
Linking syntactic and semantic arguments in a dependency-based formalism

Christian Korthals and Ralph Debusmann Computational Universitat¨ des Saarlandes, Geb. 17 Postfach 15 11 50 66041 Saarbuck¨ en, Germany (cnkortha|rade)@coli.uni-sb.de

Abstract cal (TDG) by adding a new We propose a formal characterization of variation representational level (thematic structure addition- in the syntactic realization of semantic arguments, ally to ID structure) to the framework in Section using hierarchies of syntactic relations and thematic 4.1 and introducing the concept of a valency frame roles, and a mechanism of lexical inheritance to ob- in the TDG inheritance lexicon (Sections 4.2 and tain valency frames from individual linking types. 4.3). We then show how we use syntactic role hi- We embed the formalization in the new lexicalized, erarchies to account for the data in a linguistically dependency-based grammar formalism of Topologi- concise way and define admissibility conditions for cal Dependency Grammar (TDG) (Duchier and De- a TDG derivation. Section 5 contrasts our analysis busmann, 2001). We account for arguments that can of the construction with the analysis of be alternatively realized as a NP or a PP, and model thematic role alternations. thematic role alternations. We also treat auxiliary 2 Linguistic Data constructions, where the correspondance between syntactic and semantic argumenthood is indirect.1 Insights from corpus studies (e.g. the NEGRA treebank for German (Skut et al., 1998), or the 1 Introduction material annotated in the Framenet (Baker et al., This paper deals with the mapping (or linking) of se- 1998) project on the basis of The Bank of English mantic - structure to surface syn- (Cobuild, 2001) show that the syntactic patterns tactic realizations. We present a formal architecture specific occur with vary stongly. Not only do in the framework of a multi-dimensional, heavily we observe different patterns for different verbs, but lexicalized, efficiently parsable dependency formal- also alternative patterns with the same verbs. (1) ism (Duchier and Debusmann, 2001), which uses to (6) illustrate the well-known dative shift (Levin, lexical inheritance as a means to explicitly model 1993):45 phenomenon, which occurs with a re- syntactic variation. We concentrate on variation be- stricted class of verbs only. While the distinction tween prepositional phrases and nominal phrases between (2) and (4) can be explained in terms of which realize verbal arguments, and remedy prob- lexical semantics, even semantically closely related lems that occur with this kind of variation in recent verbs as English give and deliver can differ in their approaches like the HPSG linking architecture pro- syntactic behaviour, as the between (1) and posed by (Davis, 1998). (5) shows. Section 2 presents and analyses some of the prob- (1) The postman gave him a package . lematic data we can model, English dative shift, op- [ ] [ ] [ ] tional complements and thematic role alternations. (2) [The postman] gave [a package] [to him]. Section 3 compares the HPSG account with less for- (3) [The postman] charged [him] [5 Euros]. mal valency or dependency based approaches and comments on the shortcomings, focusing on the (4) *[The postman] charged [5 Euros] [to him]. treatment of PP complements. We then present a (5) *[The postman] delivered [him] [a package]. new account in the formal framework of Topologi- (6) [The postman] delivered [a package] [to him]. 1The authors wish to thank Denys Duchier and Geert-Jan Kruijff for lots of helpful comments on this paper. In contrast to (Davis, 1998):3:562 for instance, complements (Levin, 1993):33, (Helbig, 1995):99. we do not assume a difference in meaning between Therefore, we will analyse syntactic arguments in (1) and (2).3 Therefore, in order to compute a se- terms of optionality and obligatoriness. Note that mantics from this data without spurious ambigu- this distinction is not predictable from the thematic ity, we must be able to express the semantic gen- roles realized by the syntactic elements (e.g. by eralisation that to him and him realize the same distinguishing inner and outer roles in (Sgall et semantic argument. is useful to employ the- al., 1986) and (Tarvainen, 1987)) nor by the syn- matic roles in the lexicon and in grammatical de- tactic form or even function of the syntactic ele- scriptions for this purpose.4 See e.g. (Tarvainen, ments. Neither is the distinction between obliga- 1987), (Helbig, 1989), (Sgall et al., 1986) or the tory and optional elements the same as the comple- Framenet