PROPHETPROPFMT MOHAMMAD'S MANNERffi OF PERFORMING PRAYERS (May peace and blessings of AllahAllatr be on him)

By His Eminence SHEIKH'HETKHABDUL*ourtl#*r?iltffiT;tr* AZIZ IBN ABDULLAH IBNrBNBAZBAz Prophet MuhammadtsMuhammad's Manner of Per-Per­ forming Prayers (May peaceand blessings of AltahAllah be upon Him) All praise be to Allah alone, and may His peaceand blessingsbe upon His messenger and bondman our Prophet ,his family and his companions. The objective of this concise pamphlet is to explain how prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him) used to perfonnperform his prayers. I would like to present this explanation to every male and female muslim so that they may strive to take up the Prophet's manner in performing their prayers as a model for them. It was narrated by Al Bukhari that Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) had said: *+-ir. r. «~\J~L>\2~».. gr*-,-1,.. 15!/-u "Perlonn"Perform your prayers inin the samemanner'manner you had seenseenme doing."doing." Therefore,Therefore,here isis theth€ explanationexplanationfor for thethe Prophet'smanner of of prayer:prayer:

1 1. To perform completely the ablution, adopting the method commandedcornmandedby Allah in the : ~Y;:--' ~ ~r ~.lJ1 t*)~~ frrt !.tl-J;li!/*;U o')l..aJii> *:*i 1';1lil !r:,id,iJl lett*l ~Inh

I . - .. L . o~ L ~-: ':J» \r*4f{;f,"~~~ Jiu~ Yt "Prayer"Prayer without ablution is invalid." 2. To turn one's face and whole body to-to­ wards the Ka'aba, The Holy House at Mak-Mak­ kah, intending by heart to perfonnperform the prayer which he wants to fulfil, whether it is an obligatory prayer or a supererogatory prayer, the worshipper in all cases, should not pro-pro­ nounce his intention openly, because neither the Prophet nor his companionsused to utter

2 thethe intentionintention forfor prayer.prayer. Thus,Thus, pronouncingpronouncing the intention forfor prayerprayer inin audibleaudible voicevoice isis aa the intention 'Whether heresyheresy andand anan illicitillicit action.action. Whether thethe indi-indi­ vidualvidual bebe anan ImamImam oror perfofinesperformes hishis prayerprayer individually,individually, hehe should make (A Sutra) i.e.i.e. aa curtain for his prayer.prayer. Directing thethe face to-to­ wards the (The Ka'aba at Makkah) is an imperative condition for every prayer. However, there are few exceptionsfor this rule explained in authoritative books for whom who wish to refer. 3. To pronounce "Takbirat Al Ihram" that is to say~t~I"Allahusayrsl.iit"AllahuAkbar" celebrating by that the greatness of Allah and looking meanwhile, downwards to the place where he will prostrate. 4. To raise one's hands up toto thethe levellevel of thethe shouldersshouldersoror nearneartoto thethe lobeslobesof his ears, whilewhile pronouncing "Takbirat"Takbirat AI-Ihram".Al-Ihtam". 5.5. ToTo putput one'sone'sright right handhand overover hishis leftleft handhandand and leftleft wrist,wrist, andandput put themthem bothboth overover hishis chest,chest,asas thethe Prophet Prophet(peace(peace andand blessingsblessings ofof AllahAtlah bebeupon uponhim)him) usedusedtoto 6.6. ItIt isis advisableadvisablethatthat the theworshipper worshipperreciterecite

3 thisthisopening openingsupplicationsupplication saying:saying:

,a ~ 'I' u~L.lJet{ I <: ,f'Llk:>-' ·...l&-L-r.eL~., U\ "-'..r-ir:It ~+ . \c"""tS ~"ft-t.L- ~Jr4.tJ ~q*i . r-a- ~~I ~'p1.,!..Jt~ ~4lb- ~ ,~.;J.!Jf.6'lJl (fj".rn$t &_[s\j +u-t!;(f--/ o.,.,r-..ur.€xi l l-.r,tt, .#treI:Jb'tIL,jtr|.ti.)~!J~!J trU~ ~ ~I ,~..u, . l:?4lk.> ,t' #i r-..u' a*t,'rr,*;-rlt "Allahumma"Allahummabald baid baynibayni wawa bayenabayenakha­ kha- tayayatayayakama kama baadtabaadtabayena bayenaal-mashrikial-mashriki walwal maghribi,maghribi, Allahumma naqqiniynaqqiniy minmin kha­kha- tayayatayaya kamakama yonaqa alal thawbo thawbo alabyadoalabyado min aldansaldans.... Allahumma igysilniy igysilniym'inmin kha­kha- tayaya bilmai wathalgi walbarad. walbarad."" This supplication means:

