Phosgene and .0." Related Compounds

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Phosgene and .0. ,."- .--,-.- "-.-'-' . ---- ... -~-~..,._.~,101n m_. Phosgene and .0." Related Compounds SUBSTANCE IDENTIFICATION Found as a colorless liquid or gas with a low water solubility. At low air concentra- tions, compounds have a sweet odor, like hay. A sharp, pungent odor is present at higher concentrations. Can be liberated from the combustion of chlorinated hydrocar- bons. Used in the manufacture of insecticides, plastics. dyes, and pharmaceuticals and in metallurgy Prepared for military use as a choking agent known as CG. ROUTES OF EXPOSURE Skin and eye contact lnhalation lngestion Skm absorption TARGET ORGANS Primary Skin Eyes Resplratory system Secondary Central nervous system Cardiovascular system Gastrointestinal system LlFE THREAT Severe respiratory irritant that can cause damage to the alveoli and resultant pulmonary edema Phosgene has been used as a chemical warfare agent gas and is extremely toxic. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS BY SYSTEM Cardiovascular: Cardiovascular collapse, hypovolemia, shock, and arrhythmias. Respiratory: Throat dryness, pharyngitis, with primarily lower respiratory tract mucous membrane irritation, including pneumonitis and pneumonia. Acute or delayed pulmo- nary edema, dyspnea, and tachypnea. Cough with thick, bloody, foamy sputum. Noncardiac chest pain. Pulmonary damage (bronchitis, emphysema, fibrosis) may be late sequelae. CNS: Headache, CNS depresslOn to coma and seizures. Gastrointestinal: Nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Eye: Chemical conjunctivitis. corneal damage, and burns. Lacrimation and spasm of the eyelids (blepharospasm). Skin: Irritant dermatitis and chemical bums. Cyanosis. Other: Ability to detect product by smell may be lost after a relatively brief exposure time (01factory nerve fatigue). SYMPTOM ONSET FOR ACUTE EXPOSURE Irnmediate Some symptoms especially pulmonary edema may be delayed 2 to 24 hours 421 101 Phosgene and Related Compounds CO-EXPOSURE CONCERNS Chlonne active compounds Corrosive vapors THERMAL DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS INCLUDE Carbon rnonoxide Chloride Hydrochloric acid if rnoisture or stearn i5 present MEDICAL CONDITIONS POSSIBLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE Respiratory system disorders DECONTAMINATION . Wear positive-pressure SCBA and protective equiprnent specified by references such as the DOT Emergency Response Guidebook or the CANUTEC lnitial Emergency Response Cuide. If spedal chemical protective clothing is required. consult the chemical manufacturer or specific protective c10thing compatibility chans. DeIay entry until crained personnel and proper protective equipment are available. o Remove patient from contaminated area. o Quickly remo ve and isolate patient' s dothing, jewelry, and shoes. Gently blot excess liquids with absorbent material. Rinse patient with wann water, 300 C/86° F, if possible. o Wash patient with Tincture of Green soap or a mild liquid soap and large quantities of water. o Refer to decontamination protocol in Section Three. IMMEDtATE FIRST AID . Ensure that adequate decontamination has been carried out. o If victim is not breathing, start artificial respiration, preferably with a demand-valve resuscitator, bag-valve-mask devlce, or pocket mask as trained. Perform CPR if necessary. o Immediately ftush contaminated eyes with gently flowing water. Do not induce vomiting. If vomiting oecurs, lean patient forward or place on left side (head-down position, if possible) to maintain an open airway and prevent aspiration. o Keep victim quiet and rnaintainnormal body temperature. Obtain medical attention. BASIC TREATMENT o Establish a patent airway. SuctIon if necessary. o Watch for signs of respiratory insufficiency and assist