.■:.. ■• . • -OV/;-. ■ .' .. I Jv^-' ■/ V i: ■ ■ \ SAtyRDAY. AUGUST 20, IflBI A y m u s D sU y N f t F i r m R ub fW Mw Waak RMad iiau rtr^ B ter E tii?nitt9 ;l|iM ralb Axg«a$29,12H cular dirllke for one pup that came St. Mary*« Moveg 11,333 t t ^ o w n about the hpuse in the Sarly hours of the morning, causing tbeir dog Mmmttn a( iUiRt aIgM. Uw Hedihd Along Main Street to bark and'-waken the family. It Sadlak Leaves for Finland; Nursery Location * Bw m w a( OraSlMlaa It jpwBibw AM re- was also guilty of messing cp their Mandie$ter-^A City o f VittatmCharm -31 IfaA. Btcnto WMI brtef' lawn and spoiling the apt^rance •tlnir Momtay At • pju. And on Some of Manchester*$ Side Streets^ Too of their pet evergreens. Parents who wiih to leave M tlie home of lfre. Julia KcCar- The boy concluded with a long Hopes fo r Crhcks smaller children “to be cared. for VOL. LXXIV, NO. 2T4 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY. A U ^ST 12,195$ oa tag* U) PRICK tam 9li sckool Sk, RodcvUlA F-L-A-S-H! ^wera famous for their bean bakes list of minor grievances, then during the 10 a.m. FAmtIy Berv- WlifMi Reader! are reminded* that thta and dances, which drew crowds looked at his hostess and asked, Ice at St. Maia’'o Bplaco(>al Church ^rildrea-eiiM have not already ia the time of year when the Town from all parts of Manchester. "Hasn't he been bothering you, By RON DEVINE '■ Sunday are asked to taire them to tOfO?'' the Visual Aid room in the preaent Hflattrad for the Vacaubn Bible Water Department usuahy puta Many well known entertainers Rockville, Aug. 20 (Special)---{ iS|6el next week at the Covenant a ban on the uae of taoaea becauae and musicians, as well as noted She shrugged indifferently and Chur?h basement. replied, "Well. ye.». But I like dogs State epnghessman-at-Ldrge An­ This will be the location of th# CUal m a tlenal Church, 4S S ^ C e the Vinter aupply ia getting low. divines and politicians lectured in toni N. Sadlak and his wife A l­ • t , may da ao Monday morning; Fred Thrall, who runa the de­ Cheney Hall. Churches and or- and you can't be too critical of nursery until the re-opening Qf the them.-Besides, he's so cute, with freds left yeaterday for Finland Church School on Sept. 35. On that 'b a fO N lt e claaaaa be|;in at 9:15; partment, aaya on the baaia o f ganitations found the stage and ,:^here. they will spend a week that little white tail and homely date nursery sessions at 9:95 and B a m adult taaehera are' glvinK preaent ^ d e n ca he doea not be the hall ideal for amateur .theatric helping freedom's cause. their aervieea for 'the different neve the ban. Will be neceaaary in cals. / black face.' She stopped as the It am. wUl begin in the former claaaea, Kindeifarten through The. late Miss Leila Church of boy turned red with a severe fit Rep. Sadlak is a member of the | rectory. the immediate future. Unit^ States delegation to the: OhadeS. Rockville, well known autbOr of of boughing. The "Burke House" at 37 Pirk 44th. Interparliamentary Union Identity Desired plays and 'pageants, preferred When he was able to apeak St. where nurseries have met dur­ Cheney Hall to any other place in Conference being held in Helsinki. ing the past year, is shortly to be Kenneth A. Henry, 42, of RFD 3. Police get some interesting mall, again, he asked. "Is that the only which to stage her pla'ys by locate dog that's beeQ bothering you?" Finland, from Aug. 24 to'3lr demolished to make way for park­ evaa arreated yeaterday on a war­ but most puBsling are the letters ' This .is Rep. SadlaH'S fourth i rant laaued by Proaecutor Philip talent. Miss Church, it will be re "Why. y es,"’ she said. "Why?" ing facilities planned under 8t. containing money, company called, was engaged to prepare time aa a delegate to this confer­ Mary's new chur<Ji building pro­ Bayer and charaw) with nonaup- checks or other unidentiftable cur­ "Oh, nblhing.'"' he replied over ence. In 1951 h e/stten d ed the port. He waa h«d pending poating and direct Manchester's successful his shoulder' as hr turned to go. gram. rency unaccompanied by any ex­ Centennial pageaiit and parade in meeling.s st Istanbul, Turkey, in This announcement in no way of a $200 bond. Patrolman Walter planation as to why they should "only —ortly that's our dog." 1953 he was s» member of the 6 8 K n o w l i Paiipiaon made^the arreat. 