That's Entertainment!

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That's Entertainment! That’s Entertainment! That’s bingos about all forms of ENTERTAINMENT, LEISURE, ENJOYMENT, PLAY compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club A 7s ACTABLE AABCELT suitable for performance on stage [adj] ACTORLY ACLORTY ACTOR, theatrical performer [adj] ADAGIOS AADGIOS ADAGIO, musical composition or movement played in slow tempo [n] ADMIRED ADDEIMR ADMIRE, to regard with wonder, pleasure, and approval [v] ADMIRER ADEIMRR one that admires (to regard with wonder, pleasure, and approval) [n -S] ADMIRES ADEIMRS ADMIRE, to regard with wonder, pleasure, and approval [v] ADULATE AADELTU to praise excessively [v -D, -TING, -S] AEROBAT AABEORT one that performs feats in aircraft [n -S] AGAPEIC AACEGIP AGAPE, communal meal of fellowship [adj] AGITATO AAGIOTT fast and stirring -- used as musical direction [adj] AIRBALL AABIL LR to miss basket in basketball [v -ED -ING, -S] AIRPLAY AAILPRY playing of record on radio program [n -S] AIRSHOW AHIORSW exhibition of aircraft stunts [n -S] ALLEGRO AEGLLOR musical passage played in rapid tempo [n -S] ALLURED ADELLRU ALLURE, to attract with something desirable [v] ALLURER AELLRRU one that allures (to attract with something desirable) [n -S] ALLURES AELLRSU ALLURE, to attract with something desirable [v] ALTHORN AHLNORT brass wind instrument [n -S] ALTOIST AILOSTT one who plays alto saxophone [n -S] AMATEUR AAEMRTU one that engages in activity for pleasure [n -S] AMAZING AAGIMNZ AMAZE, to overwhelm with surprise or wonder [v] AMENITY AEIMNTY quality of being pleasant or agreeable [n -TIES] AMUSERS AEMRSSU AMUSER, one that amuses (to occupy pleasingly) [n] AMUSIAS AAIMSSU AMUSIA, inability to recognize musical sounds [n] AMUSING AGIMNSU AMUSE, to occupy pleasingly [v] AMUSIVE AEIMSUV amusing [adj] ANDANTE AADENNT moderately slow musical passage [n -S] ANGLING AGGILNN sport of fishing [n -S] / ANGLE, to fish with hook and line [v] ANIMATO AAIMNOT musical passage played in lively manner [n -S, -TI] ANTICKS ACIKNST ANTICK, to antic (to act in clownish manner) [v] ANTICLY ACILNTY in clownish (resembling or befitting clown) manner [adv] APERIES AEEIPRS APERY, act of aping (to mimic (to imitate closely)) [n] APISHLY AHILPSY APISH, slavishly or foolishly imitative [adv] AQUAFIT AAFIQTU exercise class in water [n -S] ARCADIA AAACDIR region of simple pleasure and quiet [n -S] ARCHERS ACEHRRS ARCHER, one that shoots with bow and arrow [n] ARCHERY ACEHRRY sport of shooting with bow and arrow [n -RIES] ARIOSOS AIOORSS ARIOSO, musical passage resembling aria [n] ARTIEST AEIRSTT ARTY, showily or pretentiously artistic [adj] ARTISTE AEIRSTT skilled public performer [n -S] ARTSIER AEIRRST ARTSY, arty (showily or pretentiously artistic) [adj] ASTOUND ADNOSTU to amaze (to overwhelm with surprise or wonder) [v -ED, -ING, -S] ATHLETE AEEHLTT one skilled in feats of physical strength and agility [n -S] ATTABOY AABOTTY expression of encouragement or approval to man or boy [n -S] AUDIBLE ABDEILU to call substitute play in football [v -D, -LING, -S] That’s Entertainment! That’s bingos about all forms of ENTERTAINMENT, LEISURE, ENJOYMENT, PLAY compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club