MP TETON NATIONAL PARK - UNITED STATES Historic Events DEPARTMENT OF THE 1807-8 Discovery of the Tetons hy John GRAND Colter. INTERIOR 1811 The Astorians crossed Teton Pass. TETON Harold L. Ickes, Secretary 1810-45 "The Fur Era" in the Rocky Moun­ NATIONAL PARE tains, which reached its height be­ tween 1825 and 1840. WYOMING

1829 Capt. William Sublette named Jack­ SEASON JUNE 15 TO SEPTEMBER 15 son Hole after his partner in the fur ROADS OPEN MAY 15 TO OCTOBER 15 trade, David Jackson.

1832 Rendezvous of fur trappers in Pierre's FROM NORTH Hole; Battle of Pierre's Hole. APPROACH ROAD

NATIONAL PARK SERVICE 1842 Michaud attempted an ascent of the Newton B. Drury. Director Grand Teton. HE Grand Teton National Park HISTORY OF THE REGION i860 Jim Bridger guided Capt. W. F. embraces the most scenic portion C OHT EJi? S Reynolds' expedition through Teton Many of our national parks have country. T of the of Wyo­ been carved from wilderness areas ming, witb an area of approximately 1872. William H. Jackson, with Hayden previously little known to man and 150 square miles,.or 96,000 acres. It geological survey party, took first seldom visited. The Tetons, on the photographs of Tetons. varies from 3 to 9 miles in width and is contrary, are remarkably rich in his­ 27 miles in length. The northern ex­ The Glacier-Covered 1877 Hayden survey party of Orestes St. toric associations. The Grand Teton Tetons, Copyright John made geological studies in the tremity of the park is about 1 1 miles itself has been referred to by an emi­ Crandall .... Cover Tetons. south of the southern boundary of nent historian as the most noted Yellowstone National Park. This park History of the Region . . 3 1879 Thomas Moran painted the Teton historic summit of the West." The Teton Range ... 4 Range. was established by an act of Congress Jackson Hole 4 on February 26, 1929. Up to 1,800 Indians held undisputed 1884 The first settlers entered Jackson sway over the country dominated by The Work of Glaciers . . 6 Hole. In addition to its majestic peaks and Wildlife 6 canyons, the Grand Teton National the Three Tetons. Jackson Hole was Trees and Plants .... 7 1897 Teton Forest Reserve created. Park includes 5 large lakes and many literally a happy hunting ground, and, while the severe winters precluded per­ Naturalist Service .... 7 1898 The first major Teton peaks scaled smaller bodies of water, glaciers, and Map 8 and 9 ( and Grand Teton). snowfields, and extensive forests of manent habitation, during the milder seasons, bands of Indians frequently Administration . . . . 10 1909 The Upper Gros Ventre landslide. pine, fir, and spruce. Much of the park Trails 10 area is above timber line, the Grand came across the passes into the basins 1925 The Lower Gros Ventre landslide. Mountain Climhing ... 12 Teton rising to 13,766 feet, more than on warring or hunting expeditions. Fishing • 13 1927 The Gros Ventre flood. 7,000 feet above the floor of Jackson The Tetons probably first became Boating 13 1929 Grand Teton National Park created Hole. known to white men in 1807-8, when Accommodations and and dedicated. The great array of peaks which con­ the intrepid John Colter crossed the

Miscellaneous Services . 14 1930 The last major Teton peaks scaled stitutes the scenic climax of this na­ range on the memorable journey which How to Reach the Park . . 15 (Nez Perce and ). tional park is one of the noblest in the also made him discoverer of the Yel­ world. Southwest of is a lowstone country. In 1811, the Astor­ culminating group of lofty peaks whose ians, under Wilson Price Hunt, entered dominating figure is the Grand Teton, Jackson Hole and crossed the range on the famous mountain after which the their expedition to the mouth of the park is named. Columbia.

