#113 27 September - 3 October 2002 16 pages Rs 20 Khukuri p8-9 NNNepal’s famous all-purpose knife.


EXCLUSIVE Unhappy donors The latest trend is to troop over to hand over memos to the government. Even the donors are joining the procession. They are worried about theCombing operation vacuum at the grassroots with bureau- crats running local bodies, and have written to the government again to hint Our politicians still think elections can be that the current situation will only help the Maoists. The 10 September letter held. Or, they pretend it can. also warns that donors who had sus- BINOD BHATTARAI pended funding to local bodies will wait○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○ until local elections to start writing here are 47 days to go for polls. But cheques again. Signatories to the letter are the World Bank, DfID, GTZ, SNV, minus ten days of Dasain, three days

SDC, NORAD and UNDP who togetherTof Tihar, three days of the Maoist RAM HUMAGAIN control over 70 percent of foreign aidstrike and it is clear there isn’t much time to Nepal. left for campaigning. Even if there was, candidates cannot venture outside the capital or district headquarters. Many local activists have been abducted and brutally murdered by Maoists, who have vowed not The prime minister’s latest argument is to let people vote. that if elections can be held in war-torn So, there must be a reason why the Kashmir, why not in Nepal? His press Weekly Internet Poll # 52 SUBHAS RAI politicians are not worried. Do they have a adviser, Achyut Wagle told us: “To Q. Are conditions right for meaningful elections in “Plan B”? Is the fallback option asking the announce that we can’t hold elections now November? king to use Article 127 to reinstate would mean giving the Maoists the moral parliament and open the way for a and political victory they are trying to multipartisan caretaker administration? extract.” The prime minister is expected to call an all party meeting early next week, Subhas Chandra Nemwang of the UMLbut is said to be luke-warm to an all-party told us: “The first option is elections and problem-solving approach. the expectation is that the government will In all this confusion, only the Maoists make it possible to have it. If that isn’t possible, then other alternatives may be seem to know exactly what they want: no explored.” Nemwang was part of the ten elections, period. They have declared a three-day general strike on 11-13 Novem- Total votes: 914 party group that handed over a memoran- Editorial p2 dum to prime minister Sher Bahadur Deubaber, and announced a build-up of actions WeeklyQ. If elections Internet werePoll # held 53. To tomorrow, vote go to: which www.nepalitimes.com faction of before that, threatening to behead White water the Nepali Congress would you vote for? on Thursday (see picture). candidates, declaring “election-free Deuba needs to put on a brave face and parliament invoking Article 127, and Article 127 and in a hurry to claim a districts”, and breaking the legs of share of government. Others suspect the project elections as a “constitutional anyone who dares help in campaigning. forming an all-party government to try and talk with the Maoists. UML of similar intentions. compulsion” which can give continuity to The seven-point memorandum handed multi-party democracy. But he is cornered, But even this multipartisan effort is not For his part, Deuba still has survival as parliamentary parties array themselves to Deuba Thursday is said to contain a list instincts intact, and will do anything to of options: among others convincing the suspicion free. Pro-Girija Kangresis are said against him. King Gyanendra is said to be to be insisting that Deuba stepdown, the cling on to office. It would suit him to get Maoists not todisrupt elections, an all- some kind of multi-phase elections going, displeased with the government’s inability leftist UML suspects the centre-right to restore confidence. party consensus on reforming the however flawed. constitution, asking the king to reinstateRPP of being too enthusiastic about If we want tourists, scrap visa fees Forcing visitors to stand in three different queues to fleece them is no way to boost tourism.

