
Historical Range of Variability and Current Landscape Condition Analysis: South Central Highlands Section, Southwestern & Northwestern New

William H. Romme, M. Lisa Floyd, David Hanna

with contributions by Elisabeth J. Bartlett, Michele Crist, Dan Green, Henri D. Grissino-Mayer, J. Page Lindsey, Kevin McGarigal, & Jeffery S.Redders

Produced by the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute at Colorado State University, and Region 2 of the U.S. Forest Service

May 12, 2009 Table of Contents




CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION A. Objectives and Organization of This Report … p 17 B. Overview of Physical Geography and Vegetation … p 19 C. Climate Variability in Space and Time … p 21 1. Geographic Patterns in Climate 2. Long-Term Variability in Climate D. Reference Conditions: Concept and Application … p 25 1. Historical Range of Variability (HRV) Concept 2. The Reference Period for this Analysis 3. Human Residents and Influences during the Reference Period E. Overview of Integrated Ecosystem Management … p 30 F. Literature Cited … p 34

CHAPTER II. PONDEROSA FORESTS A. Vegetation Structure and Composition … p 39 B. Reference Conditions … p 40 1. Reference Period Fire Regimes 2. Other agents of disturbance 3. Pre-1870 stand structures C. Legacies of Euro-American Settlement and Current Conditions … p 67 1. Logging (“High-Grading”) in the Late 1800s and Early 1900s 2. Excessive Livestock Grazing in the Late 1800s and Early 1900s 3. Fire Exclusion Since the Late 1800s 4. Interactions: Logging, Grazing, Fire, Climate, and the Forests of Today D. Summary … p 83 E. Literature Cited … p 84

CHAPTER III. SPRUCE-FIR FORESTS A. Vegetation Structure and Composition … p 92 B. Reference Conditions … p 96 1. High-Elevation Fire Regimes: General 2. Fire History in Spruce-Fir Forests of the Western 3. Ancient Forests in the South Central Highlands Section 4. Insects and Diseases in High-Elevation Forests 5. Interactions Among Disturbances C. Legacies of Euro-American Settlement and Current Conditions … p 109 1. Effects of 20th Century Fire Suppression 2. Legacies of Logging and Road-Building

2 D. Summary … p 113 E. Literature Cited … p 115

CHAPTER IV. FORESTS A. Vegetation Structure and Composition … p 121 1. Aspen Morphology, Population Structure, and Genetic Variability 2. Stable vs. Seral Aspen Communities 3. Aspen and Wildlife B. Reference Conditions … p 126 1. Effects of Fire in Aspen Forests 2. Fire History in Aspen Forests of the 3. Fire Behavior in Aspen Forests C. Legacies of Euro-American Settlement and Current Conditions … p 136 1. Stand-Level Effects of Logging in Aspen Forests 2. Effects of Livestock Grazing and Native Ungulate Browsing 3. Sudden Aspen Decline (SAD) 4. Is Aspen Declining in the South Central Highlands Section? D. Summary … p 142 E. Literature Cited … p 143

CHAPTER V. MIXED FORESTS A. Vegetation Structure and Composition … p 150 B. Reference Conditions … p 154 1. Warm-Dry Mixed Conifer Forests 2. Cool-Moist or Cold-Wet Mixed Conifer Forests 3. Other Agents Of Disturbance In Mixed Conifer Forests 4. Alternative Successional Trajectories in Mixed Conifer Forests 5. Landscape Patterns in Mixed Conifer Forests of the Hermosa Unit C. Legacies of Euro-American Settlement and Current Conditions … p 167 1. Legacies of Grazing and Fire Exclusion 2. Legacies of Logging and Road Building D. Summary … p 169 E. Literature Cited … p 171

CHAPTER VI. OTHER VEGETATION TYPES A. Piñon-juniper Woodlands … p 174 1. Vegetation Structure and Composition 2. Reference Conditions in Piñon-Juniper Woodlands 3. Legacies of Euro-American Settlement and Current Conditions 4. Literature Cited B. Mountain Grasslands … p 184 1. Vegetation Structure and Composition 2. Reference Conditions in Mountain Grasslands 3. Legacies of Euro-American Settlement and Current Conditions 4. Literature Cited

3 C. Riparian Vegetation and Wetlands … p 191 1. Vegetation Structure and Composition 2. Reference Conditions in Riparian Vegetation 3. Legacies of Euro-American Settlement and Current Conditions 4. Literature Cited D. Alpine Ecosystems … p 202 1. Vegetation Structure and Composition 2. Reference Conditions in Mountain Grasslands 3. Legacies of Euro-American Settlement and Current Conditions 4. Literature Cited E. Mountain Shrublands … p 205 F. Lodgepole Pine Forests … p 208 G. Bristlecone Pine Forests … p 210

CHAPTER VII. MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES A. Challenges: Forest Fragmentation by Roads and Logging … p 212 1. General Ecological Impacts of Roads 2. Road Densities in Forests of the San Juan National Forest 3. Effects of Roads and Logging on a High-Elevation Landscape B. Challenges: Outdoor Recreation and Exurban Development … p 227 1. Ecological Impacts of Outdoor Recreation 2. Ecological Impacts of Exurban Development C. Challenges: Climate Change … p 230 D. Opportunities: Principles of Ecological Restoration … p 230 E. Opportunities: Passive Restoration of Fire and Sustainable Grazing … p 233 1. Restoring Natural Fire Regimes 2. Innovative Management of Livestock Grazing in Mountain Grasslands F. Opportunities: Active Restoration in Ponderosa Pine Forests … p 235 1. The Restoration Approach 2. Potential Pitfalls and Hazards G. Opportunities: Emulating Natural Disturbance Processes in Forests … p 244 H. Summary … p 248 I. Literature Cited … p 251


The South Central Highlands need to be evaluated individually for Section encompasses 11,475,000 acres each vegetation type. There is (46,000 km2) of the southern Rocky considerable risk in extrapolating from Mountains in southwestern Colorado and one vegetation type to another, because northwestern , and includes some of the differences in ecology and all or a portion of the San Juan, Rio history are profound. Grande, Uncompahgre, Gunnison, A second major theme of this Carson, and Santa Fe National Forests. report is that we are not starting with a The purposes of this study were to (1) “blank slate” in terms of choices and characterize the range of variability in options in management, but that we have structure, composition, function, and several important legacies of past forest dynamics of the ecosystems of the south use and management that must be dealt central highlands section during an with in developing future management appropriate reference period, defined strategies. Some of these legacies, such here as the period of indigenous as over-cutting of mature ponderosa pine settlement prior to major impacts of in the early 1900s, may reduce our Euro-American settlement in the late management options today. In this 1800s, (2) assess the current state of paper we identify some of these major these ecosystems in terms of the extent legacies, and suggest ways of to which their structure, composition, compensating for what society may now function, and dynamics depart from that regard as poor choices in the past. In range of variability, (3) evaluate the some situations, this will entail ecological significance of specific restoration of ecological components and departures from the reference range of processes that have been lost. variability, i.e., identify any risks The third major idea underlying associated with current conditions, and this analysis is that our understanding of (4) suggest opportunities and challenges the ecology of the ecosystems in the related to restoring the altered structure, southern is still composition, function, or dynamics to inadequate to permit complete something more closely resembling the confidence in our management decisions reference period, in those situations today. We must acknowledge that we where this is a desired management are going to make some mistakes. objective. However, the seriousness of these Three important themes underlie mistakes can be reduced by placing all of what follows. First, the forest management into a consciously pronounced elevational and topographic experimental framework, by carefully variability of the South Central observing the system’s response to our Highlands Section has produced a great well-intentioned efforts -- e.g., testing variety of vegetation types, each with its explicit ecological hypotheses with each own distinctive landscape structure and timber sale, prescribed burn, or road disturbance regime. Therefore, issues closure -- and by modifying our actions related to natural ecological patterns and appropriately as we learn more about the processes, disturbance regimes, and the system (i.e., practicing adaptive magnitude of human-induced changes, management).

5 The organization of this report is The most important natural structured around the three major themes disturbance process in ponderosa pine outlined above. Following an overview forests prior to Euro-American of the South Central Highland Section’s settlement was fire; other natural geography, climate, and vegetation, we disturbances included various - describe and justify the concept of killing insects (notably bark beetles), reference conditions, and then present a pathogens, and parasites. Located brief review of the principles of geographically between the Southwest ecosystem management and adaptive and the Colorado , historical management that are emerging from fire regimes of ponderosa pine forests in studies throughout . This the South Central Highlands Section introduction is then followed by a were intermediate between the detailed analysis of each major Southwestern model of frequent, low- vegetation type in the South Central severity fires and the variable-severity Highlands Section, with respect to (i) model of the Front Range which vegetation structure, composition, and included a component of high-severity distribution, (ii) reference conditions, fire. Major fire years in the South and (iii) legacies of past human land use; Central Highlands Section, as in the and we close the report with an overview Southwest, usually occurred when one to of management challenges and three very wet El Niño years -- in which opportunities for the region as a whole abundant fine fuels were produced -- within the context of ecosystem were followed by a very dry La Niña management and adaptive management. year -- when the accumulated fine fuels dried out and carried extensive fires. Ponderosa Pine Forests Approximately half of documented fires before 1900 in the San Juan Mountains Ponderosa pine forests are found burned in the summer season, and half at lower to middle elevations throughout burned in dormant seasons (spring or the South Central Highlands Section. fall). However, in the years with very Ponderosa pine ( var. extensive fires (e.g., 1748, 1820, 1851, scopulorum) is the major canopy and 1879), fires apparently burned all species, often with Gambel oak summer long. (Quercus gambelii) dominating the After about 1870 (earlier in some understory. Many ponderosa pine places), most of the ponderosa pine forests were composed historically of forests in the region were altered open stands of large , but denser dramatically by livestock grazing, stands also were present. Pre-1900 logging, and fire suppression by Euro- canopy densities and basal areas in open American settlers. By the mid-20th stands in the San Juan Mountains and century, nearly all of the old growth Uncompahre Plateau were generally ponderosa pine forests of this region had higher than in ponderosa pine forests of been liquidated. Consequently, northern . Trees typically grew unlogged, old-growth ponderosa pine in clumps interspersed with open areas, stands today are very few in number. and there was wide variation in the size The most obvious legacy of the early of clumps and open areas. logging of ponderosa pine forests is the general lack of large, old trees and snags

6 in these forests today; most stands are m. The ground layer vegetation in these dominated by relatively small, young forests is highly variable but typically trees. Early livestock grazing was includes a rich mixture of mesophytic largely unregulated, and range herbs. conditions began deteriorating as early The two most important and as the 1890s. As a result, some highly ubiquitous kinds of disturbance in high- palatable species, such as the elevation landscapes during the period of bunchgrasses Muhlenbergia montana indigenous settlement were stand- and Festuca arizona, may have been destroying fire and bark beetle locally extirpated from many stands, and outbreaks. Stand-destroying fires the relative abundance of surviving generally initiated stand development species has been drastically altered. and maintained a relatively coarse- Heavy livestock grazing also disrupted grained mosaic of successional stages the historical fire regime as the animals across the subalpine landscape. During removed the grasses and herbs that the long intervals between fires, formerly carried light fires through the however, and especially as stands forest. Lightning and humans still reached the later stages of development, started fires, but they could not spread the disturbance regime of individual across bare ground. Grazing began to be stands was dominated by chronic, fine- regulated more effectively on federal scale processes involving insects, fungi, lands beginning in the 1930s, but by this and wind, that killed individual trees or time the Forest Service was developing small groups of trees an effective fire suppression capability. Fires in high-elevation forests of Over most of the ponderosa pine zone in the Rocky Mountains were infrequent the South Central Highlands Section, and usually very small, because late- there were no extensive fires throughout lying snowpacks and frequent summer the 20th century. When fires occur rain showers kept fuels too wet to burn today in ponderosa pine forests, they throughout most of the growing season. sometimes are more severe than before However, in the rare dry years when 1900, in part because of the greater fuels weather and fuel conditions were that have accumulated during 100+ years suitable for extensive burning, large without fire. Earlier springs, earlier portions of the subalpine landscape were snow-melt, and longer fire seasons since burned in severe, stand-destroying fires. the mid-1980s also have contributed to We determined that the fire turnover larger and more severe fires in time (the average time required to burn ponderosa pine and other vegetation an area equal in size to the entire study types throughout the West. area, or the average interval between successive fires at a single site) in a Spruce-Fir Forests spruce-fir dominated landscape of the western San Juan Mountains was ca. 300 Spruce-fir forests, dominated by years. Many individual stands escaped Engelmann spruce () fire for many hundreds of years. For and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), are example, an ancient spruce-fir forest the coldest and wettest forest type in the comprising 180 ha at the headwaters of South Central Highlands Section, Martinez Creek in the San Juan National occurring at elevations of 2,720 – 3,580 Forest apparently has not burned for 600

7 years or longer, nor has it been affected much of the 20th century, the fire regime by major windthrow events or severe in spruce-fir forests apparently has insect outbreaks. Fires often were changed relatively little during the past followed by rapid development of aspen century, primarily because large fires in forests with spruce and fir in the subalpine forests are controlled primarily understory, especially in the lower- by regional weather conditions. Few elevation portion of the spruce-fir zone. large fires have occurred in spruce-fir At the highest elevations, and in other forests of the South Central Highlands places where aspen was not present, Section during the 20th century, but spruce and fir directly re-colonized given the long fire-return intervals that burned sites; this was a very slow naturally characterize these systems, the process and hundreds of years were current fire-free intervals may not be far required for a forest to again develop outside the range of variability in fire under these circumstances. intervals that characterized the period of The spruce beetle (Dendroctonus indigenous settlement. Certainly the rufipennis) is a native insect whose time that has elapsed since the last fire in larvae feed on the phloem of large, any individual stand is not exceptionally living or dead, Engelmann spruce trees. long, but larger landscape units (e.g., Most of the time, the beetles persist in watersheds) may have gone for longer low-density, endemic populations that than usual without a large fire. have little impact on forest structure. The most conspicuous Periodically, however, populations anthropogenic disturbances in spruce-fir explode into an outbreak, and the beetles forests are clear-cut logging and road- may kill many or most of the large- building. These activities generally diameter spruce trees over areas of came later to the spruce-fir forest zone thousands of hectares. However, small- than to forests at lower elevations. For diameter host trees and other tree species example, there was almost no logging usually are not attacked by the beetles. and little road building in spruce-fir Beetle outbreaks are followed not by forests in a large portion of the central establishment of new tree seedlings, but San Juan Mountains as late as 1950 by accelerated growth of previously Clear-cutting was used extensively suppressed sub-canopy and understory during the 1950s - 1970s, but generally individuals. Return intervals of has been discontinued in spruce-fir extensive mountain pine beetle and forests because of problems with stand spruce beetle outbreaks are shorter than regeneration. Since the 1970s, the intervals between successive stand- silvicultural methods have emphasized destroying fires, but are still in the range partial cutting techniques rather than of decades to centuries clear-cutting. Since most partial cutting In general, the effects of Euro- involves selective removal of the larger American activities have been less trees, there is a gradual shift to smaller ubiquitous, or less intense, in spruce-fir size classes. Large snags and fallen forests than in lower-elevation forest logs--key structural elements for many types of the South Central highlands wildlife species and soil processes-- Section--although in localized areas the gradually may disappear. Of all the impacts have been just as great. Despite novel kinds of disturbances that humans policies of fire exclusion throughout have introduced in high-elevation forest

8 of the South Central Highlands Section The most important natural agent during the last century, roads may be the of disturbance in aspen forests during the most ubiquitous and significant long- reference period was fire; other natural term legacy of our activities. disturbances included windthrow, fungal diseases, tent caterpillars and other Aspen Forests insects, snow damage, hail, lightning, and sunscald. Aspen stems are easily Aspen forests form an important killed even by relatively low-intensity vegetation type between about 2,000 and fire. However, the aspen root system 3,300 m throughout the mountainous usually is unharmed by fire, and it portions of Colorado, , and northern typically produces abundant root sprouts New Mexico These forests grow on a within the first growing season after the wide variety of geologic substrates and fire. A detailed study of fire history in soil types, although best growth usually the western portion of the San Juan is seen on deep, loamy soils having high National Forest revealed that there were nutrient availability. Aspen is a clonal extensive fires in the 1870s and 1860s, species in which a single genetic but no large fires after that time. Median individual may cover a large area (up to aspen stand age in the 1880s was about several hectare) and be represented by 70 years. If half of the landscape had tens, hundreds, or even thousands of burned within the previous 70 years, individual stems. Ranging from pure then it would require about twice this aspen stands (“stable aspen”) to stands length of time, or 140 years, for a that are co-dominated by aspen and cumulative area equal to the entire conifer species (seral aspen”), aspen landscape to burn. This is our best forests generally are characterized by a estimate of the fire turnover time in this luxuriant understory of shrubs aspen-dominated landscape during the and herbs and provide some of the most period of indigenous settlement. important wildlife habitats in the South Aspen in the Rocky Mountains is Central Highlands Section. usually harvested by clear-cutting small In a survey of 100 stable and blocks up to about 40 acres in size. seral aspen forests in the western portion Clear-cutting usually is followed by of the San Juan National Forest, stable prolific sprouting of new stems from the aspen stands were strongly associated root system, and often leads to increased with lower elevations near the ponderosa understory production as well. pine zone, and weakly associated with However, some clear-cuts have failed to shale substrates rather than sandstones or produce sufficient sprouts to regenerate igneous rocks, whereas seral stands were the cut stand, especially on relatively flat found primarily at the higher elevations. sites having a high water table or heavy This pattern suggests that stable aspen browsing by native or domestic stands in the South Central Highlands ungulates Section may have developed in response Extensive and seemingly to very short fire intervals in the past, precipitous mortality of mature aspen but more research is needed to fully stems has been observed in many parts explain the distribution of stable vs. seral of Colorado and other western states aspen in this region. since about 2000. The phenomenon has been labeled “Sudden Aspen Decline” or

9 “SAD.” The cause of the mortality has not been determined. Mixed Conifer Forests Aspen cover has decreased in many areas since the early 1900s, The mixed conifer forest type leading to concerns about aspen decline. occurs at elevations ranging from about However, the area covered by aspen 2270 – 3030 m (7,500 – 10,000 ft). forests actually has remained stable or Mixed conifer forests are perhaps the even increased throughout the past most variable and complex of any forest century in other areas. Assessing the type in the southwestern mountains, in magnitude and significance of aspen terms of species composition, stand decline is complicated by the fact that structure, and dynamics. They also have investigators have used multiple, and received relatively little research often conflicting, concepts of “decline,” attention Consequently, we have a and different definitions of aspen decline relatively poor understanding of the lead to very different conclusions. We long-term ecological dynamics and evaluated two different ecological interactions that have shaped the mixed processes that have been interpreted as conifer landscape in the past, and that “aspen decline:” (i) replacement of explain biotic responses to current aspen by in the absence of fire management activities. or logging, and (ii) failure of aspen to Environmental conditions, regenerate because of chronic heavy species composition, and disturbance browsing by native or domestic regimes in the mixed conifer zone are ungulates. We view the first process—a intermediate between characteristics of trend of increasing conifer dominance-- the adjacent ponderosa pine zone at as a natural successional process that has lower elevations and characteristics of always occurred during long periods the adjacent spruce-fir zone at higher without major stand disturbance and that elevations. Mixed conifer forests in the is not a serious threat to the long-term South Central Highlands Section can be persistence or ecological function of divided into either two or three general aspen. Future fires will reduce the sub-types or “phases.” The two-phase conifer component and once again classification recognizes a warm-dry increase aspen dominance. The second phase, generally at lower elevations, and process—failure of stands to regenerate a cool-moist phase, generally at higher because of excessive browsing—appears elevations. Warm-dry mixed conifer to be a more serious form of aspen forests resemble ponderosa pine forests decline that could lead to loss of aspen in general stand structure, but Douglas- clones over a long period of time. fir and white fir are also important Unfortunately, we do not have a good components of these forests. Cool- estimate of how much of the aspen in moist mixed conifer forests typically this region is declining as a result of lack ponderosa pine, have a greater excessive ungulate browsing; this is an abundance of Douglas-fir and white fir, important topic for future research. and, on some sites, include Nevertheless, aspen does not appear to subalpine/corkbark fir and Engelmann be in imminent danger of disappearing spruce. The three-phase classification of from landscapes of the South Central mixed conifer forests retains the same Highlands Section. warm-dry phase, but subdivides the

10 cool-moist phase into two units: a cool- regularly may persist for many decades moist phase with the same name as or centuries without fire. When fires before but a different definition, and a finally do occur during prolonged dry new cold-wet phase. Ponderosa pine is periods, the fuel bed that has developed the key indicator of the warm-dry during the long fire-free period can phase, and subalpine/corkbark fir and support a high-intensity fire that kills Engelmann spruce are the key indicators most of the above-ground vegetation in of the cold-wet phase. Douglas-fir and the stand. Pre-1900 fires in cool-moist white fir are the constant species or cold-wet mixed conifer forests occurring throughout the mixed conifer occurred at intervals of many decades to forest type in this three-phase centuries, and typically burned at mixed classification, while ponderosa pine, severity, with patches of lethal fire Engelmann spruce, and interspersed with patches of low tree subalpine/corkbark fir are absent or only mortality. The result was a spatially minor components in the cool-moist complex and temporally variable mixed conifer phase of the three-phase landscape mosaic of stands having a classification. spectrum of structural and compositional During the period of indigenous characteristics. settlement, many of the warm-dry In addition to fire, other mixed conifer forests of the South important agents of natural disturbance Central Highlands Section appear to in all mixed conifer forests during the have been composed of relatively open reference period included windthrow, stands dominated by large ponderosa fungal diseases, and outbreaks of various pine, Douglas-fir, and white fir trees. insect species. Although these The understory contained saplings of disturbances were important in localized white fir, Douglas-fir, aspen in some areas, they probably had far less impact places, Gambel oak, and other shrubs. on landscape-scale forest dynamics than This kind of stand structure was fire – with the exception of spruce maintained in part by recurrent fires of budworm outbreaks, which may have relatively low to moderate intensity, been as important as fire. although patches of stand-replacing fire The major Euro-American probably also were present, and impacts on warm-dry mixed conifer relatively dense stands could be found in forests are generally similar to impacts places. Fire intervals in warm-dry in ponderosa pine forests. Extensive and mixed conifer forests typically were unregulated livestock grazing, which measured in decades, and were longer began in the late 1800s, removed fine than in ponderosa pine forests but herbaceous fuels that formerly carried shorter than in forest types at higher low-intensity surface fires, and resulted elevations. Cool-moist or cold-wet in a relatively sudden and dramatic drop mixed conifer forests grow in areas that in fire frequency. Today, many warm- are too wet for the frequent fires that dry mixed conifer stands have not characterize the lower-elevation forest burned in over one hundred years, and types. Late-lying snowpacks and more many have greater tree densities than frequent summer rains fuels moist was typical of the reference period. throughout most of the fire season in Euro-American impacts on cool-moist most years. Consequently, stands or cold-wet mixed conifer forests are