2 Grand Teton National Park 3V Wyoming Grand Teton National Park 3V Wyoming 3 The decades that follow are fre­ along the eastern edge of the block quently referred to as the "Fur Era," amounts to more than 10,000 feet. for the Tetons hecame the center of Doubtless this uplift was accomplished remarkahle activities on the part of fur not by one cataclysm but by a series of trappers representing both British and small faulting movements distributed American interests. The picturesque over a very long period. Probably the name Jackson Hole" dates hack to time of faulting was as remote as the 1829, when Capt. William Sublette middle of the Tertiary period (the named it for his fellow trapper, David period just before the ice age, the latest E. Jackson, who was especially fond chapter of the earth's history). of this beautiful valley or "basin" as Very impressive is the contrast be­ we call it today. tween the east and west sides of the By 1845 the romantic trapper of the Teton Range. From the east, the Jack­ Fur Era" vanished from the Rockies. son Hole basin, one views the precipi­ During the next four decades the val­ tous side of the mountain block as it leys near the Tetons were largely has been exposed by uplift and erosion. deserted, except for wandering hands From the west, the Idaho side, is seen of Indians who occasionally drifted in. the broad top of the block, which is But the frontier was relentlessly closing gently inclined toward the west. In Wash. Rational Guard, U6th Photo Section in, and one Government expedition the eastern front, furthermore, one sees THE MAJESTIC TETONS AT CLOSE RANGE. after another passed through the Teton the ancient, deep-seated crystalline country or near it. The most import­ rocks (gneiss, schist, granite, etc.) be­ more than 400 square miles. The floor developing the extraordinary scenic ant of these were the Hayden surveys longing to the earliest known geologic of the valley slopes from an altitude of features of the park. Just as the streams of 1871, 187a, 1877, and 1878. These eras, the pre-Cambrian. In places on 7,000 feet at the north end to 6,000 at now converge toward Jackson Hole, so parties named many of the park's natu­ the top of the block as, for example, the south. Jackson Hole lies a few in ages past glaciers moved down to­ ral features, including Leigh, Jenny, the Head of Death and Avalanche miles west of the Continental Divide, ward, and in many instances into, the Taggart, Bradley, and Phelps Lakes, Canyons, inclined layers of limestone, and occupies the central portion of the basin from the highlands to the east, and Mount St. John. quartzite, and shale belonging to the- headwaters area of the Snake River. north, and west. less ancient Paleozoic era are found. In the middle eighties came the first Mountain streams converge radially The precipitous north slopes of the These layers formerly covered the en­ settlers. They entered by the Gros toward it from the surrounding high­ mountains, the knife-like ridges or tire block, but they have been worn Ventre River and Teton Pass, and lands, and the Snake River receives aretes, the matterhorns or isolated away from half of the area, thus ex­ settled first in the south end of the these as it flows through the valley. peaks, and the smooth, polished rock posing the underlying crystallines. The valley. The story of the homesteader Jackson Hole has largely been exca­ floors and canyon walls are results of west and north flanks of the range are has been one of isolation, privation, vated by the Snake River and its tribu­ glacial action. overlapped by relatively young beds of and hardships, met, however, with taries from the shale formations which lava that are continuous with those Some of the glaciers have complete­ persistency and indomitable courage. once extended over the region to a covering eastern Idaho and the Yel­ ly disappeared, leaving in the cirques depth of several thousand feet. The THE TETON RANGE lowstone plateaus. or amphitheaters beautiful alpine lakes. The Teton Range may he described more resistant rocks surrounding the As the glaciers reached the valley floors as a long block of the earth that has JACKSON HOLE region were reduced less rapidly and and then receded, they dropped their been broken and uplifted along its Jackson Hole, which adjoins the park have been left standing in relief as accumulated load of rock materials, eastern margin, thus being tilted west­ on the southeast, is encompassed on all highlands. building the morainal dams at the can­ ward. Movement of this sort along a sides by mountain barriers. It is 48 THE WORK OF GLACIERS yon mouths, and forming Phelps, Tag­ fracture is what the geologist terms miles long, for the most part 6 to 8 The glaciers of the ice age, or Pleis­ gart, Bradley, Jenny, Leigh, and Jack­ faulting." The total amount of uplift miles wide, and embraces an area of tocene period, played a leading role in son Lakes.