"0"O Allah, separate me from my sins as You have separated the east and west. 0O Al­Al- lah, cleanse me of my sinssinsas the white rope is cleansedfromfrom dirt. O0 Allah, wash off my sinswith water,snow and hail." Or, he may sayinstead:

Y_l~J iJ-r+!.L~ dl*-,l~I ilrt t-l !J~J l ct;~» Jtu_lJWJ !J.,;L;J :J-r^*,_l ,*eutr-..u d,lit-*--.,rr tt:l+P((!J~Jld! "SobhanakaAllahummaAllahumma wawa bihamdikabihamdika watabarakawatabaraka IsmokaIsmoka wata'lawata'la jaddokajaddoka walawala ilahailaha ghayroka"ghayroka"

44 ThisThis supplicationsupplicationmeans:means: "Praise andand gloryglory bebe toto Allah.Allah. BlessedBlessedbebe Your Name,Ir,lame,exaltedexalted bebe YourYour MajestyMajesty andand Glory. Thereisis nono godgod butbut You."You." Or he may say any otherother supplicationssupplications which the Prophet,(peace and blessingsblessings ofof Allah be on him) usedto say in his prayers.prayers. It is betterto recite thesesupplications alter-alter­ nately, the first one in the morning prayer "Fajr", the second in the noon prayer"Zuhr", "Zuhr", each one by tum,turn, in conformity with what the Prophet used to do. After reciting the opening supplication, thetheworshipper says:

((~)It*3Jl iJ~1;tLri'll ~;r.JJtt.JJ~ ';yh4o1n "Aouzo"Aouzo billahihillahi minmin al-shaytani-r-ragim"al-shaytani-r-ragim" WhichWhichmeans: means: "]"I seekseekprotectionprotection of of AllahAllah againstagainstthethe ac­ oc- cursedcursedSatan.." " ThenThenhehe says: says:

tt*eJl JFJI +lll ('*,*tt

55 "Bism"B ism illahi-Rahmaniillahi-RahmaniRaheem" Which means: "In"In the namennmeof Allah, the All All Merciful, the AllAll Compassionate.Compassionate."" and recites the Fatiha (The opening Sura of the glorious Quran). Prophet Muhammad, may peace and blessings be upon him, said: «~~In,_,Klt~~ ~ o~ ~»yn e;lh.'!Ffl;l;X-r jl "Prayer"Prayer without reciting the FFatihaatiha is in­in- valid". The worshipper should say "A'meen" after reciting the Fatiha loudly if the prayer is said loudly, and whisper it in inaudible prayers. To be in confonnityconformity with the traditions of the Prophet, the worshipper isis advised to recite verses from medium size Suras of the Quran in the Zuhr (noon), Asr (late afternoon), and Isha () prayers. As for the Fajr (morning) prayer,the worshipper is advised to recite a passagefrom the long Suras of the Quran.He has the choice in (Evening prayer) either to recite passages from the long Suras or from the shortshofi Suras

6 of the Quran. 7. Then, the worshipperbows in "" raising his handsup to the level of his shoul-shoul­ ders or ears while saying "Allahu Akbar" "Allah is Great" then bends down, making his head and back on one level and putting his hands with the fingers spread on his knees.The worshippershould feel serenity and tranquility while bowing, he should say thrice at least:

«~,( g.-1~~»rJb.-..,1 {-:li^ll <:?J "Subhana"Subhana Rabbiayl A'zim" Which means: "Glory"Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty." It is advisableto say while bowing in ad­ad- dition to that: tJiobl{-dJl ti, IJp1~' !.\~J:J-t*',.,_l~j~' f*Jl ~~Jdil^*,r "Subhanak-Allahumma"subhanak-AllahummaRabbana wawo hibi hamdika,hamdilm,AllahummaAllahummn Ighfirlghftr liy" liy" WhichWhichmeans: "Glory"Glory bebe toto Thee,Thee,0 O Allah, andand I praise

