FIFTEENTH CONGRESS OF THE ) REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ) First Regular Session ) 10 •.IUL 27 P3 SS SENATE Senate Bill No. Introduced by SENATOR PIA S. CAYETANO EXPLANATORY NOTE This bill seeks to declare the Pasonanca Watershed Forest Reserve in Zamboanga City as a Protected Area under the category of a natural park, to be known as the Pasonanca Natural Park. With a total area of 17,414 hectares, the Pasonanca Natural Park covers the following areas: Pasonanca, Lumayang, Tolosa, Bungiao, Dulian, Baluno, Salaan, Cacao, Lunzuran, La Paz, Lapacan, and Lamisahan. The dense secondary and prim'ary growth dipterocarp forest is rich with floral and faunal species. Aside from the rich forest, Pasonanca Natural Park houses perennial springs/streams/creeks which traverse and drain the stretch of the Tumaga River, Pasonanca Natural Park also serves as' a source of water for the residents of Zamboanga City It was proclaimed as the Pasonanca Natural Park by virtue of Presidential Proclamation No. 132 dated July 5, 1999, This bill, further, seeks to declare the Pasonanca Natural Park as a protected area in order to guard it from indiscriminate exploitation, maintain its ecological balance and preserve its source of water supply, . Given the importance of biodiversity, it is crucial that we act on this bill now to ensure that our children and the succeeding generations will inherit a living earth with all of its bountiful natural resources and vibrant wildlife. In view of the foregoing, the passage of this measure is earnestly urged. ~fcJJ SENAt6~'PIA! CAYETANO 1 FIFTEENTH CONGRESS OF THE ) REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES ) First Regu/qr Session ) '10 J:1L 27 P3 :55' SENATE -'.- Senate Bill No.
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