project (Baker et al., 1998) for differ- ment/ distinction. ent application-oriented sets of thematic roles (or We analyse (1) to (6) as alternative realizations “frame elements”). For discussion see e.g. (Helbig, of a thematic role, because one semantic argument 1995) or (Kruijff, 2001), for criticism see (Dowty, (the ) can either be realized as indirect ob- 1991). We can also use thematic roles to structure ject or PP, while the THEME is always realized as a verbs into an ontology, as e.g. attempted by (Helbig, direct NP. Compare this data to alternations 1995), (Davis, 1998) or (Baker et al., 1998) in order as in (12) and (13). Here, additionally, one syntac- to make semantic predictions for syntactic valency tic function (direct object) is open for either of two patterns. For instance, it is a regularity in English thematic roles (Levin, 1993). that verbs of charging do not show the dative shift (Levin, 1993), while verbs of change of (12) [He] cleared [the dirt] [from the table]. sometimes do. (13) [He] cleared [the table] [of the dirt]. Now consider the set of German examples in (7) to (11), which all roughly express the proposition We will show in Section 4 how we can account Peter robs her of her money. All of the patterns are for the data illustrated in this section in a lexical- attested in the NEGRA corpus (Skut et al., 1998), ized dependency grammar formalism and show that but (10) cannot be found. the linguistic view taken above helps to reduce re- (7) [Peter] beraubt [sie] [ihres Bargelds]. dundancy in the lexicon. Peter robs her+ACC her+GEN cash+GEN “Peter robs her of her cash.” 3 Alternative approaches (8) [Peter] beraubt [sie] [um ihr Bargeld]. The approach taken in this paper formalizes notions Peter robs her+ACC of her cash that have only been informally employed in depen- “Peter robs her of her cash.” dency grammar. (Helbig, 1995):167 defines valency (9) [Peter] beraubt [sie]. frames on a formal syntactic and functional syntac- (10) *[Peter] beraubt. tic level, a thematic role level and a logical level in (11) [Peter] raubt. his 6-level-model, but only informally and for the Peter robs purpose of learners’ dictionaries. There is a long “Peter steals.” tradition in German lexicography which has pro- duced a number of valency dictionaries (e.g. (Hel- The data illustrates that it can be a lexical prop- big and Schenkel, 1975), (Fischer, 1997), (Engel erty of verbs to allow or prohibit omission of their and Schumacher, 1976)). The syntactic analyses in 2We cite the chapter and the page num- these dictionaries are compatible with our model, ber of the online postscript version at but they do not provide a thematic role level. http://www-csli.stanford.edu/∼tdavis/ (Melcuk, 1988) characterizes valency frames in 3 We expect English give to have at least two separate mean- a similar fashion (94), but uses informal additions ings (a) cause someone to physically have something and (b) to cause someone trouble, pain, etc. with different lexical entries, in natural language to constrain the possible pat- following established lexicographic practice. While the lexical terns. Also (Melcuk, 1988) assumes different levels entry for meaning (b) will exhibit the syntactic pattern illus- of representation. A shortcoming of the syntactic trated by (1) only (*To give headache to someone), the entry level in (Melcuk, 1988) is, though, that his syntactic for meaning (a) exhibits both the patterns in (1) and (2). classes are dependent on the specific lexical item, 4Note that we do not commit ourselves to a specific set of thematic roles in this paper. and therefore problematic to define. The approach we will take resembles LFG (Kaplan and Bresnan, 4.1 Thematic graphs 1982) (Bresnan, 2001) in that it assumes syntactic relations. vbse (Davis, 1998) has recently proposed a linking the- subj ory in the formal framework of HPSG. He sepa- ppin (14) rates and semantics by postulating thematic pcomp roles under the CONTENT of his HPSG ar- chitecture (Pollard and Sag, 1994), and syntac- tic characterizations of the arguments under CAT- Peter will live in Taipei EGORY|ARG-ST and CATEGORY|SUBCAT. He has What is a “thematic graph”? We illustrate this separate hierarchies of syntactic patterns (intrans, notion by an example. (14) is an ID tree analysis for trans, ditrans, 5:32) and semantic classes (subtypes the sentence Peter will live in Taipei: We show the of RELATION, 5:72). These hierarchies interact by corresponding TH graph in (15). Here, Peter is the a set of linking constraints and yield a hierarchy patient of will live and in Taipei the locative. Note of predicators (5:41), which specifies possible link- that we collapsed the auxiliary will and its verbal ings of thematic roles to syntactic arguments. While live into a single node, and also the PP (Helbig, 1995) obviously employs a large role set, in Taipei: (Davis, 1998) has only 6 roles, and moves thematic roles further down into semantics than we assume by postulating them on an event level, which “ef- loc fectively amounts to a limited amount of seman- th (15) tic decomposition” (5:39). The shortcoming of the model is that the syntactic patterns assumed are very Peter will live in Taipei sparse indeed with only three classes. 