7 Thee;Thee;forgiveforgive me my sins."sins." 8. To raise one's head up from bowing, raising one's hands to the level of his shoul­shoul- ders or ears, saying, in case of being or praying alone: (oJ.+,'t «o.1A"- J. 4.lJ'*IJl~» gn*.,) "Sami'a Allahu timanliman hamidah" Which means: "Allah listens to him who praises Him" While resuming the standing position, he should say:

~~\..:!rJl ~~'J* ~np lS"Jl.:--o[5;t* ~t*t ~h{ \.L?-l"r,+.M.;l.\"rJl ~Jt'Jb ~J»Q-rD (.( . ~It ~~.d ~rJr.~1.Ac-t[, ~JoJ'J*J ~t{+ 1.At" ~Jo-,.JrJ ~;':J' ~Jo-,.r}J "fr!t "Rabbana"Rabbanowa laka al hamdu hamdan ka­ka- theera'n tayyiban mobarakan feehiy mil'a ssamawati wa mila alardhi wa mil'a rnama bay­bay- nahoma wa mil'a rnama Shita min shiyin ba'ad" This supplication means:

"Our Lord, praise be fore Thee only, praises plentiful and blessed as to fill the heavens, the earth, what in between, and fill

8 thatthat which which will pleaseplease TheeThee besidesbesides them."them." ButBut ifif thethe worshipperworshipper isis aa follower, andand ledled inin his prayerprayer byby thethe Imam he should say when rising up "Rabbanawa laka alhamd...alhamd... etc.

ofsL"dl(( \..lAj Lo t:J \...... rJt...l4.::l \ dllE;)~J ~J)) It is advisablefor the Imoffi,Imam, the follower, or who praysalone to add also: ~I ~ ~ lrlStr-Jl t, r+IlJ~L, *L.iJl~~I '1Y '**JJte(. r..p t'JI lliJ ¥I JUJli Lo ,*1J;--\ J^1'jAh (+l ~ \~ ~ ~ U dalei~t U~Lo ((4\ ,.iI" $lwlJ:-\ li C! 'lJ!, c^'.rrIt r+I*, 'lJYJ It gt" fly"Yottou Allah who deserve all praisesand all glory, louryour praising isfs the best and most true of whatever Your servant can say, we all are Your servants, Our Lord, no one can ever deprive aught of what You have bestowed and no one can ever give aught of what YouYou have deprived." The worshipper isis advised to put his hands onon hishis chest,chest, asas he had donedone before he bowed. BothBoth Wa'ilWa'il IbnIbn HaggarHaggarandand Sahl SahlIbn Ibn Sai'ydSai'ydreported reportedthatthat thisthis waswas thethe mannermannerofof thethe ProphetProphetwhenwhen hehe usedusedtoto raiseraisehis his headhead upup afterafterbowing.bowing.

9 9.9. To To prostrateprostratesayingsaying ~l.dsl ,sidrt"Allahu "Allahu Ak­Ak- bar"bar" "Allah"Allah isis Great".Great".He He shouldshouldtouch touchthe the groundground withwith hishis kneeskneesbefore before touchingtouching itit withwith hishis hands,hands,ifif thatthatis is possiblepossibletoto him.him. IfIf not,not, hehe isis permittedpermittedto to touchtouch thethe groundground byby hishis handhand beforebefore hishis knees.knees.His His fingersfingers andand toestoes shouldshould bebe directeddirectedtowards towardsthe the QiblaQibta Makkah,Makkah, andand hishis handshandsshouldshould be stretched,stretched, and the fingers close together and not separ­separ- ated. In prostration, the worshipper should;should use these seven organs: The forehead, the nose, both hands, both knees and the internal parts of the toes. These seven organs should touch the ground. Then the worshipper should say thrice or more:

nplt((~':JI g:C::J...> .l[..*..,n0~)) "Subhana"Subhana Rabbiyal A'ole"A'ala" Which means: "Glorified isis mymy Lord,Lord, thethe Exalted."Exalted. " ItIt isis advisableadvisable toto say:say: "SubhanakaAllahumaAllahuma RabbanaRabbana wawa bibi

