A “Potpourri” of Herbal Ideas NEW GARDEN LNDSCAPING & NURSERY Herbs are among the easiest plants to grow. They are not finicky about the type of soil they are planted in. In fact, they'd almost always prefer a somewhat poorer soil. newgarden.com email:
[email protected] All most ask is a sunny spot with good drainage. Herbs come in all shapes and sizes, with many different flavors and fragrances. While New Garden Village 5572 Garden Village Way most are grown for use in the kitchen, some are planted just for their form or fra- Greensboro, NC 27410 grance. You can make herbal oils and vinegars, potpourris, dried herbal wreaths, sea- phone: 336-665-0291 sonings, bath oils . well, the list goes on and on. Perhaps one problem with herbs today is that there is SO MUCH information availa- New Garden Gazebo 3811 Lawndale Dr. ble. If you're new to herbs, it's can be a little bit intimidating to look at the number of Greensboro, NC 27455 books about herbs; you may to think that if there's that much to know, herbs must be phone: 336-288-8893 complicated. Well, they're not! Jump in with a few plants now, or go ‘whole hog’ with a theme garden. What we‘ve tried to do at New Garden with our herbal handouts is to give you very concise information about a pretty wide range of herbs that grow well in our area . and to provide you with some ideas to serve as a jumping off point. So don't hesi- tate! Most herbs are equally happy planted in fall or spring, so don't wait to enjoy their delights! Now, as far as design goes, there are as many options as there are gardeners.