The D awn

The Newsletter of the Birmingham Central Trust Ltd. Issue No. 166

August 2004 | Jamadi ul-Thani – Rajab 1425 AH Registered Charity No. 259545 | Company No. 961846

By Ibrahim N. Abusharif

When describing , the word "simple" frequently brothers and sisters; nurturing of our children; in control pops up for the very good reason that simplicity is of our tongues and tempers; loyal to our friends; good one of the most sublime aspects of revealed religion. with our words; forgiving of insults; gentle with animals wants us to know Him: we have no higher duty. and nature; protecting of our eyes and limbs; All men and women are charged to realize their conquerors of our egos; and a people who remember purpose as God's creatures, and because of this God often, letting such remembrance bring us calm in a there is a solid degree of simplicity to religion such time of complex confusion and the unseemly spread of that theorists and farmhands have equal access to Pharaonic complexes and unchecked sorties of human understanding the faith and should do so before they arrogance. We are grateful when good comes to us, expire. patient when tested, and rewarded for any discomfort, be it a single prick of a thorn. This "Islam" that we take to is not the name of a land or a man, but the very knock on Heaven's door, the Islam offers ease for those who newly enter; baby answerable call, and the sanctified description of a steps along the path. We are not asked to ignore logic. believer's relationship with God, the Pre-Eternal Creator, Islam is a religion of reason and intelligence. We do not Lord, and Master of the Universe, who does as He wills, fear science. We are eager for discovery. We must the One to whom we all are in a constant state of never lose our minds by choice, culture, or inebriation. returning. We love metaphors that expand our understanding of creation and its Creator, but never metaphors that With this understanding, then let's remember that "Islam" mask inexplicable doctrines authored by men of does not really demand much, though its blessings are political sway. Moderation is our badge. Balance is our plainly beyond measure. Its obligations are not many and way of life, not because it's politically correct, but the prohibitions are always in our best interests. Its because it is the surest and more direct route to our essential principles are few and uncomplicated-no ultimate objectives. mystery, secret scrolls, or theologies suitable for a hall of mirrors. Its pillars are counted on one hand. Its rites of God is closer to us than our jugular veins. He says, worship take minutes in a day. The opportunities to do "Remember Me, and I will remember you." He says, good abound. Even a simple smile is recorded as a good "Ask of Me, and I shall answer." He says, "I am deed - a bona fide act of righteousness. near; I answer the call of a caller when he calls upon Me." He says, "When My servant remembers What it takes to become a Muslim is also simple. We say Me in his heart, I remember him in My heart." two statements with sincerity. We pay no entry fees, take There's no need for a broker between God and us. This no test, nor memorize long liturgy. We need not accept is His choice, His mercy, His security, His invincible violence to qualify nor find solace in ethnocentric views of power, and His unflagging love. God has names, exclusiveness. We make a choice, the most powerful and ‘Mercy-Giving’, ‘All-Forgiving’, ‘Pardoner’, ‘All- distinguishing feature of the human creature. Then our Loving’, . . . When God reveals His names, then it's a actions follow. We are charged to worship God and to be good idea to pay attention. It has meaning far beyond excellent to our parents; generous with the needy; our own names that are given to us for no inherent honourable with our neighbours; pleasant with strangers reasons usually. God is "All-Merciful," therefore He and acquaintances; hardworking in our jobs; caring of our loves to shower His mercy, obliterate our sins, and cover our shameful deeds.