4 Grand Teton National Park "Ar Wyoming Grand Teton National Park "A" Wyoming 5 U. S. Fish and Wildli/e Service A PART OF THE JACKSON HOLE ELK HERD.

Beavers, martens, minks, weasels, all occurring in a distance of less than coyotes, marmots, conies, and rabbits 15 miles. Plants migrating from other are found within the park area. Ground regions have grown equally well in squirrels and chipmunks are numerous each zone.

Copyright, Crandall and frequently tame. It is wisest to The flowering period begins in the THE CHURCH OF THE TRANSFIGURATION AT MOOSE. enjoy them without actual contact, park as soon as the ridges and flats are however, for some rodents have been free of snow in May, and it continues The floor of Jackson Hole is a environs, and, though quite shy, are known to carry dangerous diseases. until about August 15 in the Arctic- cobble-strewn flat or out-wash plain, often seen along the trails by hikers More than 100 species of birds may Alpine zone. Hence, plants of at least which originated when the streams is­ and horseback riders. he identified by the careful observer. one zone and usually of several may suing from the glaciers deposited the The elk or wapiti have been the he seen blooming at any time in the rock materials they carried. most important big game animals in TREES AND PLANTS spring or summer. WILDLIFE Jackson Hole since the occupancy of In several respects the flora of the The evergreen trees, of which the For many years the Jackson Hole white men. In the spring they leave Tetons is unique. The high mountains Iodgepole pine, limber pine, whitebark country has been famous for its big the low country and the Government have constituted a harrier to plant mi­ pine, Engelmann spruce, and alpine fir game, and for those who wish to see feeding grounds near Jackson and move gration which many forms could not are most common, form an appropriate wild animals in their natural habitat, toward the highlands to the north and cross; hence the range limit of a num­ frame for the majestic Teton peaks and the expenditure of a little time off the east. Scattered small hands summer in ber of species is found here. Repre­ are reflected in the lakes which they main road will satisfy their desire. the Teton Range. When snowfall sentatives from north, south, east, and encircle. In the park itself Shiras' moose is comes in the high country, the elk west are in the region, this being the NATURALIST SERVICE the most common big game animal; it return once more to the feed grounds. limit, in many instances, of their dis­ The park museum is located at is frequently seen in the smaller ponds Small herds of bighorn, or Rocky tribution. There are many plants typ­ Jenny Lake, which is the focal point and marshy meadows. The moose is Mountain sheep, range in isolated sec­ ical of the central Rockies, and a few for all naturalist activities In it are the largest member of the deer family, tions of the park. Bears are found known only to this range. Four life housed exhibits pertaining to the his­ hut is not as wary as other deer. Mule in the mountains and canyons, Nary zones are recognized within the park. tory, geology, fauna, and flora of the deer are increasing in the park and jew invade the campgrounds. Grand Teton National Park "A" Wyoming 7 6 Grand Teton National Park wk Wyoming MAP Op GRAND TETON NATIONAL PARK. Teton-Jackson Hole country. The col­ each large body of water from Leigh lection devoted to mountaineering is in Lake at the north to Phelps Lake at many respects unique. Adjacent to the south. Trails completely encircle the museum is an open-air amphithe­ Leigh and Jenny Lakes. ater where campfire talks on geology, THE TETON GLACIER TRAIL extends wildlife, and other subjects related to up the east slope of Grand Teton to the park are given every evening at Surprise and Amphitheater Lakes, un­ dusk. Nature walks, auto caravans, folding matchless panoramas of the sur­ and all-day hikes are conducted hy rounding country. Amphitheater Lake, members of the naturalist division. at the end of the trail, occupies a pro­ An information desk is maintained tected glacial cirque and is the starting at the museum, and rangers are there point for the climb to Teton Glacier. at all hours of the day to answer in­ quiries. Information service is also THE INDIAN PAINTBRUSH TRAIL starts maintained at park headquarters. near the outlet of Leigh Lake and fol­ lows up the bottom of Indian Paint­ ADMINISTRATION brush Canyon to connect with the The representative of the National Trail hy way of Lake Park Service in immediate charge of Solitude, a lakelet of rarest beauty near the park is the superintendent, with the head of the north fork of Cascade office at park headquarters; address, Canyon. The wealth of wildnowers Moose, Wyo. along this trail gives the canyon its TRAILS name, and one may see big game, An unbroken wilderness a few years especially moose, near the lakes and ago, the Grand Teton National Park swamps. is now penetrated hy 90 miles of trails THE passes which are among the finest in the na­ through a chasm whose walls rise sheer tional park system. These trails, suit­ on either side for thousands of feet. By able alike for travel afoot or on saddle this trail one penetrates into the deep­ horses, are 3 to 4 feet wide, free of est recesses of the Tetons, skirting the boulders, and of grade so moderate bases of several tall peaks. they may he followed by old or young with full safety and a minimum of THE DEATH CANYON TRAIL traverses physical exertion. While the trails are the full length of a canyon which in its traversable during the greater part of lower portion is of profound depth and the summer, some of they may he grandeur, as awesome as its name, and blocked hy snow early in the season. then emerges above into broad, sunny Those visitors expecting to climb the meadows. high trails should inquire at park head­ THE SKYLINE TRAIL is that portion of quarters or the museum at Jenny Lake the trail system which connects the In­ for information regarding their condi­ dian Paintbrush, Cascade Canyon, and tion. Death Canyon Trails. Following down THE LAKES TRAIL runs parallel to the the north fork, then up the south fork mountains, following closely the base of Cascade Canyon, it crosses the head of the range and skirting the shore of of to Alaska Basin, Copyright, Crandall CAMPING AT .

