Official Committee Hansard
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Official Committee Hansard JOINT STANDING COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, DEFENCE AND TRADE (DEFENCE SUBCOMMITTEE) Reference: Review of Defence report 2000-01 WEDNESDAY, 8 MAY 2002 CANBERRA BY AUTHORITY OF THE PARLIAMENT INTERNET The Proof and Official Hansard transcripts of Senate committee hearings, some House of Representatives committee hearings and some joint com- mittee hearings are available on the Internet. Some House of Representa- tives committees and some joint committees make available only Official Hansard transcripts. The Internet address is: To search the parliamentary database, go to: JOINT COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, DEFENCE AND TRADE Defence Subcommittee Wednesday, 8 May 2002 Members: Senator Ferguson (Chair), Mr Brereton (Deputy Chair), Senators Bourne, Calvert, Chapman, Cook, Evans, Gibbs, Harradine, Hutchins, Sandy Macdonald, Payne and Schacht and Mr Baird, Baldwin, Mr Beazley, Mr Bevis, Mr Edwards, Mr Ferguson, Mrs Gash, Mr Hawker, Mr Jull, Mr Lindsay, Dr Martin, Mrs Moylan, Mr Nairn, Mr Price, Mr Prosser, Mr Scott, Mr Snowdon, Mr Somlyay and Mr Cameron Thompson Subcommittee members: Mr Scott (Chair), Mr Price (Deputy Chair) Senators Calvert, Evans, Ferguson (ex officio), Gibbs, Sandy Macdonald, Payne and Schacht and Mr Baldwin, Mr Beazley, Mr Bevis, Mr Brereton, Mr Edwards, Mrs Gash, Mr Hawker, Mr Lindsay, Mr Nairn, Mr Snowdon, Mr Somlyay and Mr Cameron Thompson Senators and members in attendance: Senators Calvert, Ferguson, Gibbs, Sandy Macdonald and Schacht and Mr Baldwin, Mr Bevis, Mr Edwards, Mr Price, Mr Scott, Mr Snowdon, Mr Somlyay and Mr Cameron Thompson Terms of reference for the inquiry: Review of Defence report 2000-01 WITNESSES ANDERSON, Mr David Charles, Acting Director General, Resources Management, Defence Personnel Executive, Department of Defence .............................................................................................
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