11 generally similar to impacts in spruce-fir new ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir forests. Fire regimes of cool-moist or individuals has tapered off or stopped in cold-wet mixed conifer were not so many stands, probably because of the strongly affected by early grazing and dense stand conditions. fire suppression. Fire frequency and In contrast to lower-elevation behavior in these and other high forests, the cool-moist or cold-wet elevation forests were controlled mixed conifer forests and other high primarily by weather conditions, not elevation forest types were not subjected fuels, and most fires that covered large to extensive logging until the middle of areas were severe, stand-replacing fires. the 20th century in many portions of the There were few large fires during the South Central Highlands Section. 20th century in cool-wet mixed conifer Nearly all of the timber harvests in and other high elevation forests of the mixed conifer forests have involved road South Central Highlands Section, but building and some form of partial this may be due as much to wet weather cutting; little clear-cutting has occurred conditions and limited ignitions as to in this forest type. Selective removal of active fire suppression efforts. Many the high-value canopy trees, with little cool-moist or cold-wet mixed conifer disturbance to the smaller trees or the forests have high tree densities today, species of lower economic value, has but this does not represent a major created some unusual stand structures departure from historical conditions in that do not resemble the kinds of these forests. structures resulting from natural Extensive logging occurred disturbances. Some of these stands are throughout the lower elevation forests of now dominated by a dense growth of the South Central Highlands Section, small to moderate sized firs and shrubs, beginning in the late 1800s and with little or no Douglas-fir especially during the first half of the regeneration. Douglas-fir may not 20th century. In nearly all of the become re-established in such stands for accessible stands of ponderosa pine and centuries, unless fire occurs or an active warm-dry mixed conifer forest, the restoration treatment is applied. large trees were selectively removed. The combination of fire exclusion, Other Vegetation Types selective logging, and favorable climatic conditions for young tree establishment This report also gives a brief in the early 20th century, has created an treatment of seven other vegetation types unusual stand structure in many warm- that are of relatively limited extent in the dry mixed conifer forests today. The South Central Highlands Section. large, old ponderosa pine and Douglas- However, these types are ecologically fir trees that formerly dominated the important where they occur. They canopy are gone, and the stands now are include piñon-juniper woodlands, dominated by smaller, young individuals mountain grasslands, riparian vegetation of pine, Douglas-fir, and white fir. and wetlands, alpine ecosystems, White fir especially has increased in mountain shrublands, lodgepole pine density during the long fire-free period forests, and bristlecone pine forests. of the 20th century, and establishment of

12 Challenges and Opportunities through the 1950s and 1960s, reached a peak in the 1970s, and then declined Many of the ecosystems of the through the 1980s and 1990s. This half- South Central Highlands Section today century of logging has directly affected are substantially different from the only a small proportion (ca. 5 %) of the ecosystems that existed during the total spruce-fir forest acreage on the reference period, and many of these Pagosa District. However, nearly all changes are regarded as undesirable. In (85%) of the suitable timber base in this chapter we first review some of the spruce-fir has been entered at least once major challenges facing land managers for timber removal. We also measured in the South Central Highlands Section, changes in several metrics of landscape and then explore some of the structure between 1950 and 1992 using opportunities for mitigation and the program FRAGSTATS. For all 45 restoration of damaged or degraded landscape metrics reported by components of the ecosystems in the FRAGSTATS, the average percentage region. change from 1950 - 1993 was 15 - 25 % A. Challenges: Forest when roads were included, but only 3 - 8 Fragmentation by Roads & Logging: % when roads were excluded. The One of the major global challenges to number of distinct patches has increased, biodiversity and ecological integrity is average patch size has decreased, edge fragmentation of wildland habitats by density (meters of edge between two roads, logging, agriculture, home different cover types) has increased, and building, and other human mean core area (patch area >50 m from developments. Roads are unprecedented an edge) has decreased features in ecological history, and have B. Challenges: Outdoor greater impacts on , wildlife, and Recreation, Roads, and Exurban natural ecological processes than almost Development: Outdoor recreation is any other feature of the human- now the principal use of most forests in influenced landscape. Road densities are the . surprisingly high throughout the South Although often regarded as a benign Central Highlands Section. For example activity that has little or no adverse ponderosa pine forests in the San Juan impact on ecological conditions or National Forest in southwestern processes, outdoor recreation actually Colorado contain 2.60 miles of road per poses a major threat to biodiversity and square mile. ecological integrity. Of all species To evaluate quantitatively the federally listed as endangered or effects of road-building and logging on threatened, outdoor recreation affects high-elevation forests, we reconstructed more of these species than any other logging history in the Pagosa District of activity except water development. the San Juan National Forest. Although Outdoor recreation affects and logging began in the late 1800s in most wildlife species via direct harvest of the ponderosa pine forests of the (hunting, fishing, and collecting), region, very little logging occurred in disturbance (either accidental or high-elevation forests of this district intentional), habitat modification, and prior to 1950. The number of acres pollution. affected by logging each year increased

13 The human population in the complicates all of our efforts in land Rocky Mountain region is one of the management. fastest growing in the nation, and much D. Opportunities: Principles of of the new development is occurring in Ecological Restoration: One of the formerly rural or undeveloped areas. major land management activities in the Exurban development poses several twenty-first century likely will be important ecological and social restoration of ecosystems that were challenges in the South Central degraded during the past century. Highlands Section. First, the houses and Passive restoration involves removal of access roads fragment natural habitats the stressors that have degraded an and displace sensitive wildlife. Second, ecosystem, e.g., regulating livestock exurban development often occurs in grazing and recreational activity, and ponderosa pine forests and other allowing lightning-ignited fires to burn vegetation types where fire was formerly without interference. Active restoration an important ecological process. Not involves conscious modification of an only are these houses vulnerable to loss ecosystem to achieve a desired result, in wildfire, but restoration of a natural e.g., selective logging and manager- fire regime is severely constrained by the ignited prescribed fire. Active presence of vulnerable structures that restoration is not needed (nor is it must be protected from fire. Finally, the feasible) in every location throughout costs to local governments of the South Central Highlands Section. maintaining roads and providing services An important component of all (fire protection, police, and schools) to restoration programs is protecting and these scattered residents usually exceed maintaining those areas that have been the revenues generated by property little altered, to serve as reference areas taxes; in effect, residents in town are for restoration treatments in degraded subsidizing the exurban life style. The areas. ecological and social costs of exurban E. Opportunities: Passive development can be reduced in a number Restoration: Two major stressors in the of ways, e.g., by clustering South Central Highlands Section are developments and protecting agricultural excessive fire suppression and poorly land through the use of conservation conducted livestock grazing. Land easements. management agencies now have C. Challenges: Climate opportunities to allow fires or portions of Change: The earth’s climate is fires to burn naturally with minimal changing, global temperatures are human interference (2009 increasing, shifts in precipitation Implementation Guidelines for Fire patterns are likely to become Management on Federal Lands). pronounced in the next century, and Innovative new grazing management weather related disturbances (e.g., practices, such as those being conducted hurricanes and droughts) are likely by the Quivira Coalition, headquartered become more frequent and severe. The in Santa Fe, New Mexico, are available potential for large, severe fire also is to help manage and passively restore increasing. An upsurge in the frequency these grasslands for long-term viability of large fires began in the mid-1980s and and sustainability. is expected to continue. Climate change

14 F. Opportunities: Active Where the management emphasis is not Restoration of Ponderosa Pine on ecological restoration per se, but on Forests: Perhaps the clearest sustainably harvesting an economic opportunities and methods for active product in such a way that ecosystem ecological restoration in the South services are not impaired or degraded, Central Highlands Section are seen in innovative new approaches to ponderosa pine forests. The basic silviculture are being developed, based approach involves mechanical thinning on mimicking the kinds of natural to reduce tree density and basal area and disturbances that have shaped these to restore a clumped pattern of tree forests for hundreds or thousands of dispersion in the stand, followed by a years. Because the native biota are low-severity prescribed fire. In already adapted to these kinds of conjunction with the prescribed burning disturbances, anthropogenic disturbances program, it is necessary to protect of similar kind and intensity are less recently treated stands from excessive likely to produce unexpected or livestock grazing and to mitigate undesirable ecological surprises than are invasive, non-native plants. Monitoring human disturbances that do not resemble is implemented before treatment, the natural disturbance regime. Possible repeated just after treatment, and then strategies for making anthropogenic continued for several years to detect disturbances mimic more closely the short-term and long-term effects. It is natural disturbance regime in high- important to emphasize that restoration elevation landscapes involve: (i) revising of an open stand structure should be the size, shape, and spatial arrangement applied only to some, not all, ponderosa of logging units, (ii) providing pine forests throughout the South “biological legacies” of the former stand Central Highlands Section. in logged areas by means of variable G. Opportunities: Emulating retention harvest systems and retaining Natural Disturbance Processes in coarse wood, and (iii) reducing the High-Elevation Forest Landscapes: extent and impact of roads.


- Elisabeth J. Bartlett … Biology Department, , , CO 81301 - Michele Crist … Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 - M. Lisa Floyd … Environmental Studies Program, Prescott College, Prescott, AZ 86301 - Dan Green … San Juan National Forest, Supervisor’s Office, Durango, CO 81301 - Henri D. Grissino-Mayer … Department of Geography, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 - David D. Hanna … Environmental Studies Program, Prescott College, Prescott, AZ 86301 - J. Page Lindsey … Biology Department, Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO 81301 - Kevin McGarigal … Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 - Jeffery S.Redders … San Juan National Forest, Dolores Ranger District, Dolores, CO 81323 - William H. Romme … Department of Forest, Rangeland, and Watershed Stewardship, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523


The research and analysis reported here was supported by grants from the San Juan National Forest. Jim Powers and Thurman Wilson, San Juan National Forest, were especially helpful in facilitating this work. Time for synthesis and writing was provided by a sabbatical leave from Fort Lewis College and a Bullard Fellowship at Harvard Forest awarded by Harvard University to WHR. Dr. Albert Spencer, professor emeritus at Fort Lewis College, freely shared with us his insights about the ecology of the San Juan Mountains country, gained from over 40 years of careful observation throughout the region. Kathy Peckham, San Juan National Forest, shared several key references on wildlife needs in ponderosa pine forests. Facilities for dendrochronological analysis were made available by the Laboratory of Tree Ring Research at the University of Arizona. Ethan Somers contributed valuable assistance with the GIS analyses. Stu Sarnow provided valuable assistance in compiling the logging history in the Pagosa District of the San Juan National Forest. Jason Isherwood of Colorado State University prepared the map of the South Central Highlands Section (Figure I-1). Bill Baker, Dan Binkley, Dan Randolph, Claudia Regan, Tom Veblen, and two anonymous reviewers provided very helpful comments and suggestions on an earlier draft of this report. We are grateful to the following individuals who assisted with field data collection: Alexis Backrack, Lana Jo Chapin, Kerrin Griffiths, Dustin Hanna, Pilar Johnson, Matt Levy, Ross Martin, Matt Romme, Lynn Moore, Daniel Tinker, Sally Tinker, Joe VanLandschoot, and Owen Williams. To all of these people and institutions we offer our deep thanks and appreciation.


William H. Romme, M. Lisa Floyd, David Hanna


The South Central Highlands own distinctive landscape structure and Section encompasses 11,475,000 acres disturbance regime. Therefore, issues (46,000 km2) of the southern Rocky related to natural ecological patterns and Mountains in southwestern Colorado and processes, disturbance regimes, and the northwestern New Mexico, and includes magnitude of human-induced changes, all or a portion of the San Juan, Rio need to be evaluated individually for Grande, Uncompahgre, Gunnison, each vegetation type. There is Carson, and Santa Fe National Forests considerable risk in extrapolating from (Figure I-1). The purposes of this study one vegetation type to another, because were to (1) characterize the range of some of the differences in ecology and variability in structure, composition, history are profound. function, and dynamics of the A second major theme of this ecosystems of the south central report is that we are not starting with a highlands section during an appropriate “blank slate” in terms of choices and reference period, defined here as the options in management, but that we have period of indigenous settlement prior to several important legacies of past forest major impacts of Euro-American use and management that must be dealt settlement in the late 1800s, (2) assess with in developing future management the current state of these ecosystems in strategies. Some of these legacies, such terms of the extent to which their as over-cutting of mature ponderosa pine structure, composition, function, and in the early 1900s, may reduce our dynamics depart from that range of management options today. In this variability, (3) evaluate the ecological paper we identify some of these major significance of specific departures from legacies, and suggest ways of the reference range of variability, i.e., compensating for what society may now identify any risks associated with current regard as poor choices in the past. In conditions, and (4) suggest opportunities some situations, this will entail and challenges related to restoring the restoration of ecological components and altered structure, composition, function, processes that have been lost. or dynamics to something more closely The third major idea underlying resembling the reference period, in those this analysis is that our understanding of situations where this is a desired the ecology of the ecosystems in the management objective. southern Rocky Mountains is still Three important themes underlie inadequate to permit complete all of what follows. First, the confidence in our management decisions pronounced elevational and topographic today. We must acknowledge that we variability of the South Central are going to make some mistakes. Highlands Section has produced a great However, the seriousness of these variety of vegetation types, each with its mistakes can be reduced by placing


Figure I-1. Major features of the South Central Highlands Section in southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico.

18 forest management into a consciously The analyses reported here are experimental framework, by carefully based primarily on recent ecological observing the system’s response to our investigations conducted in the San Juan well-intentioned efforts -- e.g., testing National Forest by the authors, databases explicit ecological hypotheses with each available for the San Juan National timber sale, prescribed burn, or road Forest, and the ecological literature. As closure -- and by modifying our actions a result, our analysis and examples appropriately as we learn more about the emphasize the San Juan National Forest system (i.e., practicing adaptive portion of the South Central Highlands management). Section. However, extrapolation to the The organization of this report is remainder of the Section is made structured around the three major themes wherever warranted or possible, and outlined above. Following an overview major gaps in data and analysis for other of the South Central Highland Section’s parts of the Section are identified. A geography, climate, and vegetation, we companion report (Romme and describe and justify the concept of McGarigal 2006) provides more detail reference conditions, and then present a on the plant communities and vegetation brief review of the principles of dynamics of the , ecosystem management and adaptive located in the northwestern corner of the management that are emerging from South Central Highlands Section. In studies throughout North America. This addition, the historical range of introduction is then followed by a variability of ecosystems in the San Juan detailed analysis of each major Mountains and Uncompahgre Plateau vegetation type in the South Central has been described by means of a Highlands Section, with respect to (i) dynamic landscape simulation model vegetation structure, composition, and (RMLANDS), which provides a distribution, (ii) reference conditions, somewhat different but complementary and (iii) legacies of past human land use; picture of the natural ecological and we close the report with an overview dynamics of this region based on a of management challenges and different kind of methodology opportunities for the region as a whole (McGarigal and Romme 2005). within the context of ecosystem management and adaptive management.


The South Central Highlands system are several smaller but Section is centered on the massive San nevertheless impressive mountain ranges Juan Mountains system, which extends and high plateaus, including the from west to east across southwestern Uncompaghre Plateau, the Mesa Verde Colorado, and the South San Juan cuesta, the La Plata and which run southward from Mountains in Colorado, and the the east end of the San Juan Mountains Nacimiento and Jemez Mountains in into northwestern New Mexico. New Mexico (Figure I-1). Most of the Associated with the central San Juan area lies within the southern Rocky

19 Mountains province but it also includes a Little is known about the invertebrate portion of the (Blair fauna, but there is a rare, endemic 1996a). Elevations range from butterfly (the Uncompahgre fritillary) approximately 1,500 m (5,000 ft) in the known from only two sites in the San basins and valleys of northwestern New Juan Mountains. There also are several Mexico to over 4,200 m (14,000 ft) in species of moss that are found primarily the central San Juan Mountains of in northern Canada and Alaska but exist Colorado. The continental divide runs also as small disjunct populations in along the crest of the South San Juan cool, wet habitats of the San Juan Mountains, and several important rivers Mountains (D. W. Jamieson, personal rise in the high mountains of the South communication 1996). Central Highlands Section, including the A great variety of vegetation Chama, Conejos, , San Juan, types is found in the region, each having Dolores, and major tributaries of the a unique ecological setting and history Gunnison. (Romme et al. 1992, Spencer and The geology of the South Central Romme 1996, Floyd-Hanna et al. 1996, Highlands Section is complex. The Jamieson et al. 1996, Somers et al. mountains and basins are composed of 1996), as well as distinctive human material dating from ancient impacts and changes since Euro- Precambrian rocks to recent alluvial American settlement (Table I-1). At the deposits (Ellingson 1996a, Campbell lowest elevations the vegetation is 1996, Campbell and Brew 1996). The dominated by pinon-juniper woodlands landforms we see today were created by and various kinds of semi-arid a variety of geological processes, grasslands and shrublands. Moving into including plate tectonics, volcanism, the foothills of the mountains, and on the glaciation, and (Brew 1996, tops of broad plateaus and mesas Ellingson 1996b, Blair 1996a). adjacent to the mountains, we find The vegetation, flora, and fauna extensive forests of ponderosa pine of the South Central Highlands Section interspersed with tall shrub-dominated are rich and complex, as would be stands (Petran chaparral). The middle expected in such a topographically and slopes of the mountains are covered by a climatically diverse region. Povilitis mosaic of mixed conifer and aspen (1993, 2000) analyzed the Greater San stands, broken by occasional meadows Juan Mountain Area, which and grasslands. At the highest encompasses most of the South Central elevations are extensive spruce-fir Highlands Section plus some adjacent forests, subalpine meadows, and treeless areas. The Greater San Juan Mountain alpine communities on the highest peaks. Area supports some 507 native Running through all of these vegetation vertebrate species, as well as biotic types are riparian woodlands and communities representative of eleven meadows along the borders of perennial potential natural vegetation types (sensu rivers and streams. Kuchler 1964). Thirty-two species of For the purposes of this analysis, vascular plants and 40 species of we focus on four major vegetation types vertebrates are officially recognized as that are of particular ecological and endangered, threatened, or of special economic significance throughout the concern at the state or federal level. South Central Highlands Section:

20 ponderosa pine forests, spruce-fir most intensive impacts from Euro- forests, aspen forests, and mixed conifer American settlement, whereas at the forests. Ponderosa pine and spruce-fir highest elevations the impacts have been forests grow at the lowest and highest somewhat lighter and more recent. For elevations, respectively, and differ the example, grazing and fire exclusion most among forest types in historical began to significantly change the structure and dynamics and in the type structure of ponderosa pine forests as and magnitude of change during the past early as the mid-1800s in the southern century. Aspen and mixed conifer portion of the South Central Highlands forests grow at intermediate elevations Section. In contrast, extensive logging and share many characteristics with the and road-building in spruce-fir forests of forests at higher and lower elevations. the central portion of the Section did not Therefore, we first cover ponderosa pine begin until 1950. There are important and spruce-fir forests, and then examine exceptions to this generalization. For aspen and mixed conifer forests. We example, fire exclusion has profoundly also provide a brief review and altered some lower and mid-elevation assessment of six other vegetation types ponderosa pine, aspen, and mixed that are less widespread within the South conifer forests, but has had relatively Central Highlands Section but also little impact on the broad-scale structure important: piñon-juniper woodlands, and function of piñon -juniper mountain grasslands, riparian areas and woodlands and spruce-fir forests -- wetlands, alpine ecosystems, mountain which represent both the uppermost and shrublands, lodgepole pine forests, and lowermost forest zones. All of these bristlecone pine forests. topics are developed more fully in the In general, the vegetation at chapters that follow. lowest elevations has had the longest and


1. Geographic Patterns in Climate northeastern areas generally receive less precipitation than do areas at comparable The climate of the South Central elevations in the western and southern Highlands Section is extremely variable portions of the Section. Overall, the because of the tremendous range in region is arid, and precipitation exceeds elevation and topography. Generally, evaporative demands only at the highest the higher elevations are cooler and elevations (Spencer and Romme 1996). wetter than the lower elevations, and Climatological stations are few in north-facing aspects are cooler and number, but the range of climatic wetter than south-facing aspects. The variability within the region is illustrated eastern and northeastern portions of the by the following examples (Keen South Central Highlands Section, in the 1996;125). In Cortez, Colorado, located lee of the main crest of the San Juan in a broad basin near the foot of the range, lie within a rain shadow, since mountains at 1,880 m (6,200 ft), most major winter storm systems move temperatures range from an average high into the region from the west or of 31 o C (88 o F) in July to an average southwest; these eastern and low of -11 o C (12 o F) in January. In

21 Table I-1. Overview of major vegetation types in the South Central Highlands Section. Environmental data provided by Jeffery S. Redders, San Juan National Forest.

