Forest Cover (2001) Topography image resolution: 500 m 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 Elevation (in meters) Conservation 4000 kilometers 3000 scale: 1/10,000,000 projection: Sinusoidal Outcomes central meridian 122° east longitude 2000 1500 note: forest is defined here as >51% tree cover per grid cell 1000 500 Batanes Islands 100 Baguio Protected Landscape 120°E and Seascape Baguio 1 / 1,800,000 L u z o n 16 April 2007 Manila S t r a i t

20°N 20°N

Calbayog Roxas Calbayog Roxas

Bacolod Ormoc Ormoc Bacolod Iloilo Iloilo Cebu

Puerto Princesa

Cagayan de Oro Cagayan de Oro Babuyanes Islands

Davao Zamboanga Davao


s National Park

Buguey e Apayao Wetlands Lowland Forest North Eastern Cagayan Conservation Outcomes Protected Landscape and Seascape

C Philippines a n g a y a 50 0 50 100 150 scale: 1/1,800,000 n projection: Sinusoidal

i kilometers central meridian 122° east longitude Peñablanca Protected Landscape and Seascape scale: 1/97,000,000 Manila town (national capitals underlined) projection: Sinusoidal hotspot boundary central meridian 122° east longitude

p S O U T H Malasi Lake biodiversity conservation corridor TALINES country border Balbalasang-Balbalan National Park Ban-ban Key Biodiversity Area* C H I N A p river Change in Protection Status of Key CORDILLERA Northern Key Biodiversity Areas with Sierra Protected Status in the Philippines Biodiversity Areas in the Philippines Madre

i L u z o n Siburan Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE) site lake Natural By assessing the percentage of Key Biodiversity This figure demonstrates trends in the percentage of the defined S E A Park Areas (KBAs) with formally protected status we KBAs and AZE sites under some form of legal protection for the can analyze one measure of progress towards time period 1996 – 2006.

l † protecting the most important sites for protected area (extent, geographic extent pending) preventing biodiversity loss. Safeguarding 100 Mt. Pulag

unprotected KBAs as well as strengthening 90 KBAs (n=128) AZE sites (n=10) h t

National Park i

North Central management regimes of existing protected w 80 i

* Key Biodiversity Areas are targets for achieving site-level conservation outcomes. CEPF funding is not available for marine conservation. s SIERRA s e

† u

Sierra Madre t i KBAs is a high conservation investment priority. t 70

IUCN Categories Ia, Ib, II-VI s a

MADRE Mountains t s Baguio E

Z 60 n A o

i t d

Currently 45 of 128 KBAs, or 35.2% of KBAs, c 50 n e a t

o s benefit from official safeguard status in the r 40 A p

l B a

Philippines Hotspot. This figure includes 5 of 10, K

Quirino Protected

h 30 f m r o

Landscape o

or 50% of AZE (Alliance for Zero Extinction) f

% 20

l a Casecnan sites. t

o 10 The CEPF Niche for Investment Protected T 0 o Landscape A total of 83 KBAs presently lack formal The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund Donors, governments, and nongovernmental Ag n 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 governmental protection. Five of these are AZE P (CEPF) and Conservation International (CI) use organizations must safeguard biodiversity in the Year of Protected Area Establishment sites; Siburan, Mt. Mantalingajan, South and "conservation outcomes" as the scientific Philippines through a range of conservation North Gigante Island, Mt. Kambinlio and Mt. underpinning for focusing conservation activities. A few globally threatened species will Memorial Redondo and Tawi-tawi Island. These sites

investment geographically and thematically. require species-specific action, such as disease P National Park should be considered the highest priority areas These targets comprise the effective mitigation or controlling invasive species. Most Mt. Dingalan for immediate investment. While conservation 125°E conservation of a set of species, sites, and investment, however, will need to be at the site H action to safeguard these KBAs could take the broader-scale corridors that is essential for level, to safeguard the habitats in which Mountains form of designating formal protected areas, for preventing biodiversity loss. Identifying these threatened species are found. Safeguarding a I some sites community based management or targets ensures that conservation action focuses KBA may involve declaring a new protected L some other conservation activity may be most on the species at the greatest risk of extinction, area, expanding or strengthening management Candaba Swamp

