Humidity Is Stifling in Courthouse
•No winners Taking the Lake? in local Friday •Take the Lake is coming up this weekend at Lake night high Waccamaw. Are you ready? The call is out across the school football state for paddlers, cyclists, swimmers, runners, jog- action; lots gers and walkers. Which are your categories? Sports of soccer. See pages 1, 2-B. ThePublished News since 1890 every Monday and Thursday Reporterfor the County of Columbus and her people. Monday, August 31, 2015 Humidity is Volume 125, Number 18 Whiteville, North Carolina stifling in 75 Cents courthouse nHumid, muggy conditions hamper Inside procedures on second, third floors of 2-A new courthouse. •Local N.C. Forest By BOB HIGH Service crews out Staff Writer west fighting fires The humidity in the District courtrooms on the second floor of the new courthouse is so 3-A thick and heavy machines are kept on all night to lower the mugginess and attempt to get the •Third resolution rooms ready for the next day. pushes budget talks Dehumidifiers have been operating in the to Sept. 18. District and Superior courtrooms since the new building opened about 70 days ago. 4-A The conditions in •McCuthchen ar- Staff photo by LES HIGH ‘Working on it’ “They’re working the courtrooms rested on two major First leg on it,” is the answer felony charges. Tommy Mintz of Ash emerges from Lake Waccamaw after completing the swimming portion of Take given by County Man- are unacceptable.” the Lake X-Treme Saturday. Mintz, who has won the X-Treme event in previous years, emerged as ager Bill Clark, who’s Bill Clark the top finisher after completing the swim, cycle, paddle and run in one day.
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