1010 hamdika,Allahuma IIghfir-liy." ghfir-liy." uJ ~I_!J~-,~..>~I 4;t~~» .-,,r «Jplr;bl ,*sul- J-r^.-,-lQ-r f-€!l This means: "Glory be to Thee,Our Lord, and I praise Thee.Our Lord,forgiveLord, forgive me my sins."sins." It is recommendablefor the worshipperto exceed more and more in supplications and ask for more from his Lord, becausethe Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be on him, said:

~+ L,~l;br{;*u .)~\:35*ll ~l,t"'b ~,,-,.J1~)I ~+ ~!9^!'i if)p5JtI ~\»L"ir ((~tt'f ~~.-,Lau*10\.li;; ~ ...'l.erJlls....ul Which means:

"As"Asfo,for bowing "Ruku""Ruku"you should glorify your Lord during performing it, as fo,for pros­pros- tration, youyott should do your best to suppli­suppli- cate and ask fo,for more from Him, because your supplications during prostration are more worthy toto beaccepted. accepted."" TheThe worshipper shouldshould askask his Lord forfor prosperity both inin thisthis worldly lifelife andandin in thethe Hereafter.Hereafter.WhetherWhether itit isis anan obligatoryobligatoryprayerprayer

11ll oror anan optionaloptional prayer,prayer,the the worshipper,worshipper,whilewhile prostrating,prostrating,should should neitherneither bringbring hishis handshands closecloseto his sides,sides,nor stickstick his abdomenabdomento his thighs,thighs,oror his thighsthighstoto his legs.legs.TheThe wor­wor- shipper's armsarms should be raised up fromfrom thethe ground because the Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be on him, prohibited put­put- ting the armsarns and stretching them on the ground, ordering that "adjust your prostra­prostra- tion, keep straigtht in it, and stretch not your hands on the ground as dogs do." 10. He should raise his head from prostra­prostra- tion saying: ~r.&\ ;l'iit "Allahu Akbar" and layslayshis his left foot flat on the ground and sirssits upon it, keeping his rightfoot erected, his hands on his thighs and knees,and,rays.'and says:

upr+lr CV: ijrlr gr^b frb t) *t -'.JD

"0"O my Lord, forgiveforgive lfl€,me, have mercy on tnt€,me, guide ftt€,me, provideprovide me with your bless-bless­ ingsand consoleme."

t212 TheThe worshipperworshippershould should feelfeel tranquillitytranquillity duringduringthis thispause. pause. 11.I 1.To To prostrateprostrateagainagain saying~isayingrsi'i,l"Allahu .&1" Allahu Akbar"Akbar" andandrepeating repeatingduringduring hishis prostrationprostration whatwhathe hedid did andandsaid saidinin thethefirst first prostration.prostration. 12.12. ThenThen thethe worshipperworshipperraises his head sayingsaying.;;5',sf 41irt"Allahu"Allahu Akbar" taking a pause similarsimilar toto thethe pause between the two prostra­prostra- tions;tions;this this isis called"the pause for rest." It is recommended for the worshipper to do such aa pause, but there is no sin if he desists from it. Then the worshipper rises up and stands supporting on his knees, or on the ground if he cannot support himself on the knees, reads the Fatihah (The opening Sura of the glorious Quran) and some other verses of the Quran and do as just as he did in the firsrfirst Rakaah (unit of prayer).Those who pray be-be­ hind the Imam shouldnot competewith him in the prayer actions as the Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) said: r' liLi . r-Lc yc '!J~b;n(i 45~ I~~ ,~~lyll:I ~ q~ ftiJ~j:J lt"ylrL.)'\ J'+~ telu~1» ~J ::~".u cor.F ~ .lJl ~ : l5!3l~lJ e li bl,l~lJ Q_,' ltJif 'o-ll'- eI ...lJl g".., : J[iJ\.i ,!"ASJ!rs",Ud,e J