1933, which wa^' staged on the old affects children of Church,School receive It. • golf grounds, pow the site of Man­ delegation that played host to oth­ age. who ■will remain with their . It haa happened that a driver fraught With His Tank Down chester's new high school. In the er members in Washington, D. C.. parents part way through the 10 ■ I I M Miao'Louiae Orube, daughter of .feels he haa paid a parking ticket, great parade on the Main Streets, An old adage among newspaper­ and be;participated in last year's o ’clock service as usual, then be Mr. and Mra. Wallace Crube, 387 and he may well have done So.' but Cheney Bfo*-, " ’ •>1* were rep­ men has it that it's no news if program at Vienna. dismissed in the care of volunteer Porter 8t., haa returned home af­ he sent in a $1 bill without the resented by a tremendous replica dog bites a man. but. it's a horse "We hope by this conference to teachers. / ter attandihg a aix weeka aeaaion ticket stub. of a Cocoon, which attracted as of n different color When a man break the Iron Curtain a little Police NatH^ of atudy and camplife for teenage In the due course of tinie a no* much attention as any of, the floaU bites a dog. more.” the Representative said. ________________ ^ • - Retreating Streams to Arrive atndenta who have been attending tice goes out warning of dire con­ in the line of march. , The other day we got wind of He noted that less thania year had Boeton Univeraity’a Sargent camp seQuences unless the ticket is paid. /T h e section of Hartford Rd. a story that made Us -wonder if passed since last year's confer­ Known D ^ d at Patetborough, H. H. Or a" hapless defendant ignores from Chapter Oak St. to Cheney there wasn't a similar adage ap­ ence when Austria gained her in­ dependence. the warning, no doubt charging it^ Hall, where mdhy of the Cnieney plicable to gas station attendants off to bureaucratic ineffteiency families buiilt their homes, has al­ To See Ixtdge And Missing at Bradley and proprietors . specifically and gets hauled into court. Police PINE PHARMACY Unfolding Disaster Minney Suffers ways bo*rt considered one of the about the gas pump Jockeys who "We hope that this year's meet- feel, probably rightly, Ihat .this most.beautiful in .town. During ing might.be able to relieve .the court appearance 1s his own,fault. run out of gas. ^ OPEN/SUNDAYS > - By THE ABSOblATBD PRBRR y World War I the families on the According to the anecdote, as pressure of Communism to Fin­ Denver, Aug. 22 f/P)—President Eisenhower will nuka Skufl Fracture Of course, people do for^t to north, side of the road ploughed land.'.' Rep. sadlak said. / By THis ASSOCIATED PEERS The Connecticut SUte Po/t pay parking flnes and really do we heard it. a certain Main SL six-state aerial inspection of eaatem hurricane and flood up their sloping, velvety lawns filling station owner was in the During their overseas visit, 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. RgvainnY rivers whose wateni tore' away life and wrought lice supplied the following ignore warnings sent out by the for war gardens. which they will make by air. the breakdown of the state’s damage tomorrow. ' / WlQIam Minney, 11, of 350 W. police. They get lined ultimately. custom of carrying a 2-gallon destruction never before seen in Connecticut began to flow Cheney Hall, which la near the spare tank of bensine around with Sadlaks hope to make a trip to •known flood dead and migSing The President personally announced his plana to tAUk K Center St., atruck by a truck while But for all you presumably law- Poland, and even perhaps to Mi^- back to normal today. As the brown torrents receded, the riding hla bicycle at Olcott St., iblding citisens whd may get an mills, is of brick construction and him in his car. Such a precau­ VA’/A’/A'A’A’A’/ as of 10 a.m. today (68 known look at the damage which' has taken many Uveig and rgimd of unusual architectural charm. cow. On their way to Finland, they story of Connecticut’s "greatest disaster” was unfolded. and Palknor Dr., yeaterday after­ occasional parking''ticket, we have tion' seems perfectly sotind in a will stop at Labrador, Glasgow, At least 68 persona were dead, 70 missing) / much property destruction. / a warning. Enclose the ticket left Its use was free in the old days profession where it could become noon, waa tentatively found to be to the firm's employes and .other Edinburgh, Oslo,,/ Norway and and 70 were mlaaing.
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