1 KECK PROPOSAL: Eocene Tectonic Evolution of the Teton-Absaroka
KECK PROPOSAL: Eocene Tectonic Evolution of the Teton-Absaroka Ranges, Wyoming (Year 2) Project Leaders: John Craddock (Macalester College; craddock@macalester.edu) and Dave Malone (Illinois State University; dhmalon@ilstu.edu) Host Institution: Macalester College, St. Paul, MN Project Dates: ~July 15-August 14, 2011 Student Prerequisites: Structural Geology, Sedimentology. Preamble: This project is an expansion of a 2010 Keck project that was funded at a reduced level (Craddock, 3 students); Malone and 4 students participated with separate funding. We completed or are currently working on three 2010 projects: 1. Structure, geochemistry and geochronology (U-Pb zircon) of carbonate pseudotachylite injection, White Mtn. (J. Geary, Macalester; note that this was not part of last year’s proposal but a new discovery in 2010 caused us to redirect our efforts), 2. Calcite twinning strains within the S. Fork detachment allochthon, northwest, WY (K. Kravitz, Smith; note because of a heavy snow pack in the Tetons this past summer, we chose a different structure to study), and 3. Provenance of heavy minerals and detrital zircon geochronology, Eocene Absaroka volcanics, northwest, WY (R. McGaughey, Carleton). We did not sample the footwall folds proposed in the previous proposal (under snow) and will focus on this project and mapping efforts of White Mountain and the 40 x 10 km S. Fork detachment area near Cody, WY, in part depending on the results (calcite strains, detrital zircons) of the 2010-11 effort. All seven students are working on the detrital zircon geochronology project, and two abstracts are accepted at the 2011 Denver GSA meeting. Overview: This proposal requests funding for 2 faculty to engage 6 students researching a variety of outstanding problems in the tectonic evolution of the Sevier-Laramide orogens as exposed in the Teton and Absaroka ranges in northwest Wyoming.
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