The Daily Iowan THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 2018 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILY-IOWAN.COM 50¢ News To Know Nontenured faculty 80HOURS The weekend in arts & entertainment Thursday, April 19, 2018 rally for rights Nontenured faculty in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences gathered on the Pentacrest and delivered The UI Theater Department will immerse audiences through intricate design and personified characters in its production ofA Midsummer Night’s Dream. a list of demands to the UI administration. BY RHIANA CHICKERING |
[email protected] SEE MIDSUMMER, 3B The wild rose players The classic Shakespeare play A Midsummer Night’s Dream will get a 1920sDESIGN BY LILY SMITH twist in Mabie Theater’s producPHOTOS BY LILY SMITH- On the web On the air Events calendar Get updates about local arts & Tune in to KRUI 89.7 FM at 5 p.m. on Want your event to be printed in The Daily Iowan entertainment events on Twitter Thursdays to hear about this weekend and included in our online calendar? To submit a tion@TheDailyIowan this arts & entertainment. The listing,play visit is known for its Shakespearean language, but audiences should not feel over- whelmed, because the artistic team refined complex portions of the text. 80 HOURS Falbo’s to reopen Falbo Bros. plans to reopen this weekend after closing unexpectedly two weeks ago. The former owner had health issues that compromised his ability to run the restaurant, and it is now under new management. News, 3A Iowa softball’s star needs a team who can stand behind her Allison Doocy has been a bright spot for the Iowa softball team all season.