Uncultivated Nuts of the United States
Uncultivated Nuts of Forest Service The United States Agriculture Information Bulletin Number 450 Arnold Krochmal Connie Krochmal Pî f3 3 i-O CO D OJ U TJ 1 ■> li> en 0 h- < 0 CM c 0 o £ Q -ce ■y^ CCÎ CD .si <r CO T— ■¿i a _,i 0 CO < 0 0» D 2: I— HJ Figure 1.—Cherokee woman pounding nuts with wooden mortar and pestle (courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution, Neg. No. 55, 445). Uncultivated Nuts of The United States by Arnold Krochmal, Economic Botanist, Southeastern Forest Experiment Station, Asheville, N.C., and Connie Krochmal, Volunteer Writer United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service june 1982 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 81-600067 Krochmal, Arnold; Krochmal, Connie. Uncultivated nuts of the United States. Agrie. Info. Bull. 450. Washington, DC : U.S. Department of Agri- culture; 1982.89 p. A handbook of nuts and nutlike seeds from trees and shrubs that are not cultivated in orchards but generally grow wild or that are sometimes grown as ornamentals. Descriptions, illustrations, and range maps help the reader to identify species. The nuts and seeds are also discussed as a renewable resource of present or potential use to human beings. KEYWORDS: Nutrition, renewable resources. Acknowledgments Study materials and samples were provided by David Stoller of the Cornell Plantations and Harold Grelen, Lisle Green, Franklin Bonner, Rudolph Strothmann, Douglas Roy, and David Priester, all of the Forest Service. Herbarium specimens and information on distribution and nomenclature were made available by Frederick Meyer and Peter Mazzeo, U.S. National Arboretum; Stanwyn Shetler, Smithsonian Institution; Carol Keener, Pennsylvania State University; Gene Wofford, University of Tennessee; Daniel Ward, University of Florida; John Freeman, Auburn University; L.
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