To: M. Laurent Fabius, ministre des affaires étrangères (M. Laurent Fabius), Mme Hélène Conway-Mouret, ministre déléguée chargée des Français de l'étranger, (Mme Hélène Conway-Mouret), Directeur de Cabinet du Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres (Denis Pietton), Directeur de Cabinet du Ministre chargee des Francais de l'Etranger (M. Sylvain ITTE), Chef de Cabinet du Ministre chargee des Francais de l'Etranger (M. David IZZO), Directrice de cabinet du Ministre du Budget (Mme Amélie Verdier), Chef de Cabinet du Ministre du Budget (Mme Marie-Hélène Valente), Senateur des Francais de l'Etranger (Jean-Pierre Cantegrit), Senateur des Francais de l'Etranger (), Senateur des Francais de l'Etranger (Robert Denis DEL PICCHIA), Senateur des Francais de l'Etranger (), Senateur des Francais de l'Etranger (Andre FERRAND), Senateur des Francais de l'Etranger (Joelle GARRIAUD MAYLAM), Senateur des Francais de l'Etranger (), Senateur des Francais de l'Etranger (Jean Yves LECONTE), Senateur des Francais de l'Etranger (), Senateur des Francais de l'Etranger (), Depute des Francais de l'Etranger (Corinne NARASSIGUIN), Depute des Francais de l'Etranger (Sergio CORONADO), Depute des Francais de l'Etranger (Axelle LEMAIRE), Depute des Francais de l'Etranger (Philippe CORDERY), Depute des Francais de l'Etranger (Arnaud LEROY), Depute des Francais de l'Etranger (Claudine SCHMID), Depute des Francais de l'Etranger (Daphna POZNANSKI- BENHAMOU), Depute des Francais de l'Etranger (Pouria AMIRSHAHI), Depute des Francais de l'Etranger (Alain MARSAUD), Depute des Francais de l'Etranger (Thierry MARIANI), Ministre délégué auprès du ministre de l'économie et des finances, chargé du budget (M. Jérôme Cahuzac), Senateur des Francais de l'Etranger (Christophe FRASSA), Depute des Francais de l'Etranger (Pierre Yves LEBORGN), and Kalliopi ANGO ELA Subject: Sauvez le Réseau des Ecoles Françaises à l’Etranger: Repoussez la suppression de la Prise En Charge Letter: Bonjour,

Je viens de signer la pétition suivante adressée à: M. Laurent Fabius, Mme Hélène Conway-Mouret, M. Jérôme Cahuzac, Mmes & MM. les sénateurs Cantegrit, Cointat, Del Picchia, Duvernois, Ferrand, Frassa, Garriaud- Maylam, Kammerman, Leconte, Lepage, Yung, Mmes & MM. les députés Amirshahi, Cordery, Coronado, Leborgn, Lemaire, Leroy, Marsaud, Mariani, Narassiguin, Poznansky-Benhamou, Schmid


A l’attention du Gouvernement, de l’Assemblée Nationale et du Sénat: Sauvez le Réseau des Ecoles Françaises à l’Etranger, Repoussez la suppression de la Prise En Charge des Frais de Scolarité à 2013

------Suppression de La Prise En Charge des Frais De Scolarité à la rentrée 2012

Mesdames, Messieurs,

En tant que Français(e) résidant a l’étranger, je suis choqué(e), voire scandalisé(e) de constater la méthode avec laquelle le nouveau Gouvernement de François Hollande a orchestré la suppression de la Prise En Charge des Frais de Scolarité dans les établissements français à l’étranger. Je demande instamment au nouveau Gouvernement de François Hollande de reporter cette suppression à la rentrée scolaire 2013-2014, ainsi que cela avait été annoncé au cours des campagnes électorales des élections présidentielle et législatives de 2012.

En supprimant le Programme de Prise En Charge des Frais de Scolarité dès la rentrée 2012, en quelques semaines, l’Etat renie la parole et son engagement dans la Prise En Charge des Frais de Scolarité pour l’année 2012-2013. Les familles qui ont effectué une demande durant l’hiver 2011-2012, qui remplissaient les conditions requises, avaient en effet reçu confirmation de cette prise en charge au printemps 2012.

Cette suppression prématurée met dans une situation financière très difficile un nombre significatif de familles qui doivent, en quelques semaines, mobiliser des sommes très importantes, pouvant aller jusqu’à 27,000 Euros par enfant pour payer les frais de scolarité dans les niveaux du lycée, à un moment crucial de la scolarité où ces enfants préparent le baccalauréat.

De plus, en déclarant, le 5 juillet 2012, que cette « mesure ne placera aucune famille en situation de difficulté à la rentrée 2012,» la Directrice de l’Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger affirme une contre- vérité, puisque la plupart des familles frappées injustement par cette mesure ne pourront obtenir aucune bourse scolaire. En effet, le maintien des critères d’attribution de ces bourses n’a subi aucun ajustement complémentaire à ce jour, et aucune modification budgétaire complémentaire n’a été apportée au budget 2012 de ces bourses scolaires.

Enfin, cette suppression brutale et sans effort d’accompagnement entrainera une baisse de fréquentation, voire dans certains cas des fermetures de classes pour les écoles françaises à l’étranger. Devant une compétition féroce provenant d’autres programmes, comme le Baccalauréat International de Genève, cette mesure contribuera à un affaiblissement des établissements français à l’étranger, directement causé par l’action de l’Etat.

Cette trahison des familles françaises à l’étranger, prises par surprise, ne peut être tolérée dans une république dont la parole a été donnée, république qui a encouragé depuis des années ses ressortissants à défendre les couleurs de la sur le plan économique, culturel et diplomatique dans le monde.

C’est pourquoi je vous demande de repousser la suppression de la Prise En Charge des Frais de Scolarité à la rentrée 2013-2014, ce qui permettra aux familles de se préparer aux choix nécessaires, et à l’actuel Gouvernement de mettre en place ses promesses de nouvelles dispositions dans les conditions d’attribution des bourses scolaires. Je vous remercie par avance de porter toute votre attention à cette situation particulièrement grave.

