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SAtyRDAY. AUGUST 20, IflBI A y m u s D sU y N f t F i r m R ub fW Mw Waak RMad iiau rtr^ B ter E tii?nitt9 ;l|iM ralb Axg«a$29,12H cular dirllke for one pup that came St. Mary*« Moveg 11,333 t t ^ o w n about the hpuse in the Sarly hours of the morning, causing tbeir dog Mmmttn a( iUiRt aIgM. Uw Hedihd Along Main Street to bark and'-waken the family. It Sadlak Leaves for Finland; Nursery Location * Bw m w a( OraSlMlaa It jpwBibw AM re- was also guilty of messing cp their Mandie$ter-^A City o f VittatmCharm -31 IfaA. Btcnto WMI brtef' lawn and spoiling the apt^rance •tlnir Momtay At • pju. And on Some of Manchester*$ Side Streets^ Too of their pet evergreens. Parents who wiih to leave M tlie home of lfre. Julia KcCar- The boy concluded with a long Hopes fo r Crhcks smaller children “to be cared. for VOL. LXXIV, NO. 2T4 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY. A U ^ST 12,195$ oa tag* U) PRICK tam 9li sckool Sk, RodcvUlA F-L-A-S-H! ^wera famous for their bean bakes list of minor grievances, then during the 10 a.m. FAmtIy Berv- WlifMi Reader! are reminded* that thta and dances, which drew crowds looked at his hostess and asked, Ice at St. Maia’'o Bplaco(>al Church ^rildrea-eiiM have not already ia the time of year when the Town from all parts of Manchester. "Hasn't he been bothering you, By RON DEVINE '■ Sunday are asked to taire them to tOfO?'' the Visual Aid room in the preaent Hflattrad for the Vacaubn Bible Water Department usuahy puta Many well known entertainers Rockville, Aug. 20 (Special)---{ iS|6el next week at the Covenant a ban on the uae of taoaea becauae and musicians, as well as noted She shrugged indifferently and Chur?h basement. replied, "Well. ye.». But I like dogs State epnghessman-at-Ldrge An­ This will be the location of th# CUal m a tlenal Church, 4S S ^ C e the Vinter aupply ia getting low. divines and politicians lectured in toni N. Sadlak and his wife A l­ • t , may da ao Monday morning; Fred Thrall, who runa the de­ Cheney Hall. Churches and or- and you can't be too critical of nursery until the re-opening qf the them.-Besides, he's so cute, with freds left yeaterday for Finland Church School on Sept. 35. On that 'b a fO N lt e claaaaa be|;in at 9:15; partment, aaya on the baaia o f ganitations found the stage and ,:^here. they will spend a week that little white tail and homely date nursery sessions at 9:95 and B a m adult taaehera are' glvinK preaent ^ d e n ca he doea not be the hall ideal for amateur .theatric helping freedom's cause. their aervieea for 'the different neve the ban. Will be neceaaary in cals. / black face.' She stopped as the It am. wUl begin in the former claaaea, Kindeifarten through The. late Miss Leila Church of boy turned red with a severe fit Rep. Sadlak is a member of the | rectory. the immediate future. Unit^ States delegation to the: OhadeS. Rockville, well known autbOr of of boughing. The "Burke House" at 37 Pirk 44th. Interparliamentary Union Identity Desired plays and 'pageants, preferred When he was able to apeak St. where nurseries have met dur­ Cheney Hall to any other place in Conference being held in Helsinki. ing the past year, is shortly to be Kenneth A. Henry, 42, of RFD 3. Police get some interesting mall, again, he asked. "Is that the only which to stage her pla'ys by locate dog that's beeq bothering you?" Finland, from Aug. 24 to'3lr demolished to make way for park­ evaa arreated yeaterday on a war­ but most puBsling are the letters ' This .is Rep. SadlaH'S fourth i rant laaued by Proaecutor Philip talent. Miss Church, it will be re "Why. y es,"’ she said. "Why?" ing facilities planned under 8t. containing money, company called, was engaged to prepare time aa a delegate to this confer­ Mary's new chur1* were rep­ men has it that it's no news if program at . dismissed in the care of volunteer Porter 8t., haa returned home af­ he sent in a $1 bill without the resented by a tremendous replica dog bites a man. but. it's a horse "We hope by this conference to teachers. / ter attandihg a aix weeka aeaaion ticket stub. of a Cocoon, which attracted as of n different color When a man break the Iron Curtain a little Police NatH^ of atudy and camplife for teenage In the due course of tinie a no* much attention as any of, the floaU bites a dog. more.” the Representative said. ______^ • - Retreating Streams to Arrive atndenta who have been attending tice goes out warning of dire con­ in the line of march. , The other day we got wind of He noted that less thania year had Boeton Univeraity’a Sargent camp sequences unless the ticket is paid. /T h e section of Hartford Rd. a story that made Us -wonder if passed since last year's confer­ Known D ^ d at Patetborough, H. H. Or a" hapless defendant ignores from Chapter Oak St. to Cheney there wasn't a similar adage ap­ ence when gained her in­ dependence. the warning, no doubt charging it^ Hall, where mdhy of the Cnieney plicable to gas station attendants off to bureaucratic ineffteiency families buiilt their homes, has al­ To See Ixtdge And Missing at Bradley and proprietors . . . specifically and gets hauled into court. Police PINE PHARMACY Unfolding Disaster Minney Suffers ways bo*rt considered one of the about the gas pump Jockeys who "We hope that this year's meet- feel, probably rightly, Ihat .this most.beautiful in .town. During ing might.be able to relieve .the court appearance 1s his own,fault. run out of gas. ^ OPEN/SUNDAYS > - By THE ABSOblATBD PRBRR y World War I the families on the According to the anecdote, as pressure of Communism to Fin­ Denver, Aug. 22 f/P)—President Eisenhower will nuka Skufl Fracture Of course, people do for^t to north, side of the road ploughed land.'.' Rep. sadlak said. / By THis ASSOCIATED PEERS The Connecticut SUte Po/t pay parking flnes and really do we heard it. a certain Main SL six-state aerial inspection of eaatem hurricane and flood up their sloping, velvety lawns filling station owner was in the During their overseas visit, 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. RgvainnY rivers whose wateni tore' away life and wrought lice supplied the following ignore warnings sent out by the for war gardens. which they will make by air. the breakdown of the state’s damage tomorrow. ' / WlQIam Minney, 11, of 350 W. police. They get lined ultimately. custom of carrying a 2-gallon destruction never before seen in Connecticut began to flow Cheney Hall, which la near the spare tank of bensine around with Sadlaks hope to make a trip to •known flood dead and migSing The President personally announced his plana to tAUk K Center St., atruck by a truck while But for all you presumably law- Poland, and even perhaps to Mi^- back to normal today. As the brown torrents receded, the riding hla bicycle at Olcott St., iblding citisens whd may get an mills, is of brick construction and him in his car. Such a precau­ VA’/A’/A'A’A’A’/ as of 10 a.m. today (68 known look at the damage which' has taken many Uveig and rgimd of unusual architectural charm. cow. On their way to Finland, they story of Connecticut’s "greatest disaster” was unfolded. and Palknor Dr., yeaterday after­ occasional parking''ticket, we have tion' seems perfectly sotind in a will stop at Labrador, Glasgow, At least 68 persona were dead, 70 missing) / much property destruction. / a warning. Enclose the ticket left Its use was free in the old days profession where it could become noon, waa tentatively found to be to the firm's employes and .other Edinburgh, Oslo,,/ Norway and and 70 were mlaaing. ' i s wa i* ■* n \ Htrs are tha .nam ea/of those Eisenhower told newsmen at the summer White Hotiaa that on the car or some note by which especially embarrassing if he Raging riveni which tore down auffering from a fractured akull; organiMtions in town. Behind the . . 14 Polio Cases Pul persona identified aa having died he will leave Denver by plane and arrive in Hartford, to confar the police m ^ identify your pay- should run out of gas. On their return trip they hope concrete buildlnga. burn dams and In flood-stricken Con^ticut eom- Hia conation ia good, according to velvet curtains in the present dis­ One day recently the gas sta­ with E. Roland Harriman, chairman of the American Red me'nt. Then-''our court reporter to travel by way of Madrid. Spain, flooded cities had coat the state munitiea. / v- , Hartford Koivita] ofliciala. play room for Cheney, fabrics is tion owner did have the misfor­ won't be seeing you there. where they will be able to visit and its people "well over a'bilUoa i State Total gl 226 (The flrat number in parentheaM C r o s s / ■> He 'waa examined flrat at Mah- a well equ oped stage and scenery tune to run out of gas. Forgetting . cheater Memorial Hoapital and former Gov. John Lodge and his dollsra," Gov. Abraham A. Ribicoff rapresents the total known dead. Connecticut’s Gov. A. A. Ribicoff and govetnon of the V End of An Era and also footlights. The fine or­ the existence of his extra tank, he aaid. [■ Hartford, Aug. 22 (. KcoRoiayjCfliifRt $t.8> necUcut .Houae of Rcpreasntatlvea, I Riverside St, j Jamea Dooier. the atate’a be-broa^tr police-said...... prior, to.Jthe construction of-the. One for the Morgue • Jour. of.JJie _cfty whl(* in-., fiJiate_ojt th.e.United NAtions and pre-sident of the delegation wtU-'be. Farmington, New Britain, -Mrs, Margaret .Pedalgia, North j. mlllr. Where moep o f ohiae eim eluded a stop at a large supermar­ WRRilejfw=TeRsdRyi=WedRiidRyR ■ today aent tha following telegram j “South' Windsor. 'I'orrlngton, lant gehertf and CIvU PeftM a at the -other accident, Donald present Masonic Temple, the an­ Through the kind offices of a a., such ha.9 the right to orlgihafe ployed in the old Union Gingham Hon. Henry O. Talle of Iowa. SpociRl FridayR from New 'Vnmdmm to Ribicoff; i Riverside St. . and North CMrolipa oy ft^oore, 18, of RFD 1. Andover, nual balls of the Masons were al­ friend of oiie of The Herald's staff ket. The wonder of such a shop­ legislation and debate it before the The Sadlaks expect to return to Sprrlal From Bloek l«lRRd BAtvrdRyf Norwich and Wallingford. Edward Meier, 72, North River-' ways held there and many people nilljs, closed' about 1888, found ping paradise has been the subject (All Batec laclRde>Federal Tax) "Republicans in 'the legislature j. The department listed two Brig. Geq. Edwin Griffin, State; By THE AR80CIATE0 PBIBB. 'h^mpanted by three passengers, emptqyment with 'Qjeneys.. we have received a copy of the U.N.'s Economic and Social Coun­ Rockville on Sept. 11. because of Bide St. stniek^a fallen tree on Ptoiley St., used to-sit- in the gallery and paper dated Oct. 1, 1929. of no little^ Conversation among cil. ■* stand ready to enact quickly any | of the new cases as paralytic Civil Defenra director. Cheney Hall, whatever its fu­ plans ro attend the wedding of m vsn. STFJLMSHIP lelN£8,. UiC. , leftalalioa neceasary to assist flood ' John J. Bergin, 30. North River­ There waa no immediate word A staggering job .of re* -yeateMay morning. None were In­ watch the dancers, the old hall This was quite a day in many the foreign women, Mrs. Sadlak Rep. Sadlak will serve on a Ceatral Tlliarf. New l^oRdoa. Coaa. and said six others were un­ ture may be, will always be re- reports. their neice. Miss Marie Trivignd P. O. Box 1827 victims," ; side St. aa-U> whom wouldrepreaent Paiut------faced-----Hood- jured, p w c e said. echoing with gaiety and mirth. ways. It was shortly before the panel to discus., intellectual rela­ of Manchester. Tel. New l.oadoa Bl S>548> certain. There wAs no report TorHagtbn (4-1)' During the wars, particularly memebered for what the philan­ Another interesting sidelight to President Eisenhower desig-1 o n ' the remaining caaea. sylvania...... and New* Jersey. wrecked commufiitiee^ of the thropic Cheney family intended advent of the atock market break tions, and he said it was quite nated Connecticut a major disaster Mrs. Lena Lemlre, 48, Torring- World War I, the hall was in con­ which ushered in the depression. this years trip is the fact that Eisenhower appealed to people Northeast today as atuimad it to be in the past, the town's likply he would also, partlcipatc- area which makes the stqte eligi; ton. s e n t use for Red Cross work and And, 4t was the first day The the United States Ambassador to in discu.,sion on reduction of arma­ everywhere In the country to. leading social center. ble for federal aid. lashed at Putnam, where raging Gustav Jaquemin, Torrington. "pitch in and help" the- Red Oroes survivors found the death G E N E R A L ~ various activities to help the cause Herald had Associated Press Finland, Jack McFall, is a college ments. schoolmate of Rep. Sadlak. Like lightning, the flood struck fires made things worse. Stephen Lucas. 51. Torrington. 1 in a drive for relief funds. toll ste^ily mounting towai^ wrere carried on by the different servlse for its readers. Ali*. it (Dvercoming the language bar- Naugatnek (8) | nationalities, who had settled in Parting of the Way Explanation o f Union early Friday morning. People lit­ 30,009 Unemployed The President had planned to the 200 i^ark. ■" T V SERVICE marked the 40th anniversary of tier at the conference is done the erally were, washed from their Two magnesium plants burst T. J.- Monlambault, about 80, town. In all the recent discussion of Thomas Ferguson's date of begin­ The Union, which waa founded -same way as it is Jn the' UN's Make It A Date - leave Denver tomorrow morning The known dead already num- The-hall - was th» headquarters Cheney Bros. ..changing fortunes, years, agq. is- Vdavoted-to the beds IS the Naugatuck River, into flames. A bleachery and a4(no address) Naugatuck, tof Waahington. He ia returning bored 188. An addltiestai vtctlma “ Bojri W GS » can ning' work -at the q^yrapsper.' He 66 Gcnsral -Assembly, hep. -Sadlak for Drake Post, QAR, (Orand. one element has been overlooked. Idcqis . and purposes >' of 'Peace aw'olleri' UndeF lYTHcHeT'oT hurrP“ printing -plant ware -Ttein royed;' t Former Borough Wardeil 6leorge east to address the~'Amertcan Biir i l ^ “'0|cdverad,'11 ajppeaiiS'^^ihn ' NtghU 'G m w w Flue Parts was the grandfather of the preaent said. Simultaneous translations Army of the Republic! while there There hsg been considerable pub- among Nations" and has stead­ Bnh^ Your Ffiends cane rain, smashed through the Textile factories in nearby Me- | Fellows, 57. A s^ ia tlo n convention. in Phila­ final count would go wall obero TEL. MI 2-5194 co-publishers. arc made of speeches into Engli.sh, chanlcsvUle wefe crushed by | HehVy Russell. 17, o f Water- were any of the veterans left. They liblty given to the curtailment of fastly held to the belief that in­ German. French and Spanish. Naugatuck valley In western Con­ delphia Wednesday. thin agure. Pennsylvania aad Cea- Then, aa a little earlier this year, necticut. water and flames. bury. the Arm's operation, the leaving of hurricanes werfe news and a front ternational disputes may be settled Six other members of the House (manges -Plana nactlcuL the atatea hardest hU, aa- It washed thiough Walerbury, In Naugatuck, the U. S. Rubber Marjorie Bergin 6, o f Water- i various top executives, the sale of page atory telli of the dam a g e by arbitratlokr and collective secur­ of Repre.sentatives and seven 1 PEACH SHORTCAKE FESTIVAL rThe flood damaga aituaUon Umated. a total of aa nuusy aa ISO ity:” , geymour, Anaoyia and Torrington. Co. reported a $10 million Iqaa to bury, peraons atUI mlaaiag. property long a part of the Cheney from one in Georgia, Alabama and Senators will , atcompany Rep. j WashlagtW (t> aauaed him to change hla . plans, domain. The United States was an orig­ Sadlak to Finland, Among them Other rivers reared . up. The Mad its three^plfnts, which employed. however, and advance hia depar­ 'I'te lateat count.ain(U tha ka> Mlaaliaippl. 5,000 persons. Mr. and Mra. William Eoulis, And there has been duq|report- Some longtime reildenta of the inal member in 1889, and since the will be former vice president } (All You Can Fat) River atruck at Winatdd. whose ture time to thin evening so he can a t th* flaodn.Jaaft n sM > main street was swept away. both in their 70a. of Washington. Ing of the fact that the company's town got a nostalgic feeling when original membership of eigSU na­ Albep Barkley, Congressman i take a look from the air at the day Penn^tvaaiiaT^: Coa- tions. it now stands at 37. with The Quinebsug in the northeast (Continued on Fnge Thirteen) Hartford (I) Local CD Unit Called to Flot^ Zone nactleuL M ;. Maaaachueetto, 1$: EMEROENCY program of consolidation will prob­ they rdhd this issue. Not to be Daniel A. Reed of New York, preS/ ! George Wiegold, 69, Hartford. hurricane and flood destruction. ably mean tho loss of Jobs for facetious, a great deal of water years on record of over 40 partici­ ident of the U.S. group, will not A U G . 2 6 - 6 :3 0 P. M. Three members of Mancheater'a Civil Defense communications division who traveled to Torrington He will fly on to Washington Rhode Island, 1; New 0; pating nations. WlBStcd (9-4) New York, 4; Virginia,- $. O IL lU R N E R That Interpret The abmit 400 workers. But it is In this has gfone under several bridges be able to ' attend because of ill­ Maney Leshay, 73, Winsted. last night in an effort 4o provide that flood-ravaged' town with conununications are - shown hero after th* Hartford conference, ar­ connection that an Important ele­ The Union is now a Class A af- ness. Rep. Sadlak said. Acting FIREHOUSE GROUNDS aboard the unit’s mobile station. From the right, they are Fred EMwards, CD director, Gq<>rge Beaure, Braadaat Fetinsatea SERVICE WMes Of The Family since then. Mrs. Joseph Zappula, 57, Win­ riving there about noon and wlU ment of the Cheney story has been We are always happy to obtain sted. gard and Arthur‘Hohs. The unit of nine men got to Torrington but the location of the town, in'a low keep hla Philadelphia apaaklng As the rampaging atreama and overlooked— the human element. old copies of the paper, for our naud. 145 Lake St.; a son to Mr. North Africa Riots Toll John Gould, 27, Winsted. spot among hills, prevented It from establiehing contact with another Manchester unit that, had been engagement iVedneaday. riven receded to ' normal lavtla CALL JOHN Bs BURKE Large-scale layoffs at Cheney files only go back to 1934. After and Mrs. David Dougan, Southing­ Name Weikert BENEFIT OF MANCHESTER NRE DEPT. Miss' Mary Marchione, Winsted. dispatched to Bloomfield. (Herald Photo) Eisenhower plan* to fly over aatflolahad ciUxana aurveyad tbq Bros, are more painful than at henrt-brenklng devantotten. It waa FUNERAL HOME the fire In 1923 In the North End, ton. PARADE AND HELD DAY William Samele, Main SL, Win­ stricken araaa of Pennsylvania, WILUAHS moat other planU, for not only the library waa not started against DISfJHARGED YESTERDA^ sted, (tentative). New Jersey, Masaaehusstts. Rhode ao vast that only tha broadaat aa- ■rsei^ HI t ftttr does the low of a. Job mean finan­ To UAEC Staff Near SOO, May Hit 1,000 Island, Connecticut and the port timatea of tha damage could ba - OH. SERVICE until that time. Mra- Helen FitMlmmons. VernoflT This Advt. Sponsored By ,G> E. .WilUs mmI Son, Im . , CgsitiMi (1) — ' n EAm cBiinricB b t . cial hardship, but at Cheney Bros., But It is only The Herald In Sharon O'Neli. 54 Marshall Rd,; David C. Murray, 2. Canton. Coal Pit Miner Jervis area ot Neiv Toric. asada but theae ran to kUllBBa.' AB0DLANCE SERVICE where employment records of Which we are interested, for we James Robinson. 167 Highland St.; MaJ. (3en. John M. Weikert. Farmington (I t Mlaeing) Typhoid, More Rain After that survey, early tomor­ Homaa war* wracked or com­ have no facilities for cataloguing Casablanca, Morocco, Aug. 33EZem and the surro'.mding'country. row morning, the Preaident'a pri­ pletely gone; factoriaa were dam­ M I-9-4548 many employes are measured not Rutledge Smith, 330 Adams St.; USAF’ (Ret.t, ha* been appointed (iPi—French troops and Foreign j The Moroccans ‘ortifled them- The following are known to be in terms of years but In terms of any other papers which have pub­ James Aldrich, Rockville: Mrs. missing: Losiin Cave-In, vate plane. Columbine m , will aged, aome beypnd repair. Brfdgaa lished in Manchester. as Washington representative of Legio'nnaires' using tanks and selves In some houses.. Tanks have land at Bradjey airfield at Hart­ were down and roods waMied out; decades and scores of years, sepa­ Teresa Willnauer, Brewster St.. fighter planes blasted back^ at | gone action and these tanks Patricia Ann Bechard, 7, Farm- j ration from the company often United Aircraft Ex.port Corp., into ford about 8:30 a.m. EDT. Tha con­ with aaphalt aurfacas churned up. Coventry: Mrs. Doris Remmey, 384 rebel bands today stter a bloody | have cannon tm-dtiem. Plane* are Ington. Peril Pennsylvaiiia Health haxarda were a major Recalls Stockings 26 in D anger carries with It the painful severing Lake St.. Bolton; Erlis Keeney, 158 Joseph M. Barr, president, said to­ weekend of raids, riots and‘guer* j standing Patrolman Charles Hodkina, ference with Harriman and gov- Through the courtesy of>Mathias M O B IL H E A T problem. Flood mirvivdra in moat of-long-established ties. Keeney St.; Mrs. May Warner, 89 day. rllla fighting left an estimated Farmingdon. . POWER SHOVEL Spteu, noted ' Manchester his­ Authoftt^s feaf that the French (Oouttaned on Pngn Fear) placaa were oirderod to boiT drink­ DON'T This .fact was brought h6me to Broad St.; Dorothy Keeney, 11 Gen. Weikert, who retired from 1,000 dead in North Africa..;/- Jack Morin. Farmington. Shenandoah, Pa., Aug. 33 (f) — torian, 597 Adams St., who called df Morocco nray launch ing water. Emeigency antl-typhoM us the other day by a. Cheney Chestnut S t; Mrs. Ellen Ander­ the Air Force in 1953 after thirty Sporadic rioting was'reported Stroudsburg, Pa., A u g f»^ «t by dying HurricMe Diane FOR RENT StUl pleatjr of wear left la at The Herald office this week, an­ as they did last month (CbnUnued ea Page Four) On* man waa reported dead and an ‘t aenima were flown into iaolatad Bros, employe who told us of son, East Hartford," Mrs. Amanda years of service, lives in Bethesda, all over Morocco, ^though appar. len a bomb killed seven French­ 22 (/P)—*A threat of typhoid aiarted lUUng streams high in the sboea when hroaght here ter man, now elderly, and a woman, other IntercitIng Item In regard to Md. ^ ' •..f u e l undetermined number of miners Pocono Mountains north - of here. conununlUeo by hoUcoptor. For cellar digglag, sewer, water Johnson, 166 Porter St.; William ID on. .•* ently most of the incidents wi men in Casablanca. export repalriag. fever and more rain hung aad Irrigattoa ditches, etc.' 8ep- now gray-haired, who for years the f|rat Hahks Silk Mill in Mans­ Minney. 250 West Center .St.i A naiive of Gelty.sberg. Pa., small outbreaks of Nationalijif'vlo- were trapped in the collapse of the The rushing water picked up mo­ Corpses F loat Dry Ice was an etneigafiey l$om WORK DONE WHILB field was learned. , Idany fires we’re set in buildings u d suppUea were eommaadtoad tte ^ k s lastatled. had carried on ’ their own- private Roderick Mont. 232 Autumn St.; Gen. Weikert was graduated from lence a'ound Marrakesh. In ipreriously Kohlnoor coal breaker here today. over the flood-ravaged areas mentum and roared through the TOU W AIT WM, There waa seldom a day when Mr. * Spiesa, who haa a keen Charles Smith, 4l Gorman PI.; the. United States Military Acad­ North Koreans of northeastern Pennsylvania narrow Broadhead'valley, tea^ng to refri^rate vital food sbppfiM memory, knew that an attempt Dependable casualty figures are quiet Algerian citiea along' the The Kohinorr breaker Is In the where regular refrigeraton waia LOAM FOR s a l e i|J'e mail or woman would not pass Mrs. Sara Cole, 63 Stephen St.; emy in 1923 and shortly chose larking. One Paiia newspaper put Mediterranean' coaat atreeta were out dams, deinolishing dwellings Out of Graves -was made at the mill to .manufac­ aviation as htv career. In. World southwestern end of Shenandoah, today. The death toll from •t still without electric power/* SAM YU LYE S a remark -aimed at getting the Robert Thresher. 22 Depot St.; MORIARTY the death toll at 1,341. Semloffi-i deserted except (or police car* and and killing some 75 persons in this other's goat. ture silk atdekings, and that a pair War II, after serving as command­ and ta believed to be Uie-oniy-une the rainstorms of last Thurs­ On top of aU othw prTtWsMa ^ SHOE REPAmiNO Lennart Torstenion, 75 Jarvis Rd.; rial 'figures, admittedly conserva-i half-track* loaded with trodpsT“ To Release U.S'. area alone. FRANK DAMATO J ^ t an this changed IqM Friday. of white, silk stockings wsa worn Mra. Josephine BanhoiL’skl, New ing officer at Stewart Fi'eld. West operating in the .area (oday. day and Friday stands unof­ Twenty-five of these were sum- At Woonsocket many flood atuvivon looked ahead OF THE BETTER KIND at her wedding nearly 260 years ' five, gave a total near 800. Expert- 73ie official count of ceaualUei, The ^ a k e r ordinarily -empl)—Air Force ' Officials at Locust Mountain hot Mqndsy as receding' fldod (OaatiBiMd r) was so touching and tender that it Bolton _ OPEN ed never will be'known because civilians, 20 French and native over 100. wiped out. Only, nine are beUeved waters laft 0,(100 of 9JI00 workers In' moved our man, who had seen XIr. Spiesa haa .seen the yellowed from. 1944 to 1946. Prior to his re- 2nd Lt. Guy H. Bumpas,''of Jack- Hospital said they were admitting Thousands of.cc’s of antl-typhqid to have aiirvived in this tragetfy. stockings,' now the property of tlremehl.Tie was a.ssi'stant deputy __ the rebels carried away many of troops and more ..thtrL.lOO ■ Mo­ aonie patrShta'Trom the scene but W opnsocl^ R. I. Idle, hundreds them battling for years, to de­ is their dead before the French could roccan rebels. 'son. Miss., ia schedule<^to recroaa fever serum w'sre flbwn into the Food attll is being dis{ ensed free homeless, & t everywhere, and IM scribe It In poetry. • Roger Olcott, 403 W. Center St., Group Will Draft chief of staff. Operations Head­ waa unable to say how many. area yeaterdiiy. By nightfall aome in churches and movie theatera. which the latter found among the quarters. Unite'd States Air Force. 2 4 HOURS count them. In the.,Constantine area of Al­ the line to freedom tomodrow after - The Philadelphia and Reading corpses—(vaMi^ from a cemetery PJLC. Here.la the poem: French tanka launched a major geria. . the government announced six days as a prisoner of the Com­ 8,000 persons!in this Pocono Moun­ Busiheaeca remained closed. (Bome_ —strewn amoM debria.______I guess It's goodby. ahe said treasured posseasloni left by his tain resort town alone were inocu- were totally ■wiped out b>T'1Re mother, the late Adeline Cheney Bus Sche(jjule8 315 Center St.r-Tel. MI-3*5135 operation this morningjagainst the tell was 485 terrorists and 60 munists. r. ' (Contianed oa Page Fan') Attempts to esUmato pracisaly with a smile rebel tribesmen who massacred French. The Injured airman will be lated- flood watera. the ihany-milliOBs dollars loss hava That larted only a little While Olcott, widow of Walter Olcott, Bardeat Hit Towns descendant o f the Rev, Allen and about 80 French at QUedsZem. a Despite the widespread violfeice, turned back to the United Nations ' The typhoid peril atems from been deferred until surveys begin­ th * A P W iiw For there waa sadness deep In Bolton Jfug. 20 I Sp ecial The mining center in the Tadla region U.S. ''Air Bases in Morocco ap­ contsiminated water supplies, a The cleanup'continued through­ heart Cynthia Heioker Olcott. Command at a point about 12 ning today can be rixtiplated. - ^ ^ Transportation Committee irf the r STATIONERY ! MOBIL KEROSENE aouth of Caaablanda. parently escaped unscatched over miles east of Kumwha, on the cen­ hazard accompanying flood devas- out the rest of eastern Pennsyl­ But ao far as known, not one of That ever Is preaent when such ^ LEADING BRANDR ^ vania but nowhere waa the Job aa ^ Church Doors' Board of Education will meet at A cauUoua official report aaid; the weekend.1 ReReports in dicaM the tral Kotean front, not far from Utlon. In Bycka County, south of Woonsocket's 50,000 residents per­ FRENCH OCNBRAL KIUUBD BINGO friends part. 8:30 p.m.. on Monday at the 'iotigh as in th* town of Btfouds- ^ AIRMAIL - NOTER ^ "Operations. have started. The • “ ------p. . ' lyhere hla plane was shot down by News Tidbits Stroudsburg, polluted water waa ished when the raging Blackstcna And he W'ho was never known to The question has occafionally burg and its sister community of Faria, Aog- 33 (F) — Fwtfc been'asked why church doors are achddi to draft school bus routes Legion ia learching houses In Oued | (Continued m Page Nine) ' Red anti-aircraft Arc last Wednes­ blamed for an outbreak of dysen­ River hit this city with the worst General Baymeafl Oaval, aana- IPAC BALLROOM ™**b!ujlboom**** be gentle for the coming year. Serving on GRANGE on . *.J EUst Stroudfburg each with a pop­ day. . Cnllad from AP Wires tery, So far, there have been no re­ flood In Its hiatmy. Held her hand In a way senti­ often painted red. While there is LArthur Drug Stores i ulation of almut .6,000. aaaader of tke-traefa ia vliliaBS ROCKVILLE no special religious significance In the committee are Clifford Maaaey, OaplatnKUIcd ported cases of typhoid. Woonsocket had taken advance torn Moroeoo, waa killed today mental Henry Sheckley and Mrs. Roy j The towns are (separated by Iti it lx true'that red Is ronsidercd> ^ A A 4K d k A . K A . A A dh 4 Bumpas will accompany the body Weary rescue i^rkers, atill find­ evacuaUon measures swiftly, with in m plaae email, tka FkHE And in hia eye there was a grow­ Bosworth. John McDermott, Brodhead Creek. Al) bridges were Civil Defense augmsnfing priice ing mist an ecclesiastical color and in of Army Capt. ChSrlea W.'Brown, A Washingtoh rooming houae ing-bodies half buried in the tilt News Ageney nqierted- chairman of the Board of Educa­ proprietor la indicted on a charge wiped out and-the only , present and fire crews; Brig. Gen. John M That formed a tear, when the two many churches red carpeting Is West Allies Rea(dy Test of West 'LouiavUle, Ky., wbo was as flood waters recede, kept their connection Is by. outboard motor­ tion, and Principal Richard B. an obeerver-paasehger in Bompaa' of falsely occttsiBg a Whits Housa eyes on cl'oudy akiea overhead and McGreevey, state CSvU Defense CITES SOVIET lEVERY MONDAY NIGHT of them kissed. ” used, particularly in the' iShancel. Mather will also wprk with the boat, a precarloua trip what with GAWnJS Clerk of. being suhveraiv*. / . . Low­ chief and acting adjutant general, You may well imagine a taie of Red ia used in the dossal cloth citiMn group. small unarmed plan*. , \ hoped there would be no more rain. the swift current. . New Yetk, Aag^ 33 iff) Owa F ftt traiuporlwHoii by Silvtr Lo m b u s . er House of India’ s Pariiament said ha never had seen a CD organ, two lovers bock o f the 'altar, , but the church ' > Sunday Services Brown was killed as a reault of Mm » Rain Forecaat Plana are being made for - the mnnist party *koea NgiMa H doora :re painted red only because the crash, the Oommunlsts claim. asks government to put into effect ization function ao amoothly. lM v iii9 OnMQt H al of A:45 F.M. ^ Add the parting of aona when Worship services will be held at Of Red Peace Intentions Brief thundershowers came last erection of Bailey bridges, prafab- .There was even a' lull in 'Sight­ Kkruachev*s prograaa t* toana- leaving their mi.thrrs. the color is pleasing in comblna* Bumpaa suffered a poasible akuU as soon as. pdfslble recent recom­ night, fortunately causing no form Soviet agrieeltaial aeeea- United' Methodist church tomor­ mendations for wide ceotrol •( In­ rtcated steel bridge! put tip by seeing today from the curldus Sun­ Or maybe you think of the father tion with the exterior color and row at 10 a.m. THe Rev. J. Rich­ fracture and will pro^bly hava to noticeable rise in water le'vels, but Army engiiieera. • ■ • aiy la stUI ia tka garaMa otog% because it attracts'attention. By JOHN N. HIGHTOWER 4ciaion Sat'.irday to 1ft three Amer be- evacuated by ambulance heli­ dian newapapera. day throngs. There was'a different " that cried ard Yeager will use aa hia sermon more rain is forecast for today. kind of crowd at police head­ a .menber of Ife* Aaswbass Sale A t ■Waahington. Aug. 23 The j looE ImprUoned In RuaaU copter. U.S. Army Bays ont of tfirec On the morning that he wa« giving (arm detegatio* to iha ITSBM topic "Greatness Demands Obedi­ Anriericaiu to be released soon by Laai Thursday, heavy rains un- (ConMnued oa Pago Nine) quarters — today. ' the bride...... Rain Awry ence to God,"- Th* Church School! United States nnil iti major Euro- The Army will have a big heH- reported today. Tka raaatt waa Rum Is haa been absent wlthoot Moeue In Hot Son But my little poem, though it may There was an ironic note in the Board of Education vrill meet on named the thrM copter and a doctor Standing made by Ckarliw d. Baaiat. of damage done, by yeaterdaji's rain. pean allies are working out plans! aa Wilfred C. Cumish of Ames- leave since 1948 from armored : . • A Long Itnea of tired people queued SUMMER PRICES be crude,"* Wednesday at 8 p.m., at. the taka Bumpaa undtr Immediate up in the hot aunahine. waiting for Cedar Falla, Iowa.' reiaiwad to Is of a love that never waa wooed. The storm rav,d m a part of the church. for a series of proposals daaigntd bury, Mass., and Murray Fields of treatment when thp-Reda releaaa regiment at Nurenberg in Ger­ New York fraai Iha Savtoi high bank at the .high achool aite to test real Soviet intentiona New York City, whom the Army many. . . . Five-nation Saar plabe- permission tq re-enter their prop­ NOW IN EFFECT Of a gray-haired lady that worked Masaes will be celebrated at St. him. at S:S0 pjn. (I'iSO a.m. Tuea- Russia May Make Big Play erties and their hoine*. Half of the Uaioa by way of GceaMay hi everyday at the rear o( a laundry on Sum-, Maurice Chapel at 7:30 a.m., 9 tou'xrd permanent East-Wcat set- haa Hated aa deserters since 1948 day, E8T). acite commlaalon meets to k e ^ off advaaee af Iha teat of H a dila\ ' tlement and to expore any phony floQd-atruck homes have been With a rugged did gent that mit St. —I ,■ V i ' ajn. and 10:30 a.m..^tomorrow. on the basis of reports they delib­ Til* Aljied officers .who will ra- further rioting in campaign for gattea.' ' teased ben each dsy, ' The 'cav^' expqaeli home electric Russian peace pn^aganda. erately left their units in Europe, October vote wpich will decide condemned. And no on* haa been There will be no Services at the For More of Bonn es Output allowed In the condemned area -r- J U D O h i g h l a n d CONNECTICUT Ikough a'photo he did not give cable and it undei^mlned and broke These plans, which are still be­ and Frederick CfliSrlee ' Hopkiaa, (ODatlnued ea Paga Twa) Saar’a future. , Congregational Church tomorrow. ing developed here and in Lofldon, not even to try to aalvage clothing. BUDAN MEBTINO

( V / .( :•/“ . .*• .'’q A V - ,1.' I'-'- IUNGBESTEB B V EI^ O H^ALD. MANCHESTER^ COKN^ MONDAV, AUGUST 22, l 96B •/ , - .

