Chapter 4 Geologic Setting Martin C

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Chapter 4 Geologic Setting Martin C Chapter 4 Geologic Setting Martin C. Larsen 4-35 he Snake/Salt River Basin comprises approxi- to Snake/Salt River Basin groundwater resources mately 5,500 square miles (16.80 million begins with the nonconformable deposition of acres)T in western Wyoming and extends into south- transgressive marine sediments onto underlying eastern Idaho. In Wyoming, the Snake/Salt River Precambrian basement rocks. From that time Basin encompasses nearly all of Teton County and forward, a general geologic history that describes portions of Lincoln, Sublette, and Fremont coun- the development of the stratigraphic, structural, ties. The basin is bounded by the Overthrust Belt and volcanic elements the Snake/Salt River Basin is to the west and south, the Green River Basin to as follows: the southeast, the Wind River Range to the east- southeast, the Bighorn Basin to the east, and the 1. Paleozoic strata in the Snake/Salt River Yellowstone River Drainage to the north. Of all Basin were deposited in numerous Wyoming basins, the Snake/Salt River Basin has marine and nonmarine environments the most complex geology. The geologic settings related to periodic transgressive and for this drainage encompass: regressive environments. Sandstone, shale, conglomerate, and limestone • The Overthrust Belt, which includes three are the dominant lithologies, with less major mountain chains (Salt River, Wyo- extensive dolomite. Deposition in the ming, and Snake River Ranges) related to Paleozoic Era was broken by long periods the Sevier Orogeny; of erosion, as indicated by several regional • Two structural basins (Jackson Hole and unconformities in the geologic record. Hoback) and three mountain ranges (Gros Ventre, Teton, and Absaroka) associated 2. The Mesozic Era was a time of shallow with the Laramide Orogeny; seas with deposition of interbedded layers • Range-front normal faulting and two (in decreasing abundance) of sandstone, structural basins associated with the Basin siltstone, shale, carbonates, and evaporites. and Range Province; and An emergent transition to terrestrial • The Yellowstone Plateau, and the Absaroka environments during the Late Triassic and Volcanic province. Early Jurassic epochs deposited marginal marine, eolian, fluvial, and paludal An extensive set of figures, maps and plates are sandstone and shale. included in this report to depict the basin’s complex geologic settings. Plate 1 illustrates the bedrock 3. Sevier and Laramide deformation affected geology of the Snake/Salt River Basin in Wyoming the Southwest Cordillera between earliest and a small portion of southeastern Idaho overlain Cretaceous and Early Eocene time on a base map that shows highway, township, state (approximately 140 - 35 million years and county data. Inset maps present the elevations ago). The Sevier Orogeny is defined by of the Precambrian basement and lineaments. “thin-skinned” deformation, characterized Appendix A contains detailed descriptions of the by shallow thrusts faults. Parallel north- geologic units shown in plate 1. Six cross-sections, south trending Sevier-aged faults in the figures 4-1through 4-6, show typical subsurface Overthrust Belt are generally younger structure in the Snake/Salt River Basin. Isopach to the east. Laramide deformation was maps of the major aquifers in the Snake/Salt River a period of intense folding and faulting Basin are unavailable. with large-scale reverse and thrust faults 4.1 General geologic history and asymmetric folds. The “thick- skinned” deformation of the Laramide The correlation between the major structural and Orogeny included Precambrian basement- lithologic elements significantly influences the cored mountain ranges and uplifts that availability of groundwater within the Snake/ surrounded and partitioned the Snake/ Salt River Basin. The geologic history relevant Salt River Basin structural basins. During 4-36 the Middle Eocene, massive eruptions Teton and Gros Ventre ranges consist of basement related to the Absaroka Volcanic Province core, broad, asymmetrical anticlines, northeast emplaced rhyolitic and basaltic volcanic dipping thrust faults, and parallel folds. The material along the northern side of the initial stages of forming Teton and Gros Ventre Snake/Salt River Basin. structures were concurrent with the early phases of the Laramide deformation. These major structures 4. Late Tertiary Basin and Range normal controlled the character and trend of the later, faulting, coupled with volcanic activity Snake, and Salt River structures in Wyoming. from the Yellowstone hotspot, has The structural architecture of the Salt River, and overprinted many of the Sevier and Snake River Ranges are also the result of the Sevier Laramide geologic relationships. Uplift “thin-skinned” deformation. The