United States Patent Office Patented Jan
3,017,356 United States Patent Office Patented Jan. 16, 1962 1. 2 rated aliphatic radical, a cycloaliphatic radical, an aryl 3,017,356 radical, an aralkyl radical, an alkaryl radical, an alkoxy WillianPROCESS B. Hughes, OF andINHIBITING Verner L. Stronberg,CORROSION Webster alkyl radical, an aryloxyalkyl radical, and the like; and Groves, Mo., assignor's to Petroite Corporation, Wii A is an alkylene group; for example, ethylene and propyl mington, Del, a corporation of Delaware ene radicals, such as No Drawing. Original application Mar. 3, 1958, Ser. No. 718,391 Divided and this application Nov. 23, 1959, Ser. No. 854,553 -CH2CH2CH 15 Claims. (C. 252-8.55) CH-CH2 O B This application is a division of Serial No. 718,391, CHs filed March 3, 1958. This invention relates to esters of cyclic amidines of -CH-CH-CH,- the formula gh, CHis O 15 -bH-bH In general, the amidine esters are prepared by reacts o-o-c- ing a hydroxyaliphatic cyclic amidine ()-ROH with less where (A) and (B) are cyclic amidine-containing radicals, than a stoichiometric amount of a polycarboxylic acid to for example, imidazoline and tetrahydropyrimidine radi form a half ester cals (hereafter referred to as “amidine esters'). More 20 particularly, this invention relates to esters wherein. A contains one type of cyclic amidine ring and B contains (a)-R-O C-Z-COH the same or another type not selected in A. This inven which is subsequently reacted with an amidine forming tion also relates to a process of preparing these com polyamine to form the amidine ester pounds which comprises reacting a hydroxy-containing 25 O cyclic amidine with less than a stoichiometric amount of a polycarboxylic acid to form a partial ester and then re Q-R-O-)-2- acting this partial ester with a polyamine capable of form More specifically, the corrosion inhibiting aspect of this ing a second amidine ring of the same or different type.
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