Bird Checklist
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National Park Service Bryce Canyon U.S. Department of the Interior Bryce Canyon National Park Bird Checklist White-breasted Nuthatch Black-chinned Hummingbird Photography: Kevin Doxstater Steller’s Jay Field Checklist of the Sp S F W Birds of Bryce Canyon National Park ___ Blue Grouse U U U U ___ Wild Turkey O O O O This list contains 210 species which have been observed in Bryce Canyon National Park or the surrounding area (up to 5 miles outside the park LOON & GREBES boundary). Species are listed in accordance with the 7th Edition of the ___ Common Loon R R American Ornithological Union Checklist (1998) and the 47th Supplement to the A.O.U. Checklist. ___ Pied-billed Grebe O O ___ Eared Grebe R R Some rare birds are noted by an (*). Please submit observations of these spe- cies, including written details and/or photographs, to: ___ Western Grebe R R Resource Management Division PELICAN Bryce Canyon National Park ___ American White Pelican O O P.O. Box 640201 Bryce Canyon, UT 84764-0201 HERONS & ALLIES ___ Great Blue Heron R R R Occurrence Sp Spring (Mar – May) ___ Snowy Egret R R R S Summer (Jun – Aug) ___ Black-crowned Night-heron R F Fall (Sep – Nov) ___ White-faced Ibis R R W Winter (Dec – Feb) VULTURE & CONDOR ___ Turkey Vulture U U U Abundance C Common ___ California Condor O O O Certain to be seen in suitable habitats DIURNAL RAPTORS U Uncommon ___ Osprey U U U Present but not certain to be seen ___ Bald Eagle O O Occasional ___ Northern Harrier U U U U Seen a few times during the season R Rare ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk U U U U Seldom found in the park ___ Cooper’s Hawk C C C C ___ Northern Goshawk U U U U Italic = Known to nest in park ___ Swainson’s Hawk R R R Sp S F W ___ Red-tailed Hawk C C C C SWANS, GEESE, & DUCKS ___ Ferruginous Hawk O ___ Snow Goose* R R ___ Rough-legged Hawk O ___ Canada Goose U U U ___ Golden Eagle U U U U ___ Tundra Swan* R R ___ American Kestrel U U U ___ Gadwall* R R ___ Merlin R R ___ American Wigeon R R ___ Peregrine Falcon U U U ___ Mallard C C C U ___ Prairie Falcon R R R ___ Blue-winged Teal O O RAILS & COOTS ___ Cinnamon Teal O O ___ Virginia Rail* R R R ___ Northern Shoveler R R ___ Sora* R R ___ Northern Pintail U U ___ American Coot C C C ___ Green-winged Teal U U U PLOVERS, SANDPIPERS, & ALLIES ___ Redhead R R ___ Black-bellied Plover O O ___ Ring-necked Duck R R ___ Killdeer U U U ___ Lesser Scaup R R ___ Black-necked Stilt R R ___ Bufflehead R R ___ American Avocet R R ___ Common Goldeneye R R ___ Spotted Sandpiper U U U ___ Common Merganser R R ___ Solitary Sandpiper* R R ___ Red-breasted Merganser R R ___ Greater Yellowlegs R R ___ Ruddy Duck U U U ___ Willet R R UPLAND GAME BIRDS ___ Lesser Yellowlegs R R ___ Chukar* R R R R ___ Long-billed Curlew O O ___ Ring-necked Pheasant* R R R R ___ Western Sandpiper R R ___ Greater Sage-grouse* R R R R Sp S F W Sp S F W ___ Least Sandpiper O O ___ Cordilleran Flycatcher U U U ___ Long-billed Dowitcher R R ___ Say’s Phoebe C C C ___ Wilson’s Snipe R R R R ___ Ash-throated Flycatcher U U U ___ Wilson’s Phalarope R R ___ Cassin’s Kingbird R R R ___ Red-necked Phalarope R R ___ Western Kingbird U U U GULLS & TERNS SHRIKES ___ Franklin’s Gull R R ___ Loggerhead Shrike R R R R ___ Ring-billed Gull O O O ___ Northern Shrike* R ___ California Gull R R VIREOS ___ Forster’s Tern R R ___ Gray Vireo R R R PIGEONS & DOVE ___ Plumbeous Vireo R R R ___ Rock Pigeon* R R R ___ Warbling Vireo U U U ___ Band-tailed Pigeon R JAYS, CROW, & RAVEN ___ Mourning Dove U U U ___ Gray Jay R R R R TYPICAL OWLS ___ Steller’s Jay C C C C ___ Flammulated Owl R R R ___ Western Scrub-jay U U U U ___ Western Screech-owl* R R R ___ Pinyon Jay U U U U ___ Great-horned Owl U U U U ___ Clark’s Nutcracker C C C C ___ Northern Pygmy-owl R R R R ___ Black-billed Magpie U U U U ___ Long-eared Owl O O O ___ American Crow O O O ___ Northern Saw-whet Owl O O O O ___ Common Raven C C C C NIGHTJARS LARK ___ Common Nighthawk U U U ___ Horned Lark U U U U ___ Common Poorwill R R R SWALLOWS SWIFTS ___ Tree Swallow O O O ___ White-throated Swift C C C ___ Violet-green Swallow C C C HUMMINGBIRDS ___ Northern Rough-winged Swallow U U U ___ Black-chinned Hummingbird C C C ___ Cliff Swallow C C C ___ Calliope Hummingbird O O ___ Barn Swallow U U U ___ Broad-tailed Hummingbird C C C CHICKADEES, TITMOUSE, & BUSHTIT ___ Rufous Hummingbird C C C ___ Black-capped Chickadee U U U U KINGFISHER ___ Mountain Chickadee C C C C ___ Belted Kingfisher R R R ___ Juniper Titmouse U U U U ___ Bushtit U U U U WOODPECKERS ___ Lewis’s Woodpecker* R NUTHATCHES & CREEPER ___ Williamson’s Sapsucker O O O ___ Red-breasted Nuthatch U U U U ___ Red-naped Sapsucker O O O ___ White-breasted Nuthatch C C C C ___ Downy Woodpecker O O O O ___ Pygmy Nuthatch C C C C ___ Hairy Woodpecker U U U U ___ Brown Creeper U U U U ___ American Three-toed Woodpecker* R ___ Northern Flicker U U U U WRENS ___ Rock Wren U U U U FLYCATCHERS ___ Canyon Wren R R R R ___ Olive-sided Flycatcher R R R ___ Bewick’s Wren O O O O ___ Western Wood-pewee R R R ___ House Wren U U U ___ Willow Flycatcher O O O ___ Winter Wren R R ___ Southwestern Willow Flycatcher* R R R ___ Marsh Wren U U U ___ Hammond’s Flycatcher U U U ___ Gray Flycatcher U U U KINGLETS & GNATCATCHER ___ Dusky Flycatcher U U U ___ Golden-crowned Kinglet R R R R Sp S F W Sp S F W ___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet U U U TANAGER, GROSBEAKS, & BUNTINGS ___ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher R R R ___ Western Tanager U U U ___ Rose-breasted Grosbeak* R R THRUSHES ___ Black-headed Grosbeak U U U ___ Western Bluebird C C C U ___ Blue Grosbeak R R R ___ Mountain Bluebird C C C U ___ Lazuli Bunting R R R ___ Townsend’s Solitaire C C C C ___ Indigo Bunting R R R ___ Swainson’s Thrush R R ___ Hermit Thrush R R R BLACKBIRDS & ORIOLES ___ American Robin C C C C ___ Red-winged Blackbird C C C ___ Western Meadowlark U U U MIMICS ___ Yellow-headed Blackbird U U U ___ Gray Catbird O O ___ Brewer’s Blackbird C C C ___ Northern Mockingbird R R R ___ Brown-headed Cowbird U U U ___ Sage Thrasher R R R ___ Hooded Oriole* R R R STARLING ___ Bullock’s Oriole R R R ___ European Starling U U U U ___ Scott’s Oriole R R R PIPIT & WAXWINGS FINCHES & OLD WORLD SPARROWS ___ American Pipit* R R R ___ Gray-crowned Rosy-finch O ___ Cedar Waxwing O O O ___ Black Rosy-finch O ___ Bohemian Waxwing* R ___ Pine Grosbeak R ___ Cassin’s Finch C C C C WOOD WARBLERS ___ House Finch U U U ___ Tennessee Warbler* R R ___ Red Crossbill U U U ___ Orange-crowned Warbler R R ___ Pine Siskin C C C C ___ Nashville Warbler O O ___ Lesser Goldfinch R R R ___ Virginia’s Warbler R R R ___ American Goldfinch O O O ___ Yellow Warbler U U U ___ House Sparrow R R R R ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler C C C ___ Black-throated Gray Warbler U U U ___ Townsend’s Warbler O O ___ Grace’s Warbler U U U ___ American Redstart R R R ___ MacGillivray’s Warbler O O O ___ Common Yellowthroat R R R ___ Wilson’s Warbler R R ___ Yellow-breasted Chat R R R TOWHEES, SPARROWS, & JUNCO ___ Green-tailed Towhee U U U ___ Spotted Towhee U U U ___ American Tree Sparrow R ___ Chipping Sparrow C C C C ___ Brewer’s Sparrow U U U ___ Vesper Sparrow U U U ___ Lark Sparrow U U U ___ Black-throated Sparrow R R R ___ Sage Sparrow R R R R ___ Savannah Sparrow R R ___ Song Sparrow U U U U ___ Lincoln’s Sparrow R R R ___ White-crowned Sparrow U U U U Western Tanager ___ Dark-eyed Junco C C C C.