All sins are eligible for forgiveness except this: deny God's fraud: way too slow, as far as descriptions go. We existence (though we ourselves exist and never doubt it), worry about things that have no consequence; we attribute false things to Him (something offensive when guard our inflated sense of self-importance. We, the applied to us), and then this grace is prohibited. Again, God sons and daughters of and , need to be is "All-Merciful", which means it is of His essence. He careful. We need to constantly revive our sincerity, the requires no event on earth to ratify it. Nothing ties His arbiter of our deeds and portal to divine acceptance. Hands. Nothing compels Him. We seek forgiveness Never does purity of heart or faith survive a passive because it is available, by God's leave. process. We must always work to keep film from covering our eyes, a constant that helps us God's Messenger (may God’s peace and blessings be upon him) was distinguish the relevant from the trivial. the most beloved of human beings. He was the "chosen one", an orphan raised under God's eyes, and once a The degree to which we may know God differs shepherd, the vocation of the prophets before him. markedly between this life and the next. In the and told their people of 's coming, and in Hereafter, some of the "veils" between God and the Hereafter, all the prophets will point to the Chosen One humanity are dropped, but, at that time, the scales of as the intercessor for humanity. The Prophet Muhammad our deeds will have been filled. In this life, however, loved what was right and righteous, and disliked what while things are still "live" and they "count," it is offended God. The plots of his enemies did not anger him, precisely these veils that we must endeavour to only saddened him that they would choose intrigue and penetrate and achieve a degree of faith that is beyond deviation over purity. He was blessed with enormous the proofs of science and its fundamentalists. But we're authority, but passed away will little worldly possessions. not blind here or without a guide. Certain rites have This was his choice: no grand monuments of earthly power, been passed down through the agency of prophets, no palaces, no canopied beds; only a straw mat on the floor who received them from God. So we have no excuses, that left imprints on his blessed skin that covered his and none will be accepted, for we have been taught slender body. He bequeathed to humanity teachings that with utter clarity what we must do, and, again, it is not guide to all that is good in this world and to the best of difficult. It is made known to us through revelation and outcomes in the Hereafter-Heaven: running rivers; fantastic conveyed to us via the scriptures and inspirations of the lush gardens; the grandest trees; banquets of delectable Prophets and Messengers. food and drink; gold bracelets; endless estates and meadows; gushing springs; silk clothing; cushions of T his is Islam, the primordial religion of humanity. brocade; virtuous and pure companions; palaces fatiguing to the imagination; all that we ask for, even our most extreme desires. The Companions of the Garden (per the Qu’ran) are people living forever without the nonsense, malice, insecurities, jealousy, lies, and envy that can insult, offend, and break hearts. Callousness, competition, backstabbing, insensitivity, oppression, and sheer stupidity are not just gone, but impossible! Instead, there is profound intelligence, pure sensuality, no obligations, complete freedom, and closeness to God the Exalted, all of this without end, without aging, boredom, or any kind of burden, duty, work, pain, or sickness; all of this for the patient ones, those who are God-fearing in their very brief lives, those who love God and look forward to meeting Him in the Hereafter and receiving with hope His endless mercy.

Islam does not lord over us, but raises us in degrees of rank in the sight of the Lord of the Worlds. When we perceive difficulty in religion, we need to be honest and realize that we have admitted something into our hearts: love of the worldly or spiritual laziness that drags us earthward; or we have accepted assumptions and insinuations that carry us away from worship and its joys and glow.

We live in a time when corruption is subtle. It often slinks under the cover of innocence and sometimes even under the rubric "piety." We convince ourselves that our decisions are for the sake of God, while often they serve our egos and our relentless grab for attention, credit, and low Ibrahim N. Abusharif is the editor of Starlatch Press based in the victories. We don't have a long time to live. "Time flies" is a United States. He may be reached at [email protected].

Pictures: BC Images

By Qari Ismail of Sheffield

Dear Youth, Peace be to you!

And Praise be to Our Lord S.T. who blessed us with life and the strength of youth, as He reminds us in His words: “And Allah has created you and in time He will cause you to die; and many from you is reduced in old age to a most abject state so that he knows nothing after (having had) knowledge - Verily Allah is All Knowing – All Powerful” (16: 70)

“And Allah Brought fourth from the wombs of your mothers knowing nothing, and gave hearing and sight and hearts that you might give thanks” (16:78)

As we are witnessing the most difficult time in some parts of the , we as believers should be repenting to Allah, but some of the youth are misguided by the forces of self desire, which seeks to free man from religion, and divine law. Some of the popular terms are used to liberate man from religious values. It has opened the doors to immorality under the guise of different banners, it encourages abortion, prostitution, gambling, taking interest and all other forms of vices that were historically prohibited by all religions. It has relegated religion to a private and personal system of prayer and belief, which should not have any bearing on the social lives of people.