Vegetation Type Environment Dominant Species

Piñon -juniper lower elevations (1500-2600 Colorado piñon, Utah juniper, Rocky woodlands & m), warm, dry Mountain juniper, Gambel oak, Utah Petran chaparral serviceberry, bitterbrush, muttongrass

Ponderosa pine lower elevations (2100-2600 Ponderosa pine, Gambel oak, forests m), warm (90-110 frost-free snowberry, Arizona fescue, days/yr), dry (50-65 cm/yr) muttongrass, elksedge

Mixed conifer middle elevations (2400- Ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, white forests 2900 m), cool (75-90 frost- fir, , southwestern white free days/yr), moist (60-75 pine, trembling aspen, Gambel oak, cm/yr) snowberry, elksedge

Aspen forests middle elevations (2400- Trembling aspen, snowberry, 3400 m), cool (55-90 frost- Douglas-fir, white fir, subalpine fir, free days/yr), moist (60-90 blue spruce, Engelmann spruce, cm/yr) snowberry, geranium, heartleaf arnica, meadow-rue

Spruce-fir forests high elevations (2700-3600 Engelmann spruce, subalpine fir, m), cold (45-75 frost-free whortleberry, geranium, strawberry, days/yr), wet (75-100 cm/yr) heartleaf arnica, daisy

Grasslands & all elevations and climatic Big sagebrush, Arizona fescue, meadows zones; may be on drier sites Thurber fescue, mountain muhly, than nearby forest vegetation Parry’s oatgrass, other grasses & forbs

Riparian permanently moist sites in all Cottonwoods, willows, thin- vegetation elevation and climatic zones alder, sedges

Lodgepole pine high elevations; mostly on Lodgepole pine, other species of forests the northeastern flank of the spruce-fir and mixed conifer forests San Juan & La Garita Mountains

Bristlecone pine high elevations; mostly on Bristlecone pine, some Engelmann woodlands the eastern sides of the San spruce, xerophytic shrubs and forbs Juan, South San Juan, and La of spruce-fir forests Garita Mountains

22 Silverton, Colorado, located at 2,800 m One of the most important broad- (9,300 ft) within a deep valley receiving scale influences on the climate of the cold air drainage from surrounding high southwestern U.S. is the El Niño – peaks in the central San Juan Mountains, Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which temperatures range from an average high results from anomalous water of 23 o C (73 o F) in July to an average temperatures in the tropical Pacific low of -18 o C (- 1 o F) in January. Mean Ocean. ENSO produces alternating annual precipitation may exceed 148 cm periods of wet (El Niño) vs. dry (la (60 in) per year on some of the highest Niña) winters and springs in the peaks in Colorado, but is less than 25 cm Southwest, with a periodicity of 2–6 (10 in) per year in portions of the San years (Diaz and Kiladis 1992, Juan Basin in northwestern New Mexico Michaelsen and Thompson 1992, (Keen 1996;123). Seasonal distribution Woodhouse 1993, Swetnam and of precipitation also is uneven. Highest Betancourt 1998, Veblen et al. 2000). precipitation usually falls in late summer The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) (July and August) and winter (January and the Atlantic Multidecadal through March); May and June are Oscillation (AMO) reflect variation in usually relatively dry (Keen 1996). Even water temperatures in the northern within one geographic area, there may Pacific and northern Atlantic Oceans, be significant variation among sites, as respectively, and both of these illustrated by Figure I-2 which depicts phenomena alternate between warm and monthly precipitation and temperature at cold phases with a periodicity of 20-30 six climatological stations on the years (PDO) or 60-80 years (AMO). southern and western flanks of the San The warm phase of PDO is associated Juans. with increased precipitation in the central and southern Rocky Mounains 2. Long-Term Variability in Climate (Gray et al. 2003), but the warm phase of AMO is associated with drought in the The climate in the South Central western U.S. (McCabe et al. 2004). Highlands Section is influenced not only Severe drought in the Southwest occurs by local effects of latitude and when the cold phase of PDO coincides topography, but also by atmospheric with the warm phase of AMO, as processes occurring thousands of miles occurred in the 1950s. Although the away in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. correlations between PDO/AMO phases These teleconnections have received and climate in the South Central increasing attention during the past 20 Highlands Section are now well years, and our understanding of how documented, the mechanisms involved these far-away phenomena produce are not yet well understood. long-term variability in our local climate Nevertheless, the correlations are has improved greatly. The explanation important: for example, fire occurrence below draws heavily from the summary tends to increase throughout the region provided by Kulakowski and Veblen during drought periods associated with (2006) for the National ENSO, PDO, and AMO. Forest, to which the reader is referred for additional details and documentation.

23 , CO (7800 ft) Monthly averages 1961-1990 Silverton, CO (9300 ft) Monthly averages 1961-1990

Rico, CO (8800 ft) Monthly averages 1961-1990 Fort Lewis, CO (7600 ft) Monthly averages 1961-1990

Figure I-2. Monthly temperature and precipitation at two high- Figure I-2 (cont.). Monthly temperature and precipitation at two elevation sites in the San Juan Mountains, CO. mid-elevation sites in the San Juan Mountains, CO.

Pagosa Springs, CO (7100 ft) Monthly averages 1961-1990

Durango, CO (6600 ft) Monthly averages 1961-1990

Figure I-2 (cont.). Monthly temperature and precipitation at two low-elevation sites in the San Juan Mountain country, CO.

24 Climatic fluctuation during the 20th (Benedict 1973, Grove 1988), changes in century, associated in part with variation fossil pollen preserved in ponds of in ENSO, PDO, and AMO, can be seen southwestern Colorado (Fall 1988, in the record for Grand Junction, Petersen 1994), and narrow tree-rings in Colorado (Fig. I-3). many parts of the Southwest (Grissino- In addition to decadal-scale Mayer 1995, Figure I-4). In contrast, fluctuations, climatic variation occurs much of the 20th century has been over centuries-long time scales. The characterized by warmer and wetter “Little Ice Age,” which occurred roughly conditions. For example, the period from 1550 – 1850 A.D., was a generally from 1976-1995 was one of the wettest colder and drier period in much of the in the Southwest in the last thousand world including the southern Rocky years (Grissino-Mayer 1995). In Mountains. (Note that Hughes and interpreting recent ecological changes in Funkhouser (1998) prefer to call this the the South Central Highlands Section, it “1600-1850 period of anomalous is important to remember that Euro- climate” because climatic changes were American settlement of this region neither consistent nor synchronous from coincided with the transition from region to region.) The colder colder, drier Little Ice Age conditions to temperatures of the Little Ice Age were the warmer, wetter climate of the 20th reflected in the advance of small century. mountain glaciers in


1. Historical Range of Variability -- “the estimated range of Concept ecological conditions and processes that occurred in the past, often expressed as a To evaluate current ecological probability distribution of likely states” conditions in the South Central … “a dynamic set of boundaries between Highlands Section, we need a which most native biodiversity variables benchmark or reference period of have persisted–with fluctuations-through relatively stability and ecological health time and across space” (Binkley et al. to compare with the present (Leopold 2007) 1966). The “historical range of A number of synonyms for HRV variability” (HRV) provides such a express this same basic idea that we are benchmark. HRV can be defined in a concerned not with a static description of number of ways that all express the same a single time in the past, but with a range basic idea, e.g., of historical conditions in which the -- “the ecological conditions, and the current biota developed. These spatial and temporal variation in these synonyms include “range of natural conditions, that are relatively unaffected variability,” “natural range of by people, within a period of time and variability,” “reference variability,” and geographical area appropriate to an “natural variability” (from Landres et al. expressed goal” (Landres et al. 1999) … 1999). For this report we use the term “historical range of variability” or HRV.


Figure I-3. Twentieth-century trends in spring and summer temperature and precipitation at Grand Junction, Colorado (copied from Kulakowski and Veblen 2006).

Figure I-4. Long-term variability in total winter precipitation as re-constructed from tree- rings in El Malpais National Monument, western New Mexico (H.D. Grissino-Mayer, personal communication 1995). Time periods depicted in black above the zero line were relatively wet (and the higher the line the wetter the climate), while time periods below the line were relatively dry (and the lower the line the drier the climate).


2. The Reference Period for this drier conditions of the altithermal (ca. Analysis 4000 years ago), the prolonged droughts that coincided with ancestral Pueblo There is no single “correct” people’s abandonment of the region reference period for an assessment of around 1300 AD, and the Little Ice Age HRV. Different questions may require that lasted from about 1600 AD until the insights from different time periods in early 1800s. Nevertheless, general the past. It is also important to vegetational zonation and species recognize that the San Juan Mountain composition apparently have remained country has never been static; there have roughly the same throughout the latter been continual changes in the climate, half of the Holocene period (Petersen geomorphology, vegetation, and human 1981, Betancourt 1990). influences at least since the end of the Humans have been present in the Pleistocene ice age some 14,000 years country now called the South Central ago. Thus, selection of a benchmark Highlands for at least 11,000 years, and period of relative stability against which have influenced ecosystems throughout we can compare present ecological the time of their occupancy (Duke 1995, conditions is somewhat problematic 1996; Paulson and Baker 2006). The (Lertzman and Fall 1998). Nevertheless, extent and magnitude of human against the background of continual influences on local ecosystems during change, we can recognize several long the Paleo-Indian and Archaic periods periods characterized by relatively (prior to ca. 1 A.D.) is poorly small-scale changes that were understood, but people probably had punctuated by brief but intense periods substantially less ecological impact of rapid change in climate, human during that early period of apparently influences, or other factors. low population densities than they had in Rapid and substantial global later periods. There probably was a warming around 14,000 years ago dramatic change in the extent, brought about the end of the Pleistocene magnitude, and kinds of human impacts ice age and ushered in the Holocene during the Ancestral Pueblo (formerly period that has continued to the present. called Anasazi) period in southwestern This huge climatic change resulted in Colorado and northwestern New Mexico drastic readjustments in the distribution (ca 1 A.D. to 1300 A.D.), when human and abundance of the biota. Cold- population densities reached levels adapted plants and animals became comparable to those of today and extinct or migrated to the highest agricultural and subsistence activities elevations while more warmth-tolerant affected large extents of land area. species expanded out of local warm sites Following abandonment of the region by in the foothills or migrated into the ancestral Pueblo people around 1300 region from outside (Pielou 1991). A.D., human populations apparently fell Since the end of the Pleistocene, to relatively low levels in southwestern however, the regional climate has been Colorado and northwestern New comparatively stable, though there have Mexico, and remained comparatively been important periods of smaller-scale low until the arrival of large numbers of variability -- such as the warmer and

27 Euro-American settlers in the middle to 1500 - 1870 AD was a time of relatively late1800s. consistent environmental and cultural Two periods of relative stability conditions in this region -- and a time for of climate, vegetation, and human which we have a reasonable amount of influences potentially could provide a specific information. general reference period for this analysis It also is important to emphasize of current ecological conditions in the that our goal today should not be to South Central Highlands section: (i) the attempt to recreate all of the ecological period between the end of the Ice Age conditions of the 1500s through 1800s. and the rise of ancestral Pueblo culture, Complete achievement of such a goal and (ii) the period from ancestral Pueblo would be impossible, given the climatic, abandonment to Euro-American cultural, and ecological changes that settlement. The first of these periods is have occurred in the last century. It also difficult to work with because of the would be unacceptable socially, paucity of specific ecological economically, and politically. Nor do information available ( the “fading we suggest that the reference period was record;” Swetnam et al. 1999). completely “natural” or preferable in all Therefore, we selected the second period ways to today’s landscape. However, (from about 1500 until the mid to late the period of indigenous settlement does 1800s) as our principal reference, or provide a good benchmark for benchmark, for evaluating the current evaluating current conditions, because it ecological state of the South Central appears to have been a time when the Highlands. We refer to this time as the ecosystems of the South Central period of indigenous settlement, in Highlands Section were intact and contrast to the period of Euro-American functioning well. These ecosystems settlement that began in the mid to late apparently supported rich biodiversity, 1800s. conserved soils and nutrients, and ran It cannot be emphasized too sustainably on solar energy (Kaufmann strongly that the period of indigenous et al. 1994). Some of the ecological settlement was not a time of stasis, characteristics of the period of climatically, ecologically, or culturally indigenous settlement have been lost to a (Paulson and Baker 2006). For example, greater or lesser degree in some portions the Little Ice Age occurred during this of the South Central Highlands section, time, and was associated with small but there are opportunities to restore shifts in the position of the upper those ecological structures and processes timberline and in the elevational breadth that have been lost or altered -- should of the forest zone on the middle slopes we decide to do so. of the mountains (Petersen 1981, Millar and Woolfenden 1999). Local human 3. Human Residents and Influences inhabitants obtained horses and new During the Reference Period technology and were affected by disease and displacement of other tribes brought During the period from the 1500s about by European colonization farther through the late 1800s, the major to the east (Whitney 1994). inhabitants of the San Juan Mountain Nevertheless, compared with some other country in southwestern Colorado periods in history, the period from about apparently were the

28 (Callaway et al. 1986, Ellis 1996, Utes set fires on occasion (Marilyn Paulson and Baker 2006). The Colyer, , also may have used the area occasionally personal communication 1996), but (Duke 1995). Little is known about the almost nothing is documented about prehistory of the Utes; it is not even specific Ute cultural practices with fire. certain when they moved into the region Some tribes in the Great Basin region (Duke 1995). However, the information are known to have ignited fires to favor that is available suggests that they were wild tobacco and seed crops (Harper relatively few in number and scattered 1986), and indigenous people elsewhere over an enormous area. Rockwell in North America burned forests and (1956) estimates that when Europeans grasslands to improve forage for game arrived in Colorado there were only animals (Barrett and Arno 1982, about 1,000 Utes living in southwestern Whitney 1994, Vale 2002). However, Colorado, and that all seven bands of some early settlers in southwestern Utes throughout Colorado never Colorado reported that the Utes did not comprised more than 10,000 people. use fire to as great an extent as some Moreover, when Dominguez and other tribes (Anonymous 1971;122). In Escalante traveled through southwestern short, we simply do not know enough Colorado in August of 1776, they never about the Utes’ former hunting, saw an Indian, which suggests that there gathering, and burning practices to allow were not many people living in the area any definitive conclusions about their although they simply may have all been impact on local ecosystems. Given a up in the high country at that time low population, widely dispersed over a (Bolton 1950). It is possible that Ute huge area, it seems likely that Ute numbers were much higher before the subsistence would have had relatively late 1700s, but that they were decimated little influence on plant and animal by disease as with many other North populations and fire regimes, except American tribes (Whitney 1994). locally in areas near popular However, there is no documented encampments. evidence either supporting or refuting The magnitude and extent of this hypothesis. indigenous peoples’ influences on the The Ute people during this ecosystems of the South Central period were generalized hunters and Highlands Section during the reference gatherers who moved about frequently in period is one of the big questions about response to changing resource this region that requires more research. availability (Callaway et al. 1986, In a pioneering assessment of this Fowler 1986, Harper 1986, Duke 1995, general issue, Whitney (1994) Ellis 1996, Paulson and Baker 2006). summarized the available information on Loosely organized bands tended to effects of indigenous peoples in eastern gather in the lower river valleys during North America prior to European the winter, but in the summer the settlement. He concluded that people population became widely scattered as significantly altered ecosystems in individual family groups moved into the certain areas (e.g., coastal regions, major mountains to hunt, fish, and gather river valleys, around the Great Lakes), (Rockwell 1956, Aikens and Madsen but that there were extensive areas where 1986). Oral histories indicate that the human impact was minimal (e.g.,

29 northern New England, portions of the effects on ecosystems of the region, this Allegheny Plateau). Baker (2002) and report describes reference conditions Vale (2002) recently suggested a similar primarily in terms of climatic and interpretation for western North biological processes and influences. It is America, and Paulson and Baker (2006) important to recognize, however, that the concluded the same for southwestern and cultures in the Colorado. We expect that the situation southernmost portion of the South was generally similar throughout the Central Highlands Section were different South Central Highlands Section -- local in important ways from those of the sites of intense human effects and northern portion of the Section during extensive areas with little human the period of indigenous settlement. influence -- but we emphasize that our Notably, the Jemez and Zia Pueblos, as current understanding of the human well as several other pueblos along the occupants of this region during the 1500 Rio Grande, were permanent settlements - 1800 period is inadequate. throughout this period, and their Given the probably low occupants made use of adjacent highland population densities of the Native areas. The interactions of these more American inhabitants of the South southerly inhabitants with their local Central Highlands Section during the physical and biological systems are not period of indigenous settlement, and treated in any detail in this report, but especially considering the paucity of see Scurlock (1998) and Allen (2002) for specific information regarding their more on this topic.


The general approach and specific This new paradigm, termed ecosystem analyses of this report were undertaken management, focuses on management of partly in response to recent changes in “whole systems” for a variety of the direction of U. S. Forest Service purposes, rather than simply focusing on management across the nation (e.g., commodity production for a single Kessler et al. 1992, Kaufmann et al. resource.” 1994, Haynes et al. 1996, Quigley et al. According to Kaufmann et al. 1996, Kaufmann et al. 1998). (1994;3): As Vogt et al. (1997;1) put it: -- “Our guiding premise for sustaining -- “The management of natural resources ecosystems and protecting biodiversity has entered a period of unprecedented now and into the future is to manage change and uncertainty. Our former ecosystems such that structure, paradigm, which stressed land allocation composition, and function of all measures, maximum sustained yield elements, including their frequency, principles, and multiple-use objectives, distribution, and natural extinction, are is being rapidly replaced by a new conserved.” paradigm, which emphasizes sustainable Christensen et al. (1996;668-669) ecosystems rather than sustainable yield. defined ecosystem management as

30 -- “... management driven by explicit sustain ecosystem structure and goals, executed by policies, protocols, function.” and practices, and made adaptable by Table I-2 provides several other monitoring and research based on our characterizations of ecosystem best understanding of the ecological management. interactions and processes necessary to


Table I-2. Characterizations of ecosystem management.

A. Some elements of ecosystem management (Christensen et al. 1996;669-670): (1) Long-term sustainability as a fundamental value. (2) Clear operational goals. (3) Sound ecological models and understanding. (4) Understanding complexity and interconnectedness. (5) Recognition of the dynamic character of ecosystems. (6) Attention to context and scale. (7) Acknowledgment of humans as ecosystem components. (8) Commitment to adaptability and accountability.

B. Some principles of effective or “good” ecosystem management (Vogt et al. 1997;101- 102): (1) Spatial and temporal scales are critical. (2) Limits to system capacity are considered. (3) Ecosystem managers look for the root of the problem, rather than treating one symptom at a time. (4) Social constraints are considered. (5) Science is used to inform decisions. (6) System function as well as structure is investigated.

C. Ten guiding principles for sustaining biodiversity, ecosystem function, and ecological resilience while producing commodities from natural landscapes (Fischer et al. 2006): (1) Maintain and create large, structurally complex patches of native vegetation. (2) Maintain structural complexity throughout the landscape. (3) Create buffers around sensitive areas. (4) Maintain or create corridors and stepping stones. (5) Maintain landscape heterogeneity and capture environmental gradients. (6) Maintain key species interactions and functional diversity. (7) Apply appropriate disturbance regimes. (8) Control aggressive, over-abundant, and invasive species. (9) Minimize threatening ecosystem-specific processes. (10) Maintain species of particular concern.


31 It also is instructive to review ecosystem management is not merely the some of the things that ecosystem old policy of multiple use with a new management is not. It is not focused on name. Ecosystem management maximizing the abundance or production explicitly acknowledges that not of a single species or a single everything can be maximized on one commodity (Franklin 1989). Rather, piece of ground, because of inherent ecosystem management seeks to sustain limits within ecosystems and the a variety of “ecosystem goods and presence of strong feedbacks and services “(Christensen et al. 1996;667), interactions among the components and as illustrated in Table I-3. However, processes of all ecosystems.


Table I-3. Examples of ecosystem goods and services (from Christensen et al. 1996;667). “Goods” are things that have monetary value in the marketplace, whereas “services” are valued by society but rarely bought and sold.

Ecosystem goods:

-- food -- construction materials -- medicinal plants -- wild genes for domestic plants and animals -- tourism and recreation

Ecosystem services:

-- maintaining hydrological cycles -- regulating climate -- cleansing water and air -- maintaining the gaseous composition of the atmosphere -- pollinating crops and other important plants -- generating and maintaining soils -- storing and cycling essential nutrients -- absorbing and detoxifying pollutants -- providing beauty, inspiration, and research


Whereas the old multiple use idea 1997;369). Finally, ecosystem suggested that everyone’s desired goods management emphasizes neither a purely and services could be maximized by anthropocentric nor a purely biocentric effective management, ecosystem approach to managing public lands. management recognizes that tradeoffs Human values and choices are central to are inevitable and that some sacrifices ecosystem management, but so are the will have to be made (Vogt et al. inherent limits of the ecosystems being

32 managed. Ecosystem management restoration and other management “acknowledges the importance of human objectives such as fuel reduction and needs while at the same time confronting wildfire mitigation. Great advances the reality that the capacity of our world have been made in the past decade in to meet those needs in perpetuity has restoration of southwestern ponderosa limits and depends on the functioning of pine forests, as summarized in the recent ecosystems” (Christensen et al. book by Friederici (2003), which also 1996;666). contains a case study of forest Additional descriptions of some restoration on the San Juan National of the new approaches to forest Forest (Romme et al. 2003). management being carried out in the This report constitutes only a spirit of ecosystem management, portion of the larger ecosystem adaptive management, and emulating management approach, i.e., we provide natural disturbance processes, are an assessment of current ecological provided in books by Kohm and conditions in relation to the historic Franklin (1997), Perera et al. (2004, and bounds of variability in the ecosystems Stanturf and Madsen (2005). and landscapes of the South Central Closely related to the idea of Highlands Section. Although our ecosystem management is rapidly assessment is based on a considerable evolving practice of ecological body of research and analysis, we must restoration. The term "restoration" is acknowledge at the outset that there still often used in a loose sense to refer to is substantial uncertainty about many of any desirable change or management the ecological characteristics and activity on a landscape, but in fact it has processes that we address. However, a precise meaning as defined by the uncertainty is the rule, not the exception, Society for Ecological Restoration in efforts to understand and deal with (http://www.ser.org/): complex systems of this kind (Walters -- “Ecological restoration is the process 1986, Christensen et al. 1996;676). of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem Therefore, it is essential that managers that has been degraded, damaged, or embrace this uncertainty, and have destroyed.” procedures and policies in place to deal -- “Ecological restoration is an with unexpected events and new intentional activity that initiates or information -- i.e., to practice adaptive accelerates the recovery of an ecosystem management (e.g., Walters 1986). with respect to its health, integrity and There can never be enough sustainability.” scientific research to allow certain -- “Restoration attempts to return an prediction of the consequences of ecosystem to its historic trajectory.” management actions before those actions -- “Restoration represents an indefinitely occur, although often we can make long-term commitment of lands and reasonable predictions about the resources, and a proposal to restore an probability of certain possible outcomes ecosystem requires thoughtful (e.g., Bayesian analysis; Walters 1986, deliberation.” Vogt et al. 1997). However, Recent essays by Veblen (2003) management itself can be viewed as one and by Brown (2004) have clarified the of our best sources of new scientific distinctions between genuine ecological understanding, since each management

33 action (e.g., logging a forest or closing a well to our attempts at ecosystem road) is in effect an experiment from management: which we can learn if we ask the right -- “Ecosystem restoration is an activity questions in advance and do the right at which everyone wins: when kinds of monitoring (Walters 1986, Vogt successful, we are rewarded by having et al. 1997). Even if management returned a fragment of the earth’s experiments turn out badly—i.e., if the surface to its former state; when we fail, results of an action have unexpectedly we learn an immense amount about how negative consequences--we still can ecosystems work, provided we are able learn from the experience if the action to determine why the failure occurred ... was carried out in an explicitly The ecologist capable of creating [a experimental framework. Writing about restored] ecosystem that [meets certain ecosystem restoration, Ewel (1987;31) rigorous criteria] earns high marks; the made a comment that applies equally one who fails is sure to gain new insights into ecosystem structure and function.”


