at the composition and but one that particularly appeals to this writer is "Free- variability of the upper mantle. board of continents through time", by D. U. Wise, describing Finally, four articles on space science explore "Crystalli- a model of the earth that accounts for the nearly constant zation histories of two Apollo 12 basalts" (L. S. Hollister fine adjustment between the volume of ocean basins and and others), "Calcium in chondritic olivine" (R. T. Dodd)' the volume of ocean waters. and the question, "Are lunar rilles inverted eskers?" (C. E' The section on ultrabasic rocks contains eight articles. Top- Helsley). The last note describes the Hess Lunar Crater, ics include dynamic interpretations of the petrology, distri- formally named at the 1970 International Astronomical bution, and emplacement of ultrabasic rocks. There is a Union meeting at Brighton, England. comparison of the Troodos massif with the seismically determined model of oceanic crust, which may yet be found Lvr.rN Gr,ovsn III to consist of partially serpentized peridotite, as Hess sug- Virginia Polytechnic Institute gested. In an elegant summary of the genesis of St. Paul's and State Unioersity Rocks, Melson, Hart, and Thompson conclude that it is an largely upper mantle-derived ultrabasic complex intruded METEORITES AND THEIR ORIGINS. By G. I. H. Mc- m.y. K-Ar apparent age on in the solid state. An 835 Call. John Wiley and Sons, New Yort'. l/73. 352 pages. from these rocks is inconsistent with their near- hornblende $12.95. ness to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the current model of sea- floor spreading. On the continents, some remarkable occur- The author has tried "to condense the vast spectrum of rences of explosively generated se4rentine breccia deposits meteoritics into a single readable volume divided described by Lockwood are perhaps more common than the into 23 chapters, and states that this book is intended as a literature suggests.Deformation and metamorphism would text for university students, professional and amateur sci' easily mask their essentially sedimentary nature. In other entists alike. This is indeed a worthwhile intention and, articles a primary peridotite magma is described, and knowing McCall's reputation as a scientist who, over the Alaskan type zoned ultramafic complexes are postulated to years, has contributed extensively to meteoritics, largely by originate by fractional crystallization and flow difterentiation the description of new Australian meteorites, made me read of basaltic magma in the feeder pipes of volcanoes. the book eagerly and with great expectations. Unfortunately, Eleven articles on Caribbean geology continue Hess's pro- the book is a great disappointment and has many serious gram of studies that inspired graduate students at Princeton shortcomings. for nearly a generation. This section includes regional syn- (1) The author's heavy reliance on older textbooks and thesesof the Puerto Rico Trench and negative anomaly belt, review articles rather than on the original literature results crustal evolution, several articles on the southern Carib- in many serious shortcomings and, in particular, in a num- bean region, and an excellent sufirmary by Donnelly on the ber of chapters being sadly out-of-date. For example, Table progression from deep water to subaerial volcanism in the 11 on elemental abundances in meteorites lists data from Virgin Islands. An interesting report on the Venezuelan Levin (1956), who in turn draws heavily from the Nod- Andes provides new data supporting a link between the dacks! Table 15 is similarly out of date. Since those data Appalachian mobile belt and an orogenic sequence under- were obtained, a generation of cosmochemistshas obtained lying the Andean system. new, better numbers with new, improved analytical tech- 876 BOOK REVIEWS 877

pothesis of derivation of mesosiderites by spalling of a silicate material by the agency of iron meteorites from the lunar surface has been given surprising credence in Amer- ica" does not at all reflect the true state of the matter in ths U.S. post-Apollo era. p. 127: Amphoterites are not viewed as part of the hypersthene chondrites (i.e., L-group (2) The author's personal biases and prejudices are very chondrites) any more, but form a separate group, the apparent in the text. This is unfortunate in the case of a Ll-group chondrites. p. 129: Olivine is not absent from beginner's textbook, where the student is supposed to be enstatite chondrites. Important minerals such as sinoite, presented with a balanced account, points with all of view perryite, schreibersite, niningerite, are not listed. There are represented. The author's biases particularly are apparenr other enstatite chondrites besides St. Mark's with good when discussing the origin of lunar and terrestrial craters chondritic texture, p. 13j, 172, 319: Jarosewich (not (chapter 20): his efforts to deny the impact origin of Jaresowich) is consistentlymisspelled. p. 136, 137: Sulfates Caion Diablo-for example, on the basis of its