Name ______

Chinese Name ______

CAS Lv 1 Summer Task


● Go through the new vocabulary. Speak them aloud, go over their definitions, practice writing the characters. Make flashcards. ● Read through the new dialogue multiple times (in your head and aloud). Try translating the dialogue with your new vocabulary (write down the translation!) ● Read through (in your head and aloud) grammar points 6 (A-not-A questions) and 7 (the adverb 还). ● Try the Language Practice activities both aloud and written out, using what you just learned from the Grammar notes. ● Create your own sentences using the new vocabulary. ● Read through the Culture Highlights. ● Towards the end of summer, please also look over your final study guide. Try completing it again, see how much you remember. Review for the upcoming school year!


Please watch/read at least two of the following and write a 1 page (minimum), typed reflection ​ ​ for ONE of them:

Films Princess Mononoke (director: Miyazaki Hayao) ​ Howl’s Moving Castle (director: Miyazaki Hayao) ​ Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (director: Miyazaki Hayao) ​ Tampopo (director: Itami Juzo) ​ Millennium Actress (director: Kon Satoshi) ​ Seven Samurai (director: Kurosawa Akira) ​ Akira (director: Otomo Katsuhiro) ​ (director: Wilson Yip or Yip Wai-Shun) ​ ​ ​ American Dreams in China (director: Peter Chan) ​ Paprika (director: Kon Satoshi) ​ Ghost in the Shell (director: Oshii Mamoru) *no, not the Scarlett Johansson version* ​ ​ ​ A Great Wall (director: Peter Wang) ​ Spirited Away (director: Miyazaki Hayao) ​ A Bite of China (documentary series directed by: Chen Xiaoqing) [any episode(s)] ​

~ please try to watch these films in their original languages, if possible.

Books Orientalism (Edward Said) ​ Chopsticks in the Land of Cotton: Lives of Mississippi Delta Chinese Grocers (John Jung) ​ At War with Asia (Noam Chomsky) ​


Follow-up task: Go outside. Read books. Have fun!