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William H. Romme, M. Lisa Floyd, David Hanna, Henri D. Grissino-Mayer, Dan Green, Jeffery S. Redders


Ponderosa pine forests are found Ponderosa pine forests in the at lower to middle elevations throughout South Central Highlands Section are the South Central Highlands Section generally dominated almost exclusively (Figure I-1), just above the piñon-juniper by ponderosa pine trees (Pinus zone, in the foothills of the major ponderosa var. scopulorum). Rocky mountain ranges, and on broad mesas Mountain juniper (Juniperus and plateaus such as the Uncompahgre scopulorum) is often present, usually in Plateau and the Glade area north of low densities. Gambel oak (Quercus Dolores, Colorado. They also cover a gambelii) is an understory dominant in large area on the extensive lava and ash many of these forests. Other common flows of the Jemez Mountains. The shrub species in ponderosa pine forests ponderosa pine forests in the South of the South Central Highlands Section Central Highlands Section are include mountain mahogany characterized by cold winters and a large (Cercocarpus montanus), serviceberry proportion of the annual precipitation (Amelanchier utahensis and A. alnifolia), falling during the high sun period (April buckbrush (Ceanothus fendleri), - September). In the San Juan National bitterbrush (Purshia tridentata), and Forest, ponderosa pine forests are found snowberry (Symphoricarpos at elevations of 2,100 - 2,600 m (6,900 - rotundifolia). The ground layer 8,600 feet), and they occupy about 16% vegetation of ponderosa pine forests is of the Forest. Mean annual precipitation extremely variable, depending on aspect, is about 45 - 70 cm (18 - 28 in), and the soil type, overstory canopy cover, frost-free period is about 70 - 105 days grazing and fire history. Common each year. These forests are associated ground layer species include the with the frigid soil temperature regime graminoids Carex geyeri, Danthonia and the ustic soil moisture regime. The parryi, Elymus elymoides, Festuca ponderosa pine forest type is widespread arizonica, Koelaria macrantha, in western North America, with Muhlenberia montana, Poa fendleriana, generally similar climatic conditions P. pratensis, and the forbs Achillea throughout the region (Moir et al. 1997; lanulosa, Antennaria rosea, but see Pearson 1951). Within this Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Erigeron broad category of ponderosa pine forest formosissimus, Fragaria virginiana, climates (including areas outside the Geranium caespitosum, Lathyrus South Central Highlands Section), mean leucanthus, Mahonia repens, Penstemon annual air temperatures range from 4 - 7 barbatus, Potentilla hippiana, o C (39 – 45 o F), and mean annual Pseudocymopterus montanus, Pulsatilla precipitation ranges from 52 - 66 mm patens, and Solidago simplex. (20 – 26 in) (Moir et al. 1997).

39 Elements of the nearby piñon- Although a single species -- juniper woodlands may be present in low ponderosa pine -- dominates the densities at the lower elevations and in extensive lower-elevation forests of the drier or warmer areas within ponderosa South Central Highlands Section, there pine forests, e.g., Colorado piñon (Pinus is considerable genetic differentiation edulis) and Utah juniper (Juniperus among sub-populations of ponderosa osteosperma). White fir (Abies pine, and probably within the major concolor) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga shrub and herbaceous species as well. menziesii), elements of the nearby warm, For example, Linhart (1988) and dry mixed conifer forests, may be colleagues have demonstrated significant present in low densities at the higher genotypic differences along elevational elevations and in moister or cooler areas gradients and even between adjacent within ponderosa pine forests. Quaking slopes having different aspects. In this aspen (Populus tremuloides) also grows report we will deal mainly with the with ponderosa pine in some places. importance of structural heterogeneity in The remainder of this chapter focuses on ponderosa pine forests, e.g., variation in forests where ponderosa pine is the only tree sizes, densities, and spatial major tree species present. The warm, aggregation, as well as spatial and dry mixed conifer type, where ponderosa temporal variability in disturbance pine may be a substantial component, is history (see below). However, although discussed in chapter V (mixed conifer we do not treat genetics per se in our forests), and aspen forests are discussed analysis, it is important to acknowledge in chapter IV. Ponderosa pine forests of that ponderosa pine and its associated the South Central Highlands Section are species also display a great deal of associated with the Pinus ponderosa genetic heterogeneity and fine-scale series, and the Pinus ponderosa/Quercus adaptation to local environmental gambelii and Pinus ponderosa/Festuca conditions and history. One of the goals arizonica plant associations (potential of ecosystem management is to conserve natural vegetation types) of DeVelice et this kind of within-species genetic al. (1986). diversity (Kaufmann et al. 1994).


The reference period for this dramatically by livestock grazing, analysis is the two to three centuries logging, and fire suppression by Euro- prior to about 1870. Localized mining American settlers, as discussed in the began in the San Juan Mountains in the section on legacies of past human land 1860s (Smith 1996) and Hispanic use (below). The most important natural settlers were present in portions of the disturbance process in ponderosa pine Jemez Mountains as early as the mid- forests during the reference period was 1700s (Touchan et al. 1996), but fire; consequently this section extensive Euro-American settlement emphasizes variability in fire regimes. began around 1870 in most of the South Other somewhat less important Central Highlands Section. After 1870, disturbances included various tree- many or most of the ponderosa pine killing insects (notably bark beetles), forests in the region were altered pathogens, and parasites. A severe and

40 prolonged drought in the late 1500s also Savage and Swetnam 1990, Savage 1991 probably killed great numbers of in northwestern New Mexico and ponderosa pine and other tree species northeastern Arizona … Grissino-Mayer (Swetnam and Brown 1992, Brown and 1995 in west-central New Mexico … Wu 2005). Swetnam and Baisan (1996), Touchan et al. 1996, Allen 2002 in the Jemez 1. Reference Period Fire Regimes in Mountains of northern New Mexico). Ponderosa Pine Forests These fires rarely killed canopy trees, but consumed grass, dead , and Historical fire regimes of forests dead woody material, and killed small in the South Central Highlands Section and the above-ground portions of were variable through time and space, shrubs and herbs, thereby periodically and can be best understood when viewed thinning the understory and maintaining in a broad context of latitudinal gradients open stand conditions. Shrubs and herbs in ponderosa pine forests throughout the responded by rapidly re-sprouting from Southwest and Rocky Mountain regions. surviving below-ground structures, and Forests dominated by ponderosa pine are pine seedlings became established in found from southern Arizona and New patches of mineral soil exposed by the Mexico to the Black Hills and British fire (Cooper 1960, 1961; White 1984; Columbia. Despite the similarity in Covington and Moore 1994). canopy composition, understory In contrast, ponderosa pine characteristics and local climatic forests in many parts of the central and conditions differ substantially along this northern Rocky Mountains have shrub- latitudinal gradient, and historical fire dominated or generally sparse regimes varied along the same gradient. herbaceous understories. The climate in Ponderosa pine forests in many these regions is characterized by a parts of the Southwest (Arizona and typically wet spring and early summer New Mexico) were typically composed followed by a dry late summer and fall. of open stands of large trees and grass- Ignitions by lightning and humans prior dominated understories. The to 1870 were somewhat less frequent southwestern climate is characterized by than in the Southwest (Baker 2002). The a dry period of several weeks in late result was less frequent fire in the north spring and early summer, followed by a (Brown and Shepperd 2001), but more rainy late summer and fall. This fuel variable fire severity—including an structure and climate, combined with important component of high-severity frequent ignitions by lightning and (stand-replacing) fire—referred to below indigenous peoples (Allen 2002), as the “variable-severity model.” This resulted in a fire regime dominated by complex, variable-severity fire regime frequent, low-severity fires—referred to has been documented notably in the below as the “Southwestern model” Colorado Front Range (e.g., Brown et al. (e.g., Weaver 1951, Dieterich and 1999, Veblen et al. 2000, Ehle and Baker Swetnam 1984, Covington and Moore 2003, Kaufmann et al. 2006, Baker et al. 1994, and Fule et al. 1997, 2002, in 2006). Low-severity fires that thinned northern Arizona … Weaver 1951, the understory but did not kill the Cooper 1960, Baisan and Swetnam 1990 canopy occurred throughout the in east-central and southern Arizona … ponderosa pine zone, and were the

41 dominant fire type primarily at lower The South Central Highlands elevations (Sherriff 2004). Less frequent Section is located geographically but high-severity fires that killed most of between the Southwest and the Colorado the canopy were especially important on Front Range, and consequently the wetter sites and at higher elevations historical fire regimes in this region within the ponderosa pine zone (Sherriff likely include elements of both the 2004). Individual fires often burned at Southwestern model and the variable- variable severity, i.e., as a stand- severity model. The Southwestern replacing crown fire during periods of model of frequent, low-severity fires fits low humidity and high wind, then as a best in the southern extremity of the low-severity surface fire when humidity South Central Highlands Section, rose and winds dropped (Kaufmann et notably in the Jemez Mountains where al. 2006). Only about 20% of the the climate is strongly southwestern and ponderosa pine zone in Boulder County, many ponderosa pine understories are Colorado, was characterized by a fire grass-dominated. In the Rio Frijoles regime of predominantly low-severity watershed on the eastern flanks of the fires; the remainder of the area had a mix Jemez Mountains, for example, of low-severity and high-severity fires composite mean fire intervals at the (Sherriff 2004). stand level ranged from 5-18 years In addition to the geographic during the period 1598-1899, and gradient just described, fire regimes extensive fires burned a large portion of varied with climatic fluctuations. It is the watershed at intervals of 5-16 years becoming increasingly clear that (Allen 1989, 2002, Baisan and Swetnam continental-scale climatic processes and 1996, Touchan et al. 1996). However, hemispheric teleconnections have historical fire regimes probably had important influences on local fire more of a variable-severity component regimes in western North America. In in the northern portions of the South the southwestern U.S. (including the Central Highlands Section, notably in South Central Highlands Section), for the San Juan Mountains and the example, fires are more numerous and Uncompahgre Plateau. Climate-wise, burn greater areas during la Nina the San Juans and Uncompahgre Plateau episodes than during el Nino episodes are quite similar to the Southwest, with a (Swetnam and Betancourt 1990, 1998). pronounced dry period and frequent Recent research in ponderosa pine ignitions in early summer; but forests of northern Colorado and Idaho understories are more similar to those has shown that large erosion events, farther north. The most important producing mudflows laden with charcoal understory characteristic of ponderosa and therefore indicating severe fires in pine forests in the northern portion of the the watershed, have occurred during South Central Highlands Section is the warm periods of the past millennium, abundance of tall shrubs, especially whereas cool periods have produced few Gambel oak. Oak foliage dries more or no such erosion events, apparently slowly than grasses, meaning that longer because fires were less severe during dry periods are needed to promote those periods (Elliott and Parker 2001, extensive fire spread, but once ignited Pierce et al. 2004, Whitlock 2004). the oak foliage releases a great amount of heat and produces high flame lengths

42 that can reach into the ponderosa pine climatic conditions and infrequent fires canopy and produce a crown fire, rather than even-aged recruitment especially under high-wind conditions. following high-severity fire (cf. Baker et It is sometimes suggested that oak was al. 2006). not formerly abundant in the San Juan Additional investigations of this country, but has increased unnaturally kind are needed in other parts of the during the past century because of past South Central Highlands Section before fire exclusion. However, available we can confidently determine the evidence refutes this notion; oak was importance, or lack of importance, of clearly an important component of these high-severity fire in ponderosa pine forests prior to 1870 (see the section forests during the pre-1870 reference below entitled “Pre-1870 stand period. Considering the climatic and structures in ponderosa pine forests” for fuels characteristics of the San Juan details). region, we hypothesize that the historical We have considerable fire history fire regime in ponderosa pine forests of data for ponderosa pine forests in the this portion of the South Central San Juan Mountains and Uncompahgre Highlands Section was a mixed-severity Plateau, based mainly on fire-scar model of some kind, roughly analysis, which primarily reveals the intermediate between the fire regimes low-severity component of the historical found to the north and south. Fire fire regime (Brown and Shepperd 2001, regimes in ponderosa pine of Grissino-Mayer et al. 2004, Brown and southwestern Colorado could have Wu 2005). Investigation of the high- resembled the fire regimes of the severity component of the historical fire Colorado Front Range, where high- regime requires both sampling of fire severity fires were especially important, scars and detailed analysis of tree age because of the fuel structure created by structures to detect cohorts of trees that Gambel oak and other shrubs in the established following a high-severity understory. Fire regimes also could fire, or stands in which maximum tree have resembled those of Arizona and ages are much younger than the potential New Mexico, with an important element life span of the species but coincide with of low-severity surface fire, because of a documented fire event (e.g., Baker et the southwestern climate (notably the al. 2006). Brown and Wu (2005) early summer dry period) and relatively conducted this kind of analysis in a 307- abundant native bunchgrasses along with ha unlogged ponderosa pine stand on the shrubs in the understory (this Archuleta Mesa near Pagosa Springs, bunchgrass component has been and concluded that there was little diminished in many stands since evidence of extensive high-severity fire; EuroAmerican settlement, as described this interpretation was based on the in the section below). We stress, abundance of old trees and fire scars, however, that the importance (or lack of plus a wide spectrum of canopy tree importance) of high-severity fires in ages,. They did detect pulses of tree ponderosa pine forests of the San Juan establishment in the early 1600s, early Mountains and Uncompahgre Plateau 1700s, and mid 1800s, but interpreted has not yet been investigated adequately. these cohorts as representing improved In the sections below, we survival during periods of relatively wet summarize fire frequency and

43 seasonality for ponderosa pine forests in based on nearly 200 individual fire scar the San Juan National Forest during the samples -- one of the larger collections two to three centuries prior to of fire scars anywhere in the southwest. EuroAmerican settlement in the region, Fire interval statistics for the based on the fire scar analyses of period of indigenous settlement are Grissino-Mayer et al. (2004). Although presented in Table II-2. These values are we have no information on the overall derived from the Weibull distribution, a severity of the fires documented in this fire history model that does not require study, we suspect that many were of normally distributed data and is being variable severity, especially those that used increasingly for comparisons of fire burned in very dry years and were history among different areas (Johnson documented in multiple locations. and Van Wagner 1985, Johnson and Gutsell 1994, Finney 1995, Grissino- Fire Intervals: Mayer 1995). The “ > 95% interval ” is defined as the fire interval that is Intervals between successive exceeded by 95% of documented fires varied greatly, both through time intervals between successive fires; and across the landscape (Grissino- smaller intervals can be regarded as Mayer et al. 2004). Fire history was significantly short. The “ median reconstructed at nine sites in the San interval ” is the midpoint in documented Juan National Forest, representing a fire intervals: half of the intervals are wide range of environmental conditions shorter, half are longer. The “ > 5% throughout the zone where ponderosa interval ” is the fire interval that is pine is an important species (Figure II-1, exceeded by only 5% of documented fire Table II-1). The sites were not selected intervals; larger intervals can be at random, but were chosen to represent considered significantly long. The table a broad elevational gradient across the lists two kinds of fire interval statistics: full extent of the San Juan National those that describe intervals between Forest. They also were located in places successive fires of any size (i.e., that where fire scars could be found—thus scarred one or more trees anywhere they emphasize the surface fire within the study area of ca 1 km2), and component of the fire regime as noted those that describe intervals between above. Each site was approximately 50 relatively extensive fires that scarred at ha in extent. The sites are arranged in least 50% of the recorder trees within the Table II-1 in order from lowest elevation area (recorder trees are those that were to highest elevation. The first six sites alive at the time of a fire and had already listed are dominated by ponderosa pine, been scarred at least once, hence were and are discussed here. The last three capable of recording the fire event). The listed are more appropriately regarded as statistics for the extensive fires (> 50% mixed conifer stands, although they do scarred) probably give the best picture of contain ponderosa pine, and are how frequently fire re-visited a stand as discussed later in chapter V. Figure II-2 a whole, since the statistics developed presents the master fire chronology, i.e., from all fires include tiny fires that may a compilation of all fire years detected in have gone out before burning more than any of the nine study sites in the San a single tree or a few square meters Juan National Forest. This fire history is (Baker and Ehle 2001).

44 Table II-1. Characteristics of sites where fire history was reconstructed in the San Juan National Forest (Grissino-Mayer et al. 2004). See Figure II-2 for locations.

Ranger Elevation Size of Site District (feet) Area Topography Aspect Substrate Vegetation

Five Pine Dolores 7400- 200 ha gentle SW Dakota Pipo/Quga at Canyon 7800 slopes & sandstone lower ecotone with (FPC) shallow piñon-juniper & ravines mountain shrub

Plateau Dolores 7900- 150 ha gentle N Dakota pure Pipo Creek 8000 slopes, sandstone overstory; sparse (PLT) nearly flat with some Quga, high cover shale or of grasses & forbs loess (inc. Fear)

Turkey Pagosa 8000- 200 ha gentle N Dakota pure Pipo Springs 8100 slopes, sandstone overstory; sparse (TRS) nearly flat with some Quga, high cover shale or of grasses & forbs loess (inc. Fear)

Hermosa Colum- 7900- 50 ha steep slopes SW Pennsyl- Pipo/Quga on Creek Bine 8400 & deep vanian southerly aspects, (HCK) ravines sandstone, Pipo-Psme / Quga- limestone, Syor on northerly & shale aspects

Benson Pagosa 8000- 200 ha moderate W Dakota Pipo/Quga Creek 8400 slopes & sandstone (BCK) ravines (?)

Smoothing Dolores 8100- 200 ha broad SW Dakota Pipo/Quga Iron (SMI) 8400 ridgetop sandstone

Monument Pagosa 8100- 200 ha moderate E Dakota Mixed conifer: (MNT) 8400 slopes & sandstone Abco, Psme, Pipo, ravines with some Potr ... diverse shale (?) shrubs & herbs

Taylor Dolores 8300- 100 ha steep slopes S Jurassic Mixed conifer: Creek 8700 & deep siltstone, Psme, Pipo, Potr ... (TCK) ravines sandstone, diverse shrubs & limestone, herbs & shale

Burnette Dolores 9000- 50 ha narrow N Triassic Mixed conifer: Canyon 9300 ridge & siltstone Psme, Abla, Pipo, (BCN) adjacent & sand- Potr ... diverse slopes stone shrubs & herbs

45 Table II-2 Fire intervals during the pre-1870 reference period in ponderosa pine forests of the San Juan National Forest. The “ > 95% interval ” is defined as the fire interval that is exceeded by 95% of documented intervals between successive fires; smaller intervals can be regarded as significantly short. The “ median interval ” is the midpoint in documented fire intervals: half of the intervals are shorter, half are longer. The “ > 5% interval ” is the fire interval that is exceeded by only 5% of documented fire intervals; larger intervals are significantly long. The time period selected includes the period when there were 6 or more “recorder” trees (living trees susceptible to fire-scarring) at the site, and therefore varies somewhat among sites. The last three sites (Monument, Taylor Creek, and Burnette Canyon) are mixed conifer stands in which ponderosa pine is co- dominant with other tree species. See Table II-1 for a description of each site.


> 95% Median > 5% > 95% Median > 5% SITE interval interval interval interval interval interval PERIOD

Five Pine 2 6 12 5 13 23 1748-1864 Canyon

Plateau 2 6 12 5 12 20 1685-1872

Turkey 3 10 21 7 18 33 1748-1880 Springs

Hermosa 2 10 25 9 17 25 1715-1890

Benson 2 7 14 6 13 21 1767-1889 Creek

Smoothing 2 10 31 14 30 47 1729-1879 Iron

Monument 3 18 47 4 21 59 1654-1880*

Taylor 5 18 39 14 22 29 1786-1879 Creek

Burnette 5 28 73 4 27 82 1729-1880* Canyon

* During portions of the early part of this period, there were < 6 recorder trees. It was necessary to include this portion of the record to obtain a statistically adequate sample for analysis.


Figure II-1. Locations of fire history study sites in the San Juan National Forest (Grissino-Mayer et al. 2004). See Table II-1 for a description of each site.


