House of Representatives the House Met at 9 A.M

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House of Representatives the House Met at 9 A.M E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2001 No. 120 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. Borne out of pain, moved by compas- ery from the tragedy that occurred on The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. sion, strengthened by the diversity of September 11, 2001, and for other pur- Coughlin, offered the following prayer: others, we know it is You, Lord God, poses; that the bill be considered as O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth who brings us to pray and declare Your read for amendment; and that the pre- will declare Your praise. On this na- praise, now and forever. Amen. vious question be considered as ordered tional day of prayer and remembrance, f on the bill to final passage without in- moved by the exhortation of President tervening motion except: One, one hour Bush and the tragic events of Tuesday, THE JOURNAL of debate equally divided and con- we gather first to pray and then be The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- trolled by the chairman and ranking about the work of Congress. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- minority member of the Committee on Ever mindful of the many victims, we ceedings and announces to the House Appropriations; and, two, one motion pray, O Lord, in solidarity with their his approval thereof. to recommit. families, all who have come to their as- Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. sistance, and with friends around the nal stands approved. THORNBERRY). Is there objection to the world. Circumstances such as Tues- request of the gentleman from Florida? day’s horror shake us to new awareness f There was no objection. and the need to pray, but prayer itself PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE f originates in You, O Lord. By Your own spirit in us we are moved, act, and have The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman GENERAL LEAVE from Texas (Mr. THORNBERRY) come our being. Weeping and groaning deep Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, within us the spirit cries out Abba, Fa- forward and lead the House in the I ask unanimous consent that all Mem- ther. Your spirit animates us as we Pledge of Allegiance. bers may have 5 legislative days in struggle to find words to express all Mr. THORNBERRY led the Pledge of which to revise and extend their re- the sentiments of the heart. Allegiance as follows: marks on H.R. 2888, and that I may in- As each of us searches the depths of I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the clude tabular and extraneous material. our own being in his or her own way, United States of America, and to the Repub- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there we know it is You alone who can lic for which it stands, one nation under God, objection to the request of the gen- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. change human hearts. You alone, tleman from Florida? through dialogue with You, can give us f There was no objection. the right words and the right thing to ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER f do, if only we would listen and enter into the silence of Your presence. You The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- 2001 EMERGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL alone can reshape perspective and tain 1-minute requests at a later time APPROPRIATIONS ACT FOR RE- bring to focus determined goals based today. COVERY FROM AND RESPONSE on the truth that removes illusion. You f TO TERRORIST ATTACKS ON THE UNITED STATES alone can move hearts to repentance MAKING IN ORDER AT ANY TIME for evil perpetrated on others. You CONSIDERATION OF H.R. 2888, 2001 Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, alone can take stony hearts and recre- EMERGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL pursuant to the order just adopted, I ate them by Your Holy Spirit into APPROPRIATIONS ACT FOR RE- call up the bill (H.R. 2888) making fleshy hearts, hearts which are moved COVERY FROM AND RESPONSE emergency supplemental appropria- beyond self to respond to the pain of TO TERRORIST ATTACKS ON THE tions for fiscal year 2001 for additional brothers and sisters in the human fam- UNITED STATES disaster assistance, for anti-terrorism ily. initiatives, and for assistance in the re- You, Lord, can make us one, heal our Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, covery from the tragedy that occurred wounds, forgive our sins, and bring us I ask unanimous consent that it be in on September 11, 2001, and for other to a new level of peace and freedom, order at any time without intervention purposes, and ask for its immediate where all people of faith can find ex- of any point of order to consider in the consideration. pression, moved by Your spirit. And House the bill (H.R. 2888) making emer- The Clerk read the title of the bill. with Your help, together, we can create gency supplemental appropriations for The text of H.R. 2888 is as follows: a truly pluralistic world where we can fiscal year 2001 for additional disaster H.R. 2888 live in peace and unity, promised by assistance, for anti-terrorism initia- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- Your kingdom, Thy kingdom come. tives, and for assistance in the recov- resentatives of the United States of America in b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5619 . VerDate 31-AUG-2001 04:34 Sep 15, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14SE7.000 pfrm02 PsN: H14PT1 H5620 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 14, 2001 Congress assembled, That the following sums ization Act, fiscal years 1994 and 1995, and gress, and the choice of the great peo- are appropriated, out of any money in the section 15 of the State Department Basic Au- ple of a great Nation is to fight back. Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pro- thorities Act of 1956. The world will be impressed by our re- vide emergency supplemental appropriations This Act may be cited as the ‘‘2001 Emer- sponse as we mobilize for this fight. gency Supplemental Appropriations Act for for fiscal year 2001, namely: As we present this bill today, Mr. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Recovery from and Response to Terrorist At- tacks on the United States’’. Speaker, I thank the Speaker of the AND FUNDS APPROPRIATED TO THE House for all of the assistance and wis- PRESIDENT The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- dom and guidance the gentleman from ant to the order of the House of today, EMERGENCY RESPONSE FUND Illinois gave us as we produced this the gentleman from Florida (Mr. (INCLUDING TRANSFERS OF FUNDS) bill. This was not an easy bill to decide YOUNG) and the gentleman from Wis- For emergency expenses to respond to the how best to respond in a constitutional consin (Mr. OBEY) each will control 30 terrorist attacks on the United States that way. occurred on September 11, 2001, to provide minutes. I thank the leaders of the Senate who assistance to the victims of the attacks, and The Chair recognizes the gentleman worked so diligently with us in order to deal with other consequences of the at- from Florida (Mr. YOUNG). tacks, $40,000,000,000, to remain available to write the bill that we will present until expended, including for the costs of (1) b 0915 here this morning, and I thank the gen- providing Federal, State, and local prepared- Mr. YOUNG of Florida. Mr. Speaker, tleman from Wisconsin (Mr. OBEY), the ness for mitigating and responding to the at- I yield myself such time as I may con- ranking member of the Committee on tacks, (2) providing support to counter, in- sume. Appropriations. We debated, argued our vestigate, or prosecute domestic or inter- Mr. Speaker, America is one Nation some differences, and worked together national terrorism, (3) providing increased united under God today more than any as Americans to come up with the transportation security, (4) repairing public right solution. Throughout, the gen- facilities and transportation systems dam- time since December 7, 1941, when we aged by the attacks, and (5) supporting na- were attacked at Pearl Harbor. Ameri- tleman from Wisconsin was a pillar of tional security: Provided, That these funds cans are normally very busy people, strength, a giant; and I want to say I may be transferred to any authorized Fed- staying focused on those matters of appreciate the efforts the gentleman eral Government activity to meet the pur- concern to ourselves and to our fami- from Wisconsin made to make this hap- poses of this Act: Provided further, That the lies. pen. Congress designates the entire amount as an Today our country’s focus is on our I thank the members of our staff who emergency requirement pursuant to section fellow Americans who lost their lives stayed with us through the day and the 251(b)(2)(A) of the Balanced Budget and in the despicable terrorist attack on night in order to present this bill and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985: Pro- make it a good bill. vided further, That $40,000,000,000 shall be Tuesday, September 11, 2001, and also on their families who mourn them. We Mr.
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