IO Grand Teton National Park "Ar Wyoming Grand Teton National Park * Wyoming 11 range; it is at its best during July, of trolling. Other species in park waters August, and early September. In most are the cutthroat trout (also known as cases it is advisable to allow 2 days for native blackspotted) and the brook or an ascent of Grand Teton, Mount speckled trout. The park waters are Owen, or , and 1 day for stocked through the cooperation of the other major peaks. Jenny Lake camp­ United States Fish and Wildlife Serv­ ground is the logical outfitting point ice. A Wyoming fishing license, cost­ for most expeditions. The majority of ing $1.50 for State residents and $3 ascents require ice axes, rope, and for nonresidents, is required. For $ 1.50, hohhed hoots or climbing shoes. however, nonresidents may secure a Guided parties may arrange to rent 7-day fishing permit. equipment from the guide. BOATING FISHING At the south end of Jenny Lake the Grand Teton Park offers splendid Teton Boating Co. maintains motor- opportunities for fishing. Fish may he boat and rowhoat service. Four or more taken with artificial fly during most of persons may make a trip around Jenny the summer, hut the lake or mackinaw Lake for 50 cents each. Rowhoatsmay trout in Jackson and Jenny Lakes must he rented for 50 cents an hour or $2 a he caught with heavy tackle by means day. Motorboats, with a driver, are $2