13 qb~ ,;jr,td.iJtlJA:.o ~.J.J-ll r . !-tn.,,1i~~t; -r+-,~ lilr1~1.J .-t*tt. ..lo.:1-\~.J .11-1 Which means: The Imam is to be followed, if he says: "Allahu Akbar" which means "Allah is Great" then say the same afterafter him. If he bows in "Ruku" bow after him. If he says: "Samia-l-latru"Samia-I-Iahu liman hamidah"which means "Allah hears him who praisesHim", then say: "Rabbana wa laka-l-hamd"laka-I-hamd" which means "Our Lord! All praisesare for Thee"; and if he prostrates, then prostrate after him". (Bukhari V:lV:1 P.37) 13. If the prayer consists of two Rakaat (two units of prayer) as the morning prayer "Fajr", Feast prayer "Eid", or the Friday prayer "Jumu'a", the worshipper sits after the second prostration, with his right foot erect, sitting on his left foot laid ~own,down, putting his right hand on his right thigh, all his fingers close-fisted save the index finger which he uses to point out as a sign for his monotheis­monotheis- tictic belief, andand his leftleft hand isis put onon his leftleft thigh.thigh. ThereThere is'is nothing inin thethe way, ifif the the worshipper keeps both thethe littlelittle andand ring fin­fin- gersgers closed,closed,while while roundingrounding hishis thumbthumb andand 14l4 middlemiddle fingerfinger inin aa ring-shape,ring-shape,andand usesuseshishis indexindex fingerfinger otot pointpoint outout asas aa signsign forfor hishis monotheisticmonotheisticbelief. belief. ItIt hashas beenbeenrelated related thatthat thethe Prophet,Prophet,maymay peacepeaceandand blessings blessingsofof Al­Al- lahlah bebe onon him,him, hadhad practisedpractisedbothboth ofof thesethese ways,ways,thus,thus, itit isis advisableadvisableforfor thethe worshipperworshipper toto perfonnperform thethe firstfirst wayway onceonce andand thethe otherother on the secondsecondtime. The worshipper reads the TashahudTashatrudwhile sitting and says:

~I~Clt*ilei ~Ul^t,\~Ifill "~~!Jc.rL,,Ll!~!J.L.aJ!J.:!/.-'JIJ ill4lJ ~~I».rt-*:Jln ~i3,"iiI ,,~l.,4.H. itf L.aJlill4lJl \ ~rl*" l:s- J&-.JJp-r l.:.:kt+lr ,YLJp't-*lt\ ~\S~.Jd5;; ill dLJl\ ~i.Frr J." ~,j* ~,'*eul"~J-'J'",lrts o~ o.rtcI~l"us 0iOI~~-rp'U ,~,.+l ':J!Y!JI4Jt ':JY cJiJl .iXI d;! ~~Ifr^!l J!JJL ~~If=^hlJ&-Jp +4-c ~tF.r*s.4.¢ JIli ~J,&t"r*+~ ~.,p f.^!rl~~I Jo~ citt{~J4 [5te5 rai~ J\Jl Jtr~J r^3~ J&-J" !JJ4J$!-r "r#¥ "r*1.~ ((( ..+f~ -t=.*.iX!~ cl! . g.^!rtr-:-"~I J! "Al-tahiyatu lilahi wasalawatuwatayibatu Assalamu alayka ayuha-n-nabiyuwa rah-rah­ mat-u-llahi wa barakatuhu.Assalamu alayi-alayi­ na wa ala ibadi-l-lahi-s-salalihiyn.Ashadu ala ilaha ila lahu wewa ashaduannoanna Muham-Muham­ madanabdoho wo wa raswuloh.AllahumaAllahuma sal­sal- liy ala MuhammadMuhammad wa ala aali Muhamad,Muhamad, kama salayatasalayata ala lbrahimaIbrahima wa aali lbra-Ibra­ him.him. Inakalnaka HamidonHamidon Majid.Majid. Wa barikbarik alaala