Cordialement, Signatures Name Location Date Damien Regnard 2012-07-13 Elisabeth JONES Covington, LA, United States 2012-07-13 Pierre Ciric New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 bertille de fougerolle New Orleans, LA, United States 2012-07-13 MARC LAURENTI Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 2012-07-13 P C New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Kathleen Dowd NY, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Jean-Luc Fievet New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Paris 7, France 2012-07-13 Anne Dessaint New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 georges PAPA MILAN, Italy 2012-07-13 Victoire Bonnifay san Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-13 catherine collins san francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-13 virginie beaudet Kirkland, Canada 2012-07-13 Joelle Reilly Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Raphaelle batra san francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-13 Georges-Francis Seingry Bruxelles, Belgium 2012-07-13 Valentine Batra bonnifay San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-13 bruno dell aquila Djibouti, Djibouti 2012-07-13 Raphaele Guerin New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 karim dendene alger, Algeria 2012-07-13 Franck Barrat San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-13 Renaud Granel Woodtock, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Diane Duthoit New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Daniel Bonnot New Orleans, LA, United States 2012-07-13 GENEVIEVE CHIARI Richardson, TX, United States 2012-07-13 Christophe Andre FRASSA Paris, France 2012-07-13 Thierry Lancino New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Pascal DADOUN New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Name Location Date Julien Balkany New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Xavier Elbaz New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 martine VOLARD New Rochelle, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Olivier Nataf West Chester, PA, United States 2012-07-13 Sylvie BUCAILLE new york, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Rose-Claire Chapuis Oakland, CA, United States 2012-07-13 Roger de Cabrol New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Michele FLEMING New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Agnès AKA ABIDJAN, Côte d'Ivoire 2012-07-13 virginie petiteau new york, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Dominique Renaud Houston, TX, United States 2012-07-13 CLAIRE CHANDOU LOS ANGELES, CA, United States 2012-07-13 Anne Marie Shiba Richardson, TX, United States 2012-07-13 Mireille Fornarino Biot, France 2012-07-13 Thibault Duval Montreal, Canada 2012-07-13 Jean-Luc Hauviller Srping, TX, United States 2012-07-13 Georges Mosser Québec, Canada 2012-07-13 Tiziana De Carolis Houston, France 2012-07-13 Maria Ruelle New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Matthieu Cornillault Dallas, TX, United States 2012-07-13 ANNE MONSEU-DUCARME 1030 Bruxelles, Belgium 2012-07-13 valerie Bon-Mardion Metairie, LA, United States 2012-07-13 Olivier Piton New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Armand Sebban Saint-Maur, France 2012-07-13 Aurelia Le Tareau MONTREAL, Canada 2012-07-13 carlos Radulovitch NY, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Marie Claude Kellermann New Orleans, LA, United States 2012-07-13 Sebastien de Chilly Lausanne, Switzerland 2012-07-13 Elizabeth Kaponya Needham, MA, United States 2012-07-13 Lorrie Herbault Montreal, Canada 2012-07-13 Name Location Date gilles baltru New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 HENRI LAISNÉ Mont St-Hilaire (Québec), Canada 2012-07-13 lydie kaplan trophy club, TX, United States 2012-07-13 Philippe Orsetti Arlington, TX, United States 2012-07-13 Christophe Toudic Larchmont, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Pierre HUCHET LOS ANGELES, CA, United States 2012-07-13 Ludovic Sauvage Richardson, United States Minor Outlying 2012-07-13 Islands Monique Singley Metairie, LA, United States 2012-07-13 Sandra Kellermann Nouvelle Orleans, LA, United States 2012-07-13 Mathias Cohen New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Veronique Baumbach San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-13 Dziadzio Isabelle New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Dominique Paulhe Houston 77041, TX, United States 2012-07-13 isabelle laisné Montréal, Canada 2012-07-13 Francine Bonnifay New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Francoise Hocevar New Orleans, LA, United States 2012-07-13 Christel garnier new york, United States Minor Outlying 2012-07-13 Islands Diane Desazars New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Lionel Le Meur New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Caroline Ciric New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Jean Lachaud New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Jerome Breguet New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Anne-Charlotte Windal New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Sophie Blavet Morristown, NJ, United States 2012-07-13 Jovana Gobin Harrison, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Marc-Henri Magdelenat New York, NY, United States 2012-07-13 Bertrand Pelletier Arlington, TX, United States 2012-07-13 Laure Lion New York, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Claire-Marie Jadot North Vancouver, BC, Canada 2012-07-14 Name Location Date Camille Le Meur New York, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Jeanine de Feydeau Montréal, Canada 2012-07-14 Veronuquz Delmas Ognar Florham Park, NJ, United States 2012-07-14 Sylvie Goudeau Lafayette, LA, United States 2012-07-14 Jean-Paul Barre Palm Beach Gardens, FL, United States 2012-07-14 Fabienne Hocquet Fréjus, France 2012-07-14 Nicole VUILLERMOZ DALLAS, TX, United States 2012-07-14 Cecilia Singley Metairie, LA, United States 2012-07-14 Mina Saquet New York, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Simon Goodman Beverly Hills, CA, United States 2012-07-14 Romain Trapp Dallas, TX, United States 2012-07-14 Paul Valerie Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France 2012-07-14 Alexia DULOUT LOS ANGELES, CA, United States 2012-07-14 Cyril Zeller Palo Alto, CA, United States 2012-07-14 bernard sadet ABIDJAN 01, Côte d'Ivoire 2012-07-14 Michele Altier New York, United States Minor Outlying 2012-07-14 Islands Isabelle Charriaud Mamaroneck, United States Minor 2012-07-14 Outlying Islands Marie-Laure Adnet New York, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Olivier Cadic Canterbury, United Kingdom 2012-07-14 Eric Ladigue Montreal, Canada 2012-07-14 Iris Weintraub Mt. Kisco, NY, United States 2012-07-14 helene lefbvre angres, France 2012-07-14 BERNAT jean-jacques Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Robert Labro bordighera, Italy 2012-07-14 Dominique Custos New Orleans, LA, United States 2012-07-14 sandra cohen New York, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Scott Brown Plano, TX, United States 2012-07-14 lenotre alain Houston, TX, United States 2012-07-14 Name Location Date MARYSE LAURENTI, Conseiller Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 