JANAKI GURUNG ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ As if it wasn’t bad enough getting tourists to visit Nepal, the way we treat them on arrival at Kathmandu airport is so disgraceful that it is surprise they still come. Maybe that is why they call them “adventure tourists”. After overcoming fear of air travel, fear of nuclear war in the subcontinent, fear of the insurgency and bandhs they finally land in Kathmandu. They enter the arrival area to be greeted by a chaos of queues: lines for the Nepali- Indian counter, lines for visitors with visas, lines for visitors without visas, lines to apply for visa, lines to pay visa fees. And there are no helpful hints about where to go first. “Do I pay the fee MIN BAJRACHARYA first and then apply for the visa, or do I apply for the visa and pay the fee?” one perplexed Swedish tourist was overheard asking an equally puzzled bystander on Monday. see p7 Touts outnumber tourists at airport. 222 EDITORIAL 27 SEPTEMBER - 3 OCTOBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES NATION apparently clarified in the letter 27 SEPTEMBER - 3 OCTOBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES 333 that he did not say any such Nepali Times is published by Himalmedia Pvt Ltd, Chief Editor:Kunda Dixit Editor:Anagha Neelakantan thing). There is a system-wide Design:Kiran Maharjan delusion when it comes to [email protected], www.nepalitimes.com LETTERS Advertising:Sunaina Shah [email protected] understanding thedamen- fun Subscription:Anil Karki [email protected] Sales:Sudan Bista [email protected] tals of democracy and the Sanchaya Kosh Building, Block A-4th Floor, Lalitpur resultant uncritical tolerance GPO Box 7251, Kathmandu, Nepal INCLUSION opinion of our institution orSPEAK FOR YOURSELF Tel: 01-543333-7, Fax: 01-521013 of practices that are so The comment by Dipak the faculty working with us.After the all-party meeting Printed at Jagadamba Press: 01-521393 blatantly undemocratic. This Gyawali “Shed the politics Arjun Karki, MDorganised by the Election PRIVATE POWER act of demanding a letter of of exclusion” (#112) caught Commission, Minister KhumSiddhartha Rana discusses a number of very important issues clarification from a high Kathmandu University the sentiment of all Bahadur Khadka vowed on (“Don’t blame the private power producers”, #111). However, his ranking official for express- Medical School Nepalis at this hour. His behalf of the Deuba govern- information on Kali Gandaki A is incorrect. Even allowing for ing his opinion on a matter point about political parties ment to hold elections in a contract variations that were approved during the construction, as that is of primaryelevance r to needing to be more inclu- (While every care is taken topeaceful manner throughoutwell as possible remaining claims, the total cost of KG-A will be HITE WATER sive is well taken. It is thishis task, regardless of the verify the authenticity of lettersthe country in seven phases. approximatelyAt $380 million compared to an initial estimated cost of W winner-takes-all syndromecontent of theremark, is akin we receive at Nepali Times,the same time, the Maoists $452 million. This translates into a cost of $2.64 per MW. In addition, t no time in the past six years of recklessAnd paradoxically, in a classic example of the Nepali that has plagued govern-to extortion. We did not electsome slips do occur. We declared that they would do unlike most of Nepal’s run-of-river projects, KGA has daily pondage rafting down political rapids have we beentendency to muddle-through, we have inadvertently capacity. It can therefore be operated as a peaking plant, providing as close to the edge as we are now. Thehit on a way out: an alliance of political parties with a ance in this country for sothe government for that. Suchapologise to the Kathmandueverything possible to disrupt A long, and democracy did things are supposed to beUniversity Medical School. -the elections. (“Heads you win,energy to the system at times of peak load, when it is at its most politicians clinging to floats risk going over, butconstitutional monarch to face revolution-minded valuable. republicans. not resolve the problem. Itcommon only in places Ed) tails we lose”, #112) there is the danger they may take the rest of us Also, there is nothing surprising about the fact that the NEA down with them. That the “group of ten” (six in parliament, four is not too late for the where people do not elect How can the government isolated political parties togovernments, like Saddam’s borrows from HMG-N at interest rates of up to 12 percent despite It is survival instinct that is drawing fractiousoutside) could even agree on a memorandum of be so sure about its security mend their ways and showIraq. the fact that the loans from international agencies, such as ADB, recommendations which it presented to the prime arrangements? It looks onto political forces to coalesce, and this process is that they can provide an are provided at rates of only 1-1.5 percent to the government. This minister on Thursday is itself a bit of a miracle. They Arun Neupane, by emailBRING BACK THE YAK general strikes called by the still tentative and fraught with hazards. Still, for alternative leadership. And reflects the clear policy of such funding agencies with respect to don’t seem to need a leader now, the crisis is itself Unlike Mr Tim Ackerman terrorists from its offices the first time in as long as we can remember, they can only do this by the provision of ‘soft’ loans to commercial sectors such as power leading them on. This all-party road map could be (Letters, #111), who was without taking any action, there appears to be a sense that extraordinary being united and inclusive. and civil aviation, as well as the need to cover the foreign exchange situations demand extraordinary measures. Atwhat we need to take us out of the rut. quickly able to file his com-affirms peace and security, Let us hope that our big risk that is borne by the government. It is worth noting, however, stake is not just the durability of our democracy,A multipartisan approach could legitimise a plaint about your alleged anti-claims that the strikes were heads will think with cool that a lower on-lending rate is used in the case of projects or but also our existence as an independent nation. US editorial policy and takepeaceful. The people are constitutionally-kosher arrangement for any of the minds. components of projects specifically targeted at rural electrification. To be sure, the main parliamentary partiesfollowing: that reinstating parliament, agreeing on a truce rapid, Bush-like remedial scared to go to polling booths, Finally, while acknowledging the many barriers Mr Rana Mahesh Pokhrel measures by immediately and so far, since the start of brought this crisis upon us are not coming and talks with Maoists, enticing the Maoist leadership identifies to the domestic financing for development of medium and Nepal Science Campus discontinuing his subscrip-the insurgency, the government together for anything as grandiose as “savinginto the political mainstream, postponing elections, large-scale hydropower projects in Nepal, this points to the urgent democracy”, they just want to save their skinssetting in motion the process for constitutional Kathmandu tion, I do not have regular has shown no signs that it canneed to develop the local debt and capital markets so that Nepal can and know now that divided they will fall. Betterreforms, or even organising a referendum on the access to the Internet, hencerestore peace in the kingdom.draw more domestic capital into financing hydropower development. late than never, is all we can say. monarchy. this rather belated electronicCorruption is still on the rise,This will also require much-improved project finance skills, project Kathmandu’s disunity, discord and greed wasOne thing is sure: Prime Minister Deuba and his gripe via an America-basedthere is no proper judiciary, management expertise and legal capacities. server. administration or law and caretaker cabinet have neither the political legitimacy LIBRARY HOURS Richard Vokes, Country Director giving the Maoists their revolution by default. order in the nation. The Selfish politicians squandered the democraticnor the mandate to undertake these decisions on their A regular comic strip with I recently went to the Kaiser Commission for the Investiga- Asian Development Bank process, the Maoists are just delivering the coupown. The sooner we move on to an all-party ap- insightful content is the Library at 10AM only to be tion of Abuse of Authority also de grace. The life of the local councils were proachnot the better it will be for all concerned--even the hallmark of a good paper. By told by the arrogant security seems to be quiet after a extended and handed over to centrally-appointedMaoists who are looking for an honourable political LIKE SADDAM’S IRAQ dropping Miku’s strip with our parachute. personnel that the minister handful of actions. bureaucrats, so the Maoists either destroyed or A Chief of Police entrustedhas given orders notsend to dear friends, the Yak and the dismantled half of all VDCs in the country. The When senior political leaders meet King with the most important task Yeti, you have done great On whose behalf does the in anyone through the gates prime minister dissolved parliament and declaredGyanendra as a group in the coming days, they will in the coming months of harm to yourselves. What Deuba government assure us before 2PM. The library opens elections to protect himself from a vindictive hopefully use the memorandum as a blueprint to get overseeing and planning caused you to discontinue that it can hold elections at 9AM and the staff arrive colleague, and the Maoists proceeded to makethis it country back on track. And the long-suffering security for the upcoming this wonderful strip I do no peacefully? The RPP, the UML, around that time, but we who Kali Gandaki 'A' impossible for him to hold polls. citizens of this country will just have to cross our elections cannotspeak his know, but unless you bring the NC (K), and others oppose use the facility are not allowed Faced with a constitutional dead-end andfingers that the politicos have learnt their lessons Yakyetiyak back I will, a la Mreverything they can because mind on this matter. Is in. Anyway, I went again at 2.30 ambiguity in the interpretation of Article 127, well, and will paddle back from Ackerman, fulfil my vow of they are the opposition groups. everyone blind to this PM only to find that the shelf political parties had no choice but to get together.the brink. punishing myself by a) not They show no support for the irony? containing old encyclopaedias peeking over others’ shoul-government, though they all That no one seems to was locked. The fellow with the ders to read your paper, b) notwant to come to power. keys to wisdom had gone home see anything wrong in the borrowing the NT from early. How can a ministry that Pravesh Saria fact that the police chief friends, and c) immediately can’t even manage a library on Via email was chastised and asked discontinuing the very healthy its own premises run the for a letter of explanation practice of stealing the office It would perhaps be more appropriate for Nepal Electricity country’s education sector? for suggesting that the copy. Authority (NEA) to respond to Mr Rana’s opinion piece, but since elections be postponed, or Dinesh Rai, Naxal Bhim Gurung, Lalitpur they don’t seem to be doing it I have decided to do so. At $1.92 with the uncritical coverage million per MW, with 52 MW installed, the Bhote Kosi Power Com- STATE OF THE STATE by CK LAL in the mainstream media, pany (BKPC) confirmed that its total project cost was $99.8 million. says it all. We in Nepal have (The Yakyetiyak comic strip is This magical 52 MW figure is 44.4 percent more than what the 36 a long way to go towards on extended leave, and will MW government licensed and Power Purchase Agreement approved internalising the concept of be back in the not-too-distant capacity. Now if this same yardstick is applied to the 144 MW Kali Gandaki, then the figure of 208 MW will emerge as the new installed We already know that high-wire human democracy. The mere future. – Ed) utterance of that word, andTIM ACKERMAN capacity. Inclusive of the interest paid during construction, the total rights activists can take us on the road to its recent frequent use in This letter is to point out an estimated cost of Kali Gandaki was $452 million. I am not privy to the The Quagmire peace only so far, and it is the political phrases like “to save error in the “Letters” section COMPASSION actual figures, but some savings were made by international parties that have to take over. democracy” gives one the of your issue #111. A letter contract biddings. By applying the BKPC logic this results in 435/208 clue on how to go about it. It is a Our motherland should be illusion that we know whattitled “Anti-American” is = $2.09 million per MW for Kali Gandaki, as compared with $1.92 KALMAR (Sweden) - from home Once such a political force comes dearer to us than heaven, but The harder this government tries to extricatechallenge itself, that the can be deeper turned into anit sinks. we are talking about. We written by Mr Tim Ackerman, million per MW for Bhote Kosi. Crunching such cost per MW figures makes the gloomy weather of this strange into being, the government will have no what message are we givingcan to get tricky but what really pinches is the “take or pay, dollar ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ opportunity by the○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ political parties of the don’t. who identifies himself as option but to behave—expel tainted our young sons and daughtersdenominated, US consumer price indexed” cost per unit. city even more unbearable. Faced with country if only they could get out of their being affiliated with the government. In asking Deuba to register It is totally irrelevant when they see innocent blood ubiquitous questions about the state collective coma. The Deuba Company ministers, trim the cabinet and be Kathmandu University The BKPC should be congratulated for running their 36 MW which dithered for far too long to whether or not the chief of being spilled here? (“Enough”, of Nepal, I often take resort to the time- a new political outfit, the Election answerable to the legitimate political Medical School. I would like power plant with only 20 personnel. The NEA’s 10 MW Sunkosi plant reach indecision on the Congress had no legitimacy, so it went about police made that remark (he #111.) Children are the future tested explanation and say that these Commission confirmed what has been parties of the country in the Upper to clarify that we do not haveBOMBING SCHOOLS needs 97. The 342 staff indicated includes those looking after the legitimacy issue. dismantling the credibility of all national of this country. What kind of clear right from the outset: the country House. any employee or volunteerI now know on whose behalf transmission, distribution and customer service. Sunkosi is more are just the pangs of political growth. institutions. It has succeeded to such an future will they have when they A political party with over half a was being administered by a partyless with that name, and thereforethe Maoists are attacking than 30 years old, while the newer Bhote Kosi has made full use of But are we? extent that political parties of the If not, the alternative of an all-party witness such violence? Will century of history has been held hostage his letter does not reflect theschools in Nepal: the Indian state-of-the-art technology. It is looking more and more like the prime minister who had lost the moral government led by the Speaker will still they grow up to be the same? to an arbitrarily interim recognition. And country seem to have become their own education sector. It is hard to The aim of the private sector is solely profit. The public sector phase of institutional decay, and nothing authority to govern the moment he was be there. Indeed, there is no need to by default, the controversial declaration worst enemies. imagine who else this I want to ask the political has other social obligations like employment opportunity. For this illustrates that as starkly as the strange expelled from his party. explore the possibilities of a handpicked has also challenged the legitimacy of How could the national parties fool systematic destruction of leaders, the custodians of thisreason, the German government just pumped in over $350 million to declaration of the Election Commission, Earlier, the Supreme Court did give technocratic ministry under Article 127 Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba’s themselves that elections were a possibil- Nepali education benefits country, how many more MobileCom to safeguard 5,500 jobs. the drowning government a straw to holdity without getting the Maoists on board?of the constitution. The very idea of a other than Indian boarding innocent Nepali lives have to True, the NEA has management and technical problems, weak by declaring that the dissolution of CORRECTION schools which are now fillingbe sacrificed in the name of How did they get hoodwinked into this non-political cabinet reeks of authoritari- CORRECTION financial control, non-payment of dues even by government offices, up with “refugee” students the demigod Mao? Our politi- Pratinidhi Sabha was constitutional, andmass hallucination? Political parties mustanism. Apart from bringing the Maoists This picture printed in From the Nepali Press (#112) of the funeral high technical and non-technical losses, high employee to installed that there was no anomaly between a back into the mainstream politics, the procession of Krishna Prasad Sapkota, former chairman offrom Ryale Nepal. Is this how the cians are fighting for high capacity ratio, low employee productivity, low revenue to employee rethink their strategy and change their VDC of Kavre district on 16 September was by Ram Krishnacomrades intend to reform positions instead of working state of emergency in the country and thepriorities and begin at the beginning all other main priority of the political ratio, low fixed asset to employee ratio. Mr Rana thus concludes general elections. But that’s too weak a Chapagain Nepalof Samacharpatra. The caption was also missing.our education: by turning backtogether and giving up their that, “the problem is not the PPA with independent power produc- over again. alliance has to be the extension of the the single most important destructive egos. The prime thread to lift the Deuba cabinet from the Sapkota was beheaded near his home by Maoists on the night of 15 ers”. Fortunately, the seed of democracy—term of the local government units until achievement of the past 10minister does not sit on a status of a caretaker government. their fresh elections are held. September, and the photo shows a mourner, at left, carrying his Some, however, believe that the PPA is one of the last straws sovereignty of the people—still survives. head in a plastic bag, as the rest of the body is borne on ayears stretcher. by which Nepalis weremagic chair, as we have found The present government has neither Parliamentary elections can wait for increasingly attending out in these last twelve yearson the camel’s back. The main reason for the poor adverse ratio is Starting from there, it should not be too the small 600 MW capacity and the fact that the NEA is run by the legitimacy nor the authority to do now, local elections can’t. schools in this country ratherof the multiparty system. We difficult for all political forces of the than going across the bor- need leaders who are true to“political masters” as a perpetual employment centre. anything other than hold the parliamen- People’s Movement of 1990 to arrive at a And it’s no use blaming IGP Pradeep Mr Rana’s main message is that the international financial tary elections. Unfortunately, the chances der? their consciences, if they have common plan of action. Since constitu- Sumshere for saying something that each The increasing numbers any,of and to thecountry. We needcommunity is watching the performance of the Bhote Kosi and that it can hold elections as promised aretional monarchy is an integral part of theone of us knows to be true: for elections advertisements from Indian Khimti projects closely before committing any more resources in rather remote. The government—and the leaders who can be neither Jan Andolan agenda, there is no reason to be of any use, it needs to be post- boarding schools in the bought nor sold. Nepal’s hydropower. Some interpret this as a veiled threat to the country along with it—is in a quicksand poned. The storm doesn’t cease to exist national press proves that the NEA’s management, which has publicly gone on record that it will for the king to be alarmed of any political We don’t need more renogotiate the PPAs. Former US Deputy Assistant Secretary of of its own making. The harder it tries tocoalition that vows to abide by it. just because an ostrich has its head nicely exodus of Nepali students is extricate itself, the deeper it sinks. gathering pace. A word of election manifestos, which areEnergy Calvin Humphrey, in a talk at the Ministry of Water Re- This coalition (give it any other nameburied in the sand. so muchkhichadi . We know sources, said that the sanctity of the contract must be respected by Unfortunately, other political forces advice to our underground if you can’t stand GP Koirala and his It’s time to think the unthinkable: we friends: instead of burning that even top, experienced both parties. seem as perplexed. Despite his ability to Broad Democratic Alliance) can then aren’t going to have elections any time school buses and bombingleaders of major parties do notBut he went on to add that national interest and the future of our inflict heavy casualties on the army and begin negotiations with the Maoists in soon, so we better brace ourselves for an classrooms why not try to hold a magic wand that will children should never be compromised when exploiting natural the verbal bravado that he comes up withright earnest. The present government uncertain Dasain. Another sad thought in improve the quality of govern-fulfil our aspirations. What weresources. It is this basic message, and not the rating of the after every battle, Comrade Prachanda a faraway country where sadness is said to ment schools? But what is need is for them to realise thatinternational financial community, that our political masters should doesn’t have either the mandate or the bear in mind when developing our hydropower. perhaps knows quite well that the Maoist be a national characteristic: why is it that the use of trying to convincesitting on committees and political legitimacy to talk to Maoists. A you to be rational? If logic condemning the killing is not insurgency is a “war” that he can never constitutional king, by definition, can’t common sense is so uncommon among win without losing the country in the worked, and if your intentionsenough. There is no compas- Santa Bahadur Pun, former NEA managing director be party to any political bargaining. Nepali politicians? were patriotic, we wouldn’t besion without action. process. That’s precisely the risk that Kathmandu in this crisis, would we? even the most hard-boiled royalist of So who talks to Maoists if all other Bhaju Ram Shrestha the Panchayat school would be unwillingpolitical forces opposed to their violent S Thapa, Kathmandu Via email to take. methods don’t come together to the fore? A compromise needs to be worked out to save the country from becoming a failed state, but no one seems to have a ROBIN SAYAMI ROBIN TU’s charter states that it is an NATION 27 SEPTEMBERautonomous, - 3 OCTOBER self-administered NEPALI 2002 TIMES NATION 27 SEPTEMBER - 3 OCTOBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES 444 institution, the university felt that 555 the committee formed by the government with the National billion. Under pressure from the DOMESTIC BRIEFS Planning Commission to facilitate student unions TU has not been the handing over of its regional able to revise its rock-bottom fee structure. Recently, Kathmandu’s Shutdown satellites to the new universities ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ was interference. Padma Kanya College was shut The country appears to be in for some more bandhs. Following As a result, TU continues to down by the Nepal Student their announcement to hold a three-day bandh on the eve of the The trouble withbe overburdened with studentsTU Union when it tried to raise fees. general elections in November, the All Nepal National Independent Presently, a TU Master’s student Students’ Union (Revolutionary), the ANNISU (R), has made public HEMLATA RAI and mired in administrative a list of demands they want met. Otherwise, they’ve threatened ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ complications. This academic pays only Rs 70 a month for to force all educational institutions to close on 1 and 2 October. olitical slogans welcome Tribhuvan University has infrastructure it can be proud of. Ifyear, approximately 143,000 tuition fees. That is besides the three-day strike preceding elections 11-13 you at the main entrance of students—90 percent of all Complicating matters is the November. ANNSU (R) wants to reduce the security budget by 75 Tribhuvan University. only students and faculty would give up politics for academics. percent and increase the education budget, end “privatisation tertiary education students— fact that the performance of Different student unions, and commercialisation of education”, provide free education for P study at TU campuses. Each year departments and the demand for a all until high school. The Maoist student body has also demanded teacher associations and employee approximately 48,000 graduate particular discipline is not taken the immediate release of 13 student cadres who have been unions inclined towards various from high school, and an esti- into account when allocating missing and the punishment of those guilty of arresting and killing political ideologies vie for your funding. As a result, for instance, nine Maoist workers, including Krishna Sen, former central mated 80 percent of them opt for committee coordinator of the ANNISU. attention, claiming to protect the the history faculty has 21 teachers rights of one group or another, and for the seven students of the 35 saying that they alone can safeguard enrolled who actually attend university interests. The high- classes on a regular basis. The sounding claims are the most Hindi and Sanskrit departments obvious indicator of what underlies only admitted five students each, Bhandari’s gaffe any discussion amongst TU of which only two attend, but ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ functionaries about the develop- their budget has not been Leftist leader Bidya Bhandari has put her foot right in it. Bhandari, Clockwise from above: Class in who is a member of the All Nepal Women’s Organisation, is being ment of the university, its academic significantly changed in progress in the Department of taken to task for criticising the worship of Kathmandu’s virgin obligations, and achievement— recent years. goddess the Kumari. Of course, she’s a progressive woman, so Rural Development Studies; the there’s too much politics on higher education. Despite the “We don’t know yet how will at first glance her stance seems admirable. But not when she campus. Tribhuvann University Central reasons like this: men who marry former kumaris are fated to die government having adopted a 12- university exams pass. we manage the fund gap created Under the partyless Panchayat Library; TU Vice-Chancellor early. It’s no wonder that Kathmandu’s irate Kumari worshippers year school system, popularly Shortage of funds and by the cut in the government are up in arms, and the Association of Vedic Realisation is regime, TU served as a forum for Naveen Prakash Jung Shah; TU’s known as Plus Two, to replace 60,000. In addition, these private misallocation of what is available subsidy,” says Yogendra Shakya, demanding action against Bhandari. intellectual and ideological debate. main administrative building. TU’s proficiency certificate levels colleges are concentrated only is another reason for TU’s chief of the TU’s Economic The student unions camouflaged a Pokhara University were estab- with the higher secondary in urban areas. troubles and the declining quality Administration Division. Two political movement that sur- lished by two separate parliamen- education system, most students administrative costs. of education there. TU generates multiple universities. Add to this a drop in quality. years ago the division recom- mounted ideological restrictions tary Acts in 1995 and 1997 to be still join TU campuses after “We have continued the only 15 percent of its expendituremended a 100 to 150 percent Separate National Education Teachers at the Plus Two level— Risky jobs and made possible Nepal’s first administrative decisions are developed as regional universities passing the SLC examination. intermediate levels on humanitarian from its own sources, 85 percent increase in tuition fees, but ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Commissions in 1993 and 1998 like teachers at TU—are required referendum in 1979, which allowed politicised, and chances are slim in eastern and mid-western Phasing out the intermediate grounds, as the private Plus Two is covered with government nobody within the TU machinery Has the job market shrunk so drastically that people are willing to recommended the establishment of to have Masters’ degrees, as a result the Nepali populace to choose the well-being of the university,” that all decisions serve the best regions. The governing acts clearly levels was expected to reduce schools are unaffordable for most subsidy and foreign aid, though is hopeful that anything like this take any risk? Certainly seems so. The government recently four regional universities in the called for applicants to fill 700 teaching positions in Maoist- between a multi-party system and claims Dipendra Acharya, who was specify that the TU constituency TU’s student load by almost 30 school graduates,” explains Naveen of which a large number of teachers this has been dropping of late. interests of TU.” eastern, western, mid-western and will happen anytime soon. The affected districts to temporarily substitute permanent teachers the Panchayat. Today, well after theelected vice president of the Nepal and affiliated campuses in the percent. This could have allowed Prakash Jung Shah, vice-chancellor are moving to better-paying private This academic year TU needs an TU was established in 1959 as far western development regions by unions, as they know, are too displaced due to the threats and other fallouts of the insurgency. restoration of democracy, propa- Student Union from a Nepali respective regions should gradually TU to spend more of its con- school jobs. The recent move to estimated Rs. 2.24 billion to run It received more than 20,000 applications. These teaching ALL PICS: MIN BAJRACHARYA Nepal’s first university under the of TU. But, he adds, “Political powerful. ganda and politics are still as much integrating TU constituent be made part of the new institu- expand two-year Bachelor’s courses volunteers will be removed from their positions as soon as the Congress-affiliated union. Tribhuvan University Act with royal strained funds on academic commitment is needed to phase the 27 different degrees it offers, part of TU’s offerings as coursework campuses and private affiliated tions. The importance of this to three years has also led to a security situation improves and the permanent teachers can The professors and bureaucrats patronage. It was first part of the activities. But TU continues to out intermediate levels, unless but the government has an- and degrees. 1990. Political parties campuses, and then specified what process was again emphasised in shortage of teachers at TU cam- return to their designated workplace. What’s more, they will be at TU are not much better. Equally larger drive to modernise education spend as much as affordable, government funded Plus nounced a grant of only Rs 1.56 paid only half of what the permanent teachers are paid. The still find TU fertile ground to train exactly it meant by the ‘regional andthe 1999/2000 budget policy. puses, which has directly affected involved in politics and divided in Nepal. The physical infrastruc- 80 percent of its government Two schools are established, it is insurgents have already killed about 100 teachers and thousands young people on their ideologies, multi-university’ concept. Today, teaching hours, and quality. Though have been threatened with physical harm, which has resulted in along ideological lines, they contest ture was constructed at the present The concept however never subsidy on salaries and not possible.” while students use it as a launch pad there are five full-fledged universi- the academic calendars allocate 180 their being transferred to safer areas by the government, their own elections under the location in Kirtipur only in 1966. really took off mostly due to The government had planned to for their budding political careers. ties in Nepal, and efforts are on to lecture hours for each paper, in the creating a shortage of teachers in insurgency-affected districts. auspices of established political Three years later, in 1972, both resentment at TU over the gradually phase out intermediate The recent success stories, such as create technical universities. last academic year students entities. As for the administrative public and private colleges across perceived diminishing of the levels by 2001. The private sector that of former MP Jaganath But TU continues to face the appeared for the exams with only employees, in the last elections to the country were declared constitu- authority of the institution due to responded enthusiastically and by Khatiwada, and former state problems that the multi-university about 100 hours of lectures. “There their professional union, the main ent campuses f TU under the redistribution of its powers. Since the fiscal year 2001/02, 775 Plus minister NP Saud, who cut their concept was supposed to deal with. are no mechanisms to recognise the fight was between the familiar National Education System Plan. Two schools were running, but political teeth in TU, have encour- The Purbanchal University and contributions of devoted teachers, symbols of the tree and the sun— Only much later, in the early 1990s, students especially from rural areas Patan’s sterile dogs or, conversely, check that university ○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○ aged other students to use student the Nepali Congress and the CPN- did Nepal hit upon the idea of continue to throng TU campuses rules are being followed,” says Cause for the Society for Protection of unions as political platforms. UML. As a result, says Madhav for intermediate levels mostly for “There is no harm in having a Professor Tri Ratna Manandhar, a Cruelty to Animals to smile: the Lalitpur Koirala, a TU administrator, “all economic reasons—a student in Sub Metropolitan City, with the help of a political ideology. Once elected, we TU dean. On average, less than 25 TU campuses can complete the percent of students who appear for number of Rotary Clubs, has taken upon concentrate on student rights and intermediate level courses for about itself the task of controlling the canine population in southern Kathmandu in a Rs 4000, while the average expense humane fashion. There are to be no more for the Plus Two years is about Rs cruel killings or poisonings. Instead, stray dogs are caught and neutered in a 15-20 minute operation that leaves them free to continue their amorous activities without adding to the dramatically growing population, due to which rabies has become a significant public threat. An HERE AND THERE by DANIEL LAK estimated 1,000 stray dogs live in Lalitpur, and the number could be 10 times more in Kathmandu. The Spay and Neuter program, initiated two months ago, has already attended to nearly 200 canines. , war, and peace We’ve been The target is over 500. WANTEDWANTED here are few people in my looking for you. ink-stained line of work who T are true originals. One of An old South Asia hand turns them is Tiziano Terzani. For Clean-up act decades, he has roamed Asia and the to . Want more than just a job? Want to be part of a ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Fifty Nepali and French mountaineering enthusiasts have got world on behalf of Germany’s creative and exciting media adventure? Der comment. You were commenting by choosing your sides. together to clean up Mt Dhaulagiri. It is estimated that Dhaulagiri POSITION: Spiegel and a few Italian newspa- Having read the first book of “peace correspondence”, I remain Nepali Times is looking for Desk Editors, is littered with about two tonnes of garbage piled up since the sceptical. 1960s, when the region was first opened for mountaineering. pers. Always dressed in crisp white Senior Administrative Officer Senior Reporters and Marketing Executives for its The four-week long clean-up campaign, starting 23 September, is linen, Terzani brought his humanist, Letters Against the War is not a bad read, not at all. Terzani expansion plans. You need to have flawless and expected to collect 1,700 kg of waste. The less harmful items European perspective to almost writes with passion and precision; his arguments are worth listening too; EXPERIENCE: elegant English, efficient word processing and such as clothes will be burnt, recyclable metals will be sold within Nepal, and highly toxic batteries will be taken to France to every crisis that has gripped this continent, from the Vietnam war to the his sincerity unquestioned. The anecdotes from the well-trodden trails of layout skills, and good spoken and written Nepali. killing fields of Cambodia, from the Babri Mosque riots in India to—most be recycled. Dhaulagiri is the world’s seventh highest mountain, post-11 September journalism—jihadis in Peshawar, the reconstruction 5 Years in Similar Position Marketing candidates should have at least three and considered one of Nepal’s most difficult trek routes. recently—the American assault on the Taleban and the search for Osama and development gravy train in Kabul, the civilian casualties of American years experience in media. bin Laden. I dare say Nepal has seen him a time or two as well. bombing in Afghanistan—are familiar ones, and they serve Terzani’s main JOB RESPONSIBILITY: Now a German organisation follows the rules of employment laid down thesis well. War is hell, the innocent suffer, and we rarely learn a damn Fulfilling work. Stimulating assignments. Good earnings. by the government back home, so when Terzani’sth 65 thing from the bloodstains and failures of history. He suffers a little from Managing the Administrative Department birthday was gesture, has given himself the title of “correspondent against all wars”. At first,the instinctive anti-Americanism of the European, the failure to see just Write to [email protected] with personal Dasain discount approaching last September, he knew that it would soon be time for himI fought shy of the concept. The tenets of objectivity are engraved on my soul. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ how flexible American culture and politics can be. But this isn’t why I am SALARY: As per Company Rules background and 150 words explaining why you are retire. Then came 11 September, 2001. Terzani retired on schedule butI may hold opinions, and willingly disseminate them at the drop of a hat, butnot yet convinced by the notion of a “peace correspondent”. suitable for the post. No phone enquiries, please. The government has decided to be festive. It’s offering discounts moved by the horror of the terrorist atrocities in America, and later the not as a , and never in my news reporting. on essential commodities such as rice, vegetable ghiu and This is a book that should be read by people on all sides of political soybean oil, and salt on the festive occasions of Dasain and American response to them, he packed his pen and started travelling again. Terzani was much the same in the long course of his career. His opinion about the “war against terror”. It is literate, humane and This time though, the great man of Asian journalism wasn’t recording events Tihar. “The price of essential items distributed through the trading reporting—sharp, incisive, interesting—was no parade of polemic. But inconvincing. If logic lay behind decisions to make war, then arguments like houses owned by the government will be reduced as usual,” and the thoughts of kings and warlords for Der Spiegel. He was writing the evening of his life, the late night of his career, this distinguished fellowthis would most certainly bring us peace. But I fear we are violent, says a issued by the Ministry of Industry and has dropped all pretence of journalism and is now a pamphleteer, a territorial beasts, afraid of the dark and apt to lash out at the mildest of Commerce and Supplies. There will also be a five percent front-page letters in Italy’s largest ,Corriere della Sera, letters of discount on clothes. District officers have been asked to see that campaigner for a worthy cause, and that cause is peace. Some time ago inprovocation. We are lavish with revenge, and ration forgiveness. Most of anguish, fear, anger and eventually hope. Tiziano Terzani has collected the pages of this newspaper, an earnest fellow from some earnest country the prices are maintained, and a 19-member coordination commit- those letters in his latest book,Letters Against the War. all, we ignore the wisdom of experience and age. Still, Terzani may be onto Apply with a full CV to tee has been appointed to ensure that the process goes argued in a somewhat earnest manner that we needed fewer war corre- something here and I could be wrong. And for once, I hope I am. smoothly. It will be interesting to see what, if any, impact this has On the back cover, a short sentence says it all. “After 30 years as a warspondents in international journalism, and more “peace correspondents”. Hits FM 91.2, New Baneshwor, in places like Karanli or Mugu, where there’s not enough food on correspondent for a major European magazine, Tiziano Terzani turns intoI snorted a with slightly weary cynicism at the time and pointed out to GPO Box: 21912, Kathmandu, Nepal a good day anyway. correspondent against all wars”. This isone not of those spurious bits of praise whoever would listen that such a notion could hardly be journalistic. You(Letters Against the War, India Research Press, Move with the Times. New Delhi, 2002.) known in the trade as a “blurb”, the sort of thing you ask a friend to write beforeweren’t getting all available sides to a story, then printing them without even showing him the book. No, I dare say Terzani, never shy of the theatrical Note: Telephone inquiries will not to be entertained. 666 NATION 27 SEPTEMBER - 3 OCTOBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES ECONOMY 27 SEPTEMBER - 3 OCTOBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES 777 SOMEWHERE IN NEPAL by PUSKAR BHUSAL BIZ NEWS ECONOMIC SENSE by ARTHA BEED