relative are not mentioned. p. I39: It was shown years ago (Keil, 1968) that Pesyanoe does not contain magnesium sulfide (MgS) but ferroan alabandite (Fe,Mn)S. In fact, MgS does not exist as a meteoritic mineral. p. 157: Carbonaceous chondrites do not display comparable metal contents to common chondrites (they have comparable total iron con_ tents). p. 158: New data show no major discrepancybe- tween chondritic and solar iron abundances. primordial meteoritic iron as evidence for impact origin of terrestrial rare gases are not ". . . virtually absent from the common impact features, are unjustified. In fact, the entire chapter 20 chondrites" (e.g., Pantar, Tabor). p. 162, 163; The pioneer_ is a very biased account, including the quoted (or not ing work of Wasson and coworkers on Ga-Ge groups is quoted) references. further A bias towards neglect of modern not referred to in the text (although there is a reference physico-chemical measurements appears in the much too in the list of references), p. lB2: The light inclusions in brief treatment of trace element, major element, cosmic Allende are exotic in the sense that they formed under ray-produced nuclide, and other data. different physico-chemical conditions than the host. p. 1gg: (3) The book indicates poor familiarity of the author The statement "Never do we find the olivines and pyrox- with the original literature, which has resulted in many enes of the common chondrites, which contain mineral false, half-true, or warped statements of facts, as well as in species containing 20-30 percent of the Fe . . ." (in the neglect of many important new results. For example, carbonaceouschondrites type II) is wrong. p. 191: No when discussing where meteorites originate (chapter 3), the mention is made of the constrained equilibrium theory of important orbital Monte Carlo type calculations by Arnold, Blander and Adel Gawad (1969) nor of the lightning hy- Anders, Wetherill, and others are not mentioned. One of pothesis of Whipple (1966). p. 206: Olivine-bronzite and the most irnportant recent advances in iron meteorite re- olivine-hypersthene chondrites arc identical to H- and L- search, namely the determination of cooling rates and gro'np chondrites, respectively. p. 209: The statement speculations parent on sizes of meteorite bodies (Goldstein) ". . . there is some doubt about the validity of probe results are not discussed.p. 55: When discussingmelting crusrs, no of this kind at the present time . . .,' (referring to electron reference is made to the classical paper by Ramdohr (1967). microprobe analyses of silicates) is unjustified and not in p. 88: No meteorite has enstatite entirely composed of tune with results published in the modern literature. p. 29O: MgSiOe; there is always some substitution of Fe and Mn von Engelhardt (not von Englehart). for Mg. p. ,,. 89: The statementthat . amphibole, horn- In addition, the book appears hastily written and poorly blende, are not ,'in found at atl . . . meteoritesis incorrect. thought out in many places. For example, many of the p. 90: Native copper not only occurs in irons and chondrites, plates are nearly uselessbecause they have no scales. Also, but the largest pieces were found in the achondrite Norton figures and plates are not specifically referred to or ex- County. The occurrence of native gold is questionable plained in the text, which makes understanding of the (probably TiN). p. 9l: Merrillite probably doesnot exist in material very difficult, and hence, the author loses the full meteorites, and the most abundant phosphate is whitlockite impact of the illustrations (e.g., Figs. 5-7, 9-18, plate 39). (not listed). p. 92: Schreibersiteis also present in enstatite Symbols in figures are often not explained (e.g., Fig. 4, the chondrites; alabandite (MnS) does not occur, only ferroan vertical axis is altitude; a/o, is the ratio of initial to remain- alabandite (Fe,Mn)S; daubreelite occurs not only in one, ing velocity; i is the angle of incidence). Statements like but in many enstatite chondrites; also occurs in "(see Heide's curve)" are misleading and confusing and irons. p. 102: The Ni-Fe phase diagram is unfortunately should be replaced by "(see Fig. a)." Furthermore, the list not used to describe the origin of the Widmanstetten struc_ of references is incomplete, with authors referred to in the ture. p. 104: No mention is made of the important silicate text not being listed in the references [e.g., chapter 3: Crom- inclusions (pyroxene, olivine, feldspar) in irons. p. ll4: melin, J. H. Oort, Schiaparelli, Leverrier, Peters, Weiss, Buseck's proposition that pallasites may come from an area Fesenkov,LaPaz, Jacchia;p. 88: Koksharov; p. 90: A. B. of essentially zero gravity and, hence, possibly the very Edwards; p. 116: Binns; p. 119, 132: Poldervaart; p. 12O: core of a parent meteorite body, is not mentioned. p. l2l: Powell; p. 145: Lacroix; p. 186: Anders; p. 187: Ringwood; The statement (without ,,Of reference) late a strange hy- p. 2O7, 208: van Schmus and Wood; p, 214: Claus and 878 BOOK REVIEWS