MaUms •eBteoUoB that Oih Hd^CHESTER EVENING He L o 4 ), MANGHESTEB, OONN, MONDAT^ AUGUST 22, 195B Andovtr waa hopalaaaly lost and without Russia May Make Big Play North Koreans dlreotidnid orientation at the time. (Ckxmmunlet North Korea a thay were ta a state eC tsHM nry ies R^idy Test Pyongyang Radio, in lU bibadcaat RockviUe-Venion Priest Views %ike Wake/ ■hock." T,: •, ■ Carnibar Nets For More of Bonn’s Output To Release U.S. account of the -Sunday meeUng. Contrary to offlolal etatemmta aaid “ toe American aide Jabbered . ^IT CAME FROM which ,eald toe morale of. toe eit- ■nbnaensical dogmas, full of incon- ChurchRuins f was fast returning td nor- Firemen $600 (OoaUnued from Page One) Fliers Tuesday piilty and hopeleea aelf-contradic- IINEATH THE SEA" Republicans Start Planning S a ys^ oh r iiw . Mohr aaid he gained an en- N, ______Flee tlon, in an attempt to obscure the '•CrMlere WHh tSe Slew ■wJa** Uretjr different tinliressiM. T h a r New Battle Flares Regarding loase(Lfrom the flood, Despit^ Flood total lees than ft per cent of West (Ooatiauod troea Pago Oae) iqal state of-the incident ..y .” Tn Unwn C i^ PricBt-Canhluii ^ W tahcsOfllwriui^ Germany's shipmenta abroad. And (Th# broadcast, monitored in F^r Town Eleefion Tonight Flood/Areas Mohr had this to say: Foiinally Install Uiaa Edna Marion Canham," "Most of the damage in' Tor­ Along JCr^za Strip ceive Buihpaa and take charge) of San Francisco, said the plane was dBughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy « A t m n ¥■ •O M futurt RuMUn despite toe prospect' of early •BaMHmMMiBMMMmmn rington and Thomagton eacme(8 to Andover, Aug, 33 (Special),— It Brown’s body will be headed by Lt. "reconnoitering the defense Inetal- "U tterly unbelievable" waa the Q. Canham of Auburn, Maine, and. "^t was Ilk* being at a huge JOMi Bi BURKE ilMivtiloii* New Pastor Here establishment of diplomatic and Rockville] Aug. 33 (SpectAl) —Snoa won over Joseph Keeae 3-8, way the Rev. Stephen Stryjeweki have Iteen inflicted upon industrial was unofficially estimated that the (OMttoaed Iran Page One)' ^ Col. Harold A. Dye,' senior AUied lationa of our side," and declarSd Norman Paul Priest of Wapplng, wake." ■ , -;]■ , niNERAL HOMI A t th«, UJJ. wib- highly Bu'ccaasful Carnibar held by trade relations with Moscow. Ger­ tha intrusion into the area , under The Reputdican''Town Committee 6-4, 3-4. nita was the only match of St. Johns PolUn National Cath­ propertiea. Very few home* in the member of the Allled-Comniunlet eon of toe late Mr. and Mrs. J. That Was to* reeetkin 'ht How­ stricken area were; Irreplacably m u Ml-O-OMC gggUnittM B IM tW tlM VlUtcd the Andover Voluhteer Fire De- man Industrialiats talce a gloomy toe mllitaty control of our side was WlU meet tonight at 8 o'clock in In tjie tournatnent to go over two olic Cliurch described what Waa The Rev. C. Henry Anderaonwaa the frontier aituatian with Egyptian Joint .Truce Observation teams. Paul Priest, were married yescer- loet to toe floods. However, a few partraient on Saturday evening will view of their chances of, recaptur­ Dye la from 1837 North Rock confirmed by 3nd Lt. Bumpaa him- seta. i- left of toe communitiea in toe day at 8 p.m. in the garden at the ard Mohr, former Manchester res­ •T B A o r o a r n t n osr. BtitMt werklB* cto«»ty with Brit- formally InMalled aa paator of officials. tke Superior Court room ;'Chair Barberehopperg t* Meet Waterbury area stricken by last homes on the Naugatuck R iv e r Emanuel Lutheran Church yeeter- clear about |M0. Despite the post­ ing the former eastern markets. . Springs Rd., NE, Atlanta. Bslf Ceinham home. ident and Jayce* praaideht,- when AMWDLANOB SEBVIOB ate. i W * * ■ "* CaiiadA wlU preM ponement from the previous weak An official report earlier aaid Four Obelscle* ipyongyang said the Communist man Raymond K, Hunt has an- Themw 1Clocal chapter of the Barber- week’s flood' diaaatcr. where carried away by toe raging day at a apecial aervlce In the Btimpaa will bo flown to 'tha The dduble ring ceremony waa IM)' reached flcxxl-devaatated Tor- ftloila to aecopt PrMidMit BlMn> and the untimely visit of the flood one Egyptian officer had been They say these are the obstacles; representative, Maj. Gen. Chunk Bounced re will hold a family 'picnic Father Stryjewakl, who waa sent stream." afternoon at 4 o’clock, attended by 131st Evacuation Hoapital near performed by the Rev. J, B. Shaw ringtoo Friday night enroute to howw's pn^Mwal for oxchaiigo of on Friday, several hundred towns­ 1. West Germany’! factories are Kook Rok,^“ Btarniy demanded the Plans for toe Oct. 8 Town eleou- isolated centrid Coimectlcut town cerUin parts of LitchBeld, added SeeMa ere wUUnf to trade inlor- blankets, sparkling batons, hunting The communique, issued by the modities the .west wants. is a ' possibility Bumpaa will be Herbert I. PaganI, will seek reelec- Babe Ruth League playoffs help the people who l(» t their Holy quet of white and pink sweet­ to the misery of toe storm-atrick- Greetings were brought by Mayor knives and South American straw Seoul. Aug. 33 (jP)— Fast apraad- Saviour (Thurch, r e c to r y and he stored uD a waiter of unforget- meUon eC ^ u e l value to thla coun- Harold A. Turklngton, represent­ Egyptian War Miniitry, said near­ 3. The ■ Russians have had a evacuated to Japan. tion. begin tonight at 6 o’clock. Alao, in heart ' roaes. Her attendant wore en populace, Mohr observed. hats were emptied by the crowds ing sncephalitie has stricken 49 *io ono o f tho grounds during the fl(M>d. Father aMa Impreaelona. ing the' town of Manchester; the by Israeli aettlement# opened mor: marked tendency to fall down on Parks fiuihed with anger aa he Exceptions ar* on to* Board of outdoor baiketball, the Rotary will dark roae crepe and laca and her is.. , The American Brass Co., plant which stood five deep at timea Korean children and 29 of them great picturee play Zahnar’a Men Shop, ^ g in ­ Stryjewakt, was pictured yesterday Mohr aaid the moat impressive ^'iiaeiih( I Raymond fledberg, president tar fire on the Egyptian poet. Dur­ deliveries, to the West when trade talked about toe inetdent in the have died since laat weak. Education with Chairman John colonial atyle bouquet ..'S’aa of in .Torrington, Mohr said, seemed waiting for tuma. ing an exchange of fire, Egyptian agreements have been made. ■ Gottier and Mra. ' Sarah H. ning at 6:30. by a New Haven newspaper aa he thing about toe disaster stricken ful but opUmlsUc. They b e lie f | Hartford District; Robert G. demilitarised zone, In Pusan, where 39 children are o f thfe or mixed flowers. Mrs. Canham waa to )iave suffered the greateat dam­ that If RaaSia turns dosm aerial in­ 'The bingo party in the. firehouse Capt. Abdul Rahman Habib waa 4. Germany and Russia must Brookes, chairman of toe Teach­ 'Die Playground program at stood on the front steps of the 'ili..( -'i.iUif,' illj.ii city of 30,000, WIU the eerie quiet age fi^m the Aood. Loomis of Porter St., for the Man The communista .charged the reported ill all primary schoola attired in a gown of embroidered ttiat followed in the wake of ebMiig spection and inslsu on rprtrlcted was so well attended .that It, too, killed and four soldiers seriously eatabliah normal political relations any ym m rV ers’ Committee, having stated Iq- Henry Park enters its Anal week ruined church, the only part ofthe He also noted that tie work cbsstsr Council of Churches, and ran out of merchandiae at an early plane waa spying on their Installa- were closed. equa crepe, with which ahe wore Mra. Neiman P. Priest floods. ground inspection as in the Ipiat. it Arvid Osols for the Latvian con­ wounded. before there can be imy large- tiona. Parks said all evidenea e COM04G WED. e tenUona of retiring. Both hav* been according to Miss Jeanne Chad- buildiQg that was le ft a corsage of pink roses. done by emergency crews, and hour. A ll other bchooia totpugliout the bourne, director. A t laat reports The Manchester prieet, looking win mean that Moecaw.^a present gregation which holds Hs worship Five Israeli armored care ap­ acale resumption of trade, and the pointed to the conclaeion that membera of to* Board for a num­ Following theceremony a re­ " I t was like the reaction of especially helicopter pilots, waa ca n M •roM ieM * sV • Chief George Nelson became country opened today after sum­ enrollmenta ' In the summer pro­ for religious articles washed away leaders are no more prepared than services in Emanuel Lutheran peared during the fighting, the prospects of that are not encourag- Bumpaa was hopcleaely loet. STATE THEATRE ber of years. ception waa held at the-home of triiops after being through a terri- pa^cularly laudable and the ai- tsi cemiitTicvt iiatt sitt<(ai 1 was Stalin to join In effecting a Chef Nelton of the refreshment mer vacation. gram had Included 236 children. by the rampaging waters, found High School,Auburn, Fqrmington, Church. communique aaid. ng to long as the Ruaelana main­ Parka declared that Brown was Seven typhoid cases were also MANCHESTER ' Shannon Wtaa the bride’s . parents, 84 ' Harvard Maine, Normal School and Bates fle bombing, during World W ar II. Aicfted towns were making’ a gal- system of international arms re' booth, assisted by Lt. Sanford Egypt is lodging strong com­ tain their adamant stand against Donald Shannon retained toe Tonight’s Meetings only a chain that held the sanc­ Charles S. Wakeley, organist and "murdered by a gang of trigger reported in Pusan. St., Auburn. For a wedding trip College,, too bride taught for toe EArefybody who ' had anything to .iant comeback in the face of the duction contrid- Hathaway and Alfred GUI, and ran plaint with the United Nations tennii championship of Rockville Frank Badatuebner Post., VirW. tuary lamp, choirmaater. played the organ pre­ German reunification. happy gunners who preffees to be through Vermontr the bride is past-eight yeara at Auburn High say at ail said it in a hushed tone. w on t Aood in the State’s history. Adenauer's talks in Moscow will a thriving business in hot doga. cof­ Mixed Armletlce Oommlealon and West, Germany could uiq wood, by defeatlM John Furphey ^1, 6-2 will hold a special meeting tonight h it by Gas Tanka ' ludes and accompanied the choir in upholders of peace, staunch de­ wearing a light blue suit with School. The bridagroom, a Everywhere you would see people On freein g take up German reunification, the fee sbda and potato chipa. U N. dbeervere, toe communique iron ort. chrome, nickel, man­ at Henry Park yesterday. '. at the Poet Home on Elm St., at He stated that when the Nauga­ the hymns and anthems. The Rev, fenders of the 'armiatice agree' white accesaories. The couple will graduate of Manchester High standing on the-fron.t step* of toeir ■Don’t argue with a fool—Uaten- return of German war prisoners 'The cake booth waa under the added. ganese, oil and coal from the So­ Shannon firet won toe cham- 8 o’clock tuck River overflowed its banks, a Kenneth H- Oranquist was officiant ment, and ardent humanitarians” be at home to toeir friends in School and Bates College, . q ^ s homes, looking much aa though era may not know which is which. still held in Russia. and. news Personal Noticeo how to choose yegeuMta and SOI), Donald, a pen. for equara dancing which waa held patrol had been hred on from aev- "The eastern countries cannot constant Oommuniat abuse. 6-1. 6-1. Mrs. Furphey and Mrs. valuable-books and all o f hia cloth­ welcomed the gttesta while Gar-' REMODEUNG AND REPAUtlNG American - officials are deter- eral EkrypiAiu poets in -lihe area Items are now being handled fruiu for frtezing, how to prepare Mrs. Ann Scott, chairman of the in front of Avery's store. offer loo much in exchange for The email trainer plane, flying B e^ rd will be matched for thf ing. Fattier Gogolski said that it rity offered his cdngratulatiens to t mined to confront the Russians refreshment committee. ,was aa- while making a border Inapectlon women’s ciiampionahip later. through The Maaehester Evening was 4:30,a.m. when the first wave them ezpcTtly, hew to with a W ’les of concrete proposi­ First Selectman L. Edward Whit­ German products. from Kimpo A ir Baas near Seom. the. court members’: Card of .Thanks % FRE^ ESTIMATES—MORTGAGES ARRANGED aisted by the following committee, on leracl’s side of the frontier. 'The economic atructure of the In Saturday’s aerii-rinala in toe Herald, Roekville Bureau, located hit t))e church, but it wasn't (intll The new judges were given Wo wlflh to thank" alt our hrlfhborc. them to Mve the Savor, keep the tions for agreement to test the comb, who is also assistant chief waa Maated out o f the sky by at 1 Market Hi rppreienting the various church or- of the Fire Department, was In states in eastern Europe -— before men’s tournev. Furphey defeated telephone Rock- ,ome time later that the 8300,000 brief caaea and all the members of frlendM and rrlnilvoi for tho many acts texture, color and viiamins. Rn e » po^blllUea of real East-West ac­ Conmnuniat gUnnere when it acci­ vine TR ft-SIS6. o( kIndnoM shown ui In our recent 'be* ganisationa, Mri. Signs Hallin, charge of the nickel toss game andi - . , . • -n . , ] the war traditionally important dentally flew over the demilitar­ Broil St. Louie 6-1, 6-2; while Shan- church was washed away. the court staff received fountain Septcmber'i bounty with the help cord and expose the reasons for Mrs. Betty Heck. Mrs. Lydia Wog reav^ment the loon of our dauchter ERNEST A. RITCHIE attr|u:ted a ateady flow of patron-] M o t O r i S t S K O U t C C l trade parthere of Germany — has ized zone. Father Stryjewahi also reported pens. . Patricia Morrioon. We eopeclalty thank of September Mtntr Hoim$ d failure if tbat.accord proves Impoa- man, Mrs. Gloria Benson and Mias "KILLER APE” 16 LIB ER T Y ST. — T E L . MI 3-8172, MANCHESTER --|^^te^tp^a thev feel more comlortaale, Doea Percy Obok and O^it. Ted Rockville to West Stafford. Trade with the East is always a sity of Connecticut this fall, in ford .County was the principal M MW ‘Vlate Oder” tSea- I Hartford National Bailey, Mri. Frances M. Barrasso, ^an breath). Oat rogTEST* at any Wright, local contraotora,. took No looting has been reported in risky affair since the totalitarian the School of Agriculture. speaker at a testimonial dinner Bank and ihiist Co. as 8ft along their buUdoaing :equi|WMnt __ MATINEE DAILY Mason S. ^Iden, Reubeti H. Bos- ... grus counter.. Stafford Springs, •'mainly because states use trade as a political wea­ ' ley. Mrs. Ruth Boylngton, Mra. held In honor ofthe membera of I Conn. Bnnk and and U * emergency truck with j "thlng'^liaa'been whee'led out of DMra Ogea DoUy 1;M Manchwtler E v e n in g Herald pon.” - - - - lath er P. Diman, Mrs. Elizabeth the new court staff here yesterday Trust Co. . , ...... 75 so radio and lighting equipment com­ Errlenasace 1:4f Hebron oorreapondent, MIm Susan I Manchester Triut ... Oft . the stores and piled along the sides /. “ Dombrowfld, FrAnk Dsicek, Solo- at the Garden, Grove. pleted toe convoy which left here of the etreete," according to police. Pendleton, telephone, ACademy. Numbered among the 175 who P in laanraMo Osaennleo / )!« CONDITIONf D ; mon Ellenberg, Mies Clara M. El- at 3 p.m. and arrived .toer$ at 4 Yesterday aaembera from —the 8-8484...... — -— ...... attended the“ Einnef were' fepre'^ tAatnnnre .“.rr.<-.... foit* 78'ir o'clock. • .1 LARGEST SC R U N f ....' lie, Ddiiglaa M. Fellowe, Mrs. Doris S cM ■ Hartford Fire ...... ISO 170 Stafford Springs Barracks aaalated EASTWOOD '■ P. Fiih, Mra. Esther Frenkel, Mra. sentatives from nearly every town The crew returned here a t 11:80 at the scene of the helicopter in the Fourth Senatorial District, I National Fire ...... 90 103 laat night. ^ast Hsrtford TElEViSION i Eva Goldman, Mra. Louise E. I Phoenix ...... 83Vi 87H crash which Injurod three Marines, "It Came “Creature I Hawley, ' Alfred X Heim, Mrs. Bolton Men Aid Judge Wealey Gryk said tcxlay. A large convoy ffom several one seriously. He addressed the gathering, oa Qne-e^ U fa and InSeinnltv Ine. Oea. departments in aurrounding towns From With The 1 Eva Keleti. Frank Kulynych, Har- j vey H. LJppincott, Clifford R. |AatnaX4fe ...... 33ft 340 waa reported by the Wlllimantlc Motor trouble developed in toe Beneath Atom Disaster Cleanup I Aatna Casualty '...... 200 awttohboard to have left for l^lt' plane lust before the group was go^ PROGRAMS ] Perry, Horace N. Porter. Mra. ■ )■ I Conn. General ...... 500 ftOO nam at S p.m. ine to land at, the -Borough Ele- The Sea" Brain" Maralvn R. Porter. Wilbur S. Por­ Hartford Steam Boll. 100 100 Boys Safe at Oamp mmtary School. The plane struck ter, Martin T. Sauer. Jared B. Bolton, Aug. 22 (Special)—Lo­ iTravelera ...... 0 ^ 102 <4 a tree and Pfc. Warren Lovely wSs with With Ividao Everyday—All Rights Reaerved—H. T. Dickinson A Co.. Ine.| Tennant Jr.. William H. Warner. cal firemen participated in disaster Joseph Carter ana Robert Mann TONIGHT Kpaapth Tokey BIckAnl De«AlaK Given On C.O.D. Deliveries '■ PnMle UttnOM taken- to Johnson Memorial Hos­ • Foelure KIrti iI Taachers Vaeatkming cleanup at Mechanlcsville late yes­ Sr., returned last night from a ■ Conn. Light Power .. 1 S:M*«:S5“E:U visit to Camp Pioneef, the Boy pital with undiaclosed Injuries. Koanotli Tol^y Mrs. Charles M. Laroqmb and terday. Responding to a call at 4. IConn. Power ...... 4 Scout Camp-in New Hartford. Des­ Also injured slightly were crew Faith Dwmerqao Mre. Everett B. Porter. ''Ijebron p.m. for the portable pump and I Hartford Elec. Lt. ... ft pite rumore tost toe camp was members let.L t. Irving Sir Louis •'IT <’A>IF FROM teacher* ar^ on vacation for 10 manpower they met in rendezvous AUTO iHfutford Gaa Co. .... 3 RRNKATH THK marooned, the men found it accea and 2nd Lt. Richard U. Temple. 8KA" days at West Dennis. Maaa. Mra. with other area firemen at the I ko. New England The plane waa on a survey mlagloh Larcomb teaches Windham Street Shell CTiateau in Willimantic. ■Ibir. Electricity waa being sup Shork full erth rlllo PAINTING & Tel...... 424 44 4 School, connected with t)ie State The men worked throughout the piled by emergency power and of Stafford Springs. It waa one of •C'RFATI'RK WITH RANGE & FUEL OIL II HEnflMtEffMlB Oemoaelee swimming was reetrlfcted for the aeveral from New River. S. C. THK Teachers' College. Mra. Porter evening using water power to 11 Allied Thermtl ...... 81 time being. A helicopter had vial brought to the state to aaaiat dur-' ATOM BRAIN* teaches' at the Annie E. Vinton knock down the remaining ^.IL* BODY WORK IIA ais HErdwsre • MlAFriAE* tad toa tomp on Saturday to-see ing the dliiaatef pfrtod.' RirharR DeReUff School, MAnifield. ' of the ma^esiUiti fgciiory. They Arrow. Hart. H tg, ...48 61 if aaaiatance was needed HoMOvor. . EodsTuos. No Damage report bulldozers and other equip­ A m o . Bpilnf .. . . . 29 32 The camp had been out o f milk W> TALBNt SCOl'TS— complete auto painting. iNViSTMENT for a deep cut on her heel, ib ree ^ H e connected with the Manning Chsaatl U nalyakc. Mom. Arlkar Oadiray / of Hebron, wrho' with )ier tw XOMKDY KOBttRB daughters, lias spent part of the 1 'W a s h e r The above qoouuoaa are not to given tetanus ahota and three shots log Co.-, international gem dealers, t:tt. (It) SOLVE THE CHIME OPPORTUNITY • ta < t> OOTOOOB ADV. CLUB - (It) FILM >, • summer. She is expected home be-! - SERVICE ood be conatrued as actual markets. of novocains to alleviate toe pain. „ (ISI WK8TKBB rLAYBOOSE fore the end of the present, month, j OHIWI ^ (It) MATINBR TBBSTBB (la (tS) THOSE WHITINO GIBLB Prertdent E. K. fleyd., o f the CO -H R Brafrau) “ nylax WIU” (lAU) PEE WEE UMG SHOW During the visit Mrs. Porter and ] WITH Fire Department, waa driving j (5t) TT THEATEB her sister-in-law. Miss (Tlare. | M d R I A R t t eeeaeeeei MAIOCH "rh e Gnn OUT WEBT WITH BILL A U MAKIS TSHOSt ila eraxrata) points of Interest. being aaslated by two other diU- The W ea f*. (U> VMCLB ED’8 rUM CLVB MUNSOirS CANDY Jqstabel Crowned BROTHERS MA0A2INE dien. When .he noticed to^ blood i;u .TaB,EABLY“ ------r i f o w t:M (IS) BOBBBT MONTGOMBBT aeaech and g yearn actual meet iq Marlborough thle evening KENNETH TOBEY —"Girt Tram Alaika" PBESEM TST ••BaaiV’’ publiahlng ekperiiucatatlaa IM ItSStI - I - at S o’clock. ROLTrN Nt'T6'‘ NOW (H) TWIiJQKT------THEATEB ( AAi) ETBBL A ALBEBT Its I «e.s) I ( t M I e.) • ;M ( t) BBPnaUOFE — Pag Lyacli' sad Alas to moat competitive aidia to see se.t» I s«.» le.i TTe referendum'on Putdic Act A\'c o ■>' 'MA (U) k fira BWBA1rsAxaEK the etate. Now atepe-will be see I «r.4i I wee I sei 409 will be held tomorrow at the | "CREATURE WITH ENDS WED. (fi) BIO f ic t Cb r (It) BOXING PBELIM IM ABIES IL>«^ laiijiilenMlw «l wMiew»«>■)■■ V 'i«lMt------«M tklr-w^ Tfown Hail Poll will be open from ; (tl) TTO KVEWiWG—Vartaly ( I t ) PEE W EE BIMO As AdvortisocI taken to pubilnh local coplea THE ATOM IRAIN" S:4t ( 9) W K ATfnC Am (It) STAG E ••S" In every local area la the « a.m. to 7 p.m.. Mrs. H ow a^ | CXP 0 9 ING SECRET UVESl • :U ( t) WOB1S 5 BW8 TO D A Y __ — “Laawa la Bal I^ad" ### state. • _ Sprenkle will serve as moderatolr. RICHAKD DENNING (t|) DOCl'MEHTABV TBEATCB lt:tt ( M i) SVMMKB THBATBE — SENIOR in LI VIN O nuTNOM •wain • w vw „ —"Tka V aya» laktfUaaea” I AlUtherto forblddeasubjbct (W ) tCYSTEBY •nlBATEB if inftrMfMl, writ* for . .Maaobeotrr E v e n in g Herald I If'C'M bos duwi to — “ Araaa Baekat Sqaad" KEN WED. I •'LADY AND (ItLBOXIMG — details to; NUNCHUTIIl Andover rorreapoodrnt. Mra. Paul Mooeliostor Pfanetlehl, telepkeew PI S-SSftS. ™ > t 9 A A I P " drunstise the book — Paste M alia-Blasi Masera tea «aiN snnr . . imwS m m Nichols Tifo Co. IS rd. (rallarw alckl. ■'A. NBGHIOlClNCV OiM" Mm. r«M. w«e. M. * « a Aie CHIl OnCN FRt E tbot Nvoils tbo U :lt (It) THE B l’O O lXS Converts to 3 •m rtanSar* f Jt M i • CIMM IMoSiM (») WBBBTUMO . Box G. Horoid. IV e ^ - . . J a ;r I I ocrotsof tbo SBbarbBBilc (It) PLAY OF THE W EBB Many Acts fspehiotrkfs coocbl -Beoap*' 11 lit (lA lA M ) MEWS sas.Ntw, ( I) DOI'GLAS PAIBBANB 8 —PBBSEBTS: “BI m M s f - d a r * * FOAIVI B E D On Variety ShoWj sts LATE SBOW Qff the floor styling • {SolkOty to convert Tita ( t) MB. DIATBICT ATTOBMKT C o m nil u nity T, second floor a^ CeWaal. t;iaa;lt. ' (II) MEWS AMD WBATHEB bility . . . sturdy, handsome styling for dining than. Admission will be acall oyer (»> MBALyS CLOBBOl’SE U ) i t ( I I I Dll* to tho GKOiit storni oor GoM on JubHoo Pooch* TUES. Oa-raaL 9:11 " WiDMARK B B (U) SOVPY SALES (tl) W BATBEB * No heavy motoi uni^ to move by mnation at the door and 111# (»> SPOBTS H ilt (B ) TED LOCKWOOD Khool and after school. the proceeds w ill be fqr toe 7:)U ■ (lAAt)----- JOBM------DALY— Nawa 11:19 ( I) ADV. o r SBBBLOCB os hovo riponod FAST. (IS) DOWM TBB PAIBW AY _ BOLMBS—“Shy Balteikas" benefit Of the Manchester Aa- ■fCHNiCOlOe Grahame Gish tits (M ) SPOBTS M O B 8 T . ^ la (M l W BATBBBVAM K U :lt ( t> N ITE ^P TBBATBB OXFORD Children^ Tnc. The m oney will Ilii ( A tt) M ATT DBMMIS SBOW t . a a I (IM S) SPOBTS TBBILLS • iw W f R h N B H W S i z e * t V ^ - 1 2 'A w ed fl* heel, TkcM are exeollent for cahniiif, freciinf or freah greatly aid ln maintaining toe Day (It) TB U IS YODB MCBIC . TOMOBBOW'S'BBADUMBS U S B AS T W I N S O R eating. GET THEM AT ONCE aa we can't keep.them Care program at the Bunce Center. (tM tl^BOEOLAS BDWABDS, 3:99 ( I t ) 3UTIMEE 1 3 -d regular heel. A lively program has. been ar­ t i l t ( 1) BIO BAVOPr V r for Any length of time. I t t a ( B 4 I) m m CABAVAN A DOUBL.B BSD ranged with Francis CyrkiewUn (IM I) JOUVS LABOSA SBOW (. , .■, acting, aa master of ceremonies. ■:tt ( t) PBOODCBB'S SflOW CASB: J. A. YFAinS . J- — "Tha Btag aad H la. Caa- Tbny O’Brlght and hla orcheetral 4to" ADDITIONAL - Prices A re wlU furnish the music for toe vari-1 (U ).‘TV DIORST— .. oua acta and Sanford Brown wUl -r"Tha Oraat Anaand Car Uboral Keith T e rm s UMiiKEIIR-S^SiiiiaK QMiHiiM B T " •• J 1 accompany at the piano. ( » ) T K ______: , u The following art Juat a few of n E E PAKKING le KetthM’ Plf«|lte Very Reasonable (3) SSS^aoicB im X A OOMPANT OPEN THUBSDAY EIVENING8 UNTIL t. the children that will perform: PLVO i SiM BIG H R ! .iM ik m _____ Let Adjetaleg Ik e Store. N * Meta Bevfriy De Simone, tap number; Cloeed Every Meedlay. Regular Heure From a A.9L Uettl ft:W P.N. n»e Betir* Bleek Jeet B«rth Ol;0 Paulette Croteau, comedy number; VOU MAVg bOLBOM OCKN * taCTUIIff S0CM09 IWrrHTHIIIUJbl Mary Alice Twltchell. toa dance; Comer Table with Donna Clfarelli. ainflng ‘'Pretty] Concealed Storage Space Baby"; Paula Ctrafeuti ballet num-{ THE FALLOT STUDIO her. In the toqg department. John­ —J 'll I ( '( Mill UpholalerM table with plo9tjc_ n ORCHARDS ny Taggart WlU do a popular num­ AAicarta top, hot a lift-up lid for b a r A * 8 Un4— 271 OoUand St. ber; firb a ra Brown and Maty! | reitfiaoAt ! ^ [ PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHERS Ellen. Jeffries, eingtng a duet: and M) ’ I • • ( •xtro storage apace in* lirted j e Averr.) W o f f i n r MsodiMtor a group of very young ehUdnen wUlj •tarring FRED MneMIJRRAT mwmmmiMmmim cempfwtment . . . . $3^.95 aing and daitta, .j '. ‘i . - W E GIVE « f < 6 l l E E N STAMPS ■ • X r I' -A