families in Nepal,” says Joshi. Thamel.com recently up- New Rs 10 notes will be plastic Cybergoats and virtual bokas ○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ graded its site to include Dasain specials on more than just The filthy, tattered notes you get from taxi drivers and vegetable vendors are unpleasant, bokas and khasis. You can now but that’s not the only thing wrong with paper money. It is easy to counterfeit—97 percentShow us the money The way to the diaspora’s wallet isorder through juju dahi, sweetmeats,its of fake banknotes are paper—and has a circulation life of about eight months at most. Worn and even clothing. Unopposed, notes also cause more errors in ATMs and high-speed note validators. The high cost of selflessness and austerity, but its collective, nostalgic heart. What began with bouquets replacing high-circulating, low-denomination paper currency often takes the lion’s shareAnother of election, another column on campaign finance. any reserve bank’s budget—Rs 100 million in the case of the Nepal Rastra Bank. practice, even when perfectly honest, of flowers and boxes of remains profoundly dependent on There’s an alternative to the highly absorbent virgin cotton paper money. Polymer. This hether you believe the chocolates has extended to a cash. Corporations and individuals elections will take place or wide range of goodies that the Dasain Nepal will be the 21 should be allowed to create trust funds st not, in phases or in one go, Nepali diaspora in places like unbeaten country to make the move to polymer, joining the ranks of W to fund elections, with a cap set to UK, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Canada, Brazil, Romania, Thailand, Mexico, and China. In May this year, Note Printingwith the participation of you-know- match a portion of their individual Australia, the US can pick from Australia (NPA), a subsidiary of the Reserve Bank of Australia, won a tender worthwho $1.64 or not, one question remains wealth or turnover. And tax laws online to send to dear ones in million to produce 50 million Rs 10 notes for the Rastra constant. The Beed wonders how, in Nepal. Like the gift, the payoff Bank. Nepal’s first batch of Rs 10 polymer banknotes, should allow such expense to be Re-electing the this current crippling economic claimed as legitimate expenses. is pretty timely too—senders which come into circulation this Dasain, closely resem- scenario, political parties will fund In such a scenario, transparency are emailed a digital picture of entire MP line- ble the original, retaining the black buck and the garuda their bids. The split in the Nepali the recipient with the gift. images, and are the first legal tender with the image of Congress means that we have still can be demanded of political parties The deliveries up unopposed King Gyanendra. The note features a security window through such moves as requiring them with a vignette of the crown. another party that needs to be funded, are made in to make public the names of donors In 1966 a rash of counterfeiting in Australia led to and what with the Commission for Bhaktapur, would have a the Investigation of Abuse of exceeding a certain amount, or making Kathmandu, Kirtipur, research and development of a more secure currency. their financial statements a matter of By 1996, Australia was the first country with a full Authority giving our local experts in and Patan. “We’re therapeutic plumbing and siphoning hell, public record. Political parties can then always getting asked series of circulating polymer banknotes. Polymer banknotes are expensive to make—they be audited, and if they do not comply, effect on the cost almost twice as much as paper—but their longer circulation life directly translatessomehow into one gets the feeling that why we didn’t start earlier,” huge savings for national banks. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand announced a savingthe rules of engagement that funders the Election Commission could be says Suresh Tuladhar, CEO of smaller outfits to make the $7.2 million over three years in printing costs after switching to polymer banknotes.and parties will follow this time empowered to even debar them from netfornepal.com, another body politic. resolution truly representative. The polymer substrate incorporates the polymer currency’s trademark transparentaround will be different from the contesting elections. The government online shopping site. “There uy a khasi for your family:tions—by purchasing a khasi The UML would have the most to previous elections. is trying to expand the tax net anyway, $89.99. If that’s a bit or boka online and having itare so many Nepalis abroad windows. This is a security feature in itself, and design elements can be incorporated to why shouldn’t politicians be part of it. steep, you can buy a delivered to their loved oneswho would like to send gifts gain. How many parties in the make use of its unique properties. The creative Design Department at NPA say their designsThe mechanics of corruption in B are aimed at being aesthetically pleasing and also incorporating cutting edge verification Maybe they don’t need to be actually boka for half that amount athere. They (the home but didn’t have a world can take satisfaction in Nepal—which is a different matter taxed, but why shouldn’t the tax technology that makes counterfeiting almost impossible. These features are immediately there are problems here too— $49.99. With Nepal’s biggestrelatives, not the medium that was quick, having sacrificed an imminent from the motivations for being authority not keep an eye on them? goats) seemed to efficient and cost effective.” recognisable, making verification easier. (Trishna Gurung in Sydney) exceeding the ceiling, for one—but festival just around the corner, majority for the sake of the corrupt—are enabled by one simple Not to be snide, but given how keen like the idea. regulation has been actively present, Nepali online shopping sites Tuladhar advertises his system? This solution would also fact. The central problem stems from all political parties are on transparency Thamel.com sold 69 which is the first thing that matters. are putting up their best site in community help prevent Bam Dev Gautam the fact that political parties cannot and good governance, why shouldn’t khasis online. Some of you will argue that politics bargains. Last year, abroad and on popular Nepali from exacerbating the Madhav solicit funds, and businesses or these twin blessings begin at home? thamel.com, one of Nepal’sRecipients of gifts could even individuals cannot in turn fund goes beyond mere economics in any websites. “Things can only get Nepal-Khadga Oli squabbles over The legitimisation of election pioneer e-commerce sites, godid along with someone from parties legally. This, combined with country, and into the morality of vote- the site to touch, prod and better,” he says. brisk business selling khasis ticket distribution. the somewhat overenthusiastically seekers as promise-sellers. It might notfunding would do something similar otherwise examine a number Tuladhar is so ACNielsen Nepal online. “It was great, seeing ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○ to business, and place tham all on the optimistic, he’s The Nepali Congress could stringent norms laid down by the come as a surprise that the Beed the expressions of of khasi in the price thinking of extending get one last chance to put its ORG-MARG in Nepal has had a formal name change to Election Commission to cap expenses, disagrees. One feels, and strongly, thatsame footing. So long as the give and surprise and delight range specified by deliveries to other become ACNielsen Nepal. The changeover completes has meant that political parties as well handling and regulating elections are take in the business-bureaucrat- on the faces of the sender, and house in order before the parlia- major Nepali cities the reorganisation of the holdings of the Dutch group as people and institutions who have a as much economic issues as anythingpolitician nexus is not at least partially people while we abduct it from the mentary party formally splits. The VNU that owned ORG-MARG offices in India, Bangla- like Pokhara and Biratnagar. stake in them—and we should accept else. This is especially vital in a clarified, there’s no hope of anyone but made the deliveries,” khasi bazar. RPP might have a problem, since desh, Sri Lanka and Nepal. Earlier this year, the group “Of course we can’t include that this kind of forwarding of self- country like ours, where the insiders ever understanding the nuts says Rajesh Joshi, The growth of e- some leaders have just started took over ACNielsen, one of the world’s largest market and bolts of how things get done. If CEO of thamel.com. “Some perishable items like cakes interest is part of most democracies— transactions and expenditure during shopping sites that focus on pepping up supporters with research companies best known for its television ratings scheme in the US. the expenses of political parties can be even thought the goat had but maybe gifts like CDs and find ingenious new ways of getting elections are phenomenal compared Nepal—there are probably visions of their own majority. flown all the way to so on would be possible.” money for point A to point B. to the national GDP and when we met within the stipulated guidelines, half-a-dozen gift sites—has they will not be compelled to bestow Kathmandu. They would ask Anything goes, really, so long Until a few weeks ago, the party The United States, which, as we allhave two elections between each made it convenient as it tells senders that a seemed set to improve its tally in favours on special interest groups. after their family in the US.” realise on an almost daily basis, is the Olympic games. for the Nepali Nepali life is only a click away. the dissolved legislature. You NEA power sales The Beed is wearying of harping What an online shop diaspora living ○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ world’s most powerful democracy, has The political parties should realise can’t make such predictions based on this so often. needs to do to be a hit is playoverseas not to miss Where to go to send gift a The Nepal Electricity Authority says it is now capable of selling Rs 1 billion worth ofbeen able to legalise campaign that there is no shame in admitting on the hold of tradition and out on festive goat: on the three-way split over electricity to India, thanks to the 140 MW Kali Gandaki project that came on line earlierfinancing this by legitimising contribu- openly that they need money to fund add a judicious amount of occasions like thamel.com whether to tie up with Koirala, year. A committee formed by the NEA to assess the export potential of the utility reportstions to political parties. To be sure, their campaigns and that they would sentimentality to the essen-Dasain, Tihar, and just aboutmunchahouse.com Deuba or the UML. For many that the NEA can supply about 40 MW throughout the year, during the monsoon as well as like to take a legitimate route. The tially soulless process of anything else with more-than-netfornepal.com dry months. Nepal and India are expected to sit down next month to discuss the purchase rhetoric of politics may be about