ventilations if necessary. Administer oxygen by nonrebreather mask at 10 to 15 L/min. o Monitor for pulmonary edema and treat if necessary (refer to pulmonary edema pro- tocal in Section Three). Anticipate seizures and treat If necessary (refer to seizure protocol in Section Three). For eye contanunatton, flush eyes immediately with water. Irrigate each eye contmuously with normal saline during transport (refer lO eye irrigation protocol in Section Three). Do not use emetics. For ingestion, rinse mouth and administer 5 ml/k.g up to 200 mI of water for dilutian if the patient can swallow, has a strong gag reflex, and does not drool (refer to ingestion protocol in Section Three). o Cover skin burns with dry sterile dressings after decontamination (refer to chemical bum protocol in Section Three). 422 Phosgene and Related Compounds 101 ADVANCED TREATMENT . Consider orotracheal or nasotracheal intubation for airway control in the patient who is unconscious, has severe pulmonary edema, or is in respiratory arrest. , Positlve-pressure ventilationtechniques with a bag-valve-maskdevice may be benefi- ciaL . Monitor cardiac rhythm and treat arrhythmias if necessary (refer to cardiac protocol in Section Three). Start an IV with DsW TKO. Use lactated Ringer's if signs of hypovolemia are present. Watch for signs of fluid overload. Consider drug therapy for pulmonary edema (refer to pulmonary edema protocol in Secrion Three). Treat seizures wlth diazeparn (Valium) (refer to diazepam protocol in Section Four). Use proparacaine hydrochloride to assist eye irrigation (refer to proparacaine hydrochloride protocol in Section Four). INITIAL EMERGENCV DEPARTMENT CONSIDERATIONS . Useful initiallaboratory studies indude complete blood count, serum electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, glucose, urinalysis, and baseline biochemical profile, including semm aminotransferases (ALT and AST), calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Determination of anion and osmolar gaps may be helpfu1. Arterial blood gases (ABOs), chest radiograph, and electrocardiogram may be required. Obtain serial chest x-rays and monitor ABGs and respiratory function. , Positi ve end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)-assisted ventilauon may be necessary in pa- tients with acute parenchymal injury who develop pulmonary edema or adult respira- tar)' distress syndrome. Obtain toxicological consultation as necessary. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS . Phosgene' s poor water solubility limits its effects on the upper airway, allowmg most of the product to penetrate into the lower airways Phosgene reacts with moisture in the lower airways to form hydrochloric acid and carban dioxide with resultmg pulmonary edema. This is the mechanism far the delayed anset pulmonary edema. 423 Asbestos SUBSTANCE IDENTIFICATION Found as odorless, grayish-white, flexible fibers wíth a soft texture. Asbestos is a ge- nerie terrn used for a number of naturalIy oceurring amphibole and serpentine hydrated magnesium silicates (hat are incombustible and can be separated into fibers. Types of fibers include aetinolite, amosite (brown asbestos), anthophyIlite, chrysotile (white asbestos), crocidolite (blue asbestos), and tremolite. All fibers belong to the amphibole group: long, straight fibers paeked in parallel rows: wlth the exception of chrysotile, which is the only member of the serpentine group, with wavy fibers packed as intertwined bundles. The most widely used asbestos fiber in the United States was ehrysotile [Mg6Si4ülO(OH)8]' Asbestos has been used in noise and therrnal insulation materials, asbestos (cement products), floor covering material s, friction products (brake linings), gaskets, and fireproof textiles. Asbestos fibers may be finnly bonded in the produet or easily broken aparto The latter are eonsidered to be