J'T'*-.' ■ / lUkNCHE^IEE EVENING ^BRAI|>. MiU^CHESTEB. CONN. MONDAY. AUGUST 22. 19^ ' ■-> ‘ ' . , ' ^ }Zlc^^ ■''.. lIANCHiSTER EVENINdr HERALD, MANCHESTEE, OONN«'MONDAY, AUCyOT 22. 1965 mlutonan can nagotlata If mem- V Coventry T r a n s it aary for aandoa Bp another eom- Bcriton ^ ? Spa^ Experts pany. Coal Pit Miner CD Communications Units V > . I " / ■ ' laOMosI hi FIna G>rpses Float Martin Home to Conduct Disc^uiil IPerils Budget Meetings Scheduled; Ends in Qipi eommlaaionara are expected to ArriY< Pollution Feared in Town: thta^wpak to invite other firms to Lost in €ave-In, Operating in Flood Arenas eonaUm^taklng over tha transit Out of Graves Flood Damage Investigation A ft e r 52 D a y s operatlm^^,Conuala■loller Thomas Lake Swimming Dangerous 0 £ Cosmie Ray Boards Tardy with Reports A. Lana saw^^’Tour or five" alraadp ____ ..... ------■k;n‘rTni- hare shown aiPlBjtereat. - - General Manager‘ WoSard M ar-. ^ in D a n g e r 'TCi HahcbiMir At Wboiisocket _ . 26 Holloman Air Development OMir; Waahington, Atig. (2 (F)''— l i ^ a E. W o lfN b Florida flnan' ttai haa /sturned to Manchester, p*n;, arrest. . > Communleatioiw Dlrision.'. waary Oovintry, Aug. 33 (Special)—R ' ' * Spsctel OowtsblB Bueeea and atreetcars rolled again Police Name Bdlton, Aug. aa lapscial) Dr.^ . Minister Beturae ter. N. M., AU (. 32 (F) — Coamlc clqr who gained eontrolUng In­ Interrupting tha 3-wask vacation | Walter R. Hutchtos, 33, Bruns- fa g a Oma) from a waekand of tadlng towns Tha Rev. and Mra. Arthur Wal Town boards and agenclea have The Board o f Selectmen has ap­ through Waahington . streeta to­ terest in Oipital TrarMt ^ years (CkHittoMd Allai) Lsysntlisl, aspi•^bt local raya may make your hair turn bean very alow In aubmitting bute- pointed Mra. Leo T;' Leary as a Om ) Jfroa, Oovantry; a (Oeathiaeg Page One) that were .stricken by laat waak’a lace. curtained a -10 day vacation day eg AFL transit union workers ■go, haa offered to sell ahe com­ and Mra. Alton h. stsTtwi Diurwisy to « « j health otficar, ysstatdsy said "cem- et requests to the Board of Fi- qieelal cemtahle for pt slx-montha returned to their Jobs after a 52- and Mrs. Oarl An- Coal and Iron 06; sant ratcua flood dUaster, vamalnad. eh duty at Hampton Beach, N. H., Satur­ white, but they're not the outer pany lor (14,000,000. N - . daughtar to high qphBpf gymnaefum, and Mayor damage done' her# the heavy Known Dead ditloAs are rip# for pollution" and space threat It waa flrat feared, nance. Chairman Albert. J. .Booth term. She will aasUt the cnnsUblea day atrtke. daraoK Haw tain. MacDonald, was lined 827 ’ for taama to tha scans, gpatalancaa day to return, home. They made The wage increase, acceptsd'Fri' m KcviiP^K. Coleman ordered the rains and flooding Thursday and operating a motor vehicle without today.' ^ ' / seriously questioned the advias- their uaual ftfur hour trip In eight space medicine experts said today. ■aid today. in any arrests Involving women or The walkout waa aetUed early day night by some 3,4<)0 unthq^ ■ SIBD 8ATURDAT: cafeteria opened there, under e Friday. and Art equipment from naarby biUty o f swimming St Bolton Lake For thie reason it' haa been any person under 16 years o f age. la, IM Autumn St.;- a license. Hutchins was taken to Edward Kirkliam. communica­ and a half hours. They said "a trkveler In thd yeatmday when the city granted members, wilt give them an im ->P Jainaa CD olBccr. Martin, who was vacationing In And Missing tions division cMaf, said today that St this time. Ha said he had no stratoephera should be able to per­ necessary to spaed up the private SSy^ewMUWeUM M i| j£ VI Palmar, Andovar; the Hart ford’^County Jail until tha tactions sped to tha braakar. No ...Family Cornea Honae The oflee said today that a Capital Transit Co. fare Increaaes mediate 10-eent hourly boost and Meanwhile In Masaachuaetta, Morgan. Vt„ fstiirnsd with his fine la p5id. ' a Manchastar moblla unit dlapatch- specific knowledge upon which to form duties In a normal manner hearings o f these groups with the situation arose about 10 days ago to offset a' 15-cent hourly wage an additional hike of 5 cents next •M Ida pULiM aa an «Aca at th* Hra. «tta Patttahall and aon, family last night, and this morn­ fira was raportad In tha flrat nawa ' Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Freddo and •irpect. PaUraoa. radaral federal, etate and ' local agenclea Those lined fo r speeding were (O m Ub m S tram Page Caa). ed to UnlonvUIe Saturday morning base hla opinion now but .will two amall children -made a with no serious after effects." Board in order to complete town making it necessary to have a boost for drivers and mechanics. July 1. Theyorifilnally had sought Wln( lla; Mrs. Marilyn Rooms, combined today to form a gigantic ing ha betsn an Inswctlon tour from tha scene. have samplea of water from the tadget reports by Sept. I, ha said. C M r D ttm m A im liila ^ o r . wlU S3 iritfin Rd:; Mrs. 'AdaUna Wilton E. Flamm. 28. of 33 Win- la atill thara, manned by local j>er- torturoue trip home from an lao- The announcavent followed toeta woman aaalst the coneteblea In­ Affecting soma 400,000 dally a 25-cent hourly Increase. The for­ mop-up work force s i flood waters of the town m the company of damere Ave., Rockvillt. 318; and The flooda, which have ravaged Glen. 7, Jamas, 5, and Lawranea, sonncl aerving la relays. lake tasted within the n4xt few In Michigan In wWcmtve-innnkeys - Tha Board has arranged the fol­ volving an arrest. The need for mer aeala was (1.00 an hour for ka laainit tat tha Hartford maat- ildt, 76 8 L John St.; Mrs. JOan Town Engineer James H. Shaeksy,. lated Vermont camp Saturday. riders, the Ueup was the aerond continued to recede and expoae Mary 8. Noaworthy, 46, of West aaktern Pennsylvania, washed out 4, Davit, Farmington. Ha alao aaid tliat an attempt had days. and rats wore sent soaring: .Tor lowing schedule of hearings: To­ auch a pel-son haa been felt for a drivers and 32.08 for top median' 83 OoodWln St.; Mn|. Janat who was acting general manager The family had no inkling of the longest In's major American city. Bawieaer Blaak Chaok .more fully the flood'i destructive Hartford, 815. or damaged railroad linaa and Mr. and |frs. Chadwick, Farm­ been made last night to supply The health officer gave two long periods In huge balloone 15 morrow at 7:30 p.m.. Town A s m *- long time. As a reeulfFlrat Select­ Ics. uUivaa and daughtar, RFD 1, In Martin's absence,-, snd MS>or diaaster that had struck southern Detroit had a 56-day transit strike a uAm s ^ effects. 1 Three drivers fined 818 each far roads so that coal ahipmenta to the Torrington, one of the worat-hlt reaeone Tor hla warning on swim- to 30 miles above tha surface of sor, and Zoninr Board of Appeals; men Goodwin W. 'Jacobeon con­ about five years ago. Fare Increases boost the coat of jameTciSertyi ChutnutHlIl; Mrs. Amalia Under­ Harold A. Turklngton. ington. New England until they reached fcaaa aacratary, aaW that M r — Col. John N. Msginnis. Msi- violationa of the rules of tha road breakkra In th# Shenandoah area OolUnsvlIla (4) towns In tha atata, with communi­ ming.'-'One waa the terrific amount Northampton, Mais., and literally the earth. S p.m., Ilbrariea; 8:30 p.m., the sulted the constables who "ap­ tokens from 10 19 cents and wood, Kallay Rd., Ro^kvlllo; Mrs. sachuastts director of Civil De­ Like any vacationer seeking a were practically at a atandatill. Town Clerk; Thursday at 7:30 Nearly Nonaal Service to Cowar haa civM Pataraen “In were Donald Coitfa, 34, Spring- Harman Hackbarth, 65, ColHna- cations, but that the effort failed t at rainfall and rapid run-off of picked their way home from there. The balloons and techniques for proved of the Idea; A epokesman for Capital Tran- raise the charge tor weekly per­ Catharina Oinolfl, RPD 1. Rock- fense, toured the state's disaster complete rest, Martin hidn't The Shenandoah area, like , moat water on Friday. The other wae p.m.. Firs Department and the' U a T a h u a i^ K ” to .prw viUai Mrs. Roas HaHoran, 107 field, Mass.; Anna M.'GoodwIU, to. vllle. ) bacause of technical dlfficultlaa Public Records * tesUng the cf.fecta of. cosmic rays Teacher Moves ait promieed "nearly normal’ mits, allowing holders unlimited areas yestkrdsy and later asserted listened to a newscast or read' a of the anthracite fltia, haa baan thapoaatbiUty that waehoute along — heavy partlclqs elements Safety Patrol Aeen., Aug. 30. at •naiiWaey rallaf fuada lot/ tha Proapact 8t., Rockvllla; Mary Hill­ of 37 Jarvis Rd.; and Rqbert F. HlMing: Three marobara of tha He said two units were sent'out Warranty Deeds; Harry Good­ at Mrs. Loretta Hanaen, who service today. Trial runs were rides at 10 cents each, from 75 to that the flood's destruction ex­ newspaper after arriving In Mor­ drenched with soma nine or mora the chore may have expoaed eeptic from the sun — were developed 7:30 p.m., the Board of Education. atrle£m araaa. man, North Oovantry; Oaorga Jar. Oladdings. S3. Andover. Leonard Pomaski family. to set up communications between win Jr., to Harry B. Jr. and Helen taught the orchestra ahd else made over -eome routes yaaterday 90 cents. Cash fares remain 20 Hacarty aaM tbara bow I about ceeded that wrought by three hur­ gan. and as a result knew nothin#: Inches of rain In the past few days tank lines. A ll eeselone will ba closed and vis, sot Adams 8t.; Mrs. Afina Robert J. darter, 17. of Box Mt. New Hartford (5>^) Torrington and Bloomfield, where E.- Willlanru, house on Brookfield here and reportotl oh ky Maj. Davis clubs In the Coventry-Day School after police ordered autos cleared cents. Someons, IU.000,000 la tha ft ddaat’a ricanes Iset year. of the damage done in Connecticut Rd., Vernon, Was fined 315 for op­ and It la believed thb storm In­ Gagllardoae to Serve O. Simons, chief of the space will be held In the Town Office Klainaohmidt, 42 D tiva. D; Mrs until Saturday, whan someone Edward Heacoz, New Hartford. State CD communlcatlbna- head- Rd.; R. D. Valentine to'Robert E. haa moved to Auguste, Ga, with from streetcar tracks and bus Damage over Billion erating a motor vehicle Aug. 17 directly may have had something Louis Hlnuian, New Hartford. (luarters la located. The Torrington State Rep. Eugene Gagllardone and Gloria'A. Robinson, house on biology branch of the Aero Medical Building. her young eon, Hans, to be with Jannia Lampracht, 113 Spancer showed him a Boston newspaper. to do with tha collapse. atopa. Parking in theae spots had N, *']BSSSww*)Mt Satdr^ auall- Damage in MsssscliusctU Slone with defective hand brakes and Mrs. Bias Bouchard, 33, and unit, traveling In a C!D communica­ o f Webater Lane waa named to a Rt. 6. Field Laboratory here. The meetings .are arranged prior her husband <3orp-. Carl L. Hansen maybs YOU it .; Alanaadar McGlnlay, 31 Oak WSJ placed unofllclsHy,^ at more "From that Boston ppper," Mar­ to the open public meeting when been permitted as an emergency tlierdsiMS* ftdtrtl mufflara. —^ Daughtar, Carol, 10. tions bus, reached Ita deatlnatlon, 6-man committee of Tolland Coun­ TesUng the haurda o f coanaic who le etetloned at Gaiiip Gordon r a n g e 8t.; Mrs. Klaaaor Naaslff and son, than a billion doltsrC tin said this morning, ‘T got tha final diecuaeion end consideration measure.' aid, tat did not iUpuJata----- Four drivers charged with p a c ­ Miss B. Charmains Bouchard, 18. but that because the town is locat­ ty leglalatora ufho will atudy the Maacheater EvenlBg Herald raya ^ 6 man. when and if he la Hawaii 108 Oadar 8t.; Oscar Forand, RFD A t least 13 died In the MSi- ImprcMion all of <3onnectlcul was queation of future uee of the are given" the budgets before the The settlement was negotiated ■padde aaaouat at aaenay ' ing atop signs were Andrew T. Eaat Granby ( I ) ed in a low area surrounded by Bolton torreeitoadeat, Mrs. Joseph reaches outer apace, wae accom­ Pfe and Mrii. D onG . •Churchill under a bill signed Aug. 14 by . e^e must payf 1, RoahVllla; Mrs. Anna Bis, Has sschusetts floods, hundreds were underwater” He said he immedi­ County Home in Vernon. The com­ Finance Board presents its reports ttfOVldtd. ardviUa; MrA Baaulah Cbllins, 83 Geidel, 27. Hartford, (13 borwl for­ A Mrs. Holland. hills, rsdto contact could not be D’ltalia. telephoae M l 3-6548. plished b^ use of big plaeUc bal- Jr., who taught InCoventry President Eisenhower, 'nils gave l UEL OIL Hagarty aald tha left homeless snd thousands were ately tried to put a talephona call O b itu a r y mittee waa eatabllahed kt a meet­ Ioon|)Nlive animals were pieced and recommendaUons to the an­ gataiton at union 8L, Rockville; Mrs. Blanche through to .Manchester but was feited; Cyril 8. Lewis Jr., 37, Saynour (3) made writh Bloomfield, Kirkham Day School during TP53-54, and district o f Columbia commiaaion- tmitti OroMo* and Hocth Carolina made at least temporarily Jobless. Stoughton, Maas., 510 bond for ing o f the legislator! laat week In aboard the balloons and sent to nuel Town MeeUng in October. GASOLINE W H E N two cars ooUidfi, ^ Aadrada and daughter. 148 Bran More than 50 persons were re­ told by long-distance operatora Mra. Josephine Cripps, Seymour. said. their young eon. Ronnie, ere living era power to negotiate a wage »iM> hnva baan Invltad to thoHart- feitad; Donald B. Varlay, 37, Hart­ 0 «t PA System preliminary conaideratlon of the heights of trom 90,000 to^l20,000 Food Sale financials, headachea ford 8t.; Barnard Btlchels. 18 ported separated from their fam­ that no calls were able to get Mrs. John Fliaa. Tha Public Health Nursing in Honolulu, Hawaii, where he Is agreement with " the ' union and ford BBeatiag. tat that thay alao ford. and Raymond W. Bra'nn. 33, UtchfleM (I) The Torrington group returned County budget. Unidentified Subs feet above l^ault Saints". Marie, sUtloned at Schofleld Barracks. Bratton Rd. ilies- Some communitlsa listed per­ through bcr.atue thla “ was a dlsas'^ There was some sentiment' ex­ Assn, will have a food sale Satur­ underwrite any raaulUite loesee to land on Vou f ” t l i o u ^ wan told that tha Praaldaat would RFD 1, Andover, each fined 38. Mrs. Katharine Ruot, Torrtngr to Manchester and is standing by, Mich. N the company. Capital ‘Transit re­ DI8CHAROBD TESTURDAY sons In that group as missing. ter area." That waa whan he de­ Deaths pressed that the home ahould be day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Hill'e you’re not in t]i 'wrong! ba la WaahiBgtoa latar la tha day Andrew Mooney,. 53, Hartford, ton. but the unit dispatched to Bloom­ Seen Off Sweden Simons' report sSld some of the Maacheater E veal a g H e iM jected this arrangement, however, BANTLY OIL Joann Irish. 542 W. Middle Tpke.; Hundreds of svacuess are being cided to come ifiadk. retained by the County as a Pharmacy and Toothakerj Service la tha avent It would ba mora ooa-; originally charged with vagrancy Thomaatoa ( I ) field la still the'rcr according to animals were expoedtt to cosmic Mrs. DeUa.Marlay. 17 Market St.. fad snd sheltered In public build­ List Dainagea “ county seat" to house Superior Station. Mrs. Raymond C. McKin­ Coveatry correapoBdeBt, Mrs. C L. and made* the new contract direct­ ' ''li' . IM ▼anlaat for tham to aaa Mm thara, when arrested Saturday by Patrol­ JsHMa D. MaOsMaU Mra Yvetta Vouchard, about Kirkham. Another of the devaatat- radiation at that height for as ly with the union. The commis- That’fi” tlie hard w ay to Rockville; Kenneth Trudeau, Oov- ings by the Red Cross snd local One of the first Items of work and Common Pleas Courts and ney la the general chairman. Little, telephoae. Pilgrim 3-6381. ' 'I VN - 1 m,i.) Btaanhowar callad nawaman to a man Thomas Graham, had this Jamas. D. McConnell, 333 Hil­ 45, Thomaaton. edTareas being served by/the local Stockholm,- Sweden. Aug. 22 (A*). long aa 35 hours. aioners, who edminister capital af­ Yipd joui that accident* toat Mitry: Gary Widall, 11 Willard St.; communities. to be attended to by the general county organisations sucH as — The Swedish Navy said today Monkeys used in the tests were oeofaranoa room at Lowry Air Mrs. Janat Techier and daughter. Worse hit In Msasschuietts was manager will be a compilation of charged nolled but was ftned 330 liard St., died Saturday night at Ansonia (8) CD outfit Is 'Wlnsted, which asked faire. acted aa mediators. TEL Mltclu-ll 9 45VS a hit more than auto insinv yorea Baaa, tha aunuBar Whtta for intoxication. Bayer aaid thara hla horns after a long illnaaa. He for a public address aystam. Farm Bureau, Extension Service that a Swedish freighter spotted obaerved cloaely before and after American guarda protecting In Under the new law. Capital Olaatonbury; Jeremiah Squires. 83 the southern sector of Berkshire damage done here to both public Bansidict Karabalnikoff, about and Soil Conservation Service now ance. Houoa, to aaaounoa hla plaaa to was no ev'idance of vagrancy. was born In Ireland and Uvad In 70,-Anaonla. Kirkham said three men carry­ three unidentified, submarines off their ordeal, but they "behaved Koreans Protest spectlon teams there. Transit's franchise will be revoked TEL ROCKVIlir S-7177 Oaford St.; Mrs. Janet Socha, Mila County snd central Mssaschu- and private property. Governor A.' located in Rockville. The town of the, eaat coast of Sweden. It waa perfectly normally after two Provincial police at In c J iflit laapact tha flood araaa from tha Bill Rd., Rockvllla; Mrs. Marie Three other man arraated Satur­ this town about 65 years. Before Raymond Gettings, 55, Ansonia. ing their own bedding and water next Aug. 14. Meanwhile, the com- setts, pnrtlculsrly Southbridgs. A. Ribleoff has urged local of­ Vernon . is also Interested In the the aeventh time this summer that flights.’’ yesterday arrested'Too Jae Whan, Take RoutO 1 to security. Newman, 32 Williams St.; Pater Charlton, Monson, Webster snd ficials to make such a Hat aa a day and charged with Intoxication hla raUrament, ha was a allk fin­ SIniahury (3) were aent to Wlnsted yaatarday in A t U.S. Embassy ware more fortunate, however. isher at Chanty Bros. a Stanek sound truck accompan­ home. Real estate' developers and unidentified foreign submaripea "A fter watching, the exposed 22, for the atoning of an Amer­ See'this agency for strong Saam m Fhll Aid Mitchell, 85 Delment St.; Mrs. Oxford. first step In the gigantic project of Patrick and Margaret Mulltn. professional men were also report­ They were James McCarton, 67, of Ha laavaa hla wife, Mrs. Marga­ ied by a police escort. The men, have been sighed in Swedish animals for six months following ican lieutenant at the Wolml Is­ Tha ftoMdant aaid tha fadaral Gertrude toahay, 3. N. Fairfield Charlton and Southbridge were reconstruction In tha Stats. Tha East Hnrtferd (1) ed Interested in the property, Rep. insurance ppottation nowj govaranunt had bacn oooparattng 34 Walker St.. Howard Philllpa. 43. ret Ritehia McConnell; two tons, Frank Luckingham, 81, Eaat Paul Taylor, Alexander Kaaevltch waters. Bach time the Soviet For­ the experiments, sclenUsts tenta­ Seoul, A u ^ 3 3 (F) — Some 500 land caiifpway last Wedneeday. 8t.; Mrs. Marguerite Goldie and Isolated from early Friday until State Legislature, which is to be Gagllardone said. eign Office haa denied In formal tively concluded that cosmic par­ to full axtant with tha Hta Ctoaa Hartford, both arraated by Gra­ Howard McConnell of Hanchaatcr Hartford. and Ronald Schaller, arq -still In ■houUng Kore'aiK students today son. South Wlllington; Mrs. Joyce late last night. Roads were opened called back Into aeaaion. and. tha Maneggta Seeks Renomination notes to Sweden that the eube were ticles may have been overeeti- and othar rallaf oganctaa, and to both towns last night, but only ham; and Howard T. Ford. Terry- and Walter McConnell of IMst the wrecked city. — German, 35 Forest St.; Donald federal govvmmeint, which haa Tax Cbliector AntHohy A. Ruaaian, mated as hasards to the nerve sys­ demonatrated In 'front of the addad that tha Dtfanaa Dapa't- Cowles, 187 Hilliard St.; James vllle, arrested by'Patrolman Al­ Hartford: three grandchildran; The Communications Division, for emergency vehicles. promised emergency aid, will co­ Maneggia will seek renomlnation The freighter Bifrost radioed the tem, and that a traveler In the American Embaasy, yelUltg "Oom- Elks dai^ke mant alao hda baan aeUvaly an- Dewberry, 33 Little St.; Mrs. Southbridge today was still bert Scabies, all granted auapend- three aiatara Mrs. Fred Sanky, along with Manchester's entire CD operate in this work. on the Republican ticket, it waa Navy that it detected the three stratosphere should he able to per­ munlst truce i n s ^ t ^ e ” (Cse6he gagad la proyldiag rallaf. Than ha Frances Corcoran, 6 Foxcroft Dr.; without power, gas and tsiephosis Martin aald ha would compila "a ed Judgments. Mra. Robert McBride and Mrs. Cites Efforts organisation, was moblliied at Ford was warned to go to Terry- learned today. He filed hla Inte'n- subs on Ha radar Saturday night form.duties In a normal manner and Poles) must get out of. Ko­ Planned Sunday wMt on to nay: Theodore Blatter, Rockville Hotel, service. Hat of damage as nearly complete Sarah Tomlinaon, all qf Manches­ S;40 a.m. Saturday and has been 1 / villa by Judge Gryk, how that the ter. tion to seek the nomination this near the Finngrundeta lighUhlp with no serious after effects,” the rea.” **To asaura myaalf that tha ^ad Rixkville; Misa Mabel Ballentine, Many communities hsd no and accurato aa posalbla."' Shae- on call ever since. Ita first request roads were once more open to hla wefekend. ■ Other Incumbents who off Gavie in the Gulf of ^thnia. reporb said. They milled and shouted in front Creaa and fad a^ govammant la 48 Prospect St., Rockville. drinking water, except what was kay. In Martin's abaenct, already Funeral servicaa will ba held to­ During Storm for help came In connection with have filed their candidacy notices The Mancheater Lodge of Elks home town. ^ The freighter approached ao close The only noticeable effect was of the Embaasy building for about tha Btatao ara cdoparatlng affao PISCHAROBD TODAY; Paul brought to them In tank trucks started nmchlnery In motion for morrow at 3 p.m. at the Holloran wrecked Unionville. The local men include First Selectman Charles A. Cases continued were those of now there arc maintaining con­ It waa forced to change course. that -black Hhlred rats sometimes ten minutes before marching win hold lU monthly budneas -tlvoly./ laavlag no opp^unlty Klasmen, 303 Charter Oak St.; frbm mors fortunate cities snd obtaining tha necessary informa­ Funeral Home, 175 Canter St. The Robbins. Howard A. Kenneson, Samuel Lindsay, 34, of 65 Church Town Engineer James H. tact with another Manchester Then the subs followed the freight­ started growing white hairs after through downtown streets. meeting Wednesday night at the amlaf in ordar that wa may ba Mlrs. Kvelyn Hill and daughter, 7* towns. tion. He drafted a letter to all Rev. John B. Post, minister of the member of the Board o f Tax Re­ UPS FOR TEARING DOWN 2 HOUSES St., charged with a violation of er for 20 minutes before they sub­ prolonged exposure to cosmic raya The U.S. 8th Army, meanwhile, halpful, I am going to moat Hr. Drive A; Mrs. Hclsn Benson and As rosds wars opened to iso­ department heads rsquaating that North Methodist Church, will offi­ Shecksy, who waa actlny general group at Lake Garda outside 'o f view. and Constables David L. Lodge Koine on Btssell St. at 8 the rules of tha road, until Wed­ ciate and burial will be at tha con- Unlonvllla. merged. because of damage of the piercing reported that the 16-day old South Marrlmaa tomorrow morning la son. Bast Hartford; Mrs. Diamond lated areas, authorities movid In they aubmit a report of damages manager until Richard Martin in­ Bailey and Thomas Carpenter. None of the subs carried lights, ray particles to hair follicle pig­ Korean series of demonstrations -o'clock. Stone and daughtar, 77 Bldrldge with Army Bailey (floating) nesday; and Armand J. LaFond, vanlanca of the family. Aid CD Control Center Chairman Harry Flrato will giva Hartford, Gbna. r dona to. and tha estimated coats terrupted hla vacation to return Ducharnte • Young flags or any Identification marks ment' cells. against the truce policing body "ia St. ■ ■ ' , bridges, emergency food and medi­ 53, Hartford, charged with mak- Friends may call at tha funeral A t the same time Mancheater . Mr. and Mrs. Myron Lee of a report on tha ciambake which Is FOR COMFLETE INFORMATION CONTACT "To that moating 1 havo in* of rapaira for, buildings, parka, home last -night, today praiaed waa asked to help Unionville, the the BIfrost reported. It had long been feared that the getting quieter every day." cs) suppUes, blankgto, .cots and Ing unnecessary noUe^nd .Robert htms this avaning from J7 to 8 Hebron Rd.. have announced the to be held Aug. 28 at Schaub'a Titad tha OorenMao. ad tho-otataa trass, - racreatlon ftelda, parking Rkil'lins S3, o f no certain ad locil grou p 'w u requested to pro­ The Navy declined to comment rays might "Cause formation of President Syngman Rhee haa 175 Eaat water purification units. areas, hlghwaya^.sidewalks, sani­ p.m. Tfie.v are' iilced’ to refrain the cooperation s E o ^ him"3iirihg marriage of their daughter, Ruth CTIambake Grovk In South Wlndaor. affactad te>' aaad ropraaaatatlvaa draaa. charged with operating a from sanding flowers, and those vide radio operatora , for Robky on the report. But it is believed cataracts of the eye lens, damage warned several times that any or to coma la pariam If thalr wMli Until ysaUrdsy. many plaesa tary sawera, water mains, reser­ last week's storm emergency by E. Ducharme to Ralph F. Young here that the subs are part of the the skin or permently destory demonstrator who-resorts to vio­ Another report wilt jbe made by Center St. were acesmible only by helicopter motor vehicle without a license, who wish may contribute to the Hill, where the CD control center will aflow tham to do ao that aro voirs, and other auch munietpat all segments of the town's popu­ of Camden, Maine, and Mbriden, Btrong Soviet eubmarine fleet in nerve cells which cannot be re­ lence will be "punished by police." Chairmifn, Arthur Patton, who will Flood Area and beats. day-to-day. • HaarJ; FUnd. for 44 towns slirroundlng Man­ Conn. The ceremony waa per­ may hava a UtUa coordlBatlag property. • ^ e latter two cases are com­ lation. chester la located. ' the ^ Itic . placed In the body," Simons said. There was only a handful' of inform the Elks on the progreaa of n N M LE W B K a Treeps'.Bar Leottag Seeks CBaHiker AM formed on Aug. 17 St 8 p.m. by talk to maJmauiw-that •veiythlaglTV A:1— r n _ ^ . T l panion matters and the con Tbomns J, fjulnn ‘The cooperation.’’ he skid, "was In addition, local operators were However, follmving - the teats, demonstrators today at P u a a n. the proposed Setback Tournament. poaatMa la being done." | T W I 11 National Guard troopa moved In . addition, Martin aaid he Rev. Elmore Roberts, pastor of the experimenters have decided Ta^gu; Kunsah and Kangnung and To date IS teams have signed up 33SN.MAINST. MANCHESTBI tinuance was granted bacause La- Thomas Jaipes Quinn. 50 Plant wonderful. I couldn't have asked dispatched to State CD headquar­ First Congi-egational Church at M i - M I M At tha outsat of hla remarks, about In re'ntrkl and western would aak the Chamber of Com­ Fond la now In trouble with Hart­ ters in Hartford Saturdaj^ The that none 6f the experiments on none at Inchon, where the Koreans and he has hopes of having a 2o Masaachuaetta to pravent looting St.. New , died Sunday for anything more." He aaid the Clinton, Conn. Garbage Trucks ' Bisenhowar read a telegram which merce to cooperate In compiling a ford authorities, Bayer aaid. U'hen morning at the Lawrence Memo­ Police and Fire Departments, Mancjheater unit alao sent a mobile either physical or mental functions earlier clashed violently with team league. ha had reoalvad froth Rad Croaa and to aaalBt In aalvaga operations. Hat of damagts in connection with The bride was attended by Mrs. "showed adverse effects as the re­ that matter la disposed of. the rial Hospital. New London, after various town department crewa radio unit to Hartford to replace Myrtle B. Carpenter of ^Iton! raaidaat Harriman. Kiaaahowar 'iTism have bean no reports of private property. Mra. Martha cases will presumably be heard an illness o f threa weeks. equipment that had been sent to 111 Singapore Hit sult of being exposed to coamlc Set at 188 looting. and general contractors In town John MaeVeagh Jr., of Columbia Si honorary praoidant of tha Rad Stavanaon, axecutiva aeeratary of hart. Bom In Ansonia, Conn., Oct. 30, all raaponded instantly to any ra- one of the dieaater areas. rays.” The Wsmsutts Children’s Camp served as best man. A reception Cross. tha CSiambar, aaid today that or- 1803. a son of the late Timothy quaat. Kirkham alao reported that tha Singapore, Aug.. 22 lypi — r.. « from Page One). at Oxford was still marooned early was held at "High Breakers." 100 EAST POUCE DESERT - .Ifahiman-Jiflted that tha Red ganlaatloii "w ill b# glad to_h*to lbs and. Katharine . Kennedy-Quinn, ha Offered Bqltipaaeat. CD Transportation Dlvtalon sfl- Throngs oT striking city employes today, S n r Its "dtmter- r«*^5rted iM ganaral manager Tn any way.'' ' Sauls Foint. Clinton,-immediately BerUtl. Aug. 23tF)— ATJother 100 CriM already haa allocated 82 was formerly employed by the W He said general contractors aWered a call for assistance in pro- following the ceremony. Guests .at­ roamed Singapore’s streets today, socket R. I., alone left thousands was wall Sind the morale of the viding a vehicle for two Wethera- members of Esist Germany's Com­ aiiUlon for flood and hurricane However. Manchaatar.. which was W m Not Admit G. Glennty Co., of Manchester. He Alexander Jarvis, Andrew An- tended from CoI))mbia; Hamden, atoning garbage trucks and ' as­ out of work. T children high./ fleld nurses who were trying to munist Police force fled to West relief and addad that ha also has fortunate in escaping th# havoc left for New London eight years aaldi. Jamee Aceto and- PYank Wallingford, Meriden, and this saulting temporary workers keep­ appaalad to thS, American people Soma buildings that first ap­ Massachuaetts Public Wprks wreaked on othar parts of the get to Wlnsted late Saturday last week, raising the total ago and waa manager of the Grot­ Damato all telephoned him to of­ town. ing sanitary services in operation. peared to have surrived the floods Commisslonar John A. Voipe re­ Stats, appeared to have compara­ night. number of deserters from the to contribute to a disaster fund. John Mahoney on Laimber Co. fer their equipment. He alao said Following a short wedding trip. Police said gangs atoned three ware f<'und so weakened that they ported to Gov. Herter after a aur- tively Hltla to report In the way of People's Police to 2,336 this year. 8,888 FsmlMea In Need H leaves hla wife, Mrs. Hannah a number of service clubs called Meanwhile. Kirkham asked that Mr. and Mrs. Young will be at t nicks and severely beat one Harriman estimated that mora had to be condemned. vay that tha flooda washed away damage. The closest Manchester local residents with relatives in the It waa the second largest week­ THE WILD FRONTIER HAS A NEW KING! Morlarty Quinn, formerly of Man with offers of aaaiatance. home to their friends after Sept. 1 driver. Some of'th e 'ga n gi num­ In Torringtoil. once a thriving or damdflvd 30 state bridges and came to a real loss occurred In the Suspended Patrolman John Ma­ disaster areas refrain from asking ly group of deserters this year. than 8,000 families will require cheater, two sons. Thomas J. Jr., The Police Dep'Srtment, at their new home on Erdonl Rd., bered aa many as 100 men. Police industrial city of 35,000 dosens of he estimated the damage to state Hllllardvllle sectixm, where the honey. committed Friday to Nor­ the Communicationa Division to West Berlin Police aaid. Six offi­ Rad Cross aid after the emergency and Timothy M.. and a daughter, Sherkey said. Immediately dia- Columbia. Mrs. Young is a mem­ arrested 11 strikers during the ends. storoa,.wcre amashed end factories highways alone at 36.800.000. Hockinum River overflowed Ita wich Stats Hospital, waa refused Margaret H., all of New London; send msssagea. H# aaid the unit cers were among those who came fu t out of order. Bridges were In New York, flood-damaged patched a cruiser or a patrolman ber of the Ellington School staff morning. over. "My reaction," Bisenhowar said, banka and Inundated a factory admission there and returned alao a brother,'Frank J. Quinn of cannot send personal messages and' The strikers also attacked a gone and vital euppllea were flown communities of southeastern building. whenever he a.sked that a street where she teaches first and second "is, of ootiraa wS will pitch in home, according to hla attorney. Ansonia. that, in most cases. It would be grades. The groom Is a supervisor group of substitute street sweep­ in. by helicopter uaing a echool- tion of the atate today grappled be blocked off until a highway extremely difficult to locate any- and help. I alncaraly hope that Two firms locstad in thie plant, Harold. Garrity. He waa raambar of St. Joseph's crew could arrive with barricades. at the Connecticut School for ers, breaking their brooms. bafers tomorrow nii^t has bean yard for an emergency landing with the mesa left iby rivsra and Klock Oorp. Snd Mai Tool and Iki- Church, New'London, St. Joseph's one In the devastated areas. field. atrsama that ram page over their Atty. Garrity aaid tha report In addition, the fire departments Boys in Meriden. Some 10,000 city employes readiad that Mr. Harriman wilt glnasring Co., reported that the(r Men's Club, tha Holy Family Lay He said, however, that the unit la Transportation Unit Session The flood took three llvea there benka In nightmare torrents last by. the medical authoritlaa at the were quick to help in pumping walked out last Wednesday, de­ ba assured of sU the fuada ha needs aho^ were covered by 18 ihchea luUtute for Living In Hartford man's Retreat League, the Serra receiving messages from persona The Board of Education Trans­ manding higher wages and pay DR. M OZZER and lari many othera homaleaa. Thursday night and Iriiday. out cellars or washing down In the disaster areas and la relay­ to carry out this work with all of water tat that the damage was ii^cated auch a langthy period of Club and the New London Kiwania atreata. portation Committee will meet for time they ware out on strike tha help ha is getting from the Emergency eld atatlona were act In Soma raapacts ' things wart alight. Mai Tool aaid soma elec­ ing them to; relatives hers. treatment might be nacaaaary t(iat Club, Ha was a former member He also noted that the Civil De­ today at the school at 8:30 p.m. laat summer. British Army techni­ DENTIST fadeiul aeiwloeaJMl from tha states up to houBc and. feed the v|$ttmr. gstting back to normal, but thara tric motors wars ruined but that and past grand knight of Camp- Normalr-llfe was brought^ at was attll-a major eleah-vy and-re- Norwich offiriala ..wera..7unwiUing fense C&Acmnicationa- _ -Division ■ tp di aw up bus routeFlor the com­ cians are munninj; the city;# pub­ ~ a f l t a U ------— ------the primary losa^irsrtii ttmaV Ktotk bSn Cbiin#, KnTflllS 6T CSniHllrai ing school ter; ^ lic u’tliiHe'sT' - ir e 5 r :M "Tlis heart of America la not stgnds^ In Putnsm, where flooda paljr Job to do. said time was all that was lost. to take him aa a patient without dispatched a mobile unit to the lagal ataps. of Manchester^ Adams St. bridgt. where a flood to stand atlll.while othar Slid ,./uneontrollsble msgnaslum Four flood deaths were reported Pumping Cellars______Funsral services will be held goiag Atty. Garrity and Proaacutor threatened, to maintain constant Public Records WILL BE CLOSED Americans Ora in distress and la fired hsd eombined to wreck the In New York State. Blsewhtre in town, tha principal from the Thomas L. Nielan A Sons Philip Bayer confatrad today and communlfcatlona between that m o I aaad of help." town. TTie Red Croaa reported yastar- complaint of private property own- Funeral Homt, 13 Ocean Ave., FOR VACATION Hagerty alao announced that "W e're done. Thla valley la day it was atlll caring for 800 era was flooded cellars, which aaid thay ware going to seek the and CD headquarters in tha Muni­ Wamuite* Deeds New London, Wednesday morning cipal Building. the F a d ^ flmall Busiiaaas jA- dead," a veteran testlle worker homalaga famHies in emergency town craws were busy pumping advica of the State's Attorney re­ at 8; 15, followed by a solemn high Camlllo Gambolati to Charles In appreciation of all this. A U G . 22nd T H R U mialstmtlon Is opening oBMmncy commented to an Aeaoctated Preea Niclters out Friday and 8aturday. Some garding future legal action, Mass of requiem in St. Joseph's V. McDonnell, property on Ensign Sheekey haa written a letter of­ St. YEAR ROUND eIIR CONDITIONING offices la aavaral cities, to tha repoHcr who' managed to gat to Fire pumpers, from aa far aa town crewa', howavsr, wars still Mahoney, charged with armed CTiurch at 10 o'clock. Burial will SEPT. 6th flood areas to help b^assa gat the stricken community. 100 ml lea away oamt to Port. Jar­ busy puttingjMjIriie property back robbery and attemptad rape, la be In Mt. St. Patsr Caroetery, fering hla talents for the coopera­ Thomas F. Palmatier Jr. to A l­ tion shown him in struggling with thea N. Murray, property on Mar­ leans to rfjpalr atotwKdaaaaga. .. 48 Carried by Flood vis. hardett hit. comr-.unlty In-the in shape today. fr6e'tinder $10,000 bond and Is Derby. ETTERY UP^TO DATE H w oCAnraM btom opanad in atata, to help it, ball but water left The Hllllardvllle section, which "conflntd" to hla home, Garrity tha tmergency caused by the shall Rd. The worat aingle tragedy oc­ heavy'rain and flooding. Putnam, forrlagton, itortford and by Ui overhbwng Delaware and was flooded when the Hock'anum said. He will remain -there pend­ Anhlhald Oouriey Litman Selwiis to Joseph L FACILITY IS P r o v i d e d curred near Strqudeburg, Pa., backed up after branches, logs and Goateata of Letter Jaasie and Evelyn Jassie, property Watarbury, Gona.; Wooqaoekat, where Brodhead Creek awept oyer Neveraink rivers. ing dIapoalUon of the ease, he Friends In town hava received R. I.; HaxdwUstowa, N. J.; Wor- Much of thalr effort was con- other -debris cicyged the water's Addressed "to Mur.icipal Build­ on McKee St. . . > to assure comfort and oonvenlenee. a aummar vacation camp end car­ added. ' news of tha death in California of eeatar, aiw abrlngfield. M a^; cantratsd oii clearing a flooded paaaage under the Adams 8t. ing Departments. . wire, Police. C lovis'F ; .Charbonneau Jr. and The completeness of 4)uleh aervlqe is well ried away 4d peraona. moatly Archibald Gourley, former v.-all “IT IS NOT BEST TO Port Jarvis and Kingston. N. >T.; underi>aM of tha Brie Railroad |n bridge, was"tha worat hit section of Park, Highway and Engineering Lois M. Charbonneaa to .Joseph' known. women and children.'- Nine per- known Manchester resident. He And Ih Btroudaburg, fleranton and the middle of the city, a railroad town. The rising waters caused six waa born May 16, 1802. departments. Civil Defense, Red D. F o r ^ end Colleen J. Forbes, SWAP HORSES WHILE aena aurvlv.ed to tcir of the horror ItosUm,; Pa... - center of about 10,000 peraona familiss to leave thalr homaa, tat Prior to removing with hla fam­ Oroaa, civic organisations and local properto on Hollister St. . WlUiam P. Qulsh CROSSING THE when tha flaah flood collapaad a A b o u t T o w n ^ Meanwhile. Blaenhowar awaitad Voluntaera also worked to open a the. move was only precautionary, ily to Monrovia, Calif., fat -was em­ gmaral contractors, and others,” Heniy C. Braun and Mary O. John Tterney RIVER” buttotng in which the campari had it reads: Raymond T, 4)«dsb "tha arrival of Lewis L. Btrausa, traffic-bottlaneck on the a|)proach and tha Water fbt no farther thhn' ployed by the L y OaII and Foulda Braun to George P. Long and • ( Author's name hielow) chairman of tha Atohile Baargy nought refuge. ’ Th e' othera ware over tha Delaware Bridge leading the baaementa. Mrs. Helen Wright, 38 Biro St.. Paper Co. from May 31, 1848, to "It la indeed wdUi pleaaure I ac­ Gladys J. Long, property on Paul R. LaBree deed or mlaalng. Oommlsaion, for a first hand re­ Into Pennsylvania. In addition, Shaakay reported to­ left Saturday byJ mane of a 10-day July 1850. knowledge the wholehearted coop­ OAmpfleld Rd. Your Physician is ca­ Brodhead Citok, fad by torren­ port on tha Oenava atoms for Oaa and electricity have been ra day that tha Water there under­ stay In Chicago. HI. He leaves hla wife Mrs. Ger­ eration exemplified a t auch a cri­ Andrew Ansaldi * to Ernest F. Ml 3-5940 pable, sincere, skillful tial raina and the oollapac of paato' confaraaoe. atorad, and soma, but not all, tale- mined the highway, gouging a hols truda LytUe Gourley, who Is a tical period aa Aug. 18, 1855. Your Noske Jr. and Arlene C. Noeke, and learned, but he js not T ' i ' i mountain dame, roee 35 to 30 feet A son waa horn to Mr. aitd Mrs. SI;; Strauss was axpactad to arrive phone circuits hava bean ra-aatab 3)s feet In diameter and about 313 niaca of Mra. Richard Wright, 77 telephone calls and peraonal coiy property on High St. within 16 ntlnutas. It devaetated feet deep north of the Adams 8t. Uoyd O’Dell. 34 Bunce Dc.. at tacts assuring me' that you arid a worker of, “Miracles.’’ at .the Denver White Heuqe from lUhad. "W a -^ara at last making Main St.; a daughter. Lvhn. 13; a Camlllo Ga.mbolatl to Litman parte of Stroudaburgy a Pocono bridge. Ha said his men are now Mancheater Mamorial Hospital your asaociatea were standi n;^'by "Years ago prescriptions , WasMngton about 5:80 pjn; B8T. htadway In getting back to nor aon Rttmh 7; one brother,and four Selwita and Mae L- Selwlts, prop­ 225 MAIN ST. Mountain resort center. filling in the hole.' Thuraday. ~ to render such services aa may be- H » headed to* American dalaga- mal, eommanted PoUce Cliltf B^' •iBlir*,"-'" erty on Woodbridge St----- usually contained many Fortunatelymoat other campa Among other spots in town eomt naeeasary; aueh rear ges­ ' tion at tha Just concludad Oenava ward Cullinan. . Stanley P. Midlin and Chriatina ingredients in the hope sasatons where tha. U.8.. Russia In the flood areae were above the whera highways ware damaged, w nium MInney, 11, of 350 W. tures and excellent coopenuion 8> In New Jersey a gigantic elyah- Sheekey said, was W. Middle I. Midlin to Donald I. Beaton and that one of them would and other nations aaplorad tha torrants. or tha campers wyra able up operation was,the order Of the Center S t, la daflnltaly suffering without shadow o f a dqiibt true peaceful uses of'atonrtc power. to reach ' aafety without major Tpke., where Hilliard Pond, run from a fracturod akuU incurred In demMraey In action. / Helen M. Bea|;on,- property on help. Recovery ^ was day as the Delaware River racaded Devon Dr. , Ha may report to the PraaldaBt tragedy. ning wild, washed out a portion of an automobile accident last week. Funerals "Tb the various buMeas aatab- slower. and Gov. Robert B. Meynar's Evelyn Jastie and Joseph L. bafoce tha Chihf Baacutiva leaves Among theae ware 80 young- cabinet me4. In emargeocy aeaaion the north aide of-^he road; This For a time there #as aeme doubt llshbmenta, raaidenta and other Nowadays your Physi­ • Denver tonight for Hartford, tat atera from a damp at Bantam section has already been repaired, aa Hartford Hospital m e-d 1 e a L ’ property owners aqnering loaaea Jasaie to Clpvls. (Iharbonneau Jr. to cope with ''catastrophic" flood Mra. Frederick Duktlg and Loie M. Charbonneau, proper­ cian searches for the 'Strauss win accompany' .Btsen- Lake, Conn., who were Oshed from problemi. he said. \ | authorities healtated to move him due to exccaalve raina and flood­ for further inveatigatien. They re­ Funeral aarvlcea. for Mra. Fred ing, may I taka Uiia opportunity ty on Hilliard St. ' - exact cause of your ill­ bower Bast and a confarance the floods Friday by flremen In Horde Heads 8'or Home . SfeoWers Predicled erlck Duktlg of North ‘ Coventry, aboard the plane enroula appeared motorboata. Relieved femlllea wel- I Sheekey also a^d his'crawa.ware ported today the ^agnosia la defl- to expre I deepest rsgreto. r< Marriage Ueeaae ness and'often writes a Thousands of reSidanta hare and who died Fraiday, wfll be held to­ Joseph A. Dubanskl, 189 Glen- more likely. cqmad them bkek . to New York continuing to check storm water nite, hut .while hla condition IF morrow at 3 p.m, at the Second "Again to all Municipal Build­ |.6ne ingredient prescrip­ yekterday after fathers snd uncles 4laawhara along the river :wefe aewera. making aura that they are "aertous," It Is not “ critical.^ ing department heada employes. wood Bt. and Blanche A. Swah- ^ * • • ■ ' s moling back to their battered and Congregational Church, Covantry, tion that gives be.st re­ formed a motor caravan to bring clear. This la In anticipation of the with burial In Cantor Cemetery, Civil Defense, Red Crosa dyic or- eoB, 36 Grandview St, Aug. 37, SHOW them home. , waterlogged homes while C^vil Da- Aa a reault of the recent storm, ganisstions and local co.ntriaet6r8. St. Jamea' Church. sults. Therefore dp not fenae'Tifflclala could estimate flood thunderahowara pradieted for to­ that town. > . . One father hired a' helicopter Pero Orchards reported today a In behalf of the Town of Manchea Pater Nlekoduin Oleski, 70 Wells HospitaliNotes damaite to the at A only aa ‘‘In th< day,-AoSthar spot on the highway Friends may call! at the W.- P. rush from one physician end flew into ah iaolated camp at fast rtpaning of their Golden ter administration, we thank -you, S t and Ruth Boyce, 165 Cedar,8t.. milliona." department work schedule Is the Quick Funeral Home, 336 Main.St., PRESENTED IT PUPILS OF to another wildly. Give S ^ t Stfoudaburg to bring out his State Armory, where the banka' Jubilee poachoa which .will hava to ont and all. Sept. 3, S t Junea'-Oiurch. > Patienta Today i 188 1. The rampaging flood, described this afternoon until 8 o'clock *and your Physician ' enough two Children and four others. Bx- flanking the descending steps were be soM- at once to av^d 10#$. this evening from 7 to 8 "Very truly ymira, Quitelalra Deeds ADMITTED SATURDAY: eept for bsing cut off by Impas^ as the ''worat In New Jersey hla- . "James Sheekey, acting general tiipe. Such diagnosis is to r f” by .Uayner..toDH-.at.leMt six washed out by the heavy raina. Howard A. Gihson to Grace V. Fnink ' Bturtavantr 85 • LUlSy SL; U m roads, things were "eora- Mamtoera o f Andarson-Shea Aux­ manager."- - ■ - - ■ JOraat Featurae back'up Chevrolet Pefforamneei-BedytF Fitkar-Batt-Kaea Staring—Ouh iw er Uvea while It wrecked houasa, Fred Thrall, ass^taht siiperih' Jbaeph TriVigao Gibeon property on Main 8 t ----- not easy, but once made, Mrs. Margaret Judd. 10 Drive G; plstely normsl" with the rsmp snd iliary, VFW, ara raminded o f the . Jteor S p rin t!—'Anti ter St., and at 9 o’clock, la B t cording to an announcement made Slate Civil Defense oOiclala paid Patrolman John Cavagnaro wfalle terday to tha Hartford' Hospital. Jamas* Cburck. Tha Rev. John F. AD M X rm t TCH3AT; Joseph tkia morning by auperintendent at 30,000 workara halped evacuate allegedly attempting to escape Hannon was celebrant; tha Rev. Mdonl^l Haihtas. Palmar Hsightat Ohio, the Cemetory OapaHment George almoat 4,000 penoiis from Jjgmea questioning about’ a atoisn suit, RBIW FREEDOOrORV KIN Francis Butler, deacon; the Rev, ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ X’reaihriptioii Pharm acy BntraB BA9VRDAT: A sen to aad perforniad other eaurgency ' StocklMSia Swedan, Aag. SS EUiett. had the case continued sevsr^ Edgar Farrell, suh deacon. Paul 9pl Main Street '■t"' Mr. and Mlilt Obsrlan Thrytatan. 81 EUlott anld that tha asw feitM work. Other thouaaiada of. realdenU times. Tbs last time. It was with on dtovlal anMnita aa today Chatalat waa organist snd sololsL This od b ipoosorod by Hm r s t ; a daughter to Mr. will tie into aa exlatlng featb oa nmnagad to rehoh. safety without adawarad |ba ISSth panaaql - 'BprisI was In Esst CssMtsry. *<)uQjt6Uon by Abr ' - ' ■ -7' '• soma rtfuctoncs on Judge Wsalsy Uqcoln 1864 Mrs. KMaothTMaUMonf, 85 Wataalnlator' itoe and will aid as the waters rosia.” Q iyva part that tha contlnuancs appeal at a satf-axUad Raaidaa Patbsr Itarrell rand tha eonunltUI Carter Chevtelet Co., Inc. NEW ENGLAND PLAYPEN COMPANY ' ^ Copyright tWSSBV losSt-’- ’ toad Mopg Cromwell Rd..' Walling- , _ — ^— I” -■'■■•■I'' was graatsA pkyalelaa. Dr. NOm IbI Labail aarvice. Tha baaran wsrs Utomns, ' i - i ' an MAIN snuxT''>;-MANCM|srEi) 'A sab top Rd. aad Autumn 8t. wham C6m 46 is resuming produbtlon — Whan Chappsll did not appatr. patr. 46, by g M ^ Mw 7S-yaar* Alhsrt sad Wsltsr litvtodiyk. Br- it ton lie to with tha Urnaa warn a t Hlckal nlekato tavtag n fila tbs fteaacutor n illlp Baysr raeom* aM balf-bHnd laitber nHf AffHeano, Frank m m stag Bm Jiwtoh, eetaS sC stoat tor aoma jraaiA. maadad . tta bond torfattUfs, A talalB Mm M Bwadei Albert Wojteuk;