15 MohammadMohammad wawa alaala aaliaali MuhammadMuhammad kamakama barktabarkta alaala lbrahimaIbrahima wawa aaliaali lbrahima.Ibrahima. InakaInaka HamidonHamidon Maiid." Majir1." ThisThis means:means: "Greetings,prayersprayers andand thethe goodgood thingsthings of of tifelife belongbelong to to Allah.Allah. Peace,Peace, mercymercy and and bless-bless­ inging of AltahAllah be on You,you, O0 ProPhet.Prophet. MaY May peacepeace be upon us and on the devoutslaves of Atlah.Allah. I testify that there is no but Allah and I testifytestify that MuharnmadMuhammad fsis His slave and messenger.0O Allah, blessMuhammad and hishisfamityfamily as You blessed lbrahimIbrahim and his family. You are the Most-Praised, The Most-glorious.Most-glorious.0O Allah, bestow Your graceSrace on Muhammad and his family as You best­best- woed itit onon Ibrahimlbrahim andand his family. YouYou areore thetheMost-Praised,M ost-Praised,TheThe Most-glorious."M ost-glorious." AfterAfter recitingrecitingthe the Tashahud,Tashahud,thethe worship­worship- perper asksasksAllah'sAllah's protection protection'from'from fourfour evils,evils, heheshould shouldsay:say: ~J ~I ~I..i&. ~ ~\ ~ ~y\t3,I~\ ~\» ,y: 4l .;li-e ,fJi/J f-{+ ./tro :.ri/ dl t;t .r!tr .,.JbrJlJ~..ul ~I i*,,,s.)tJlJ~.J ~t)!J lJl e;i (( . GJI 0 L:>J.I 0 "My"My Lord,Lord, II askaskyour yourprotection protectionfromfrom tor­tor- mentmentof of thethe ,Hell, tormenttormentof of thethe gravegravethe the

16l6 trialstrials inin life-timelife-time andand afterafter death,death,and and fromfrom thethe imposterimposter Antichrist."Antichrist." TheThe worshipperworshipper may askask Allah forfor prosperity in in thisthis worldly lifelife andand inin thethe Hereafter,supplicatesupplicate Allah toto bestow His favorsfavors onon his parents and and otherother . He could do this in both obligatory and optional prayers. It has been reported by Ibn Massoud that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, taught him how to recite the TashahudTashatrudand told him that the worshipper should invoke Allah and ask Him for the more beloved wishes which he likes, or, as it has been related in other word­word- ings, the worshipper should ask Allah for whatever he wishes. In this manner,mannerothe ser­ser- vant can ask Allah for all the prosperitiesof this worldly life and the life to come. The worshipper terminates his prayer by turning his face to the right saying: tqlJl«~, ia'ts ~ \~1» u--J-J ,5.t" f'l*Jtr "As-salamualai kum wa rahmatu Allah" and to the left saying this salutationwhich means "Peace and mercy of Allah be on you.ttyou." 14. In case of a three Rakaat prayer 17 (prayer(prayer consistingconsisting ofof threethree units)units) asas thatthat ofof MaghribMaghrib prayer,prayer, (evening(evening prayer),prayer), oror aa four-four­ RakaatRakaat prayerprayer likelike thatthat ofof noonnoon prayerprayer (Zuhr),(Zuhr), AsrAsr prayerprayer (late(late afternoonafternoon prayer)prayer) or,or, IshaIsha prayerprayer (night(night prayer),prayer), thethe worshipperworshipper standsupup afterafter recitingreciting thethe TashatrudTashahud accord-accord­ inging toto thethe manner stated before,before, and raises his hands Fpup to the level of his shoulders saying ;l*irt~t 4\ (Allahu Akbar). The worship-worship­ per puts his hands over his chest as it had been explained befsre,before, and recites only the Fatiha. There is no objection if he adds to the Fatiha some other verses of the Quran while performing the third or fourth Rakaat (units of prayer) of noon prayer (Zuhr), because this was stated to be one of the manners adopted by thethe Prophet, may peace and blessings ofof AllahAllah be onon him,him, accordingaccordingto to thethe traditiontradition reportedreportedbyby AbiAbi Saied.Saied. AfterAfter thethe thirdthird RakaahRakaahof of MaghribMaghrib prayerprayer (evening(evening prayer),prayer), andand thethe fourthfourth RakaahRakaahof of ZuhrZuhr (noon),(noon),Asr Asr (afternoon)(afternoon)andand Isha Isha(night) (night) prayers,prayers,thethe worshipperworshipperrecitesrecites thethe Tashahud Tashahud andandtenninates terminateshishis prayersprayersbyby saying:saying:

«•t .~1 r.lJl'U-J.Jbttf$" F ,')l.Jt.g){*ltl

18r8 "Assalamu-alaikum"Assalamu-alaikum wawa rahmaturahmatuAllah"Allah" whilewhile turningturningfirst first toto thethe right,right, andandsecond second toto thetheleft left asasit it hashasbeenbeen explainedexplained before.before. ItIt isis notnot anan obligatoryobligatoryduty,duty, butbut itit isis aa rec­rec- ommendableommendableprophetic traditiontradition toto invokeinvoke AllahAllah afterafter terminatingterminatingthe the prayer by askingasking Him forgivenessthrice thrice and sayingsaying before turningturning one's face towards towardshis followersfollowers ifif he is the Imam: 1~4liti ~.)~ ~.J \~I ~i ~I)) J'Yd:-1JX4-f cl-rtr \YL.JIp)'t*Jl'ltbr l)t..ll .lT feJl, «•* .\~)t!JplfYb Which means:

"0"O Allah, Thou art peaceandfromand from Thee is peace, Thou art blessed, 0O possessorof Glory and Honour." It is advisablefor the worshipperto say:

;*-e.t*ll~.J ...LoJ..1 db.1[lll.JJ ~I 4J.J .oJ,.J -lry'4~ Y.oJ>l)t. O~J dulill1 yl)tl 4Jl.JI Yrr)t» c-r&~ U ~ YJc,:tel ~t U ~lA ~I ,.~ Uft-. )tJ Uit, '1Y FJJi .J$'J:! .,9 ,FJS JtJ&­ !l'11 dl.JI Y ..lJtr,ill4)t1Yl ;roo~ Y_r~J ~ .,~I -r.*t~ rJ-tJJ:-l I) ~ ~J '1 JFYJy>- -:I" [i t Y, 4Jl ~I ~.H q.-d,Jl~I ~ .JI Y':} d+l "[*Jl,.l:.. 4].JJ JhaijlJ..,aAJ1 dJ.JJ 4J.J ob_t041 Yl)tl +rj 11':1J nttt...ul ( «•..r,ljt$l0J}lS:J1 rf0.;5 :lr.rrJlJob ~..ul 4J.J i^^.oli~ dLIl.illt Yl':}I

19 WhichWhich means:means: "Thereis is nono godgod butbut Allah.Allah. HeHe isis thethe One-One. HeHe hashas nono partner.partner. HisHis isis thethe dominiondominion and and toto HimHim alonealone isis thethe praise.praise. HeHe hashas powerpower over all things.O 0 Lord,Lord, none may withhold what You have given and none may give what You have withheldand the richescan- can­ not avail a wealthypersonperson with Thee.There is no might or power exceptby the supportof Allah, There is no god but Allah and we do not worship but Him alone. To Him alone belong all bounties, to Him alone belong all grace, and to Him worthy praise is accord­accord' ed. There is no god but Allah, to Whomwe are sincere in devotion, even though the un­un- believers maymoy detest" " It isis also advisable toto thethe worshipper toto extolextol Allah 33 timestimes by sayingsaying .&\0~4i'l,lt**, (Subhana(SubhanaAllah).Allah). praise HimHim by saying...tJ....:1..\saying+ir-rJt (AI(Al HamduHamdulil-Allah) lil-Allah) 3333 timestiines alsoalsoby by say­say- ing:ing: ~'41;l.iir "Allahu"Allahu Akbar"Akbar" andandthe the wor­wor- shippershippercompletescompletes hishis supplicationssupplicationstoto bebeone one hundredhundredbyby sayingsayingonce:once:

~\ ~\ ~~ ~ ~\ 4..\\~»AJl jJbJy"o-e"rJl 4.JJ4! 4llt J4J,4..\ .oJ Otry' Y oJ.>.JoJ>-eill\4IJl Yl Ytt