friable and will generate more airbome fibers. ROUTES OF EXPOSURE Inhalation Ingestian TARGET ORGANS Pnmary Respiratory system Gastrointestinal system LIFE THREAT Asbestosisllung cancer/malignant mesothelioma SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS BY SYSTEM Cardiovascular: None. Respiratory: Irritation of the nase and throat. Gastrointestinal: No acute effects fram ingestion. SVMPTOM ONSET FOR ACUTE EXPOSURE Delayed. Usuallateney period 10 to 20 years for asbestosis. Malignancies may have longer latent periods. CHRONIC EXPOSURE/CARCINOGENIC EFFECTSINCLUDE Asbestosis Pleural plaques Pleural thickenmg Benign pleural effusion Lung cancer Malignant mesothehoma Possibly increased cancer risk of the larynx, GI tract, pancreas, and colon CO.EXPOSURE CONCERNS Smoking Other agents capable of causing pneuIVoconiosls (e.g., barium, beryllium, coal dust, ni- trogen oxides, tale) 424 Asbestos 102 MEDICAL CONDITIONS POSSIBLY AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE Pulmonary dlsease Coal worker' ~ pneumoconiosi ~ Silo Filler's disease (nitrogen oxides) DECONTAMINATION o Wear positive-pressure SCBA and protective equipment specified by references such as the DOT Emergency Response Guidebook or the CANUTEC lnitial Emergency Response Guide. If special chemical protective clothing is required, consult the chemical manufacturer or specific protective clothing compatibilíty charts. o Delay entry until trained personnel and proper protective equipment are available. o Remove patient from contaminated area. Qmckly remove and lsolate patient's clothing, jewelry, and shoes. - Gently brush away dry partic1es and blot excess liquids with absorbent material. o Rinse patient with warm water, 30° C/86° F, if possible. o Wash patient with Tincture of Green soap or a mild liquid soap and large quantities of water. o Refer to decontammation protocol in Section Three. IMMEDIATE FIRST AID o Ensure that adequate decontammation has been carried out o Obtain medical attentlOn. BASIC TREATMENT o Establish a patent airway. Suction if necessary. o Assist ventilations tf necessary. o Adminisier oxygen by nonrebreather mask at 10 to 15 L/mm. o Treat any associated injury and/or
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    EXAMPLES OF ACUTE TOXINS (by CAS#) APPENDIX V(h)-B Key: SA -- Readily Absorbed Through the Skin Revised: 12/2012 ___________________________________________________ _____________ _________________________ | | | CHEMICAL NAME CAS # | SA | TARGET ORGAN | ___________________________________________________ ____________ | _ | _______________________ | AFLATOXINS 000000-00-0 | | systemic | ANILINE AND COMPOUNDS 000000-00-0 | x | blood | ARSENIC ACID AND SALTS 000000-00-0 | x | systemic | ARSENIUOS ACID AND SALTS 000000-00-0 | | systemic | ARSONIC ACID AND SALTS 000000-00-0 | | systemic | BOTULINUM TOXINS 000000-00-0 | | systemic | CYANIDE AND COMPOUNDS 000000-00-0 | x | blood | CYANOGEN AND COMPOUNDS 000000-00-0 | | blood | METHYL MERCURY AND COMPOUNDS 000000-00-0 | x | CNS | VENOM, SNAKE, CROTALUS ADAMANTEUS 000000-00-0 | | systemic | VENOM, SNAKE, CROTALUS ATROX 000000-00-0 | | systemic | MITOMYCIN C 000050-07-7 | | systemic | DINITROPHENOL, 2,4- 000051-28-5 | x | systemic | ATROPINE 000051-55-8 | x | CNS | HN2 (NITROGEN MUSTARD-2) 000051-75-2 | x | systemic | THIOTEPA 000052-24-4 | | systemic | NICOTINE 000054-11-5 | x | CNS | NITROGEN MUSTARD HYDROCHLORIDE 000055-86-7 | x | systemic | PARATHION 000056-38-2 | x | CNS | CYANIDE 000057-12-5 | x | blood | STRYCHNINE 000057-24-9 | | systemic,CNS | TUBOCURARINE CHLORIDE HYDRATE,(+)- 000057-94-3 | x | systemic | METHYL HYDRAZINE 000060-34-4 | x | pulmonary,CNS,blood | ANILINE 000062-53-3 | x | blood | DICHLORVOS 000062-73-7 | x | systemic | SODIUM FLUOROACETATE 000062-74-8 | x | systemic | COLCHICINE
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