Teaching Materials on Women, Health and Healing. INSTITUTIO California Univ., San Francisco

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Teaching Materials on Women, Health and Healing. INSTITUTIO California Univ., San Francisco ED 284 820 AUTHOR C arkeAdeleEd.; And Others TITLE Teaching Materials on Women, Health and Healing. INSTITUTIO California Univ., San Francisco. Dept. of Social and Behavioral Sciences. -SPONS AGENCY, California Univ., San Francisco. School of Nursing.; Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (ED) Washington DC. PUB DATE 86 NOTE 151p.; For related documents, see SO 018 368-369. AVAILABLE FROM University of California, San Francisco, Women, Health and Healing Program, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, N-631-Y, San Francisco, Ch 94143-0612. PUB TYPE Guides - Non-Classroom Use (0 5) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Cross Cultural Studies; *Curriculum Development; Curriculum Research; Educational Resources; *Fema Feminism; Health; *Health Education; Higher Education; *Minority Groups; *Policy Formation Sex Role; Social Science Research. Sociocultural Patterns; *Womens Studies ABSTRACT Curriculum developm nt in women s health has undergone a transformation over the past 15 years based on the availability of teaching resources. Today, therange of resources for curriculum development in women's health is more intimidating than elusive. While there has been a virtual explosion of both popular and scholarly research and writing in the many areas of women's health, there has been a dearth of materials on developing curricula inthese areas. This volume is designed for use by faculty in undergraduate, graduate, and health professions and educational institutions who wish to initiate or ezpand their curriculum in women's health. The materials in this volume are largely edited versions ofpapers originally presented at three Summer Instituteson Women, Health, and Healing organized by the Women, Health and Healing Program of the University of CaliforniaSan Francisco. The primary focus of these working papers on curricUlum development in women's health studies is on the development and enhancement of curricula through the integration of social science perspectiveson women's health, through the integration of minority women's health issues, and through addressing issues at the intersection of social science and clinical concerns. (Hz) Reproductions supplied by HORS are the best thatcan be made from the original document. ***** *** ********************************* ** ************* TEACHING MATERIALS ON WOMEN, HEALTH AND HEALING EDrrIKD BY Adele C arke, Virgirda Olesen, 1 Ruzek and Patricia Anderscn OF EDI-WES ON Produced for dissemination with support from tne Fund for the Improvement of Post.Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education, and the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences and School of Nursing, University of California, San Francisco. 0 WCMEN. HEALTH AND HEALING PROGRAM UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO, 1986 Virginia Olesen, Sheryl Ruzek and Adele Clarke, Directors Women, Health and Healing Program Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, N-631-Y University of California, San Francisco, CA 94143-0612 TEACHING MATERIALS I _WOMEN, HEALTH AND HEALING ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The WomenHealth and Healing Program at the University of California, San Francisco, gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education, U.S. Department of Education, the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences and the School of Nurising, University of California, San Francisco, which made this volume possible. The editors, Adele Clarke, Sheryl Ruzek and Virginia Olesen, also wish to acknowledge the many individuals and organizations whose support and encouragement over many years contributed to this work. Ellen Lewin, former Co-Director of the Women. Health and Healing Program and currently Coordinator of Women's Studies at Old Dominion College, provided energy and sustenance during the early years of effort which have culminated in this and other volumes. We wish to thank the following orga izations for permission to reprint their materials: The Center for Research on Women, Memphis State University The National Black Women's Health Project Sage: A Scholarly Journal of Black Women The Women's Health Exchange, School of Nursing, University of Illinois at Chicago Most of all, we want to thank those who contributed their work to this volume. They were kind, thoughtful, helpful and promptan editor's delight. TEACHING -_TERIALS _ON WOMEN HEALTH_ ANDHEALING TABLE_OFvCONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTORS I. INTRODUCTION II. TEACHING WOMEN HEALTH AND HEALING Section Introduction 7 Sheryl RuZekt Women's Health Studies in the United States 8 Adele Clarke: '-Teaching Women's Health:Constraints Commitments _Resources andTrade-offs 17 Eleanor Hinton Hoitt: Integrating Feminist Issues into Curricula at HistoricallyBlack Colleges 24 Denise Webster, et al.: Nursing Practice in Women's Health: A Concept Paper 32 III. INTEGRATING MINORITY WOMEN'SHEALTH INTO CURRICULA Section Introduction 34 Sheryl Ruzek: Integrating Minority Women's Health into the Curriculum 35 Ruth Zambrana: Fundamental Issues in Teaching About Minorities 44 Diane Lewis: Integrating Minority Women'sHealth into Liberal Arts Curricula 50 Ruth Zambrana: Integrating Minority Women's Health into the ProfessionalSchool Curriculum 55 Karen Ito: A Case Study of Minority Curricular Integrations Asian American Women's Health 61 IV. TEACHING WOMEN'S HEALTH AS HEALTHPOLICY Section Introduction 70 Sheryl Ruzek: Teaching Women's Health witha Policy Analyeis Framework 71 Roberta Spalter-Roth: Teaching Public Policy from A Feminist Perspective 73 Roberta Spalter-Roth: Framework for a Feminist Analysis of Mainstream PublicPolicy Research 79 Sheryl Ruzek: Teaching Sensitive PolicyIssues: The Case of Mortion 84 5 RESOURCES FOR TEACHING wp- LTH AND HEALING ;A. Resources Focused on Minority Wo en's Heal Section Introduction 93 Basic Bibliography: Minority Womb& & Healing 95 Sage: Selected EducationalReser,:verr Wn of Color 97 Audreye Johnson: Syllabus on Af-ric# Women's Health Issues 99 National Black Women's Health Fact 108 Sheet on Black Women Audio-Visual Resources on Min-Q., ,,-. 's-1'aalth 110 Memphis State University Cent*i .'..:- Ptare:i.onWomen: Women of Color and Soutbesn qomer DALase Information and Search BO. -19t FOZWIT 119 B. Resources on Women, Hea14 Section Introduction 125 Key Organizations and Resourcmw, opomen's Health 126 Journals in Wc.-...11, Health and Healing 129 Patricia Hanscn, Dorothy Battenfeld and Adele Clarke: Basic Bibliography: Rural WoMen's Health in the U.S. 131 Basic Bibliography: Women, Science and Health 136 Short Bibliography: Curricular Integration 139 Nursing Scan--Women's Health: Subscription Form 141 Curricular Materials on Women, Health and Healing: 142 Information and Order Forms TEACHING WOMENHEALTH AND HEALING ABOUT _THE CONTRIBUTORS ADELE CLARKE is currently a Co-Director of the Women, Health and Healing Program at the University of California, San Francisco. She has taught in women's health since 1974 and published on sterilization abuse and olderwomen. Her current research interests are in history of reproductive science in the U.S., emergent reproductive technologies,and feminist approaches to science issues and policy. ELEANOR HINTON HOYTTis currently Co-Director of the National Women's Studies Association Conference to beheld at Spelman College in June, 1987. She has previously been Assistant Professor and Co-Director of the AfricanaWomen's Center at Atlanta Vniversity. She teaches in the area of resources and research in women's studies and Black women's history. She also serves as Chair of the Boa d of Directors of the National Black Women's Health Project. KAREN ITO is a medical and psychological anthropologist specializing in cultural interpretations of illnessand culture-specific remediations. She has done fieldwork in Papua, New Guinea and in the U.S. with PolynesianHawaiians Asian Americans and Hispanics. She is currently on the research staff of the California Birth DefectsMonitoring Group. DIANE LEWIS is Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Santa Cruz. She has taught both ethnic studies and women's studiescourses. She is currently studying epidemiology and public healthat the University of California, Berkeley, in order topursue recent research interests in minority women's health. VIRGINIA OLESEN was a founding Director of theWomen, Health and Healing Program at the University of Califonia, San Francisco. She has taught in this area since 1972 and her interests in women, health and healing systemslie in the areas of research and policy. With Ellen Lewin, she recently edited WOMEN, HEALTH AND HEALING: TOWARDA NEW PERSPECTIVE (Tavistock, 1985), which emphasizes healthas en important domain for socio-cultural analysis. SHERYL BURT RUZEK was a founding Director of the Women, Health and Healing Program at the University of California, San Francisco. She now teaches in the Department of Health Education at Temple University in Philadelphia. She is the author of THE WOMEN'S HEALTH MOVEMENT, FEMINIST ALTERNATIVES TO MEDICAL CONTROL and numerous articles about women's health issues. Her current research is on women and heart disease. She also edits the Health, Society and Policy Series for Temple University Press with Irving Zolaof Brandeis University. ROBERTA SPALTER-ROTH is currently Acting Director of the Women's Studies Program and Policy Center of the George Washington University. A sociologist by training, Spalter-Roth is currently involved in comparative research on husbands' and wives' living standards. Her major research interests
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