Copvnght, CrandaU GRAND TETON FROM A HIGH MOUNTAIN SLOPE. in the western watershed of the Tetons, Since 1931 authorized guide service thence over a high saddle on Buck has been available in the park. In view Mountain and down a series of switch­ of the difficulties one encounters on the backs to join the Death Canyon Trail. Teton peaks and the hazards they pre­ sent, prospective climbers—especially if MOUNTAIN CLIMBING inexperienced—are urged to make use Among American climbers no range of the guide service. If venturing out enjoys higher rank than the Tetons, and unguided, climbers should under all its growing fame abroad is evidenced circumstances consult rangers or guides by increasingly large numbers of for­ for full information relative to routes eign mountaineers who come here to and equipment. Failure to heed this climb. Leading mountaineers rank caution has, in the past, led to acci­ many of the Teton climbs with the best dents and even fatalities. Climbing in the Alps and other world-famous parties are required, under all circum­ climbing centers. Though the majority stances, to report at either park head­ of climbs must be considered difficult quarters or Jenny Lake Museum before even for mountaineers of skill and wide and after each expedition, whether experience, there are peaks, notably the guided or unguided. Climbing alone, and , which without a companion, is not permitted have relatively easy routes that may be without approval of the superintendent. safely followed by anyone of average The climbing season varies with the strength. weather and the amount of snow in the MOUNT MORAN AT SUNRISE. Copyright. Crandall

12 Grand Teton National Park ^ Wyoming Grand Teton National Park ik NJyoming 13 parties of 3 or more and $6 per person nects with U. S. Highway 187 two for parties of less than 5. miles north of Daniel, Wyo. The PHOTOGRAPHS.—The Crandall Stu­ western approach road from Idaho, via dios maintain up-to-date picture shops Teton Pass, State Highway 22, to at Jenny Lake and Moran. Photographs Wilson and Jackson crosses the Teton of the surrounding country, enlarge­ Range at an altitude of 8,431 feet. ments, paintings, moving pictures, and Several connecting roads in Idaho lead souvenir postcards are sold. Labora­ from this road to the West Yellow- tories are maintained for developing, stone-Salt Lake City Highway (U. S. printing, and enlarging. 191). A new road, U. S. Highway 89, The rates mentioned herein may enters Jackson Hole from the south­ have changed slightly since issuance of west through the Grand Canyon of the this booklet, but the latest rates ap­ Snake River. It connects with the U. S. proved by the Secretary of the Interior Highway 91 at Logan, Utah. are on file with the superintendent and BY RAILROAD AND BUS.—The nearest the park operators. terminal of the Union Pacific System is at Victor, Idaho. By bus Victor is THF TETONS FROM UPPER PORTION OF JACKSON HOLE. HOW TO REACH THE PARK reached via Teton Stages from Idaho BY AUTOMOBILE.—The Grand Teton Falls, Idaho, which is served by In­ National Park is reached by automobile an hour, and $ 12.50 a day; without a mits of major peaks. Instructions at ter-mountain Transportation Co. and from the north, south, east, and west. driver, $ 1 .go an hour and $6 a day. popular climbing school are available Union Pacific Stages, Inc. Regular bus Each approach is highly scenic, afford­ ACCOMMODATIONS AND MIS­ daily at $3 per person. service is maintained between Victor ing splendid distant views of the Teton Winter and early summer skiing is and Moran via the Teton Transporta­ CELLANEOUS SERVICES Range and Jackson Hole. U. S. High­ possible in the park. Fred Brown, tion Co. The park may be reached Modern, well - developed camp­ way 287 connects Jackson Hole with skiing guide, furnishes instruction and from the south by the Rains Trans­ grounds are available at Jenny and Yellowstone Park and is the north ap­ rents equipment. portation Co. from Rock Springs and String Lakes. These camps are sup­ proach to the Teton Park. One mile Evanston, Wyo., which are served by plied with running water, sanitary fa­ SADDLE HORSES.—At the south end north of Moran the traveler reaches the Interstate Transit Lines and Bur­ cilities, and cooking grates. There are of Jenny Lake, near the ranger station, U. S. Highway 187, which traverses lington Transportation Co., to Jackson, also many camping sites away from the Guy C. Sutton, park saddle-horse oper­ Jackson Hole and makes the park ac­ Wyo., thence Teton Transportation main campgrounds suitable for over­ ator, maintains an excellent string of cessible. From the east U. S. Highway Co. to Moran. Inquire at any concen­ night stops for hikers or pack outfits. saddle and pack horses with good 287, known as the Atlantic-Yellow­ tration point for rates and schedules. Supplies, including fishing tackle, may equipment for short or long trips. One stone-Pacific Highway, enters Jackson he procured at Jenny Lake, Moose, may rent saddle horses without guides, Hole through Togwotee Pass, altitude BY AIRPLANE.—Western Air Express Jackson, or Moran. Cabin accommo­ but only to ride over well-defined trails 9,638 feet, and the Buffalo Fork of the provides passenger, mail, and express dations may he found outside the park in designated areas. Discretion as to Snake River, joining U. S. Highways service to Grand Teton National Park in Jackson Hole. the ability of patrons to ride, or to go 89 and 287 from Yellowstone Park, 1 from the West Yellowstone airport. GUIDE SERVICE.—The authorized of­ unguided, rests with the operator; how­ mile north of Moran. The south road Connections are made at Salt Lake ficial guide for mountain climbing in ever, the operator is not responsible for (U. S. 187) enters Jackson Hole via City with United Air Lines' main Hoback Canyon. This improved high­ the park is Paul Petzoldt. He maintains accidents. Saddle horses without guide, transcontinental line and at Butte and way leaves Rock Springs, Wyo., on summer headquarters at Jenny Lake. per person, are $1 per hour, $3.30 per Helena, Mont., with Northwest Air­ the Lincoln Highway. U. S. Flighway The charge for guide service ranges 8-hour day, and $ 17.50 per week. All- lines. Scenic trips over the park are 189, leading to Kemmerer, Wyo., con­ from $ 12 to $ 100 for trips to the sum­ day guided trips are $5 per person for also available from West Yellowstone.