J t- / MAMdattaEl; ■vEHiNe' qmAtO, lu in ^ T E l. ondu monpay, auoobt m, iw

w«U M BauflUI, i*Mikl IM kmOI* which B basic t « an axpandjng tauiirs'from the'country's leasing WnBpaeialba I* ^ Branch Slated acionomy. « - BantlyB Observe furnitufa and department storea, White House ,^kLe State Polio ^ •bit. Droodles , "Wa Walcoms iw a nslghbor such each selected for somp particular WOMErt'S M ISSIS Thwa CM 1M M tioua aMapa of v fin a company as tha Jonas A 50th AnniVerMry field la which his at.ore- axcals. SiMs «• M H- < Daily R adial:^ low, for anyoat. But aoma fan* By BOOBB FBIOB For Willimantic^ Laughlin Stael Ootp., and art con­ Clasaea which start at noon Tuea- Uniure Ike to Run Decline Foreeait M & N O I I T L i r DajUgM Vmm m n o -b g fM •roua partion of tha total burtfaa fident thst they will share with the day and continue for two weeks in- \ t a m m Emilia anJl muat ba aasumad. Ar> By Steel Firm other industries bif our area the Mr. and Mra. Fradertek C. eluds lacturea, discussion parteds Washlngiori; Aiig* ** (AS—A top Nosteik. Aug. 33 (FV—Masaariiu- corporate respoBaibilIttoS to the Bantly. 9ft Walnut ;flt., Celebrated and field trips to Chicago atoras Opan DaMy 9 A. M. to • P. M. - ih q foUowIng pipgratB Mbid fS' A m u HmiM aid* says "i t would astts kaalth^offletala lookad for a tanging additional eradit for thoaa community and ita pemle.” their aoth wedding anniversary and furnttura factoiiea. * aOaa a n MppUad by tba ndia B M U liN M K im Pittsburgh, Aug. 33 -.Jones A Roason for chooalhg willimantic Good Music tto balpful" U PrasidMit Etoa eentinuad dacraaaa in polio , oaaaa who alraady owa for things yesterday with ''open houae” for anaageAMBU and ara aobjaet to wMch hava diaappaarad ia , not Laughltn Steel Oorp., the' nation's aa the stto of additional cold fln- rnembera of their families and howc^ Sacks rcsiseUon, but that thia waak, aa Boaton yaatorday re- LOW OVnHUD — YOU tAVI lahlng fadUtlM, said Austin, ia its relativss. They were married in ebafiga wltBout aetloa. anough, and vflll not paaa for real fourth largest producer of •steel,' those who oaprsos confidsneo hs ported only eight epaea, flya leaa cantral location with respect to ox- Manchester on Aujg. 33, 1908, and. GINIRAL wiU do M ''ara psrhaps mors hope than tha pravloua Sunday. 501 E. limDLE T lt e halp. Wa should maka up • ov^ today announced the purchase of A Thonght for^'Today *'traAT-rMualo Merchaat 31-scre industrial , site st '^^111- panding Now England markets. Mr. BantTy'a sister, Mrs. Minnie C. ful than csrUla," -Tills location will enable J A L Muale Tha aUto flgura-for the year .ae minds that what tha atata effars mantlc, fjonn. " Krausc,-9S Walnut 8t„ was one of T V SERVICE Howard Pyls, who sradc ths far is l.ftlS'caaas, with 66 daatha Opw Dsilr 10:00 5:00 will ba raal halp. In a press release iSsued from to provide maximum -.aarvice to the attendanta at the wedding. Same Wlaa Words »*r Man coBunant during a radio-TV IntoT' ETeniafa T:S0 8:80 New England users of cold finished They have one daughter and two Daya f B B K - A OaB WDR(>-Csr IMby raported, two yaatorday. Eight th' home bflica of the Piftabiiiyh ,' Happiness is liks a Potato Salad WGTH--Waz Works •. . WOYH-l^tLi'uwta view yostarday, said ho to t ons deaths were rapped last year at 5 S••••••••••«**********^ S T ? !li^ steels, now receiving shipments sons, Dorothy, Mrs- Wilbsrt L. Nights #liS 3 PlMParls steel Arm. C. L. Austin, Jones A —If you shard it with others you iiia - doos 'not know whothsr Btaa this tliiM. s • »*»««a»»|.*««*«*^***** - AD Thia, And Harry Too from J A L mills in nttsburgh. Johnson o f this town; George T E L. m i - « m *'l^AY-J(usle Morehast WHAY—encore Theater howar will run again, ^ la , a for-, Laughlin president, said the sitf have a picnic. WCOO Reeped lUvuo ~ ~ 'lood Evening Good Muale Susan Brownell, 19, of Marion, will be used initsllly for construc­ Proximity of the Central Ver- end Waiter Bantly. Hiara -are ' Submitted by Uoyd Roy mar Oovarhor o f Arlaoaa, ia bow a Thia has, of course, developed Mpftt Railroad, and its junction at three granddaughUrs, WKNB J ssehsU lUUsM Bvening ftotinad* cBod In S t Luka'a HCspItiil In New tion of a plant to product cold Sponsored by Manchester Coun­ WTlQ-gtaua Oailaa 'oBlgbt'a Star proMdcnUal aaolatant on sthto- Bedford. Edward Whada, 36. -of into sn era of unprecedented good flniihed ateel bars. WRlimantiC with tha New Tork, WDRO^Cal|Mip ,i. rtan. Ernie fadaral relations. New Havefi A . Hartford Railroad: cil of Churches. WGTH—Wax Works ^ ^ wQTH-^. Vandarcook South Hadley Falls, a Korean War fortune for Republicsns. They 'Shoe for ThrUsh OolfeT* Austin did not say, howsver, Eisenhower Mntaelf has givon no veteran, died in Holyoke Hoapital. how msny wwkera would ba em­ the flao New. England network of Johnson Attends ' WHAT-,^Bncor* Tbeater have s President wrho is st sn This shoe belongs to the famous During the yean 1932 to I93S, Every chitf *’wHAT—nsUr Kimball direct indicaUon of his plans, but Five of Boatoh’s nqqNcaaes were ployed at the new plant, ttr how roads for'transport by truck, and WCX)C—Record Rsvus y WgCC--Good Evening Good Muale numerous RepubUcana have boon Turkish -Gdlfer, Ben Hogsnismir, the level topography of the land, 139,000 more people left the United ■"^B —Plauer Part? of the paralytic type, two were for school. smsaing peak of popularity. They much of s capital investment' it Statee than entered it. WKNB—Baaebsll MsUase 0—Nesra e( Ui* WorM planning thotr •campaigna on ths non-paralytic and one was ques- inventor of the two-directionsi also wert factors considered in the Furniture School w nc—Widow B«« b have issues called peace and represented. i WDRO-Cal Koibr WDRCr-Tenn. Erhl* aaaumptlori that ho will be a can­ Uonable. slice (he uses a scimitar instead of The site was purchased from the purchase. will pass in WGTH—Wax Works ' - WOTO-GebrIal HaetUr prpapdrity. And, as they ait count­ Operation of a cold finishing milt Richard W. Johnson bf .Kelly 1 lift— didate. I a driver).Tsmir, as he's called jUSt American Screw Co. It adjoins the WHAY—Encore Theater If he ia not, Pyle raid, "then both' ing' their blesaihge," they can well ’ makes little smoke or noise. Raw Rd., South Windsor, fioor covering *‘tvRAY-S«uir kimball WCCC-Good Evening Good Muale JMl ativlca eUaa* at M. ■. A. I land occupied by the American buyer at Watkins Brothers, will partiea will have a free for all, wonder wrhat else of imunty -could won the Boephorus-Iatanbul Open Screw Co. Plant on Rt.. 33 (West material used by auch a plant is new schools weeu—Raoerd Renaw WKNB—Platter Party Khrushchev 'Visits g i v e BtprasaoUtiTCai tha Tournament, played at Gqsintep, hot rolled ateel bars. These would leave LaGuardia Field, N. Y., at NOTICE ■ WKNR-Baaaball ltaUn<* WTIC-Ona Man a EamUy probably.*' Ohndidatoa would "fall poseibly be bestowed upon them. Main Street), just north of Willl- midnight tonight for Chicago It may iounii rddiosl, bal i V WDRC—E. R. Murrow in line rapidly.’' ha'wedictod, but . apSeUI A(«»er — Kaw one o.f the toughest courses in the msntlc. be shipped from J A L mllla in WGTH—Armed Forcea But wait! There ie atlll more! Pittsburgh. where he will attend the National THE VETERINARY wiiboui gradss aib lbs WGTH—Wax Work* Side— ' n he named only Vice Proeident Nix­ Roiutuiia for Fete issrissf'c world. His score'was,68 but It: took Eugene E. Clark, Preaident of thing Bscs use ihsy pvt a bsiMr WHAY—tPolka Parly . on 'aa a poailbllity. * • 'V . From out in Misapuii comes him almost 17 months to ffhlsh the the American Screw Co., comment­ Ths product, cold finished bars, Retail Furniture Asan. school for »:ee- h. < furniture store executives. biask to siow-iaarMn sad pfltd WHAY—Recoib RodM- WCCC-Good Evanlhg Good Muale Aiked whether he thought Nlxoh authsntic word from none other game because on the 9th hole he ing on what he called "the reali.u- is widely used in the machine tool OFFKCp OF WCCC—Record RtvAw WKNB—Muale London, Aug. 32 ( A —R u s ^ ’ti' and Screw mschlne industries, The school, which is held each .ehildrtn alike. TbmTI be no mma WKNR—BaiebaU 'llaUn** wnc—Lon* Ranger, could defeat Adlal fitevenaon, the Spare tba rod and spoil the act mriin force Bob Hop# molda his •^-SSP.SS^^ than former President Harry Tru­ had to .play over a camel and he tion of sn important step forward WDRC—Ur. Keen _ 1962 Democratic nominee, Pyle Communlet pxr,ty chief, Htkltx arrors app«uM la hooked his ball over the Iron Cucsr for this*section of our State.” said where the bars are fashioned into summer st Northwesterh Univer­ DR. A L L A N auiomaiic promoiioa or faihua. WTIC—Woman In Uy Hotu* WGTH—Top Secret File* , aevan Wild kida into a'amaah vau,%jg^. caddying for him and he traded to Eastern Connecticut, and in can main so much to your child, WOTll^Top Secret FUea the SovleU from Nxsi rule 11 9 ^ Whita House. IS wives for a visa back to the particular the community of WlHl- usually represent every state, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23 WDRC-cail^nir ‘Tm going tb tear Into the Re- Alaska. Hawaii and Canada. Ost-Ssplsnihsr JbiMr Htmn A WGTH-Bob and Bar to fight and i o win If our most papera and Scrippa - Howard years ago. • t o i t fairwa.v. These ladies can really ^antic. a new industry, especially it takes two to make a quarrel. Gmdeiu today, whsesver ms'ii HAY—Polka Party Army Chief Urges Moscow Radio broxdexxt the pubheane,” aaya Harry. claim to be "Golf Widows."' ,an operation In. the steel industry Alio to make a friendship. Instructors for the school are re- WHAY—Suburban Serenade w nc—Henry J. Taylor cdnacicnUoua afforts to presarvo staffer. .Died Sunday. zintt art told! Rsad aU about k. WTOCT-Record Review WDRO—Godfrey Taierl peaca should prove unavailing," he UtUe Deer Isle, Maine—Dr. news of several, educational aocietiea fonn and help esM tensiong. aelf up, but to have Harry Tru­ WHAY—Suburban Serenade WGTH-'" • Weekend Deaths Among thoe# welcoming Khrush­ WCCC—Record Review 9M — tary of the Army Wilber M. Died Saturday.' lit Th* Halp Ba Raal man engagad in that task too— WKNB—Baaeball Requeal MaUnea WHAY—Ivoryton Hotel chev waa M, D Mitin, editor of w n c —Telepbnn* Hour Brucker called today for continued what Rapublican atrategist dared^ WTiO-KBO Radio Laaa "firm and auatalned combat readl* Washlgnton—Richard Rea Ben­ the pubUcatlon which aervea ' As Bw tragody In Oonnactlcut WDRC-Cal Kolby WDRC—Rosemary Clooney By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS nett, 59, former public relations in fturdy.e. hopa for'thla? Up to 2 Years to WGTH—Bob and Ray^ WGTH—Music Memories neae" despite the hope for peace. mouthpiece for the Oomlnform eeatlnuas tavaahng itaalf. In Siia- Moa^aal—Mike Grant, 81, of old press director for the. National which haa Its hea^uarten in IVa still think it's too good to WHAY—Ivoryton Holel In an addrese prepared for the dlmansions avar mora horrtbla It * ‘?ntAT—Ne'wa annual meeting of the American Montreal Victorias and one of the Aaaociation of Mahufacturera In Bucharest. WCCC—Good Evening Good Uuile WTIC—Telephons Hour New 'York City and Washington bacomta Isisraasliiglsr claar llirt be true, from the Republican Pay - W -B Terms WKNB—Sports Today WDRC—Bing Croiby Bar Asan., he aaid the gummlt laat of Canada's links wjth;"the Also on hand w et*' Romanian pcilft df view.' Our suspicion is WTIC—New* — . WGTH—Uuilc Memortee meeting at tieneva last month and fo'rmer Baltimore newspaper­ Premier Ghebrghe Gbeorghiu-dej tha problam of rahabiUUtlon and WDRC—New*; Weather i:*S- early daya of . He was man. Died Sunday. ___ and delegations fratn North Ko­ that Harry is being real clever for WGTH-New* "haa given ue some rjtason to hope reUaf la unUka anything tha staU and as little as 10% . down on WllAY—Night Wsich in hockey'a Hail of Fame. Died rea, East Germany and Csechoslo- stylish... change, drumming up an 6:ia— w nc—Baud of America for the gradual lesaehlng of world has avpir faced bafora. major home furnishing pur- WHAY-Sporl* . . WDRCM-Amos 'n* Andy tenalMis and the eventual eatab* Saturday.,' * A light year is About aix million vakia who had coma for tha oale- audiance, and that, once he gets WCCC—Good Evening Good Hualo WGTH^-Report Roundup . mUet. bratlon tomorrow. • Thara has bean an unusual da> chases. WKNB—Vagabond' Sita- liihment of a atable order baaed on Waabington—Mrs. Marie Crounae the audience, hell come out for WTIC—Strictly Bporta WHAY-NIgbt Wstcli jUBtlCC." graa of total loan, for individuals WDRC—J. Zalman w nc—Band of America Bowen. 77, daughter of the late Eisenhower himself, and spoil WGTH—Wlemer , WDRC—Amos 'n' Andy Bue he added that "it would ba Gov. Lorenxo Crounae of Nebraska and for iaduatry and for business • :Sh- ' * WGTH-Report Roundup tragic to take counsel of mare and wife of Ool. WilUAm Storra sveryihlng. WHAY—Dinner DaU And it is a kind of loss for which, lS;Sa- hopes, and upon auch a slender Bdwen. Died Sunday. e, WCCC—Good Evening Good Uuile WHAT—News: Nila Watch premise allow our military might In tha usnsd case, tliara Is no in* WKNB—Stoer Date w nc—Flbbsr. Moll* Pittoburgh—Dr. Ruaaell J. Fer- HE MAKES LENDING A “r ' 'S WTTO-qia* anb WDRC—Romnnen Moods to deteriorate." suranea backstop. Straightmiinr The Whcclg I^RO—O. Lombardo WGTH—JE. P. Morgan It would be "extremely fool­ guaoh,., 67,. head of the hlatory Soma industries linva WGTB-Btu aura department at the University of Having nothing slaa to do on M:ia- hardy." be said, for the United FRIENDI.Y BUSINESS eomplataly destroyed, with little WHAY—News; Mlts Watch States to forget the history of Plttaburlgh. gmd. former assistant I sultry aiftSTnoon, wt hava just TcIevlaioB Procranu WTIC—Hollywood Bowl Concert football and baaketball coach at Thii is tha friaodly YES KANacw af tiw local Bdttfir gtart yeas youBgitwa' avan to try to salvage. Thoy, and WDRC—Moods for Romance Oonmiunist "violence, tyranny, bsen calculating. Into tha realm WGTH—Cal Jackson duplicity, subveralon and armad Indiana University. Died Saturday. Fiaaam Co. Ha baliavse that ae eaa oat on a 8rm foednf sed hst, their cooununlUes, and the whole Ob PagB Two U;to- •hould berrew anaaramarily. Bat when a leaa of hiii^er mathematics, and with for the modem minded aggreesion," and "an Jnexeueible Washington -—'George Sanford with Littla YanlwtM, tfat ilMMa state, face the question ’^ f WHaT—News: Ml* Watch it to a ptnea’s advaatoge, ha p eaidtt folhi the aid iof our aliiM nil's, ths vari­ w nc—M»et tha Press mistake for us to forget that the Holmes, 71. former managing edi­ that ghra tham pitiity of aop> whethw they will avar raopaia Brass WDRC—Moods for Romance foundation of peace is .|ha .qOllaCr tor of Rocky Mountain hewe Den­ here with tha naadad cash. . 5 0 ous statistioa involved in the last WGTH—Dance Tim* BIHRD Kim aa^m^^^a SMtfww^^wtatoto'to 'Ga^^Hta84ra * ^ or. If they .do U:«a- f tive airerigth o f the Free World.’’ ver, CSoloT^ and later A WAshlngton nv nitaSMM DonvwiUG * wnp* pott'j-and-ltfMi’plH i^'df taO K ' IV ....-■ Mddldaa touch which is tradition­ WHAY-News: Nil* Watch Certainly we must he prepared eorreepondent for Colorado newg- action. Ha makae loan* to erapleyad aten and weatea, aiarrleil ar vdiathar they will do so In their 119.00 Sofas 219.00 W b hxvB doxBBs of good* al in ibe process of parking a car Inlaid! WTIC—Meet ths Press Mnidt- Ha arrangee convenient monthly peymento. AND MOBE same opmntunity or the ' same WDRC—Moods for Romance parallsl to tha curb. WGTH—Dance Time If yea decide that a loan it to yoar looldaf foTMtt tochooM state. .Bor some of these Indus' u;a»- Sm dU d* YES htANegar today. That portion of the parking Tj'pical of Watkins smooth, practical The Balmoral Sofa is a sensible Modern WHAY—News; Nit* Watch feoiii. and 4NV' fit&ig dnpwts tries, the question will ba exact- " UaaafSStoSSdOae’i process to which we refer comes WTIC—News will put year chUdnn> f9«C lyllka that of starting in business Modern is this lounge chair designed to design made luxuriously comfortable w'ith Genuine WDRC—News: Almanac OP MANCHESTER after the expert driver has neatly WGTH—News FLETCHER aUSS 00. . Mitchell into jiart right lixB to allow anew,\^th all initial capital ensemble with the Balpioral sofa. (R egu -> foam-Latex seats . . . never have that U:lh— - •' madeit into, his or her space, with WHAT—News; Mght Watch. S-W3* mmmim * poAMs to be "faced^ l^ ly $139.50), Foam-Latex seat; loose - “ crushed down” look. Reg. $249.50 in- Mahogany nNANCEliCO.: one expert twist of the wheel,.. jCt WTIC—aporU 188 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE Soma individuals hava been , hit pillow back; 100% Nylon covers. 100% Nylon textures. W pRO-& Kolby thia point, he or she is located WOT»-4SertB (% taenef rBKWdi ee ) ^ in most crual fashion. For many lF:Sa— OOKNEB DUBANT ST. snugly tai the parking space, quite . Tables WHAY—Symphony In the Night of them, hone has disappaarad, WnC^tarllgbt ierenada NEW LARGER QUARTERS 888 MAIN 8T., 2nd R . Ovw WoohMtth’t. MANCHISTER tba right distance from the curb. WDRC—Dance Orcheeira completely, Some of tkasa face WGTH—Relating Time PLENTY OF FRONT AND REAR PARKING T . 9|lteh^S-4tM*AtktarHMVn iNAfliMBr situation in which thoy owe Only ons last touch remains. U:tt— ' OrtN THUISDAV IVININOS UNTIl 9 tM . That la to straightan the front Folding WHAY—Symphony .in the Night tean atB •* mUnei et tl •enceeBei lee* large mortgaga on a home which WTIC—Starlight Serenade ' AUTO OLASS INSTALLED $HOE DEPTm MAIN a O O R (REAR) wheals, so they will be parallel 1 baivISMMii tlLM nkMfnapNr legeM I* It tumaOm metUr liltMMMdi. no longer aven exists. They owa WDRO—Cal Kolby ' to the curb, instead of being at Glamorous 18th Centur.v for a home they do not have, Store the candies you are going GLASS FURNITURE TOPS a sort of half right angle to it. Sheraton ta.bles have inlay Aside from their lapk of resource Hostess to use on a party table In the lines o f real brass on their (HraplacBaBd for paying off tha loan on the To this process , expert refrigerator overnight. This cold MIRRORS Dew) driver, alroady. ptrfecUy parked, tops. 18 X 27 inch End Table, treatment msy help prevept ex- home which does not axlat, thoy 41 X 20 inch Ckicktail Table cesslve dripping! to PICTURE FRAMING (oE typM) face tha problam of finding hew now eurge forward, ojtothei' UtUe Carts 43.75 and 18 X 28 inch Step Table. living space. All have handy shelves and WINDOW bnd PLATE GLASS , Ih ey might to have now hemas. draw forward, i f the driver ia Aid to the hostess.! Danish-Modern sosnsthing less than sxpeirt, jyou design has two gemovable mould- brass casters^ End Uble has a jA L O OSneSt InataHaHew la «|nleH EBay and EeenenileaL .BnU i f they had-not paid for .one - ______' UONTRACllVBSt H V HAVE Ol i|TOCIK ban douMc, tripls, or quaidruple ed i^ywoodT trays. Mahogany or drawer. ReguTarly f 49.5(T hone, how shall they pay for fwo limited stock. homos? tba number "'Of movsa back and walnut finiahea-. Reg. ^9.60. T V SERVICE MEDICINE CAMNETS m d SHOWER DOORS tonrard. . ___ Msny a~ small retail ^Daya ~ M A C A ObB - . Qpca SatardayB—Opaa Thanday EvindagB Tbla eperauon has ths advan- has been hit in the ssnu-way. As ' ______Nlghto Pina Pasta EamiATBS GLADLY GIVEN We Offer For Sale A 1955 Lincoln CoprI Executive Demonifrofor of the nunnent, it is gone, beyond tags of nsatnaaa, and symmstty, TEL- Ml S-SIM the power of the indivldusl who paralleHsm. It aiao hat ths With 5,195 Miles. This Cor, Climaxing Our A ^ t Succesiful Lincoln owned end operated It to restore affect of takjig a car which ia Yeory Is The Lost One We Hove In Stock. .4 - - - - - r H. perfectly placed to find Ito m Document Prints, loo '' And the same situation also eX' way out of the parking space Into (Below) Reg. $17.60 copy ■ *r tends to individual^ dtias and which It has been maneuvertd— o f a thumb-back Windsor S-:' . -V- X towns. They, too, hava lost much Mnca the turn of tha wheel has with ^mboo turnings; gold of their i^eans of doing busin< to ba axacUy right, having corns stencil decorations on satin their streets, their bridges, their in awccsasfully—aiid putting this black finish! jvatbr systems, their sewage asms ear into noedloas dlffleul- tISED CARS UM. \. systems. Their daclaioa to eon' II MM "--fr II nGtofii'iriT'^Tf^V^’^rVaTIAiir'r tlnua- in ' bueinaas, fa provide When even the sxpert driver comes back again, to salt from SIV iW nitfii Bi^^ MaBeKiito themselves with the means ftr's BGwast imnI BMSt WGRtni Bstd cor displciy functioning as communities, the parking apace, he or she has luitomatlc. They hava ^to.. But to find the proper ai^t angte and A > Rsg. 17.50 CGBlBr. Jttdge the enlt 'clearaneaa all over payment for all that has to be /'■ don^ta b a j^ ^ them. again. A t the leaat, there has to f Thumbf Sskstst Hw cor Gf yow cholcG gbR takG It on tlw be a new backing up bafora the r o « l. GIvg it • fo iR try. Sertisfy yoM m lf D's h R So, inavltably, we Jiave to salt can bo attempted. coma to aoma pdblle philosophy f c t if tha driver bad 1 ^ the Back WG soy It is. ■ -V of sonio mtssuro o f open ftnsndsl oar aa It was at tha moment when grant, financed by all tha poopls It had first negoUated ita en­ Solid Maple Desks Windsors O iirco n cG B b G bOHflit GB tBIHIS tGRGIGfil fOP yBG. of the SUU, helped by all the peo­ trance, all. he or ahe would have ple of the nation, to thoao who Y ggt prt sGBt cor cguM GGsRy bt tlM fuE down to do would bo to start the mo- pGymeiit. • - - - r - ~ otberwiso arlll not be able to pick tw, bold the wheel where H was Nutmsg Finish up their lives an'd occupatlooa and •Iraady act. snd make an . exit, go on. Credit alone, emergency smooth arid safe - as could be loans sldiM,.. sre'/iot enough. In Big 43 X 21-inch solid Maple imagined, ahd'afforUeas, too. msny instances, they would mere­ There^s a Watkins Sofa desks, ^regularly $75.00.. 19S4 CHEVROLET 4.DOOR Now for the sMde rule statistics. , .M Lotv 1952 RUICK SUPER 4-POOR ly poaq. a basically fooUah sc- Last timVat^this price! » is our tabulaUoir that . ths ' ■ ■ ' ' • -'v.' » Bxdto, hextor. Like xewl $ 1 5 9 5 Radio, hextor,. dyaaGaw. captsnca of a burden which could . drivers of MSincheator spend B,000 not be carried anyvvay. P H e e » - ■ -.'..I ■ .. man or woman hours a . wtek . to fit your; rooni in ■ ’ , It ia , thla : problem, which n ^ s s a ly atralghtsning their Inbetween Chairs 3-4’^^ 19S3 CHEVROLET 4.DOOR ‘1952 DODGE 4-DOOR amounU to an. obligaUon, which whwU. MancheaUr oArs n^val BBdle, hextor. Lew xUlexge. BaGn, hMtor. ..WlU Ssvq. to bf faced, frankly .anil a aeMUeae 8,600 miieg g Weelc ln (R igh t) Reg: $42.50 all-upholster-' Baeiptleaally eleea. $1045 genarously, in the special seaaien the back and forth process in­ 94 iBcIi 298.00 these 4 Lawson modelsl ed chairs have a Sheraton 18th of the General Assembly which ia High volved fn straightening the wheels I, Century flarg. B\g choice o f dam­ .. -IT • certain to .be .callad. ask covers. a»d then negoUsUng the; mOre Trades Eapecially for some of.lbc dties ^fftcult mitt. The gss consump­ 94" Jiimiio Sin SMI. Rtg. $339.00; fitrt ths big FOAM 19E2 OLDSMOMLE HOUDAY and towns, thcra w’ill be opj^i 19S1 FORD Vi CLUE COUPE i tion involved amounts to 830 gal- wsllspses or ths big living room with sxtrs sssting; CUSHIONS BtaHx, hextor. Nim S-toxe^ WaGe, bcBlar.. tunity in' tha rebondfiDlr that Ues lons^a week. And yarda and yards sxtrs imsrtnsii. Alt euthient frs fosm-Lstsx!'' $ 1 7 4 5 it. '■ ■: *' $ 8 4 5 ahead. In so{ne pt those hit worst, of nerves are frayed. For tfcG pm itJitgUstlcal aurvey 74" RstgiilGr Sin S229. Rsg. $259.00 . ths sofa sin GompdMriGG for Mm pGsf Mmgg y tG n l Tkaf iGcord tpGGkt for HsGlf. Hexter. A nml vxkM. Badia, heater. lAw nlleage. build as they were, la some cased, worn a sensa of efficiency duty, yeu'rs most familiar with; can bs^. had with two or $995 damage was centered In downtdwn $ 8 9 5 and altho-jgh the resulto asjound thrss cushions all of which ars foam-Latsx.' Cars business districts which were .nar­ »ia. sia a needleaa waste of Uma, row and Congested and bbaolete, i'. REAL VALUE! NEW CAR GUARAN1EE! •Borgy, and isaouroe, wa are still and Uiemselvaa an archaic ehack 4E" JuBior Sin $210. Rsg. 1239.00 . . looks liko a eurimisly lacking in affection and an the modem growth W the big sofa; smaH anough for small wallspacas and sinall n a e ra tio n for that occasional ^N^**"* 79*®^ eommunitica they tried tojMrvc. \ a . ■ > ^ driver who com.ee along, whirls rooms; saafs thraa on luxurious foam-Lftax. Oi lacli 210.00 In auch GovcrtUMsfUbicoft (Left). Reg. $119.00 wing, bar­ 301-315 CoBtfr $f< TgL Mi into his space, turns off the Igni­ 34131 has advaiwd the a o t^ eugges- rel and lounge chairs in special- tion leaving himself or herself in S8" Lgvg SggIs $149. Rag. $198.00 . . for tha dan, CARTER tlMi' that coramuniUea try to re- purchaa^ decorator covhrs;.all Pa^fect posiUon for untroubled . build along new lined, usii{g~iiome small rooffis. or to uso in pairs for smart dacoration. have foam-Latex seat cushionA • wbt. and goes hUthely. confident­ af tha^vaatated areaa to eraata Big ehoica of fino covors on all thasa piacas. ly, aheut his or ■ l^er buatriesh. CH EYRO LET Co., a hew apactouaness pad traffic P. Se e . . Such a person, ws 'niiutter to o^ r aaaa. This kind of apportunity, in selvsa, has a nsrvs taking it aaisy MGtcMBy LGiwfi CMdrs S9E. Rag. $119.90 . ..and an W tW btGG'sNNM M Gg MoffCGry solos raeords, loo. Sxlra foot ir y yht wake of disaster, ahotild car- when everybody also is a wnrry- fxcaljant chair for tha man<^f*tna*heMSA. Luxurious USED CAN ond SALES W n W V9 TV ■ M P'O M flM f-.jM W ffV liM WiOmek NMHSg;^Vv v * I B W be kept in mind as ths RRAjaMnaiMB BBoanna BnalnHA Era ra^JER WBrt. • r-. Witli iti always tidy foameLatax saat. • C I t iacli 1*9.00 v m w r h t e communities begtn msk ■ MmhGlI 3-1200 WmW wRmwmmWY . WUH OTV TMNI |0 T I EP TW# .iPir thair plans, and fbr tkls.’top.j 1229 MAIN STREET About UJKIO American toaiMts ■n Iran ths ststs^ plMBtiag as* I BirUn laat year.