As we all know that such people have no friends in any religion. Their only aim is material and to fulfil their self desires. The Holy Qur’an states: “And from among man is he whose views on the life of this world may please you greatly and he cites God as witness to what is in his heart and is exceedingly skilful in argument. But whenever he prevails, he goes about the earth spreading corruption and destroying (man’s) crops and progeny: And Allah does not love corruption. And whenever he is told, “Be conscious of God,” his false pride drives him into sin: will settle his account - an evil resting place! And among man is he who would willingly sell his own self in order to please Allah- And Allah is most compassionate to His servants” (2: 204-207)

This verse refers to people who are able to defeat their opponents by the use of extremely adroit and often misleading views. They are people who hold plausible and even admirable views regarding the possible betterment of human society. Yet they refuse to be guided by divine law in all their affairs. Despite their solemn declarations of sincerity and compassion for the human race they leave behind them a trail of plunder, devastation and ruin. Their desire to separate religion from morality results in widespread moral decay and social disintegration.

Allah describes another category of people who would be willing to give up all their personal interests for Allah’s will. The challenge for and our youth in particular is to give up wrongdoing, drugs, crimes, and other things for Allah, in order to secure the pleasure of Allah. The basis for such commitment has to stem from a belief that our worldly life is for the everlasting life in the hereafter.

A famous tells us that on the Day of Judgment no man will be able to move from his place until he answers five questions. "How did he spend his life? How did he utilize his youth? How did he earn his wealth? How did he spend it? And, how did he practice what he learnt?" [Sunan al-Tirmidhi].

While the first question asks generally about one's life pattern, the second especially focuses on the period of youth. : "There are seven people for whom Allah will provide His shade on the day when there will be no shade except His shade:

A just ruler A youth who grew up in the worship of Allah A man whose heart is attached to the mosque. Two men who love each other for Allah’s sake; they meet for the sake of Allah and part company for His sake. A man who is invited by a woman of beauty and position [to sin], but he refuses saying: 'I fear Allah.' A man who gives in charity secretly such that his left hand does not know what his right hand gives. A man whose eyes shed tears as he remembers Allah in private." [Bukhari, Muslim].

Our spirituality is the crowning glory of our civilisation, and the guarantor of our salvation. If our youth are able to display confidence in Allah’s providence, strive to best in every field of life, and keep away from being lost in their self desires then, Insha’Allah, Islam will take its rightful place both in the political and social landscape of the world. If the challenges are great, Allah is the Greatest. “You will prevail if you but believers”.

”And if you turn away, He will replace you with another people, and they will not be like you.” (47:38)

Pictures: BC Images

Moderation in Islam

Moderation that leads to balance is a fundamental and distinguishing feature of Islam. It is clearly established through the textual injections and directions stated in the Qur’an and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that moderation and a balanced choice in all things is an authentically unique characteristic of Islam. The Qur’an states, “We (Allah) have made you a nation justly balanced.” [2:143], describing the Muslim nation as a ‘Wasat’ or moderate nation. Islam has provided laws and ways, both at the individual and community levels that will make a people of moderation and fairness.

Moderation is a common feature in all facets of Islamic life, theoretical, practical, educational and legislative, clearly demonstrating the ways in which a nation should be moderate. These include:

• Moderation in Worship

Islam presents a compromise between the two extremes of other religions. It stands in the middle between those which completely deny the divine side, such as Buddhism, which confines its teaching side to the human ethical side alone, and those which devote all their teachings to worship part in seclusion from the practical productive daily life of their followers, as in the monastic orders of Christianity.