MIN BAJRACHARYA former panchas, preserving what shopping on the Internet. TheHallmark potential. For nepalshop.com prices, and the NEA says that the necessary transmission systems needed for the power they had might not be an entirely transfer are already being built. Nepal and India already have a 150 MW power exchange idea of selling Father’s Day khasis online was fatalistic proposition. agreement, but because they “exchange” power, the two countries have not yet had to websites saw brisk agree on a price for actual selling. suggested by a sales of gifts such The radical communist regular customer of as suits and shirts, groups, which are part of the from p1 thamel.com who liquor, cakes and parliamentary process to expose wanted to surprise sweets, while Teej ith the police chief’s let our justices lose faith in the his family in Nepal with a its fraudulence, should have the saw specials on saris, inner instincts and the system by overturning their khasi delivery. And so Nepalis least objection. Parties hoping to Nepal SBI bank branches jewellery, and perfume. “But WElection Commis- unanimous verdict. Especially ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○ Airport hassles residing abroad were offered a make their debut in the Lower Dasain is definitely the th chance to feel close to their sion’s interim order having cast since we’ve enshrined the bench Nepal SBI Bank Limited has opened branch its 12 in busiest time. That’s when House will have enough time to families back in Nepal and a wider shadow on the general as the ultimate arbiter of Janakpur. Fifty percent of the bank, set up in 1993, is held most of our 2,200 registered improve their chances in the next Things are not much better on the Indian line: Nepalis and Indians coming from Delhi or Calcutta have to wait involved in Dasain celebra- elections, it’s time to narrow whether we can cast our ballots. by the State Bank of India, 15 percent by the Employees customers send gifts to their polls. Independents could make behind those arriving from other destinations even though they don’t need to show and stamp their passports. And down our options. We must Since the security forces are Provident Fund, five percent by the Agricultural Develop- gains in a normal election, but it ment Bank Nepal and 30 percent by the general public. usually there is only one immigration officer to process a queue of arriving passengers that stretches right out the start the electoral process on worried about law and order, door. would be difficult for them to stay Nepal SBI bank’s paid up capital is Rs 429.9 million. The 13 November not just to save regardless of the number of “We are hassled everywhere in the world, but it is nothing compared to the hassle in our own country,” said one that way in the post-9/11 you’re- bank says it has Rs 5.57 billion in deposits and Rs 4.58 democracy. We need to find voting phases, pluralism has billion investments. overwrought Nepali in the queue. either-with-us-or-against-us out soon which cluster of become a high-risk pursuit. With There is a purpose to this madness: $9 million. That is the amount Nepal earns every year from visa fees, and global environment. Kangresis will eventually get helicopters going missing or it is easy cash at a time when the country is flat broke. But wouldn’t scrapping visa fees altogether bring more the tree. smouldering in rebel fire, we The prospect of another tourists, and more jobs and income to the country? “I don’t know whether free visas are the answer,” says Yogendra Sakya of Club Himalaya. “I think it is the The Maoists have threat- can’t even start comprehending parliamentary cycle could New Hyundais encourage the Maoists to recon- ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○ inconvenience, harassment and even extortion at the airport that dissuades visitors.” There is nothing preventing ened to disenfranchise voters the logistical nightmare remote sider their priorities. With enough Avco International, authorised distributors of Hyundai vehicles in Nepal, have introducedimmigration authorities from providing a better first impression to visitors. Yet, the airport’s motto seems to be unless something resembling a regions would confront. four new models in Nepal. The company says that it expects two additional models beingto arrive as unhelpful, and making the visa process as cumbersome as possible. prodding, the political commissars constituent assembly figures on So here’s a better idea. Let’s “soon”. The newly-launched models include the Santro Zip Plus, which comes with a 1,100Immigration changed its rules so that visitors can pay $30 on arrival for a three-month visa, but they scrapped might be able to persuade the the ballot paper. It wasn’t re-elect the entire 205 line-up cc engine, the 1,500 cc Accent, the 2,350 cc Sante Fe, and the 1,600 cc Matrix. Thethe diesel multiple entry provision at the airport. Tourists still have to fill out a lengthy visa form, wait in line to present it In the October Himal military commanders to let the versions of the Accent and the Santa Fe are expected to arrive soon. Hyundai’s plant in supposed to be like this. unopposed. The UML and RPP at the counter, move on to another line to pay the fee, and wait again to have the passport stamped. On average people decide. Not that the India will shortly begin manufacturing two other models, the 2,500 cc Terracan and youa super are lucky if this takes only one hour. “Politics is war without seem ready to re-nominate Maoists’ acquiescence would compact model called the Getz, which will also be available in Nepal. Avco says that it “Theplans subject of streamlining airport procedures has come up repeatedly at the NTB (Nepal Tourism bloodshed while war is politics prominent MPs any way. An to have sold a total of 600 Hyundai vehicles in Nepal this year. animate everyone. Many Nepalis Board), but nothing is ever done,” says Sakya, who is on the NTB board as are the directors with bloodshed,” the Great across-the-board extrapolation remain convinced that the people of the Civil Aviation Department and the Immigration Department. Making sense of Helmsman once said. The would have a therapeutic effect who count the votes end up NTB chief Pradeep Raj Pandey says there have been political and military wings of on the body politic. The deciding everything. The good proposals to scrap fees for SAARC countries, and to our revolutionaries often have deceased and those who decline a New IT horizons reduce the visa fees during the present thing about us is that we still ○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ MYANMAR Plus: Tracking down been working at cross purposes, second consecutive term can be period of low arrivals. bother to vote. The turnout in “Reducing visa fees and ever since Prachanda blazed his succeeded by runners-up in the The California-based New Horizons Computer Learning Centres began offering training dolphins in the both Rastriya Panchayat elections courses in Nepal last week. The company offers different technical and application makingpack- it easier to get the trail two years ago. It wouldn’t 1999 election. That way we’ll visa at the airport would do in the 1980s was impressive, even ages aimed at students as well as corporate clients. The company has over 280 centres in Indus and Ganges be prudent to count too much preserve faith in ourselves as 48 countries. New Horizons offers classroom coaching, online training and also targetedthe trick,” or he told us. But though the outcome in most unless the immigration chief on any unilateral pre-election worthy custodians of the spirit of special training programs to meet different needs. constituencies was already known. at the airport takes this as a cease-fire. Since we’re pressed ’90. We also will be spared the Wouldn’t it be nice to know the personal mission, most agree, for time, we must impress upon Khrushchevian anguish of having things won’t change. exact composition of the next General attitudes, Aung San Suu Kyi the rebels that free and fair to listen to candidates promising Despite fears of unrest, NTB House minutes after the last RID heist elections are crucial to contem- to build bridges even where there ○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ reports higher arrival figures for and the future of South Asia’s east nomination papers have been plating a new constitution. are no rivers. Revenue Investigation Officials unearthed what they said was a scam involving rawIndians and Japanese for the filed? materials import when they discovered a container supposed to contain copper scrapseason so far, and says most As for the one we have, The next all-party conclave inbound flights are full. Still, that is actually made up of construction aggregates. Biratnagar’s Hulas Wire Industries ordered the no consolation to the hundreds of Article 127 has prompted too should unanimously reaffirm our Rs 6 million consignment from the Philippines which arrived in Nepal via Calcutta. The hotel agents, taxis and trekking reps many questions of propriety commitment to forward-looking government questioned Mahendra Golchha about the consignment and fixed a Rs 18.3waiting outside the airport vying for the • RAMACHANDRA GUHA ON SOUTH ASIAN BIOGRAPHY • and legitimacy. We might be change by restoring the status million bail for his release. On Monday Golchha denied any wrongdoing and said thattrickle it of business from an industry that best off with the restoration of quo ante. Be sure to invite the would be more useful to investigate the international suppliers. His group had actuallyis seeing told half the number of visitors • SRI LANKAN PEACE MANOEUVERS • WAQF FEUD IN LUCKNOW • the government as soon as it found out about the anomaly, Golchha said. Business delega-Nepal had in 1997. the House of Representatives. Deuba brigade, Praja Parishad, tions met Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba to protest Golchha’s arrest, and insiders said • DEVELOPMENT CORRUPTION • ‘HINDOO HOLIDAY’ REVISITED • We can’t afford, however, to Hariyali Party and the other one-sided media coverage after the incident showed business rivalry could be behind the • EXPLORING INSURGENCY IN INDIA’S NORTHEAST • incident. PLUS MORE – ON NEWS STANDS THIS WEEK HERITAGE 27 SEPTEMBER - 3 OCTOBERNEPALI 2002 TIMES 999

Khukurilittle more than an open forge and a handful of tools, Lama’s factory in Dharan has sought to modernise and mainstream their expertise. Some knives. “But it remains a symbol synonymous with the Gurkhas and300 artisans work here, building on the Kami community’s hundreds RAMYATA LIMBU with Nepal.” of years of experience. The variety of khukuris they produce is ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ astonishing—the Sirupate, named after the slim Siru leaf it resembles, t’s time to fsorget about the machete, the scimitar and the stiletto. The Khukuri House, Lama’s showrooms at Ekantakuna and the Dhankute from Dhankuta, which has a wooden scabbard and a Nepalis wield one distinguished knife. More than any other weapon that has made a name for itself on theThamel, offer a range of 22 khukuris, the largest being the buff-head wooden or aluminium handle, the Kothimara, a khukuri specially ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ battlefield and off, the khukuri looms large in the annals of war. khukuri, that boasts a 53” long blade, and the smallest a paper knife measuring about 6”. Prices for these khukuris, some of which are notmade for the retiring British or Gurkha officer as a memento from his But over a century after Reverend Wood wrote his observations of take this kind of abuse and keep a decent edge. This is why khukuris very different from the standard issue military knives, range from Rs regiment, and the Dehradune. the Gurkhas and their fearsome khukuris (see box) the Royal Nepal function more like extremely good quality high-grade carbon steel 150 – Rs 4,000. Gurkhas, it is said, feel bare without their blade, and even though Army is amassing AK 47s and SLRs to fight the Maoists. kitchen tools than one might imagine. After retiring from the British Gurkhas in 1987, Lama, a former as a warrant officer Lama never wielded a khukuri against the enemy, The khukuri, which terrorised the enemy during Nepal’s battle Little is known of the khukuri’s origin or its unusual shape. Some The Gurkha knife with the British in 1814, and then again during both the World Wars,warrant officer got together with ex-armour sergeant Til Bahadur BKhe did use one to hack down branches to build a compare it to the Afghan knife, and others believe the blade form figures nowhere in a collection of modern weaponry. Even in the to set up a factory in Dharan to produce khukuris. Before that Lama “The Gurkha is worthy of notice, if only for the remarkable weapon descended from the Greek kopis which is about 2,500 years old, thus which they use in preference to any other. It is called the ‘Kukri’ Imperial War Museum, there is only a small khukri in a glass case to used to buy khukuris made by more than 4,000 small khukuri making the khukuri one of the oldest blade forms in the history of the and is of a very peculiar shape. remind visitors of this remarkable weapon. producers in Dharan and sold them abroad. Since its establishment in … Before passing to the mode in which the kukri is used, it world, if not the oldest. The shape is believed to have been carried to “There is little use for the khukuri in modern warfare,” says Lalit1991, the Khukuri House has been the official supplier of khukuris basha or shelter should be mentioned that it is not employed for domestic purposes, the sub-continent by the troops of Alexander the Great and then Kumar Lama, an ex British Gurkha officer now a dealer in Gurkha to British Gurkha units, the Gurkha Contingent in Singapore, the being too highly valued by the owner. For such purposes two during jungle exercises, and learnt enough about the different kinds of copied by local workmen. smaller knives are used, of very similar form, but apparently of Gurkha reserve unit in Brunei and the British Museum. military khukuris. The inferior metal. These are kept in little cases attached to the side of Jungle, an unpolished full-size khukuri, used There are khukuris hanging on the walls of the National Museum The drop in British Gurkha recruitments since Hong Kong was the kukri sheath, just as in the case with the knives attached to a for tactical jungle warfare, is 15” long, with a 10.5” blade. It weighs in Chhauni that are 500 years old, dating from the time of King Highlander’s dirk. handed over to China in 1997 doesn’t worry Lama. About 95 600 grams and has a buffalo horn handle and leather case, and the Dravya Shah (1559-1570). Along with the In the hands of an experienced wielder this knife is about as percent of his customers—including those who purchase the Dharan-sheath is camouflaged by green cotton cloth or camouflage. katari (a kind of spear), formidable a weapon as can be conceived. Like all really good made knives online—are tourists. “They’re moved by the history, the weapons, its efficiency depends much more upon the skill than the The Service No 1, probably, the most famous khukuri, is issued to the khadga (a blunt sword), and thekhuda (a curved broad sword), strength of the wielder, and thus it happens that the little Gurkha, a romance and the legends of bravery that surround the khukuri. every Gurkha on enlistment and is retained throughout their army mere boy in point of stature, will cut to pieces a gigantic adversary Everyone who comes to the store takes back a souvenir,” says Lama. In the khukuri has been present in every collection of weapons of Nepal’swho does not understand his mode of onset. The Gurkha generally career. It measures 15” and weighs 700 grams. The sheath is buffalo strikes upwards with the kukri, possibly in order to avoid wound- South Africa, it’s even been put to practical purposes—to cut biltong, famous fighting men including Amar Singh Thapa, Bal Bhadra leather and the handle, buffalo horn. The khukuri is inscribed with Kunwar, Kalu Pandey, and Bhimsen Thapa. ing himself should his blow fail, and possibly because an upward the dry meat favoured by South Africans. Lama has named this the year of enlistment, a detail which helped some young Gurkha cut is just the one that can be least guarded against. Khukuris may differ in size, but vary little in shape. Most are When we were engaged in the many wars in India the Gurkha particular khukuri, which has a 5” long blade and a 3” handle, the soldiers training in Malaysia identify an old Gurkha soldier who had named after the places they come from. The famous Bhojpure proved themselves our most formidable enemies, as since they biltong khukuri. been living in the forests since World War II, rather out of his mind. khukuri originates form east Nepal. Slightly bigger and heavier than have proved themselves most invaluable allies. Brave as lions, Although khukuris have traditionally been made by Kamis with “At first they thought he was a bandit, but later they were able to active as monkeys, and fierce as tigers, the lithe wiry little men the standard blade, it is not a military issue, but is found in many came leaping over the ground to the attack, moving so quickly, and identify him—because of his khukuri—as a Gurkha soldier who had keeping so far apart from each other, that musketry was no use