.,1. '.*>1^.., TTTS . ■; ) ■ ■“ 'J; •!i.. ■ '■ / i ; 1 (. / X *\-.. . f 4 ^ 2 - ' Jiip JIANCHESTER ]EVENING HERA3J), MAKCHESyEB, OONN^ MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1958 l|AMCHlin«B EVENING HERALD. NAlklHESTBB, CONN.. MONDAY, At7GUST f2.195B

when hash was served for/dinner, see sM try to duck into that doorr BHG8 S m ^ he asked his neighbor to, "Kindly way'? . Anawar V> PraridUa Traffic Safety Service Group pass the Review of Revlewa . U.S. Farm Not only is the horse almost es- MiMiiiii Links s c s Typhdid, More ' Repairs Bri^g^ , AM ESm D S^se and Nonsense tlnct, but so are people who. work n • i Campai^ Here 'Mike— Hey, have you forgottm '^■9 ssmav like one.-^Hoiher Phillips, in Sat- K N 1 f JSS5 that ten dollsra you owe me ? T sm ACBOM SModentc f T so Oteflteg T MaaktaM B j w f l ~ « Jake— Certainly not, didn't you cvepost. ' ' U More. East*West Visits V Meets Ajiproval I) In Washington NOT A BAUSON REPOBT . Boy, who. to say the least, was 4 Itan Afsoi Pwktaig Le4s liiM to 1 bUad as a Peril Pennsylvanm T ew si AiTMUsfl If Undartakera are dolnig; a dead quite belligerent ____ soak N e»iE & “Warren," asked Watson, "do Berlin, Aug. 32 MB—The U.8.^preciated the visitors' rtiUcUma of . The campaign here to teach TTia Mwichaater unit of 1*% tOROMM^MN: buaineaa with thlnKi looking black. CARNIVAL BY. DICK TURNER 4 Contend with 73 you, think that dog is going te farm detegstton to the Soviet Its agrlcultucal methoda pedeitriana tb obey traffic safety CqnneettbutIfttW t Stata Guard con­ ALL INSTAIXAHOND » Bottling companiea, to the con­ truncral noUee J r*"* ^ Union heeded homeward today ed- (Centinnad treaa Png* O ai) . bite' mej" '"W e arc aware of these , shbrt- rulM seems to he meeting Y^Ui up barricadea, atoned psssarsby tinued ita flood-rallaf work tpday, trary, report a corking buslncM. la Cakes and TCompkiailve vocetlnE more siich exOhenge vis­ "He will, Jim." the President suflUis H i domings, don't try to hide them and sat first td'gsaoUns stations. B M tieggen report unfair con»- E its between Xmericena end Rua- and, want to overcome them^',' said more public japproval. Chief Her­ Then they broke into European A twilight curfew was Impdbed. .aner its -'7-tr,iok SO-raan convoy DEMAIO BROTHE .petitlbn by varnish makers. Nat­ replied, "if he finds Out you are a • H4braw B and armad aoldiani of the PMWisyt'^ United States Senator," laPm isn poet s 1 II stena. the commentator, Nicolai And­ man O. Schsndal add tbday. homes, in an orgy o f blood let­ .rolled into the Stricken town of EnrABtteaao tm urally they are kicking. 14 Mediute , mcaiuraa F "They have the most to gain bY reyev: "The friendly criticism Ha waa spanking o f Saturday’a ting. Ofndals. say they killed 30 vanla National Guard patrotpd the Waahtngton Friday night to help . qALL'NOW *- ANTTnac Tailora report pessimism in- tT h e—— df i r atreets overiiight to pravant loot- ISJswcl 't l Corrodes exchanges now, but later we roi^ht made by the American delekates oparationa on Main St., whan' 14 Europeans. Some .still missing that community’a 4,000 rasldents MANCHESTER MI4-1W1 RARTP»EO OOmwI asmuchv as business is pressing The l>pst was nervous and in­ Bathsn t4 Malicious gain considerably," said the lead­ will help us. And the very fact Ing, experienced and he rose hurriedly 14 Writes^' aaXkrmsn kio| A’uxiUaiy Policemen, under titg may .'have e'aciped, urith the market all sewed up. 10 Th e ----- at burning er of the group. Dean W. .V, Lam­ this cHUcIsm was offered iis an­ ------M V- • Guardamen alao patraled gtreetaf begin the work of reconstruction. at the conclusion of a song with lncorr«my 4SVmkcd genaral'supervision of L L Ray VleUma MoaUy Children Police are looking for the leath­ 14 Groups of Capri - 27 Inheritances bert of'the University of Nebras­ other sign of the cordial, healthy mond Griffin, were uaed. They di­ in Serknton, to thi nprthwest, and Members p f the service detach­ er deaderl 'who are now in hiding which one of the gUeets had been 11 reininine 24 Deeds 44-----aod X French offlcld aald most of othar flood-damaged. clUea. Emer­ ment , reported that the small deVcn ka Agricultural School. atmosphere in which the Ameii-^ rected walkers to crosswalks and tha yictlraa ware children, their a result Of the disclosure of obliging. appellation 29 — on the hearty ' . Arrive la Berlin can farmers made their tour of gency aheltera hays been 4et up in tbvfn was hit hard by the flood, ao Heraldie 44Gudrun*s pointed out safe means of .etoai/ throats. ,^ t aa the trtbaaman You C «M 'ftiiy BETTER Ant9 iNumne* their skin game. Host — Ladles and gentlemen, 17 Rhythmic •as .. X, The party of farmers, educators th) Soviet Union. For a true friend ing public thofoughfarea. ehurchae juid eehbola and the tbou- with '' its {n&ln business district bemre Mrs. Smith started to sing bands. husband would slimghter lambs; Shoe dealers are on their up­ atCxclamsUons .19 . . and thoaeJI Seniors and newsmen arrived in Berlin by Is not he who praises all the time Chlaf Schsndal said soma ■; tends of homeless throughout the derholished and bridges knocked pers, hence the preachers give up she—ah-^told me her—ah—voice as Chest rattles 47 Heredity unit As man^ Europeana aa could area at least have a place to sleep out. It took the guardsmen Saiiy (OuaCafl out-look.'x^X^ "Good Old Days” when' a dollar Dean Lambert said he was sure Secretary, of Agriculture Ben­ For sbt or .'btven hours the Jersey and New York. They were ^ardamen. 34 Motorists’ 1 1 son arranged to meet privately fic regulationa. ci^plete chaos rlutera cxmja>dUed - most of the by Sears, offera ratte uaualiy tower thu) thoaa of moat companlte would buy BO much more than to- "we hfiade some friends In Russia would rasult. Thm is a measurs of vacationing at the auramer retreat The Manchester unit was the —a really better auto tnauranr-e valuti At tha saraa time, you f day was, we didn’t . have the dol- hotels and the tension, we first felt when with Vladimir Matskevfch, Ru9s^ town. In^tna ahemoon they at- .while huabanda stayed oh- the Job first outside help to reach the James E. Watson, former sens 24 Card game r r r flrst deputy minister of agrlcultuse hew necessary l^ia to tsach people .« government building,' can count on AJlatate for finest protection, friendly agent aarrica tor from Indiana.^ made a call on lar. we went there did not exist when to walk safely/in the streets, he bock home. Usually, the men turn­ towm. In order' to enter the and feat, fair claim aatUementa throughout tha U ait»l Stataa we left.". and head of the delegation. buLthe armed civilians best them e d ^ on weekends. stricken community, the men had President Harding during the days 37----- and cats I9 ■ Si added. and Canada. < ' A t the boarding house lit Kansas "Similar exchanges WquM be de­ A luncheon and a series of con­ Seven mmbera of one New Jer­ .to rebuild a 60 foot bridge waah when the dog. Laddie Boy. was a 39 Speak i ferences with departmental chiefs It It the tope-'of the Police D ^ Foreign Legionnqircs,’ many of __1_. Contoct.yoitr local Allstato Inanranee Co. ilfalrf , White Houee celebrity. Watson City where he once lived. Eugene n 3 sirable .to break down 'Uie bar­ partment w point out the “ mutubi sey family were among the dead or'f..oiit over the mad Shepaug River. indUtincily a riers," he continued, “’piese people on administration, economics and them German volunteers, arrived mlasing. Four other famiUea had 'Tile wialiout had isolated stx FRANK LANOMACK — Ml B-MSO stood in trout of the president's Field, the humorist, found the 40 Siberian rivei i ‘ llUea" the motorii^and about S p.m. and quickly cleared table-fare uninteresting. One day. !T are tremendously Isolated, Nmd planning, livestock,, wheat, com triple loeses.'. coriimunities. desk at safe distance from Laddie .41 Soak flax b r & cstribn have to aaeh^^otner.' the town. Heavily armed scout Ynu'ra In Good Hands with anything we can do In this d l i ^ and farm machinery also war's ar­ AuxUiariec are .sMving aa Nancy JohiiBQn, a 19-year-old Along with rebuilding bridges 42 Else tion would be helpful.” . ranged. Top officials left the full cara pursued the tribesmen 10 or student li'urse fTom Jersey City, T f unpaid volunteerathe cam­ 12 miles back toward the moun­ in the Washington area, the 4S Ground pork Another of the group, Ferris S. day,, open to talk over whatever paign aa part^_^ their training N. J., survived the flood despite a BY J. B. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE w ith MAJOR HOOPLE 49 Church parts ■M'/y tains. 's-. guardsmen helped respan the OUT OUR WAT r a J5 Owen of Newark, Ohio, said the .matters the Russians cared to terrifying experience lasting' all rivers iso^aUng the little com­ SI SoIidUy Russian peasant haa only the bare The outbreak at Ousd 2|em was Juisriin bring up.. Thuraday night. Her two brothers munity o f. Waahtngton Depot. JilB lN SuikN C I COMFANT [WOlOrT/VOD POUCO Pirv AWAY < 32 Related % w necessltlea of life— a roof over his Arrive In Washington ^ . - only one of many. French Resi­ were lost in the torreitt. Her MsarREccMiMeeACK «O O P V P i'l dent General Gilbert Grandval sup­ Bridge, approachaa were laid by , TO B o rrfC R cu n o a t* NIAHTy -THAT e o o ii ' S3 Handled m head and enough clothing and sim­ Ten members of the delegatloir' mother, Another survivor, is in the. unit’s heavy equipment along A A ^ lO H ] [SBAQ. 9 0 i6 f VlH\L6 B lW M A VEAR$ A60, ei'PotiB you 94 Abstreetbein ple food. But "they all felt they arrived by plane last night from North Africa Riot pressed the worst details in the Monroe County General Hospital. 1 r Moroccan press for fsar of Inciting with equipment from the town's PER A J li AWAV, MAVft O O A m * ^ S3 Poems have it better now. than ever be­ Los Angeles and 'were Joined/by Nancy and her camp mates had highway dspartment. While some BIS-TERf SOBsscbairs" % 17 fore," he add^d,.. worse race riots. crowded into the attic of a centra] IA80DT ^OODZ— VWICHWOOLO^ 0rre i took:-] gARsecueo' ill two others whom they had left In Toll Nears 800 of the men sUyed behind to AW AAA ' -----Speakei d The farniiers said everywhere Chicago earlier in the WeelyThey In Paris, however, the news­ building, called the winter. hou.*wi«».»»«.T.a.Az»AAiesL DOWN friendly.” Dr. William E. Reed, resentatives-of the State .and A gri­ . (Ceatixiied (ram Page 0«c) under huge headlines.' r crept higher. She gave this de­ trict of the town and helped clear 12 scription of the last horror packed ACeOUMT. 1 Sacks 5T dean of the agricultural and tech­ culture Departments ^bd of the Returns to Rabat debris. . AtO»16VliTr» OP nical college at Greensboro. N. C„ Nstionaltsts avoided the heavily minutes before the building began o p w toaa> **Th* Im I Mg d4il B* gut serele wa* eAim h* 3 Toward the Soviet Embassy, / Grandval, who has worked LANE WSTERS»MKEft iETlW ieX 5T % !)l added that the average Russian l^arded areas. to float into the stream and Saturday iftem oon the guards- As they left Los Angeles after strenuously to improve the situa­ raen' helped rtetpra 300 feet o f 'OtAWmSH.' VJASWiCKEO] PIErfIM fllj "has no conception of capitalism.” a 4-day whirlwind ,tbur, each of cnunble into kindling wood. Only, one Incident of violence tion In Morocco since his appoint­ road which waa washed out. ITie ■He thinks there are a few rich peo­ the Soviet vlsltors.4ecelved a’gold- "It Just began to sway ahd was reported In the other French ment last month, reft yesterday for road la the community’s only en- ro'JBATOIMAtHj ple in the United States, but that en "Luther Bu^ank" medallion grind and everybody went. tVe all protectorate of Tunisia, which re­ a quick visit to Algeria. Returning Lance to the nearby town of New y PRISCILLA’S POP Eihibit A^ BY AL VERMEER the rest of Americans live in pov- depicting the famed plant breedec. last night to Rabat, the M orocc^ grabbed whdt we could and hung ’Dt4V-% erty. Dr. Reed said. cently Was granted partial self- Milford. I ' • Matakevich /said Burbank is rule. One small FTench outpost capital, he was to fly on to Aix on aa well as we could. 1 must J* a n The Americans left behind a The m^n. who have been bijiated INFLATION WELL. I A<€KED HIM... ■J^SO I MADE ' honored in Uie Soviet Union, and near the Algerian border was at­ le Bains today. -< have floated j a mile downstream APB01MTMENT FOR frank 14-pplnt.'program for im­ the Soviet publishing house Is pre­ and things were bumping into me at the Gunnery School and are AfdO HE TOLOM feTO tacked. but the fighting there end­ The first arrivals in the French expected to leave for further aa- Remeasber when ground round was (tflaen eanta m YOU TO MEET HIM proving Soviet agriculture. They paring to ^sue his selected works resort were^ supporters of the all the timd'and hurting me. But t o m o r r o w ; ] recommended that the Russians | this y e ^ ed Saturday night.' ''v signmenta today, report that the pdnnd, bacon waa s dime and the botoher'^gaTa yon aging Sultan Mohammed Ben Mou- there'was nothing I could do. I use more machinery and less Meanwhile, moat of the ..large residenta o f Washington have The Russians will remain here lay Arafa. whose shaky regime is can’t swim. ‘ Hver for (rea? That waa'before the srerd "taflatton* rentrsl control, and that they seek tomorrow, visiting the Agriculture cities in both Morocco and A l­ been extremely grateful - to„ the in extreme straits, 'The powerful "About a mile down the creek I was need aa freely la dlacoeelng ear nattanni acoa- agreement with the United States Deputment’s research center at geria were allent under a ' tight four officers and 26 enlisted men Pasha of Marrakech, Thami el bumped into' a tCee and hung on. omy. la jkoae days "lallaUen" meant the biaariag for gif'exchange of experts and nea^y Beltsvllle, Md.. and other curfew.,. I’ve never cllmbeo a tree before li for the work they have done. 1^- technical publications. nta of interest. The>' also will City Under Virtual S ie ^ Glapui, * ^ n t by plane last night my life but I certainly cllmbei fore Ica'ving for their new assign­ up of h IsUlooa, aat the fmnfly poekathook. Re­ Welcomes Criticism luncheon guests of the National AlgerU'a big seaport of Phllippe- for the talks. His supporters pro­ that one." ments today, the men will receive member 7 btnscow Radio said today that ess Club before leaving- late ville, near Conatantine, was under vide the backbone in the new cabi­ Two fingers of her left hand typhoid shots. the Soviet government greatly apy 'Tuesday. .a virtual state of siege. Police net named over the weekehdr by were injured and one was almost II the Sultan. The cabinet^ was not Washington was the second and troopa in armored cars pa­ cut off by the ordeal of clinging to project in the' flood relief work trolled other Algerian cities. given much chance of success. ' us of town meeting day as cele- the tree all night. done by the local State Guard In' Morocco, the fighting -con­ I brated in the early 1800’s. "To the El Glaoui Was the prime mover "They told me I had been on the unit. Friday nljlit, the engineer . eSc’P ' tinued mainly in the hills and the two years ago in the French ouster ti;ee for nine hours, most of it with A M C riA IS I^ I children it meant a gift of ginger-' and communicationa. outfit was or­ Holmes j bread in the homecoming pockets i'pproaches to the Atlas moun­ of former Sultan Mohammed Ben my head under swirls of water. I dered to flood disBster relief head- • mCBB-BAMWA #.11. remember a searchlight being of their fathers. . , .Then; after tains, The countryside around Youaaef, who has become a Na­ fluarters at the SUte Armory in played On me during the night but FUNISALHOMS i bur forefathers had found that* the Marrakech waa lit by numerous tionalist symbol. Saturday's out­ Hartford to aid Governor Klbicoff BY V. T. HAMLIN Incendiary fires last night. Jet little else.” JILLEYOOP N e w s Fhuih beautiful red but poisonous Love breaks were timed for the second and MaJ. Gen. Frederick G. 400 MAIN ST. TEL. MI 3-78»7 COTTON WOODS -BY RAY GOTTO fighters- patrbllad overhead. Tanka anniversary .of Ben. Youaaef’a r»- She 'y&s rescued the next morn­ NOPE! IJUGTSAMflMM’' Apple was a perteet'lyedible to­ ing by two rnen In,^ motorboat Reincke, state' adjutant general, ■■BUT THP4C6UJ— C. VWWCHX mato, It became the custom to see clanked through the countryside. moval from the throne. direct operations. ' Power had faer BETTER / r O u Y o tX fiE E A R G R OFFMEMCM COC Severed communications delayed with a powerful engine. that dried seeds from the summer ' Before the building collapted. gone off in the Armory, and the PRSnVQISdCl «3fj¥eOHOtt 6CDTT fiO T THE IM L Hi ho come he fair — now before were planted in their seed cstsuaity reports from many local unit .supplied emergency areas, but those that did trickle Miss Johnson said, the campers NOMf-VEZZMaf SUMPBIP MEfiTUCKONOCaRf is the time to s; I planning your box on the window sill--always on I were singing and praying. power for lights and communica­ ‘■‘i through bold a grim tale. IM NOW f schedule. Town Meettn' Day.’’ This was al­ ; "W e took food and water up there tions. ways the second Tuesday In March In Algeria, the well-coordinated Police Arrests Right dowh the Midway folks but we never really dreamed any­ The Manchester guardsmen are throughout New England. There is strikes , resembled the hit-and-run thing would happen—we couldn’t -. under the direction of Capt. Jo- fairs are a^many different things a fund of information )n this book guerrilla warfare which laid waste aa there ^ e people who go ' to think that.” 'seph Magnano. that will give yoti a chuckle as well to French Indochina. The rebels Inilnga Salvatore. 28. Willhian- i them. To .the farmer they offer as knowledge. smashed military outputs, then t'lc, and Mrs. Ruth E, Thomas, 21, new luMwjedfe. stimulus., and a Another, suggestion is "Folk fled. But. the French fought back RFD , ir-Rockville. were'eSch ar­ chance^ to aee how the othq* fel­ Laughter' on the American Fron­ effectively. , rested yesterday by Patfolman low IS doing. To .the city dweller tier.’’ by Moady C. Boatright. This In Morocco, some - raids were Raymond Peck and charged With they'' bring back 4he noatalgia of book is. bursting with rlch.^ exam­ ominously similar to the Man Mau speeding. Their cases ^r*, sched­ youthful summers spent on a farm ples of anecdotes and tall ^les, of maasacres' which have ripped uled for court Monday. o/ an eye-filling vision of a bounti- stories told by frontier lawyers, of Britain’s Kenya colony. Robert C. Davidson. 38. of South ul land. A t tha Eastern States the humor of the pulpit, of political Worst hit waa the little Moroc-IRd., Bolton, was arrested Satur- Exposition we . are invited to Join Jokes, Jokes on manners and men can mining town of Oued Zem. ' day by Patrolman John Turner * the fun thia summer. An authentic m . and some of the mythology of the about 100 miles southeast of Casa- | and charged with . operating a creation of ah old-time New Eng­ blanca. There 4,000 supposedly; motor vehicle with improper True Enough BY EDGAR MARTDI 3CSSgDa.xa . frontier. We can find a chapter on BOOTS AND HER BUDDIEI land town where the 1834 village "Backwoods Belles” which tells of friendly ^ rb e r tribesmen poured | equipment and making unneces- i meetinghouse came timber by tlm- down from the hills, shooting, i as ry noise. His case is-set for B U ^ S A W Y E R BY ROY CRANB our backwoods sisters and their 1 %aoMioi« vr nkh attraoUoni There - will- be— a trtxinmtf' 'Women and~childTcn.- Governor’s Day, a Childreii’a Day BO Q ftSl VTSTOb-XME bMEtOESfrCL V\TTV\ =«E. tribulations with the so called Thla la what happened: Quick dessert: fill peach halves l & l and many other eventual daya'to weaker’ sex. There are sWeral About 9 a.m. Saturday, 4,000: Ifresh or cannedV with a little con- OfCrEUb 04 IWCLDOOMVh spend on the Midway or in the dif­ VTMVM6 9 0 6 DOME. others that you will enjoy aa well. ri>bed tribesman, half o f them oh j fecUoner’a sugar frosting flavored ferent exhibits of the State build­ Southern folklore. Western folk­ horseback, descended on the town. ’ with grated lemon rind and vanil- ings. The Industrial Arts building lore, and one entitled "American Joined by shout 2.000 townsmen, la top with freshly-grated or moist Is a must aa well aa the animal es- Folklore." ^I they cut down telegraph poles, set , canned coconut. 'fhibits. The Daredevil auto show, For a graphic picture of our | the Wild West rodeo, U.S. Marine country we would suggest 'tProfUe 1 'Corps Drum and Bugle ^Cerps, o f America;" by Emily Davie.'This ' -X ^ HorSe Drawing Contest, 4-H Club is a book which explains better ' Dairy Calf Club J'udgin'g, and all than any other what is the United , the other wonderful sights' and States and.what Is an American.' rhild's (eet n e e d j sounds are at your beck and call. The first chapter Introduces us t o ' If your faet- hold__ out. Lief Ericsson and his discoveries. ' Connecticut has her ahare of 'And w e'travel step by step from , @ 1 4 fairs and they are ail over the the settling o f the new land to ita ! R | extra protection N- State. Ydu might find these more f u t u r e responsibllitite. These (,.. BY PETER HOFFMAN fun because you would be more books and many others are Just -IBEEJCOM likely to see everything than at part of ihe collection of our. Amer­ lacurfmET Room For Doubt! LANK LEONARD ‘ : the larger fairs. We have a listing ican way of life which can be found j of the dates, places and things to at your library. * I t IS LATE EVEN ... ' see so- do stop by and start your lof US fit IS THIS TRUE NEWSPAPER lO^jBCMa'-IIDUWCT^r €H,M aiy-F«EVEV yEMfoNcum planning. STORY, AND LITTLE ^ INECUBStOMlVDC * ALUUSI.BEENiaK)M(r4 NEVER GHOVStn! Fairs have been a national tradi- •WHO»S* HAS ^ mcnCETEEtIUK tlon in America Slhfce the fir s t LET US FILL VOUR thorn right DECeSD THAT THE ssttlers set foot on her shores but IffiSIDIIIMUIUPM COUNTY CHILDREN'S OUK^irSGOMIDHj -ASSOONASKSnin^ ^^aom e of our older^ trbdltlons have HOME IS MOT FOR AFBVIUNOTES! y terrible! FRACnCMGf ^ not Weathered the 'years aa well ao with HIM.... 4 lt'mlghtbe-4qterestlng to look Into .g-;afew, m ■ij: - Wo have several good^Ooks on i* if'i American folklore and'Yrai^tlon • • • • "Treasury of New Engl CALLED FOR AND Poll Parrot c U I o ( ' • R I T 1 9 -z r Folklore,” hy B. A.^ Botkin, tells i^LIVERED PROMPTLY jeXTRA CHARGE ■ | f' ^ ^ ^ ■'■T ^ \ flNeRRIRI. FIRtVilB THE STDDENTS f r ie n d #iit PhamMy fSTCMROOK PENS 444 CENTER ST. 3 i TEL. MI 9-4414 ^ 2 J 0 i l p CAPTAIN EASY On The Prowl ^ a ia BY LESLIE TURNER FRf’''’RLES AND HIS FRIENDS Pop’s Hep, Too- BY MERRILL C. BLOSSBR W ith R modern electric range, you WiU Win h i| ^ t hoaorSs PiaaLM axPhanaicy witlTfKttt TRV*OUIDB f••furts " 1 DEWEY-MCHMAN 399 BAST CENTER St. the praise e£ family aiid frimids. And eeve yeerself IsuTfose M **■ IHB'MGeOOSEY.COMSd^HtADflUAWiBeA 4 BXTRA 10N6 COUNTIIS . ‘DDOHuroMr time and work. few AND MNS.iiiieabONS o i THB ucSm cffSrotr^ 4 AOOiO H8l SU99MT ' fDPMteooser ON-iwoewMATic pujmbS ^ zI ^ Electric cobking taws atnicsl jeket, levoo, nicuMi 4 RBhnOROD STHL SHANKS and,^iatfwtnli. .. ^ 7

4 SMOOTH SiAMUSS BACKS Hi-Spee4 eheoric cooking eoob at fast at food eae eeek. ^su ited (« arthapadk adjustment when preseribad ft's aatf. Set the ttiaer oo aa electric nage end foeget k. No gnepHsoik. No tedious {x>^walclling.