This principle of Islam is obviously referred to in the following verse of the Qur’an which orders people to observe the Jumu’ah (Friday congregational) prayer: “O you who believe! When the call is made for Prayer on Friday, then hasten to the remembrance of God and leave trading aside, that is better for you, if only you knew. But when the Prayer is ended, disperse in the land and seek in God’s bounty, and remember God frequently, that you may prosper.” [62:9-10] This is the Muslims’ type of life, a balance between worldly and religious concerns. Friday starts with work and worldly transactions before the prayer, then haste to the prayer, leaving behind all the business of life. After the prayer is finished, people go back to work. In all cases one should not forget the remembrance of Allah as it the guiding light for success.

• Moderation in the field of morality

Islam is a middle way between the exaggerated idealists who depict man as an and laid for him such a moral code which is beyond his capacity and the exaggerated realists who only think of the animal side of man. The first category over estimate human nature and think of it as pure good, whereas the other group under-estimate it as pure evil.

Islam compromises the two extremes by admitting both sides of man: his mind and his flesh or animal desires together with his angel like spirituality. Islam believes that man has been created with a natural tendency for both good and evil and that he has to make his efforts to purify his soul: “And by the soul and He who balanced it; then He inspired it to knowledge of wickedness and piety. Indeed successful is he who keeps it pure; and indeed, failed is he who corrupts it” [91:7-10]

• Moderation in organisation and coordination

Islam does not devote life wholly to personal conscience and restraint, does it subject it fully to disciplining and regulation. It rather coaches and refines the conscience of people, but secures social order through legislation and penalties. It combines the two approaches, neither placing the subjects under the sultan’s whip, nor leaving them completely to their own conscience.

• Moderation in relations and interaction

Islam realises that an individual’s personality and distinctive features are never cancelled, nor is he expected to melt fully in the identity of a group or a state. On the other hand, he is not allowed to go completely on his own, full of greed and pursuing only his personal interests. Islam rather gives freedom to personal drives, but at the same time it applies controls to check overindulgence and introduces motivation to encourage individual contribution in serving group interests. It comes up with obligation and duties that make every individual serve the group. One such example can be seen through the work of Da’wah in which it is the duty of the individual Muslim to bring others to the straight path of Islam.

Moderation in Islam is also reflected in the balance it strikes between man’s utter submission to Allah and the sublime status of man in the universe. Islam shunned all types of extremism and all the jolts and fluctuations that certain sects and beliefs have been exposed to and that range between deifying man in various ways and reviling him as most despicable and contemptible. Islam begins by making a clear distinction between the true nature and attributes of divinity and the true nature and attributes of submission. In contrast, the majority of Christian churches look at Christ as God. On the other hand, as European schools of philosophy and thought tended to regard man as a sublime creature, they did so at the expense of their belief in Allah’s divinity.

Islam is a middle way among other known faiths. It is not excessive, as it is the case with the faiths that deify their clergy and monks, including Jesus. Nor do Muslims go to the other extreme by disrespecting or not revering their Prophet or pious and good people. However, although a Muslim believes in, support, revere, and love all of Allah’s messengers, they do not worship of deify them. Thus, theirs is a course that is middle one, a course that strikes a benevolent balance between the two incorrect extremes. We conclude with a Prophetic tradition: Moderation is a best way.

One day a father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the purpose of showing his son how the poor people live so he could be thankful for his wealth.

They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.

On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, "How was the trip?" "It was great, Dad." "Did you see how poor people can be?" the father asked. "Oh yeah" said the son. "So what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father.

The son answered, "I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end." "We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night." "Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon." "We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight." "We have servants who serve us, but they serve others." "We buy our food, but they grow theirs." "We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them."

With this the boy's father was speechless. Then his son added, "Thanks dad for showing me how poor we are."