ALL PICS:MIN BAJRACHARYA PICS:MIN ALL Nepali homes, especially in east Nepal. “The 11” blade, is mounted on fought in the world war and been left behind,” says Lama. against them. When they came near the soldiers, they suddenly World War II khukuris on display at a shop in Balkumari, Ason. a 4” wooden handle that is often engraved with dragons that reflect crouched to the ground, dived under the bayonets, struck up- the craftsmanship of the Bhojpure people,” says Lama. wards at the men with their kukris, ripping them open with a single blow, and then, after having done all the mischief in their power, Almost every bit of a khukuri has a name. The two-part notch at darting off as rapidly as they had come. Until our men learned this the end of the blade is called the kaudi, which is translated somewhat mode of attack, they were greatly discomfited by their little opponents, who got under their weapons, cutting or slashing with gorily as “blood dripper”, and is meant to prevent any liquid—such as knives as sharp as razors, and often escaping unhurt from the blood—from dripping back on to the handle so the user can hold on midst of bayonets. They would also dash under the bellies of the Khukuris on display at the Khukuri House officers’ horses, rip them open with one blow of the kukri, and aim Made from reinforced steel, mostly salvaged from railway track to the knife. Although there are many models of blades, most khukurisanother at the leg of the officer as he and his horse fell together.” construction, the Dehradune or World War khukuri, originated in come with what look like two mini khukuris—the chakmak, which is used to sharpen the knife, and the karda, a utility mini-knife. (FromTravels in India and Nepal by the Reverend Wood, Nepal and was later emulated by the Indian Gurkha Army in 1896) Dehradun during World War II. This was the only khukuri used in There are plenty of explanations that attribute spiritual and the war, and Nepal was unable to keep up with the demand, which religious significance to the khukuri. The kaudi, for instance, is said to was when Dehradun started to produce these on a massive scale. Thesymbolise Shiva’s trident, or the Nepali sun and the moon. The Dehradune has a 12” long blade with a 5” handle mostly of Indian buttcap of the knife, called the chapro, is said to resemble the eye of rosewood or horn, and a scabbard is of buffalo leather. god, and the very shape of the blade, the crescent, is supposed to be Since railway tracks, and the materials to build them, are hard to an invocation of the Nepali moon. Among the other beliefs associated come by in Dharan, Lama’s factory uses the spring sheets of cars andwith the khukuri is the belief that Newar artisans should never trucks. Kamis generally heat the metal in a fire and temper it in a tea touch one. kettle. This may not sound very impressive, but tests show that Right now, a different kind of aura surrounds the khukuri, one khukuri steel is just the right hardness to cut through almost anything,that is significantly less pleasant than mythological stories, and much including bone, with relative ease, while still remaining soft enough tomore in tune with the times. Lama’s factory in Dharan is now focusing more on taking good care of the stock it has—in its godown. “Since the emergency was first imposed, and a strict watch was mad manda- tory over the transport of weapons, including the khukuri, by military forces who fear it may fall into the wrong hands, business has been slow,” says Lama. That, and even the few tourists that do amble past his shop in Thamel are not sure they can take a khukri in their luggage in the post-September 11 security of airports around the world. You still can buy a souvenier khkuri, but you need to put it in your checked-in bags.