2012-07-14 Elue à l'Assemblée des Franca Philippe Guelton New York, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Christine Donck guelton New York, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Yan Saquet New York, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Françoise Gamet New york, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Jean-marc Saffar New York, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Pascal rigo San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-14 Jacques COHEN PARIS, France 2012-07-14 Bettina Fougereux-Favier New Orleans, LA, United States 2012-07-14 Olivier Trauchessec New York, United States Minor Outlying 2012-07-14 Islands guy de Torcy Dallas, TX, United States 2012-07-14 Muriel de Torcy Dallas, TX, United States 2012-07-14 Liliane Delrivo carrollton, TX, United States 2012-07-14 Alexandre Ciric New York, NY, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Aline Matsika New York, NY, United States 2012-07-14 agnes de Villarson New York, United States 2012-07-14 Montcerisier Henri Ukkel, Belgium 2012-07-14 Charles Regnard New Orleans, LA, United States 2012-07-14 pierre de tro Paris, France 2012-07-14 de Trogoff Herve Orleans, France 2012-07-14 Natacha Simoes Gidy, France 2012-07-14 Pierre Grosdidier 2012-07-14 Christian Paris 2012-07-14 Romain Chappotteau New York, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Camille Paris Marina Del Rey, CA, United States 2012-07-14 simon nathalie paris, France 2012-07-14 julia paris Marina Del Rey, CA, United States 2012-07-14 Valerie Monchi New York, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Irene Leriche United States 2012-07-14 Name Location Date Paul-Andre Lavabre CHIANG MAI, Thailand 2012-07-14 regine rivoal new york, NY, United States 2012-07-14 NICOLAS CLOCHARD New Rochelle, NY, United States 2012-07-14 HELENE LANGOT New York, NY, United States 2012-07-14 Irene Laure Leriche New York, NY, United States 2012-07-15 Loraine Naaktgeboren Fairbanks, AK, United States 2012-07-15 France Pizenberg New York, NY, United States 2012-07-15 Grace Zinsou New York, United States 2012-07-15 Stephane Cremieux New York, NY, United States 2012-07-15 radya rahal alger, Algeria 2012-07-15 Patrick de BURE Natal RN, Brazil 2012-07-15 alessia lefebure New York, NY, United States 2012-07-15 Adnane Benhabyles Alger, Algeria 2012-07-15 Sonja Vanoni Ville d'Avray, France 2012-07-15 Yvan Razafindratandra Paris, France 2012-07-15 Tarik DEROUICHE Alger, Algeria 2012-07-15 Ramatchandirane TIROU Pondichéry, India 2012-07-15 mounia chemani eps tebbal alger, AL, Algeria 2012-07-15 Véronique Goutierre Guyancort, France 2012-07-15 Marc-andre Poirier Hong Kong, Hong Kong 2012-07-15 Cecile Barrault New York, NY, United States 2012-07-15 HALIMA MOUAS ouadhia, Algeria 2012-07-15 patrice odo Montreal, Canada 2012-07-15 jean pierre villaescusa VIENNE, Austria 2012-07-15 Annick LAISNÉ Mont-St-Hilaire (Québec), Canada 2012-07-15 Renee-Noele Pisani Morristown, NJ, United States 2012-07-15 Alexis Azria New York, NY, United States 2012-07-15 jean-noel moneton new york, NY, United States 2012-07-15 Francois Kress New York, NY, United States 2012-07-15 Yvette Grossi Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2012-07-15 Name Location Date Joëlle VALERI LIBREVILLE, Gabon 2012-07-15 Valerie Dufix Los Angeles, CA, United States 2012-07-15 leila bousmaha el achour alger algerie, Algeria 2012-07-15 Florence Bouche East Hanover, NJ, United States 2012-07-15 Dan Behrman Greenfield Park, Canada 2012-07-15 Pierre Constantin Los Angeles, CA, United States 2012-07-15 philippe finkelstein New York, NY, United States 2012-07-15 Gisele Schexnider New Orleans, LA, United States 2012-07-16 Helene Dumba Newborn, GA, United States 2012-07-16 Jean Pierre Masson New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Claude Letessier New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Rebecca Texier 2012-07-16 yves foussard new york, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Alain Maury Houston, TX, United States 2012-07-16 sophie le sourd NY, NY, United States 2012-07-16 thierry chavigner San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-16 Isabelle Donck Roswell, GA, United States 2012-07-16 nathalie chavigner san francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-16 Sophie Suberville San Rafael, CA, United States 2012-07-16 pierre azuelos brooklyn, United States Minor Outlying 2012-07-16 Islands Jerome espinos new york, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Kristen Cook Azuelos Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Eric Texier New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Catherine Fasano Stuart, FL, United States 2012-07-16 Nathalie JOLIVET Paris, France 2012-07-16 Mireille Masson New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Blagoja Nikolivski Manhattan, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Alexandre laurent Bruxelles, Belgium 2012-07-16 Valerie Zeller Palo Alto, United States Minor Outlying 2012-07-16 Islands Name Location Date serge Cottrant dakar, Senegal 2012-07-16 Claudine Loi New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Thierry MARIANI Paris, France 2012-07-16 Valerie Mendelson Jersey city, NJ, United States 2012-07-16 Christelle Salzard New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Laurent ZIEGLER Libreville, Gabon 2012-07-16 Alain Marsaud Paris, France 2012-07-16 antoine skrzypek New yORK, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Bernard Haykel New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Suzanne Mercier New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Laurent Ghouzi New York, United States 2012-07-16 Claire DURAND LOME, Togo 2012-07-16 Kimber Bogard New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Jean Claude BALOCHE Libreville, Gabon 2012-07-16 FRANCOISED LINDEMANN RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil 2012-07-16 Romy Texier New York , NY, United States 2012-07-16 jean philippe biteau libreville, Gabon 2012-07-16 florence raynal New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 serge villain DAKAR, Senegal 2012-07-16 Joel DANTON DAKAR, Senegal 2012-07-16 Claudine SCHMID Zürich, Switzerland 2012-07-16 David Cheramie LAFAYETTE, LA, United States 2012-07-16 Mohamed Melhem Dakar, Senegal 2012-07-16 Reina Fuentes Bronx, NY, United States 2012-07-16 blanc michel dakar, Senegal 2012-07-16 Philippe BOEHLER MONTHEY, Switzerland 2012-07-16 Maurice Moyal Vitrolles, France 2012-07-16 Alain PEROTIN KILLORGLIN, Ireland 2012-07-16 Dominique Renaud Houston, TX, United States 2012-07-16 Guillaume Berling Epalinges, Switzerland 2012-07-16 Name Location Date Nathalie Carmantrand Fully, Switzerland 2012-07-16 Louis-Henri Merino New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Régine Prato Le caire, Egypt 2012-07-16 Mouna Dieng Dakar, Senegal 2012-07-16 isabelle BERLING EPALINGES, Switzerland 2012-07-16 Alexandre Bezardin Milano, Italy 2012-07-16 Nancy L Sloan New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Patrick Esquerre 2012-07-16 sylvie buchler new york, NY, United States 2012-07-16 François Protte Dakar, Senegal 2012-07-16 Marguerite Durret 2012-07-16 thomas chavigner montréal, Canada 2012-07-16 Annabel Lavielle Burlingame, CA, United States 