Birmingham Central Mosque

Community & Mosque News

Our new-look website will be launched this month, Insha’Allah. The new site features more information and resources and is constantly being updated. Why not share your views and suggestions? Log on at: S ERVICES - In case of any changes to services, please call to check first. www.centralm Marriage Bureau (Advice) & Introductions Every Monday – 2pm-4pm Families-Only Service: Every Friday – 7.30pm-9.30pm MOSQUE NOTICE: Mr A. Q. Lodhi – 0121 446 4157 (Mondays) / 07870 450 347

[email protected] (For marriage ceremonies, see Main Office) Young Quaker Pilgrims from the United Distribution of flyers and other material on mosque grounds States, Canada, Ireland, Scandinavia is currently restricted to the mosque forecourt. This also Family Support Service & Counselling Clinic and parts of the UK and Europe visited applies to money collections. Every Saturday – 10am-12pm the mosque in July as part of an initiative arranged by the Birmingham Muslim- Distribution and collections are no longer allowed Dr. W. Syeda & Sister Saba Quaker Peace and Social Justice inside the mosque building unless authorised by [email protected]

Group based at the Central Mosque. management. The visit gave the youngsters an insight This does not affect authorised stalls. Stallholders who LECTURES & SERMONS into the Muslim faith and the workings of have not paid stall fares before setup will be removed.

the city’s main mosque. For more For reasons of safety and security and to prevent a information on the inter-faith group and Lessons in Qur’an (Tafseer) & Hadith – English future meetings, please contact breach of fire safety protocol, no personnel or stalls Imm Qri M. Ismail Rashid of Sheffield Chris Martin on: 0121 475 2088 may directly occupy space blocking any entrances, Every Friday - Currently after Asr prayers stairs or exits, especially fire exits. Islamic Lectures on Qur’anic Topics - Camp X-Ra y Support Imm Abdul Hdi of Green Lane Mosque Mondays & Tuesdays - After Dhuhr prayers

We would like to thank the Qur’an & Hadith – Wednesday – After Maghrib prayers faithful who signed petitions Ambassadorial Visit Etiquettes of Islam – Saturday - After Maghrib prayers supporting the release of British Maulana Hafeez Ullah Khan of Green Lane Mosque Guantanamo Bay detainees. The Minister for Social Affairs, Youth and Both in Urdu (& English commentary if required) The petitions were presented to Gender of the Republic of Guinea visited the After Maghrib (during summer time) Government by Vivian Yates of mosque for Jummah prayers last month. Peace & Progress. onwards She attended the services along with Cllr. Jummah (Friday) Prayers - 12.30pm Sermons in English, Urdu & - Main Congregation: 1.45pm Phillip Murphy. Minister Madame Aribo met with the mosque chairman Dr. B OOKINGS

Ladies’ Gallery Mohammad Naseem. The minister was very Facilities: BCM has a Main Prayer Hall, a Day Centre (Community impressed with the work being carried out at Hall) and a School Hall available for hire for public use. We also There are two new voluntary the mosque. Her Excellency Madame facilitate for wedding gatherings and funeral prayer services. female assistants within the Henriette Conté, the First Lady of Guinea, Ladies’ quarters that are available Visits: To book an educational or community visit and tour of the to assist female worshippers on was also due to attend the mosque but mosque, please call or write to our office to make the necessary Fridays. Should you wish to bring unfortunately could not be present. arrangements. Individual visits are also welcome. any concerns to the mosque The First Lady was in Birmingham with the A CTIVITIES management regarding any Minister and Guinea’s Ambassador to facilities in these quarters, please approach the sisters (Shabana Britain. Martial Arts & Self Defence – Karate, Kung-Fu, Kick Boxing, Mahmood & Farzana Sheik) who ‘Weapons’ Training – in the School Hall at the mosque. will be happy to attend to your Every Saturday – Boys: 12pm-2pm Men: 2pm-4.30pm needs. Thank you. Classes are also available for girls and women in Saltley. For more information, call: 07815 153816