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[email protected] Phone: (01) 521393, 543017, 547018 Fax: 977-1-536390 101010 WORLD 27 SEPTEMBER - 3 OCTOBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES ASIA 27 SEPTEMBER - 3 OCTOBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES 111111 COMMENT by RALF DAHRENDORF ANALYSIS by CHRISTOPHER GRANVILLE Dying on the job Agua problems ○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ BEIJING- Communist China’s workers, once the “masters of society”, MEXICO CITY - The poor pay the most for potable water in are dying on the job from overwork, but their grievances aren’t heard by Mexico, while availability per inhabitant here has plummeted 50 the leaders of the party that calls itself the “vanguard of the prole- percent in the last half-century, and 12 million of the country’s 100 A new tariat”. The ILO estimates that annual deaths from workplace accidents Home truths million inhabitants do not have direct access to this essential omething strange happened in are 11.1 per 100,000 Chinese workers. That compares with the US on- service. President Vicente Fox, in response to this increasingly A new main interest in Iraq is to get these Europe’s election campaigns the-job fatality rate of 2.19 per 100,000. Millions of workers have been dire situation, has promised to push forward the “Promagua” loans repaid, and then resume arms laid off or put on voluntary leave in recent years as part of sweeping this year. In France and S initiative for the second consecutive year with continued joint sales, while simultaneously economic reforms in China’s ailing sate-owned sector, and free labour Germany, Holland and Sweden the financing and management of municipal, state and federal authori- becoming a major, perhaps the unions continue to be restricted. The official urban unemployment about immigrationties. The average annual water supply available per inhabitant fell subject uppermost on many people’s Great dominant, foreign player in Iraq’s rate is 3.6 percent, but many economists privately say the real figure is minds—immigration—was ignored or from 18,000 cubic metres 50 years ago to 4,841 cubic metres Great oil and gas sector. about 10 percent. today. Mexico needs to invest $2.2 billion annually to overcome its exaggerated. As a result, fringe parties Since the Gulf War, Russia has While many of China’s labourers are becoming marginalised stepped in with slogans about water problems, but to date has earmarked just $1.3 billion each because of the downsizing of state-run firms, others are punished for year, mainly from public coffers. pursued these goals by promoting daring to protest about working conditions. China’s labour law sets a countries being “swamped” by rehabilitation of Saddam’s Iraq via immigrants and the need to preserve The government’s National Water Commission estimates that basic work week of up to 44 hours with at least one day off, but in the Game the implementation of Security hybrid called ‘socialist market economy’, the labour law is frequently the “purity” of nations. Can one by the end of this year Mexico will treat 30 percent of wastewater for re-use, compared to 26 percent currently. The goal for 2006 is Game Council resolutions and the lifting violated, and it does not stipulate what should be done in case of blame voters for being suspicious of to treat two-thirds of all water consumed. Mexico is considered of sanctions. That route now looks injury or death caused by overwork. the silence of the political majority, one of the most advanced countries in integral management and hopeless. So the US goal of regime Now that China has signed and ratified the International Conven- and even being taken in by the efficiency of its hydraulic resources due the Watershed Councils change in Baghdad does not look tion on Social, Economic and Cultural Rights, which recognises the fringe’s blustering? that have been operating here since 1993. The Councils comprise too bad, even if it cannot be right to a safe and healthy working environment, the plight of Chinese Some home truths about the government delegates and representatives of various sectors of publicly supported. For President workers is becoming an issue of international concern, and Chinese migration of people need to be users—farming, industry, distribution firms, urban consumers— workers are also beginning to understand their rights. Both hard-line Putin it makes sense to stay on the leftists and pro-reform liberals in the Communist Party have accused remembered and the necessary with a voice and vote, and universities and NGOs, who can’t vote but can provide information. The aim of the 25 Councils is to sidelines over Iraq, at least for now, Party chief and President Jiang Zemin for failing to defend the consequences drawn. Here are five manage watersheds, which encompass the area in which water and to be repaid later for his country’s working class in the new The Three Represents theory. such truths, or at any rate, five from rainfall or snowmelt flows into streams until reaching a main helpful silence through US According to this, the Communist Party should focus on representing issues for debate. river, and later a lake, reservoir or ocean, but despite the kudos, influence on the successor Iraqi the needs of “advanced forces of production, advanced culture and the First, emigration is no fun. People they haven’t been able to halt the deterioration of these areas or regime concerning repayment of the fundamental interests of all the people”. do not leave their homes on a whim or prevent water shortages. country’s Russian debts. out of adventurousness. Typically, The contrast between Russia’s they want to escape conditions of handling of Iraq and Iran also hopelessness, as many Europeans did This time around, it’s Russia inproliferation Iran of weapons and of massIraq. underlines the fundamental (IPS) when they left their homes in the 19 destruction. After talks with Abraham, difference between Iran, an attracts immigrants even from Russia indicated that implementing historical nation state, and the Britain. Integration of immigrants (IPS) month ago Russia signed a $40 Russian policy on Iran, where, despite th nuclear projects in Iran beyond the artificial creation that is Iraq. today’s demographic and attendant makes much sense; but it is desirable billion trade and economic US pressure, the Putin government is Tainted learning th existing one at Bushehr would be Russia’s long-term interests in Iran ○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ and 20 centuries, usually for terms of the need to fill certain high- social changes, but the fact is that to help create sustainable conditions cooperation treaty with Iraq still selling weapons and civil nuclear A subject to a review of domestic political NEW DELHIA -major conflict is brewing in India on the issue of tech or other positions. Gaining a few Dam corruption require permanent engagement. America. Whether for political or without immigrants the welfare state inin troubled countries with the help ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ while meeting Iranian leaders to technology to Teheran. The nuclear developments. But that is more a Iran’s Islamic revolution will education and religion, thanks to a Supreme Court ruling last week that economic reasons, it is important to Indian computer specialists is a bad advanced countries will become of a generation of emigrants who first discuss nuclear non-proliferation. issue came to the fore during the recent WASHINGTON - Development tactical move to appease the US, rather inevitably run its course and mutate upheld a controversial move by the federal government to rewrite understand that the price they are reason for allowing “green card” access,unaffordable. Using migrants to transfer resources and then return Russia’s real importance in any visit to Moscow by US Energy activists are calling on the than indicative of second thoughts on into a new form of nationalism, to school textbooks by giving them a Hindu-chauvinist slant. The issue prepared to pay is as high as the push if only because such migrants are provide for the needs of natives, but themselves. Viewed from the looming US-Iraq war lies in the light Secretary Spencer Abraham. The US has a federal devolution dimension too. Many Indian states are up in World Bank and other interna- nuclear cooperation with Iran in some extent mirroring Russia’s own to leave is strong. likely to remain a tiny minority of without letting the migrants share all perspective such truths provide, the its position sheds on the Iraqi questions Iran’s motives for develop- arms over what they see as blatant federal interference in their school tional lenders to penalise a principle. transition out of the Soviet system. Second, immigration is a great newcomers. Rich countries need the benefits, is morally unattractive. European Union’s eastward Canadian engineering consult- problem, and on that other member ofing nuclear power. Given the country’s curricula without consultation or consent. The controversy has major Deeper interests underlie Russia’s With Iraq, the opposite is true, implications on the rights of the child to unbiased information, and for compliment to those countries that immigrants to fill the jobs that Adair There may be ways to mitigate the enlargement, for example, is highly ing company after the firm the “axis of evil”: Iran. massive hydrocarbon reserves, the Turner, in his book was found guilty of corruption Iranian regime has no obvious need attitude toward Iran and its tacit because not only the regime, the the issue of tolerance and respect for difference in this plural, multi- migrants choose as their final result, but without immigration social desirable not despite but So far, the most striking feature of cultural, multi-religious country of 1 billion. Just Capital, calls benefits across Europe will have to be by a Lesotho court last week. for such a program besides its accommodation of US war plans country itself might cease to exist, destination. The answer to the the Putin administration’s handling of India’s education system primarily uses government-recommended “high-touch” jobs. Most people in reduced massively within a generation. Acres International was suspected ambition to develop nuclear against Iraq. Consider the country’s or at least be radically transformed, question, “Where do we go if we have convicted in Lesotho High the US-Iraq situation has been its external financial position. Russia should Hussein fall. Putin’s goal is textbooks approved by the Central Board for Secondary Education rich countries don’t like getting Fifth, immigration can be treated weapons. Transfer of atomic energy to leave?” is not usually China or some Court of paying bribes to win silence. If forced to state a view, inherited all of the Soviet Union’s to help Russia exploit such through a multiple-stage process involving consultation among their hands dirty anymore. It may because it know-how from Russia is seen as a African country, nor is it any longer as a step towards the full integration of contracts on a multibillion-dollar Russian diplomats take the standard foreign financial claims and liabilities transformations. teachers, experts and officials, and between the federal government not be dignified to expect immi- first step towards achieving that goal. and states. Pivotal to the process is the Central Advisory Board on much of Latin America. Countries migrants, or as a transitional phase in may lead to migration from the new dam project. Acres was line about implementing UN Security and spends up to $10 billion a year that are magnets for migrants tend grant workers to do these “dirty” their lives. Both possibilities need to member states to the old. accused of paying nearly Council resolutions and the need for Russian officials reply that there Education (CABE), a 104-member body consisting largely of state servicing Soviet-era debts. Soviet-era representatives and independent experts, and the National Council for to be rich and free. Canada has jobs, but to them such jobs are a be offered, but there’s a lot to be said $266,000 to the former chief Security Council endorsement of any can be no serious objection to such step on the ladder of hope even as (Project Syndicate) executive of the controversial claims, on the other hand, are almost Educational Research and Training (NCERT), an “autonomous” body become a dream for many, but so for the second. That countries can be actions against Iraq. Unlike other civil nuclear cooperation programs so all beyond recovery. Oil-rich Iraq’s that draws up the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) based on the they help to keep advanced econo- turned around is a reason for hope. Lesotho Highlands Water long as the recipient country accepts are European countries. (Ralf Dahrendorf is a member Project, Masupha Sole. leading West European countries, debts, with a face value amounting to National Education Policy. mies and societies functioning. the safeguards and inspection regime (Project Syndicate) Third, it is misleading to argue Now Ireland is so prosperous, it of the British House of Lords Sentencing is scheduled to President Putin and his government many billions of dollars (deriving The curriculum framework produced by NCERT two years ago was Fourth, no one has thought of the International Atomic Energy for a certain amount of immigration in and former Rector of the take place on 7 and 8 October. Sole was convicted in June of 13 prefer to keep their heads down, mainly from export credits for arms not approved by CABE, and yet the government arbitrarily imposed it. through the full implications of Agency (IAEA). Russia argues that its London School of Economics.) counts of bribery and sentenced to 18 years in prison for taking reflecting their wish to nurture sales), are a rare exception. Russia’s (Christopher Granville, a The wilful short-circuiting and sabotage of democratic procedure is more than $2 million in bribes over 10 years from mediators Russia’s new and still-fragile conventional arms sales to Iran former British diplomat and only one ground on which the government was challenged in a public representing 12 of the world’s largest construction firms. rapprochement with the US. concerns supplies of equipment that fellow of All Soul’s College, interest petition in the Supreme Court. The petitioners’ second Ryan Hoover of the US-based development group International have no bearing on concerns about the Oxford, is chief strategist for substantial ground was that the NCF militates against the principles of ANALYSIS by SIMON TEITEL But this explanation does not fit secularism, equality, right to education and to development, embed- Rivers Network (IRN), which has been fighting to end many dam United Financial Group, a ded in India’s constitution. Under the constitution, the state cannot projects, says that the fate of hundreds of thousands of dam- Russian investment bank.) favour a religion or religious denomination or support religious affected people depends on the integrity of Acres’ work, and that instruction. Article 28 of the Constitution prohibits “religious instruc- the Ontario-based firm can no longer be assumed to be a “respon- tion” in educational institutions fully managed out of state funds. sible”. “Their environmental and social feasibility studies should be brought into question now.” Acres International denied the charges Recovery for Argentinaand said it will take action to protect its name. Acres has worked on several controversial World Bank-funded dams before but this rgentina’s president, Eduardo Duhalde, has been making impassioned case has attracted international attention because of the high- pleas for international support to rebuild his country. Argentina needs Argentina deserves help, but of the profile companies involved. A lawyer at the trial in Lesotho told IPS (IPS) and deserves such help, and the foundations for economic success-skills (a that senior representatives from the US embassy, the British Wait and see A kind that recognises the importance embassy, and the World Bank, also attended. The next company to RANJIT DEVRAJ literate and well-educated population) and institutions (a federal constitutionalof salvaging its civil society. stand trial will be Germany’s Lahmeyer International, accused of ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Muni and Narayansawamy also referred to the enormous pressure on the democracy) have been in place for a long time. But Duhalde has yet to specify paying Sole over $250,000. NEW DELHI - Although the talks between Colombo and the Tamil Tigers are LTTE from western powers: the carrot of a handsome economic package for what must be done to take advantage of Argentina’s favourable endowments. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○ being hailed as historic and path-breaking, experts in India are reserving judge-reconstruction on the one hand and the stick of a ban on the LTTE by the US No one forced Argentina to adopt the currency board devised by Domingo $12 billion to $27 billion (an average annual growth rate of about 8.5 percent), ment until they have heard pronouncements from reclusive rebel leader and its allies in the western world including Canada, Australia and Britain. Cavallo, the former economy minister, which pegged the peso to the dollar at a despite the overvalued currency. Velupillai Prabhakaranin ( pic). “Too much is being read into what [LTTE India’s Foreign Ministry, which piloted the failed 1987 Indo-Sri Lanka fixed exchange rate of one to one. (The IMF, however, clearly should not have President Duhalde has requested the IMF, the World Bank, and the Inter- accord that has been blamed for India’s military involvement in Sri Lanka, helped finance the currency board’s operation without demanding fiscal negotiator] Anton Balasingham told reporters at Sattahip,” said Mr American Development Bank to help. Assistance should be forthcoming, and the Narayanaswamy, long-time Tamil Tiger watcher and authorTigers of of Lanka. reflected the mood of cautious optimism. India’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman adjustment when the country liberalised its foreign trade.) As a result, interest Nirupama Rao reiterated that India “supported, and will continue to support all rates were largely determined in the US. Lacking access to basic economic toolsresponsibilities and priorities in dispensing it should be spelled out and agreed He said there is a big difference between what Balasingham says and what upon in advance by the government and these organisations. The IMF should (IPS) Prabhakaran, the final LTTE authority, may say on the subject of a separateefforts of the Sri Lanka government towards the peace process.” But India has not such as exchange rate and monetary policies, Argentina could not surmount the budged from the position that it wants Prabhakaran extradited from Sri Lanka to profound external shocks of the second half of the 1990s, when export prices providefell, technical and financial assistance to support a long-term program aimed Tamil state. stand trial for the 1991 assassination of former prime the US dollar appreciated, and Brazil, the country’s main trading partner, at redefining the fiscal responsibility of the central and provincial governments for The last time Prabhakaran was heard on the issue was true fiscal decentralisation so the central government can regain full control of Don’t mine for wealth minister Rajiv Gandhi. In May, India renewed a ban devalued its currency. The government never had the political will for severe fiscal ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ at a dramatic in the rebel-held town of public finances.The World Bank should provide technical and financial assistance on the LTTE in place since 1992. A Sri Lanka expert austerity, the only alternative. Argentina is now in a deep recession, with Kilinochchi on 10 April, where he said his followers were to support a reorganised judiciary. This must include making the appointment ofWASHINGTON - The World Bank and other international financial at the School of International Studies, P Sahadevan, unemployment above 30 percent, and a shattered banking and financial system. entitled to kill him if he gave up the demand for a Indian analysts say it’s too federal and Supreme Court judges free from nepotism and political influence. Ainstitutions (IFIs) should reassess their continued backing for says this is part of India’s policy of keeping up Fiscal austerity and balanced budgets, longer term priorities, are inappropri- mining projects in poor countries, says a report released Monday separate Tamil homeland. Narayanaswamy said shameful legacy of President Menem’s government in the 1990s was that it early to call the Sri Lankapressure on the LTTE rather than indicative of real by Oxfam America. Prabhakaran has a record of going back on accords, ate now. The first priority should be boosting employment. Otherwise, the prevented the investigation and prosecution of serious improprieties, corruption, seriousness to get Prabhakaran, who now has a pointing to 1987, when Prabhakaran promised to help peace talks a success. country’s impoverishment will continue to deplete its middle class and lead illegal arms sales, and major terrorist acts. Finally, the Inter-American Develop- Contrary to what the report calls “folklore” propagated by the measure of international legitimacy, to stand trial in implement the Indo-Sri Lankan accord to settle the Sri young and capable professionals to emigrate, and sustain unprecedented levelsment of Bank should assist with programs designed to promote and finance IFIs and the global mining industry, mining never acted as a major this country. spur to development in the United States, Canada, or Australia, the Lankan conflict, and then went on to call it anti-Tamil violence and criminality, another crucial dimension of today’s insecurity. Theindustrial exports, as well as underwriting tourism projects - areas in which it has While India did not send any official observer to government must promote exports, particularly in the manufacturing and agro- three countries often held up by the IFIs as examples for develop- and pro-Sinhala. substantial experience in Latin America. the Sattahip talks, both the LTTE and Colombo have industrial sectors, as well as tourism and infrastructure construction projects. ment that mineral-rich poor countries could follow. “This study Academics, too, were cautious about the results of the At a time of deep recession, such support should not be made contingent on shows definitively that traditional World Bank claims are wrong,” taken care to see that New Delhi is kept officially There can be no reliance on domestic consumption or private investment to turn 16-18 September peace talks in Thailand. At the reaching unattainable fiscal objectives. Fiscal consolidation should be a condition said Keith Slack, policy advisor of Oxfam America. “Historically, briefed on progress by Erik Solheim, Norway’s special the tide. Higher exports will also generate the foreign exchange needed to resume Jawaharlal Nehru University, South Asia expert SD Muni for the longer-term aid that international organisations will have to provide. But mining was never a significant of national wealth in envoy at Sattahip. external debt payments, now in default. said newspaper reports from Sattahip were a bit too the first priority must be putting people back to work. Addressing the glaring countries like the US, Canada, and Australia that the World Bank India’s official position can be gauged by how it Argentina’s exporters will need help in returning to foreign markets. The claims it was. So, the Bank needs to honestly reassess its “euphoric”. Muni suspected Balasingham and his team shortcomings in the country’s judicial system should also be made a condition for will respond to a request by Norway’s deputy foreign country has already shown that under favourable conditions its exports can promotion of large-scale mining in poor countries, which often might not have been adequately briefed by Prabhakaran support, both as an immediate and a long-term objective. minister Vidar Helegesen that the UK-based compete and grow rapidly. According to World Bank data, 32 percent of has serious negative impacts on local communities and the on the LTTE’s exact position, which may emerge at the Balasingham be allowed to transit through India to the Argentina’s exports are manufactured goods, with roughly one-quarter classified environment.” second stage when substantive issues are addressed. (Project Syndicate) LTTE’s stronghold in the Jaffna peninsula. Entry by as high-technology products. From 1991 to 2001, total exports grew from about Oxfam is one of a growing number of environmental and The real questions, Muni said, are what degree of development groups that argue that mining in many developing Balasingham into Tamil Nadu state, home to 60 autonomy is on the table, what is the meaning of a million ethnic Tamils, has been disallowed by the (Simón Teitel consults for the World Bank, the UN and other countries has hurt economic development, disrupted nearby homeland and how the idea of self-determination is to be international organizations.) communities, and devastated surrounding natural environments. state’s chief minister J Jayalalithaa, who recently Groups have long argued that mining has been most damaging to interpreted. At the end of the talks Wednesday, Tiger ordered the arrest of top political leaders under anti- the environment, but in recent years they have broadened their chief negotiator Anton Balasingham said: “We operate terrorist laws for merely expressing support for the attack to include the less-than-positive economic impacts as according to the concept of a homeland and self- LTTE. Jayalalithaa and herparty gained enormously well. determination. Homeland doesn’t mean separate state as such,” suggesting a scaling down of the Tigers’ long-held through a sympathy wave after Gandhi was killed at an quest for a separate Tamil homeland and for “substantial election rally in Tamil Nadu in 1991 by a woman LTTE autonomy”. suicide bomber. (IPS) (IPS) 121212 FROM THE NEPALI PRESS THIS PAGE CONTAINS MATERIAL SELECTED FROM THE NEPALI PRESS 27 SEPTEMBER - 3 OCTOBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES HISTORY AND CULTURE 27 SEPTEMBER - 3 OCTOBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES 131313 Bankrupt Corp. 60 percent of the people who enter Baneswor convention list]. There NEPALITERATURE by MANJUSHREE THAPA ENCOUNTERS by MEGH RANJANI RAI ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ the services are mediocre, and the rest are many signatures of people who Deshantar, 22 September are very capable. This year quite a few are recorded as having attended people from western Nepal applied, both the meetings, but many don’t Referendum ? and altogether 781 people from the match. (The paper lists them all). Hari Prasad Shrestha, director general western region entered government of the Nepal Timber Corporation, has From Maam, Narahari Acharya, NC,Kantipur in , 18 September service after passing the exams. The SHANKAR LAMICHHANE pocketed a large sum of money by breakdown of the others who have selling off the corporation’s land in Group of Six passed the exam and entered the ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Bhaktapur. He sold much more than …The visible forces who want to stop the elec- service is as follows: 576 people Budhabar, 25 September onsidered one of Nepal’s foremost essayists of all times, The sudden explosion of silence amid the singing of devotional tions are the Maoists. They consider the 13 was actually sanctioned for sale by the Shankar Lamichhane wrote with a lyrical, musical tempo, from the eastern region, 521 from hymns was just as piercing as my voice became later on at home, with love November elections to be meaningless and have government. The corporation owns 13 unrestrained by the ponderous language that often marsas theI received a beating. the central region, 161 from the C promised to disrupt voting. They have already ropani, nine anna and two paisa Six major political parties that are essays of his elders, peers or followers. He died an untimely deathAnd probably, an even more piercing wail echoed in my mother’senjoyed my two-year stint teaching at Budanilkantha School. I wept, I launched several activities to this end. And yet, mid-western region and 91 from concerned about the present at the age of 48, but had stopped writing before that, discouraged [approximately 0.68 hectares] of land heart for a long period, at least until the bills and coins I had pouredslept and kept my memories of one of them no more: Nirajan. His Royal they continue to say in their statements that they the far-west. by an anonymous accusation of plagiarism, an accusation he in Bhaktapur. The government had situation of the country are going to onto the offering plate were recouped. Today, isn’t the ages-agoHighness, who came to me as a shy, untidy boy, his shirt hanging out, will not oppose elections if they were to see them accepted, but which is still deliberated over by critics. That I The exams for officer-level posts initiate actions to address the present faith that I displayed towards god recouped by my occupation of as fruitful. However, let it also be clear that there approved the sale of seven ropanis Lamichhane’s fresh, playful style greatly enriched Nepali literature lugging buckets of water. for fiscal 2001/02 have yet to take situation of the country. The six living off of the two-paisa profit earned from god’s statues? has been very little consistency between what the [0.36 hectares], following which is, however, indisputable. The essay below, translated from his The boys had to all do their share of house duties, and he had to fill all place. One hundred and twelve parties submitted a memorandum Now that I have crossed my mother’s age at that time I can try to Maoists have been saying and what they have tenders were invited, and it was collectionAbstract Chintan: Pyaz, shows off his light touch in the filters at Annapurna House. Curled up in his bunk, with a sore throat, women will sit for the exam. The to the government expressing their feel her seriousness or upset at the matter. She was a school- been doing, as a result of which, their credibility decided to sell that land at Rs 1.8 dealing with both intimate and metaphysical subjects. his hair shadowing a pale face. This was the quality of the school: no class has been questioned by all political parties, and million per ropani. But the director Ministry of Women, Children, and distrust and suspicion of the teacher who had lost a husband and was suffering from tuberculo- sis. From the money she earned by teaching at a middle schooldistinction, she boys from the remotest villages hobnobbed with royalty and the also the people at large… general cancelled the tender and Social Welfare is organising special government’s reluctance [to move coaching classes in order to help more on important matters] and bought food, clothes, curatives and medicines for herself andelite. her I wonder how many of the scholarship programs in other institutions …Ten of the main political parties in the arranged for a notice to be published son, and when all these assets that she had saved from all exigen- women enter the services, and more irresponsibility. were able to inculcate this sense of fair play and camaraderie among country are saying that the constitution needs to on 25 May this year. He then cies were offered away all at once…! What a huge problem students be improved through changes in order to safe- published a notice for the sale of land than 35 women are attending these This joint action of the six GOD’S WORK presented itself before her! At a time when an invitation to her own guard the gains of the 1990 People’s Movement that the government had not free coaching classes. Bahuns don’t parties, which were all represented in “What work does your father do, dear?” death came with each cough, her heart must have pinched at for democracy. The Maoists, who began their decided to sell. The second tender dominate only the final exams of the the dissolved House of Representa- “He does god’s work.” anxiety about how her five year-old son would cross the vast struggle aiming to dismantle the existing state civil services: during the pre-test for tives, was initiated by the CPN-UML My five-year-old daughter gives a simple answer to the oceanquestion of being. (In the same way that I sometimes feel a and replace it with a communist regime, also say fixed a price of Rs 1.6 million per pinch now). ropani. The corporation lost Rs officer-level posts, Bahuns accounted about three weeks ago. After a her teacher puts to her. Those who don’t have any knowledge that they are willing to agree on multiparty competition and protect the gains of 1990. Even the for 78.24 percent, Chhetris totalled about my personal life or who don’t know me through my writingsIf god exists at all, he must have suffered more at my mother’s parties that champion parliamentary democracy have begun to believe this. The 200,000Maoists per now ropani—more than Rs meeting, the parties decided to jointly 14.86 percent, Newars were 2.89 would immediately envision a priest. My daughter has seen,pain in truth, than rejoiced at my offering; that is, if god is touched by such need to clearly explain what they mean by what they have been saying, especially3.5 whether million in they total. submit the memorandum to the a variety of statues of many gods in my shop. How could shethings know as pain and suffering. are only articulating the compulsions of the present, or whether they are basing theirRam assess- Chandra Bhatta, director of percent of the total, dalits 0.8 percent,prime minister. The parties are the vast difference between doing god’s work and selling statues and the rest comprised the remaining I know, in my daughter’s words lies the truth as she knows it. ment on the existing political balances. In the same manner political parties needthe to corporation’s explain Supply Department, hopeful that their action will create of the gods? what they mean by the ‘gains of the 1990 movement’. What are the issues they want pro- 2.9 percent. In number terms this is And truth, Daughter, is what you are capable of knowing. is close to Prime Minister Sher pressure within the government to Childhood is astonishing: our feelings at that age are as pure as tected? What are the limits to the constitutional reforms they are talking about? 1669 Bahuns, 321 Chettris, 61 The first time my mother did not allow me to eat from her plate I Bahadur Deuba and was also involved create a positive environment and flowing water. Age and our experiences block this flow. I remember, …It is also necessary for both government and the Maoists to learn lessons from the last Newars, 14 dalits and 62 others. The eliminate any doubts regarding the at my daughter’s age I took my mother’s money from the storagewas very hurt. The first time my mother made a separate bed for me in a controversy, this one regarding the I cried and cried. Today I know how much goodwill and affection negotiations. The Maoists are to be blamed for the breakdown because they made certain the final outcome is yet to be seen. A total box, and poured it all into the offering plate at the singing of sale of timber at the corporation’s November elections. The parties those acts contained; would I be alive now if not for them? suspicion that they were not serious about talks by just walking away. But the government was of 12,812 candidates filled forms for devotional hymns. How could it be that everyone would always put branch office in Hetauda. A tender have alleged that the government is also to blame—despite everything, Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba was unclear about the the officer level posts; 11,962 sat for money in the offering plate, warm their hands on the sacred flameAnother thing, Daughter: the truth is something that keeps notice was issued by the central office being indecisive about holding the direction of the talks, as well as the limits on what was negotiable. The Prime Minister believed the pre-test, and only 2,133 candi- and place their hands on their eyes; but I would never get permis-developing, that keeps changing. (Somewhere I’ve read that though regarding the sale of timber in elections, and has not initiated a sion to offer money, or find a chance to? Am I alone not a person?each snowflake has a hexagonal shape, none of their designs have that the Maoists could be satisfied by social and economic reforms alone, he did not want to dates passed. analyse seriously the political issues raised by the Maoists … Hetauda on 5 September. Realising discussion with other I’m going to take all the money in my mother’s box and pour itever onto been the same until today). Even though the truth is the sameThey were not my pupils, I was the learner. I learnt to parent, even political parties. the offering plate…. each time, it is separate. When I offered him money, god was …We’re talking about talks again, and it is now necessary to try to take the negotiationsthe competition, in Bhatta got into though I had three children of my own. They were my mentors. I learnt of The parties have also alleged that formless to me. Today, each time I sell a statue, god takes on theira form. pain, their sorrow, their confusion. The confusion was mainly the the right spirit. It is not enough to talk about talks or create pressure for talks. Thecahoots first withneces- businessmen and Before selling him, I buy him. I try to discover which period his style sity is to have clarity on the basic principles we are talking on and for. Also there contraryis a need to the for best interests of the the government’s attitude to the belongs to. I measure his beauty. I describe him. And I weigh himresult in of our social norm of lack of parent-child communication. Each must honesty on both sides if the talks are to yield a solution. What the Maoists, who wantcorporation, a commu- decided not to Maoist problems is irresponsible and the profits received. For me, Buddha does not remain just Buddha,be in his/her place and there is no scope for easy laughter. Children of the nist republic, have to be aware of, is that not only the Nepali Congress and the UML,sanction even the the55 tender notices sold dubious. They have appealed for the Buddha who started a religion that said that there was nonouveau God riche whose parents had no time for them. Daddies too busy other communist parties are opposed to ending Nepal’s monarchy. Also not justby the the centralCongress office and the 28 considered and intent deliberations and who was himself transformed into a god, who created themaking five money or politicking, mummies engrossed in the social circuit. 134 fakes panchasheelaperfections and who got trappedshila stones.in I and the Rastriya Prajatantra Party, even His Majesty may have no reservations aboutnotices making sold by the corporation’s ○○○○○○○○○○ ○○○○○○ to handle the issues thrown up by the They would sometimes call me to talk to them. We would sit on the the legal and necessary constitutional changes to give continuity to the institutionbranch of monarchy. in Hetauda. Kedar Subedi inBimarsha, insurgency. It is expected that the recognize Buddha only in the form of the inch-and-a-half Buddhafreeezing steps, under the stars and they would unwind, nodding knowingly … It is not that the Maoists don’t understand this, which is why they have to acknowledge the joint action will help give direction to and the nine-inch Buddha and the sixteen-inch Buddha and the reality of politics of Nepal. Otherwise both the nation and the people will lose. The management committee of 20 September earth-touching Buddha and the bronze Buddha and the crownedwhen they came up with problems of pubescent metamorphosis. Many, I the derailed government, which has did not know how to handle, but I listened nevertheless. And they just The political agenda now is to find a peaceful resolution. Lately the Maoiststhe have corporation also decided, on 3 May Buddha. I recognize Buddha only in the buying price of fourteen this year, not to mention the lot The Election Commission has said basically actedtenacious and and selling price of twenty. There is no falsehood, now, in whatneeded I someone to talk to. been talking about a peaceful political resolution. Now the establishment (the government and obstinate. The parties have alleged am claiming. the political parties) need to be ready to assess the Maoist campaign and their statements.numbers for sale, fearing that such that of the attendees marked as There were love stories, heartbreak tales, especially when the The Maoists can also test the seriousness of the establishment by declaring a unilateralknowledge would give rise to present at the Nepali Congress generalthat the attitude of the government I don’t know what kind of truth it will be, the truth that you schoolwill allowed girls to be enrolled for the first time after 20 years. ceasefire. For this, the political parties need to propose the inclusion of a provisionirregularities. in the But the Hetauda office convention, roughly half were actually has created confusion and disorien- discover twenty, twenty-five years from now, when I will be They hated them at first, would not sit at the same desk, would not constitution that would allow a referendum if a two-thirds majority of parliament wantsflouted theto decisionseek and published the there. The Baneswor meeting claimed tation among the people. finished and you will reach the age I am now. You may, may noteven think look at them, resented them because the girls got printed salwar a vote of the people on any matter of national interest. For this, the ten political partieslot numbers. that A have management commit- to have 772participants. According These were the conclusions back to your own life’s events when your child does anything, just as I suddenly remember my life’s events. You may, may not remem-kamij to wear after school, while they had to make do with the blue come together must make commitments to include the issue of a referendum in teetheir meeting election on 23 August decided to to the Nepali Congress constitu- reached at a meeting held at the and grey uniforms all the time. manifestos, and also collectively get the prime minister to agree on the idea. ber your father now and then, the way that I remember my mother. reverse its decision and publish the lot tion, there are a total of 1,465 residence of former prime minister But this much is certain—a part of me will live in you even after myThe school had a beautiful costume room that the boys had been ruling numbers and sell land so it could pay General Convention members. But and Rastriya Prajatantra Party leader end, just as my ancestors are asleep in me, and I sometimes nudgeroost over for the last twenty years, preening and dressing up, and they workers’ salaries. This was Director removing the fake signatures—of Surya Bahadur Thapa on 23 them awake, and they sometimes nudge me awake…. I remembercertainly did not like the idea that the girls now had sway over the General Shrestha’s doing. But those who were not in Nepal at the September to demand that the when my mother’s diary got into my hands, ten or twelve years after her death. Each sentence and each word in it awoke with a start,wigs, satin, velvet. But when the girls won the shooting championship, Shrestha has also challenged the time, and those asked to sign government be more decisive about and carrying the memento of my mother’s ailments and pains fromall that changed. management committee’s earlier later—the attendance comes down pressing issues and initiate actions to years ago, they came to shelter inside me. And probably they What is touching now is when you are remembered even after so long. I decision by cancelling the files of 100 to 532. The attendees at the NC ensure security. spawned in me the same intensity that she had suffered. I cannothave met them from Nuwakot to New York. On a slippery slope near lots involving 6,000 cubic feet of Pokhara convention [in late 2000] remember today whether there was, was not any new style or The parties have also agreed to Trisuli, trying to avoid the leeches, I notice a young bearded man following timber on 27 August. Bureaucrats are and those on the list of the technique or artistry in her writing, but there was one quality that I form a coordination committee, on me. Maybe some NGO guy, I think. Suddenly this apparition speaks: amazed by his opposing actions. On 2 Baneswor convention were remember till today—there was an intensity of experience in it. She which will sit Subash Nemwang of did not write the diary for others, and so there was no unnecessary“Megha Maam, what are you doing here? Don’t you know me? I am roll September, the corporation called for apparently the same, so the Pokhara the CPN-UML, Krishna Sitaula of description. Neither had she written it for me, because there number…”was no Those roll numbers, they never leave you. a tender to sell 6,000 cubic feet of attendance sheet could have Nepali Congress, Kamal Thapa of the advice. (Why she wrote it I cannot understand. It could be that theAt The Rox trying out my salsa steps, this young man sidles up. I ignore timber at the corporation’s Bardghat provided a basis for the CommissionRPP, Rajendra Mahato of the diary was a complaint about the injustice she had borne, made out to him, my gaze fixed 40 degrees off his right shoulder. He bends forward: QUOTE OF THE WEEK office. Since there was no competition,to verify the signatures. There was Sadbhawana Party, Nav Raj Subedi a formless future. If that is the case, it is a grand, successful literary “Maam, don’t you remember? You taught me in class six.” How can I the branch head recommended that no need to fake signatures in of the United People’s Front, and composition. Otherwise what is the value of literature?) connect that sleepy-eyed 12-year-old to this Latino hunk sashaying his way The immediate Maoist problem can be solved by reinstating parliament or by forming an interim the central office cancel the call. But Pokhara because Sher Bahadur Sunil Prajapati of the Nepal Peasant- I burned that diary. There was no better reader for it than I, and I across the floor? government. But the core problem will never be solved, no matter how many elections are held. seeing a chance to earn commissions, Deuba was also one of the candi- Workers’ Party. was afraid that it would be denigrated at the hands of others. Then there were the girls. The scholarship girls from the villages — Chakra Prasad Banstola, Central member, Nepali CongressDeshantar in , 22 September. Shrestha and Bhatta are threatening dates contesting for the post of Sometimes I think that I should not have burned the diary. That that the branch head rectify the note, president of the NC [so if there are matter is as though…let’s say it sometimes comes to mind all ofwere a transformed, they learnt fast. There was informal peer support says a source in the timber industry. fake signatures they must be on the sudden: what if I had never come to Kathmandu from Kashi? Therefrom older girls who were big sister, mother, protector, arbitrators to are many possibilities in the thing called ‘what if’. What if I didn’tall the bahinis. One who helped the smaller boys and girls, and who write? My feelings would certainly not die; but their expressionalways had a smile on her face is now a stockbroker. The intelligent all- would not become pointed. And I probably wouldn’t measure many things that I have done or that others have done. Life would berounders, a the shy quiet ones, all weaving their laughter and successes wholesale market, and small, delicate events would not appearinto the pattern of my own life. before my eyes, suddenly taking on meaning. I would take out a There is no greater happiness, let me tell you, than being remembered balance sheet of successes and failures and my life would beby someone you taught long ago. All decent youngsters now, doing well for different in each fiscal year. themselves, and keeping the torch alive. It’s just that none of this happened. It’s just that I didn’t (or couldn’t) do that. Today even nonsensical things touch me. Even questions placed Uncivil service to others, and answers given my others, touch me. ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ Deshantar, 22 September And…. Because I get touched so easily, I feel hopeful that at least I experience tremors here and there. Somewhere there is a heartbeat As in the past, 80 percent of the left, and perhaps this being is ‘god’s work’ that has remained dead in candidates successful in passing exams me? The heartbeat of true desire towards life…. and entering the civil service this year The answer to this will be given by the future, perhaps…. are Bahuns. Twenty percent of the positions are occupied by other castes. Altogether a variety of civil service posts totalling 7,339 were advertised for the fiscal year 2001/02. So far, 309 people have been recommended for appointment having passed the exams. Altogether, 6,678 men and 651women had applied for the posts. Of the 50,033 candidates initially screened, Books: Election Manifesto 1999 only 106 were really capable. The “Can you please change the year into 2002, and photocopy the document!” rest had negligible qualifications. Baburam Sapkota, spokesman of the Civil Service Commission, says that Spacetime Dainik, 22 September KAMAL DIXIT 141414 CITY 27 SEPTEMBER - 3 OCTOBERNEPALI 2002 TIMES 27 SEPTEMBER - 3 OCTOBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES 151515