2012-07-16 Pierre Watiez New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Fari Breguet New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Fuentes Stéphane Genève, Switzerland 2012-07-16 sibyl van poperinghe larchmont, NY, United States 2012-07-16 jean-christophe martinet fredriskberg c, Denmark 2012-07-16 Minako Lupia New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Gabrielle Simmons Houston, TX, United States 2012-07-16 Nadine Kaston Astoria, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Jean Christophe Hermann New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 gaelle bellec brussels, Belgium 2012-07-16 kim cottrant Dakar, Senegal 2012-07-16 Frederic Gindrey brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Mireille Gindrey brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Urs Schmid Zürich, Switzerland 2012-07-16 Roland Caracostea New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Isabelle Broussy Trey, Switzerland 2012-07-16 Raphael Boyon Quebec, Canada 2012-07-16 Name Location Date Emmanuel Kattan New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Damien Donck Summit terrace, NJ, United States 2012-07-16 Loïc Doebelin Renens, Switzerland 2012-07-16 Heidi de Bethmann 2012-07-16 violaine rogasik New york, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Alain Leriche Astoria, NY, United States 2012-07-16 pascale longuet New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Isabelle Catignol Watthana Khwaeng, Thailand 2012-07-16 laurent fournier Plano, TX, United States 2012-07-16 Florence Fournier Plano, TX, United States 2012-07-16 Antoine Fournier Plano, TX, United States 2012-07-16 Francois Meot port jefferson, NY, United States 2012-07-16 rocio hary Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Barbara Loyer Madrid, Spain 2012-07-16 Bernard Esquenet Old Brookville, NY, United States 2012-07-16 thibaut pizenberg 2012-07-16 Dominique Fasano New Orleans, LA, United States 2012-07-16 Louis Desazars New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Hugh Reilly 2012-07-16 Mylene Bernard-Corenthin South San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-16 martina nerrant houston, TX, United States 2012-07-16 Valerie Perez-vargas San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-16 Rémy Burri Geneva, Switzerland 2012-07-16 Pierre-Henri REVAULT New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Virginie Rigo San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-16 blanche steible berkeley, CA, United States 2012-07-16 diane biteau Libreville, Gabon 2012-07-16 Fabrice STEIBLE Berkeley, CA, United States 2012-07-16 Loic paipai Seattle, WA, United States 2012-07-16 RIchard Ortoli New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Name Location Date Jean Philippe POILLONG Libreville, GA, United States 2012-07-16 Jean-Luc Corenthin South San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-16 thierry secheresse Montreal, Canada 2012-07-16 Francis HUSS madrid, Spain 2012-07-16 Laurent Massart Mamaroneck, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Serge Rogasik New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Dr Jean Tafazzoli Saint-Etienne, France 2012-07-16 Joelle Ciesielski Houston, Texas, United States Minor 2012-07-16 Outlying Islands Didier Maille Marbella, Spain 2012-07-16 françoise cottrant Dakar, Senegal 2012-07-16 anne karine chillaron Alhaurín de la Torre, Spain 2012-07-16 Sandrine France New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Marie Laure Raffard malaga, Spain 2012-07-16 Guillaume Mony Madrid, Spain 2012-07-16 Christelle Noireau La Paz, Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2012-07-16 Isabelle BETTON Malaga, Spain 2012-07-16 JACQUES JANSON Ottawa, Canada 2012-07-16 Marie-Christine FRANCOIS Malaga, Spain 2012-07-16 JACQUES JANSON, conseiller à Ottawa, Canada 2012-07-16 l'AFE Abigail David New York, United States 2012-07-16 BARDON Lusine Tbilisi, Georgia 2012-07-16 Diego Blanco La Paz, Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2012-07-16 Aurélie Colomes Watthana Khwaeng, Thailand 2012-07-16 Christian LEMAÎTRE Bucarest, Romania 2012-07-16 elliott Rogasik New York, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Jean-Pierre Donck Bruxelles, Belgium 2012-07-16 Gerard Mahoudeau Le Mont Pèlerin, Switzerland 2012-07-16 Germaine Abensour West Hollywood, CA, United States 2012-07-16 Joëlle SEE Madrid, Spain 2012-07-16 Name Location Date Guèye Ndèye Marie Dakar, Senegal 2012-07-16 eric zorn 2012-07-16 elie cohen new york, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Annabelle Clemot New York City, NY, United States 2012-07-16 anne DUBOST alcobendas, Spain 2012-07-16 Laura Lepicovska Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Suzanne Santiso Alcobendas, Spain 2012-07-16 sylvie ciantelli monaco, Monaco 2012-07-16 jean-luc decaux mamaroneck, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Stan Labeyrie Faellanden, Switzerland 2012-07-16 Caroline Kehm Larchmont, NY, United States 2012-07-16 Antoine Catignol Watthana Khwaeng, Thailand 2012-07-16 Eric Gruchet Grand Prairie, TX, United States 2012-07-16 Philippe Lavech du Bos Madrid, Spain 2012-07-16 Paige Saleun Metairie, LA, United States 2012-07-16 Charles Catignol Bang Kapi, Thailand 2012-07-16 Églantine Clocher Shanghai, China 2012-07-16 patrick caraco long beach, CA, United States 2012-07-16 Isabelle COLARD-TYLER PORTLAND, OR, United States 2012-07-16 Anne de Louvigny Stone 2012-07-16 Julie williams Dallas, TX, United States 2012-07-16 jean-marie cadot 2012-07-17 Anne Mauger Montréal, Canada 2012-07-17 Louis-Malo MAUGER Montréal, Canada 2012-07-17 frederique Reginensi New York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Olivier Reginensi NEw York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Olivier Colomes Bangkok, Thailand 2012-07-17 Thibaut Irissou Manly, Australia 2012-07-17 isabelle bozicas Toronto, Canada 2012-07-17 Name Location Date alain Daout Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic 2012-07-17 Republic jean baillaud NEW YORK, NY, United States 2012-07-17 cyril clocher Shanghai, China 2012-07-17 Fabrice Gaetano Chilibre, Panama 2012-07-17 Bernard KREBS Almaty, Kazakhstan 2012-07-17 Denis VIALA São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil 2012-07-17 valentine mauger Montreal, Canada 2012-07-17 Patrick ROMY Panama, Panama 2012-07-17 jean francois bonnet 2012-07-17 Benjamin Daout Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic 2012-07-17 Republic Catya Martin Hong Kong, Hong Kong 2012-07-17 Nicolas REGENT New York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Sonia Jebsen Crans-près-Céligny, Switzerland 2012-07-17 Claire REGENT 2012-07-17 Rene TAULERE Sao Paulo, Brazil 2012-07-17 Mathieu Camion Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Catherine ORBISCAY MONTROUGE, France 2012-07-17 Lucien Blanchard Hanoi, Viet Nam 2012-07-17 Muriel Rossignol Betania, Panama 2012-07-17 François SANCHEZ St Ybard, France 2012-07-17 Alexia Jolliot Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic 2012-07-17 Republic maureen labro San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-17 Olivier Arbey Bellevue, WA, United States 2012-07-17 gisele baron vauvenargues, France 2012-07-17 Loic Malarbet Marbella, Spain 2012-07-17 gabrielle guidetti