FREE Community Classes at Birmingham Central Mosque with MCET and South Birmingham College - URDU-ARABIC-ISLAMIC STUDIES-ESOL-FIRST AID-FORK LIFT TRAINING For more information, please call Malik Khan on: 07967 595 921


A brand new information technology (IT) suite has been installed The Dawn is distributed free in many city on the last in the mosque courtesy of Midland Community Education & Friday of every month. It is also sent to other religious and Training (MCET). The suite includes 12 state-of-the-art educational institutions, libraries, hospitals and prisons. However, computers and broadband internet access for use by students any individual wishing to receive a copy regularly for a year by post is requested to complete this form and return it with a donation, a enrolled onto MCET adult training courses. minimum of £10, to the mosque at the address below. The courses are available for all members of the public and are free. To

join and learn more about IT, please call Malik Khan on: 07967595 921 Please send me …… copy/ies of The Dawn monthly.

or Bashir on: 07989 334 825. I enclose a generous donation of £………………

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Birmingham Central Last month we attended a number of community Editorial Managing Board Mosque hosts school based seminars held by Birmingham Citizens. Dr. M. Naseem | Mr. Muhammad Sarwar | Ch. Abdul Rashid Editor: Khurram Bashir Amin students gaining work They involved networking between various experience. One such organisations of different faiths, cultural and social Mosque Office Hours: 11am-6pm weekdays only

student who recently joined backgrounds and representatives of organisations Mosque Facilities: 12pm until approx. 30 mins after Isha prayers. our team, Asif Hussain, has and charities. The events were very successful Apart from during Fajr (Dawn) prayers, the mosque is not available for use until written a report about his 12pm due to cleaning and maintenance and are a very promising bridge between In case of any emergency, delivery or outside maintenance work, please call placement for the BBC. communities, organisations and individuals. caretaker Muhammad Saeed on: 0781 725 6708 You can view the piece at: To find out more, or to participate, please contact 180 Belgrave Middleway, Highgate, Birmingham, B12 0XS Tel: (0121) 440 5355 | Fax: (0121) 446 6140 teens or visit our website at: Fraz Yusuf Zai or Kirk Noden on 0121 449 2626 | [email protected] PRINTED BY WESTPOINT – 0121 202 1610

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Businesses, promotions & companies featured in The Dawn Newsletter are featured as commercial sponsors and not necessarily as mosque endorsements and/or affiliations. BIRMINGHAM CENTRAL MOSQUE 180 Belgrave Middleway, Birmingham B12 0XS | Tel: 0121 440 5355 | Fax: 0121 446 6140 PRAYER TIMETABLE "Indeed prayers are enjoined on believers at a stated time." - Al- 4:103 August 2004 | Jamadi ul-Thani / Rajab 1425 AH

