Meeting Objectives:

1. To share the value of trash trapping devices and their role in fighting plastic pollution (i.e., plastic pollution prevention and cleanup, measured impact, community outreach).

2. To motivate collaboration among stakeholders (e.g., marinas and NGOs, or port authorities and Universities) to create their own trash trapping projects.

3. To share lessons learned from existing projects to help ensure new collaborations are built upon a successful framework.

4. To build a network of teams working independently toward a common goal with a shared database where both our independent and collaborative impact can be measured and communicated through the International Coastal Cleanup.

Hosted by the U of T Trash Team, in collaboration with PortsToronto and Ocean Conservancy. With support from Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Day 1 Wednesday, March 24 An Introduction to the Problem and to a Solution

1:00 - 1:15 pm Workshop Introduction, Welcome & Icebreaker

Our Collective Vision: Why Trash Trapping, Why Now? Presentations by Professor Chelsea Rochman (University of 1:15 - 1:45 pm & U of T Trash Team); Chris Sawicki (PortsToronto); Allison Schutes (Ocean Conservancy)

The Successful Story of Mr. Trash Wheel 1:45 – 2:15 pm Presentation by John Kellett (Clearwater Mills) – w/ Q&A

2:15 – 2:25 pm BREAK (10 min)

Meet other Trash Trapping Technologies Overview 2:25 – 3:20 pm Presentations by Michael Hannah (LittaTrap - Enviropod); Gautier Peers (Water Products & Solutions); Molly Morse (Benioff Ocean Initiative) – w/ Q&A

3:20 – 3:25 pm BREAK (5 min)

Success Stories From Our Backyard Presentations by Mike David (PortsToronto; Seabins in ); 3:25 – 4:15 pm Neil Menezes (EcoCompass; LittaTraps at industrial facilities within watersheds of Lake ); Mark Fisher (CGLR; Great Lakes Plastic Cleanup – Litter Trapping Network within the Great Lakes) – w/ Q&A

Wrap-Up 4:15 – 4:30 pm Overview of Day 1 Goals and logistics for Day 2

Hosted by the U of T Trash Team, in collaboration with PortsToronto and Ocean Conservancy. With support from Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Day 2 THURSDAY, MARCH 25 Recipe for a Successful Program

1:00 – 1:15 pm Welcome & Icebreaker

The Recipe 1:15 – 1:35 pm Presentation by Cassandra Sherlock (U of T Trash Team)

Introduction to Sessions The Ingredients 1:35 – 1:45 pm For the next three sessions, we will separate into breakout rooms. Participants will rotate between all three rooms for 30 minutes each.

Session A – Ownership and Operation Led by Mike David of PortsToronto, Kathy Lammers and Andrew Belej of Trent Port Marina Session B – Data Collection and Research 1:45 – 3:15 pm Led by Cassandra Sherlock & Rafaela Gutierrez of the U of T Trash Team and Sarah Kollar of Ocean Conservancy

Session C – Outreach and Communication Led by Susan Debreceni of the U of T Trash Team, Jessica Pellerin of PortsToronto and Robyn Stegman of Ocean Conservancy

3:15 – 3:30 pm BREAK (15 min)

Hot Tips and Reviews 3:30 – 3:45 pm Digesting the ingredients (Synopsis of Sessions A, B and C)

The Digest 3:45 – 4:15 pm Overview of our vision, the workshop and guidelines for a successful trash trapping program – w Q&A

4:15 – 4:30 pm Wrap Up and Next Steps

Hosted by the U of T Trash Team, in collaboration with PortsToronto and Ocean Conservancy. With support from Environment and Climate Change Canada.