Feminist HCI: Taking Stock and Outlining an Agenda for Design
CHI 2010: HCI For All April 10–15, 2010, Atlanta, GA, USA Feminist HCI: Taking Stock and Outlining an Agenda for Design Shaowen Bardzell Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing 919 E 10th Street, Rm 237, Bloomington, IN 47408 selu@indiana.edu ABSTRACT ing moral and intellectual complexity of our professional Feminism is a natural ally to interaction design, due to its activities. central commitments to issues such as agency, fulfillment, identity, equity, empowerment, and social justice. In this This topic is hardly new to computing: science and technol- paper, I summarize the state of the art of feminism in HCI ogy studies (STS) and social informatics have long empha- and propose ways to build on existing successes to more sized these sorts of issues. Yet when it comes to interaction robustly integrate feminism into interaction design research design—HCI proper—these concerns come up in a much and practice. I explore the productive role of feminism in more piecemeal and ad hoc way. For the purpose of this analogous fields, such as industrial design, architecture, and paper, I therefore confine my focus to the relationships be- game design. I introduce examples of feminist interaction tween feminism and interaction design (as opposed to design already in the field. Finally, I propose a set of femi- “computing” or “technology” more generally). nist interaction design qualities intended to support design Specifically, I am concerned with the design and evaluation and evaluation processes directly as they unfold. of interactive systems that are imbued with sensitivity to the Author Keywords central commitments of feminism—agency, fulfillment, HCI, Feminist HCI, feminism, design, feminist standpoint identity and the self, equity, empowerment, diversity, and theory, gender, interaction design, feminist design qualities social justice.
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