Overthrust Belt during the past five million years resulted located in southwestern Wyoming and neighboring in erosion of Tertiary strata, stripping areas of Idaho and Utah, is a north-south trending, the Laramide and Sevier structures, and elongate fold and thrust belt that encompasses shaping the present day landscape of structurally deformed Paleozoic and Mesozoic the Snake/Salt River Basin. Tertiary-age units. The complex structural deformation in this rocks include volcanic deposits and an region includes folding, imbricated thrust faults, assortment of sedimentary units, including and reverses faulting. During the Sevier Orogeny, conglomerates, sandstone, limestone, and thrust sheets were pushed eastward, resulting in the mudstone. Some of the Tertiary volcanics parallel thrust faults with the younger thrust belts include andesitic flows, breccias, and to the east. porphyries that resemble breccias of the Yellowstone and the Absaroka volcanic Beginning in the Tertiary and continuing to the regions. present day, some Laramide and Sevier structural features have been overprinted or transected by 5. The youngest units in the Snake/Salt River north-south tending, high-angle normal faults due Basin are unconsolidated Quaternary to Neogene Basin and Range extension. Normal alluvial, colluvial, lacustrine, and glacial faults are coincident with north-northwest tending deposits of varying thicknesses. These folds and thrust fault bounded uplifts that define deposits, some several hundreds of feet a complex set of half-grabens. Holocene-age thick, consist of interbedded mixtures displacement is apparent on some of the normal of clay, silt, sand and gravel, landslide faults. deposits, glacial deposits, and lacustrine sediments. Quaternary glacial deposits The topography of the Snake/Salt River Basin is correlate to the advance and retreat of the reflected by major structural features that uplifted, Bear Lake and Pinedale glaciations (15,000 folded, faulted, and eroded Precambrian basement years before present). and the Phanerozoic sedimentary and volcanic deposits. The insert map in plate 1 is a structural 4.2 Structural geology contour map of the Precambrian basement surface in the Snake/Salt River Basin that shows a general The Snake/Salt River Basin encompasses three northwest-southeast lineament trend. The geologic characteristic structural provinces: 1) the cross-sections on figures 4-2 through 4-7 continental shelf deposits, which includes the Teton show Precambrian basement rocks overlain by and Gros Ventre ranges; 2) west of the shelf zone, varying thicknesses of Phanerozoic formations, all structurally deformed passive margin Paleozoic deformed by large-scale folding and faulting. and Mesozoic units that include the Wyoming, Salt and Snake River ranges (i.e., the Overthrust The major structural elements of the Snake/Salt Belt); and 3) the volcanism of the Yellowstone River Basin (fig. 4-1) comprise: Plateau and Absaroka Province. The dominant structural features that form the backbone of the 4-37 Index Map ¤£20 Lake _ ¤£20 ¤£89 ¤£16 ¤£14 _ Old Faithful ¤£191 ¤£287 Yellowstone Lake Yellowstone I D A H O W Y O M I N G Shoshone Lewis Lake Lake Heart r Lake P A R K e Plateau v Ri r s Absaroka e i v Ri w v e e Ri ak er T N l L Sn Fal U T A H N O 0 25 50 100 Miles M Mountains E T47N R R115W Jackson R110W R108W Explanation F ¤£89 Geologic Features Base Data ¤£191 ¤£287 Overthrust Belt _ City or town Hole Jackson State or U.S. highway Lake Structural Basins Teton lo rk Buffa Fo River or creek T45N Precambrian Tetonia N _ Lake or reservoir O Quarternary T Township boundary Jackson Volcanic E T E T O N Basin T Range Tertiary Volcanic County boundary Jenny Lake ¤£26 State boundary ¤£287 Jackson Valley ¤£26 Yellowstone National e F R E M O N T ¤£89 ntr The Rim Park boundary s Ve Victor Gro Major Quaternary _ ¤£191 Ri Fault «¬33 ve Valley Gros r Data Sources: WSGS 2014 G Projection: NAD 1983 Wilson Wyoming State Geological «¬22 _ N UTM Zone 12N O Survey, 2008 _Jackson Ventre I S H n ¤£26 a T01N k T40N _ S e R39E R45E M Irwin na Snake Range Ri ke A Ri ve v r Palisades er 0 5 10 20 Miles _ O W D River H T01S i o l b N l a Y o I c Ri k w v Range e r B O N N E V I L L E W Hoback Cr Ri Palisades ¤£89 ve e Alpine ¤£26 r e k Reservoir _ Little G Wyoming Basin B I N G H A M r e G y ¤£189 n s e S r e a e r l y Ri t ve £ s r ¤191 Bl G a ¤£89 ck fo o Range 3«¬52 t Star Valley T35N Ri Green T05S «¬34 _Ranch v Ri e r v e _ r Blackfoot Thayne Salt _Pinedale Reservoir Star River Ri L I N C O L N v ¤£191 er S U B L E T T E «¬237 Valley River _ C A R I B O U 2«¬38 Afton Basin Soda Springs _ ¤£189 ¤£30 Range «¬34 r T30N 3«¬51 a _ Marbleton T30N K Be T10S Grace Ri R119W R109W v T10S R115W _ C R39E e 3«¬50 _ r R45E Big Piney O B E A R L A K E N _ ¤£89 «¬235 Georgetown N ¤£189 A ¤£30 B «¬36 Figure 4-1.
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