Mill Valley, CA, United States 2012-07-17 COLOMBI Christian Aix en Provence, France 2012-07-17 PEGON Catherine SAINT ASTIER, France 2012-07-17 Name Location Date GUELTON Claude BELFORT, France 2012-07-17 daout charlotte angers, France 2012-07-17 Virginie Duprez Madrid, Spain 2012-07-17 Agnès Mauger France, France 2012-07-17 Chrisitne Mason New Rochelle, NY, United States 2012-07-17 BRetaudeau Helene Bangkok, Thailand 2012-07-17 karine janson madrid, Spain 2012-07-17 Stephanie de Tugny Singapore, Singapore 2012-07-17 Stéphane Bretaudeau Bangkok, Thailand 2012-07-17 pierre GIRAULT ALZINGEN, Luxembourg 2012-07-17 Philippe Ambonguilat Libreville, Gabon 2012-07-17 fabienne Panzolato algete, Spain 2012-07-17 Fabienne Abiramia Sin El Fil, Lebanon 2012-07-17 Zeinab Farhat Beirut, Lebanon 2012-07-17 stephanie lucas modena, Italy 2012-07-17 Bachir Haddad Beirut, Lebanon 2012-07-17 jean-paul krawczyk Dakar, Senegal 2012-07-17 Karine Brocquevielle St jean de luz, France 2012-07-17 Michel Rouhban Zouk Michael, Lebanon 2012-07-17 Helene Boye beyrouth, Lebanon 2012-07-17 Adib El Chidiac Paris, France 2012-07-17 Franck Moison Rye, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Sophie TARTIERE Marrakech, Morocco 2012-07-17 André-Philippe DUPONT- PARIS, France 2012-07-17 CHAMPION Vanessa Garcia Alcobendas, Spain 2012-07-17 Justine de Villepin madrid, Spain 2012-07-17 Claude Lapeyre Nakhonratchasima, TN, United States 2012-07-17 marie-helene machevin luang prabang, Lao People's Democratic 2012-07-17 Republic thierry taulere paulinia, Brazil 2012-07-17 Name Location Date anne-laure revault new york, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Matthieu Rodde Prairie Village, KS, United States 2012-07-17 Hubert Porte Santiago, Chile 2012-07-17 Charles Hirshon ny, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Thierry PLANTEVIN Rabat, Morocco 2012-07-17 Jqcqueline SALME Beyrouth, Lebanon 2012-07-17 richard martin Port Chester, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Alfredo Morabia New York, United States Minor Outlying 2012-07-17 Islands Christine DUPONT CHAMPION Rouen, France 2012-07-17 Sophie Morabia New York, United States Minor Outlying 2012-07-17 Islands Dupont Cecile Versailles, France 2012-07-17 Pierre Leroux Hong Kong, Hong Kong 2012-07-17 Pruvot pascalPruvotPascal France, France 2012-07-17 myriam zerdani alger, Algeria 2012-07-17 Durrieu Félix Palézieux, Switzerland 2012-07-17 Bénédicte Dusautoir Palézieux, Switzerland 2012-07-17 laurent rigaud Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2012-07-17 mirjam lavabre new york, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Aneta Kopka ridgewood, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Sylvain Taulere Sao Paulo - Brésil, SC, United States 2012-07-17 Alain Loubet Besson 5, Switzerland 2012-07-17 jjacques bensignor paris, France 2012-07-17 nathale Sann New York, United States Minor Outlying 2012-07-17 Islands Gilbert Amar San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-17 Guy Makki Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2012-07-17 lara Nicolas Beyrouth, Lebanon 2012-07-17 Dominique Shemtov New York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Anne Santos new york, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Name Location Date Jean-Paul Lecomte 2012-07-17 Christophe Delalande São Paulo, Brazil 2012-07-17 Claudia Saffar New York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Danièle Schere Medford, MA, United States 2012-07-17 Ludovic Mauger Montréal, Canada 2012-07-17 Annik Klein New York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Yves Le Goff New York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Gérard Michon Los Angeles, CA, United States 2012-07-17 Eveline Serrigny São Paulo, Brazil 2012-07-17 Gerard RafieGerardR Kentfield, CA, United States 2012-07-17 Xavier Accariès São Paulo, Brazil 2012-07-17 Marie-Josée Cyawanga Montréal, Canada 2012-07-17 Richard Letzelter Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2012-07-17 Alexandre Pueyo Cergy, France 2012-07-17 Laurent Rigaud Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2012-07-17 çouis,Loïc Péron São Paulo (SP), Brazil 2012-07-17 IQBAL YASMEEN DUBAI, United Arab Emirates 2012-07-17 Anne Marie STEFF São Paulo, Brazil 2012-07-17 Côme BERTIER ERMONT, France 2012-07-17 Pierre-Alexandre MESNIL 95550, France 2012-07-17 Andre de Baghy Dallas, TX, United States 2012-07-17 Sandrine Marvao Lisboa, Portugal 2012-07-17 DELPHINE HADDAD CUPERTINO, CA, United States 2012-07-17 Pierre Gas Maidenhead, United Kingdom 2012-07-17 Virginie HOFMAN Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2012-07-17 gilles edouard serrigny sao paulo, Brazil 2012-07-17 Veronique DiBuono Stamford, CT, United States 2012-07-17 stepanie reyna White Plains, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Luiza Goater Lisbonne, Portugal 2012-07-17 Marine heraud Mamaroneck, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Name Location Date René Altenbach Renens, Switzerland 2012-07-17 Beatrice Tarka San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-17 annie vanrenterghem new york, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Guillaume de Dalmas Rye, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Clarisse MAIRE LISBOA, Portugal 2012-07-17 Loïc Maubras La Paz, Bolivia, Plurinational State of 2012-07-17 Patrick Moreau Montréal-Nord, Canada 2012-07-17 Andre Compeyre New York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Patrick Bonnaure Glattpark, Switzerland 2012-07-17 Gina Casella New York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Marie Jean Montréal-Nord, CA, United States 2012-07-17 charlotte saubestre hong kong, China 2012-07-17 Marc Journel 73 Lisboa, Portugal 2012-07-17 Robert Erpelding Vauréal, France 2012-07-17 Anne Ducellier lisbon, Portugal 2012-07-17 Arlette LEBLANC SAO PAULO, Brazil 2012-07-17 Français de l'Etranger Constanta, Romania 2012-07-17 Daniel Roland Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2012-07-17 Assumpta Umutoni Baie Orientale, Saint Martin (French part) 2012-07-17 Hong Tam Andre New York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Charlotte R New York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Julia Anderson New York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Sophie Fouquet Porto, Portugal 2012-07-17 Philippe Geneste OAKLAND, CA, United States 2012-07-17 karl dirat Villabé, France 2012-07-17 Diane Chatelain Lisbonne, Portugal 2012-07-17 Mathieu Verdier Alcobendas, Spain 2012-07-17 Suekay KIM New York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Delabroye Estelle Bressuire, France 2012-07-17 Laurent Grosgogeat New York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Name Location Date Eric Foret Beacon, NY, United States 2012-07-17 Jacqueline Frey New York, NY, United States 2012-07-17 jean pierre hougas caldas da rainha, Portugal 2012-07-17 frédéric berthélémé São Paulo, Brazil 2012-07-17 Florence Balaÿ São Paulo, Brazil 2012-07-17 Jonathan Moreau Montréal-Nord, Canada 2012-07-17 Mikaël Moreau Montréal-Nord, Canada 2012-07-17 Ingrid Forcione Bessiere Greenwich, CT, United States 2012-07-17 Jean-Roch Martin Repulse Bay, Hong Kong 2012-07-17 Margot Reginensi new york city, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Isabelle