2020 (.;$'.5Js& WhichWhich means:means: "There"Thereisis nono godgod butbut Allah.Allah. HeHe isis thetheOne. One. HeHe hashas nono partner.partner.His His isis thethe dominiondominion andand toto HimHim alonealone isis thethe praise. He He hashas powerpower overoverall all things."things." The worshipper addsadds to thatthat thethe recitation of the verse of the Throne "Ayat"Ayat AI-Kursiy",Al-Kursiy", .Surat 'Surat AI-Ikhlas,Al-Ikhlas, Surat EI-Falaq,El-Falaq, and Surat AI-Nas.Al-Nas. It is recommendablerecommendabl.eto recite these Suras thrice after the (Morning prayer), and the Maghrib prayer (evening prayer) because this was reported to be one of the traditions of the Prophet, peace and blessingsof Allah be on him. As it had been stated before, all theseafter-prayer supplica­supplica- tions are optional and not obligatory. Every muslim, whetherbe male or female, is recommendedto pray 12 Rakaatof super-super­ erogatoryprayers every day: four of these Rakaat (units of prayers) are before noon prayer, two after it, two after Maghrib prayer,prayer, two two after Isha (night) prayerprayer and two beforebefore thethe morning prayer - Thesesupere-

2r21 rogatoryrogatory rr:ayersprayers areare calledcalled (Rawatib)(Rawatib) whichwhich means:means: "Certain "Certain Supererogatorysupererogatory exercisesexercises ofof optionaloptional prayers."prayers." TheThe ProphetProphet peacepeace andand blessingsblessings of of AllahAllah bebe onon him,him, preseruedpreserved thethe performanceperformance ofof thesethese optionaloptional prayersprayers whereverwherever hehe settled.settled. DuringDuring hishis travels,travels, hehe usedused toto practisepractise the the twotwo optionaloptional RakaatRakaat be- be­ forefore thethe morningmorning prayerprayer andand alsoalso thethe WitrWitr prayer (after the ).There is no ob-ob­ jectionjection to perform these optiorial prayers in the ,but it is better to perform it at home,because the Prophet,peace And~d bless-bless­ ings of Allah be on him, said "The best of the prayers are those which are fulfilled at one's own home, with exception to obligato­obligato- ry prayers which should be performed inin congregationcongregationatat thethe mosque."mosque." ObservanceObservanceofof fulfillingfulfilling thesetheseoptional optional prayersprayersisis aa meansmeansforfor gaininggainingadmission admissiontoto .paradise.TheThe Prophet,Prophet,maymay peacepeaceandand bless­ bless- ingsingsof of AllahAllatrbe beon onhim, him, said:said:

J4Jill'dlf ~,!le-*;~# .d.:J."*l=l-rv-':!*-r- Jr! wJiJ-r ~;P ~\+;:il ~k j-A»Uu .. - «~I~~tu+l .t t+

2222 WhichWhich'means:means: "Whoever"Whoeverpraysprays optionallyoptionallytwelve twelveRakaatRakaat everyoneevery one dayday andand night,night, AllahAllah willwill reward reward himhim byby anan establishedestablisheddwellingdwelling inin thethe para­para- dise.dise."" ItIt isis alsoalsoadvisable advisabletoto thethe muslimmuslim toto pray four optional Rakaat before (afternoon prayer), twotwo before Maghrib prayer (evening prayer), and two before Isha prayer (night prayer), because this manner was reported to be one of the traditions of the Prophet. Allah, the Almighty says: rY \ : ff r ~4.:.-> ,-1, ~ ~ ~lS ...lAJ~ (y ,: 'r'Y") {i:--- 0.,-.1;y|.iil41 J"-'J", + ,.(JJIS rnJ} "Ye have indeed in the Messenger of Al­Al- lah an excellent exempler" (33:21). And the Prophet (May the peace and blassingsbIassings of Allah be uponhim) said:

o+-l«~tJ~L\2~».. s_r.rLtF!A",,.. Which means: "Perform your prayer in the samemanner as you had seenme doing." Allah is He Who isis Able toto renderus suc-suc­ 2323 cesscess and and prosperity,prosperity, and and maymay AllahAllah givegive HisHis blessingsblessings and and peacepeace to to ourour ProphetProphet Muham-Muham­ madmad sonson ofof Abdellah,Abdellah, hishis family,family, hishis com-com­ panionspanions andand whoeverwhoever followsfollows hishis wayway tilltill doomsday.doomsday. PresidentPresident ofof SupremeHead Office for ReligiousResea- Resea­ rches,Ifta, Call and GuidanceDepartments. (Shiekh Abdul Aziz Abdullah Bin Baz)



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