appropriate. and on the sites and corridors that are most in an existing protected area, initiating - I important for their protection. The targets also community-based conservation and resource ZAMBALES Angat Watershed P provide a baseline against which the success of management, promoting ecotourism, or a 15°N 15°N investments can be measured. This map depicts number of other initiatives. At the landscape Forest Reserve P the geographic targets for achieving level, conservation will include fostering land Mts. Irid- Angilo and Polillo I conservation outcomes in the Philippines uses that maintain key ecosystem processes Island Biodiversity Hotspot. and that are compatible with the needs of area- Binuang N demanding species (for instance, agroforestry). Bataan Natural Park and Subic Bay Forest Reserve In 2004, Conservation International, in CEPF's niche for investment in the Philippines E collaboration with the Haribon Foundation, has been to provide incremental support to Manila UP Land Grant (Pakil and Real) initiated a two-year process to identify these conservation within existing protected areas and Mountains • data-driven conservation targets for the to generate momentum for biodiversity S Philippines. This work builds upon and refines conservation around protected areas, with the de Bay E the results of a number of earlier priority setting goal of enhancing habitat connectivity and Mts. Banahaw-San Cristobal Protected Landscape exercises, including the 117 Important Bird enabling greater civil society participation in Mt. Makiling A Forest Reserve Areas (IBAs) identified in 2001 by the Haribon conservation efforts. Specific strategic directions Mts. Palay-Palay Protected Landscape Foundation and Birdlife International, and the and investment priorities identified by CEPF can Mataas-na-Gulod Taal Mt. Labo 170 terrestrial conservation priority areas (CPAs) be found in the Philippines Ecosystem Profile National Park Protected identified in 2002 through the Philippine ( Landscape Pagbilao and Tayabas Bay Watershed Biodiversity Conservation Priority-setting Ragay Mt. Kulasi Caramoan Peninsula Program (PBCPP), which involved a consortium Since resources for biodiversity conservation are Lalaguna Marsh Forest Reserve Gulf of experts from universities, NGOs, and the limited, there is a need to further prioritize government. among these targets. At the species level, prioritization should identify the most highly BICOL Conservation targets at the species level are threatened species requiring urgent species- Mt. Isarog those that are globally threatened with specific conservation action. However, since Mt. Calavit Natural Park Wildlife extinction, meeting the criteria of Critically much investment is at the site level, KBAs must Sanctuary Puerto Endangered, Endangered or Vulnerable also be prioritized. CI uses a prioritization Wildlife Galera Sanctuary according to the IUCN Red List. According to the method based on irreplaceability and 2004 Red List, there are 491 threatened species vulnerability, thus using the same considerations Lake Naujan National Park in the Philippines, of which 209 are vertebrate as in identifying site-scale targets in the first Mt. s species. place. Therefore, we prioritize sites that contain Halcon Bacon-Manito highly threatened species with very small global Targets at the site level are termed Key ranges; among these sites, KBAs that also face Iglit-Baco Biodiversity Areas (KBAs), and are sites of site-based threats become higher priorities. At Mountains global biodiversity conservation significance that the very top of the list are the Alliance for Zero Siburan Mt. Hitding Bulusan Volcano e are actually or potentially manageable for Extinction (AZE) sites (highlighted on the map in Natural Park conservation. KBAs are identified based on the red). The Alliance for Zero Extinction, a joint presence of species for which site-scale initiative of biodiversity conservation Marine Malpalon conservation is deemed necessary to avoid organizations around the world, aims to prevent Natural Park Mt. Hinunduang Romblon Island extinctions in the short and medium term: imminent extinctions by identifying and CENTRAL Balogo Watershed globally threatened species, restricted-range safeguarding sites that represent the last MINDORO Mt. Guiting-guiting species and globally significant congregations of refuges of highly threatened species. An AZE Natural Park S a m a r m species. A total of 128 KBAs were identified for site is a discrete area containing 95 percent or threatened and endemic amphibians, mammals, more of the global population of one or more birds, reptiles, and freshwater fish, using species listed as Critically Endangered or Calamian Busuanga Island confirmed locality data for each target species. Endangered on the IUCN Red List. Calbayog