4.2 The lexicon Due to this, semantic predictions can be made only This section deals with the TDGTH-lexicon. We as- for NP-complements, while PPs must be treated by sume a finite set of syntactic roles R and a finite set a separate mechanism (“content sharing account”). of thematic roles T . We write ρ for a syntactic role Thus, there is no specific prediction for the preposi- in R and θ for a thematic role in T . Π = {!,?} is the π tional complement in English dative shift construc- set of optionality flags . A = {valID,valTH,link} is tions. The advantage of Davis’s model, in contrast, the set of lexical features α, and E the set of lexical is the lexical inheritance architecture which is a for- entries e, having the following signature:5 mal means to capture generalizations. R ×Π valID : 2  T ×Π  4 Formalization valTH : 2 We formalize our idea of linking and valency frames  link : 2T ×R  as an extension of the new lexicalized, dependency- based grammar formalism of Topological Depen- E is a lattice of TDGTH-lexicon entries; lexical en- dency Grammar (TDG) (Duchier and Debusmann, tries either correspond to words or to lexical types 2001), (Debusmann, 2001). So far, TDG is only which can be inherited (see below). ρ π concerned with syntax: every TDG analysis con- The value of feature valID is a set of pairs ( , ) sists of an unordered dependency tree (ID tree) and of syntactic roles and an optionality flag modeling an ordered and projective topology tree (LP tree). the concept of syntactic valency. The value of valTH We only describe a subset of the full TDG grammar a set of pairs (θ,π) of thematic roles and an option- formalism (e.g. completely ignoring any issues con- ality flag (thematic valency). For convenience, we cerning word order) and extend it with the notion of write ρπ for (ρ,π), and θπ for (θ,π). The value of a thematic graph (TH graph). We call the version of link is a set of pairs (θ,ρ) of thematic and syntactic TDG described in this paper TDGTH. roles, expressing the mapping between them. We call a pair in this set a linking.

5We write α(e) to denote the value of feature α at lexical entry e. 4.4 Role hierarchies

valID : {subj!,objd?} We arrange the set R of syntactic roles in a role  valTH : {ag!,th?}  hierarchy modeled as a meet semi-lattice. Here is eat : (16) an example cut-out of the role hierarchy:  link : {(ag,subj),   (th,objd)}  dativeshift ppdirectional ppspatial As an example, (16) is a lexical entry for finite eat: eat has an obligatory (subj) and an op- obji ppto ppinto ppin ppunder tional direct object (objd) in its syntactic valency. Its thematic valency contains an obligatory and (20) ρ ρ0 ρ ρ0 an optional THEME. The link-feature defines two We write v for is a specialization of (i.e. ρ ρ0 linkings: one links the AGENT to the subject and is below in the hierarchy). the THEME to the direct object. We employ the role hierarchy to model alterna- tive realizations in the sense of section 2: e.g. us- 4.3 Lexical inheritance ing the hierarchy above, dativeshift can be realized We introduce a mechanism of lexical inheritance. as either obji or ppto but not by either ppdirectional, We write e = e1 u ... u en for ‘lexical entry e in- ppinto or ppin. Note that certain roles (ppto, ppinto, herits from lexical entries e1,...,en’, and define in- etc.) will be realized by only two lexical entries, heritance as the set union of the individual features’ viz. the prepositions to and into respectively, while values: other roles like subj, obji or objd can be realized by e u ... u e = a large set of lexical entries. 