AWESOME AEEMOSW inspiring awe [adj] B 7s BACCARA AAABCCR baccarat (card game) [n -S] BAFFIES ABEFFIS BAFFY, wooden golf club [n] BAFFING ABFFGIN BAFF, to strike under golf ball [v] BAGNIOS ABGINOS BAGNIO, brothel (house of prostitution) [n] BAGPIPE ABEGIPP to play bagpipe (wind instrument) [v -D, -PING, -S] BALAFON AABFLNO musical instrument of Africa [n -S] BALLBOY ABBLLOY boy who retrieves balls during games [n -S] BALLETS ABELLST BALLET, classical dance form [n] BANDURA AABDNRU Ukrainian stringed instrument [n -S] BANJOES ABEJNOS BANJO, musical instrument [n] BANQUET ABENQTU to feast (to eat sumptuously) [v -ED, -ING, -S] BARBELL ABBELLR exercise apparatus [n -S] BARBIES ABBEIRS BARBIE, portable fireplace for cooking [n] BARISTA AABIRST one who makes and serves coffee to public [n -S] BARKEEP ABEEKPR bartender (one that bartends (to tend barroom) [n -S] BARMAID AABDIMR female bartender [n -S] BARRING ABGINRR BARRE, to play type of guitar chord [v] BARYTON ABNORTY stringed instrument [n -S] BASCULE ABCELSU type of seesaw [n -S] BASEMAN AABEMNS certain player in baseball [n -MEN] BASSIST ABISSST person who plays double bass [n -S] BASSOON ABNOOSS low-pitched instrument [n -S] BATBOYS ABBOSTY BATBOY, boy who minds baseball equipment [n] BATGIRL ABGILRT girl who minds baseball equipment [n -S] BATTING ABGINTT BAT, to hit baseball [v] BATTUES ABESTTU BATTUE, type of hunt [n] BEAGLED ABDEEGL BEAGLE, to hunt with beagles (small hounds) [v] BEAGLER ABEEGLR one that hunts game with beagles [n -S] BEAGLES ABEEGLS BEAGLE, to hunt with beagles (small hounds) [v] BEAMISH ABEHIMS cheerful [adj] BEANERY ABEENRY cheap restaurant [n -RIES] BEATBOX ABBEOTX to sing to rhythm of rap music [v -ED, -ING, -ES] BEATIFY ABEFITY to make happy (marked by joy) [v -FIED, -ING, -FIES] BECHARM ABCEHMR to hold under spell [v -ED, -ING, -S] BECLOWN BCELNOW to cause to appear ridiculous [v -ED, -ING, -S] BEERIER BEEEIRR BEERY, affected by beer [adj] BEERILY BEEILRY BEERY, affected by beer [adv] BEGLADS ABDEGLS BEGLAD, to gladden (to make glad (feeling pleasure)) [v] BEGUINE BEEGINU lively dance [n -S] BELAUDS ABDELSU BELAUD, to praise (to express approval or admiration of) [v] BELLING BEGILLN mock serenade for newlyweds [n -S] BEMOCKS BCEKMOS BEMOCK, to mock (to ridicule (to make fun of)) [v] BENCHED BCDEEHN BENCH, to take player out of game (team competition) [v] BENCHES BCEEHNS BENCH, to take player out of game (team competition) [v] That’s Entertainment! That’s bingos about all forms of ENTERTAINMENT, LEISURE, ENJOYMENT, PLAY compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club BESMILE BEEILMS to smile on [v -D, -LING, -S] BESTING BEGINST BEST, to outdo (to exceed in performance) [v] BETTING BEGINTT act of gambling on outcome of race [n -S] BEZIQUE BEEIQUZ card game [n -S] BHANGRA AABGHNR form of popular Punjabi dance music [n -S] BIBBERS BBBEIRS BIBBER, tippler (one that tipples (to drink alcoholic beverages)) [n] BIBBERY BBBEIRY act of tippling (to drink alcoholic beverages) [n -RIES] BIBBING BBBGIIN act of tippling (to drink alcoholic beverages) [n -S] / BIB, to tipple [v] BICYCLE BCCEILY to ride bicycle (two-wheeled vehicle) [v -D, -LING, -S] BIGUINE BEGIINU beguine (lively dance) [n -S] BIKEWAY ABEIKWY route