Nagy (1961);p. 215: Nagy (1968);p.216:. Hyatsu (1964), and phase diagrarns needed to present and interpret experi- Oro et al (1966); p..223: Fireman,Felice, and Whipple;p' mental data. This brief discussion is too concise to serve as 232: Reynolds; p. 233: Krummenacher et all. Also, in an introduction to phase diagrams but perhaps could pro- Table 8, it is not indicated whether "dash" (-) means not vide a quick refresher course on this aspect of physical determined, not found, or both. chemistry. In Chapter 3, preparation of starting materials is There are also a number of printing errors in the text; described; glasses,gelg dry and wet mixtures, and natural for example, p. 19, 1492 (not 1462); p. 32, La Paz (not starting-materials are all considered. Sufficient detail is in- Lapaz); p. 84, Table 4, the numbers for U.S. meteorites do cluded to make it possible to follow the recipes, in most not add up correctly; p. 9'1, apatite is Cau(POn).Cl;p. 92, cases. daubreelite is FeCr"Sr. Finally, there are a number of In Chapters 4 to 7, different types of experimental appa- unjustified claims in the book; for example, there is little ratus used at progressively higher pressures are discussed. evidence in the book that "Ttris then is a post-Apollo 1l Experiments at atmospheric pressure, in externally heated pressure-vessels, in review of meteoritics" 1p. 15). All in all, the book, unfortu- pressure-vessels,in internally heated and nately, has so many serious shortcomings that I cannot solid-media presses for pressures above l0 kilobars, are recommend it, and it is hoped that the author, who enjoys each described in turn. Chapter 8 deals with the control of a fine reputation as a contributor to the description of fugacity using buffering techniques.The final chapter, meteorites, will be given an opportunity to completely revise entitled, "Problems of Applying Experimental Results," has the book, should a second edition be contemplated. a rather curious title. It deals with methods of identifying phases and o,f determining that equilibrium was established. Kreus Ksrr Thus, rather than dealing with the application of the results, Uniuersity ol New Mexico it is chiefly concerned with how the experimenter determines what results he has achieved. Judging from the fact that Edgar makes only one refer- EXPERIMENTAL PETROLOGY: BASIC PRINCIPLES ence to his own work, it is evident that the author did not AND TECHNIQUES. By Alan D. Edgar. Clarendon originate the apparatus or techniques discussed.However, he pages. Press,Oxford, England, 1973.217 35.75. has made a good attempt at evaluating and reviewing the How does the novice become initiated into the arts and techniques of experimental igneous and metamorphic petrol' practices of experimental petrology? Until recently, descrip- ogy at an elementary level. Although the approach is deriva- tions of the techniques and principles of experimental min- tive, there does not s€em to be any comparable synthesis eralogy were scattered throughout the literature of petrology in print. As such, it complements, but does not replace, and ceramics. There was no single, compfehensive source of Ulmer's more advanced and specialized book. The novice information on this diverse but important topic. But nature experimental petrologist will need to consult both texts. In abhors a , and publishers adore an unsatisfied need. the opinion of the reviewer, however, because of the cost' Now two books, both in English, have recently appeared. mechanical sophistication and potential hazards involved in The publication of Edgar's book, reviewed here, follows the much of experimental petrology, the novice operator should appearance of Research Techniques for Hieh Pressure and plan to spend some weeks in a functioning laboratory before High Temperature, editel by Gene C. Ulmer and published attempting to start on his own. Experience is the best teacher. ir l97l by Springer-Verlag at $10.00' WrtRnno A. Eronns It is inevitable that the two books will be compared. In U niuersity of California, Rirterside Ulmer's book, after an editorial introduction and review, there follow eleven chapters, each written by experts on some aspect of experimental geochemistry and mineralogy GROWTH: AN INTRODUCTION. EditEd bY at high pressures and temperatures. The multi-author ap- P. Hartman. Volume l, North Holland Series in Crystal proach has the advantage that the authors write from first- Growth. North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam, hand experience and knowledge. However, the chapters are 1973.xi * 531 Pages.