Nourry Paris, France 2012-07-18 Robert Arbor New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Joelle Weiss Scarsdale, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Guillaume FOURNIER SAN FRANCISCO, CA, United States 2012-07-18 MONTGIEUX Christiane LONCAN São Paulo, Brazil 2012-07-18 Maxime Huot Bucarest, Romania 2012-07-18 Loïc Hamon Sao Paulo, Brazil 2012-07-18 Olivier Stip New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Muriel Samama New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Marianne Antic Richmond, CA, United States 2012-07-18 Jocelyn YOT Hong Kong, China 2012-07-18 Francois Guyonnet Mamaroneck, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Cecile Acakpo-Satchivi New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Sandra Bellon Port Gentil, Gabon 2012-07-18 Hombeline Charbonnier Paris, France 2012-07-18 Caroline Fieux Hong Kong, Hong Kong 2012-07-18 Stephen Forcione 2012-07-18 Henri Lezec Bethesda, MD, United States 2012-07-18 Thomas Ciesielski 2012-07-18 Name Location Date PauLine Leven Ds haven, CT, United States 2012-07-18 Victor Bourachot 2012-07-18 Guillaume Leprieur Tai Po, Hong Kong 2012-07-18 Anne-Elizabeth Vaturi New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Olivier Dietrich Morristown, NJ, United States 2012-07-18 Virginie Ajot Gaithersburg, MD, United States 2012-07-18 Nicole Efrosse New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Marie Kearse New York , NY, United States 2012-07-18 Gerard Tassel Bangor, ME, United States 2012-07-18 Guillaume Haccard New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Marianne Simond Grenoble, France 2012-07-18 hermelita foussard Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Pascale Delache-Feldman Newton, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Dominique Haughton Arlington, United States Minor Outlying 2012-07-18 Islands Aurélia D'Amico Annecy, France 2012-07-18 William Mede Moussa 2012-07-18 Francoise Selosse Larchmont, United States Minor Outlying 2012-07-18 Islands Michel Diago Laurens, SC, United States 2012-07-18 Rémi Hanachowicz Lyon, France 2012-07-18 kimberly foley marina del rey, CA, United States 2012-07-18 Gress Lydia Aix-en-Provence, France 2012-07-18 Delphine Salvignol Gunes Hong kong, Hong Kong 2012-07-18 Jean SIMONETTI Paris, France 2012-07-18 Philippe Fossier 2012-07-18 patty kong 2012-07-18 catherine lafon port gentil, Gabon 2012-07-18 DOMINIQUE FLEURY Hartheim, Germany 2012-07-18 Nicole Schneider United States 2012-07-18 Agnès Faure San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-18 Name Location Date Annick Savonitto New York, United States Minor Outlying 2012-07-18 Islands Tinet Daniele Lyon, France 2012-07-18 Evelyne Rostini Six Fours les Plages, France 2012-07-18 stephane Regnier Basel, Switzerland 2012-07-18 Cindy Fourmanty Port-Gentil, Gabon 2012-07-18 Sebastien Girard Naples, FL, United States 2012-07-18 jean louis prieur gelannes, France 2012-07-18 marie laure grosgogeat new york, France 2012-07-18 anne delrez Metz, France 2012-07-18 Renée Blandin Cairo, Egypt 2012-07-18 christophe couturier winchester, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Maya Dafinova Ottawa, Canada 2012-07-18 roger ghorayeb Reasnor, IA, United States 2012-07-18 Catherine Laurent Burlingame, CA, United States 2012-07-18 Philippe Peseux Boynton Beach, FL, United States 2012-07-18 anne-catherine bitaroff etampes, France 2012-07-18 Marion Pouliquen Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 2012-07-18 BERNARD STAGNOLI MONTELEGER, France 2012-07-18 Anne Bouhour Bethesda, MD, United States 2012-07-18 antoine el khoury Jounieh - Liban, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Patrick Bergot Paris, France 2012-07-18 CHRISTIANE COUSTEIX VINCENNES, France 2012-07-18 Antoine Rogé Paris, France 2012-07-18 TONY HAWAT byblos, Lebanon 2012-07-18 ANTOINE EL HAYEK MAZRAAT YACHOU, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Liliana Rivera Bronx, NY, United States 2012-07-18 michael vallet hadath, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Owen Okie Burghead, United Kingdom 2012-07-18 Michel Robert San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-18 Name Location Date eline eline beyrouth, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Carine Murr Beyrouth, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Marie Pierre SERRA Perpignan, France 2012-07-18 Karen Dumonet Long Island City, NY, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Nathalie Pouliquen Bethesda, MD, United States 2012-07-18 Michel WEBER NEW YORK, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Stéphanie Even Palo Alto, CA, United States 2012-07-18 Gauthier RANNER Clamart, France 2012-07-18 charbel GOSSIN Naccache, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Annie Lo 2012-07-18 Michele BESSIERES WEBER NEW YORK, NY, United States 2012-07-18 virginie cabo lisboa, Portugal 2012-07-18 Alizée WEBER NEW YORK, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Jean-Francois Orsini Washington, DC, United States 2012-07-18 Ariane Costedoat Paris, France 2012-07-18 jacqueline rogasik tarentaise, France 2012-07-18 Ingibjorg Ambonguilat Libreville, Gabon 2012-07-18 Annie LAFORET Boulogne, France 2012-07-18 corinne bianchi Cambridge, MA, United States 2012-07-18 le BAUBE Laurent Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2012-07-18 Bertrand Bouhour Westlake, MD, United States 2012-07-18 Taous Bellahsene Brooklyn, United States Minor Outlying 2012-07-18 Islands gazon stéphanie tavaux, France 2012-07-18 Pierre STEUNOU Madrid, Spain 2012-07-18 marie paule barbier san carlos, CA, United States 2012-07-18 Edmond FRANCOIS Montigny l'Allier, France 2012-07-18 Guillaume Dupont Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-18 xavier hebert dijon, France 2012-07-18 Panayotes Dakouras New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Name Location Date Jungeun Choi Bangkok, Thailand 2012-07-18 Baptiste Dumoulin New York City, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Patricia MARTIN Libreville, Gabon 2012-07-18 Lionel Feigenbaum Bethesda, MD, United States 2012-07-18 Liliane Parbot-Johnson Punta Gords, FL, United States 2012-07-18 jean claude HANNA awkar, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Aliza Weinman New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Thomas Pottier Bangkok, Thailand 2012-07-18 Patrick Floch Fairfax, VA, United States 2012-07-18 Regis Blandin Bangkok, Thailand 2012-07-18 Joe Danon NYC, NY, United States 2012-07-18 raphael pinot New york, United States Minor Outlying 2012-07-18 Islands Delph La Reimoise United States 2012-07-18 dominique rinaldi sausalito, CA, United States 2012-07-18 Frederic Junck Sao Paulo, Brazil 2012-07-18 desmazieres françoise paris, France 2012-07-18 grace clerin sagaponack, NY, United States 2012-07-18 benedicte hanser Pelham, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Nathalie Yanze Witterswil, Switzerland 2012-07-18 France Van Duinen 2012-07-18 Sylvie De clerck Beirut, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Elsy Zarka Beirut, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Olivier Delay Larchmont, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Antoine Fillinger Washington, DC, United States 2012-07-18 Valerie Fremont Gaithersburg, MD, United