for bikes [n -S] BILLING BGIILLN relative position in which performer is listed [n -S] BINGERS BEGINRS BINGER, one that binges (to indulge in something to excess) [n] BINGING BGGIINN bingeing (act of indulging in something to excess) [n -S] BINGE [v] BINGOES BEGINOS BINGO, game of chance [n] BIRDERS BDEIRRS BIRDER, bird hunter [n] BIRDIED BDDEIIR BIRDIE, to shoot in one stroke under par in golf [v] BIRDIES BDEIIRS BIRDIE, to shoot in one stroke under par in golf [v] BIRDING BDGIINR bird-watching [n -S] / BIRD, to hunt birds (winged, warm-blooded vertebrates) [v] BIRKIES BEIIKRS BIRKIE, lively person [n] BIRLERS BEILRRS BIRLER, one that birls (lumberjack’s game) [n] BIRLING BGIILNR lumberjack's game [n -S] / BIRL, to rotate floating log [v] BISTROS BIORSST BISTRO, small tavern (place where liquor is sold to be drunk on premises) [n] BLADERS ABDELRS BLADER, one that blades (to skate on in-line skates) [n] BLADING ABDGILN act of skating on in-line skates [n -S] / BLADE, to skate on in-line skates [v] BLISSED BDEILSS BLISS, to experience or produce ecstasy [v] BLISSES BEILSSS BLISS, to experience or produce ecstasy [v] BLITHER BEHILRT BLITHE, merry (cheerful (full of spirits)) [adj] BLOOPED BDELOOP BLOOP, to hit short fly ball [v] BOATING ABGINOT sport of traveling by boat [n -S] / BOAT, to travel by boat (watercraft) [v] BOBSLED BBDELOS to ride on bobsled (racing sled) [v -DDED, -DDING, -S] BOCCIAS ABCCIOS BOCCIA, boccie (Italian bowling game) [n] BOCCIES BCCEIOS BOCCIE, Italian bowling game [n] BOFFOLA ABFFLOO boff (hearty laugh) [n -S] BOGEYED BDEEGOY BOGEY, to shoot in one stroke over par in golf [v] BOLEROS BELOORS BOLERO, Spanish dance [n] BOOBIRD BBDIOOR fan who boos players of home team [n -S] BOOGEYS BEGOOSY BOOGEY, to boogie (to dance to rock music) [v] BOOGIED BDEGIOO BOOGIE, to dance to rock music [v] / BOOGY, to boogie (to dance to rock music) [v] BOOGIES BEGIOOS BOOGIE, to dance to rock music [v] / BOOGY, to boogie (to dance to rock music) [v] BOOMBOX BBMOOOX portable radio and tape or compact disc player [n -ES] BOOTLEG BEGLOOT to smuggle (to import or export illicitly) [v -GGED, -GGING, -S] BOOZERS BEOORSZ BOOZER, one that boozes (to drink liquor excessively) [n] BOOZIER BEIOORZ BOOZY, drunken (drunk (intoxicated)) [adj] BOOZILY BILOOYZ BOOZY, drunken (drunk (intoxicated)) [adv] BOOZING BGINOOZ act of drinking liquor excessively [n -S] / BOOZE, to drink liquor excessively [v] That’s Entertainment! That’s bingos about all forms of ENTERTAINMENT, LEISURE, ENJOYMENT, PLAY compiled by Jacob Cohen, Asheville Scrabble Club BOPEEPS BEEOPPS BOPEEP, game of peekaboo [n] BORDELS BDELORS BORDEL, brothel (house of prostitution) [n] BOSTONS BNOOSST BOSTON, card game [n] BOUFFES BEFFOSU BOUFFE, comic opera [n] BOURREE BEEORRU old French dance [n -S] BOWHUNT BHNOTUW to hunt with bow and arrow [v -ED, -ING, -S] BOWINGS BGINOSW BOWING, technique of managing bow of stringed instrument [n] BOWLERS BELORSW BOWLER, one that bowls (to play at bowling) [n] BOWLESS BELOSSW being without archery bow [adj] BOWLING BGILNOW game in which balls are rolled at objects [n -S] / BOWL, to play at bowling [v] BOWSMAN ABMNOSW bowman (archer (one that shoots with bow and arrow))
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