.Eleofic cooking ii clean, cook and Arifiy. J«8t Ik '. pennies a day* ^ (he ]pf of euebsp eiacnic oDoki^'

% V IC F L IN T |(l a



1 / ; " ^ ■' ' ' • , i J ^ if.. 7 '- ■4. t /( y* 5' * . / ; ' N A '■ / ' ' ■; 1 ’'l■\^ ; .. V ; { , c " A-t ' " '''V-'-' Ir, ■ ■ E'' .1 - > ■-« ' r A X UANCH^TER EV®nNG HERALD, MANCHESTER OONN^ MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1955 lUNCHESTEB E V E W O BERALD. IIANCHESTEB. OONN. MONDAY. AUGUST 22. 196B m ' L-. • ' ■ .• \e l O t t l playoffs in Little League ■■■■— -.'"T " ’; '' ' ...... -I. I ...... _ ,...,,.,1^ , . „,^w i l y. . Dick Donovan s Saiutationa for Grandslammer v Lo§e 10 of Last 1 4 ; Telcos and Wolves Everybody |b Do%m Notes Manor Ace Waddell Scene O if the Gaff No Surprise tp Marion Lead Cut to 11 Games Of Three Qub Start Rec Playoffs BY GAYLE TALBGT New York, Aug. 22 (»)—It wlU Event Opener I New York. Aujf. 22 ^/P>— folks were beginrun^ come os a distinct surprise to this ^' 'Oiic«*o,''Aug. 22 ^ffV-Dick jlonovan, 28->ea,f-oll rftokie v»;aTK«nAv« b m i lts wonder toda.v whether Brookl.vn may he heading comer U the AUatratiane do not righ ^der who catne off the operates to pitch the P layoffi in the Rec SoftballAfor the Telcoa Include oatcher Opening gams -la tbs LUtls would be the mo.st .spectacular smash-up in the long Dodger League start tonight at 6:30 at Jack Scribner, pitcher Roy Squibb, win back the* Davis Cup without experiencing a really uneaay mo­ Leaike Round Robta ■sriss. gets ChicEBO White Sox tp victory, surprised a lot of people > rinrinnali 4, Si. Ixmla* 0 Robertson Park with the oeeond- second baseman A l Barone, third tradition of blowing pennant.*. ment this weekend at Forest Hills. underway tonight at Waddstl FlaM teid ^b u t not Manager Marty Marion, v rh. ,,o , . place Telcos' meeting the fourth- baseman Joljn Albee and left- N^w Vovk At PiurhurEh t#*rain). Actually, it would take a complete Brooklyn collap.se .to­ The acore likely will be 3-2 in DOTOvan came..,through with «n 8-2 victory over L'e '''nt Amrriran - place Oroe-lte Wolvea. Tomorrow fielder Bob fcanlon who crashed with Green Manor, champion eC tlM Boston 4. Waabinrion V gether with an incredible fini.sh by either of the two top con- night, the league chanptons, Man­ the challengere' favor, but that’s National League, battling Aoato fit after Connie Johnson had blanked the Tigers. 2-0, to pull the (*lrvc!an4 9. KAn^ain r*ny 4 four home ru n s to ' tie for the tenderR__Milwaukee or New York— to accomplish the miracle. chester Auto n r t s entertain third- league lead. Squibb polled an 8-3 granting Tony Trabert two elngles Yf.rkYftrk «.*. ^Itimore “ ■ i. vlctoriet, which is coiurtderable Sylvester, International t loUflM' White Sox within-one-half game of the league-leading ^c\\ (*hK'AC» 3-A-, Uf'tif . oil t'-:’ place (3aae Broe. with' the two wln- won and lost record this summer BTANDlNIiH But those who still recall the late season slides of the Dodgers granting. . Our only top-flight kingpins. First pitch Is Mbsdiilsil r'‘ Nalinrial neri clashing for the playoff crown while walking 27 batters and fan­ W I. Prt r.PI in 1942 and 1951 are convinced nothing i.s imjiossible. in a alngle game Wedneaday. All ning 16. amateur te very little better than -*9' for 6 o’clock. The third team In ^**^e^% ulte a pitcher,” said Marion after the game. "But ------Win or I9SC, the Dodgers haven t a tossup agalnat I,ew Hoad, and the series, Spencer Rubber o f tbs Broi'tl^4vK...... 74 42 . ^ } . ' gamea have been switched to On the other hand, tht Wolvea looked like pennant winners since American L o m im , s s i nstteiu - -^yoii^kno# BOmething. I expected it," '. . J ...... --- U Roberteon- eo aa to not Interfifre Will have Walker Briggs behind the final cmint might easily tpread ! S>w York n r 57 52ft 14' the All-Star break.' playing eight to 4-1, ^ JCartoli might have expected it„,------■ i Philad»»lrb»a ...... n\ .50K 17 with the State Softball Tourna­ the plate and Mac McGee on the Wednesday aiakt masting Ansfa * games under .500 ball since July 9 The Auseies have a teiyiflc in- , hut others didn't. After all, Done- ' rincmnAii ...... fil M 4f»2 19 Kramer Likes ment aponsored by the Natlorial mound. McGee captured two de­ Sylvester atVsrplaacklMd. And ' < 'hira([« ...... ,>p 4A5 •22'-s Beaten for the third straight time ctntiva to win so ;Jhat their next van undervent an emergency ap- Softball Congress at Charter Oak cisions in nine atart* this ysgr, \ the third contest o f the wsekpalfs Palmer Wins S'. I/OUta ...... 52 « m 2fi Philadelphia yesterday 6-4 the defenao at home can be held pendecthmy July 31 and doctors Pltl^biirch .. 4a 77 .349 34 Park. gave up only 17 batee on balls and Spencer Rubber and Green MooMr. Igers limped home with a record virtually In conjunction with the said they didn’t • expect he'd be Amerk an Cup Chances Dodgers I The Telcos will teature three of registered- 16 atrikequta. In the i i * " Friday night In a 6 o'eloidt en­ ...... 75 47 .415 - ' 1 of 10 lOS!losses in their last 14 games '56 Olympic Gamea at Melbourne. able to pitch under game condi­ rhlrftgo ...... 73 44 .413 C, the loop’s to p . batters in their infield, the Wolvea will have Tiny counter at Waddell. D ie seitea w ill tions for six weeks. Canadian Open — ^ c u t t i n i r their 16', games lead of The Australian people are as in conclude with three mors gnalss ri#‘v*'Rinfl ...... 74 44 4^ 1 Forest Hills, N. Y.. Aug. 22 iPi over Milwaukee to 11 In starting lineup tonight. Center- Pockett at first bate. Dave Krin­ D Olio van gave up only one Roaton ...... 7u .51" .579' 4'i fielder Holdy Sharp waa the cir­ tensely hationalisttc in their sports next week. iD^lrnit 42 40 .W - Jack Kramer, serving as a trial , jak at second, Frank Perine at 'earned run in posting his leth Toronto, Aug. 22 i/Pi cuit's second best hitter with hie short and. JacN Hets at third. Bill outlook aa we ware some 30 years Herald Photo Dave-'Whjlto Contractor Battety victory against four tosses and! paimer has proved him-i «2 7« :ti horse for Uncle Sam's Davis Cup Manager Walter Alston is suf- .378 average. Shortstop Bob Mc­ Tober, Jim Cooper and Dick^Krin- ago, before too much succesa bred Coach Art Pongrata of Aeata * showed no signs of having been' , qualified member of 1 = forces, said today America looks ftciently concerned about t^he Kinney and first baseman Frank jak will start in the outfieM. Dave apathy. . _____ Sylveater ia expectad to atart SldeUned for three weeks. ant* and tough profes-sional golf i iatinnei ' like a cinch to beat Australia in Dodger doldrums to have ord_ered a Tully were the TelCoa big run pro- Krinjak ended the season with a Howard'Hansen behind the piste *1 feel wonderful," said Donor. f,.aternlty by winning the Canadi-1 s«»- Y..ik »t' rmehnrrh iJi Karf rare late season workout in Brook­ dneera during the regular aeoaon, Along with vverythlng else tennis' World Series next week­ laudable .423 patting average and Don TOrca on tha mound. The van. "No aches, no pains, no any-open with a near record lyn at 11 a m., today. each .chasing home nine talliee. while brother Dick posted a .316 Hank Bautr of Yankees steals second as Don Leppuri). right, ooltimore Orioles' ascond baseman, hits that’a happened to the' World Infield, from first to thlK^ baas, thing. It felt as i f I were taking; 25-year-old pro or Latrobe, •nd-i.tddl.Only game* <>-.i arhf^duUd A end. Battle .Against Odds Others who are expected to atari mark. ground to get wide throw from catcher Gui 'Trlandoa in seventh inning* at Yankee Stadium, N ew York Champion Giants in recent months, will com pr^ Ralph FletehaS, Dava my regular turn. You know, like l i p,.. wilt play starting Thursday in Am^rlran "How can w rloee?" the former The Braves, cohllnuing their City (Aug, 21). Yankees won, 6-1, to retain’first place in the tight American iMOgila pennant race. their No. 1 hero. WUIie Mays, le Nn arh^d'ilpd. Feridonl,: John Banlvage and 9at^ hadn't been out at all. Sure 1 tired, 1 fije |26.800 Montreal Open. Pal- champion from Los Angeles askere'F had taken a 10-roiind decision John Simler, Jim MeOMiaa, D i^ against Brooklyn Dodgers In Philadelphia (Aug. to give Philllea a 6-4 win over league leaders. Wait­ against Lew Hoad and he can beat , hits off Herman Wehmeier. and — let’s face It — showboating. didn’t think we’d be up there now second best in the history of the "The winner of the Cliff Msyne- 211 Ken Rosewall if he follows the , waa having a big time for himself from Ezzard Charles, turned Hurri- m ^S piVlMON Arthur end Mike Cervey. And last spring. But we’re really Canadian championship.. The only ing to greet him after fifth grandslammer of his career are batbby; Granny Hamner «2i. Del Knnls A s One headline put It: "Prim a Rddie Moylan and Jerry Mo.ss-Bill formula he used last year. building his fight with R1 Enm.a acioiinted for the Phils ing CTub made'the mistake of show­ If large Bob Baker had ^ot also ToOmament at the Country dub. Palmer, who didn’t b.e c o m e Wnk’t Boxliif; Schwiult from on extensive interview with Green MOnor ia expectad tohnva talMS^hls baasball ssrloualy. He’s National Doubles Tennis Touma- I Minoso on Hit Spree tpam. in the 19M Challenge rims off six Dodgers pitchers. ing Nino Valdes to the millions who been a highly acceptable candi­ New York, Aug. 22 LD—.Now gineers 61-0 at Westminister,, Md. Rookies George Shaw, AJan Bob U*Franeia waa a close runper- get their beak busting via tele Archie Moor* and wished earnest­ heavy-hlttlng Dava WhlU catditiig a hard - worker and he was out eligible to, compete far monsjt m'eht resumea play. ] Round al Melbourne;-Last year The Dodgers haven t reached ths -1 date. .Valdes would have had the that the National Football League and last ye^ 'a Weatem Diviaion Ameche and L. G. Dupre led Balti­ up with a score of 29-1—38. Mer­ til lait Mav when he finished hiS During Last 13 Games Vision, * ly to know whether he could rely and Tony FalcetU pitching. Tha thsrs running every day Jlq get But then, this is the tournament they beat Hoad and Rosewall." alarming stage yet but old Brook­ Marciano date then and there, but teams are getting down to the cellar-dwelletV, the Chicago Cardi­ rill Anderson carded 34-6—28. Mac hlmasif back in shape. He only PGA probation period, picked up Making things worse, Ihe^.IBC, more to their ftrit victory. Shaw, on everything the heavyweight infield will have Ken Burnett at of surprises. - ; AaalsUng Players lyn sufferers still haven’t forgot­ iii a desperate attempt to clinch serious buaineas of preparing for nals, downed their rrosstown LaFrancla shot a 28-5—28 and pitched three batting practices $2,400. That ran his total earnings It started as a ’ routine affair > f$ii«ago. Aug. 22 lAh—Mlnale One-Time TV Idol Davey expoeed the gigafitic Valdes to a I AU-Pociflc Cooat Conference quar­ challenger hod sold to him. If not first base. Chip Rohiback at sec­ Kramer, king of the amateurs ten that the Dvlgers blew an early the official opening Just about ,a rivals, the Chicago Bears, 21-6 In Paul McNamara fired a 28-5— 26 last week but I knew he was ready to around $ although a sec­ Minosn of the C%lo«gn WMtie bloke who, generally ^..^speaking, it. he once more took a chance everything, than about what per­ ond, Dave Kelsey at bhort and 6,000 with a final match between de- | before turning professional short­ August lead of lO 'j gamea over month away, it's beginning to look Jacksonville, Fla. terback from Oregon who woe tha to tie for. d aae B laurels. because he got those legs in ond early this year in the Panama Sox, apparently recove'md from deals only in knockouts. Handi­ with Moore, who had smacked centage? John PontUlo at Uio hot com r. fending champions Tony T ra ^ rt the Cardinals in 1942 and a mid- like the top teams of ’54 are atlll Fred Morrison t a 11 i s d the Colta’ first draft choice, completed Open and a third place tie In the and Vic Seixaa of the U.S. r » v i « the eiffecla of his banning last Starts Comeback Tonight ly after World War,.II, has been capped by the finest quality of him around in St. Louis two years He waa advised that the rule of The starting qutflsld w ill ukaly shape." I assisting U. S. Captain Bill Tra- August 13’ J game lead over ths tough and the weaker teams are Brownie touchdown while “ Old St. Paul Open where his best previ­ Cup Team and Australian coun-7 May. I* on a hitting rampage China chin that has come along in before. seven of 17 posses for 121 yards. thumb among expsirlenced boxing In yesterday’s SMected Nine find Mike Reardon la loft, DIm Donovan's return skyrocketed bert as coach. Hia job has been to Giants nine years later. starting tS improve. Reliable" Lou Groza kicked two' event, Stan Hllinaki and Lea Gig- ous showipgs. terparts Rex Hartwig and Neale j these da.vs. years. Bob Satterfield ordinarily After seeing Valdes flounder Dupre, who led the College All- writers who have listened to F yler in osntar and Jaff Morten ia Chicago’s pennant chances. Marion N «w York, AU(r. 22 -Chuck.T 1 26-4-11 collide ia the televiaion throw his ‘'big game" at the Amer­ Veteran outfielders Bobby Thom­ around in front of Satterfield, Last year, the mighty Cleveland field goals which proved to be the Uo tied for top h(;nors in the d a i s was worried about his pitching Palmer entered the final round Fraser a foregone conclusion. The fleet tmtfielcler ,haa hit either winds up with a resin rash Browns, who have been in the Stars in ground gaining, topped Archie for many years is to pay rijk t. White and Bumatt are felao Davev. one-time idol of leieviaion lO-rounder rL New York’s Madison ican players In preparation for the son and Andy Pafko rapped three .voii better understand why Al decisive factor. The Packers,.j^ho A diviaion. Hilinaki shot a 32-1— 31 Staff with the Sox having to play leading by five -strokes. He dropped When flooding rains’ held up j safely In IS straight gahies. nr leaves the other guy for serious­ playoffs the - past four seasons, the Colts with 80 yards in 10 car­ cloae attention only when the pixie capaNe relief pitchers. . boxing fans, ends a "Ll-nlonlh g Wednesday night Challenge Round, opening Friday. hits apiece and Thomson drove in ly dead. He barely misaed placing Weill, manager of Marciano, were playing their second game, and GIgUo ptis^ed a 33*2— 31 score; nine games in the next six days. a couple of them on the first nine play three da.ys last week and at­ During that span he has eol- were worried about the New York ries for one tally. He, also caught of 'pugilism le dtscussing ji Other reserves with the Manor retirement" tonight when the .. „ , »o -„. "Tony It playing exceptiorihlly three runs'to spark the Braves to a lily in the aix-foot-three-lnch, steered clear of Moore, when the scored first in the opening quarter d aaa B honors were garnered by "Donovan can go with four days but steadied his game and won tempts St indoor matches proved lerled 24 hits In 58 at hnta and faces Pat Mann of .<5vrariise,

H r i -y-'V ■ , V '■ ^1 . I- ; R'tfK'-■ ■:.' ■'s, -uj!: ' ~ r- ii--.’f, V ' . * . */. . . V ' ■ • ' ■ • .3 • ; ■ . ’ ' ' J • i,,.’ •I - 0 w . ' . • 'i.. S ; I ,.- i -■■ I • - k ■ ,