States 2012-07-18 Michel Cheval Miami, FL, United States 2012-07-18 G. H. Cambridge, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Teerawat Kulsuwan Bangkok, UT, Thailand 2012-07-18 charlotte ricatte new york, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Name Location Date Laurent-Philippe Gros Boston, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Roland DUCROT Bangkok, Thailand 2012-07-18 PELLERIN Veronique Estoril, Portugal 2012-07-18 Anne Miller Belmont, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Denis Baudis United States 2012-07-18 Melaine Bal Mamaroneck, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Pierre Fontarensky Sunnyvale, CA, United States 2012-07-18 Thierry Bal Mamaroneck, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Frederic Dezauzier Bethesda, MD, United States 2012-07-18 Nancy Subiger München, Germany 2012-07-18 Mohamad Farhat Beirut, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Cedric Mollet Westford, MA, United States 2012-07-18 caroline meziere 2012-07-18 Nehme Nehme Beyrouth, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Caroline Bernhardt-Lanier Takoma Park, MD, United States 2012-07-18 regine rey Mamaroneck, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Stephan Bonnaire Washington, DC, United States 2012-07-18 Allison Stacy Barboursville, VA, United States 2012-07-18 Patrick Garouste Fall River, MA, United States 2012-07-18 ROUVRE SOPHIE Sucy en brie, France 2012-07-18 Jerome Besnard Harleysville, PA, United States 2012-07-18 jessica jamet Bangkok, Thailand 2012-07-18 Kiana Guyon Bangkok, Thailand 2012-07-18 Stephane Berthier Dover, NJ, United States 2012-07-18 Emma Perennes New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Danielle Mollet Brookline, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Anne Dulout New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Loy Carlos New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Alexandra prossaird Kensington, MD, United States 2012-07-18 Keith Anderson New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Name Location Date Nicolas Neff United States 2012-07-18 sylvere azoulai mamaroneck, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Marilina Kim New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 xavier adnet new york, NY, United States 2012-07-18 sylviane eve blouin long island city, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Karen Guyonnet Mamaroneck, NY, United States 2012-07-18 zoé gagnayre Bangkok, Thailand 2012-07-18 Figureau Yolande LIBREVILLE, Gabon 2012-07-18 Djossou Clement Sucy en Brie, France 2012-07-18 Jean Claude Bergerard Quinton, VA, United States 2012-07-18 usseglio dominique Beaumont de Pertuis, France 2012-07-18 Gaea Poggetti Bangkok, Thailand 2012-07-18 Anais Nussaume bangkok, Thailand 2012-07-18 Anmol Paul Singh Grenoble, France 2012-07-18 Charleric Lenglain Forest Hills, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Mylène Delmée Sao Paulo, Brazil 2012-07-18 Ipshita Singh Aix en provence, France 2012-07-18 Sylvie Cathelineau Queyssac, France 2012-07-18 Myriam Eberhardt Sunnyside, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Angy Aerni Bangkok, Thailand 2012-07-18 Josie TRAHINE Beyrouth, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Guillaume de Sampigny New York, United States 2012-07-18 Cecile Brigand paris, France 2012-07-18 Lori Quick Forest Hills, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Guillaume Goussault New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Bertrand Dupont ~Mairipora - São Paulo, Brazil 2012-07-18 Borreil Flore Perpignan, France 2012-07-18 omar bhh Beirut, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Prisca Nykolyszyn New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Yolande Jemiai Toulon, France 2012-07-18 Name Location Date Elie Kahwagi Ghazir, Lebanon 2012-07-18 sabrina ousmaal Washington, DC, United States 2012-07-18 LAURENT TAUPENOT Rockville, MD, United States 2012-07-18 Stephanie Kamaruzzaman Bethesda, MD, United States 2012-07-18 chabani mohamed varna, Bulgaria 2012-07-18 horiya yassine New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Celine Chambaret Venice, CA, United States 2012-07-18 Yannis Stanisiere Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-18 philippe marchal 2012-07-18 STEPHANIE HEMMERLE MAMARONECK, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Rima RafieRimaRafu Greenbrae, CA, United States 2012-07-18 Tindille Raphaël Pernes, France 2012-07-18 philippe lahmani New York, United States 2012-07-18 Alex Lvoff Washington, DC, United States 2012-07-18 Sonia Schoenstedt Guatemala, Guatemala 2012-07-18 Sophie Guellati Miami, FL, United States 2012-07-18 Christel Houet New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Jean-Pierre Champigny Harrison, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Isabelle Zee Sudbury MA, MA, United States 2012-07-18 alix jouanneault New York, United States 2012-07-18 Caroline Visconti New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 nicolas sangros marietta, GA, United States 2012-07-18 Geraldine Correia Carcavelos, Portugal 2012-07-18 Judith Audrain New York, United States 2012-07-18 ivan kugener newton, MA, United States 2012-07-18 francoise Shein Larchmont, NY, United States 2012-07-18 souad Tamimi beyrouth, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Paul MeyrialPaulM Providence, RI, United States 2012-07-18 jacques Marot Hua-Hin, Thailand 2012-07-18 Nicole Lauriout Cuevas Beacon, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Name Location Date Jonathan Kaston Astoria, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Eric Urbain new canaan, CT, United States 2012-07-18 Patricia Elias Smida Libreville, Gabon 2012-07-18 Jean-Jacques Slotine Boston, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Brigitte Gillois New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Anca Manitiu NEW YORK, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Franck Duclos Stockton, NJ, United States 2012-07-18 Anne sophie Roturier Bethesda, MD, United States 2012-07-18 armelle soustiel Palo alto, CA, United States 2012-07-18 Francois Estellon 2012-07-18 Charlton JONES Covington, LA 70435, LA, United States 2012-07-18 Vivien Lecoustre Washington, DC, United States 2012-07-18 Philippe Chivee New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 dokman amor driss alger, Algeria 2012-07-18 Nathalie Schulhof New York, United States 2012-07-18 eric Bigotte 2012-07-18 philippe denavit san francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-18 sophie bigotte nr, NY, United States 2012-07-18 charlotte bigotte 2012-07-18 TAULERE COLETTE SAO PAULO, Brazil 2012-07-18 Nathalie Adjaoute Mill Valley, CA, United States 2012-07-18 Christine Bian Somerville, MA, United States 2012-07-18 myriam dupere mamaroneck, NY, United States 2012-07-18 christophe chaix New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Cyrille Chiari Richardson, TX, United States 2012-07-18 Bernard Bonneau Larchmont, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Jerome Pierre Bonnifay Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2012-07-18 Beatrice Jousset Drouhin Mamaroneck, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Sadek Farhat Beirut, Lebanon 2012-07-18 thorel philippe