August Jamadi ul-Thani Fajr Sunrise Zawál Dhuhr Asr Sunset Maghrib Isha Date Day Lunar Date Start Jamt Start Start Jamt Adhn Start Jamt 1 Sun 15 3.43 4.45 5.23 1.14 1.19 6.33 7.30 9.02 9.05 10.20 10.45 2 Mon 16 3.45 " " 5.25 " " " " 6.32 7.15 9.01 9.04 10.18 10.30 3 Tues 17 3.47 " " 5.27 " " " " 6.31 " " 8.59 9.02 10.17 " " 4 Wed 18 3.48 " " 5.28 " " " " 6.29 " " 8.58 9.01 10.15 " " 5 Thur 19 3.50 " " 5.30 " " " " 6.28 " " 8.57 9.00 10.14 " " 6 Fri 20 3.51 " " 5.31 " " " " 6.27 " " 8.56 8.59 10.13 " " 7 Sat 21 3.53 " " 5.33 1.13 1.18 6.26 " " 8.54 8.57 10.11 " " 8 Sun 22 3.55 " " 5.35 " " " " 6.25 " " 8.52 8.55 10.10 " " 9 Mon 23 3.56 5.00 5.36 " " " " 6.23 " " 8.50 8.53 10.09 " " 10 Tues 24 3.58 " " 5.38 " " " " 6.22 " " 8.48 8.51 10.08 " " 11 Wed 25 4.00 " " 5.40 " " " " 6.21 " " 8.46 8.49 10.06 " " 12 Thur 26 4.01 " " 5.41 " " " " 6.20 " " 8.44 8.47 10.04 " " 13 Fri 27 4.03 " " 5.43 " " " " 6.18 " " 8.42 8.45 10.02 " " 14 Sat 28 4.05 " " 5.45 1.12 1.17 6.17 " " 8.40 8.43 10.00 " " 15 Sun 29 4.06 " " 5.46 " " " " 6.15 " " 8.38 8.41 9.58 " " 16 Mon 30 4.08 5.15 5.48 " " " " 6.14 7.00 8.36 8.39 9.56 10.15 17 Tues Rajab 4.10 " " 5.50 " " " " 6.13 " " 8.34 8.37 9.54 " " 18 Wed 2 4.11 " " 5.51 " " " " 6.11 " " 8.32 8.35 9.52 " " 19 Thur 3 4.13 " " 5.53 1.11 1.16 6.10 " " 8.30 8.33 9.50 " " 20 Fri 4 4.15 " " 5.55 " " " " 6.08 " " 8.27 8.30 9.47 " " 21 Sat 5 4.16 " " 5.56 " " " " 6.07 " " 8.25 8.28 9.45 " " 22 Sun 6 4.18 " " 5.58 " " " " 6.05 " " 8.23 8.25 9.43 " " 23 Mon 7 4.20 5.30 6.00 1.10 1.15 6.03 6.45 8.21 8.24 9.41 10.00 24 Tues 8 4.21 " " 6.01 " " " " 6.02 " " 8.19 8.22 9.39 " " 25 Wed 9 4.23 " " 6.03 " " " " 6.00 " " 8.16 8.19 9.36 " " 26 Thur 10 4.25 " " 6.05 " " " " 5.58 " " 8.14 8.17 9.34 " " 27 Fri 11 4.26 " " 6.06 1.09 1.14 5.57 " " 8.12 8.15 9.32 " " 28 Sat 12 4.28 " " 6.08 " " " " 5.55 " " 8.10 8.13 9.30 " " 29 Sun 13 4.30 " " 6.10 " " " " 5.53 " " 8.07 8.10 9.27 " " 30 Mon 14 4.32 " " 6.12 1.08 1.13 5.52 6.30 8.05 8.08 9.25 9.45 31 Tues 15 4.33 " " 6.13 " " " " 5.50 " " 8.03 8.06 9.23 " " Daily Dhuhr & Jumm'ah (Friday) Congregation at 1.45pm

The Asr prayer time given above is according to Mithl-Thani, Mithl-Awwal starts 1hr 15mins before Mithl-Thani

The Asr prayer time given above is according to Mithl-Thani , Mithl-Awwal starts 1hr 15mins before Mithl-Thani PRAYER TIMES IN OTHER CITIES WITH RESPECT TO BIRMINGHAM CITY FAJR DHUHR ASR MAGHRIB ISHA BRADFORD - 01 - 01 - 03 + 03 + 02 GLASGOW +06 + 06 + 11 + 05 + 05 CARDIFF + 08 + 10 + 01 + 05 + 04 LIVERPOOL + 04 + 04 + 02 + 08 + 07 LONDON - 06 - 07 - 04 - 04 - 14 LUTON - 06 - 05 - 04 - 03 + 07 NEWCASTLE - 02 - 01 - 07 - 04 - 14 MIDDLESBOROUGH - 04 - 03 - 01 + 02 - 0 MANCHESTER + 01 + 02 - 01 - 01 + 0

A black & white copy of this timetable can be printed from our website at: | Birmingham Central Mosque Trust | Registered Charity No. 259545 | Company No. 961846 | Image courtesy of BC Images