Syro-Malankara Catholic Church Krupa Nidhan Mar Ivanios Bhavan J-Block 61-62, Paryavaran Complex IGNOU Road, Neb Sarai New Delhi-110 068 Krupa Nidhan Patron H.E. Jacob Mar Barnabas The Bishop Circulation Bishops, Priests, Pastoral Council Members Editors Fr. Visakh Scariah Fr. Jinto John Bro. Dains Raj Layout & Cover Design Jiss Andrews Support Reny Mathew, Shinu James Printed at: Bosco Society for Printing & Graphic Training Okhla Road, New Delhi - 110025 Ph: 26910729,
[email protected] Published by the Chancellor Diocese of St. John Chrysostom, Gurgaon J 61/62, Paryavaran Complex, IGNOU Road, Neb Sarai New Delhi 110 068 © Copyright Diocese of St. John Chrysostom, Gurgaon. For private circulation only 2 Krupa Nidhan Shepherd’s Message In the parable of the tenants (Mt 21:33-41), when all the slaves were beaten by the tenants, the owner of the Vineyard sends his son to collect the produce of the harvest. The tenants saw the son and said to themselves, ‘this is the heir…..’. The parable directly alludes to the Heavenly Father and his only son Our Lord Jesus Christ. The tenants recognised the son as the heir, however they chose to do wrong and keep the produce to themselves. In our lives too, we see many indications from God, and also we have the ultimate person of Our Lord Jesus Christ, whom we too recognise as the ‘heir’, the Lord and Master. Nonetheless, often, we are reluctant to choose the right, we stay indifferent, we try to keep the produce to ourselves. As we come closer to the season of Advent, it is good to realise that every Christmas is not just mere remembrance and celebration of Lord’s birth; it is more a reminder for us to accept the Lord Jesus as the ‘heir’ in our lives; and get ready to handover our produce to the Son who has been sent to us by the Heavenly Father.