Guam 179: Facing Te New,Pacific Era
, DOCONBOT Busehis BD 103 349 RC 011 911 TITLE Guam 179: Facing te New,Pacific Era. AnnualEconom c. Review. INSTITUTION .Guam Dept. of Commerce, Agana. SPONS AGENCY Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. PUB DATE Aug 79 . NOTE 167p.: Docugent prepared by the Economic,Research Center. EDRS ?RICE . 1F01/PC07Plus 'Postage. DESCRIPTORS Annual Reports: Business: *Demography: *Economic Dpveloptlent4 Employment Patternp:Expenditures: Federal GoVernment: Financial, Support: *Government Role:_Local Government: *Productivity;_ Vahles (Data); Tourism - IDENTIFIER, *Guam Micronesia A ABSTRACT Socioeconomic conditions and developmentSare thiseport, designed to ge. useful\ tb plannersin government and t_vr,. rivate sector. The introduction sunrmarizes Guam's economic olthook emphasizing the eftect of federalfunds for reconstruction folloVing SupertirphAon.Pamela in 1976,moderate growth ,in tour.ism,,and Guam's pqtential to partici:pateas a staging point in trade between the United States and mainlandQhina The body of the report contains populaktion, employment, and incomestatistics; an -account of th(ik economic role of local and federalgovernments and the military:adescription of economic activity in the privatesector (i.e., tour.isid, construction, manufacturingand trarde, agziculture and .fisheries and finan,cial inStitutionsi:and a discussion of onomic development in. Micronesia 'titsa whole.. Appendices contain them' 1979 uGuam Statistical Abstract which "Constitutesthe bulk Of tpe report and provides a wide lia.riety of data relevantto econ9mic development and planning.. Specific topics includedemography, vital statistics, school enrollment, local and federalgovernment finance, public utilities, transportation, tourism, andinternational trade. The most current"data are for fiscalyear 1977 or 197B with many tables showing figures for the previous 10years.(J11) A , . ***************t*********************************************t********* * .
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