1 n In the same fashion, we arrange the set of the- val : val (e ) ∪ ... ∪ val (e ) T ID ID 1 ID n matic roles in a role hierarchy, but in this article we  val : val (e ) ∪ ... ∪ val (e )  TH TH 1 TH n keep this hierarchy completely flat.  link : link(e1) ∪ ... ∪ link(en)  Lexical entry constraint. To forbid that different We can now use lexical inheritance to model our thematic roles are mapped to the same syntactic role notion of valency frames. We introduce the notion realization, we add a condition for well-formed lex- of a linking type as a lexical entry that does not spec- ical entries: for every lexical entry e, the value of val val ify any other lexical attributes besides ID, TH its link-feature, link(e) = {(θ1,ρ1),...(θn,ρn)} must link and . Such linking types specify a partial va- not include two syntactic roles ρi, ρ j (1 ≤ i 6= j ≤ n) lency frame from which we can build complete va- such that ρi v ρ j. lency frames by inheritance. For instance, consider the following two linking types: 4.5 TDGTH analyses We can now define a TDGTH-analysis as a tuple val : {subj!} ID (V,E ,ε,≡,E ). It consists of the finite set V l ag subj :  val : {ag!}  (17) ID TH TH of nodes w, the finite set E of ID edges E ⊆ link : {(ag,subj)} ID ID   V ×V ×R , where R is the set of syntactic roles, and the lexical assignment function ε : V → assigning val : {objd?} E ID lexical entries to nodes. We write w −ρ→ w for l th objd :  val : {th?}  (18) 1 ID 2 TH an ID edge from node w to node w labeled with link : {(th,objd)} 1 2   syntactic role ρ. The linking type l ag subj maps the agent to the subject, and l th objd the theme to the direct object. Collapsing nodes. As in the example ID tree and Out of the two, we can construct our lexical entry TH graph-analyses in (14) and (15) above, we for eat by lexical inheritance: would like to be able to collapse sets of nodes in the ID tree into single nodes in the TH graph. We eat = l ag subj u l th objd (19) introduce a collapsing principle into the grammar which amounts precisely to the lexical entry dis- formalism, according to which the node of an auxil- played in (16) above. We call the values of the three iary , a preposition or a determiner will collapse with its daughter. features valID, valTH and link in a lexical entry ob- tained by inheriting from linking types a valency To capture this idea, we posit an equivalence re- frame. lation ≡, and write V/≡ for the set of equivalence classes over V . An equivalence class directly cor- constraint restricts the number of outgoing edges of responds to a “collapsed node” in the TH graph. each node in the ID tree: if (ρ,!) ∈ valID(w), then w ETH ⊆ (V/≡) × (V/≡) × T is the finite set of of TH must have precisely one outgoing edge labeled with 0 edges, and we write w for the equivalence class con- ρ v ρ, at most one if (ρ,?) ∈ valID(w), and none taining w. w1−θ→THw2 is a TH edge from node w1 otherwise. Thus, (ρ,!) stands for an obligatory ρ- to node w2 labeled with θ. complement of w and (ρ,?) for an optional one. The When we collapse nodes, we also collapse their thematic valency constraint is defined analogously. α lexical entries: the value of the lexical feature of Linking constraint. An edge in the TH graph is a collapsed node w1 = {w1,...,wn} is the set union only licensed if it satisfies the lexicalized linking of the values assigned to the individual nodes: constraint. It states that an edge w1−θ→THw2 in α α α the TH graph is licensed only if there is a linking (w1) = (w1) ∪ ... ∪ (wn) (21) θ0 ρ0 0 ρ 0 ( , ) ∈ link(w1) and an edge w1− →IDw2 in the 0 0 θ θ0 In the example TH graph in (15) above, the two ID tree such that w1 = w1, w2 = w2, v and nodes will and live are collapsed into the equiva- ρ v ρ0. lence class will live. We assume that will is mapped Consider the example ID tree and TH graph to the following lexical entry: analyses in (14) and (15) above. The edge will live−loc→THin Taipei is mandated by the the- val : {subj!,vbse!} matic valency of will live, but it must also be li-  ID  will : valTH : {} (22) censed by the linking principle: indeed there is a  link : {}  linking (loc,ppspatial) in link(will live) and an ID edge live−ppin→IDin such that live = will live and Here, we use the independent definition of the valID, in = in Taipei, and loc v loc and ppin v ppspatial. valTH and link features in order to express that func- tion words like auxiliaries or prepositions realize 5 Application syntactic arguments which are semantically depen- This section describes the linguistic examples from dent on different lexical items. This also allows for section 2 within the framework developed above. an elegant treatment of semantically void syntactic We define a linking type for the English dative 6 arguments as fake-reflexives and non-referential it. shift construction as follows, realizing our notion of Infinitive live has this lexical entry: an alternative realization from section 2.

