Reagan Draws More Heat 'NEW LISTING" - Spofisriie, Experieaced Realty, 643-1591 Or 871- LAWNMOWERS RE­ Beds-Loroe Or Small

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Reagan Draws More Heat 'NEW LISTING U - M A N CH ES TER H ER ALD . Wednesday. May i. IMS KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE Larry WrlgM MANCHISTER FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER Bm I Estite 'V Deputy mayor’s move 11 Get a grip on anger 11 Glastonbury socks Clear skies tonight; BUSINSSS& CkKTekTtWAT HOMES MANCHESTER - SteAK RAW! sunny, warm Friday FOR SALE $139,900. Elegant home town committee’s loss 11 by learning its signs 11 Manchester nine with lovely french doors 'Vf I to dining room and living ... page 10 page 11 page 15 ... page 2 EAST HARTFORD - room. 6 bedrooms, fire­ I I ... I I • tM,900. S«l*ctlv0 buyers place, screened porch, will sinflie out this soot- multi-level deck to pool ODD JOBS, Trucking. HOME OAROtHSROTa Home repairs. You name TILLBO_> - P w JB 8M- iV m ^ S yards. IllRKtt < loss 1-owntr 6 room qual­ and large rooms through­ tax. Sand, dfauol. E ity built Ranch with 3 out. D.W. Fish Realty, it. we do It. Free eetl- m ot«». 5 Coll CIvE* dt bedrooms. 1V^ baths, 643-1991 or 871-1400. motes. Insured. 6434904. 643-$<29. deck off kitchen, caroet- YARD B LAWN SER­ RUSTED out - Car Infl A 3 car garooe. Lo­ EAST HARTFORD - trunkt,^ eboists. oncINuNI cated on quiet cul-de-sac. $98,900. Well maintained V IC E • Mow Ins- Edglnp- ' '6PRL*I? ‘ Bushes - Tree trimming. repair. Calt E<L 649-729A Call tor on appointment. split-level In ultra­ Monchester, Sentry Real Estate, 643- desirable area. Beauti­ LIght.trvGkIng. Dependo- LEON eiBSlYNSIM 4060.____________________ ful, brick raised hearth bie.t Insured. Rov Hardy, NAME- YOUR OWN DBR--NgGr ' fireplace In family room, 646-7973. RQTOTILMliO • ROOSO- Ions, m anrk fitpr S O U T H W IN D S O R - Post. dopeitdaBle lo r- Mnulh den and sliders to deck. inobte r«d88»< nelghbor- -X Ikilc -N E W L I S T I N G ' - vtce. Pointind. P m m - red rooRiL Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Thursday, May 9, 1985 — Single c o d v ; 25G. D.W. Fish Realty, 643- d a y c a r e • *THETRBE- hpod <M»eaunH> Coll ebebe» toik,.. 1114,000. Newer 7 Room 1591 or 871-1400. HOUSE' ' oomestlc 646rMt$. hpnglngB IMmavoL Call Raised Ranch, 3 Bed­ 446-i»61.__________ Mgs. boHl NkL < , 9 * Growth Environment. rooting. RgiMintm rooms, 7 '/7 Baths, Family Full/Port time - 2 ondup. OAROttNS BIO OR Room, Nice Deck, 2 Car M ANCHESTER - $84,500. commercial. 688^1. Beautiful home featuring LIcenssMI. Insured. Call SM ALL • Roto Tilled wNh PAINTING ANDPAPRR- Garage and very nice a private lot on a cul-de- Terri-643-^ a "Trov Quoroa- N ANQINO • BxMrlar and OiSaSbyNCAInc Raised Hearth FIreploce DUMAS ELECTRIC Leftists walk out In Po^ugal sacl Fireplace, spacious, teed and raosanalNe. Call interlar. ceiUatt^ra- with Heatolatorll Call polrod. ReRMencasm IvHv LN81N dbomlngT P«NM formol dining room, TYPING • You name it, 6494005., fast - Won't lost. Century large kitchen and deck we type If. Experienced, insured. Qudttiv work. 21 Lindsey Real Estate. and a 3-car garage all reosonoble rotes. Coll CUSTOM ROTOTILUNG MarMn Moitsson, even- CELEBRITY CIPHER ^ 649-4000. Ings, 64P449I.