United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,883,058 Wells Et Al
USOO5883058A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,883,058 Wells et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Mar 16, 1999 54 HIGH LATHER STYLING SHAMPOOS 4,784,801 11/1988 Hoeffkes et al. ....................... 252/554 5,084.212 1/1992 Farris et al. ............................ 252/554 (75) Inventors: Robert Lee Wells, Cincinnati, Ohio; 5,104,642 4/1992 Wells et al. ..... ... 424/47 Jon Robert Behrens, Kobe, Japan 5,120,532 6/1992 Wells et al. ............ ... 424/70 5,310,508 5/1994 Subramanyam et al. ............... 252/549 73) Assignee: The Procter & Gamble Company, 5,391,368 2/1995 Gerstein ............................... 424/70.13 5,514,302 5/1996 Brown ..................................... 252/545 Cincinnati, Ohio 5,580,494 12/1996 Sandhu et al. .......................... 510/125 Notice: The term of this patent shall not extend FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS beyond the expiration date of Pat. No. 5,672.576. 0323715 12/1989 European Pat. Off.. Appl. No.: 520,631 Primary Examiner Paul Lieberman Assistant Examiner Necholas Ogden Filed: Aug. 29, 1995 Attorney, Agent, or Firm Joan B. Tucker; William J. Int. Cl." ................................................ C110 1/83 Winter; Tara M. Rosnell U.S. Cl. .......................... 510/127; 510/119,510/123; 57 ABSTRACT 510/125; 424/70.11; 424/70.24 The present invention relates to hair shampoo compositions Field of Search ..................................... 252/549, 550, which have improved cleansing, lathering, and Styling ben 252/551, 557; 510/119, 123,125, 127; efits=. These Shampoo compositions comprise an alkyl glyc 424/70.24, 70.11 eryl ether Sulfonate Surfactant, a hair Styling polymer, a 56) References Cited non-polar volatile Solvent, and water.
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