$24.00' quite varied in scope, ranging from reports of specific inves- years have seen tigations to major review articles. Although late in coming, the past few On the other hand, Edgar's book has the advantage of the the publication of several books dealing with the subject of general of uniform approach and level that single authorship can bring' . Sorne have provided a overview de- The book is much narrower in scope than the title might the entire field, while others have been topical, offering suggest at first sight. It deals specifically with methods of tailed discussions of specific subject matter, i.e', solution represents investigating phase equilibria, by quenclung techniques. Ex' growth, melt growth, etc. The present publication perimental work on the physical properties of minerals, on ihe first in a new series of monographs to be known as the planned petrophysics and textural relations of rocks, on solution North Holland Series on Crystal Growth' While the particular topic chemistry, and on differential thermal analysis have not been series will reportedly deal with reviews of a included. The emphasis is on the experimental investigation by a single author or group of authors working together, from series of silicate systems in the range of temperatures and pres- the contents of the first volume were derived a on sures pertinent to the formation of igneous and metamorphic of lectures given at the International Summer School rocks in the crust and upper mantle. Crystal Growth held at Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, practical After an historical review of this kind of experimental in 1971. It covers both theoretical and aspects of petrology, there follows a short discussion of phase rules crystal growth. The book is divided into four parts: nuclea- BOOK REVIEWS 879

tion and epitaxy, techniques of crystal growth, theory of broadly summarizes the mineral resources production and crystal growth, and properties and observationsof disloca- development outlook for the next quarter century. The tions. The individual chapters were authored by thirteen individual authors anticipate problems with the current internationally prominent scientistswith strong expertisein mineral policies and with the decisionsthat must be forth- their respective areas of specialization. coming to deal with changesin availability of and demand It is apparent that the intent of the authors was to pro- for mineral resources. vide a comprehensivereview of the crystal growth field. In The book is the written text of the eight-papersymposium this regard, however, the book does not live up to its poten- sponsored by the Society of Economic Geologists which was tial. The subject matter is unevenly treated, with theoretical presented at the National Convention of the Geological subjectsdominating practical aspectsof crystal preparation Society of America on November 15, 1972, at Minneapolis, by almost two to one. Crystal defects,with the exceptionof Minnesota. The speakers,appropriately chosen to give an a thorough article by A. R. Lang on ,are rarely overall view of the minerals picture, included three dis- mentioned. tinguished university professors, three directors of govern- The lack of effectivebalance in subject content is evident mental agencies,and three executivesfrom industry. Eugene in the comprehensive article by S. Toschev on homogeneous N. Cameron, Van Hise Professor of Geology at the Univer- nucleation. While occupying about ten percent of the total sity of Wisconsin and past President of the Society of Eco- text, homogeneous nucleation in the author's own words is nomic Geologists, developed the symposium and edited the a "comparatively rare occurrence," and it is hard to under- book. stand why such extensive coverage of this material was The volume is introduced by Elburt F. Osborn, President included in an introductory text. I believe, therefore, that of SEG (1972) and Director of the United States Bureau this book is not, as promoted, an appropriate introduction of Mines. Osborn keynotes the problem as one involving to crystal growth. decreased domestic supply of primary minerals complicated While the title may be misleading, the actual treatment by concerns for the increasingly serious balance of trade, of the material presented is interesting and informative. for occupational health and safety, and for the environment. Subjects covered include chemical transport reactions He summarizes recent federal legislation directed toward (H. Schafer), crystal growth by means of multiphase equi- developing new mineral policies. librium (A. Rabenau), hydrothermal growth (R. Laudise), The first paper, by James Boyd, Executive Director, and hydrothermal synthesisin acid solutions (A. Rabenau). Natural Commission on Material Policy, emphasizes the Melt growth was discussedbriefly (D. T. J. Hurle), and a importance of minerals in all aspects of the economy. He chapter was included on industrial mass crystallization stresses the interchangability of mineral sources in the (M. A. van Damme-van Weel). Theories on heterogeneous search for material properties needed to produce a desired nucleation were reviewed (8. K. Chakravorty) along with product. Shortage crises can be avoided through early the special case of epitaxy, which includes a discussion of recognition and implementation of proper policy changes epitactic layers resulting from metal corrosion (M. Geb- in research, exploration, and production. hardt). Theoretical treatments