IPC–MERCATOR POLICY BRIEF © Yusuf Sayman. Province of Hatay. Syrian refugees crossing the Turkish-Syrian border via the Orontes river. THE NATION-STATe’s blURRED BORDERS: Erdoğan and THE EMERGENCE OF KURDISTAN IN TURKEY1 Kerem Öktem January 2014 Kerem Öktem is a Mercator-IPC Fellow at Istanbul Policy Center, Sabancı University and Research Fellow at the European Studies Centre, University of Oxford. The interpretations and conclusions made in this article belong solely to the author and do not reflect IPC's official position. CONTACT INFORMATION İstanbul Policy Center Bankalar Caddesi Minerva Han No: 2 Kat: 4 34420 Karakoy–İstanbul T. +90 212 292 49 39
[email protected], ipc.sabanciuniv.edu THE NATION-STATE’S BLURRED BORDERS: ERDOĞAN AND THE EMERGENCE OF KURDISTAN IN TURKEY | JANUARY 2014 Executive Summary 2012-2013 has marked a significant departure from Turkey's traditional Kurdish policy. This departure pertains above all to the actors involved and the larger political space in which it is negotiated. In terms of actors, the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has introduced into the Turkish political system the Iraqi Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani as an alternative to the incarcerated chair of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), Abdullah Öcalan. In terms of political space, leading figures of the AKP have increasingly resorted to a political language that transgresses the logic of the nation-state and instead suggests flexible, variable and softer borders between countries and people. While this proposition may resemble a shift towards liberal alternatives to the nation-state, I will suggest in this paper that both phenomena -the inclusion of external actors and the extension of Turkey's political space- are representative of a form of governance that weakens the demos, i.e.