__________ CatBbrity Ciphar ctyptograms b tb crGBtBd from quotalionB by combine to make this a 742-7463. leave nome and • Have "Trd v EH*' Roto- censed, ineufdd.' Cgti famouB pGOpiB. pBBi wwl prBBBnt Each MI bt in ih# cipbBr Bianda fine home for the growing number. tlller. wm travel. 646S2S3anvHine. for anothar. roday's c k f : M Equals T S O U T H W IN D S O R - AS famllyl D.W. Fish Gardens, lawns, ftower HOUSE PAINTING 'Re- by CONNIE WIENER Reagan draws more heat 'NEW LISTING" - spofisRiie, experieaced Realty, 643-1591 or 871- LAWNMOWERS RE­ beds-loroe or small. Cali CARPENTRY .4 4A" S124.900. Vern nice, large 643-18^ indtvldual. Resldenttal “AUJMJQY JR DPR8. PXX SKI 'U & R Built' Raised 1400. PAIRED - Free pick up SONRY« pree Estlmgiigi. werk. Ne lob toe big dr Bv Anderson Ranch, 7 rooms, 3 bed­ and delivery. 10 percent smaH. Pree estlm t es. Coll; Tony SguiHocatedt Jim SUDDENLY AVAILA­ senior discount. Export landscaping - Orive- 6494811. HK JR RMPUO PM P VXPQZ United Press International rooms, 2 baths, family B LE - Well maintained Mlke»6g4376. ^ ^ room, 2 car garage and servico. Froe estimates. wav'seatlao, MMtt truck­ three bedroom Ranch on Economy Lawn Mowtr. ing, potnHna. You name Are you g« ontigue RNDDM KW QPODU IQMJX LISBON, Portugal — President nice treed lot. In super PROPESS lONAL leverfRegdR«|etferlRge Birch HIM areal I Call fast beautifully landscaped 647-3660. It, we d » n. Odpendabie, Reagan h ^ y hailed Portugal’s lot In a convenient family PAINTING' intgrior/fx- in ciosiiifieGiyirYdgy to - Won't last. Century 21 cheop. Call -Ron or lerlor. Reasonable rokis. HUKQR KW VXKKH WKUC KQ fledgling democracy as an exam­ Lindsey Real Estate, 649- neighborhood. This fine Monte, 742-Sb5k tind the itgdie'wr items ple for other nations but for the home features a finished HAWKES TREE SER­ Pree esttmotes. Coil John you'd like t«^ dem, 483F 4000. VICE - Bucket Truck A otter 4pnn 016494148. second time In two days a portion rec room, fireplace and a CALLIGRAPHY - SPOce 2711. 8KIU WKUDNDPH.” — YDQD refreshing 16 x 32 In- Chipper. Stump Remo­ of his audience walked out in PRESTIGIOUS AND portraits. tOndscopos - ground pool. Call today val. Free Estimates. Spe­ WKAXDU. protest of his policies. 9 SPACIOUS - $375,000. Pic­ cial ednsMerotton for El- Protesslonot^; Rsdea ne- Reagan, on a two-day state visit ture your family In this for detallsl Joyce G. gotlablo. CoUMM trgiped PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "Listening to the Fifth Epstein Real Estate, 647- dorly and Hondicopptd. ISSnStiw that will w rap up his lOnlay COLONIAL GEORGIAN 647-7553. cirtlst. ColMSiNfOivn. 648- Symphony ol Ralph Vaughan Williams Is Ilka staring at a 8895. , 5398. , European tour, had just entered MANSION In Historic CARPENTRY AND RE­ FOGARTY EROTKERS cow lor forty-five minutes.” — Aaron Copland. the ornate chamber of the 250- I District. Approximately VERNON - $42,900. One GARDENS ROTO- "■ .. —' ' " I MODELING SERVICES Berthroom remodol- mem ber Parliament and sat down 9,000 square feet of living . ing; iMtolioMon water floor living. Hard to find t i l l e d - Small Cub RELIABLE CLEANING Complete home re­ at the dais when 45 membere, ail space. 