of crystal growth processes Cameron, in his own presentation, studies the relation of were concernedwith growth kinetics (p. Bennemaand G. H. the U.S. contribution to national and world mineral policies, Gilmer), structure and morphology (p. Hartman), and reflects on past policies with regard to imports and exports, morphological stability (R. F. Sekerka). A strong emphasis and discussesthe changing U.S. position in the world min- was placed in this section on various approaches to the eral market as major world supply regions change and as subject of equilibrium crystal forms. demand from other world markets increases. Although the For the thoughtful researcher with some prior crystal United States has continued to produce about 85 percent growth background and experience, the articles in the text of the minerals it consumes (in total dollar value) the provide much important theoretical background material ratio between minerals imported uerszs exported has gone leading to a firm understanding of the basic principles from one-to'one earlier in this century to three-to-one re- underlying crystal growth processes.What it will not pro_ cently. Most of the discrepancy has developed since 1945, vide is sufficient information and guidelines allowing for the a period in which U.S. production has more than doubled. preparation of single or epitaxial layers. Cameron examines the problems of measuring a deteriorat- ing self-sufficiency position in light of possibile domestic RoBERTS. FercprsoN production at higher costs, recycling, and interdependence Stanford Uniuersitv in the use of one material as it aftects production of others. Listing forty-one mineral commodities, Cameron shows improvements in U.S. self-sufficiency ratings for some min- THE MINERAL POSITION OF THE UNITED STATES, erals, but the most outstanding changes are large drops in 1975-2OOO.Edited by Eugene N. Cameron. published for self-sufficiency in , fluorspar, potash, zinc, barite, baux- gypsum, the Society of Economic Geologists Foundation, Inc., by ite, iron ore, and petroleum. During the period the University of Wisconsin press, Madison, Wisconsin, since 1945, world production (measured in tons) has dou- 1973.xvii { 159 pages.$10.00 (cloth), $1.50 (paperr. bled once every seven to eight years, while U.S. influence in international trade of minerals has rapidly diminished; Serious future difficulties in meeting demands for many the nation's role as supplier is less important and it must critical mineral resources have lately been overshadowed compete more for imports. by shortages in energy resources. This collection of papers John D. Morgan, Jr., Assistant Director, Mineral Position 880 BOOK REVIEWS

Analysis, Bureau of Mines, examines the future mineral John Drew Ridge, Professor of Econonric Geology, The supply and demand outlook (including energy sources) Pennsylvania State University, examines the changing out- and predicts serious deficits by the year 2000. Demand look for foreign mineral exploration and production by doubled (in tonnage) between 1950 and l97l; Motgan United States interests. As other nations increase their con- predicts demand will almost triple between 1971 and 2000 sumption per capita, their demands will be met at U.S. with the deficit between domestic supply and demand rising expens€. He assessesthe alternate sources the U.S. must from 8 to 64 billion dollars measured in dollars at 1970 have to overcome growing foreign dependency on individual prices (36 billion in the metals supplies and 22 billion in nations. It is becoming increasingly difrcult to obtain for- energy supplies). Morgan spends a good deal of efort on eign concessions to explore, mine, and produce. Ridge dis- the problems involved in prdecting data with regard to cussesprospects for agreements with individual countries at changing economy, population, environmental pressures, length; the list of very good prospects is short. The U.S.' world market demand, and substitution of materials for he suggests, should not. try to obtain outright concessions a given need. He stresseswe must not underestimate the from other nations but, rather, should be willing to sell its demand and lists detailed supply and demand data projected services for exploration and production. to 1985 and 2000 for fifty-one individual commodities in The authors have edited their texts for a reading audi- both weight and dollar amounts. ence. An index has been included, but unfortunately the Vincent E. McKelvey, Director of the U.S. Geological volume lacks a bibliography or suggestedreading list. Most Survey, examines the mineral potential of the U.S., sum- minerals scientists should already be aware of the resor.rrce marizing the resource evaluations now published in USGS problems and have more detailed data (in part by these Professional Paper 820. The attempt to assesstotal resources same authors) at their disposal. If a quick, comprehensive of the U.S. includes consideration of potential resources of summary is needed the price of this book will be