14 Grand Teton National Park yV Wyoming Grand Teton National Park yV Wyoming 15 RULES AND REGULATIONS [BRIEFED] We would that you should stay here awhde, to be acquainted with us, and yet more to solace your­ selves with the good oj these delectable mountains.

The following synopsis of park regu­ bidden. Fishing in any way other than lations is for the general guidance of with hook and line, the rod or line visitors. Complete rules and regulations held in hand, is prohibited, and the may he ohtained at the office of the use of fish eggs or fish as bait is not superintendent and at other points of allowed. A State fishing license is re­ concentration throughout the park. quired. PRESERVATION OF NATURAL FEA­ MOUNTAIN CLIMBING.—All mountain TURES.—The destruction, injury, de­ climbers must report at a ranger sta­ facement, or disturbance of any build­ tion before and after making ascent ings, signs, equipment, trees, flowers, of any peak. No solo climbs are per­ vegetation, rocks, minerals, animals, or mitted, except with permission of birds is prohibited. superintendent. CAMPING.—Camps must be kept AUTOMOBILES.—Drive carefully at all clean; rubbish and garbage burned; times. Speed limit is 25 miles per hour and refuse placed in cans provided for on park roads, and 15 miles per hour this purpose. If no cans are available, within the campground areas. All acci­ refuse should be buried. No camping dents must be reported at nearest ranger or fires permitted outside designated station or office of superintendent. En­ campgrounds, except by permission of trance fee for automobile, $ 1; house superintendent. trailer, $1; motorcycle, 50 cents: Appli­ FIRES.—Fires shall be lighted only cable on fee for Yellowstone National when necessary and when no longer Park and Yellowstone permits honored needed shall be completely extin­ at Grand Teton entrances. guished. Smoking or building of fires DOGS AND CATS.—Dogs and cats may be probibited by superintendent may be taken into the park, but must when hazard makes such action neces­ be crated or on leash while within park sary. boundaries. HUNTING.— Hunting within park The penalty for violation of the rules boundaries is not permitted. Unsealed and regulations is a fine not exceeding firearms are prohibited within the park $500, or imprisonment not exceeding except with written permission of su­ 6 months, or both, together with all perintendent. costs of the proceedings. FISHING.—The limit for a day's catch is 10 fish. The possession of more than THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT RESPONSI­ 1 day s catch at any one time is for­ BLE FOR ACCIDENTS OF ANY NATURE.