. y- MANCHE8TEB EVENINO HERALD, 1CANCHE8TM. O0NN„ MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1955 JU ! ites lIANCHESTEBi EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN„ MONDAY, AUGUST M, 1955 Ktomm wilkm Bw i n Heawa fter HeRt *7 Fer Ial4 72 P er Bale 72 SsbiftbfiE For gal* ,71 BEAUmtlLLT fimlslMfi _ __ LARGE LAKEniONT eatUga, THIUBB BBCOtOOM aqsM m M a BOtS^ROOM Capo Ood House. Good ROCKVILLB ilv # room ranch. Red Crost Issues Appeal Eeeaw Witheai Btari 59 room with complata light* houss- Lake Chstfee. cmni train Aug, 31 loeatioa oa 4ma lino. Near ste^ In dioirablo loeatioa. Hot water Ante Rapalrtaw—PBintiav 7 THERE OU6HTA BE A LAW! By rA6ALY u 4 SHORTEN H e^W aatad— ' l ArfielM Fer Sale 45 k e s ] ^ (aolUtlos avallS la.' Win Center eatnace garrlste ooloalal. Mala *r Ftmal* OB, 130 a, W«ek, MI. 3-3333. Ovarstsed garage, amestte drive, ping ceater aad school bus. Lot oil host. Otoior tranafotmd. Price BRAKB Itn ilfn , BMMt aU oars, FOR BALE —100 steal drums 30 ROOM FOR rant, iina minute from rent amgle or doubts. OhIMrwi ao> bath end lavataty, bet water oU 50’ X 300’. r u g e^Alar sa d storm Fat Emergency Donations MAN. .OMoaa Oia lining. No alien aiae, 30c apiact. Tobar Main St., light hopaekeapiiig. deptod (Uiaitod). Ouitral. Roasoa. beet, lot 78 X Sl4. lehsibiy priced wladowa Bouse iasulatad. Ftro TOT DEMONSTRA’^ v ' tom er able. kin. Daniey. 14 Arch fit. . Waated Ta Rent 18 BMSMy down, ft waakly. Cole woman, part Utois:'Sampln furn­ Slaaeball Manufacturing Oo.', Hil­ Phona r a . 8-7333. a t 333,000. k a 94339. A. R. m id a minutao from Wnbur CkMo BiglH Motors, 4M Oantar. MI. i.oaM. L TUR-AO IN TUe PAPEQfi A n d w hen rr ARsivef ished. No dslivsring or coUseting. liard BC ROOM— Main ADULT WOIUONO couple, no diU- aadCto. way. BxeoUMt adIghSwbood. An amergency appeal to funtef Rod CTOns'HoadquarUra today M PLEASANT ROOM. Privato an- FURNISHED Ntar Ploaty of storage aad cloaat Cantor fit. l a $-11$$. is, bo iw. used i..in Miiwralitf work.— 1- ini_ tha.V- many inquMfW wort sUU eon- m r t Atm> PAnmNO-Any car. |M. IT 4jOOKS SVELTE AMO O^IC TUAT GOWN S du ADOSC Phone BU. 3-0003 any Urns bsfors tranca. Gantlamaa prafarred. ra. St. Gaatlemaa prafsrrad. ra drtm, no pats, deslra lour ihoin VOO CANT\ytAlT 1 0 BUV IT VfMAT IT LOOlfS L ike ONVOU 8 p.m. to arrange interview. 3-3170. » HaMi S t unfurnished atertment or house. OAPB OOO-AttraeUve six room 8Paoa.^l4aal t o retiring ooupla. fiood-striekahod areas of tha RUta ing ia from ralattvaa of noonlo in' ___ ADVT. saaia day aarvlca. Laava your Bnilding Bbterials 47 34730. Komo. Bosomont ptoy room, A t o 913JW0. P A A . w G I IoSm BOIAVBf — Unusual randi, sot has been made by the local chap- car before going to work. Pick up SOO SEND POQITOUICI^.' THERE OUftUTA BE A LAW f MI, 3-373$ aftar $. tha affoeUd areas. Many talo- DEPT. HOURS ^ LARGE ROOM, next to bath, batbs, oil boat, Of or FHA ftaano- avaUaUo. 403 OaMaad fit. PboM pteoslmfy beck from tbo road. A i t o of tha Amorlean Red Croes. grama wore rant yastarday aad the after work. Complete new enamel Mahogany Paneling per M 8136-00 ra 5-343^. ______wholooomo aad aafo i ^ ' t o diU- StliA .ILto4:S0P.ll. SaltaaiCM Wanted 36>A genOeraan. Kitchen privtiegaa. TH E. w aU A M fiNIOO famUy ing. kladolliio fimltb, RooHor, ML Adam Rhodes, chairman of the ropilso wars being racolved vonr H E R M ^ paint lob. Tea we will loanjrOu a Canadian Framing, N o tic e droA. loVoB rooau with beaomont, local chapter, iaauod the apptol to­ car. No money down—up to 34 lo a d ...... p a r M 339.50 r a . 3-380S. needs a smaU bousa or iq>art- 9-1342. w«U, MM. Tbompoon Indleatod. mont. Three email chUdran. Bok 3T Uvlng room, lot 110’ x 3M'. day on the heela of a national ap­ COPY CLOSING TIME months to pay. Brunner's Pack­ REAL ESTATE Clear Trim ...... lln; ft. 7c Of Special Tews Meetiaf DOUBLE OR single room to rant 77, Andover. Tel. PI. 343$$. klANCHBfiTBR • - BxpondaMo Leto Far Salt 75 tsro-oar attachod garago. A qual­ peal .made by E. Roland Harri- nrnA seni ard, TalcottvUla. Tal. ML M ltl. InsulaUon, from ------aq. ft. .042 Town of Bollfii ity bum bona t o tbo -diserim- . —rlemotiia (su Mala *4. m cLASSinsD a d v t . Jn quiet'home. Kitchen privileges. Capo, not In dovotopmont Oood MANCHEfiTER-Near aew man, president of the American Hartford, 'Aug. 33 —K procla­ C^pmi aTsnlngB 'tu t. aat. 'til 0j 'SALESMEN Sheathing, load .... per M $99.60 AuiriMt 29, 1955 Parking. kO. 3-0837. FOUR ROOM apartment for $ eondiUon, Nlco yard, la la prico, w high laatiag buyer. EvmtBgs and waelu Nqtlonal Rod Cross, who. In a pre­ MON. THRU m Na 1 Clear Doora from each 37.50 achool— building lot 80•’' X 150’. oodo call Mrs. Pretty PI. 3-7$N. mation was Issued by Governor adults, medium priced. Pboua MI. 313,800. Maneboato^ four room r a . 5-1107. pared ralesko, declared that "with Ribicotf about 11:30 o.m., thla te*J0 A. M. CAR BURN OIL? Five aggreraive,^ live wire Built-In Ironing Boards each 312!50 NIgB c l e a n room to ona or two $-1307. brisk plus garago. Gornsr lot with J. Watson Baacli and O k, RaeMora out a doubt a great cataatropha morning. A special, masting Of the Alec- at C*ntcr. Parking. kO. 3-7D6I. 33 and Appralaonv kL-OHitral Itow. SATURDAY 9 A. M. Economy Overhaul experienced real estate sales­ Wood Gutter from lin. ft...... 40c tora and cltlsana quallflad to vota nico trooa, flut prico, IIOJOO. CSiOICB BUltDINO |oU la ktaa- baa oocurod, Bacauoe of the acope “It I# apparent that a tpajor Complete Home Planning Service Hazel fit. kODDlM-AOB couple went to rant J a , S-ni4. Sola ogonto. in town maetinga of the Town ef 6 or 3 room unfurnlahed houae ManehoStor, short ways out. Tbroa oboator aad Birch kCouatata area, of dUaater and the many thousands sourcs of reUsf funds to meet ths Moat ailf cars. Parts and labor men. References required. from ' bodroom raiMsh, 3% yoara old, full of famlliaa that are Jn distreaa, Tomt«oorauxiON wnx. |4f-fS. No money down $4.f0 Imiton, Connecticut, will J»e held WOkfAN, living alone, haa corn- within SO mUes of Hartford. WhUe snu .build to your raquinmoats. 4t ACRE PARkC oatata on a bUl human naeda of Connecticut flood ■B Arm ciAnsD Drawing accounts agaihat NA’nONAL In the COMMUNITY H A tL , to fortaUe room with kitchen privi- collar, largo lot.' fialo pneo, Bkcluotvo wlUt MahchooUr Asso­ top; oxcaUafit view. l $ a contor tha Red Gross U rushing disaster vtctima will come from the Amer­ monthly. All work jguaranteed. not necoasary would hot object to 313,700. EliBworth Mitten Agency, commission. Leads for pros­ BUILDERS SUPPLIBS Mid Town, .on MOlfDAT, ' leges, ra . 9-3481. farmhouse near hunting end flah- ciate#, lUoltors. PhUlp HaUla. kQ. antraneo colonial bonm, four bod- teams from an parts ef tha coun­ ican Red Croes. kUUiona of dollars MOTOR SALE “The Builders’ Yard'’ AUGUST 39, 1358, e t EIGHT Ing. Personal and finanelal' refer­ Realtors. kOr 34930 or Mr. Hlg 54331, r a . 5-7418, koT 54884. ' rooau. 1% batlu. Barn and other try to aoaiat local Rod Cross volun­ will be required to restore even a Dial MI-3-5121 pects and listings furnished. 381 State Street O'CLOCK in the evening, fer the p l e a s a n t ROOkI, private en­ ences readily eveilable. Write Box glna, r a . 3-8303. out buUdingi including d'two-story teers in maeting human naeda.” minimum degrea of fomUy livtag Fords, Cliavrolets, etc. .... $13409 North Haven, Conn. following purpoeee: trance, parking. Gentlemkn pre­ J8, Herald. eindor block buUtog $0 x ISO. Ha said further the Red Crocs to the untold number of victims. Write Box R Telephone CHeatnut S-3147 I. To conelder and take action ferred. r a . 1-3306. SEborbea For Sal* 75 Near U.fi. Rout# $. 'Walton w . la immediately making-an initial “The‘American Red Cross will m Pontiaca, Oldamobllea. etc. $174.89 appropriation of 53 miUlon for the ejo Herald upon a report of the Bolton School RELIABLE couple, daughter 7, I l l CONCORD ROAD MUrON--Oistom dostgaad thrao Grut, Realtor, 808 Androws meet theee human needs. To fami­ No Money Down Building Comroltee aulhoriaed to IN PRIVATE home, near bug line, four rooms uufurnlshed vteinity B u U d ^ , lit B art Omtor fit. ML preliminary of its relief operationa. lies without adoquate resources It , t7.90 Monthly charming extra largs knotty nine bedroom raacb. Youagatowa Loit and Pomid Diamoada—Watchoe— prepare plana and obtain coats for Bkun Hartford, Manchester. BU. Large five room raneh ia- kltclua, outstaading bmSroom, $-1188. CRnuoliea Contribute will give o u trl^ t granU to help ■ ' ' New Motor Guarantee paneled twin bedroom with thrae 3-4134 after 8:30. AU local church paatora ware in­ t^ m rebuild their homea, raplara VOOMD — A pUM vrlim Jewelry 48 the conetruction of an addition to expoeurea. Suitable to two. Priv­ colored fixturu, car port, amoaito Agents Wanted 37-A the Bolton Elementary ConeoU- cloacd breesewajr, two car ga­ drive I m o rtiadod lot Prico re­ formed of the move yesterday and their furnlshingn and clothing and Mcttr* • floa^at* Una o l COLE MOTORS LEONaAd W. TOST, Jeweler, re­ ate toilet. Privileges optional. kO. FATHER AND daughter looking Wfifttei—Befil Efitete 77 made pubbe appeals to their con- to buy food for their tables. No 0 ^^ yuM and aocMMtM, i Oated School and Jto take action 1-8413 after 3. duced. Warran B. Howlaad, Real­ 43$ CanUr Ctraat MI 9-09S0 TOUR OWN BUBDfEBB! Tour own pairs, adjusts watches expertly. on the plane prepared by said for three or four room apartment rage, reoreatlon rooms In tor, l a . 34600. gragationa for contributiona to the strings will be attached to ths goods, amtroldaiy cottons sad houra! Selling natlonaUy known R a a so n a ^ pricaa. Open dally. or houae, furnished. 141. 3-7444. . AMB YOU OOWn D EBlNQ emergency fund. Ona church has grSnU. No repayment wUl be -----K tii^esdt. At Toor Tsni cuahion ahoea la aaay. 138 atylea THuraday evenings. 133 Spruce Committee. ■BLUNO TOUR PftOPBRTTr . ao Oottags a t PboBs ML 3. To consider and taka action Boarders WantH 59-A COUPLE WITH two email chUdren baMment, large lot, beautiful WAPPING fiacUon (5o. Wiadspr). alraady rsportsd a donation of asked. f lirrrLtsHOOiHoo, for entire famUy. Eara 330 day StTMt. ra. 34187. AttrocUve five room 1161 ranch Wo win ajpnreiao your $100 and other contHbuUena are “Thla is 1 RodcvUle. Ha was fined looking for its miaalng, the state Affaira NeSl J. Houston made the BICTCLB REPAIRINQ. aU typee, Model Laundry, 73 Summit St. R. E. Whitney, 143. Biasell St., ise the inclusion in said eonatnie- Loan. 1097 Main fit. English a kpscialty. Now opah 3 OENIHAL Construction, sltera- week days after 3 p.m. FOR ONLY $329 tion of Alternate 3. Incinerator Recreation Room In Basement CUTE—5 room Cape Cod (1943) a total' Of $200 and placed oh pro­ had a diaeaae problem to fight. offer on Instructions of Gov. Joseph GOOD W U . used cars from your tlona, rsmodeling, plasUc tUe, Now vacant. Reduced to $8,200. bation for ona year for operating S3 Henltli Problem Areae B. Johnson. $ a C f l .9 S Ponttan dealer.'Good prieea and a.m. to t:S0 p.m. Manchsster ACTUAL JOBS open in U, 8., So. 3 ROOMS FURNITURE Room and Storage Room. SPACIOUS Professional Office. counter work garage, etc. No Job Am., Europe. To $13,000. Travel Brand New. With Written Farms and L«nd For Sale 71 Open Porch NEW—4 room ranch.. BreezS' am uninsured motor vehicle and ,,lSventy-two communities wars Houston said tha Governor has term s as tow as P par week. Me- Cyclo Shop, 133 wast Middle Turn- 3. To conitoder and taka action Ground floor, Main St, Ample abandoning it. Tv:o separate Chare Poatlae, inc., 373 Mala S t pike. ML e-scoe. too smaU. Eugene Glrardln, 18 SECRETARIAL paid. Write only Employment In- Livestock—Vehicles 42 . Guarantee upon..the recommendation of ths parking. MI 34900. EASTERN CONNECTICUT— Ex­ Lot 100 X 215 way, garage. $9,700. decl4feil,hcalth problem areas and offered to make availaMa the tk- Trotter. kU. 9-3809. formaUon Center, Room 474, 4 You get a Wcatifighouee Re­ counts on the first charge were typholir vaccine waa rushed in. ciUUea of the Vermont National ML $-4345. WE BUT COWS, ealvea and beef Committee that an appropriation ceptional buye dairy, poultry LAKEFRONT—4 rooms, full Introduced in court. POSITION Green St., Boston, 14. frigerator or a Da Luxe range or of 310,000.00 be made for the in­ AIR-CONDITIONED OFFICES— farme, with or without stock, 3 to Vacant bath, now vacant. Only $5,500. Drinking water had to be purified. Guard, tha sUta’a Civil Dafonaa cattle. Also heraes. Piala Bros. 100% Main St. location. Park­ In other casea Robert B. Wa- Tetanus inoculations.were given units and any other osaiatanca tha 3363 CREVROIATT station wagon, Tal. k a 3-7403. Emerson television. Lovely bed­ clusion in said construction of Al- 300 acree. WeUea Agency, Coven­ YEAR-ROUND—3 rooma, doubla four door, six passenger, with Wanted Autos— MASON — Fleitlstane a specialty. open in attractive insurance of­ JOBS—HIGH PAT. All tradei. So. room. pretty living room, heat re­ ing. Apply Marlow’s, 837 Main try. PI. 2-6873. trous, 36, Wapping: waa sentenced to persons who received cuts in stricken atato m l^t need. HV YWeflK Ernest ToUl kU. 9-3307. America, US, ’ThsTriands. Free tarnate 3. lot. $5,800. _ to five months in the TOUand Coun­ radio, heater, five nearly new Motorcycles 12 fice. Typing, shorthand, some sistant dinette, ruga,'tampa, tablee, 9. To ratify and confirm ap- St. ; CaU the floods. The Secretary aaid'today that no tires. Vary low mileage. Bkcellent travel. Write Dept. 4-R, NaUonaJ, linoleum, kitchen, cabinet, diahes Over 100 other new and old Colo- ty Jail for Intoxication; Iknest E. Roads, bridges, dams had to be reqnesta .for help had been re­ 5 iwlesteeniiiiftl wB lI CABINET MAKING —We also do bookkeeping required. Office 1020 Broad, Newark. N. J. Poultry end SaniUc* dS pointc.ienta heretofore made of the > nlala, Cape Coda, farma and cot­ lAbhe, 19, 'Vernon, 1160 for op' condition throughout. See Bob WANTED-aean Used Cars. We aU types of carpentry work, Re­ and other items to complete your members of said Committee and. STORAGE SPACE for rent, auil- Houses For Sals" 72 McKin n e y b r o t h e r s , inc. repaired. Places had* to be found ceived, although both states' had Ollvw Center Motor Salas, are always reaSy to buy your uaed air-conditioned and equipped home. Every piece ie brand new, able for lumber^ hardware, and tages. GI down paymeota aa low erating an unre^stered motor for people to Uve. They were kept, acknowledged the offer irith modeling, alterations, etc. Good DEPENDABLE men for-farm to authorize said Committee to ex­ furniture. Ml. 9*0iS2, MANCHESTER. Bigelow St. Two- MI 3-6060 or Ml 9-3931 aa 5%. vehicle and illegal use of markers; temporarily, in public shelters.. 431 Main car or truck. FOR CASH. Try workmanship and reasonable with new electric typewriter, work. 8 a.m. to 13 noon. Furnish SEX LINK pullets, ready to lay. 100% guaranteed. pend such appropriations as may r a . 3-4133...... family 10 room duplex.. Central lo­ George M. Barron, 60, Prospect Wjnated was atlU isolated. Food our famous flva-mlnute cash buy­ rates. Estimates gladly gi^*"- adding machine, dictating ma­ own transportaUon. MI. 9-7434. FOR ONLY $448 be made to the construction of VERNON—Space'suitable t o bar­ cation, large lot, 3 nSw' Lehiiox WELLES AGENpY 3$53 CHEVROLET Sedan, Power- ing 'earylca. All makes—all mod­ Call Dick at PI. 34495 or J ^ n at 3 ROOMS FURNITURE FIVE ROOM Ckipe. ExceUent con­ St.. $60,'breach of peace Snd intox­ had to be trucked over a cTreuit glide, radio, heater. Two-tone fin­ chine, ek. Located away from an addition to the Bolton Blemen- ber ahop with or without four heating ayatems, Occupancy one dition. Exceptional location in Main St., Coventry—P i 2-6872 ication; George 'W. Dunbar, 77 ous route, four-hour route. There els. “No dlcksring’’—WE BUT! MI. 3-5769. WANTED—Shirt operator. Exper­ Bought 4 Months Ago—Now In U ry Consolidated School. room apartment. Campbell’s aide. Full price, 114,900. Phone ish. Clean throughout Douglas Opsn 8-30-9:00 svsry$ day but Main Street in quiet, land- ience helpful but not essential. Articles For Sale 45 Warehouse Center Springe area. Price right Village St., $36, intoxication and waa no power, no gas and no drink­ Motors, 333 Main S t . 10. To consider,' and if deemed Drive In, RockvUle, TR. S-7492. MI. 34273. Brae-Burn Realty. for quick sale from owner. Owner ANDOVER— VUlage home, com- one year’j probation after serving Sundey. Bee Barlow ^Motors, 438 .scaped neighborhood. Salary Steady work. MSple Laundry 73 You get a Philco Refrigerator advisable, to suthorixs an ieaue of fortablo and attracUva—10 rooms, ing water. But water puriflera Main St.. Manchester. Maple St. ROYAL AND Smith-Coroiia port­ leaving town! Call. MI. 9-8345. 10 days In Tolland County Jail for were shipped in fast. BEFORE TOU BUT a Used car depending on ability. Write, able and standard typawrltara. or range, blond bedroom gorgeous bonds of the Town in an amount ' FOR SALE— Two-famUy houae, two baths fireplaces, oil heat, Intoxication and breach of the Roofing—Siding 16 living. room, De Luxe dinette eet, Houses For Rent 65 150-152 Birch St., corner of HoU. drUled well, bam and garage. Nice State highways, many of them See Gorman Motor Bales. Bulck giving full details. YOUNG MAN wanted' for general All makaa of adding maehinaa not exceeding 3100,000.00 to de­ TRULY A FAMILY HOME— peace. severely hit, today presanted one Sales and Service, 333 Main FOR THE BEST In Bonded built ruga, lamps, tables, radio, diahes, fray the aforesaid appropriations; Rooms may be seen on Saturday, grounds and tfoca. Good spot for KEMP’S sold or ranted. Repairs on all Seven-room Colonial, four bed- factory work. Apply Ka-Klsr Toy silverware. Unoleum, pots and SIX ROOM duplex in choice rezi- Aug. 30 between 11 a.m, and 3 professional man. $18,000. Talbot Cases continued until Sept. ,12 in­ of i.the brightest pictures in the DfOMPfMUXBD street 30. $-4B7L Open evaniiiga. BnsinMS Servlets O fftrtd 13 up roofs, shlnglt roofs, gutters, Company. 40 HiUiard St. makaa, MariowTs. to determine the amount, raU ef denUal location near schools, bua roome, lavatory, full bath. TVo clude those of Albert E Turner, conductors and roof repairs caU CLARKE pane. All of this' ia brand new, interest, form and particulars of p.m. Agency, Andorar, Fhon# PI. wake of laat week’s flood. 3330 PONTIAC convertible, radio, and shopping area. Rent $75 car garage, glassed sun porch. 2-4400. ^ 30, Broad Brook, charged with Reports from the State Kl^way 7«s Mfiii^ 8L — m S'M ft GONDER’S T.V. Service, avaUable Coughlin. kO. 3-7707. If no answer INSURANCE AGENCY BOLTON-^BuUding atona. vanaar, come in original cratea and car­ such iasus of bonds; to designate Lovbly park-like lot app'roximate- heater, hydfamatie. Beautiful TEXTILE ENGRAVERS flraplace, wall stone flagstone. tons, with special numbers, Just monthly. Wrfte, stating present CAMBRIDGE ST. — Cool, ahady, ap^ing and operating a motor Department at 11 a.m., on tin con­ any time. Antenna convarsiona. caU ML 94431. the m anner in which quch bends residence, size of family, type ly lOO* X 250’. FalNy priced. vehicle under the influence of dove gray finish. New top, new PhUco factory auparvlsod asrvlce. Also slate flagging. Bolton Notch the way we got it from thrffactory. shall be issued and sold and the convenient, '6% rooms, one floor. dition of roads indicated that many tltsa,^Lo^ and runs like later 175 East Center Street Experience ehetebmakere, roller and place of employment. Two Large porch, electric stove, re­ Shown by appointment only. BOLTON liquor: Gary W. HecKbert, 20, S RAY’S ROOFING C a, shingle sn^ men, eettere, psntographere," roller Quarry, k a 9-OS17. Prompt ds- FOR ONLY 3M0 parsons by whom they shall be highways blocked to traffic over 4 ~modeT F o r'lh i b e s n n Used cars 'built up rooTs, * giillef 'and con- livaiy. references required, to Box J. frigerator. Beiidix. MI. 34448. Elva Tyler, Realtor, MI 9-4489. Hartford, speeding; Robert J. 'Wil­ the weekend are now reopened. painter and polishers. Excellent signed: to provide for keeping a- Herald. New ranch homes now being son, 17, yernon, operating an un- Ake Bob Oliver, Center Motor POWER AND hand mowars aharp- ductor work, roof, chimney re­ opportunity. < Come! See! Buy! Save record 6f ths same; to designate Every sectioirof the state coUld be inlas, 431 Main It. anad. Air cooled aimiaea. aold and pairs. Ray Hagenow, Ml 9-3314. IBM KEYPUNCH operatora. Ex­ WOOLEN REklNANte and tug Shop At Night INVESTMENT property, good con- constructed on Femwood Drive. inaured'&otor vehicle; Henry Dion. perience essehUal. Apply in per- a bank or truat company to diUon, frame, ManvUle . aiding,, 101 CONCORD ROAD 60, concealing property ooM under reached. It appeared, though in repaired. Caritol EquipmenL 38 Ray Jackson, MI 3-S325. atrips t o braiding and hooking. No ObUgatlon Homea have full basements with many cases only by taking detours. 1333 CwNROLET de lux# sedan, . son to Cheney Brothers'Personnel Jan’a Rug Shop, 55 Talcott Ava., certify sudi iasue and to sot aa Suburban For Rent 66 new roof, 3 apartments, each priv­ garages, plastered walla, fireplaces, conditional bill of sale; Gilman Department, 146 Hartford Rd:, Write Box B—c'o Herald Free storage until wanted. Free disbursing agent In the payment ate entrwice, gross Income 14%. $17,500 State highway -crews and about Extrara cleait,-. Reaming Jet black, ROOFING, Siding and csrpeiitry. RockviUe. TR. 34703. BOLTON LAKE—Four room fum- combination atom) windows and W^ite, 18, Vernon, operating a Fully squl] low mileage. STQNE WALLS built. Cement Manchester, Connecticut, or Tel. delivery. Free set up by our own of principal and Interest of such Price $17,300 $8,500 down, rent motor vehicle vritile licenae is un­ 30 private contractors have worked Alterations and additions. CeU- BEEF UP TOUR incoma—$15-330 reliable men. iahed winterized cottage. Modern. screens. A few are four rooma Uia day and night since Saturday re­ Douglas Me 3» M a ia . steps buUL Trees, lawna and ings. Workmanihlp guaranteed. Ml. 3-^141 and ask for Personnel POWER’MOWER. bonds; and to designate the name mortgage at bank or inquire own­ Modified ranch home, at­ others are 5',4 rooms. By purchas­ der suspension; Anthony W. Ur- Department. a week. Dignified, light delivery of the Attorneys at Law to render Adults. Easy commuting, Hart­ er. Tel. RockviUe, TR. 6-2765. pairing washouts and removing U T O G LASS brush cuL Free eetimatea. MI. A. A Dion, Inc., 399 Autumn work for Fuller Brusbmen, week CLEARANCE Phone for Appointment ford. September 15 to • June Izt. tached garage, . four iarge ing now buyer haa choice of deco­ iano, 34, Mancheater, operating a TOU CANT SEE these from the 34373. Street, k a S48M. an opinion approving the legality ' rating. motor vehicle white license under debris from major arteries. The sbeet 1347 Hudson, 13M Nash, WANTED — Young woman for enda..Muet be married, have car. HAR’TFORD CH 7-0368 of the same. MI. 3-1S69. SIX ROOM Cape Ood, two unfin- rooms and bath plus expansion road situation, aaid department If you live in Tolland County — At AFTER 7 P. kL CH 6-4690 suspenaion; Alfred Brtckett, 26, 1347 ChevTolat, others fram ALL TTPES OF TV SERVICE luncheonette work. Full time day All stock cost. No money II. To consider and act on a iehed. OU hot water heat, fire­ Bethlehem, speeding; Henry Ko- spokesinen today, haa improved shift. No Sundays. Call MI. 3-3847 write Herald, Box D. 1 . place, awnings, combination attic. Nicely landscaped lot, F U R N Ii ETOPS $33. Look behind office. Dourias down. Balance 20 months. A—L —B—E —R—T—’—8 direction to the Board of Select­ T. J. CROCKETT, Broker p o ^ iu , 81, Pinnacle Rd-, operating tremendously since Saturday.' - Motors, 333 Main. ' Radloa and Phonos Roofing and .Chimneys 16-A ^ after 5 p.m. _ men to apply to the StaU Board screens and storm doors. Large lovely view. , SCHOOL BUS operator part time 43-43 AUyn St„ Hartford If Fits to Perfection lot. Excluaive with ' Manchester Phone Office MI 3-S414 or a motor vahicle under the iaflu- Delay on Bridges AVai^blo At AU Times Write Box P, Herald, stating age BUDGET CENTER of Education for atats aid for the ence of liquor; and Ronald Tedford, A development,' however, which 3330 CHEVROLET de luxe tudor, ROOFINa—Specialising ip repair­ 91 Center Street . Free Parking Corner Associates, Realtors. Charles W. GASTON REALTY CO. Residence MI 9-7751 radio, heater, good oondUton, ing roofa of aU kinds. Also new CLERK-TYPIST driving experience, and reference. Allyn and 'Trumbull purpose of the addition to the Lathrop, Mancheater. Ml. 94344, 36, 95 Prospect St., breach of the imdoubtedly will apeU delay in af* 0 0 . Philco F actory JBuperyised Bsrvlcs Mutt be avsilsble between hours Elementary Consolidated Sdiool 165 School St. pcact. feeling full restoration oif high­ throvEhevt. Small down payment. roofs. Gutter work. Chimneys FILL FOR SALE. See foreman at MI. 9-923t, MI. 3-7438. WE WILL CLOSE SAYUBDAT,lA ^N O O N . . Easy terms. Douglas Motors, 333 Call W I^ IPLLS CI4ansd, rtpairsd, 38 years’ ex 7 a.m. to 3 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. to SAVE AT LA FLAMME’8 Just projech and to further consider MI 9-3851 or 9-9531 The case of Richard W. Faucher, ways came this morning.The state DUB1N6 MONIHS o r JULY a^A U Q U B K with pleasant personality. 4:18 p.m. Jarvis Acres, oft Vernon St., or recaivsd - from Kelvihator ware a direction to said Board of 17, Handel Rd.. waa continued until perience. Free estimates. CaU caU r a . 3-8113. . waa banking heavily on Bailey k a 9 - m 9 ^ : Howley, kisnehester kd. 3-8361. Must be high school gradu­ house in Hartford' a ahipment of Selectmen to accept or^ reject RockvUle Aug. 29. H« ia charged with fail­ bridges to replace those which 31MSSELLST. 1948 CHEVROLETS—Club Coupe COMPLETE REPAIRS by Sfimit ate, knowledge of stenography OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS REkONGTON electric typewriter, elactric ranges, washing - ma. such state ^d grant in the name Ducky For TKe Kitchen HENRY STREET—Three bedroom ure to stQp at a atop sign and fail­ were put out of commissiQn by and Sedan. Price right and they R. Wolcott on wringer and auto- desirable but not essential. exccUent condition. Only two chinas, clbttiea dryara, freazera, •of the Town. ranches now nearing completion. Circusniaii Beat, ure to reduce speed at a traffic raging flood water. II ' I run fine. Douglas Motors, .383 maUe waahlng marainea, electric Age 18 through 25; Good Young men thie is your oppor­ years old, $23S, terms available. sinks, and cabinets. Some elifht- V authorize any other ac­ Among the many exceUant fea- aignal. The Highway Department re­ Main S t . ranges, vacuum cleaners, motors, Heating—Plumbing 17 tunity to learn the automobile Call T. J. Crockett’s Offiea at MI. ly damaged, others used o h ^ .V . tion wmich may be considered turea are the built-in mectric The casea of Edward H. Rob­ ceived word that six of the tem­ programs, othars on home show small appliances, wsldtog, ISO LENNOX FURNACES and warm salary, five day week, liberal buaineka. Inexperienced young men 3-8413. nroMfsry or desirable to enable ranges and ovens. If you hurry Police Hold Four erta and Leon C. King Jr. were porary apanc—60 feet long double 1331 CADILLAC convsrtibls, aquip- Main Strsst. kQ. 34878. vacation. Phone exhibits. Some dlicontlnued the Town to construct said addi­ you wilt have your choice of bound over to the next session of ped with all ths important extras air haatlng. Earl Van Camp. kO. who need to make 31,090 a month modabi and vin original cratea. and aingie-Iane widthsir-due to ar­ 94844. tion to the Elementary-Oonaoli- decorating. Priced at $18,700 with Tolland County Superior Court. rive at 6;30 a.m. today would be and in really nice condition. Low­ MANCHESTER ^ T. V. Bsrvlcs, and arc not afraid to work for. lt FOUR PIECE porch set, wicker So hurry to LaPlamme’a for. r;al FHA financing avaUable. Henael Rockville, Aug. 22 (Special)— They are charged vriUi forgery. es^ down payment anywhere. MR. lCUNNINGHAM dated School building, to lamie at least two days late. radio and T.V. apecialists since are w hat we need., If. you are-will­ type, priced $30. kU, 9-9436. savings. LaFlamme Applianca bonds, to defray the appropriation A Peterman, Inc., Builders. Pheme Four men connected with the Mills Bond waa aet at $600 each. Meantime Rlbicoff sent tele­ Douglaa Motors, 333 Main. 1934. Charter members of Teles. Moving-^Truchiog For Per.sonal Interview Company, Watkins Building, 15 therefor and to authorixa the Ml. 9-3001 or MI. 3-9404. Bros, circus playingNiere this af­ kU. 9-6440 or kU. 34307. ing to leam then we are willing FOR SALE!—86 gal. drunu, in good Oak St., , . grams today to CtonnecUcut’a Con­ 134$ OLDSMOBILE “8$”. 1347 Storage 20 MI 3-4156 to teach you. Our men eam- $1,000 condition, p.SO each. For further temporary borrowing of money ternoon and tonight we>a present­ gressional delegation to meet with ir. anticipation of the receipt of 830' SPRING St.—Custom built him in Hartford's State Armory on Dodge club coupe, 1949 Pontiac kOBLODT RADIO-T.V,, phohO’a. or better a month. A guaranteed information call the Herald, phona three bedroom home. Two-car ga­ ed on charges of aggravated aa- Three Brothers in good condition. Douglas Mo­ Night calla, GuaranUad aarviee. A U Snk A. CHAklBERS CO., BlXr'ERIBNCEU) waitress wantad. r a . 3-3131. HOTPOINT AUTOMA’nC waahar. the proceeds of such Ieaue. Thuriday (10 a.m. BDT) to dis­ tors, 833 Main. local and long dtstahee moving, aalary will be arranged to you. IS. To transact any other busi- rage, amesite drive. Bath and aault in- City f^urt this moraiiig cuss federal participation in the ki^SSSO. Apply in peraon. Centar Restaur­ CaU after.3. kO. 3-8884. lavatory, fireplace, sun porch, lot following their-arrest last nlgbt packing, storage. I CaU kC. 34187. ant, 439 Main St., Manchester. This ie your opportunity to go to FOLDING, THAYER baby ear- ncM proper to come before aaid Held by Police state's reconetructipn program. * CADH1AC convsrtibls. Lus­ Hartforaord ic a T-14NL , SERVEL REFRIGERATOR, good meeting;. 100 X 300. For appointment to in­ for reportedly beating a fifth 1943 ANTIQUES Rattoiabed. Rmalrlng work for ConnecUout’a fastest riaga, de luxe model with mat. spect caU Ml. 9-4349. A. R. Wilkie He aliso issued a atop order on trous black finlsb, whftetn^ ttfss, done on any furniture. Tleman, tress and net. $10. 141. 3-8074. condition, vary chaap. CaU kO. OtaiTea A. Robbins. man.jilao cOhnected 'with the cir­ $34,174,000 plotted by the atats radio, hsatsr, hydramatie. Looks MANCHESTER Paekaga DeUvaiy. gfowlng, most modern Plymouth 3-0067. . ! . and.Co. cus. Polto here, claimed their In.vea- 180 South Main St Phone la BABY SITTER wanted. Call kfL Michael Peace UgatiM of a mid-day accident yes­ legislature for a group of projects, ’ like a much later modal. Bee thie 34043.. Light trucking and package deUy- 9-SS49 between 4:30. an<| 10 p.m. Chrysler Dealere. Pleaae apply In hIaND p u m p B’’ cyUnder.wiOi 30 Stanley Patncde The four plsadod not guUty to none of which bad bean started. beauty at Center Motor Sales. 431 ery. RefrtgeratOra, washers and Jt. of 3’’.rubber hoee to pumping REQJUCED FOR quick. sala^M uat terday viraa ■ haimpered by two person Monday or ‘Tucaday morn­ , _ ____ Board of Selectman be srtd this week, 6-4 duplex. the charge. The ,victim, Joe Har­ Ribicoff offered two reasons for Main. HAND AND power lawn mowers stova moving spocialty.' Folding YOUNG WOMAN, .full Ume. No out cellars, |10. 34 Coopfr St. N o tic e DATED,: a t Bolton, Connecti­ kins, about 56 years old, sufferad brothers of one driver and arrSated hia action: sbarpsned and rspalred. Work chairs for■ rent. , k a 94763. nights, no Sundays. Drug store. ing. Aak for sales raanagey at Large lot. Amesite drive. AH fa­ the trio, all from Rockville. 1931 8TUDEBAKER ^wo . door cut. this 13th 'day of Auguat, cilities. Call A. Reale. MI. 9-1919. compound fractures of the right 1. To make aur» that'alt of tKe guarantsed. Cali for and dsltver. Apply In person only. 459 Hart- PHILOO DEEP freaaer, canary There will be a public bearing A. D. 1965. Jaw, simple fractures of the left •rho brothers ware William state’s poarible credit Is coinservOd Champion. Bbccellent condition, Idsai Grinding Shop, 273 Adama fqrd Rd. bird caga. Both exceUant condi­ on. Monday, Aug. M, 1388' in the Strait. 26. of 72 VUlage 8t.. one of ' good tires, radio, heater, |800. Painting—Papering 21 BEAUPRE MOTORS VERNON — Five room ranch, Jaw, deep lacerations about tha for use in the rreconstruction pro­ SC Call Ml.1. or 34379. tion. Reasonable to quick sale, FIrrtiouse, Main St,, Mandisster mouth aiid a possible skull frac­ the drivers involved, charged with gram. :* -34334 after 3 p.m. cveninge or MO’TRERS—Need monejr to outfit 358 E ast C a n te r'S t r a . 8-OSOl. at 7:30 P.M., E.D.T., to hear the radiant heat. Hot wotsr oil hast. reckless driving and failure to car­ weekends. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED. Bliss PAINTING—Sbcterlor and interior, children for achool? Earn aa much TUe- bath, two car garage, amea- ture and a blackened -right eye, 2. To make sure (hat the state paperhanging, ceUings reflniahed.' • Mancheatsiv Conn. request ef four property owners ite drive, combination windows, according.,to State Police who are ry his operator’s license; Arthur ia not in competition with private Septic Tsnk-Service, 07 Sunny Si $3 an hour taking orders' for PORTABLE HOUSE wlUi aquim on Union St., for aa extension of 27. of 12 Maple St., charged with Reach Drive, East Hartford. Wallpaper hooka on request. Esti­ Avon' ' cosmetics - and toiletries. ATTENTION—We have attractive ment. Six# 13’ x 13’. Ceil kQ. L A . screens and doors. Canopy over investigating the fracas. industry and home owners for 1343 CHEVROLET station wagon. mates givsn, FuUy insured. CaU 9-9314 eftar 4. ths sanitary sewer Hnes. picture window and door. Shrub­ State FoUce skid the man was intoxication and breach of the iabor and material during Uie New tclephdnS number, Btitler Cail MI. 9-2S14. ' after for two morS men who are Ray S. Warran peace; and Samuel, 19, of 72. Vil­ Very rcMonable. MI. 9-1473. 94186. Edward R. Price.-ra. f-1003. anxious to make ikrga earnings. bery. Automatic washer. ' Tel. unable to be questioned. His critical period ahead. S-T-R-E-T-C-H EXPENSES UP with school atart- FOR SALE—3 h.p. outboard motor, Prasldant, Eight School aad UtiU- RockvUle TR. 5-9171. condition 'is listed aa very dan­ lage St., charged with breach of -^Eligible for JoMeea Pay 1330 PLTMOUTH two dMi‘ de luxe Training furniahed. Salary and tias District FENCES ERECTED, cedar split ing T Y TKLsraomB ' The four men accused of beat­ Autamatto deUvetles OUARANnUE yoWfi tten. pouglsa ktotora, M3 Main St BushieM Opportunities 32 l3Vt-34b 298. Convenient to Hartford ing Harkins are George FInnigan, right rear of an automobile oper­ employers to present at unemploy­ walts, 33 Pearl qtrect. Help Wanted—BIsIe 36 ten and axperienced cabinat 11/ ated by Haryey McKinney, 33, of ment* compensation offices wlU not tranded with an'empty tank. '! , 1313 BUICX, good condition, low CARVEL STORES AvaUable to makera. Phone kO. 9-8043. M I - f - 3 2 U or Manchester. A real buy at 39, of Providence, R. I., Roger A. FLOOR SANDING, rafinlshed and ^■M O IONUS*iB Berube, 31, New Bedford, Mass., 87 Hemlock St.,'on E. Center St. • be needed to file initial claims duT' mileage. RW accept any raaaon- quaUfled pprsona In Connecticut Herata a speciaf design for Uie $15,900.’ McKinney’s car was pushed 91 ibg this emergency. Stop In nt yonr enrHeet eonventepoe—«r phene M K » 4 « B M i! waxad. Wa also efean and wax all area. Tbesa highly successful SERVICE«*raa w44*a4VATSTATION esaavsBWUSiAttendant w«rover Charles L. HUts alias,Chartes Ste- ear' repreeentotive will call Oa yen. Mo ehl gntlaa i able offer. Inquire 33 West Middle types of floora, rubber, aaphalt, not-eo-tall women. 'A neatly . tai­ Simple embroidery aUtchM and Split level, three bedrooms. feet into a car parked on the north “11)6 Slate Department of Labor TiAs. k a . 9-930e; driva-in ica cream irtoi’* franchises ' YOUNG' CONGENIAL 38. MarriatLtarried. . Experience ^ra- CHARGE lored rtiirtwaiet dresa that fits per­ gay colors make last work of the ’venocn, $1, Guava. N. Y., and tiles, linoleum and wood floora. ferred. Apply,in person. MeCnira Attached garage, ceramic tile side of the street owned by William U accepting unemployment com­ are now avaUable. Carvel stores fectly, Try novelty buttoi^ for busy Uttle' dudiUng motife. These Hugh J. Allen, 39, Providence, pensation claims at its regular LBAViNC COU^ITRT on bualneas. Tel. k a 34133. a are deUvered to you complete In­ "GROCERY CLERK Pontiac,c, 373 Main St., Manchaa- bath, oil hot water heat, lot R. I.. These meh were reportedly Ulm, 37, of 3. must sell 3161 Fmd station wagoa RANGE BURNERS and pot burnt cluding our own -exclusive • pat­ P attern No. 8331 la in aitee 12%, aa a shower gift or bazaar dona­ 150 X 320. Priced' to sell living in the same bus with Har­ Governor, adding ‘Tn towns where "O w EepufeHeii b Y ew , country asdan). On« owner 30]m ented equipment and special for­ for steady work in Super­ I. MORTOAfti kins. moving vehlclae were headed' east srs;^assnsd and repaired. New T" U%, 1$H,-18%, 10%. 32%,'24%. tion. ' $16,900. oh E. Center Bt. a t the* time of offices were destroyed, arrango- milaa. Excellent condition. Radio, and ueed burners and pumps. CaU mula products. Training, auper- Biae 14%, 4% ysirda qf 33-inch. Pattern No. 2737 contains hot-' Stats Police could give no mo-, heater, Fordomatlc, 31300. MI. viatoo. advartialngi and merchan­ ette. Good .salar.v and op­ HeIrWaated—^ LOANS Other ranches and split Ahe_,crash. . . menU w{ere being mado for tem­ Jos, Ml, 34147. ■ For thie patt'ern, tend S5c in iron tranaftlr for 7 motifs; dutch five for the assault but did say Smith reported Samuel and porary eihergency headquarters. *4771. dising methods. No experience portunity. Will train re­ Blal* .or FcauUe 37 EVENING WORK Ooina, your name, addreaa, aisa db- iUustrationa; color’'chart. » levels iip to $23,500, ths men wsra intoxicated 'when BOMBT WAGON. Septic tank Bsrv­ necessary. Choi'c# Mprovsd lo­ Arthur Strait were arre«ted by Emergency officiM wilt be estab­ SIM M, G., like new, private own- aired, slid the Pattern Number to Send 35 cents in Coins, yo.ur the incident took place at about force because they allegedly inter­ lished in many of the towns which lcs. Insfalllng. repalrthg, elsaa- cations avaUable. Iirt>m $9,0M cent high school gradu­ IbTS T- TOTS — TOYS aUB BURNETT. THE MAN­ name, address and the pattern l .Ten Barfew « P .M . f 1 0 f M . P k m m t i i o t i e b * h i . h h The new fall and winter '35 ia- NSW YORK 9$. N.’ T. MI 9-4389 Don’t depend oh the thumping Strait car, and aibout $400 to tha announcements wlU ba wfd* ^ way through pqrty plan. aue of Basie Fbahten, our com­ Now availahlo- th4 1965 NeedU- .tagl wkan you a n ^buying a wator- MhKkMey vehicle. Damage to the the labor dopartmbnt as ooon as on aU ixM ef funttura. Be the first in your area to show L ^ ap t* I20.0M v w e M e pay te«l9. W * wV CMilOar m Iv f i r i s 3 3 1 MAIN STREET i MANCHEfTERit COMM. Goada, fcop. Fonratty Bm ib^tock*— plete peltern magaEne la fUled worfc Album printed in attractive TWO-PAMILY homo, four rooms BMlon. Tha truth of tha matter ia p aiktd car was (lagUglbla, police ofticas are ortabBahod, along with 1333 CHEVROLET two-doqr abdan. $30,00 DAILY, S ell' luminoua'door this fabuloua line. Earnings up to with attractive, (Mw^Sesy stylaa to colora. It containa 8* pages of ’atUda Bna, Tat MlJ S/7443. Morigsfw . 31 A S S O C U T f O each. Priotd. for quick sale. Ex that it U diffieult to toU Just how said. — , any other pertinent inforinaUon TELEPHONE * >latea Write Reevea, AtUaborov $k00 weekto. Call for paraonaf ta? delight beginner end expert Don’t Jovely designs—plus 3 gift pat- cluaivo wiUi Tlw M anchtrter As- rips ths watermelon is until It ia Strait’s car skidded $4 feat be- With only tqro oxieptions. tha S:sstss^js^ S E P n c TANKS, aad ssw sr Uass, P1RST. AND Second mortgages laaa. Free eampli and dataila.;^ tervlew today. — lO $'"-753^. MOIITOAOl C 0 1 miss itr-oend 35 cento today for tarns. dirseUoKs printed ia book. sociataa. Roaltora,' 5tol Rohan. aUcod in half or a plug is eqt into hitting McKinney and 71- fart Torrlngton R eiirter and Winrtofi ROCKVILU — PH O N V -ltSiJin hi yMM laply* Bo k A« Instairatioa caijr. Drywalla, lsae|t- bauShi for our own account. Faat, WANTED—Help on broadleaf to­ UaVET’S Reatouraat, axperienced RAECTOpOk * pour eopy. Only 35c a eppy! ML 5-7411. ML 34331. ML IHM54. Ito . . polieo roportad. atton, daUy ■wrspsgais «e tranebea: lastsUsA esUar ecnftdantial sertrice. kUsebsator bacco. Spearer and hangar, alao PHONE CR545M b iaaUllad. “Dara A waltraaaai, eottee step- counter l e ^ b a U A f N . jg rra c ^ Ootp., 344 k id help, CaU MI, 94401 aftar 1^ , mala nigM