fuengirola, Spain 2012-07-18 Name Location Date Falah BACHOUR Mansourieh, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Francoise Terzian - Carras New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Gauthier Dhelin New Rochelle, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Floc'h Baptiste New Delhi, India 2012-07-18 Dana Mardan Paris, France 2012-07-18 Lilian Chiari 2012-07-18 Maxime Preaux Dallas, TX, United States 2012-07-18 JOSSE JOSSE VILLEPREUX, France 2012-07-18 Anne-Isabelle Jungels Winchester, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Clement Martial Kingersheim, France 2012-07-18 Isabelle de Clerck bruxelles, Belgium 2012-07-18 LITZLER DOMINIQUE STRASBOURG, France 2012-07-18 Liliane Calmant Tamarac, FL, United States 2012-07-18 Georges WEBER MARLY, France 2012-07-18 Delphine Valade Arlington, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Cécile Bassas Mamaroneck, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Cecile Perrin New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Sandra Francois 2012-07-18 Michael Bell Roswell, GA, United States 2012-07-18 Marie Lemarchand Montréal, Canada 2012-07-18 Valérie Meggle LONDON, United Kingdom 2012-07-18 Christine Capilouto New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Dulcia Jerdan Bethesda, MD, United States 2012-07-18 didier Gauvin Norwalk, CT, United States 2012-07-18 poussin marie-pierre asnieres, France 2012-07-18 Christian Bal Saint Médard en jalles, France 2012-07-18 Vincent Bellissen Meudon, France 2012-07-18 Elisabeth Schroeder Walnut Creek, CA, United States 2012-07-18 de Foucauld Raphaelle Bruxelles, Belgium 2012-07-18 caroline goria winchester, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Name Location Date Simone Ryan Virginia Beach, VA, United States 2012-07-18 Sophie SILVEIRA LISBOA, Portugal 2012-07-18 Franz LE LESLE 2012-07-18 Beverley Delay Larchmont, NY, United States 2012-07-18 annie verdellet new york, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Catherine Conant Mystic, CT, United States 2012-07-18 alexandre petrossian new york, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Karine Kugler Calgary, Canada 2012-07-18 Laurent Jousset Drouhin Mamaroneck, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Karen Lucka Beristain Gomez Virginia Beach, VA, United States 2012-07-18 Mohamed Ali Illiassou New Delhi, India 2012-07-18 Nora B Husson Waukesha, WI, United States 2012-07-18 benoit de lavigne bruxelles, Belgium 2012-07-18 radji fariza 93200 saint denis, AR, United States 2012-07-18 Dominique Blancan Paris, France 2012-07-18 MELCHIOR DE VOGUE BRUSSELS , United Kingdom 2012-07-18 Claire de kerautem Bruxelles, Belgium 2012-07-18 Jacqueline Legrand NewRochelle, United States Minor 2012-07-18 Outlying Islands Cyprien Jungels Winchester, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Morgane MONOURY Rontalon, France 2012-07-18 charles bigot sao paulo, Brazil 2012-07-18 Chemani Nasrine Paris, France 2012-07-18 BRIGAND Claude PARIS, France 2012-07-18 Hélène Coupé Le Haillan, France 2012-07-18 Josette PERLIN LYON, France 2012-07-18 lola marie Montmartin-sur-Mer, France 2012-07-18 Marine Oury new york, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Jean Rahbe Beyrouth, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Apolline Jungels Winchester, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Name Location Date Fern Huguet Amman, Jordan 2012-07-18 Agustin Reynoso Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Benjamin Dumazot New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 helena kingsbery Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-18 pier paolo piccoli new york, NY, United States 2012-07-18 aude denis ferreira MERIGNAC, France 2012-07-18 claude riberdy Montréal, Canada 2012-07-18 Aymeric Chauve New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Pierre Besnier Bruxelles, Belgium 2012-07-18 Giorgio Piccoli New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Alexandre Cournol Washington, DC, United States 2012-07-18 hachimi-karim kaddour Tizi ouzou, Algeria 2012-07-18 Francois Horikawa 2012-07-18 Catherine Greenman Bruxelles, Belgium 2012-07-18 marie lenz North Miami Beach, FL, United States 2012-07-18 Nicolas Puygrenier New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Diogo Châtelain Lisbonne, Portugal 2012-07-18 Michel A. SEBASTIANI Montgomery, NJ, United States 2012-07-18 Dbouk Marc Haret herik, Lebanon 2012-07-18 jabier gallego Somerville, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Aude Elena Long Island City, United States 2012-07-18 Miguel Angel Lopez SAO PAULO, Brazil 2012-07-18 Charlotte Mascret Bangkok, Thailand 2012-07-18 Gisele Schaeffer Macclesfield, NC, United States 2012-07-18 Catherine Courrier Jackson Heights, NY, United States 2012-07-18 ETIENNE PETITJEAN LISBON, Portugal 2012-07-18 anne benkemoun noisy-le-sec, France 2012-07-18 Michaael Edye New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 FABIENNE MEUNIER boulogne, France 2012-07-18 de Pommery arnaud Bruxelles, Belgium 2012-07-18 Name Location Date Patricia Vigroux San Francisco, CA, United States 2012-07-18 Marie-Claire Sallet Key Largo, FL, United States 2012-07-18 Angie Blair Rockville, MD, United States 2012-07-18 Christelle Cerqueira-Pontone Brussels, Belgium 2012-07-18 Olimpia Piccoli Vermont, VT, United States 2012-07-18 Marc Khattar Hazmieh, Lebanon 2012-07-18 Alice Manulla New Britain, CT, United States 2012-07-18 francine roy madrid, Spain 2012-07-18 Anne DUMAS Bruxelles, Belgium 2012-07-18 Cedric Briancon Brooklyn, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Emmanuel Gambin New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Veronique GALLOIS Neuvecelle, France 2012-07-18 janine heyman franklin square, NY, United States 2012-07-18 Adeline De Fornel Brisbane, Australia 2012-07-18 beatrice pei 2012-07-18 Yannick Boeck-Chenevier Lexington, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Sophie Chsrignon Cambridge, MA, United States 2012-07-18 Muriel MERLE Port-Gentil, Gabon 2012-07-18 Karine ABOU Paris, France 2012-07-18 Alain Desgorces New York, United States 2012-07-18 Michèle Lenz Collioure, France 2012-07-18 sebastien rondier washington dc, DC, United States 2012-07-18 Laure Kouyoudjian silver spring, MD, United States 2012-07-18 william desmole san francisco, United States Minor 2012-07-18 Outlying Islands Alain Chiari Richardson, TX, United States 2012-07-18 Camille kress New York, NY, United States 2012-07-18 olivier lesueur new york, NY, United States 2012-07-18 christophe lordet nyc, NY, United States 2012-07-19 Sylvain Bailly Jersey City, NJ, United States 2012-07-19 Name Location Date Laurence Honan Arlington, MA, United States 2012-07-19 catherine charrier-leflaive Paris, France 2012-07-19 PIERRE MERMET-MARECHAL Miami Lakes, FL, United States 2012-07-19 Tahchee Lordet 2012-07-19 Valerie vandevoorde New York,, NY, United States 2012-07-19 Phommavong Douangmala Vientiane, Lao People's Democratic 2012-07-19 Republic Marc esteva Boston, MA, United States 2012-07-19 jerome obry New York, NY, United States 2012-07-19 Nicolas Kinzelin Vientiane, LA, United States 2012-07-19 Stephane Atthar Costa Del Este, Panama 2012-07-19 Thierry Houdayer United States 2012-07-19 Lilas Perrin Malvern East, Australia 2012-07-19