EXHIBITION Himalayan Drawings Robert Powell, Michael Oppitz, ed Seasons of the Kunwinjku Paintings from West Arnhem Land, VMZ, Zurich, 2002 Australia. Until 3 October, Siddhartha Art Gallery, Baber Mahal Rs 6,000 Revisited, 11AM-6PM, 411122. Australian Embassy Kathmandu, This retrospective presents 140 works representing over 25 years of Powell as a draughtsman Siddhartha Art Gallery and Baber Mahal Revisited. of vernacular architecture, meticulous ethnographic illustrator, imaginative documentarist, Three women artistsPaintings by Erina Tamrakar, Pramila and visionary of the real. Examining his oeuvre are eight essays by specialists in art and Bajracharya and Sunila Bayracharya, until 9 October, Lazimpat architecture, social anthropology and ethnography, Tibetan, Islamic, Indian and Nepali Gallery Café. 429590 studies, as well as general history of the Himalayan region. Symphony of Colours Paintings by Madan Chitrakar. Until 28 Sep- tember, 11AM-6PM, Nepal Art Council, Babar Mahal. 227866 Diplomacy Henry Kissinger Touchstone, New York, 1994 EVENTSEVENTSEVENTS Rs 1,000 special price Lazimpat Poetry and Prose GroupFor writers, readers and listeners, 5.30 PM, October Moving4, from a sweeping overview of history to blow-by-blow accounts of his negotiations Lazimpat Gallery Café. 429590 with world leaders, Henry Kissinger describes how the art of diplomacy has created the world Ni hao ma?Practice spoken Chinese with other volunteers, beginners welcome.in Chinese which we live, and how America’s approach to foreign affairs has always differed vastly from Language Conversation Table at Himalayan Java Coffee House, Thamel, 3 October,that of6PM. other nations. Especially interesting are the sections on the idea of ‘Western unity’, For details ring Trailokya Aryal 437624. détente, and diplomacy as geopolitics.