Minimum, median, and Iron site were approximately twice as maximum fire intervals during the long as the intervals at the other reference period generally increased ponderosa pine sites, even though the with increasing elevation. Three sites at elevation of the Smoothing Iron site is lower elevations with nearly pure stands about the same as the others. This may of ponderosa pine (Five Pine Canyon, be because of the topographic position of Plateau, and Turkey Springs) had the Smoothing Iron site: it lies atop a extensive fires every 5 - 33 years narrow plateau with steep, poorly (“extensive” fires are those that scarred vegetated slopes to the west and south. at least 50% of the recorders, Table II- These slopes would retard fires 2). The median interval between spreading into the area from the west or extensive fires at these sites ranged from south, so to burn the Smoothing Iron site 12 - 18 years. Three sites at somewhat fires either would have to be ignited higher elevations with predominantly within the site itself or spread from the ponderosa pine but also some Douglas- east or north, against the prevailing fir (Hermosa, Benson Creek, and winds. In contrast, all of the other five Smoothing Iron) had extensive fires ponderosa pine sites in Table II-2 have every 6 - 47 years, with median fire no topographic barriers to fire spread, intervals of 13 - 30 years. and probably were affected by extensive Fire intervals for fires scarring at fires that were ignited some distance least 50% of recorders at the Smoothing away from the site.


Figure II-2. Master fire chronologies for the nine sites sampled in the San Juan National Forest (Grissino-Mayer et al. 2004). See Figure II-1 and Table II-1 for site locations and descriptions.

48 Similar fire histories during the throughout the South Central Highlands period of indigenous settlement have Section. been documented for ponderosa pine It is important to consider the forests throughout the mountains of variation in fire intervals as well as the Arizona and New Mexico (Swetnam and median fire intervals during the Baisan 1996;21-23). The median fire reference period. Figure II-3 shows the intervals from the San Juan Mountains statistical frequency of fire intervals appear to be a little longer than median detected at each of the nine study sites in intervals from comparable sites in the San Juan National Forest. Fires at central and southern Arizona; e.g., for all short intervals may have played an fires the median intervals are 6 - 10 essential role in ponderosa pine seedling years in the San Juans but only 2 - 5 recruitment, by creating patches of years in many of the other study areas. mineral soil and top-killing competing However, it is difficult to make direct shrubs such as Gambel oak (Harrington comparisons because of differences in 1985, 1987). However, fires at short sample sizes, extent of sampling area, intervals also would kill young pine and time periods. The trend of seedlings, so occasional long intervals lengthening fire intervals with increasing also would be required to allow pine elevation that we documented in the San seedlings to grow large enough to Juan National Forest (Table II-2) also survive fire (Pearson 1950, White 1984). can be seen in other parts of the It can be seen in Table II-2 that the southwest, though the pattern is weaker minimum, median, and maximum fire when all sites in New Mexico and intervals in ponderosa pine forests were Arizona are examined together generally twice as long for extensive (Swetnam and Baisan 1996). fires (>50% scarred) as for fires of any When the fire history data for the size (all fires). This indicates that many Jemez Mountains, located in the fires were small and localized; thus there southern portion of the South Central would have been patches that escaped Highlands Section (Touchan et al. fire long enough for new pine saplings to 1996;39), are compared with those from become established, even though the the San Juan National Forest in the stand as a whole was burning frequently. northern part of the Section, the similarities are more striking than the Temporal Variability, Synchrony, differences. The Jemez sites do appear and Seasonality of Fires: to have slightly shorter median fire intervals: 4 - 17 years for all fires in Fire frequency varied not only Jemez ponderosa pine sites, compared to from place to place, e.g., along an 6 - 10 years for all fires in the San Juans; elevational gradient, but also varied and 8 - 22 years for more extensive through time. The fire chronology at Jemez fires compared to 12 - 30 years each of the nine study sites is for extensive fires in the San Juans. In summarized in Figure II-4, for all fires in general, however, the data suggest that the top portion of the figure and for the fire frequencies during the period of more extensive fires (those that scarred indigenous settlement were relatively at least 25% of recorder trees) in the similar in ponderosa pine forests bottom portion. There were two periods


Figure II-3. Statistical frequency of fire intervals at nine fire history sites in the San Juan National Forest (Grissino-Mayer et al 2004). See Figure II-1 and Table II-1 for site locations and descriptions.

50 Table II-3. Fire occurrence by year and site (see Table II-1 for abbreviations and site descriptions). Numbers indicate the number of fire scars detected in a given year, with the number of recorders (trees that could have been fire-scarred in that year) present in our sample. A dash indicates that no fire scars were detected, even though at least one recorder tree was present. The sites are listed by longitude, from the western-most site on the left to the eastern-most site on the right. General forest type of each site is indicated in parenthesis (pine = ponderosa pine; mc = mixed conifer with ponderosa pine component). In the column titled “Major fire yr” is the number of sites recording fire in those years for which 4 or more of the 9 sites recorded fire; these are the major years of extensive fire in the San Juan National Forest. The letter in parentheses indicates whether fires were recorded only in the eastern (E) or western (W) portions of the Forest; if no letter is present, then fires were recorded throughout the geographic extent of the Forest. An asterisk in this column designates years that also were among the top 20 most extensive fire years in New Mexico and Arizona, based on a regional network of 63 fire history sites (Swetnam and Baisan 1996).

Year Major FPC PLT SMI TCK BCN HCK MNT TRS BCK fire yr (pine) (pine) (pine) (mc) (mc) (pine) (mc) (pine) (pine)

1700 -- 2/9 ------1703 2/4 ------1704 ------4/6 ------1707 -- 12/12 ------4/4 -- 1713 -- 9/14 ------1714 ------6/8 ------1715 -- 1/12 ------1723 3/3 ------1724 4 * -- 12/13 5/5 ------3/3 6/6 1729 6 * 3/4 9/13 5/6 1/1 2/2 ------2/4 1733 ------2/2 -- 1735 5 -- 8/13 -- -- 1/2 8/10 1/5 1/1 -- 1737 2/4 ------2/3 1739 1/5 ------1740 -- 4/13 ------1748 8 * 7/7 15/16 9/9 3/3 -- 10/12 4/6 6/6 5/5 1752 ------8/9 -- -- 1754 1/6 -- 1/9 ------1757 -- 1/15 ------1/12 ------1761 -- 1/15 ------1765 -- 1/15 ------1767 ------7/7 1768 4/7 ------6/11 ------1772 -- 2/16 ------9/9 -- 1773 9/9 16/18 ------6/10 -- -- 1774 ------4/5 ------8/9 1777 1/8 ------1778 4 (E) ------3/3 10/14 -- 1/8 1/10 1780 ------10/12 -- -- 1782 6/9 ------1783 -- 10/17 ------1785 -- 1/17 7/10 ------1786 5 2/9 4/17 -- 2/6 ------3/10 8/12 1787 -- -- 1/10 ------1789 1/9 ------4/10 3/12 1790 -- 1/17 ------1795 ------7/10 --

Cont. next page


Year Major FPC PLT SMI TCK BCN HCK MNT TRS BCK fire yr (pine) (pine) (pine) (mc) (mc) (pine) (mc) (pine) (pine)

1796 7/10 10/17 2/12 ------1798 -- -- 4/14 -- -- 10/13 ------1800 -- -- 1/13 ------1801 4/10 ------10/15 1806 -- 15/17 ------2/10 6/14 1810 -- 1/18 ------1813 7/9 16/17 ------1814 ------12/12 ------1817 -- -- 1/12 -- -- 10/14 -- 1/10 -- 1818 6/9 ------1/12 ------1819 -- 5/18 ------14/16 1820 ------13/14 15/16 -- 1821 1/8 ------1822 ------3/13 ------1824 -- -- 16/16 ------1825 2/9 ------1826 1/9 ------1829 4/8 17/19 -- -- 6/6 ------1830 ------5/14 ------1831 1/8 ------5/14 1836 -- 1/16 ------1837 ------1/13 ------1838 ------12/14 ------1842 4 (W)* 3/8 -- 16/18 10/14 -- 4/15 ------1843 ------12/15 1847 4 * 7/10 12/14 1/16 ------1/11 -- -- 1851 5 (E)* ------5/7 17/19 7/10 24/25 17/20 1854 -- 4/12 ------1860 ------14/16 ------15/21 1861 -- 8/11 ------17/23 -- 1864 8/10 ------4/21 1868 -- 8/10 ------1871 ------13/21 4/21 1872 -- 2/6 ------1873 1/4 ------6/22 1878 ------17/20 -- -- 9/22 1879 5 * 4/4 5/5 10/13 7/14 ------8/20 1880 ------3/7 -- 4/9 17/21 -- 1889 ------1/20 1890 ------16/23 ------1904 -- 1/2 ------1911 ------1/19 1929 ------1/22 ------1930 2/3 1/1 ------1932 ------1/22 ------1939 -- -- 1/9 ------1946 -- 1/1 1/9 ------1948 ------1/16 1953 -- -- 1/8 ------

Cont. next page

52 Year Major FPC PLT SMI TCK BCN HCK MNT TRS BCK fire yr (pine) (pine) (pine) (mc) (mc) (pine) (mc) (pine) (pine)

1957 ------1/10 ------1966 1/3 ------1970 1/3 ------1973 -- -- 1/7 ------1976 2/4 ------1977 -- -- 2/9 ------1986 3/5 ------1987 1/5 ------1989 ------11/21 ------


Figure II-4. Fire chronologies, representing (A) all fires and (B) fires that scarred >25% of the sampled trees (i.e., widespread fires), for each of the nine fire history study sites in the San Juan National Forest (Grissino-Mayer et al. 2004). See Figure II-1 and Table II-1 for site locations and descriptions.


in which fire frequency was reduced of Figure II-4. This hiatus in fire relative to the long-term average. First occurrence may have been related to a was from about 1750-1770, which is shift in broad-scale atmospheric and especially apparent in the lower portion climatic processes, such as El Niño -

53 Southern Oscillation (ENSO) or the Nina phase (Swetnam and Betancourt Pacific Decadal Oscillation (Grissino- 1990). In fact, the major fire years in the Mayer et al. 2004). Alternatively, the Southwest tend to occur when one to very large fires in 1748 may have three very wet El Niño years -- in which reduced fuels so extensively that large abundant fine fuels are produced -- are fires could not occur until fuels had re- followed by a very dry La Niña year -- developed. Both mechanisms may have when the accumulated fine fuels dry out come into play to dramatically reduce and carry extensive fires (Swetnam and the frequency of extensive fires during Betancourt 1990, 1998; Grissino-Mayer this period of 1750-1770. The second et al. 2004). Recognition of this climatic period of reduced fire frequency was pattern in fire occurrence has permitted from about 1880 to the present, and was improved forecasting of upcoming fire mostly a consequence of Euro-American seasons in the Southwest. settlement as discussed below. There also was considerable Each of the nine sites described variation in the seasons of fire in Table II-1 has its own more-or-less occurrence during the reference period unique list of fire years during the among the nine study sites in the San reference period, i.e., in most fire years Juan National Forest (Table II-4). there was a fire at one or two sites but Summer fires would generally consume not at any of the others. However, there more organic matter and cause greater were a few key fire years when many or plant mortality than dormant season most of the sites experienced fire (Table fires, because of higher temperatures and II-3). More than half of our nine sites large amounts of nutrients and energy recorded fires in 1729, 1735, 1748, reserves in above-ground plant parts 1786, 1851, and 1879. During these during the growing season (Harrington summers the San Juan Mountains must 1985). Thus, the variability in season of have been shrouded in smoke for several burn during the reference period, like the weeks or months as large fires burned variability in extent of burn and interval across the landscape. The years 1729, between successive burns, was a 1748, 1851, and 1879 also were major significant component of the fire regime fire years throughout the southwest, during the reference period, and may apparently because of dry conditions have contributed to pine regeneration across the entire region (Swetnam and and floristic diversity as described Baisan 1996). The synchronous above. Over all sites and all fire scars occurrence of major fire years combined, approximately half of the fire throughout the Southwest and scars recorded summer burns and half southwestern Colorado indicates a strong recorded dormant season burns (spring regional climatic control on fire or fall). However, in the years with big frequency, both during the reference fires (e.g., 1748, 1820, 1851, and 1879), period and continuing today. For we found fire scars that were formed in example, there tends to be little area all seasons (Figure II-5), suggesting that burned in the Southwest during the wet these very extensive fires burned all El Nino phase of ENSO, but extensive summer long. fire activity occurs during the dry La

54 Table II-4. Number and percentage of fire scars that were formed during different seasons of annual ring growth during the pre-1870 reference period in ponderosa pine forests (Grissino- Mayer et al. 2004). Some fire years are represented by more than one value, since fires in those years scarred more than one tree. Moreover, many prehistoric fires burned through more than one season. Therefore, this table indicates the relative amount of area burned during various seasons, not necessarily the seasons when individual fires occurred. Season of fire scarring is determined by noting where a fire injury is located within an annual ring. This is a well-established dendrochronological method, and the data below on position within annual rings can be regarded as very reliable. However, we do not yet have a complete understanding of the specific months in which annual ring formation occurs in the San Juan Mountains. Moreover, the timing of ring formation probably varies at least somewhat from year to year and among different elevations and topographic positions, in response to variation in temperature and moisture conditions. Based on experience elsewhere in the southwest and on a study conducted in 1995 in the area, we estimated the likely month that corresponds to specific positions within an annual ring. These interpretations of month of fire must be regarded as tentative, however.

D = dormant season, in the spring before ring growth has begun, or in the fall after ring growth is completed (possibly in April & May and in September & October) E = early early wood (possibly early to mid June) M = middle early wood (possibly late June to early July L = late early wood (possible mid to late July) A = latewood (possibly August)

------NUMBER (%) OF FIRE SCARS ------SITE D (spring/fall) E M L A EMLA (summer) PERIOD

Five Pine 31 (52) 7 (12) 7 (12) 7 (12) 7 (12) 28 (48) 1748-1864 Canyon

Plateau 142 (82) 5 (3) 0 (0) 9 (5) 18 (10) 32 (18) 1685-1872

Turkey 31 (36) 6 (7) 6 (7) 35 (40) 9 (10) 56 (64) 1748-1880 Springs

Hermosa 53 (47) 5 (4) 18 (16) 26 (23) 10 (9) 59 (53) 1715-1890

Benson 61 (62) 4 (4) 15 (15) 15 (15) 3 (3) 37 (38) 1767-1889 Creek

Smoothing 26 (42) 4 (6) 1 (2) 10 (16) 21 (34) 36 (58) 1729-1879 Iron

Monument 16 (31) 2 (4) 4 (8) 16 (31) 13 (26) 35 (69) 1654-1880

Taylor 29 (72) 3 (8) 0 (0) 6 (15) 2 (5) 11 (28) 1786-1879 Creek

Burnette 7 (50) 0 (0) 0 (0) 6 (43) 1 (7) 7 (50) 1729-1880 Canyon


Figure II-5. Seasons when fire scars were formed, for four of the most extensive fire years documented in the San Juan National Forest (Grissino-Mayer et al. 2004). D = dormant season (early spring or late fall); EE = early growing season (mid-June to early July); ME = middle growing season (early July to mid-July); LE = middle to late growing season (mid-July to late July); L = late growing season (late July to August).


56 There were also striking 1971;122) states that although Indians differences among study sites, e.g., were known to set fires to aid in hunting dormant season fires were more and improve forage in other regions, prevalent at the Plateau site, whereas they rarely did so in the San Juans. summer burns predominated at Turkey Undoubtedly there were localized areas Springs (Table II-4). What are the in the West where human activities reasons for the differences among sites significantly influenced the fire regime and over time in the dominant season of (e.g., Barrett and Arno 1982, Kaye and fire occurrence during the reference Swetnam 1999), but our data do not period? At this time we do not know. indicate any major human effects on fire The Turkey Springs site is adjacent to a frequency, or extent, in ponderosa pine popular Ute camping area that was forests during the period of indigenous occupied almost continuously during the settlement. reference period (Duke 1995), so the abundance of summer burns there could Fire history in ponderosa pine reflect anthropogenic burning. forests of the Uncompahgre Plateau However, the fire interval statistics for the Turkey Springs site (Table II-2) are The most extensive fire history not much different from the other data available for ponderosa pine forests ponderosa pine sites, suggesting that the in the South Central Highlands Section Utes camping in this area, in fact, may are from the Jemez Mountains (Allen not have added many ignitions to those 1989, 2002) and from the San Juan caused by lightning. In particular, the National Forest (Grissino-Mayer et al. Hermosa site, located in a rugged and 2004, and above). We also have mostly brushy or densely forested area, information from the Uncompahgre probably had less intensive use by Plateau in an unpublished report by Native Americans than the gently rolling Brown and Shepperd (2003). On the forests and grasslands of the Turkey Uncompahgre, mean fire intervals in five Springs site -- yet fire interval statistics stands distributed across the Plateau are almost identical at Turkey Springs ranged from 9-17 years (all fires) and and Hermosa. These data suggest that from 15-44 years ( fires that scarred the fire history of ponderosa pine forests >25% of recorder trees). These results in this area was controlled more by are similar to the median fire intervals climate and fuels than by anthropogenic documented in the San Juan National ignitions. Swetnam and Baisan (1996) Forest (Table II-2), but are longer than and Allen (2002) suggest that this same typical mean fire intervals from Arizona conclusion applies in much of the and New Mexico. Southwest. In contrast, anthropogenic ignitions may be more important in 2. Other agents of disturbance in ponderosa pine forests of the northern ponderosa pine forests Rockies where lightning is less frequent, but even there lightning may be Although fire probably was the sufficient to account for fire histories in major form of disturbance in ponderosa most areas (Baker 2002). An early pine forests during the reference period - written account of the history of the San - at least it is the disturbance about Juan National Forest (Anonymous which we know the most -- there were

57 other important kinds of disturbances as 20th century conditions such as fire well. Approximately 200 species of exclusion and unusually high tree insects are known to affect ponderosa densities (see below), it is likely that pine at some stage from cone to maturity more-or-less comparable beetle (Schmidt 1988). Perhaps the most outbreaks also occurred in ponderosa important insect in ponderosa pine pine forests during the reference period forests was the mountain pine beetle (also see Baker and Veblen 1990). (Dendroctonus ponderosae), discussed Schmid and Amman (1992) estimated below. Dwarf mistletoes and various that the intervals between successive fungus diseases also are important mountain pine beetle outbreaks may components of ponderosa pine forests range from 50 - 100 years, depending on today, and were surely important in the the intensity of the previous outbreak. past as well (Hawksworth and Shaw Outbreaks may last from 2 - 14 years 1988). Unfortunately, we have very (Schmid and Mata 1996). Between little specific information about the outbreaks (which is most of the time), intensity and extent of disturbance by the beetles persist at low, endemic these agents during the period of populations, killing an occasional tree indigenous settlement, and so we have a but having little impact on the forest as a poor understanding of the overall whole. importance of these disturbances relative From a timber production to the well-documented effects of fire standpoint, mountain pine beetle (Schmid and Mata 1996). outbreaks are clearly detrimental, because they selectively kill the larger, The Mountain Pine Beetle more valuable trees in a stand, and may (Dendroctonus ponderosae): in fact destroy a timber stand (Schmid and Amman 1992). From a broader In the 20th century there have ecosystem perspective, however, the been several outbreaks of the mountain effects are more complex. In lodgepole pine beetle in ponderosa pine and pine forests, and probably also in dense lodgepole pine forests throughout the ponderosa pine, primary productivity Central Rocky Mountain region shifts from an overwhelming (McCambridge et al. 1982a, Schmid and concentration in the canopy to a more Mata 1996). Photos taken by Phillip equitable distribution among canopy, Coolige in 1908 in what is now the San understory, and ground layer strata Juan National Forest (on file at the San (Romme et al. 1986). Herbaceous Juan National Forest supervisor’s office) growth may increase because of show ponderosa pine trees described as increased light and water availability having been killed by the Black Hills beneath the dead canopy trees Beetle [mountain pine beetle]. This (McCambridge et al. 1982b), and native bark beetle infests and often kills surviving canopy and understory trees live trees (Furniss and Carolin 1977). It also show increased growth rates prefers larger trees (>20 cm (8 in) dbh), immediately after the outbreak (Romme though it sometimes kills smaller trees et al. 1986). Elk, deer, and other (Sartwell and Stevens 1975). Although grazers and browsers may benefit from the intensity and extent of these recent the increased forage production, and the outbreaks may have been influenced by large dead trees may provide feeding,

58 nesting, and perching sites for a variety 2009), but then may actually decrease of species -- whereas other animal because the standing defoliated trees species, such as the red squirrel that eats reduce the continuity of canopy fuels. pine seeds, and bark and foliage As the large beetle-killed trees gradually gleaning like chickadees, fall over a period of several decades, nuthatches, and brown creepers, may they increase the heavy fuels on the decrease in abundance after the outbreak ground and the chances of very intense (Schmid and Amman 1992). surface fires (Brown 1975). In stands of mixed species composition, selective mortality of the Other Disturbances: dominant canopy pine can hasten the process of succession, shifting canopy There were many other agents of dominance to the more shade-tolerant disturbance in ponderosa pine forests of Douglas-fir, white fir, or other species the reference period. Dwarf mistletoe not attacked by the beetles. If the beetle (Arceuthobium vaginatum) is a parasitic outbreak is not followed by fire, then that grows on branches ponderosa pine may not become and stems of ponderosa pine, causing reestablished on the site because its reduced tree growth, distortion of stems seedlings generally do not tolerate deep and branches, and eventual death of the organic litter layers or shade (discussed tree in some situations (Hawksworth and below). Thus, it is possible (though Wiens 1995). Although mistletoe is never documented) that severe mountain considered a pest from the viewpoint of pine beetle outbreaks in the past may timber production, it is a component of have converted stands having low initial the native flora, and its abundance is density of ponderosa pine to forests positively correlated with bird density composed entirely of other tree species - and diversity (Bennetts et al. 1996). - or even conceivably to shrublands of Armillaria spp. and other pathogenic Gambel oak, which are commonly found fungi cause root diseases and eventually within extensive tracts of ponderosa pine may kill ponderosa pine trees forest throughout the South Central (Hawksworth and Shaw 1988). Pandora Highlands Section, and whose origin is moth (Coloradia pandora) defoliates difficult to explain. ponderosa and lodgepole pines, causing The reduction in canopy reduced tree growth and sometimes transpiration following a severe beetle mortality (Schmid and Mata 1996). outbreak potentially may lead to Severe, localized windstorms can blow increased groundwater recharge and down all or most of the trees within stream flow for several years if heavy small areas of a few hectares or less. We mortality occurs over a large portion of a know almost nothing about the intensity watershed (documented for outbreaks in and extent of these disturbances in lodgepole pine and spruce-fir forests, but ponderosa pine forests of the reference not for ponderosa pine per se; Schmid period (Schmid and Mata 1996), but and Amman 1992). Risk of crown fire they probably had much less impact on increases during and for about 2 years forest structure and function at the after the outbreak, while beetle-killed landscape scale than did periodic fire trees are covered with dead needles and mountain pine beetle outbreaks. (Schmid and Amman 1992, Bentz et al. Perhaps the most important effect of

59 mistletoe and root diseases at the 19th-century travelers in the Southwest, landscape scale was their interaction who described “park-like” forests in with fire and beetles (Knight 1987). which one could see for great distances Trees weakened by mistletoe, insects, or and which provided ample forage for disease may be more susceptible to pack animals. Table II-5 contains a beetle infestation, and the witches sampling of these early accounts. A brooms produced by mistletoe-infested similar open structure of ponderosa pine trees may ignite more readily than forests also is suggested by early written normal branches. accounts and photographs from elsewhere in the Mountain West, e.g., 3. Pre-1870 stand structures in the Colorado Front Range (Veblen and ponderosa pine forests Lorentz 1991), the Black Hills of South Dakota (Progulske 1974, Grafe and In ponderosa pine forests where Horsted 2002; but see Shinneman and fires were frequent and of low severity Baker 1997), western Montana (Gruell et during the reference period (i.e., where al. 1982), and the interior Columbia the fire regime was the Southwestern River Basin (Everett et al. 1994, Skovlin model), these fires thinned out the and Thomas 1995). However, early smaller trees and brush, and maintained photos and written descriptions of dense open forests of large, widely spaced ponderosa pine stands also exist, e.g., trees with abundant herbaceous growth from the Black Hills (Shinneman and in the open areas between trees. This Baker 1997) and several other locations interpretation is supported in part by throughout the Rocky Mountains (Baker numerous photographs and accounts of et al. 2006).


