Jpeg File Name: BZCT100_Rank 1_25 and BZCT100_Rank 26-50 TOP 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands 2015 The BrandZTM Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands 2015 BRAND BRAND BRAND BRAND BRAND VALUE VALUE % BRAND BRAND CATEGORY VALUE VALUE % CONTRIBUTION BRAND CATEGORY CONTRIBUTION US$ Mil. Change 2015 vs. 2014 US$ Mil. Change 2015 vs. 2014

1 Tencent Technology 66,077 95% 4 26 Real Estate 2,577 1% 3

2 Alibaba Retail 59,684 NEW 2 27 PICC Insurance 2,376 1% 2

3 Mobile Telecom Providers 55,927 -9% 5 28 China Eastern Airlines Airlines 2,027 8% 3

4 ICBC Banks 34,521 -13% 2 29 Suning Retail 1,970 24% 2

5 Baidu Technology 30,897 55% 5 30 Home Appliances 1,930 34% 4

6 Banks 21,005 -18% 2 31 Tsingtao Beer Alcohol 1,808 5% 5

7 Oil & Gas 15,493 18% 3 32 Gree Home Appliances 1,785 8% 3

8 Agricultural Banks 15,427 -20% 2 33 Poly Real Estate Real Estate 1,758 -9% 3

9 PetroChina Oil & Gas 12,022 -11% 3 34 China Southern Airlines Airlines 1,704 7% 3

10 Bank of China Banks 11,861 -13% 2 35 Midea Home Appliances 1,615 33% 4

11 11,086 0% 2 36 360 Technology 1,582 43% 3

12 China Life Insurance 10,134 -20% 2 37 Letv Technology 1,551 NEW 5

13 China Telecom Telecom Providers 9,851 21% 4 38 Evergrande Real Estate Real Estate 1,539 19% 3

14 Moutai Alcohol 7,608 -28% 4 39 Yanghe Alcohol 1,333 -33% 3

15 Banks 5,671 -16% 2 40 Real Estate 1,317 -1% 3

16 Telecom Providers 5,494 25% 3 41 BYD Cars 1,314 69% 1

17 Yili Food & Dairy 5,094 1% 5 42 1,282 -26% 2

18 Mengniu Food & Dairy 4,869 57% 5 43 Tong Ren Tang Health Care 1,280 -21% 4

19 Airlines 3,883 6% 3 44 Ctrip Travel Agencies 1,224 71% 2

20 Banks 3,829 -22% 2 45 New Oriental Education 1,179 56% 5

21 Lenovo Technology 3,252 26% 3 46 NetEase Technology 1,117 12% 3

22 CPIC Insurance 3,169 -7% 2 47 Sina Technology 1,104 -6% 5

23 Banks 3,071 -10% 1 48 ZTE Technology 1,058 NEW 2

24 Yunnan Baiyao Health Care 2,734 -9% 4 49 Bright Dairy Food & Dairy 1,019 1% 5

25 Shuanghui Food & Dairy 2,723 2% 3 50 Alcohol 929 -36% 4 Credit: Brand contribution measures the influence of brand alone on earnings, on a 1-to-5 scale, 5 being highest. Source: BrandZ™ / Millward Brown For further information please contact Christine Zhang. [email protected]

Methodology and Valuation by Jpeg File Name: BZCT100_Rank 51_75 and BZCT100_Rank 76-100 TOP 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands 2015 The BrandZTM Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands 2015 BRAND BRAND BRAND BRAND BRAND VALUE VALUE % BRAND BRAND CATEGORY VALUE VALUE % CONTRIBUTION BRAND CATEGORY CONTRIBUTION US$ Mil. Change 2015 vs. 2014 US$ Mil. Change 2015 vs. 2014

51 Beer Alcohol 911 19% 4 76 Gujing Gong Jiu Alcohol 356 -17% 4

52 Harbin Beer Alcohol 823 14% 4 77 Banks 348 -11% 1

53 Wu Liang Ye Alcohol 786 -16% 4 78 Hanting Hotels 348 45% 4

54 Baiyunshan Health Care 762 NEW 3 79 Pearl River Alcohol 347 48% 3

55 Dabao Personal Care 747 4% 2 80 Tata Apparel 334 -39% 4

56 Belle Apparel 734 -37% 5 81 Quanjude Catering 313 21% 5

57 CR Sanjiu Health Care 725 -14% 3 82 Hisense Home Appliances 300 7% 2

58 Laojiao Alcohol 691 -25% 4 83 Fortune Food & Dairy 299 -34% 5

59 Hainan Airlines Airlines 633 11% 2 84 Real Estate 298 -16% 1

60 Lao Feng Xiang Jewelry Retailer 612 10% 5 85 Ming Jewelry Jewelry Retailer 260 59% 4

61 Great Wall Cars 563 NEW 1 86 Sohu Technology 249 20% 3

62 Longfor Real Estate 561 -6% 3 87 Supor Home Appliances 244 -4% 5

63 Banks 557 -8% 1 88 China Taiping Insurance 241 19% 1

64 Gemdale Real Estate 488 8% 2 89 Youngor Apparel 233 -26% 3

65 Robam Home Appliances 484 6% 4 90 Zhong Hua Personal Care 231 6% 4

66 Home Inn Hotels 464 10% 5 91 China Overseas Property Real Estate 229 -22% 1

67 Yanjing Beer Alcohol 464 -10% 4 92 Xueersi Education 219 64% 4

68 Yonghui Superstores Retail 448 NEW 2 93 CITS Travel Agencies 215 -15% 2

69 R&F Properties Real Estate 441 4% 3 94 Jinjiang Inn Hotels 186 32% 4

70 Sanquan Food & Dairy 402 31% 4 95 Yihaodian Retail 184 NEW 2

71 Anta Apparel 400 18% 3 96 Semir Apparel 178 13% 2

72 SOHO China Real Estate 387 4% 2 97 Septwolves Apparel 171 -33% 4

73 Metersbonwe Apparel 374 -18% 3 98 TCL Home Appliances 171 NEW 1

74 Eastern Gold Jade Jewelry Retailer 368 -9% 4 99 Yonghe King Catering 170 12% 3

75 Suofeiya Furniture 359 -1% 4 100 Yashili Food & Dairy 167 26% 2 Credit: Brand contribution measures the influence of brand alone on earnings, on a 1-to-5 scale, 5 being highest. Source: BrandZ™ / Millward Brown For further information please contact Christine Zhang. [email protected]

Methodology and Valuation by