Vote: 512 Kabale District Structure of Budget Estimates - PART ONE
Local Government Budget Estimates Vote: 512 Kabale District Structure of Budget Estimates - PART ONE A: Overview of Revenues and Expenditures B: Detailed Estimates of Revenue C: Detailed Estimates of Expenditure D: Status of Arrears Page 1 Local Government Budget Estimates Vote: 512 Kabale District A: Overview of Revenues and Expenditures Revenue Performance and Plans 2012/13 2013/14 Approved Budget Receipts by End Approved Budget June UShs 000's 1. Locally Raised Revenues 747,100 171,608 815,545 2a. Discretionary Government Transfers 2,243,299 1,995,266 2,442,438 2b. Conditional Government Transfers 30,453,049 29,854,662 33,991,070 2c. Other Government Transfers 547,279 709,952 788,301 3. Local Development Grant 306,680 240,284 250,695 4. Donor Funding 87,200 576,215 1,098,197 Total Revenues 34,384,607 33,547,988 39,386,246 Expenditure Performance and Plans 2012/13 2013/14 Approved Budget Actual Approved Budget Expenditure by UShs 000's end of June 1a Administration 909,251 578,162 1,049,016 2 Finance 285,725 296,541 299,725 3 Statutory Bodies 1,263,924 805,534 1,384,172 4 Production and Marketing 2,641,633 2,417,861 2,881,134 5 Health 4,540,326 6,329,810 6,304,012 6 Education 22,712,196 21,778,724 24,980,211 7a Roads and Engineering 765,212 735,434 786,634 7b Water 577,310 450,680 891,097 8 Natural Resources 157,968 132,485 166,204 9 Community Based Services 374,493 322,955 467,608 10 Planning 115,545 107,325 133,141 11 Internal Audit 41,024 36,342 43,290 Grand Total 34,384,607 33,991,854 39,386,246 Wage Rec't: 23,385,141 22,727,127 27,571,585 Non Wage Rec't: 6,576,869 7,528,133 6,865,195 Domestic Dev't 4,335,396 3,184,577 3,851,269 Donor Dev't 87,200 552,017 1,098,197 Page 2 Local Government Budget Estimates Vote: 512 Kabale District B: Detailed Estimates of Revenue 2012/13 2013/14 UShs 000's Approved Budget Receipts by End Approved Budget of June 1.
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