Table II-5. Some descriptions of ponderosa pine forests written by early Euro-American explorers in the South Central Highlands Section.

“In the beautiful valley of the , after striking the timbered region, we found luxuriant bunch-grass covering the ground as thickly as it could stand. In November it was still green about the roots, and was eagerly eaten by our starved mules. Pinus ponderosa formed open clumps, and under protection of these trees it attained what seemed to be its maximum growth.” -- J. T. Rothrock, 1878 (cited in Cooper 1960;131)

“Throughout the bull [ponderosa pine] type there is good cattle range, consisting of blue-stem grass beneath the trees and bunch grass in the parks. The underbrush is very heavy, chiefly oak brush, choke-cherry, scarlet thorn, and wild rose. Reproduction of bull pine is poor.” -- C. DuBois, 1903 (DuBois 1903;7)

“Pagosa lies in the heart of that splendid pine forest, which coveres a tract one hundred and thirty miles east and west by from twenty to forty miles north and south. Here the trees grow tall and straight, and of enormous size. No underbrush hides their bright, clean shafts, and curiously enough, it is only in special locations that any low ones are to be found.” -- Ernest Ingersoll, 1885 (cited in Paulson and Baker 2006; 177)


60 Some caution must be used in Unfortunately, most of the historic interpreting these early written records photographs of this region date from the and photographs (Forman and Russell early to mid 20th century, when major 1983, Whitney 1994). Early travelers changes in forest structure already may and explorers obviously were not have begun to develop. unbiased observers on a mission to Despite the paucity of direct collect objective data for the benefit of evidence, we can infer from future ecologists. Many may have contemporary writings and from placed undue emphasis on things like observations today, that there were some grass cover because forage was so important differences between important for their pack animals. Their ponderosa pine forests of southwestern observations also were strongly Colorado and those in other portions of influenced by their previous experiences the Southwest during the period of and expectations. Nevertheless, taken indigenous settlement. For example, together, the contemporary written and most forests in southwestern Colorado photographic evidence suggests that an probably did not have quite the open forest structure characterized abundance of grass described for many—though not all--of the ponderosa ponderosa pine forests in Arizona. The pine forests throughout western North early explorers noted that grass was America when numbers of literate more abundant on soils derived from Europeans first encountered them in the lava flows than on soils derived from mid to late 1800s. sedimentary rocks (Cooper 1960;131), Ponderosa pine forests of the and most ponderosa pine forests of the volcanic Jemez Mountains, in the San Juan Mountains and Uncompahgre southernmost portion of the South Plateau are found on sedimentary Central Highlands Section, were similar substrates. Nevertheless, a number of in structure to other ponderosa pine native bunchgrasses are found in forests of the Southwest during the ponderosa pine forests of southwestern reference period, i.e., a predominance of Colorado, especially in places that have open stands of large trees (Allen 1989, received only light grazing (Paulson and 2002). The picture is less clear for the Baker 2006), suggesting that grass cover northern portions of the South Central was somewhat abundant in these forests Highlands Section. The only 19th- during the reference period—though it century written record we know of is an probably is impossible to know just how account of forests in the Conejos River abundant the grass cover was in any Valley in 1878 (Table II-5). We also particular place. have DuBois’ 1903 description of the The abundance of shrubs proposed San Juan Forest Reserve, (notably Gambel oak) in ponderosa pine which may be colored somewhat by the forests of the South Central Highlands effects of early grazing and timber Section, especially in the northern cutting (see the section on legacies of portions of the Section, is one of the previous land use, below). Zier and features that makes this region especially Baker (2006) present seven early photos distinctive. Although the cover and (1874 - 1948) of the San Juan Mountain density of shrubs may have changed in country, including two in which some areas during the last century (see ponderosa pine is prominent. the section on legacies of past land use,

61 below), oak and other shrubs certainly Fule et al. (1997) determined that a stand were present, and probably abundant, in in northern Arizona had an average of 65 many ponderosa pine forests of the ponderosa pine per hectare in 1883 (plus South Central Highlands Section during 83 tree-sized stems/ha of Gambel oak the period of indigenous settlement, and other species). Basal area of especially in portions of southwestern ponderosa pine trees was approximately Colorado. For example, Dominguez and 12 m2/ha. In another northern Arizona Escalante, in writing of their trip through stand, using similar methods, Covington southwestern Colorado in 1776 (near and Moore (1994), estimated that the present-day Pagosa Springs, Durango, density and basal area of ponderosa pine, and Mancos), made frequent mention of prior to European settlement in the late small or dwarf oak and other shrubs 1800s, were 43 trees/ha and 14 m2/ha, growing in association with pines respectively. Madany and West (1983) (Bolton 1950;140151). DuBois (1903; found 56 ponderosa pine > 100 years old p. 7), in an early survey of the proposed per hectare on two isolated mesas in San Juan Forest Reserve, wrote of the southern Utah that had never been bull pine [ponderosa pine] type that “The logged or grazed by livestock (though underbrush is very heavy, chiefly oak the fire history on these mesas was brush, choke-cherry, scarlete thorn, and unique in some respects; see Madany wild rose.” Similarly, a local Forest and West 1983). Ranger with the initials R.S.W. wrote in In the San Juan National Forest, 1915 that “Oakbrush, in the vicinity of we estimated the density and spatial the Durango National Forest, occupies a pattern of ponderosa pine trees in pre- wide belt ranging in altitude from 1900 forests by measuring the old approximately 1,800 – 2,700 m (6,000 - stumps and occasional old trees left by 9,000 ft), which is identical with that of early 20th-century century loggers at the western yellow pine [ponderosa pine] Plateau, Smoothing Iron, and Five Pine with which oakbrush is always Canyon sites (Table II-1). Sampling associated to a certain extent, depending quadrats ranging in size from 25 - on the density of the pine stand.” 10,000 square meters (8 replicates of (“Cumulative silvical report – San Juan each size) were randomly located, and National Forest;” on file at San Juan the number of old stumps and trees was National Forest supervisor’s office, tallied in each quadrat. Care was taken includes entries from 1909-1958). The to avoid counting stumps of younger few photos of ponderosa pine forests trees produced by recent logging from ca. 1900 clearly show oak present operations; the old stumps were in the understory of ponderosa pine recognizable from their weathered stands (W. Baker, personal condition. Living trees old enough to communication). have been present in the stand before In addition to the written and 1900 were distinguished from younger photographic evidences described above, trees (post-1900) by the deeply we have a few direct measurements of furrowed, yellow bark and stout likely ponderosa pine forest structure branches of old trees. A few of the trees during the period of indigenous may have been misclassified, but these settlement. Based on detailed sampling morphological characteristics are of extant trees, dead trees, and stumps, reasonably reliable for distinguishing

62 trees older or younger than about 100 expected to encompass 67% of all years (Pearson 1950, White 1984). measured samples. This range, which Within the same quadrats we also tallied represents our best estimate of the the number of trees that had become historical range of variability in established after 1900 (discussed below). ponderosa pine forest density, was from The density of pre-1900 and 11 - 98 trees/ha in the five sites in the post-1900 trees was computed using the San Juan National Forest (Table II-6a). data from the largest quadrats (5000, A similar reconstruction of 7500, and 10000 square meters), and the historical forest structure was made for data from all quadrats was used to ponderosa pine forests on the compute Morisita’s index (Morisita Uncompahgre Plateau (Binkley et al. 1959, Brower and Zar 1977). Morisita’s 2008). In eleven plots, 0.5-1.0 acre in Index is related to the variance/mean size, average tree density in 1875 was ratio, and is widely used to detect the estimated to be 55 trees/acre (range 30 - spatial scale at which organisms are 90 trees/acre) and average basal area was aggregated. In general, the quadrat size estimated at 55 ft2/acre (range 20 - 90 for which Morisita’s Index is highest is ft2/acre). The stands in 1875 contained a approximately the size of the clumps few large trees (some with diameters themselves. There can be more than one >0.9 m (3 feet)), relatively numerous scale of clumping in a stand. trees of medium size (0.3 – 0.6 m (1 - 2 The results of this analysis ft) diameter), and a few smaller trees. indicated that these ponderosa pine These results from the San Juan forests in the San Juan Mountains Mountains and the Uncompahgre contained an average of 25 - 65 trees/ha Plateau demonstrate that ponderosa pine during the late 1800s (Table II-6a). forests of the South Central Highlands Average stump diameter ranged from 51 Section were different in some important – 69 cm (Table II-6b). The reasons for ways from ponderosa pine forests of the differences among sites are northern Arizona. Both density and unknown; there are no obvious patterns basal area tended to be higher in the related to elevation, topography, or South Central Highlands Section than in geographic location. Our sampling forests near Flagstaff, where basal area procedure probably under-estimates the averaged 35 ft2/acre and ranged from 13 density of pre-1900 trees, and over- - 62 ft2/acre in 1910 (Moore et al. 2004). estimates their average size, since some Note that the sampling described of the smaller stumps may have above was conducted in places where completely decomposed. Nevertheless, stumps of trees that were alive prior to these results indicate that there were 1900 were visually conspicuous. This comparable densities of large trees in at may have biased our sampling towards least some parts of northern Arizona and open stands of large trees. We do not southwestern Colorado during the period know how common dense stands of of indigenous settlement. The variability small trees might have been in the pre- in tree density is as important as mean 1900 landscape; additional research density. By computing the mean, plus or would be required to answer this minus one standard error of the mean, question (e.g., Baker et al. 2006). we can estimate the range of values

63 Table II-6. Pre-1900 stand structure in five sites dominated by ponderosa pine in the San Juan National Forest, Colorado, based on sampling old trees and stumps in quadrats of 4,000 - 10,000 m2. See Table II-1 for site descriptions. (a) Tree densities. Range of variability refers to the mean plus or minus one standard error. RD refers to ranger district. (b) Stump diameters.

(a) Mean Range of Number density variability of Site (trees/ha) (trees/ha) samples Comments

Benson Creek 24 11 - 36 32 Pagosa RD ... thick brush ... trees & stumps Smoothing Iron 37 13 - 60 32 Dolores RD ... thick brush ... trees & stumps Plateau Creek 42 22 - 63 36 Dolores RD ... easy visibility ... mostly stumps Five Pine 50 30 - 70 32 Dolores RD ... thick brush Canyon ...mostly stumps Turkey Springs 65 33 - 98 24 Pagosa RD ... easy visibility ... trees & stumps

(b) Mean Standard Smallest - diameter deviation largest sample Number Site (cm) (cm) (cm) of samples

Benson Creek 51 14 20 – 90 216 Smoothing Iron 66 27 20 - 150 193 Plateau Creek 69 24 20 - 130 226


Although the relative extent of dense; the other two-thirds to three- open vs. closed ponderosa pine forests in fourths appears open and park-like. We the low elevation landscapes of believe that little logging had yet southwestern Colorado during the period occurred on Animas City Mountain in of indigenous settlement is currently 1888, so this photo may depict the unknown, we do have some partial patterns of forest structure that information. An 1888 photograph of developed on the landscape through the Durango, taken from the slopes of action of fire, insects, and forest growth. , provides a clear view However, it is a single snapshot that of Animas City Mountain on the north provides little detail on stand-level forest side of the town. In this photo, structure, and more information approximately one fourth to one third of obviously is needed. the ponderosa pine forest area appears

64 Another piece of evidence for a Report in 1913, page 1 (on file at the San heterogeneous ponderosa pine forest Juan National Forest supervisor’s office) landscape comes from a recently describes a “broad strip of semi-humid discovered map depicting a timber country, bounded approximately by the inventory of the westside pine zone in altitudinal lines of 6500 and 8500 feet. the San Juan National Forest made in the On this strip occurs an open stand of early 1920s, just before industrial-scale western yellow pine [ponderosa pine] logging began in the area (southwestern timber, interspersed with pinon [sic] archive collections, Fort Lewis College points, oak brush hillsides, open parks, library). Despite some obvious biases spruce and balsam canyons, cottonwood and probable inaccuracies of this early bottoms and aspen slopes. The pine map of timber volumes, it is apparent never occurs in broad dense stands from the information on this map that evenly distributed, but always in clumps. the pre-logging pine forest was not These clumps vary in density and in uniform even throughout this area of their proximity to one another.” Among relatively similar topography and the stands in the San Juan Mountains climate. where we reconstructed pre-1900 stand The park-like scenario for pre- structure, there was no single clump 1800 ponderosa pine forests has been so size; rather the size of the clumps well developed, both here and elsewhere differed from place to place: major peaks in the West, that it may be tempting to in Morisita’s Index (i.e., sizes of clumps) assume that these forests were relatively for pre-1900 trees were detected at 100, homogeneous throughout the South 300, 800, and 2500 m2 at Smoothing Central Highlands Section. However, Iron; at 700 and 1600 m2 at Five Pine we stress that in fact there was Canyon; and at 900 and 2500 m2 at considerable variability in density and Plateau (Figure II-6). The trees on the structure. Because one important goal of Uncompahgre Plateau also exhibited a ecosystem management is to conserve clumped spatial pattern, aggregated at the natural heterogeneity and variability distances <23 m (75 ft) with either a of the systems being managed, we need random or relatively uniform to be cognizant of the variation in arrangement. Ponderosa pine forests in ponderosa pine forests as well as the northern Arizona showed similar strong central tendencies (Kaufmann et al. aggregation of pre-1900 trees (Pearson 1994). 1950;121). Using nearest-neighbor In addition to the landscape-level analysis, White (1984) determined that heterogeneity in ponderosa pine forest clumps of pre-1900 ponderosa pine near structure described above, there was Flagstaff, Arizona, generally contained 3 important spatial variability at the stand - 44 trees and covered areas of 200 - level. The pre-1900 trees documented 2900 m2. both in the San Juan Mountains and on A major gap in our the Uncompahgre Plateau were arranged understanding of ponderosa pine forest in distinctly clumped patterns, which structure during the reference period has were conspicuous both visually and to do with snags and downed wood. statistically. Early commentators also Popp et al. (1992) and Mehl (1992) have emphasized the clumping of ponderosa developed criteria for old-growth pine trees; e.g., the Cumulative Silvical ponderosa pine forests in the Southwest

65 and Rocky Mountains (these criteria are these characteristics applied to summarized in Table 5.1 of Paulson and ponderosa pine forests during the Baker 2006). For example, the reference period. Relatively frequent recommended minimum density of fire would be expected to reduce the standing dead trees ranges from one 14 amount of dead wood on the forest floor in (35 cm) dbh snag to two 10 in (25 cm) via consumption, but might increase the dbh snags, and downed logs should be a density of snags via mortality. But this minimum of two pieces having 12 in (30 is speculation: in truth we simply do not cm) diameter. However, these know densities or quantities of dead guidelines are based on sampling the wood in the pre-1870 ponderosa pine structure of old forests as they exist forests of the South Central Highlands today; it is uncertain to what degree Section.


Figure II-6. Aggregation patterns of trees alive before 1900 in ponderosa pine forests of the San Juan Mountains. Spatial scales (horizontal axis) where values of Morisita’s Index are highest (vertical axis) represent scales at which trees were aggregated, i.e., approximate sizes of clumps of trees (Morisita 1959, Brower and Zar 1977).


66 Functional Implications of Forest and could tolerate lower nitrogen Structure during the Reference Period: availability (Moir 1966), while another set of plant species may have been The overall low density and concentrated in the special micro-habitat clumped dispersion of ponderosa pine that existed under the clumps of trees. trees in many pre-1900 forests probably This description of pre-1900 patterns of was an important component of the herbaceous plant distributions is habitat that supported a diverse necessarily speculative, however, assemblage of wildlife. For example, because these patterns were profoundly Abert’s squirrel is almost entirely altered by heavy livestock grazing in the dependent on ponderosa pine for all late 1800s (see below). Clumping of stages of its life history (Patton 1977). It ponderosa pine trees may have retarded nests in clumps of large trees with the spread of mistletoe, since the seed interlocking branches, and feeds on dispersal distance for this parasitic plant ponderosa pine seeds, buds, and twigs. is limited. Other species that prefer dense stands of In addition to providing diverse ponderosa pine include sharp-shinned wildlife habitat, the clumping of mature hawk, Cooper’s hawk, and goshawk ponderosa pine trees probably had an (Reynolds 1983), pygmy nuthatch, important influence on basic ecological hermit thrush, western flycatcher, and processes of energy flow and material black-headed grosbeak (Finch et al cycling. Parsons et al. (1994), measured 1997). Another suite of species prefers soil nitrogen concentrations and rates of more open habitats, and probably were nitrogen mineralization and nitrification concentrated in the little glades that in closed-canopy stands of lodgepole existed between clumps of trees, e.g., pine and in gaps where trees were deer mouse, brush mouse, Mexican experimentally removed. Soil nitrogen woodrat, and cottontail (Patton 1988), levels were extremely low beneath the rock wren, and spotted towhee (Finch et canopy, but greater in openings created al. 1997). by removal of 30 + trees. Openings Still other species, including deer within ponderosa pine forest canopies and turkeys, probably foraged in the tend to accumulate more snow and to open spaces between clumps of trees, yield more water to below-ground water where herbaceous and shrub production tables than do areas of closed pine was greater, then moved into the clumps canopy. Beneath a tree canopy, of trees for roosting, thermal, and hiding increased interception and transpiration cover (Patton 1988). Open glades act to reduce the amount of water probably also contained a distinctive set percolating below the tree rooting zone of plant species that required more light (Brown et al. 1974, Baker 1988).