o KBA boundaries were delineated based on Group information on the habitat requirements of With more than 20,000 endemic species, the and species, along with data on land management Philippines is a “megadiversity” country, one of Northwest Peninsula Maripipi Island units (protected area boundaries). In addition, 17 nations that together hold two thirds of earth’s Natural Park Samar c 51 sites were identified as Candidate KBAs, or biological diversity. It is also one of the most Island research priorities; if additional data or surveys threatened of the 34 biodiversity hotspots, with Island n South and North confirm the presence of target species within less than six percent of original forest cover la Natural k these sites, they too will become priorities for remaining intact. Thus, resources must urgently A Roxas Gigante Island Park t conservation action (KBAs). be directed towards conserving the globally El Nido Managed Resource V i s a y a n threatened species, KBAs, and biodiversity Protected Area PANAY S e a Targets at the landscape level are termed conservation corridors in the Philippines. MOUNTAINS “biodiversity conservation corridors” and aim to ensure the persistence of threatened species For more information, please refer to Central u P a n a y and Key Biodiversity Areas. Terrestrial corridors,, Ja Panay laur comprise a matrix of land types required to, Mountains Anonang-Lobi Range conserve broad-scale ecological processes and,, Ormoc to meet the needs of area-demanding species, and Protected Landscape and Seascape (those that are wide-ranging, migratory, or found u in low densities). In the Philippines, 17 b O biodiversity conservation corridors were Lake Manguao e L e y t e identified, primarily to maintain connectivity Iloilo Northern Negros C Bacolod Natural Park Mt. Capayas G u l f among KBAs in areas of intact forest habitat. Dumaran-Araceli Some corridors also account for the needs of the San Vicente-Taytay-Roxas Forests wide-ranging Pithecophaga Mactan, Kalawisan, and Mt. Nacolod jefferyi. These 17 corridors were adapted from Central Cebu Cansaga Bay Mt. Canlaon Protected those identified during the PBCPP process (see Natural Park Leyte above), and will be refined as more data become Landscape Cebu Mt. Kambinlio and available. CANLAON Mt. Redondo Puerto Princesa Cleopatra's Needle s Subterranean River Talibon Protected o CENTRAL Olango Natural Park r Landscape and Seascape n CEBU Island g 10°N 10°N e N Ban-ban Island Puerto Princesa Protected Landscape o and Seascape Southwestern Rajah Sikatuna n Victoria and Negros Mt. Kangbulagsing Protected Landscape a Anepahan and Mt. Lanaya i w a Ranges Nug-as and Mt. Lantoy a l P Cuernos de t TALINES Negros Timpoong and Hibok-hibok Mt. Bandila-an Natural Monument Wildlife Sanctuary Mt. Hilong-hilong Mt. a Mantalingajan a Roster of Key Biodiversity Areas S e l * Denotes Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE) site. o Mt. h Mt. Balatukan Diwata 1 Batanes Islands Protected Landscape and Seascape National Marine Park o 2 Babuyanes Islands B Range v 3 Kalbario-Patapat National Park 4 Apayao Lowland Forest 5 Balbalasang-Balbalan National Park 6 Mt. Pulag National Park Cagayan de Oro r 7 Buguey Wetlands Mt. 8 North Eastern Cagayan Protected Landscape Mt. Malindang Tago and Seascape Ursula Island Mt. Kitanglad Range Mt. Dapiak- Natural Park Natural Park Agusan 9 Peñablanca Protected Landscape and Seascape Mt. Paraya Range Marsh * 10 Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park Mt. Kalatungan Range Wildlife 11 Malasi Lake MALINDANG Natural Park Sanctuary e 12 North Central Sierra Madre Mountains Mt. Sugarloaf 13 Quirino Protected Landscape Bislig 14 Casecnan Protected Landscape Munai / 15 Aurora Memorial National Park Tambo Lituban-Quipit Watershed Lake Mt. Kaluayan-

s Lanao 16 Mt. Dingalan Mt. Kinabalian Complex 17 Angat Watershed Forest Reserve M i n d a n a o Mt. Agtuuganon and 18 Mts. Irid-Angilo and Binuang Mt. Timolan Protected Landscape Mt. Piagayungan Mt. Pasian 19 UP Land Grant (Pakil and Real) CENTRAL 20 21 Zambales Mountains n 22 Candaba Swamp B a l a b a c S t r a i t Mt. Sinaka 23 Bataan Natural Park and Subic Bay Forest Reserve S U L U EASTERN 24 Mariveles Mountains * 76 Mt. Canlaon Natural Park MINDANAO 25 Manila Bay 77 Ban-ban KITANGLAD- LIGAWASAN 26 Mts. Palay-Palay Mataas-na-Gulod National Park * 78 Southwestern Negros o 27 Taal Volcano Protected Landscape 79 Cuernos de Negros Mt. Kampalili- * Natural Park 28 Mt. Makiling Forest Reserve 80 Mt. Bandila-an S E A Davao Puting Bato 29 Mts. Banahaw-San Cristobal Protected Landscape 81 Mt. Capayas Ligawasan 30 Quezon Protected Landscape 82 Central Cebu Protected Landscape Marsh Mt. Apo 31 Pagbilao and Tayabas Bay 83 Mactan, Kalawisan and Cansaga Bay Natural 32 Lalaguna Marsh 84 Olango Island Zamboanga