' .MONDAY, AUGUST^12: 1§N AvBiBft Iklly Not ProoB Kmi :>.-V;.(; f' I .. IW tha. Waak IMeA^ jKimr^>Bt^r ^o^ntns V^ralb y AngMiA MSr

'V 'L" »• Tha OoMaa Aaa Club, which Parenteaii Takci waa ebUtad ta paatpoM lU ptcnic 11^33 last warn OB asaount of inclemmt GhamberS'Howes Wedding GLADIOLI ■ 'L aasbar af„tiw Am4M waathar, wtUi WoW It tomoftow Slalag 17 Role Hm m a< ClfwilaHen M «OAr. aftamooar' at I Uia homt of Mn. M m eheiter^A City of ViUagG Charm FreM y Cut ■F _ Ktbalam Lewis, 444 Burnham Bt. *nie .maniaga of Miss Carpi XnnT Eoel J. Parenfeau of povantVy # A bus will leave froip in front of Hov^ss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. will appear ffi 'Uie Ovial-ln-the- iVy, philodendron, Rubber PUBt». Neththytis, . la tettollMi OnnBe Hall bt 3:15' p.m., and a MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, AUGUST 2S, 1955 UMr iiUnd of Richard Willis Howts, 136 Demlng Qrove'a production of Stelag IT, VOL* LXX1V.n o . 275 (FOURTEEN PAGES) full turnout of the members is which will open tomorrow, night at Peperanlns, Begonnli^ CnctI, Suceulenls hoped for. St., and Theodora David Chambers Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore the Oval’a theater ip Faiinihgton. lUaiitwiWHth Ti«i» Ifo/aa, ^ David Chamber 8r., ld6 Main St., The faetipaeed comedy melo- latia oniw ot Mm. win Mr. and Mrs. Wilber T. Little dfanie. .fet Mn' a World War II w o o d la n 6 gardens of Spencer Bt. are enjoylna a took place Saturday at 7 p.m., in mmt ta Ttalwr HaO temgbt * t n the Second Congregational Church. Qetniaa priabner of war camp, will JOHN J. ZAPADKA _ ^ o*Moofc.^ munhara an ur«*d to vacation in the Northwest and at open at 8:45. Flood wBtera that hit preamt are in British Columbia. The minister, the Rev. Arnold W, 168 WOODLAND ST-. OPEN D A ILY TO f P. M. attaafl aa fappbrtaat bminmi will Toser offlcisted. Organist Barclay Farmington Uut week will not cur­ ba teanaaww F. Wood played thb traditional tail the Oval’a production achedulc. Mrs. Michael Buhie, 23 Knicht- bridal marches and accompanied The aericua iaapects of tha play Ike Pledges Adequate Aid to Flood Ar ’•-ipwi,-- cn St.,’ has an BaiSter lily with the solohU, Roger Loucks, tenor, concema tha efforts of the prla- buds and blossoms. This is not un* whose section s were _'!L Love onere to uncovbr an Info-mer *n -j'gr.T^p^AB common when they are placed in Thee" snd\Ths Lord's Prayer. their midat. Peter Falk haa the the around after Easter blooming. Gladioli apd ppima decorated the lead role of Sgt. Albert Sefton. at No doubt the early date is due to chancel. \ whom the finger of auapicion the extreme heat.and nilolsture Presented in niarrisge by her points. ' - - Manchester's Oldest this lumsMr. ^ father, the bride had^for her maid Slalag 17 witr play nightly of honor Miss Vyrling'N. Griswold. through Saturday. Sept. 10, except .with, ^iftfit Mrs. Nelson Buck, 185 So. Main Bridesmaldawere Mra- June Cham­ Sunda.va Ticketa are on aale at the Bt., who recmtly flew to Europe, bers Mercer of OrangeX N. J„ Osnter Travel Agency. . / Facilities Is viaitinc her daughter and family sister of the bridegroom \ Mrs. in Paris. Barbara Cook Arnold of Srprrs, , Miss Barbara Steams. No>Ui I Franklin: Miss Alice Davi^ WINDOW SHADER The peach shortcake committee Shelton; and as junior bridesmaid of the ManchesUr Eire Depart­ I her sister, Miss Susan Howes, G i m m . WMf«. Echi Flood Loss ment win postpone its meeting George V. Lawler of Coventry from tomorrow until Wednesday i 425 MiUionU.S.Aid May Ask Congress was beat man and ushers ware W a s ho b te svenlng. at which time the meeting William Mercer. Orange, N. J.; HOLLAND HNISH will follow the 6:30 fire drill. Randolph Arnold. Slorrs; Robert Scope Gets Brehant. Coventry; Warren John­ Mada ta Order son. Manchester and • Richard Called ‘Not With Tear Eallere For Howes of Tslcottvllle, brother of $1.89 the bride. ^ ■ * Into Focus \ The. bride’s Queen Anne styled PRESCRIPTIONS < E. Ae JOHNSON Windsor Locks, A u f. 23 (iiP)-^-(;ov. Abraham A . Ribicoff I gown was of nylon tissue.' The By THE ASMOIATED PRESS HaHford, Auir. 23 d white gladioli. The mothers ot chose mauve aiik organza with pink the college singled out for jhe 1952. ZIPPER terday. Virginia suffered lass diatnic- ate Approprtatiohe Committee aaid both, bride and bridegroom assisted accessories. 'Both mothers wore 53 "Whos Who in American Col­ plainly to needle the various fed­ The Ambassador, Gaganvi- makea to these areah.’' today he did not believe a special eral agencies into, action. • tion than the other six states and Reatrleted by Law . shoos r o so lo d ond the bridal party in receiving. Mrs. orchid corsages. ^ leges and Universities." He will hari Lallubhai Mehta, and tha waa the only One not designated a seaeion of Congress would bo Howes was attired In lavender return to Yale Law School fOr his Concerned on Industry secretary, B. A. Rajagopalan, Harriman jedned in the dramaUc neceasary to provide flood area ro- when the couple left for . a wed­ Ribicoff. who has had hardly disaster area eligible for federal preeidential plea, and pointed out hoolod by os!" < brocaded silk'Ussue, with deep pur- ding trip through the Berkfhirea third year. BINDERS were asked to.leave the dining relief aid. Hef funds. any rest since the floods pulled a room. Mrs. Mary Alley, super­ that the federal and state govern­ Hayden aaid that iii addithm to the bride waa wearing a white and 2 or 8 RINGS aneak punch on OonnecUcut early There was still no firm over-all j ments are restricted by law aa to 'I0N« ZOTH' roaebud nylon dress and pink ac­ G-E RANGE SPECIAL visor of the restaurant, said estimate of the damsgp coets, butj gUiSOO.OOO available in dlaaater Friday morning, said he told Presi­ thp amount of aid which can ba relief funda, the Budget Bureau New and cessories, They will be at home she thought the Indians were here and there communities came provided in such aituaUons. LARGE VARIETY dent Eisenhower that he was espe­ Negroes. The two were flying probably could release $8 mUUoh. to their friends at 34 Broadway, TOWNE CLEANERS cially and deeply concerned about through with rough guesses. Eisenhower made hia statement OPEN biOirDATS. ZOTTI tJaed Bought North Haven, after Aug. 38. from Washington to Mexico of Arny Enginaen money to be OF STYLES State Loss Over BllUen reeslabllsliing and rebuilding Con­ immediately after an hour-long uaed in reconatruetlon work. SHOE REPAIR The bride was graduated with City. Connecticut appeared to have meetinl- with the six Northeastern IHraSDAYB UNTIL S and BoM BIG TRADE-fN OFFER necticut’s Industry. Also, Hayden said 83 lnUtton.A^ 361B1AINBT. honors from Manchester High UUNDERETTE Mehta said that If he had ' suffered the most. As ha went governors and repreaentatlvea of •’If we don’t,” said the Gover­ understood the incident was a available in fufida Parta aad School in June 1651, and the Uni­ .00 ON THIS NEW G-E RANGE nor. "the economic life ot our state from one stricken community to North and South Candina, pravi- versity of Connecticut in June of Wash Damp Dry . To matter of discrimination, ha another. Gov. kbraham A. Ribi- ously heavily damaged by hurri­ fdr raconatraetlon after *15 will be sapped." New England hurricane. Ifi'addi- Service this year. She received the DAR would havs left the restau­ roff . stuck to his early estimate canes. 8 lbs. 30c 20 lbs. 62c state officials have lilformed rant. tkm, Hayden aaid. tbsT Praaidant ood citizenship award from Orford COMPIJSTE LINE him, RlWcoff reported, that the that the total damage in that state Sqlemn-visaged, the President Dealing In EagUak' asakea. ?'arish Chapter and was’ sent to atone would be “well over ' a bil- spoke at a t » 1a in the hangar at Itas broad author^ to autborlM 16 lbs. 52c 25 lbs. 75c OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES damage will be in the billions of uiy federal agendy to uae aroU- Girls State, Storrs, by the Ameri­ dollars. his talk with the President that liofi dollars.” Bradley airfield whera the group MANCHESTER can Legion Auxiliary. She will Industries arid normal business conferred. able materiaU and peraanael la re- Vs HOUR SERVICE Ribicoff said that the President Cdnnecticut’s industry is not look­ eonatruction woric. C Y C L E S H O P teach home economics at North ing for federal grants—it is, in­ life were paralysed, throwing “I have met here with the Gov­ ■V’ '.-'-5 has asked Civil Defense Admtnis- iRiS- 18d WEST MIDDLE TPKE. I Haven High school in the fall, tratpr Val Peterson to determine stead, willing to pay its way, thousands out of work. As long as ernors,” Eisenhower said. “ You i, The bridegroom, also a graduate Ttl. MI 9-9084 Thurs. T il 9 DEWEY-RICHIIAN damaged factories remain Idle, have read ih 'lfo papera and seen Bridgeport, Aug. 88 V--'UBlte4l \.t.7 MI 8-2008—HOLRB: at once from the Treasury Depart­ 825 MUIIon Too Low Auto wothi««-Glo. oCfictra. have Weekdaya 8-0—Saturday 8-8. 1 of Mancheatei; High School and 348 Hiain ^treet - 787 MAIN ST. ment what help it can gjva to Con­ RlMcoft said he conaidered 225 workers normally ensployed there on television what has happened. •S would suffer mounting flood losses; President BSsenhowar, apeaking this 'htotning at Bradley Field, pledges to call a special season of But you can have im conception voted to' contribute |100JK)0 to tha I the University of Connecticut, was necticut industry in the way ot million recommended by Peterson Oonnecticut Oomsaunity Reyvlsea loans, and speedy rlghtoffs on new this morning as Connecticut’s allo- In Connecticut, preliminary eS- Congress, If necessfry, to.previda adequate disaster rdiaf to .the the fkflood-etricken Northeast after of what haa bappened^until you timates found 30.000 people were making a hesly Inapectlah tour of Coniieeticut flits morning. Seated next .to Eisenhower is Clvlt hSve come here and Uatehed to Cqmmlttce, to- be used for flora veaa aoef«*'^ plants that might be needed. , dlaaater reHef, aoeonUnff ta Mtt-- -Th* aoveraor aaid ha etfesseffM (Ooxtinwd w rsgrWimriBisn left .JoUera by. the fioode. which Uwfenae Director V il'Pet^san, and on his left Gov. A. A. lUbicoff. Standing St right to left ere Sen. thea* Oovernorr, This ia iF iprang (roth rain dropped by the Prescott Bush, doy, George Leader, Penhsyivanta, Gov. ^ ristia h Herter, 'Massachusetts. ,On the where- the federal governmbqL chell Svtrtdoff, easletant n g iom l far left is Rep. ThontsADodd. (Herald Photo). . state government, and county g o ^ director o f UAiW-CilO. exhaust^ Hurricane IMane. . Mr. Sviridoff was notMod of tha Ribicoff stated, “It will, be at ernmenta will do« everything they aottra today by Waltor P. Rautbar, * Slock Up During least two months before we have can.” • m -He said the federal govarnmant proSl^t of UAW-dO. even the vaguest idea of when In- Reds Free Yank Flier wiU go into business at.onoe im a .dustry can get back on its feet.' Cost of Living III — Federal Back from his third tour of the Decidies long range flood-prevention pro­ Hartfi gram Including ifisurance to pre­ Houaing Albert E . devastated areas, the Governor Criaa aaya ire puhWe Wbat •«* »be a4»8“*8ie* •‘•“ '“.fe*/*'****** Downed in North Korea said: Up in July for vent losses such as suffered dur­ . of baying you* presctip- tiieoii. Thus, even iha ing thU flood. housing unite jtt Oonaacti- lion by •?*- "»ost complex prescriixion "This is one of the darkeet hours cut for flood in Ooruiecticut hlatory.” Eisenhower tu-ged the statia to ctsdisu? First, bfeourie; is is ro m p w d td ptompuy Hale's August White Sale Kumhwa. Korea, Aug. 33 (Fi ^crossed it, the Communist officer Second Month Hot Governor Race get down to work right away. Coles made tite' dhert- OnOe peaceful rivers had raged the fact that Urge volume precisely M d«r*cted. The Communists today freed an told waiting Allied authoritlea he Tkc President pledged that the I'y after hia -ailrlval nlght American Air Force flier and wanted to ask Bumpas some ques- through cities, and towns. Homes for a staff meeting on permit, us to employ Yet, you wdl frod our by the thoussinds were destroyed. federal government would do handed over the body of an Army tionk. Washington, Aug. 23 (/P\—^The everything pmsrlble to work out lems. He flew in from ' tkillcd Registered Phar- prices no higher ihooeise- Indtistry was wrecked or severely' goverpment reported tbdey the Jackson, Miss., Aug. 23 (A*)— Blue skies covered most of mocreis. f b e o , too, we . where. Try us pexi umel captain in a weird ceremony in the ‘.’Please limit your questions,” some way of prevsnting such disas­ midifle of the Korean neutral said' Lt. Ool. Harold 'A. D.ve, At­ damag^. nation's living costs rose in July Mississippi and earjy reports indicated a heavy vote in 'the Hartford, Aug. 32 (It— DraftoeA. Bsointain on ample stock .j.,.;- ters In '.he future. He said ha was Lowest Prices in Years gone. f ...... i... . ^ lanta, Ga., ,/ho later aigned a re­ fpr UTe second straight monUv. runoff Democratic primary today to choose a new governor. certain the state govarnmenta In flood-atricken areas of Oonheetl': o PAY ELECTRIC BILLS HERE — The two were ahot down byTlod ceipt acknowledging return of (Coatinoed ea Page Four)' Seesdnel higher prices for food Voters had to decide between Atty. Gen. J. P. Colehian and would cooperate in euah a pr^ cut got automatic defornants yaa- ,e YOCR HALLMARK CARD STORE gunners a week ago. ' Bumpaa and Browh’a body; and moat typea of services raised gram. • terday. • WE ARE YOUR REXALL STORE the consumers price *ndex three- Paul Johnson. Both had promised')' State draft diroctor Finasl ■ . "I was treated fairly well,” said Straxg^ latervlew to maintain racial segregation in He also promised that the .gov­ ’ the aurvivor, 2nd Lt. Guy H. Bum- "Can you tell me. about your tenths of one per cent, an increase Novey told the draft boarda in the R E G * 5 9 c yard BIG DELUXE sufficient to provide a penny an public schools. ernment would do its utmost to stricken areea to poetpone induc­ DAN RIVER paa of Jackson, Miss., in a strange. treatment in North ’Korea?” the American Bar The polls opened at 7 a.m. end 11 Feared Dead provide jobs for those who have fast-minute questlon-and-answer; Rej officer asked hour pay raise for about 650.000- tions because of the need for the aUTOM ATIC workers of the General ’ Motora the key cities in ell sections of the lost them. - men tn their own homatowna. NORTH END session with a Communist officer. Bumpas replied quickly: ‘I t Is state, from Tupelo in the north | f i t MUlioa hi Fund . and Ford Motor companies. They Return Corpse- all Tight. It waa okay. The treat­ For Teaching to Biloxi in the south, reported After the prealdential confer-^ Sheets and Pillow Gases 36^^ Printed Flannelette The Communists alsor handed have labor contracts gearing wage In Crackup of Stamford, Aug. ,88 (Pl-^The ment — considering the clrcui..- they were jammed from almost the j ence. Civil Defense AJminafrator prMidant of the Aaeociated Retail-. over the body of Army Capt. atances—was all right. I was treat­ ratea to changea in the govern­ RANGE ment's index. start. Val Peterson ndimateS |75 mllUon a n of Connecticut today urged PHARMACY Charles W. Brown of West Louis­ ed fairly well." He apoke in a Red Theories Old timers predicted more than | Flying Boxi^r would be needed from the Presi­ ville. Ky., Bumpas’ observer-pas­ Wage Scales Hed to Costs REG. 2.69 72xl08_ voice ■ audible- to some 35 Allied 400,000 votes will be cast bMore i dent's emergency fund to aid the (OMttte)sed~w Pago r m fj. 4 DiPOT Ml MiE5‘ Model J-401 senger on the Aug. 17 flight that officers, correapohdenta and cam­ Philedeiphie, Aug. 38 IP)—The Labor contracts covering at the polls close st S p.m. / devastated areas. haa set off one of the angriest ex­ eramen rtanding on the other side least 200,000 additional ' workers Some 436,000 votes were couqted Caierleston, 8. C., Aug. 23 UP)— Peterson said there now is 811.- changes since the armistice. American Bar Aazn. waa on record in the auto, aircraft, farm equip­ A C119 flying boxcar crashed end ■ X — of the armisttce line. > in the first-primery, Aug. 2. SOO.OOO in the fund. The Presi­ The Reds say the light, unarmed The Communist asked: “Lieu­ today in favor of teaching the ment and trucking induatries also The winner is assured of rep'lac- exploded in a residential area near dent. he said, will ask leaders of training plane wae epylng. The tie pay scSIea to the July' index ■ - " 1 ' II1 ' 1 ihl ...... REG. 2.89 81x108 i ‘99 Mal It could hot be determined succeed himself. Republican opQO-; ■hake .allocations extending the Bulletins .G.E MASTER OVEN "trigger-ihappy” g^uuiers fired on Bumpas, who carried his per­ gress, by lew/, authorises that whether in all cases these work­ ritlon is negligible. . day.. Unconfirmed reporUj^said 11 credit of the government up to the 4 bud.s on white and pastel grounds. it when it was lost. sonal effects in a small wrapped action. ers, too, would get' the one cent Coleman is 41, J i^ so n '3S. were killed. Including several amount needed. - from thfi AP WiriB There arq advantegee galore with the big. roomy All Ckirod (R) A bandage covered Bumpas’ civlltans. REG.' 59c 42x36 each Maeter Oven. It’q easy to use — the wide 21-inch openihg makea package,, acknowledged hq. had It was a heckhapded approach Either way, Miasiasippi will have The conference, laatad an hour. . . ■' ' fl' , . X ’ * right eye ang the right side of th m- to e boiling hot issue that erupted The Ju)y index figure was 114.7 its youngest governor in a quar­ The plane, on a night ‘flight, ap- Eisenhower took off for Washing­ X ’ it ever so easy to see and reach all dishes. With mote than 10 irently bit a tree in the densely per cant extra useable ahelf space than in atandanUaize ranges, his forehead as he crossed a amall ‘Thcn Bumpaa wai ashed: intojverbel fireworks at the ABA’s pqr cent pf ths 1S47-1949 average. ter-century. ton at 10:03 a.ni. (EDT.) FOUR NEW A-SDBi bridge' to the AlUed aide of the "What do you think of our' 'a'nhuel convention lest year before The increase in the index wea Hold Key to Race ipuiated Liberty Perk commu­ Before tha conference with the you can bake the biggest turkey you will buy, or a complete oven WaakiOgtoa. Am . >8 medical treatment?" it was tabled for further working the largest since May, 1954. . nity end struck three- homea President. Peteraon told newsmen ,meal — a king-size meal for 24 servings. - Johnson, an attorney of Hatties­ Flaming debris was hurled over a Navy today dlaclaaed phma Ssr n^e Air Force flier was escort­ 'He replied: "As far as I know— over at this week’s 78th meeting. Food < prices, paced by fresh burg, led Coleman by 18,000 votes thkt the 875 mlUion would be allo- ed to the • bridge by a North I'm no doctor—I seer- to be get- The House of Delegates, ths fruits, rose an average, ae'Veiu. jylde juree. Firo m a^ ,ex^ « t e * - ...- ...... Korean lieutenant colonel whose tenths of on^ per cent on the July iH -ths first- primary-three weeks ^F'tHe vrt'eckage Immediately ini- REG. 2.69 TWIN s iz e ' J-79 ^ Another Shipment ! VERSATILE DEEP-WELL UNIT ABA’a governing body for its 58.- ego, topping a field of five candi­ Connecticut A|id Penneyivenia name wae not learned. Before he (OontlniMd Page Three) 000 lawyer-members, by unani­ index. Prices for niany meat Items possible; 825 million each. ^ A UNIT dates. But ths three losers-rolled T m'o. Trenseadous Fleshes o - i . CONVERTS TO FOURTH SURFACE mous voice vote—and with no Masaaihuaetts 81A. ntiUion. . REG. $5,95 FIRST QUALITY (Oonttaoed oa Ru^e Few) up more then 800,000 votes, which RHBde Island and^Mew- J*aey Naval Shipyard aad file fenrih ___ - .. f argument at all—adopted a reso­ holds the key to the runoff race. The C119 was. attached to the at the PortsaMulh, N. R.. Naval The popular Speedster has a large capacity Desp-WeU Cdoker— 45Sth Troop Carrier Wihg of tha million, each. REG. 2.89 FULL SIZE for soups, stews, bulky, v^etables — ideal for economical alow lution late yesterday urging Con­ Johnson and Coleman staged e 85 ------1 V. . Shipyard. Navy , SeereSaey gress to adopt a measure spon­ whirlwind campaign In which 18th Air Force. It hed taken off Petefson aaid that aU Mencias cooking. It'a versatile, too, because you can have a fourth sur­ hava been directed by the Thonus ala# SaM Was canWrae- ■"t, face unit qt. a moment’s not'ice with your new Speedster. French. Push Reprisals sored by U. S. Rep. Daniel Flood each questioned the other's capa­ with another military transport Goa of a new attaek eacsiar el Latex Foam Bed Piflows (D-Pa). bility, southern loyalty end atti­ ship. A North Charleston fireman dent , to “cut out all red . tape.' ther Forreetal elaas «M ko 'el- Also Lady jpepperell superfine muslin apd Lady Pep- On hia aarly morning aarik perell combed percale at thb lowest prices in 10 years. J' ;r< , -The Flood bill w ^ d set up an News Tidbits tude toward segregation,' which said he heard both planes end aaw K fered ea a eempelHtVa baWs 8a EASY COORINO WITH PUSHBUTTON CONTROL ■ll-membb?' commtaaion that would both avow miiat ba maintained. two tremendous flashes of fire tour of flood-atricken sections of ^qylMted privala ehlrtWds. ••T fron /the one that crashed about four States, the Preeldent tereely For Killings in Morocco make available information and CuDcd frojn AP Wires . Oemblihg, a Ininor laaue in' the Cooking-the easy way. is yours with G-E’a famous Faahbiittoa - prepare augg^ed curricula of Ihftt jprimtb'y, almost etole' the 3 a.m-. lEDT). commented that the floods were a QRlajSiiuiMR BsoNEY o ju m Controls that operate at the mere tooch of your fingefinger. When studies in the nation’s achools “as a p otllj^ from other ieaues in the The fireman, wholie. unit was the terrible thing.” at. Loatt iMR IB (IVrYhero you're cooking with the 'Speedster, a red. Maater-Indicator-'Light first'to reach the sitci said .“there . Adveree- weather ooodiUona Casablanca, Aug. 28 (P) > alone. In' Algeria, hundreds'.more. to the .basic differences between Because reate jizuit auperviaor In second primary. Eacli accused the were tedMaHOite^^laiaff Rm PWI giowa from behind the G-E Monogram set in the center of the Arniorad French columns undsr casualtiea wSre reported. other .of having the'support of was fire everywhere. A men who sharply curtailed the President’a has Ito first real lead tk OWmar- You wilt love t h ^ fresh, ^ 1 and soft latex foam pil­ the theories end practices of the Texaa thought In'dlan Afnliajeador flnt-hand obaervation of destnic. pushbutton control panel, where itV'always in view, telling you fighter plans cover struck today • The tense atmosphere of Moroc­ American way of life end theories gulf coast gambling interests. hed been sitting on the road eat etery ef the ■ SLIGHT IRREGULARS^OF .V at a glance that surface unite are in operation. tr UB. waa Negro he wea naked tS Ing a watermeion said he saw the tion. ’Ha squinted from the plane lows; Gives you wonderful sleeping comfort. in pVerWhetmlng strength at the co was emphasised today when end practices of atheistic commu­ lenvei public dining room 6f avenk In a speech at Meridian lest raasem moaey'ta mountain strongl>olds of Moroccan about S,(KN) persons gathered bie nism." eating ifiace . . Sixty-eight new night, Coleman amid Johnson spent ef a $83 hm carRsr tils .. I. tribesmen who iaiin^rt ai^ in­ fore Casablanca'a MtliUry Me- (Oontln^ oa Page Fear) (Oeatiaasd an Page Feur) at Miaet, N. D. lovaea* ' L Re9ulorly $329.95 Welter M. Beatlen, chairmen of ensee of polie : ere reported in last weekend with the “kingpin surrection - Batuiday. ' . moriat t* pay tribute to the ^ e ABA'e .'American ClUtenahtp MeseachuMtta; \bringing' 'BtaUFs of crime-and eenuptkm in our meato indicated the Gannon Part Linen -■"•V-.,.--’’’’..... Heavy reinforcing columns set French dead. They had promised CkHnmittce, laid that "at a time total for year to\l,S74. atate.” '' ■ - .... • oomMsfoI aut last night from Rabat and no demonstrations but spontane­ Five Central American repuMica Johnson told an audience at te fhe diaCove*y. Meknea to join the slresdy strong ously . broke. out with the French Tasoo City that a Negro handbill REQOVER YOUR OLD , (OMthmed eu Page Few) start tawarS eenaamie unity after 10 Children Killed, 31 Hurl NEW HAVRN NBRDR lA A W French forces cutUng ^ the, national anthem and IHcrally compromise election of El Salve- was distributed in Jackson in be­ Dish Towels Kasha Talda afsa east of Oued; shouted the linsa. ■,-t- ■. Bartierd, Aag., 88 teM Ih o V ooH be amezadl New 'blue coef BED-PH.LOWS WITH BEAUTIFUL ^ dor foreign minister ae first aecre- half of Ooleman’a candidacy. gam. those ferocious sol- tery general of Organlxetkm pf Fpur. yearo ago Johnson accused As Train Rams School Bus praaidSpt at We New B a ^ Electric Furaacc^Mao hepliog French officials would not dis- diers come , ' 40,000 in Walkout BhUradd teday tsM Os*. |Wi*- Ontral - American States . . . Gov. White of beating him by lUr- 1 equipment con be installed for far close the number of trOops em- “To cut the throats of our wives Atomic Energy Cohunisaioh d ie ir' ing a Negro editor. to endorse ooff that a leaa e f team 918 ''Dutch Carden" Pattern m j l ^ wUl he a ii fisd^j^ W ^ ' leu then ^rou ever thought p o ^ ^ ^ X l.0 0 ployed but said, “Wfiien you go and sons . > At. Harvester Plant men Strauss w ‘/a Atoms for I ^ o t Johnson, Chun.. alienating noh- spring C ity,' Tenn., Acug. SSOnaral-homes bvec a wide ares. i. For Your Old Rofige Into those mountains, you don't | _ “To &rmS„ ito arms, form your Oonferen'eS in Geneva "enormoualy Negro votes. White lias repeated­ I'P)—A long -fn iih t train, iU laying identification for-houra Me. And It briags yon terrific uv* battalions agril y ^ h ? * f teed. fsM cR ioga in liroc, le m ^ and money. DOWNPROOF enel FEATHERP^OpF do it with 50 men.” assMed the onnae at 'penee.” ly denied the iSiarge. Diesel horn blasting, rammed into Fhro la Grave OeadUteas - Although the operation was ‘,‘Let an impurs blood soak our Chicago, Aug.' 23 (>Pi t-, CIO Prime Minister Sydney Holland’s -During th'e campaign, Oelemen a- loaded grammar ' school bus .A t least five o f the 31 hospiut MoOtenia aaM fl No more trips to the ftanaca, . • eharacUrlssd as a "punlUvs ex- furrows.” United Auto Worher . picket linia COnaecvatlvc government in New hare yesterday, killing 10 ypung- teed overnight. were described aa hammered away at the f u t Uiet ttan e f ths faRiaadrs N a _ _ ^ no more uncertainty. Fully auto­ W hat k value! Heavy qutUity p«rt linen dish tbwels thkt psdiUon." French offlcisla said Lairi night, fresh troops cloggsd ware sat up It 18 International Zealehd opposes nationallxation Jolmaon'a father eerved e term as aters and. injuring 81 othen and in serious condltiaa. Nine other there would be no “repression.” the roede moving towdrd the Atlas studcBte and the bus driver, Rny- matic— with new aiffomatk bin will give years ^of wear and absorbency. Multi-color Harvaster Oo. plants today aa 40,- but it is g o l^ to take over ialend governor in tha early 40's. He aaid the bus driver. feed , . . eiitMnetic ndi removal. Pillow Ticks which in French mUltary UrnU- Mountains end soma, villeges in the 000 workera struck in a dispute oountry's-principal gas oompaniea. the Hattle^urg attorney aought The yellow painted* bua waa mond Moore, 89, wero treated and I IL L ! atripea; ■ $4eius BolobT means no mass executions. twrder hills were evacuated. over a new contract. V; . . Greece and Scnrlet Union sign midway across the downtown tSlSDSSd. Amd you use America’s abferr. to create a faoifly dynasty. FU/iSAL'f i'A.V i . , WITH ZIPPERS The main targets of the expedi­ French newepjipcra here ca)Ied A general strike of the UAW tnsSe and payments pnet whirti grade crossing when the 100-*_ it at an a. eetl-; -have___ IS lived_A..'a.A in the **back-----CO# valley A««w 4com-MnP Sea how qutdtiy the aevinga pay -men, fotmzrly friendly to the since those SO yeersI age when the six states was celled at 12:01 a.m. for exchange c i $10 mlUion worth ■tate'e top oBce. Last night be niated speed of 45 miles an hour. munity Just northweat of Spring \ tm fits equtgaeot42al sew l Green SURipe Given With Cash Seles. 'French'; who rode out of the hllle Riffa under fieffee AM el Krim EST.. after negotiators failed o< goods from each country. quesUonea JohnaoB’e eapebUitlcs Byatandera, some with children City, a town of leas than 3,000 'I to raid Oued Zem.'whcre about 80 wero put down. to ceeeh a new contract agree­ Mixuft of reobePa of two prison-, as a lawyer. He asaerted that aboard the bua,DUS, SLOOQstood nprrniM hil)rtifiad asaa realdanU batwaan Knoaeflie aad Frendunen were eleughtered and The French cut off - the area ment era namad PulUloVe bringa miei. -«> Johnson Was^admitted to the bar the-litUa bodiesidiaa werowei fixmg a ) ^ ChsltsBoos** each mutilated. —• from all trsffie aet escorted by Despite the etrika, union and frooi Cook Oounty; IS years agq but Saa yet to try a the tracks ifrom, (be crumpMO, Moore, who eUrted driving a THE WoG: GLENNEY CO: • Death Oamst Over 1,888 • mliiUry convoy. com pwy nagoUatore st^ ed ia ses­ ; Cbroult Judge' contested suit in court twisted wreclcw ge. school bus only last wash. SaM ha Although no official figures fqr The BerMr center of Marrshech, sion until 8:15 a.m. They* recessed in Port Huron. Mich, orders aou- The children, all white and rang­ stopped at tha creasing but hte The daintiest tiny floral pattern’ on pinlk white, blue* Farmer 'Gov. FleUling Wright, 334 N. HAIN Hw MANCHlSTU ' COM the sUU growing weekend death Just.2o^tha southwest of the atsa. until 1 n.m. todaV. tary confinemant'and eampolat who' ran third in thnarst race, de- ing 'In age fraoL.fi tw 12, had JOst view waa Mochod hy four parked yellow and green grpundg^^tYouiWill hate to cover up these The M U i W U m COM M l were availaWe, French offi- was almest Cut o ff thik ssoralaJi. .W 0 «»t w alkoi^ started Friday cRwcIi attM4aMa for taenwer cUawl to eadone ettber of tha run- braua the aeooad week o t’adMwL fN Q N iM I V.I253 MnMOissnm.Cemn ticks, Uie pattern is so beautiful. * '.MMKHenaivipeMN* ; |" sUls ackaeartodged privately tkat aoeuaad o f nat f gant homielda m AU were klUed or injured. They It salght m d i LfiOO ia Morocco aalhfs^RnsaX ' ‘ ttafOe. fiaaltis o f two qompairtona. ware taken to hospitals aad fU- ' i , -I ' • ■

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