well spent' good quality which are still undiscovered and of known It is critical that this material reach a wide audience; most resources of poorer quality that may someday be produci- of the reading is non-technical. It could be added to re- ble. In a number of examples he discussesthe possibilities quired reading in courses such as introductory geology' of discovering new deposits in specific locations, the specu- natural resources, economic geography, econornics, and lations being based on the geology of known deposits. For political science. The paperback edition is a bargain which example, he lists areas where geologists are hopeful of find- should be recommended to concerned individuals including ing new sources of copper, barite, and manganese. He lawyers, environmentalists, editors, planners, high school believes that ample raw materials are indeed geologically students and college undergraduates. available. Ar,ew C. SeruuelsoN David Swan, Vice-President, Technology, Kennecott CoF Ball State Uniuersity per Co'rporation, discussesthe trends of population growth, pollution, recycling, new materials technology, and new exploration technology on the minerals outlook. Obviously MARINE EVAPORITES: ORIGIN, DIAGENESIS' AND demand cannot continue an exponential climb indefinitely; GEOCHEMISTRY. Edited by Douglas W. Kirkland and Swan tries to identify when and how demand will pass to Robert Evans. Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross, Inc., linear growth. Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, 1973. xv | 426 pages' $20.00. Peter T. Flawn, Executive Vice-President and Director, Division of Natural Resources and Environment, The One normally begins a review of a collection of papers University of Texas at Austin, weighs the future impact somewhat apprehensively.What has been included and more of environmental concerns on the minerals industry, pre- importantly what has been omitted is always a matter of dicting generally negative and depressing effects, particu- personal judgment. However, this book is one of those rare larly in exploration. Hopefully, research stimulated by delight-of-delights. It is one in a series titled Benchmark environmental concerns will help solve mining, pollution, Papers in Geology, and captures the intent of the series well and waste disposal problems, thus allowing mineral pro- -namely to combine under one cover a collection of duction to continue with relatively less severe cost increases. classic and recent papers highlighting developments in a It is critical to arrive at a proper balancing of the costs os particular subject area. the benefits of environmental controls and to establish For years data describing evaporites, their diagenesis,and proper policy based on holding that balance. related geochemistry have been widely scattered among Stanley Dempsey, Division Attorney, Climax Molyb" foreign and American literature sources. In 31 well-selected denum Company, discusses land management and rnining articles, the authors have provided for the first time a law. He wishes to show that mineral policy goals and comprehensive volume on a much debated subject. Data on mining law based on these policies can be adjusted to evaporites formed under different environmental conditions achieve the nation's supply goals. Careful consideration of (among them sabkka, shallow lagoon, broad shelf) are consequences must accompany moves to restdct mining presented. ventures in land use policy. Mining law needs revision with Marine Eoaporites contains the classic papers of A. I. regard to prediscovery protection and mine dump waste Dzens-Litovskii, and G. V. Vasilyev describing the deposi- disposal. Dempsey feels that land laws reflect a deficient tional environment of the Kara-Bogaz-Gol, long considered public policy which should be changed so that there is less as a type example of lagoonal evaporite deposition. Alder- constraint on mining activities, even on the local urban man and Skinner's paper on dolomite sedimentation is sand and gravel pit. included. Among other classic and bellweather papers is BOOK REVIEWS 881

that of Ralph King. His modification of the Bischof- are given to some of the dogmas prevalent in America ,.reflux Ochsenius "bar theory" through introduction of the regarding ore genesis. theory" has survived and been upheld by modern studies. Peur. B. BenroN, Jn. Later papers by Scruton, Masson, Morris and by Dickey, U. S. Geological Suroey Holser, Thode and Dellwig, which ushered in the modern National Center, Reston, Virginia era of evaporite research, are presented. In this reviewer's mind the editors' selection of "key" papers was astute. To list all these papers here would be unfair potential to a GEOCHRONOLOGY.RADIOMETRIC DATING OF reader of this volume. He should sample them himself in ROCKS AND MINERALS. C. T. Harper, Editor. the company of their compatriots. Benchmark Papers in Geology. Dowden, Hutchinson and In brief, this volume of Benchmark papers is exactly Ross, Inc., Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, 1973. xv | 469 that. The volume belongs in the library of all students of 'all pages. $24.00. evaporites. For the first time it is there" in one volume. While the cost of this volume may seem a trifle high, it In the words of the Editor of Benchmark Papers in Geology, ". . this series is one of collection, is in my opinion a reasonable price to 1lay for such a col- sifting and lection of papers. Let us hope that future volumes in this rediffusion we are making a concentrated effort to series maintain the quality of this one. gather into single volumes the critical material needed to reconstruct the background to any and every major topic ERNESTE. ANcrNo of our discipline." Uniuersity ol !