C Park 33 Ragay Gulf 85 Nug-as and Mt. Lantoy 34 Mt. Labo 86 Mt. Kangbulagsing and Mt. Lanaya 35 Mt. Kulasi 87 Samar Island Natural Park Mt. Daguma * 36 Mt. Isarog Natural Park 88 Biliran and Maripipi Island Mt. Hamiguitan Natural Range Wildlife 37 Caramoan Peninsula 89 Anonang-Lobi Range Biotic Area 38 Catanduanes Watershed Forest Reserve Sanctuary 90 Mt. Nacolod Mt. Matutum 39 Bacon-Manito 91 Talibon Protected Landscape and Seascape Protected Landscape 40 Bulusan Volcano Natural Park 92 Rajah Sikatuna Protected Landscape 41 Marinduque Wildlife Sanctuary * 93 Mt. Kambinlio and Mt. Redondo 42 Mt. Calavite 94 Siargao Island Protected Landscape and Seascape 43 Puerto Galera 95 Mt. Hilong-hilong 44 Mt. Halcon 96 Mt. Diwata Range 45 Lake Naujan National Park 97 Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary Mt. Busa-Kiamba Mt. Latian 46 Iglit-Baco Mountains 98 Bislig Mt. Dajo Complex 47 Siburan 99 Mt. Agtuuganon and Mt. Pasian National Park 48 Malpalon 100 Mt. Kampalili-Puting Bato 49 Mt. Hitding 101 Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary 50 Mt. Hinunduang 102 Timpoong and Hibok-hibok Natural Monument 51 Apo Reef Marine Natural Park 103 Mt. Balatukan S U L A W E S I S E A 52 Calauit Island 104 Mt. Kaluayan-Mt. Kinabalian Complex 53 Busuanga Island 105 Mt. Tago Range ( C E L E B E S S E A ) data: 54 Culion Island 106 Mt. Kitanglad Range Natural Park Center for Applied Biodiversity Science at 55 Coron Island 107 Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park o Conservation International, 125°E 56 El Nido Managed Resource Protected Area 108 Munai / Tambo Tawi-tawi g Arlington, VA USA Conservation International - Philippines 57 Malampaya Sound Protected Landscape and Island a *109 Lake Lanao l Global Shoreline Database, January 2001, Seascape 110 Mt. Piagayungan Roster of biodiversity conservation corridors e Veridian (GDAIS) 58 Lake Manguao 111 Mt. Sinaka p GTOPO30 59 Dumaran-Araceli 112 Mt. Apo Natural Park Bataan-Zambales i Haribon Foundation 60 San Vicente-Taytay-Roxas Forests 113 Liguasan Marsh Bicol S h Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau- i b Department of Environment and Natural 61 Puerto Princesa Subterranean River Natural Park 114 Mt. Daguma Canlaon c Biodiversity hotspots are regions that harbor The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund u r Resources (PAWB-DENR) 62 Cleopatra's Needle 115 Mt. Matutum Protected Landscape Central Cebu t especially high numbers of endemic species (CEPF) is a joint initiative of Conservation 5°N u A 5°N VMap0, National Geospatial-Intelligence 63 Victoria and Anepahan Ranges 116 Mt. Busa-Kiamba Central Mindanao and, at the same time, have been International, the Global Environment P u Agency * 64 Mt. Mantalingajan 117 Mt. Latian Complex Central Mindoro a l significantly impacted by human activities. Facility, the Government of Japan, the s u 500m MODIS Vegetation Continuous Fields. 65 Rasa Island Wildlife Sanctuary * 118 Mt. Malindang Natural Park Cordillera s S Each hotspot faces extreme threats and has MacArthur Foundation and the World Bank. College Park, Maryland: The Global Land a already lost at least 70 percent of its original A fundamental goal of CEPF is to ensure 66 Ursula Island 119 Mt. Dapiak-Mt. Paraya Eastern Mindanao g Cover Facility. 67 Balabac Island 120 Mt. Sugarloaf Katinglad-Ligawasan e Simunul and natural vegetation. Over 50 percent of the civil society is engaged in biodiversity world’s plant species and 42 percent of all conservation. Manuk Manka Islands this map was produced by the Conservation 68 Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park 121 Mt. Timolan Protected Landscape Leyte terrestrial vertebrate species are endemic to Mapping Program 69 Mt. Guiting-guiting Natural Park 122 Lituban-Quipit Watershed Malindang the biodiversity hotspots, making them 70 Romblon Island 123 Pasonanca Natural Park Palawan and M.Denil - Chief Cartographer urgent priorities for biodiversity conservation The political and geographic designations K.Koenig - Cartographer 71 Balogo Watershed 124 Basilan Natural Biotic Area Panay Mountains Tumindao Islands at a global scale. shown on this map do not imply the Center for Applied Biodiversity Science expression of any opinion on behalf of CEPF 72 Northwest Panay Peninsula Natural Park 125 Mt. Dajo National Park Samar Conservation International or any of its partners concerning the legal * 73 Central Panay Mountains 126 Tawi-tawi Island Sierra Madre 120°E 2011 Crystal Drive * status or deliniation of the frontiers of any 74 South and North Gigante Island 127 Simunul and Manuk Manka Islands Talines Arlington, VA 22202 USA * country, territory or area. 75 Northern Negros Natural Park 128 Sibutu and Tumindao Islands Zamboanga Peninsula © April 2007