21 rooms, 20 x 27 pairs <Md remodMmg. heaters, garbage dlspo, two bedroom condomi­ Cadet garden tractor SBR>NCB »H«uafl8< com leftists or Communist Party repre­ Family Room, Den, Oak with rtor tiller. Sotisfoc- dds, s«rtiS|B lin in g . Gwilty work. Reieren- sols; faucet repairs. 649- HOME AND CARS/TRUCKS Flaars, Separate Apart­ nium all on one floorl sentatives wlw are seated on the Large appllanced kit­ Non guaranteed. 6474530 ReoSonabW r ^ . 643- cee. licensed andinsured. 4539. VlsarMosterCard 8ARDEN I FOR SALE ment, 5V*i Baths, 7 Work­ or 8724106. KEEatterSam. Coll 646-8165. accepted. left side of the room, walked out. ing Fireplaces, Center chen, wall to wall carpet­ The president, who said earlier Kitchen, Fully Insulated, ing and loundry facilities. 100 PERENNIALS FOR DATSUN 260Z, 2 plus 2, he would not be bothered by such a Updated Wiring, Oil Hot Don't miss this one. SALE - 75 cents to $1.00. 1974. Low mileage. Many demonstration, stopped reading Air and Oil Steam Heat, Joyce G. Epstein Real 646-3156. extras. 4 speed. Excellent his speech to say, "I'm sorry that Estate, 647-8895. Gas Hot Water (100 Gal.- Condition. Coll 721-9608 the seats on the left seem to be APARTMENTS .7 IWANTED IHOUSEHOLD 1900), Some Appliances, STORE ANO IMU 8ICAL nights. uncomfortable.” Drapes to Remain, Cedar M ANCHESTER - $75,900. FOR RENT *• I t o r e n t I800DS Reagan also added a phrase in Cape In nice area featur­ lOFFICE SPACE I1TEM8 Clapboard Siding, Ap- 1977 SUBARU - GF, 5 his prepared text to note the ing fireplaced living proxlnoately 2 Acres of PROFESSIONAL COU­ MAHOGANY PIECRUST speed standard. Good room, rec room, foyer, MANCHESTER — Avail­ walkout. Proptertv, Many Flower­ able Immediately. One, ■iSKNISia PLE NEEDS RENTAL TILT TOP TABLE - Old. HAMILTON UPRIGHT condition. Must sell. 647- "It is this trust in the individual ing A Fruit Trees, Much enclosed porch, dining CEKTSM. WSMESS MSTMCT fromJunel5thto October PIANO - (Mode by Bald­ 8407. room and 3 bedrooms. two and three bedroom SM.E/IUSE $99. Phone 649-7375. — the right to speak, to assemble, Restoration Completed. 8.000 sqft wirgftoutg or btggm- 1st. Will house sit, Man­ win). Good condition. D.W. Fish Realty, 643- apartments. $410, $475, to publish and to vote and to walk Strono Real Estate, $525, heat and hot water bly butlding Loading dock, 3 chester area. Call 617-448- $600. 646-3837 before 8pm. 1968 MGB - Partially 1591 or 871-1400. ^tertigad doors, fgncgd potking out — that is the meaning of CALL THE "ACTION" Included. J.D . Real Est­ aub-Oivtdg and glter to suit 3487. restored. Many extras. NUMBERII 647-'SOLO". MISCELLANEOUS KIMBALL SWINGER Best offer over $400. Coll democracy. ate, 646-1980. RW Realty — 522-3579 Today’s walkout was the second Mr. Norman FOB SALE CHORD ORGAN - Good otter 6pm, 649-4566. parliamentary protest against NEW SALTBOX COLON­ 17 IREAL ESTATE 3Vi ROOM APARTMENT I condition and sound. President Reagan gets applause frem members walked out prior to thp start of IA L - 7 Rooms (2,200 sq. iROOiNMATES Rythm, magic chord, Reagan in two days. Wednesday, IWANTED - Private home, heat, SW IM M ING POOLSIll 1973 PONTIAC WAGON - members of ttie Portugese Parliament in the speech.
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