(ansas This volume contains a rather impressive collection of forty-three most cited, original papers, selected to illustrate the historical development of the science of geochronology, covering the period from 1906 to 1971. The selections ORES IN SEDIMENTS. VilI International Sedimento- however, are restricted to those papers dealing with the logical Congress, Heidelberg, August 3l-september 3, measurement of geologic time based on the accumulation 1971. Edited by G. C. Amstutz and A. J. Bernard. of stable radiogenic nuclides. Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 1973. viii 350 pages, 184 fig- { The papers, reproduced with original references, are ures. Paperback,$15.30. grouped into fourteen sections, each being preceded by a This book is the tangible result of the VIII International short, concise commentary designed to emphasize historical Sedimentological Congress held in Heidelberg, August 31 to perspective and role of the research in the growth of the September3, 1971. field. Each cornmentary is followed by additional references The editors deserve a special thanks from those of us to other important articles related to the sectional topics. to whom only English is a useful language; except for a The first eight sections comprise some 22 papers dis- few abstracts, the book is published entirely in English even cussing uranium-lead methods in geochronology which in- though it is not the first language of the majority of the clude measurement of lead isotopes, primeval lead and 47 contributors. The printing and illustrations are good, and the age of the earth, isotopic uraniumJead ages, and use of while the choice of words is not always the best (for common lead for dating mineralization events. Two sec- example, "Upper Lake" for Lake Superior), there is little tions are devoted primarily to rubidium-strontium radio doubt regarding meaning. metric dating and comprise key papers on the radioactivity As with the products of most symposia, the subjects of of rubidium, distribution and behavior of radiogenic stron- the 24 papers are diverse and the treatment uneven. Topics tium in minerals and whole rocks, and interpretation of range widely, from placers to metasomatic replacement, discordant age measurements. The next three sections con- and from base and precious metals to iron, manganese,and tain papers pertinent to potassium-argon techniques and uranium. The unifying theme is the association of metal cover the discovery of radiogenic argon, dating of young concentrations with sediments. Four of the papers deal with volcanic rocks and geomagnetic reversals, and the argon-39 clastic accumulations, placers, and iron ores. Four particu- method. A final section reviews current applications and larly informative papers describe the present-day accumula- interpretation of radiometric age data. tion of metals in sediments, three of the studies being from This format for the presentation of already published, areas of active volcanism. The genetic relationship of min- but at times difficult to locate, key papers is useful and eralization to karst formation is interpreted by several au_ timely. This series of volumes will fill a void that exists thors, and the role of sedimentological facies in governing currently in stateof-the-art volumes which are limited greatly the localization of metal deposition is documented. One in reviewing older but fundamental articles upon paper considers the control of climatic regimen on the which present research is based. mineralogy and metal content of residuai soils and the The goals and intent of the series have been admirably complementary distribution of metals within the associated achieved by Editor Harper. Reproduction of papers with depositional basins. There are several good descriptions of a variety of typeset and style is remarkably good. This diagenetic changes pertaining to metal deposition, but this volume should be a "must" acquisition for the library of geoscientist volume is a better source of interesting problems to be any involved with determining or utilizing investigated than of definitive answers regarding diagenesis. radiometric age data. This reviewer is not convinced that all the interpretations Tnnny E. Devrs presented are correct, but thought-provoking alternatives Calilornia State Uniuersity, Los Angeles