valID : {ppspatial!}  val : {ag!,loc!}  live : TH (23) l pat dativeshift : link : {(ag,subj)   valID : {dativeshift!}  loc ppspatial    (24) ( , )} valTH : {pat!} link : {(pat,dativeshift)} When the two nodes collapse into one (will live),   7 these are the values of valTH and link: As can be seen from the role hierarchy in (20), the syntactic role dativeshift can either be realized as valTH(will live) = {ag!,loc!} obji or ppto. This linking type will be inherited by all link(will live) = {(ag,subj),(loc,ppspatial)} English verbs that exhibit the dative-shift alternative Valency constraints. The well-formedness con- realization. For instance, it is inherited by the lexi- ditions of a TDGTH-analysis are stated in terms cal entry for the English verb give (cf. examples (1) of lexicalized constraints of syntactic valency, the- and (2)). Additionally, give inherits from the link- matic valency and linking. The syntactic valency ing type l ag subj defined in (17). l ag subj will be shared among a large set of other verbs which re- 6 Fake-reflexives occur in German and are reflexive pro- alize their agents as subjects, thus reducing redun- nouns that do not have any semantic content, as e.g. the Ger- man verb sich fur¨ chten (be afraid, sich is the reflexive pro- dancy in the lexicon. noun). The linking type for a fake reflexive will only specify gives l ag subj valID : reflpronoun, but empty valTH and link. = u 7We omit those features that are not relevant to the TH graph l pat dativeshift u (25) according to its well-formedness conditions. In particular, the l th objd value of the valID feature is not relevant to the TH graph. The lexicon entry for deliver ((5) and (6)) will We applied our formalism to English dative shift differ from the one for give by inheriting from constructions, variation between NP and PP in Ger- l pat obji instead of l pat dativeshift and thus not man, optional complements, semantically empty el- allow for a dative shift. ements, and thematic role alternations. For the German data in examples (7) to (11) we Our approach makes weaker theoretical predic- define a syntactic role hierarchy in the same fashion, tions about “alternations” as opposed to “alternative where genitive and ppum are below a role ppumgen. realizations” than the approach in (Davis, 1998), but Then, the lexical entry for berauben inherits from a is more powerful in the treatment of PPs. This is linking type l theme ppumgen. partly due to the choice of an underlying depen- In contrast to alternative realizations, alternations dency formalism, because dependency structures as in examples (12) and (13) realize two different lead to concise and semantically flat parse trees. thematic roles (pat and th) as the same syntactic role Our approach is data-driven in the sense that a wider (objd). By the lexical entry constraint in section 4.4, range of syntactic patterns can be mapped to se- there cannot be a single lexical entry for both alter- mantic arguments. Thus, it lends itself easy to nants of clear. We therefore model finite forms of techniques of automatically acquiring lexica from clear by two separate valency frames (we skip the syntactically and semantically annotated corpora, definitions of some of the linking types). which start developing at present ((Baker et al., 1998), (Skut et al., 1998)). clears = l ag subj u It is possible to include a mechanism that makes l pat objd u (26) stronger predictions about alternations of the clear l th ppof type, or about passivization. Another phenomenon we would like to tackle in this framework are raising clears = l ag subj u and control constructions. We think we can use a l th objd u (27) concept similar to node collapsing for them. l pat ppfrom References Collin F. Baker, Charles J. Fillmore, and John B. 6 Conclusion Lowe. 1998. The Berkeley FrameNet project. 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