Islam, of Whichcontinually Allattacks Established Age .1»- 1?3 the Negronormally to Looks Forleadership
3 92 '">9 _."' >¢-_~-Q-Q~ali@ M 5.... ~92 _r~.; 1.. ; -§~'~l.. lI P9. While the Party does express sympathyfor theN01 on the grounds 5... that thecapitalist systemin thiscountry responsible is the for conditions in Q r whichprotest a movementsuch theas N01can arise,the Partyinsists, course of that onlyunder communism will theNegro full havefreedom. As a result, the M. ,5 '- Partycircumspect is has and rejected a policyof active cooperation the with N01. i; . 4,, to In contrastto the CPUSA positionis thatexpressed one by militant It1 Marxist group,the Progressive Labor Movement PLM!,'which a follows i mag pro- Chinesecommunist line in this country.A leading figure this in movement, up, '0.-1.1 ,1; who wasformerly in the CPUSA, statedafter the Harlemriots of July,1964, that the PLM waswilling workto withany groupin Harlem--Black Nationalist .A92 ».- or Muslim included. Several articleswith pro-Chinesea communistslant appeared in ..1, "Muhammad Speaks"in 1964.These articleswere undoubtedlypublished 1$ r becauseN01 the considersthe Chinese people be to "brothers, " inasmuch -92 ,, asthey also are non-Caucasian.Onethe of articles,prepared Robert by 4~a . Williams,Negro a extremistwho edto Cuba to avoid prosecution kid- for a ._ ,i nappingwho, andin his speeches and writings,advocates in violencecivil i rights effortsinthe United States, describedhis visitto RedChina, He stated thethat "American of African descent, whetherhe understands enough 5 92 t i t i. >' U 3 . 92 , I-_*-;_Qn£-in-1::=_A;_.;,_-_.¢e_. ... 1 _ - ,_-0 K e - §1i_wqf.Zw-x5§.q¢V . i , .'_¬ I-n- '~ ' ?."",'l"?"."§' ""'-""'§" ii-H.'~ a > x .' 7 ~-.-1 L~ » D.
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