Many of the ponderosa pine agents of change have been logging, forests of the South Central Highlands grazing, and elimination of fire, although Section have been dramatically altered climatic variability also has been during the last century. The major involved. Native Americans cut some

67 trees and ignited some fires during the Spring Creek and Canyon Creek areas period of indigenous settlement, and beginning in 1907 (Anonymous, Forest some tribes (e.g., the Navajo) grazed History, Volume 1). Several small-scale substantial numbers of livestock in some logging operations are documented in areas. However, the logging, grazing, the Valley before 1905 and fire exclusion introduced by Euro- (Dishman 1982). In addition to these American settlers in the late 1800s, were commercial sawmills, ranchers and unprecedented in their intensity and settlers obtained the timber, fence posts, extent. It was these recent human and fuel wood that they needed from the activities, interacting with the private and national forest lands background biota, soils, and climatic surrounding their homes. Nearly all of variability, that created the ponderosa the timber produced in these early days pine forests that we see in the area today. was used locally for buildings, mine Thus, the ponderosa pine forest supports, and railroad ties, and landscapes of the South Central ponderosa pine was the predominant Highlands Section represent a cultural timber species because of its easy landscape, i.e., a landscape that has been accessibility (Anonymous, Forest shaped as much by human activities as History, Volume 1). by natural processes (Foster 1993, The scale and impact of logging Bunting and Romme 2001). We now increased dramatically in the 1890s with examine each of these cultural legacies the advent of railroad logging. Ormes in turn. (1975) describes several small logging companies and narrow-gauge railroad 1. Legacies of Logging (“High- companies that operated in the vicinity Grading”) in the Late 1800s and of Tierra Amarilla, Chama, and Pagosa Early 1900s Springs from the mid 1890s through the early 1920s. To be commercially There was extensive but scattered feasible, a railroad logging operation logging activity throughout the generally had to remove nearly all ponderosa pine forests of the South merchantable trees within reach of the Central Highlands Section beginning in tracks (Pearson 1950, Whitney 1994). the late 1800s (Paulson and Baker 2006). According to the San Juan National However, most of the early logging is Forest (1962, p. 38), “Most of the not well documented in historical accessible ponderosa pine timber in the records. Much of the logging was vicinity of Pagosa Springs and south into conducted by small, local outfits, who New Mexico was railroad-logged prior left no trace of their operations except a to 1918.” DuBois (1903;9) wrote at the few stumps in the forest (Duane Smith, turn of the 20th century that “The supply personal communication). Logging in of bull pine [ponderosa pine] on the the San Juan Mountains began as early lower slopes is nearly exhausted, and as as 1875, when small sawmills were soon as it is, the sawmill men will move constructed near Silverton and Parrott on to the spruce.” City to provide lumber for mining Large-scale, commercial timber activities. The first sawmills in the operation in the western San Juan Pagosa Springs area were built in 1901 - Mountains began in 1924 when the New 1902, and sawmills operated in the Mexico Lumber Company purchased 4

68 million board feet in what was then Lumber Company operated from the called the Montezuma National Forest mid-1920s to late 1940s (Smith 1982). north of Dolores (Figure II-1), and began The forest today is construction of a large mill in McPhee as overwhelmingly dominated by relatively well as an extensive network of roads small, young trees. Eighty-four percent and railroads for hauling timber to the of stems greater than breast height are 30 mill (Mausolf 1982, Smith 1982). cm (12 in) or smaller in diameter; 94% Timber was hauled to the mill by are 40 cm (16 in) or smaller (Table II-7). railroad and also by trucks beginning in Very large trees (> 60 cm (24 in) dbh) the 1930s. By 1950, essentially all of comprise less than 1% of the population. the old growth ponderosa pine forests of Average tree size in the entire study area this region had been liquidated. Heavy today is only about 20 cm (8 in), logging of ponderosa pine stands in the whereas the average diameter of stumps and Pine River Districts of in the Plateau Creek study area (located the San Juan National Forest occurred within the westside pine zone) is 68 cm between 1935 and 1955 (San Juan (27 in) (Table II-6). National Forest 1962, p. 38). Almost 90% of sampled trees In sum, it appears that nearly all were 90 years old or less; 94 % were 110 of the accessible ponderosa pine forests years old or less (Table II-8). Trees that were affected by the logging operations germinated prior to 1870 (>120 years of the late 1800s and the first half of the old today) comprise less than 4% of the 20th century. This early logging usually population. (These are ages at breast involved “high-grading”, i.e., selectively height that were collected in the late removing the highest quality trees 1970s and 1980s, so the trees actually (generally the large, old-growth trees) are 10-20 years older than the numbers and leaving the smaller individuals or indicate.) For comparison, Table II-9 species of lesser monetary value. contains the age class distribution of Consequently, unlogged, old-growth ponderosa pine in the lower Hermosa ponderosa pine stands today are very drainage, near Durango, Colorado, few in number, and nearly all are in which has never been logged (but which locations where it was physically has been subjected to fire suppression). impossible or uneconomic to log. The Hermosa site contains a wide spread of tree ages, including many trees >300 Direct Effects of Early High- years old. Presumably the westside pine Grade Logging: zone had a similar age-class distribution prior to the heavy logging that began in The most obvious effect of the the 1920s. early logging of ponderosa pine forests Not only are the very large trees is the general lack of large, old trees and scarce in the westside pine zone today, snags in these forests today. Tables II-7 they are gradually disappearing through and II-8 summarize the current size and natural mortality. The diameters of trees age class distributions of ponderosa pine that had died within the past five years at in the westside pine zone, based on RIS the time when stand exams were made data from the San Juan National Forest. were compared to the diameters of living This180,000-acre area north of Dolores, trees in the study area. The ratio of Colorado, is where the Montezuma percent recently died to percent live trees

69 ------

Table II-7. Size class distribution of ponderosa pine trees in the 180,000 acre westside pine zone of the San Juan National Forest as of 1994. Data from RIS files, San Juan National Forest.

Diameter Class Cumulative % of Trees of (inches at breast height) Trees / acre This Size or Smaller < breast height 27 21 1 - 4 23 40 4 - 8 32 65 8 - 12 24 84 12- 16 13 94 16 - 20 5 98 20 - 24 2 99 24 + < 1 100

Table II-8. Age class distribution of ponderosa pine trees in the 180,000 acre westside pine zone of the San Juan National Forest as of 1994. Data from RIS files, San Juan National Forest.

Age Class Frequency Cumulative % of Trees of (years at breast height) (% of all trees sampled) This Age or Younger 1 - 10 1 1 10 - 20 1 2 20 - 30 2 4 30 - 40 8 12 40 - 50 14 26 50 - 60 21 47 60 - 70 24 71 70 - 80 13 84 80 - 90 5 89 90 - 100 3 92 100 - 110 2 94 110 - 120 2 96 120 + 4 100


reveals that there is a disproportionate middle range of size classes (30 – 60 cm mortality occurring in the very small and (12 - 24 in)) are dying at lower rates than very large size classes; i.e., they are would be predicted by their abundance dying in greater numbers than would be alone. This pattern is to be expected, predicted solely on the basis of their since the middle-sized trees are around abundance (Table II-10). Trees in the 100 years old, at their prime; the smaller

70 trees are subject to suppression by larger among early high-grade logging, trees; and many of the very large trees grazing, fire exclusion, some unique are approaching their maximum life climatic events in the early 20th century, spans. and the forest management that has been The scarcity of large, old trees in practiced in these forests since about the westside pine zone today is due 1950. These interactions, and the primarily to the intensive logging of the current conditions in ponderosa pine early 20th century. However, the forests of the South Central Highlands abundance of 50-80 year old trees is the Section, are discussed below. result of a complex of interactions


Table II-9. Age class distribution of canopy trees in the Hermosa area north of Durango, CO, in 1993. This area has never been logged, though fires have been suppressed.

Age Class Cumulative % of Trees of (years at breast height) Trees / ha This Age or Younger 1 - 20 0 0 20 - 40 0.5 1 40 - 60 1.0 3 60 - 80 6.0 17 80 - 100 7.5 33 100 - 120 1.0 36 120 - 140 2.0 40 140 - 160 6.0 53 160 - 180 8.5 72 180 - 200 4.5 82 200 - 220 1.5 86 220 - 240 2.0 90 240 - 260 1.0 92 260 - 280 0.5 93 280 - 300 1.0 96 300 + 2.0 100


Indirect Effects of Early many sizes (including very large) and Logging: multiple canopy layers. This homogeneous forest structure provides Many or even most of the good habitat for some wildlife species, ponderosa pine forests throughout the e.g., turkey, elk, and deer. However, South Central Highlands Section today many of the species that could have a dense canopy of similar-sized and potentially inhabit the area probably are similar-aged pine. Only in a few places absent, or at unusually low densities does one find pine stands with trees of because of unsuitable habitat. For

71 example, many species of cavity-nesting herbaceous plant species probably are birds do best in old stands containing greatly reduced in numbers or even large ponderosa pine or Douglas-fir locally extirpated because they cannot trees. There are only a few threatened or tolerate the shade and deep organic litter endangered plant species in the on the forest floor of the extensive, ponderosa pine forests of the South homogeneous ponderosa pine forests Central Highlands Section, but many that now dominate these areas.


Table II-10. Ratio of the density of recently dead trees to the density of living trees of different size classes in the 180,000 acre westside pine zone of the San Juan National Forest as of 1994. Data from RIS files, San Juan National Forest

Diameter Class Ratio: Dead Trees / Acre (inches at breast height) Live Trees / Acre 1 - 4 1.7 4 - 8 1.5 8 - 12 0.4 12- 16 0.2 16 - 20 0.2 20 - 24 0.2 24 - 28 0.8 28 - 32 1.1 32 - 36 0.9


An important component of cavity nesters, ranging from 10 in (25 forest wildlife habitat that can be cm) (Reynolds et al. 1985) to 20 in (50 quantified with existing data is the cm) (Horton and Mannan 1988; also see availability of nesting sites for cavity- Scott 1978,Cunningham et al. 1980). nesting birds. Secondary cavity nesters Minimum recommended densities of (birds that cannot excavate their own snags range from 1.73 - 2.68 snags/acre holes, so must nest in natural cavities or (Balda 1975) to 5.2 snags/acre holes created by woodpeckers and other (Cunningham et al. 1980; also see Scott primary cavity nesters) make up 1978, 1979). It has been suggested approximately one-third of breeding bird recently that these recommended species in ponderosa pine forests, and densities are higher than actually existed may comprise 40 - 55 % of all breeding prior to the era of fire exclusion in pairs. Examples of birds that depend ponderosa pine forests, and higher than heavily on snags include the violet- is really necessary to maintain functional green swallow, pygmy nuthatch, western communities; research is underway to bluebird, and mountain chickadee (Balda better characterize snag requirements 1975). Researchers have recommended and snag dynamics. Nevertheless, we minimum suitable tree diameters for

72 based this assessment on the current live trees with broken tops (which recommendations for snag densities. usually are not included in snag We determined the availability of densities), we found that the availability snags within the westside pine zone, of cavity-nesting trees in the westside north of Dolores, Colorado, where pine zone is well below any industrial-scale logging occurred in the recommended level (Table II-11). Live 1920s - 1940s (described above), using trees >25 cm (10 in) dbh with broken RIS data from the San Juan National tops were found to be only 0.1 tree/acre; Forest. Three classes of trees that could soft snags >25 cm (10 in) dbh were 0.3 provide cavity-nesting habitat were: stems/acre; and hard snags >25 cm (10 large living trees with broken tops, large in) dbh were 0.04 stems/acre. These hard snags (i.e., undecomposed standing results indicate that all classes of cavity- dead stems), and large soft snags nesting trees combined, amount to only (partially decomposed standing dead 0.44 stems/ha in the westside pine zone - trees). Using even the lowest - compared to recommended densities of recommendations for suitable tree at least 1.73 snags/acre. diameter and snag density, and including


Table II-11. Availability of snags in the 180,000 acre westside pine zone of the San Juan National Forest as of 1994 (data from RIS files, San Juan National Forest). Recommended snag densities are from the literature (see text).

Snag Category Snags / Acre Snags > 10 inches dbh with broken tops 0.1 Soft (decayed) snags > 10 inches dbh 0.3 Hard snags (not decayed) > 10 inches dbh 0.04

Total snags (all categories) 0.44 Minimum recommended snag density (all categories) 1.73


The scarcity of cavity nesting ponderosa pine forests in the region; see sites in these forests suggests that bird below). There is some evidence that populations are probably well below the woodpecker predation can retard or even numbers that may have been sustained prevent mountain pine beetle outbreaks. during the period of indigenous Studies also have shown that predation settlement. This is significant not only by small insect-eating birds, such as in relation to the aesthetic pleasures of warblers, can substantially reduce seeing and hearing wild birds, but also in populations of plant-injuring insects. In relation to overall forest health. the ponderosa pine forests studied by Woodpeckers, for example, are primary Balda (1975) in northern Arizona, 81% cavity nesters, and one of their preferred of the secondary cavity nesting species foods is bark beetles (a current threat to were insectivorous, and many fed on

73 insects not only in summer but also good nesting conditions. These ideas are throughout the winter when some insect developed more fully in Chapter VII. populations may be especially vulnerable to predation. Thus, the lack 2. Legacies of Excessive Livestock of snags in ponderosa pine forests of the Grazing in the Late 1800s and South Central Highlands Section may Early 1900s interact with other current stand conditions (tree density and fire Fleischner (1994;630) writes that exclusion; see below) to impair the “Livestock grazing is the most natural regulation of insect populations widespread influence on native and increase the risk of devastating ecosystems of western North America.” insect outbreaks. Since almost no areas escaped heavy Another indirect effect of early livestock grazing in the late 1800s and logging in ponderosa pine forests is early 1900s, we have no good reference related to present-day timber supplies. areas against which to measure specific Large diameter, high-quality saw logs effects and legacies of early, are becoming increasingly scarce in uncontrolled grazing. The few ungrazed southwestern Colorado, and throughout sites that have been found in the the west. Given current ecological and southwest usually are rugged, socio-political conditions, it seems inaccessible, and small in extent -- and unlikely that such material will become therefore not representative of the pre- much more available for a long time. At grazing landscape as a whole. It is the same time, we have excessive difficult, therefore, to reconstruct the quantities of small diameter material structure, composition, and dynamics of (anonymous, undated report entitled herbaceous plant communities in the “Changing conditions in southwestern South Central Highlands Section prior to forests and implications on land the arrival of great numbers of sheep and stewardship,” USDA Forest Service, cattle in the late 1800s, or to quantify the Southwestern Region). There is a great changes brought about by early livestock need and opportunity now to create new grazing. It is also difficult to disentangle technologies and markets that can make the specific effects of grazing from use of these smaller diameter logs, as effects of fire exclusion and climatic described below. variability, since, as Leopold (1924) The legacy of early high-grade observed early on, all of these logging will be with us for a long time. influencing agents have been operating One cannot quickly re-grow large, old together and have interacted with one trees and snags. The best means now another to produce the conditions that available for increasing the availability we see today. of suitable nesting cavities for birds and Nevertheless, we do know that bats probably is to (i) protect existing the impact of early grazing on snags and large trees from damage by herbaceous plant communities fire, logging, and firewood gathering, throughout the west was substantial and (ii) increase the numbers of very (Fleischner 1994, Belsky and large trees. As these large trees Blumenthal 1997). Since those early gradually age and die, they will create days, livestock have been regulated on the public lands, and techniques of

74 sustainable grazing have been developed The ecological effects of Native for both public and private lands; indeed, Americans’ and early Hispanic settlers’ grazing can be a valuable tool of land livestock in ponderosa pine forests of the stewardship when conducted wisely South Central Highlands Section may (Knight 2002, White 2008). However, have been locally intense, but they many of the legacies of the uncontrolled apparently did not affect all of the grazing that occurred in the late 1800s forests in the region. Ubiquitous and early 1900s are with us still. impacts of heavy livestock grazing were not felt until the 1870s and 1880s, when Timing and Intensity of Early Anglo settlers began to arrive in Livestock Grazing: increasing numbers (Savage 1991). Development of railroads also facilitated Tewa Puebloan people may have rapid increases in numbers of livestock. had livestock in portions of the Jemez Denevan (1967;696) reports that the and Nacimiento Mountains (Figure I-1) number of sheep in New Mexico rose as early as the late 1600s, though this is from several hundred thousand to 4 - 5 not yet well documented (Touchan et al. million in the 1880s. In the northern 1996). However, it is fairly certain that portions of the South Central Highlands Hispanic settlers were grazing animals Section (e.g., the San Juan National by the mid-1700s or even earlier in other Forest and Uncompahgre Plateau), major portions of the Jemez and Nacimiento effects of livestock grazing began in the Ranges (Cerro Pedernal site, Touchan et 1870s and 1880s. al. 1996). The Navajo people began Cattlemen arrived in the Dolores grazing sheep and goats as early as the River valley in the mid-1870s and were mid-1700s in the Chuska Mountains of the first homesteaders in that area northwestern New Mexico and (Dishman 1982). Charles Goodnight northeastern Arizona (Savage 1991) and brought some 1500 head of cattle to the in portions of the Jemez and Nacimiento Pagosa Junction area in 1875; the Pine - Ranges (Continental Divide site, Vallecito River country began to be Touchan et al. 1996). Prior to the Civil settled by ranchers in the late 1870s; , there were more livestock, mainly ranches were established in Montezuma sheep, in the upper Rio Grande region of County beginning in 1878; and cattle New Mexico than anywhere else in the were brought into the Florida - Pine southwest (Denevan 1967). Exact River areas in 1879 (Anonymous, Forest numbers of grazing animals in any History, Volume 1). The first ranches in particular area prior to the late 1800s are the Uncompahgre country were unknown, but they apparently were high established in the late 1870s but at some times and in some places. livestock grazing began to increase According to one estimate, there were rapidly after expulsion of the Ute people half a million sheep on the Navajo in 1881; by 1890 there were reported to Reservation in 1846 (Savage 1991;281). be 30,000 cattle in the Norwood area Ponderosa pine forests may have been (Rockwell 1999;74). Ralph Shaw, a favored locations for grazing sheep and Forest Ranger from 1907 - 1920, other livestock, because they offered reported that there were several large excellent pasturage, water, and isolation herds of 10,000 or more head, as well as from raiders (Savage 1991). numerous smaller herds up to 5,000

75 animals in the San Juan Mountain animals being herded by Hispanic country during the 1880s and 1890s people may have been either (Anonymous, Forest History, Volume downplayed or exaggerated 1). Evidently the major livestock in significantly, depending on the particular most of the San Juan Mountains and conclusions being advanced by the Uncompahgre Plateau in the late 1800s writer. were cattle. Sheep were not abundant in The early grazing was largely the Dolores area until after 1900 unregulated, and soon became excessive (Dishman 1982) or on the Uncompahgre in many areas (Dishman 1982). Range Plateau until 1915 (Rockwell 1999;55). conditions reportedly began DuBois (1903) indicates that cattle were deteriorating in the 1890s (Rockwell the major grazers in ponderosa pine 1999;53), and this degradation forests, at least in the area around Pagosa accelerated over extensive areas between Springs, and that sheep were grazed 1904 and 1920 (Anonymous, Forest primarily at the higher elevations in History, Volume 1). At the beginning, summer and below the forest zone in in the 1880s, a quarter-section of winter. grassland was thought sufficient to Heavy livestock grazing support five or six head of cattle; as continued into the 20th century. As individual sites became overgrazed, homesteads occupied more and more of cattlemen simply found new unexploited the productive river bottom lands, grassland areas for their animals. stockmen made more extensive use of However, a shortage of grazing lands upland forests and meadows in the was reported in the Dolores Valley area national forests. DuBois (1903;11) as early as the late 1880s and 1890s, due estimated that 268,000 sheep were being to homesteading and overgrazing. Sheep grazed in the San Juan Mountains, were introduced in the Dolores country ranging from the foothills to the crest of around 1910, in part because “sheep the range over the course of a summer could graze on winter ranges and season. He also estimated 19,160 cattle depleted grasslands that could no longer in the country around Pagosa Springs support cattle (Dishman 1982;32). In and upper Rio Grande valley (DuBois 1903, DuBois (1903;8) wrote: 1903;17). In 1931, there were reported “Although at present sheep raising to be 19,000 cattle and 149,000 sheep brings more money into the country than grazing on the Montezuma and San Juan any of the others [industries], unless National Forests (Anonymous, Forest regulated it will soon destroy the History, Volume 1). However, all of the summer range and have to be given commentators of the time emphasized up....” DuBois (1903;17) also described the difficulty of obtaining accurate 11 out of 31 valleys as either “plainly estimates of the total number of overstocked” or “showing signs of livestock in the area, due to inadequate overstocking” with cattle. record-keeping by officials and the number and diversity of livestock Ecological Impacts of Early operators. Also, because of an obvious Heavy Livestock Grazing: bias against Hispanic sheepherders on the part of the predominantly Anglo What were the specific writers of the time, the number of ecological effects of early livestock

76 grazing in ponderosa pine forests of the and tree saplings) on the ungrazed South Central Highlands Section? We mesas, but only sparsely represented in will never know fully. However, we can the woody-dominated understory of the gain some insights from the grazed area. Grazing did not appear to commentaries of people who were have completely extirpated any present at the time. DuBois (1903;11) herbaceous species, although at least one wrote of early cattle grazing: “In low species (Muhlenbergia montana, a gulches and flats where large herds of warm-season bunchgrass) was present in cattle have been ranged year after year, the grazed area only in a spot where the bunch grass is pulled up by the roots grazing pressure was lighter than in the and gradually dies out. On overstocked area as a whole. cow ranges the white roots of In an earlier study, Rummell bunchgrass can be seen all over the (1951) compared the herbaceous plant ground.” He goes on to say that cattle communities in open ponderosa pine grazing has had little impact on the forests growing on two small basalt vegetation of high-elevation forests, but mesas in central Washington. Both were “In the pine type, where the range is dominated by unlogged ponderosa pine blue-stem grass, cattle do good [enhance forest, but one had been heavily grazed tree reproduction] by keeping down the for 40 years while the other was grass and preparing a seedbed. They ungrazed. Total percent ground cover in never touch pine seedlings.” (DuBois the grazed forest was less than half the 1903;18). cover in the ungrazed forest. Species Even though comparisons of richness was 1/3 greater in the ungrazed grazed areas with ungrazed relict areas forest, and a dense growth of graminoids are not ideal, since the ungrazed areas (especially Calamagrostis rubescens and usually are at least somewhat different Carex geyeri) created a distinctive from the grazed areas in terms of hummock type of vegetation in portions environment and history, these kinds of of the ungrazed forest that was not comparisons provide some our only present in the grazed forest. Total current opportunities to elucidate graminoid cover and biomass in the grazing-induced changes (Belsky and grazed forest were less than one-third the Blumenthal 1997, Paulson and Baker cover and biomass in the ungrazed 2006). Madany and West (1983) studied forest. Arnold (1950) observed similar two small, inaccessible mesas in compositional differences in grazed and southern Utah that had never been ungrazed (exclosures) ponderosa pine grazed, and compared them with an forests near Flagstaff, Arizona. The extensive plateau area nearby that had a plants most sensitive to grazing were long history of livestock grazing. All highly palatable bunchgrasses three study areas were at comparable (Muhlenbergia montana, Festuca elevations and supported forests of arizonica, Poa fendleriana, and ponderosa pine with Gambel oak Blepharoneuron tricholepis); these understory. Cover of graminoids and decreased rapidly under heavy grazing. forbs combined was 49% on the Grasses that were more resistant to ungrazed mesas but only 5% in the grazing (e.g. Boutelous gracilis, Sitanion grazed area. Herbaceous plants were co- hystrix Sporobolus interruptus, Aristida dominant with the woody plants (shrubs fendleri, and A. arizonica), as well as