SEMINARSEMINARSEMINAR Human Development Report 2002: Deepening Democracy in a Fragmented World ELD interactive seminars Professional writing for development staff/ report writing 26–29 Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2002 September, 9.30 AM–4.30 PM, Rs 9,000 (standard), Rs 6,750 (concessionary). Presentation Rs 760 skills and public speaking, 5–7 October, 10AM–4PM, Rs 5,000/Rs 4,000. Developing project proposals, 27–31 October, 10AM–4PM, Rs 9,000/Rs 6,750. ELD 541 613 This HDR examines political participation as a dimension of human development. In developing countries, democracy’s strategic importance to security and stability puts political participation high on the development agenda, though the links between demo- MUSICMUSICMUSIC cratic governance and social and economic development are not automatic. The report 1974 AD live at Jatra restaurant & bar. 27 September, 6PM on. Tickets, Rs 500 with also calls for more democratic principles in global institutions and negotiations. welcome drink and dinner. 211010 after 6PM. Prism live Musical night with food at Hotel Shahenshah International, Dhapasi, 28 September, 7PM on. Courtesy: Mandala Book Point, Kantipath, 227711, [email protected] Jazz at PatanCadenza and friends play fusion jazz, and launch their CD Celebrating 100 Years of Jazz. Rs 600, 4 October, 6.30 PM, Patan Museum. [email protected]. CLASSIFIED The Jazz Commission with Vidhea Fridays, 7PM on at Fusion, the bar at Dwarika’s Hotel.

Happy Hour 6.30 PM – 7.30 PM, buy one get one free. 479488 ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ For sale Dining table and six chairs, deep-freeze House for rent in Thamel Four bedrooms each with refrigerator, flexicoir mattress because leaving the attached bath, eat-in kitchen, living room, large terrace, DRINKDRINKDRINK country. Contact Paula at 530297 Rs 15,000. Tel:9810-21981,9692-3272 Ladies night at The Rox Bar Wednesdays. Women get a drink on the house, and after 8PM Contact www.kopilaclinic.com Foot - Reflexology: stressed or tired? UPLIFT YOUR Teesta band plays. Hyatt Regency Kathmandu. 491234 SPIRIT FROM YOUR TOES UP. Meter of MaltsSingle malt tastings, 12 varieties, the Piano Lounge, Hotel Yak & Yeti,The TeaRs House InnIntroducing the Tea House Combo, email: [email protected] or ring 425931 999. 248999 Rs 700 nett per person on twin-sharing basis. Package for Nepalis and expats includes room, breakfast, dinnerNagarkot Special at Naked ChefBed and breakfast, (Nepali food), free facilities, swimming, and Jacuzzi. For three-course gourmet dinner, Rs 800 per person. Room Rs FOODFOODFOOD reservations: 410432, 414432, 680048. 300 only. For Nepalis and expatriates. 680006, 969107153 Momo Festival Momo eating and making competitions, 18 varieties of momos, door prizes,

live music. Bakery Café members Rs 300 for adults, Rs 150 for children under Beautiful4 ½ ft, non-land forour y dream project ! Bird breeding? K-Too! Beer and Steakhouse not the “longest”, “highest”, members Rs 350 and Rs 200. Bakery Café, Teku, 12 noon-4PM, 5PM-9PM, 28Flower/Fruit September. Cultivation? Ayurvedic Clinic? Meditation“first” or any other superlative. Just a relaxed, easy-going Lunch or brunch Nepali set meal at Rs 325, also a la carte, The Tea House Inn, Nagarkot.Center? Terraced land, 2 ½ Ropani, next to a wild runningbar and restaurant with the coldest beer and juiciest steaks brook! Absolutely breathtaking location. Only 20 minutethis side of the moon. By the Kathmandu Guest House. Taste of Beijing Roast duck and other Chinese meat, fish and vegetarian delicacies.drive from Kathmandu city to this treasure! property○○○○○○○○○○○○○ 433043 Beijing Roast Duck Restaurant, Birendra International Convention Centre. 468589Serious buyers, Please call : Niraj 981024067 Email: [email protected] Fresh claws Fresh crabs all September, with lunch buffet, Cajun crab cakes with mesclun, Visit Ground ZeroFine wines, designer candles, cards, baked crab with mustard and fontina and more. The Sunrise Café, Hotel Yak & Yeti. 248999 exclusive Nepali paper products, silver jewellery, wooden Weekend lunch with swimming Rs 700 for adults, Rs 500 for children, Dwarika’sHouse Hotel. for rent in Jawalakhelcentrally located, items, perfumes and more. Darbar Marg, opposite Hotel de l’Annapurna 479488 spacious old Rana bungalow (9386.61sq.ft) with big garden, ample parking space. Total land area- 30690.23 Special weekend lunch at Bukhara, vegetarian at Rs 350 plus tax and non-vegetariansq.ft. at Suitable for offices. Serious enquiries: Contact S. Lazimpat Book Club: We choose a novel and meet one Rs 450 plus tax. Hotel Soaltee Crowne Plaza. 27399 Rana between 7- 8:30 am and 5:30-8 pm Tel: 521128/ 546857 evening a week for discussion and conversation. Join us - Autumn menu and Priti StupaBhoj View Vegetarian Restaurant, Boudha. 480262 tel 429590 Wood fired pizzasat the new Roadhouse Café. Completely redesigned with separate bar seating and coffee bar. The Roadhouse Café, Thamel. For insertions ring NT Marketing at 543333-36.

GETAWAYS Monsoon mists Horseshoe Resort, Mude two-and-half hours from Kathmandu. NatureA thriller, Road is about Arvind (Vivek Oberoi) walks, birdwatching, drizzle walks, Finnish sauna. [email protected] Laxmi (Antra Mali), lovers who flee their homes when their parents oppose their Monsoon in Shivapuri Birdwatching, short hikes, writing. 30 minutes from Kathmandu,relationship. on On their way escaping, they come the edge of the Shivapuri National Park. Rs 1,850 per person with dinner and breakfast,across Babu Rs (Manoj Bajpai), who asks for Roada lift. 925 per child 5-14 years, Shivapuri Heights Cottage. [email protected] What happens next catches the viewer unaware. Road turns out to be about just these The Great Godavari Getaway Special weekend packages including room with breakfastthree, but about four principal characters, and dinner, 25 percent discount on health club facilities. Godavari Village Resort.Arvind, 560675 Laxmi, Babu and the Road. Produced by Ramgopal Varma, Road is directed byNew showtimes!! Rajat Mukherjee, who also directed Varma’s12.15,JAI NEPAL 3.15, 6.15 CINEMA For inclusion in the listing send information to [email protected] Fardeen-Urmila-Sonali starrer Pyaar TuneTelephone Kya booking: 442220 Kiya. Sandesh Shandilya’s music complimentsOnline booking www.jainepal.com the script beautifully.

on FM 102.4

Mon-Fri 0615-0645World BBC Today NEPALI WEATHER by NGAMINDRA DAHAL Sat 0615-0645BBC Reporting Religion DSES-25-09-2002 02:00 GMT Late season low pressure systems over the Bay of Bengal still dominate the weather over eastern India, and the combined circulation from these are giving the southwest monsoon Sun 0615-0645BBC Agenda second wind. The more-than-average precipitation has compensated for the deficit in June. Though they are normally Daily 2045-2115g] BBCkfnL ; ]]]]]jf supposed to suck the clouds from this region and transfer them to southeast Asia, this time westerlies from the Arabian Sea Daily 2245-2300g] BBCkfnL ; ]]]]]jf deflected the winds and filled the gap. The satellite image shows this low pressure system over the Himalaya clearly. Sun-Fri 0740- 0800ltg6f s'''''/f Strong possibility of localised rains till the weekend, after that we should have fine Dasain-like weather with morning mist, Daily 0800-08308jnL8jnL8jnL cooler afternoon breeze and short bursts of isolated night rain. Daily 2000-2030cfhsf s'''/f

KATHMANDU VALLEY Radio Sagarmatha P.O. Box 6958, Bakhundole, Lalitpur, Nepal Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Tel: ++977-1-545680, 545681 Fax: ++ 977-1- 530227

E-mail: [email protected]/]l8of ] ;u/dfyf 27-17 27-16 28-17 28-17 29-18 www.radiosagarmatha.org 161616 27 SEPTEMBER - 3 OCTOBER NEPALI 2002 TIMES Under My Hat NEPALI SOCIETY by Kunda DixitRaaj, the tea man

ou can recognise a retailer, wholesaler and exporter of “ good Darjeeling by itspremium Nepali and Indian teas. colour, its fragrance, First Flush, Kanyam, Ilam, organic, Article 127 and Yflavour. It looks like fine scotchAssam, green tea, and his own whisky,” says Raaj Waiba slurpingblends a line the shop. Customers mouthful of Darjeeling First Flushcan be very particular. “They’ll ask active guidance of Radio Nepal and the Sports Council.and rolling it around his tonguefor tea from a specific garden in Many of us have fond memories of those years noisily and then swallowing, Darjeeling,” says Raaj, who blends his own tea to suit his moods. when there was iron discipline and obedience through-since this is just a cuppa, not a tea tasting. When he’s not at the shop or out the land, the Jayanagar-Janakpur train ran on time, all toothpaste was still strictly non-veg, the Japanese Raaj gave up a tea planter’sguiding clients through a tasting, life four years ago and moved toRaaj helps the 14 gardens in the had not yet installed solar-powered red lights so trafficKathmandu to set up Tea WorldHimalayan in Orthodox Tea Planters actually flowed on Putali Sadak, and we still had six- Thamel, but still adheres to theAssociation (HOTPA) conduct day weeks. lessons he learnt in his sixteen workshops for small growers. Hotels like the Hyatt and the Radisson Some of you will find it hard to remember those years on plantations in Assam and Darjeeling.The Manufacture of engage Raaj to train their staff to blend and recognise teas, and also days because as a matter of fact and for all intents andTea, a manual he’s had since he purposes your birth may not actually taken place yet, prepare for them tea cocktails and started in tea, remains his bible.tea “It menus. MIN BAJRACHARYA but corruption then was carefully centralised and was has everything a planter needs to Raaj believes tea is the next not as all-pervasive as it is today. In fact, so much goldknow, like the exact number of nails passed through Nepal in transit from Hong Kong to a tea case needs,” says Raaj. “Youbig thing for Nepal. With the right infrastructure and government Haryana then, that the time is still remembered can get reprimanded, even fired, if you get that wrong.” support, he says, Nepal could be nostalgically as The Golden Age of Nepal. growing excellent tea comparable omeone who has been keeping careful count has Raaj, whose father was also a to Darjeeling, within fifteen years— just drawn my attention to the fact that there This is why, when the runway got damaged this planter, is today happy to be a Shave been 126 articles in this space in the past week and Nepal was turned into a temporary no-fly as long as Nepali businessmen two years. I don’t know how that happened, it wasn’t zone, some of us rejoiced because we took it as a sign remember that “tea planting requires consistent and committed intentional. But what it means is that this could that there would soon be a regime change here as well. care, patience, and money.” actually be Article 127. But, alas, no such luck. Saddam is still on the saddle, It is therefore incumbent upon yours sincerely to and here a jumbo cabinet still rules. mark this milestone and not to waste this week’s It is now too late for more talk, we need action. column beating around the burning bush indulging in Your excellencies, dishonoured ministers, underground the usual idle banter, frivolous chitchat, witty and semi-overground leaders, the insoluble speaker of repartees, innuendos about the Ministry of Interior the dissolved house, locked up tax officials, friends and Decoration, and allegedly humorous asides about the foes, gentlemen and the lady at the back who is getting posterior body parts of those currently holding ready to aim a rotten tomato in the general direction of high office. the podium. No, today we shall tackle deadly serious national It is my pleasure to offer you some more unsolic- issues so that we can roll up our loins and gird our ited advice during yet another interaction programme sleeves to remove all obstacles that stand before us in on “The Present Situation and How to Get Out of It”. the task of nation-building. This is so that we can The way we get out of this is to follow emergency doubly redouble our efforts to once more devote procedures: get up slowly without anyone noticing, ourselves to a political process that suits the Nepali walk calmly up the aisle towards the doors marked mud. So that there can once more be four-directional “Exit” of which there are two in the front and two at development towards Asian Standards and the the back. Don’t panic. And when you are outside, run declaring of Nepal a Zone of Peace. And so that, just like hell. Thank you for your attention, and see you all like in the good old days, we can exhort Nepalis to outside. move their hands and not their tongues under the

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