77 several unpalatable perennials and Mountains (Touchan et al. 1996), and in weeds, increased in importance as the the 1830s in the Chuska Mountains of bunchgrasses declined under continual northwestern New Mexico and grazing pressure. northeastern Arizona (Savage and In sum, heavy livestock grazing, Swetnam 1990, Savage 1991). Also, especially that which occurred in the late reduced fire frequency was not apparent 1800s and early 1900s, has left a long- until much later -- the middle of the lasting legacy of altered plant 20th century -- in isolated portions of El community composition in ponderosa Malpais in west-central New Mexico pine forests throughout the South (Grissino-Mayer 1995). Despite these Central Highlands Section. Some highly exceptions, however, most ponderosa palatable species, such as the pine forests of the southwest -- including bunchgrasses Muhlenbergia montana the South Central Highlands Section -- and Festuca arizona, may have been experienced a sudden and remarkably locally extirpated from many stands, and synchronous alteration of fire regimes in the relative abundance of surviving the latter part of the 19th century species has been drastically altered. (Covington and Moore 1994, Swetnam Grazing, along with fire exclusion and and Baisan 1996). some climatic events (see below), led to Small fires continued well into a shift from dominance or co-dominance the 20th century in many areas, of herbs in the ground layer of indicating that lightning and humans ponderosa pine forests to an were still igniting fires. The major overwhelming dominance of woody change, however, was that these fires vegetation (shrubs and tree saplings) in were nearly all very small. The many areas. We may never know the extensive fires of the previous centuries pre-grazing composition of many were no longer a part of the landscape. ponderosa pine forests, though we can For example, we documented a few make some reasonable guesses (see wildfires in the 20th century in several below). One more key legacy of early, of our study sites in the San Juan heavy livestock grazing is the virtual National Forest, as well as a prescribed elimination of low-severity surface fire fire within the last decade at the as a dominant ecological process in Hermosa site (Figures II-1 and II-2). ponderosa pine forests of the southwest. However, none of these fires was This effect is described in the next extensive, and the intervals between section. even these small fires have been significantly longer than the intervals 3. Legacies of Fire Exclusion between extensive fires during the reference period. Over most of the The formerly frequent ponderosa pine zone in the South Central occurrence of widespread, low-intensity Highlands Section, there were no fire ended abruptly around 1880 in most extensive fires in over 100 years -- prior ponderosa pine forests throughout the to the Cerro Grande fire in 2000, and the Southwest (Swetnam and Baisan 1996). Missionary Ridge, Million, and Burned A dramatic reduction in fire frequency Canyon fires of 2002. occurred earlier in some areas, e.g. in the What caused this abrupt mid-1700s in portions of Jemez cessation of formerly frequent and

78 extensive fires in ponderosa pine forests fires were a threat to the forests. We of the southwest? It was not Smoky now know that by suppressing all fires Bear, because organized and effective we simply created the potential for even fire control programs were not instituted more severe fires in the future over large areas until well into the 20th (Covington and Moore 1994). century (Pyne 1982). The current When fires occur today in consensus among researchers is that the ponderosa pine forests, they sometimes single most important cause of the initial are much hotter and destructive than alteration of fire regimes in the they were before 1880, because of the southwest was the introduction of large great quantities of dead pine needles, herds of livestock by Euro-American branches, and other heavy fuels that settlers. The animals grazed off the have accumulated during 100+ years grasses and herbs that formerly carried without fire. Cooper (1960) determined light fires through the forest. Lightning from early written accounts and and humans still started fires, but they interviews with “old-timers” that crown could not spread across bare ground. fires were rare in Arizona ponderosa Throughout most of the southwest pine forests before the turn of the 20th region, the cessation of frequent, century. However, several recent fires in extensive fires coincided with the arrival ponderosa pine forest have been of large herds of cattle and sheep in the destructive crown fires. Fires of the late 1800s (Swetnam and Baisan 1996). intensity and extent of some recent burns In those areas where livestock grazing probably are unprecedented when began earlier than the late 1800s, e.g., in compared to fire behaviors during the portions of the Jemez and Chuska reference period. For example, portions Mountains, fire frequencies in ponderosa of the 2000 Cerro Grande and 2002 pine forests also decreased at about the Missionary Ridge fires may have been same time (Touchan et al. 1996, Savage unprecedented with respect to the size of and Swetnam 1990, Savage 1991). Well patches of high-severity burn -- though into the 20th century, heavy grazing was other portions of the Cerro Grande and seen as a tool for reducing fire danger in Missionary Ridge fires burned in a southwestern forests (e.g., Leopold manner similar to pre-1870 fires. 1924). Savage and Mast (2005) sampled Grazing began to be regulated ponderosa pine forests in Arizona and more effectively on federal lands New Mexico that had burned as crown beginning in the 1930s (e.g., with the fires in the late 1940s through mid Taylor grazing act of 1934), but by this 1970s, and found that most of these time the Forest Service was developing areas were either regenerating as dense an effective fire suppression capability. ponderosa pine stands (vulnerable to The “10 am policy”, which sought to another stand-replacing fire) or had been control any wildfire by 10 am the next converted at least temporarily to non- morning after it was discovered, was forested grass or shrub communities. introduced in the late 1930s (Pyne Fires also are becoming 1982). In retrospect, it now appears that increasingly difficult to control. Indeed, it was a mistake to put out all of the fires wildfire statistics show that over the last in ponderosa pine forests, but at that decade the amount of acreage burned time it was commonly believed that all each year on national forests in New

79 Mexico and Arizona has been steadily (Covington and Moore 1994). This rising -- despite continued, aggressive early 20th century age class dominates fire suppression (Moir et al. 1997). This many ponderosa pine forests today is due in part to the dry summers we (Table II-8), and is conspicuous even in have experienced recently, but another the rare stands that have never been important reason is the fuel conditions logged (e.g., Table II-9). At about the that now exist in many ponderosa pine same time that this “irruption” of young forests (Covington and Moore 1994). A trees (Covington and Moore 1994) was more recent analysis by Westerling et al. occurring, the older trees were being (2006) reveals a dramatic increase in the removed by high-grade logging. Thus, frequency of large fires since the mid- many or even most of the ponderosa 1980s throughout the western U.S. This pine forest stands present today in the increase is associated with earlier South Central highlands Section have a springs, earlier snow-melt, and longer relatively uniform stand structure: they fire seasons, and may be a harbinger of tend to be relatively dense, most of the what the future holds with global climate trees are small to medium sized, and change. Thus, the issue of fuel most are 70 - 100 years old (e.g., Table conditions in ponderosa pine forests of II-12). In two of the stands where we the South Central Highlands Section sampled density and dispersion of (and elsewhere) is even more pressing as stumps to reconstruct the canopy we anticipate ever more fires in the structure of pre-1900 forests -- Five Pine future. Canyon and Plateau Creek (Tables II-1 Thus, an important legacy of the and II-6) -- the current canopy tree last century of human activity is the density is about seven times greater than absence of what was once a key before 1900. The strong clumping ecological process -- fire. Ironically, the pattern of the forests during the ponderosa pine forests of the South reference period also has been largely Central Highlands Section, which were lost in today’s dense stands. Trees that profoundly shaped by an environment established after 1900 have filled in containing frequent fire, are now many of the former open spaces between seriously at risk from uncontrollable and clumps, and the trees are thicker in the damaging wildfires. areas of the former clumps as well. In addition to the changes just 4. Interactions: Logging, Grazing, Fire, described for ponderosa pine forests Climate, and Today’s Forests subjected to grazing, logging, and fire exclusion in the late 19th and early 20th A unique combination of centuries, ponderosa pine has expanded historical events -- the elimination of into grasslands and shrublands in many extensive fires, removal of grass areas during the past hundred years. In competition by livestock, and periods of an analysis of 146 pairs of historic and unusually wet weather coinciding with modern photographs, Zier and Baker good cone crops -- all came together in (2006) found that in about of half the the early decades of the 20th century, photos showing an ecotone between and allowed an abundant cohort of ponderosa pine forest and either ponderosa pine seedlings to become grassland or shrubland, the forest edge established throughout the Southwest had moved outward during the period

80 between photos. Some of this forest - suggesting that climate changes during expansion was probably due to effects of the 20th century were a major grazing and fire exclusion, but it was mechanism driving the expansion of seen even in locations where grazing and ponderosa pine forests (Zier and Baker fire exclusion were likely minor factors - 2006).


Table II-12. Age class distribution of canopy ponderosa pine trees in the Plateau Creek study site (Table II-1) in 1994. This 0.25-ha stand was heavily logged between 1924 and 1948.

Decade of Germination Trees / Hectare % of Total Trees 1830 10 1840 10 1850 20 1860 20 14 1870 10 1880 10 1890 10 1900 270 1910 80 1920 90 83 1930 80 1940 20 3 Total 630 100


Forest management in many forests covering much of the South areas since about 1950 has emphasized Central Highlands Section today are at selective logging of these ponderosa risk. pine forests that are developing after the One consequence of the high unique historical events of the early density and small tree size of many 1900s. By continually removing the ponderosa pine stands is that the forests larger trees as they enter the saw-timber are vulnerable to outbreaks of insects size classes, current management in and disease. The most serious threat is many areas tends to perpetuate a stand the mountain pine beetle, which has structure of relatively homogeneous, experienced dramatic outbreaks small, dense trees, a sparse herb stratum, elsewhere in the west in recent years and a thick organic litter layer on the (Schmid and Mata 1996, Bentz et al. forest floor. This strategy may 2009, Raffa et al. 2008). In the 180,000- maximize wood fiber production, and acre westside pine zone of the San Juan the resultant forests are aesthetically National Forest, nearly 40,000 acres appealing to many people, but there is a (41% of the lands that were inventoried) growing sense that the ponderosa pine recently were rated at moderate or high

81 risk for a major mountain pine beetle and Raimo 1994:6). The risk rating is outbreak (Angwin and Raimo 1994:5). based primarily on stand density and tree Some 58,000 acres (59 % of inventoried diameter; dense stands of small trees lands) were rated at low risk (Table II- usually receive a relatively high rating 13). However, Angwin and Raimo because the trees are under stress and (1994) emphasized that their method, therefore vulnerable to attack by the developed originally for the Black Hills beetles. The lack of snags and suitable region in South Dakota, probably habitat for cavity-nesting birds and bats underestimates actual beetle risk. A may also be holding populations of second, less intensive, inventory insectivores at abnormally low levels, conducted in 1994 suggested that most thereby increasing the likelihood of of the study area actually may be in the outbreaks. moderate to high risk category (Angwin


Table II-13. Mountain pine beetle risk in the 180,000 acre westside pine zone of the San Juan National Forest, based on stand structure, as of 1994 (data from Angwin and Raimo 1994).

Risk Rating Number of Acres Low Risk 57,000 Moderate Risk 31,000 High Risk 8,000 Not Inventoried 19,000 Total 115,000


The forests also are at risk of built in ponderosa pine forests on private uncontrollable, destructive wildfires. As lands adjacent to National Forest lands described above, fuel loads appear to be (Theobald and Romme 2007). The substantially higher in many stands than heightened risk of destructive forest fire they would have been before 1870, in ponderosa pine forests of the South because of the lack of recent, extensive Central highlands was brought home to fires. The fuels are comprised of un- local residents during the severe fire decomposed litter and duff on the forest seasons of 2000 (e.g., Cerro Grande fire) floor, as well as the closely-spaced and 2002 (e.g., Missionary Ridge and crowns of trees and shrubs. If fires are Million fires). ignited today under dry weather A final concern about the current conditions, there is a greater probability age and size class structure of ponderosa of the fire burning the canopy and pine forests in the South Central inflicting significant tree damage and Highlands Section has to do with pine mortality than was usual in pre-1870 regeneration -- or lack thereof. In the fires. The risk of personal property loss westside pine zone of the San Juan is also rising as expensive homes are National Forest, less than about 20% of

82 the pine stands for which data are not well understood, but they probably available have adequate regeneration involve seedling suppression by the (defined as 50+ trees/acre with dbh less thick organic layer on the forest floor, than or equal to 2 inches (5 cm)). competition from oak and other Regeneration of pine in pine-oak stands perennial plants (Harrington 1985, has been a problem throughout southern 1987), and possibly poor seed crops or Colorado, since the early years of the drought in the years after good seed 20th century (e.g., DuBois 1903). The crops. reasons why pine regenerates poorly are


Ponderosa pine forests are found included a component of high-severity at lower to middle elevations throughout fire. Major fire years in the South the South Central Highlands Section. Central Highlands Section, as in the Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa var. Southwest, usually occurred when one to scopulorum) is the major canopy three very wet El Niño years -- in which species, often with Gambel oak abundant fine fuels were produced -- (Quercus gambelii) dominating the were followed by a very dry La Niña understory. Many ponderosa pine year -- when the accumulated fine fuels forests were composed historically of dried out and carried extensive fires. open stands of large trees, but denser Approximately half of documented fires stands also were present. Pre-1900 before 1900 in the San Juan Mountains canopy densities and basal areas in open burned in the summer season, and half stands in the San Juan Mountains and burned in dormant seasons (spring or Uncompahre Plateau were generally fall). However, in the years with very higher than in ponderosa pine forests of extensive fires (e.g., 1748, 1820, 1851, northern Arizona. Trees typically grew and 1879), fires apparently burned all in clumps interspersed with open areas, summer long. and there was wide variation in the size After about 1870 (earlier in some of clumps and open areas. places), most of the ponderosa pine The most important natural forests in the region were altered disturbance process in ponderosa pine dramatically by livestock grazing, forests prior to Euro-American logging, and fire suppression by Euro- settlement was fire; other natural American settlers. By the mid-20th disturbances included various tree- century, nearly all of the old growth killing insects (notably bark beetles), ponderosa pine forests of this region had pathogens, and parasites. Located been liquidated. Consequently, geographically between the Southwest unlogged, old-growth ponderosa pine and the Colorado Front Range, historical stands today are very few in number. fire regimes of ponderosa pine forests in The most obvious legacy of the early the South Central Highlands Section logging of ponderosa pine forests is the were intermediate between the general lack of large, old trees and snags Southwestern model of frequent, low- in these forests today; most stands are severity fires and the variable-severity dominated by relatively small, young model of the Front Range which trees. Early livestock grazing was

83 largely unregulated, and range lands beginning in the 1930s, but by this conditions began deteriorating as early time the Forest Service was developing as the 1890s. As a result, some highly an effective fire suppression capability. palatable species, such as the Over most of the ponderosa pine zone in bunchgrasses Muhlenbergia montana the South Central Highlands Section, and Festuca arizona, may have been there were no extensive fires throughout locally extirpated from many stands, and the 20th century. When fires occur the relative abundance of surviving today in ponderosa pine forests, they species has been drastically altered. sometimes are more severe than before Heavy livestock grazing also disrupted 1900, in part because of the greater fuels the historical fire regime as the animals that have accumulated during 100+ years removed the grasses and herbs that without fire. Earlier springs, earlier formerly carried light fires through the snow-melt, and longer fire seasons since forest. Lightning and humans still the mid-1980s also have contributed to started fires, but they could not spread larger and more severe fires in across bare ground. Grazing began to be ponderosa pine and other vegetation regulated more effectively on federal types throughout the West.


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William H. Romme, M. Lisa Floyd, David Hanna, Jeffery S. Redders, J.Page Lindsey


Forests at the highest elevations snowfall is generally reduced by a rain in the South Central Highlands Section shadow effect, some stands lack the are dominated by Engelmann spruce subalpine fir component (e.g., in the (Picea engelmannii) and subalpine fir vicinity of Creede, CO). These stands (Abies lasiocarpa). The taxonomic may be pure Engelmann spruce, a mix of status of the fir in this region is Engelmann spruce and bristlecone pine somewhat problematic: one can find (Pinus aristata), or even pure bristlecone individuals that look like the corkbark fir pine on very dry sites. On the west side (Abies lasiocarpa var. arizonica) of New of the continental divide, nearly all Mexico and Arizona, others that stands contain both spruce and fir, and resemble Abies lasiocarpa var. bristlecone pine is rare or absent. lasiocarpa of northern Colorado and the Throughout the South Central Highlands northern Rocky Mountains, and still Section, however, fir gradually becomes others that appear intermediate between less abundant as one approaches upper these two forms. Because the San Juan timberline, such that stands just below Mountains are at the boundary between timberline tend to be predominantly the two varieties of subalpine fir, spruce (Alexander 1974). On warmer, apparently both grow here and probably drier sites at lower elevations, a warm- interbreed as well. In this report, we dry phase of spruce-fir forest can be refer simply to A. lasiocarpa (or A. recognized where species from the bifolia Murray, as recommended in the mixed conifer zone, especially Douglas- new Flora of North America). fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and white fir Spruce-fir forests are the coldest (), grow alongside and wettest forest type in the South Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir. Central Highlands Section, occurring at Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) elevations of 2,720 – 3,580 m. They are also occurs in many places throughout associated with the subalpine climatic the spruce-fir forest type. zone, the cryic soil temperature regime, Near alpine timberline, spruce and the udic soil moisture regime. and fir typically grow sparsely, and often Spruce-fir forests cover a large in a stunted, wind-shaped growth form portion of the high slopes, ridges, and called krummholz. A recent study using valleys of the South Central Highlands repeat photography documented some Section, and because of underlying 20th-century establishment of spruce and environmental variation throughout this fir in areas above the previous extensive habitat, the forests are quite timberline, though overall the magnitude variable in composition and structure of change was small (Zier and Baker (DeVelice et al. 1986, Spencer and 2006). Romme 1996). On the eastern side of The ground layer vegetation also the continental divide, where winter is highly variable throughout the spruce-

92 fir forest type. A rich mixture of parviflorum, Sambucus microbotrys, and mesophytic herbs (e.g., Anticlea elegans, Vaccinium myrtillus) may be present, but Aquilegia elegantula, Arnica cordifolia, composition varies among, and within, Artemisia franserioides, Bromopsis sites. Table III-1 depicts the canadensis, Carex geyeri, Erigeron composition of the ground layer in an eximius, Fragaria vesca, Geranium old-growth spruce-fir forest, growing on richardsonii, Goodyera oblongifolia, a relatively moist site at 3,300 m, in the Lathyrus leucanthus, Ligusticum porteri, central San Juan Mountains (Romme et Luzula parviflora, Maianthemum al. 1996). The canopy and understory of stellatum, Mertensia ciliata, this stand are composed almost Oreochrysum parryi, Orthilia secunda, exclusively of Engelmann spruce and Osmorhiza depauperata, Pedicularis subalpine fir, with spruce exceeding fir racemosa, Pyrola minor, and Viola in terms of both stem density and basal canadensis) and shrubs (e.g., Lonicera area (Table III-2). involucrata, Ribes montigenum, Rubacer


Table III-1. Ground layer species having at least 1 % cover, and percentage of sample plots in which each species was recorded at >1%, >5%, and >25% (n = 49), in an old- growth spruce-fir forest growing at 3,300 m near the head of Martinez Creek in the San Juan National Forest. Percent of Percent of Plots Percent of Plots Where Where Cover Plots Where Species Cover >1 % >5 % Cover >25%

Aconitum columbianum 2 0 0 Actaea rubra ssp. arguta 53 0 0 Androsace septentrionalis 2 0 0 Alnus tenuifolia 2 0 0 Aquilegia elegantula 20 0 0 Arnica cordifolia 65 2 0 Bromopsis ciliata 69 0 0 Caltha (Psychrophila)leptosepala 4 0 0 Cardamine cordifolia 16 4 0 Carex geyeri 43 0 0 Carex spp (other than C. geyeri) 33 0 0 Corydalis caseana 6 0 0 Corallorhiza maculata 2 0 0 Corallorhiza trifida 2 0 0 Delphinium barbeyi 41 10 0 Epilobium (Chamerion) angustifolium 90 0 0 Epilobium hornemannii 14 0 0 Erigeron eximius 65 20 0 Fragaria spp (americana and ovalis) 96 0 0 Galium boreale 8 0 0 Geranium richardsonii 100 12 Goodyera oblongifolia 50 0 0 Haplopappus (Oreochrysum) parryi 31 2 0

93 Heracleum (lanatum) sphondylium ssp. 10 0 0 montanum Lathyrus leucanthus 90 4 0 Ligusticum porteri 82 8 0 Listera cordata 10 0 0 Lonicera (Distegia) involucrata 98 0 0 Luzula parviflora 57 0 0 Mertensia ciliata 100 6 0 Mitella spp (pentandra and 29 0 0 stauropetala) Moneses uniflora 27 0 0 Osmorhiza obtusa (depauperata) 100 0 0 Oxypolis fendleri 29 2 0 Pedicularis racemosa 86 0 0 Polemonium occidentale 2 0 0 Potentilla pulcherrima 4 0 0 Pseudocymopterus montanus 65 0 0 Pyrola minor 76 0 0 Ranunculus inamoenus 2 0 0 Ribes montigenum 59 0 0 Ribes spp (wolfii and coloradense) 98 2 0 Rosa woodsii 2 0 0 Rubus parviflora 63 2 0 Sambucus microbotrys 14 0 0 Saxifraga odontoloma 6 0 0 Senecio triangularis 20 0 0 Smilacina racemosa (Maianthemum 2 0 0 amplexicaule) Smilacina (Maianthemum) stellata 73 0 0 Sorbus scopulina 2 0 0 Streptopus amplexifolius 86 0 0 Symphoricarpos oreophilus 20 0 0 Taraxacum officinale 33 0 0 Thalictrum spp (fendleri and 88 0 0 sparsiflorum) Vaccinium myrtillus 86 57 10 Valeriana capitata 2 0 0 Veratrum californicum (tenuipetalum) 2 0 0 Vicia americana 18 0 0 Viola spp (canadensis and adunca) 94 0 0 Zygadenus (Anticlea) elegans 57


94 Table III-2. Density, basal area, and diameter at breast height of living, standing dead, and fallen dead trees, and ages at breast height of canopy and understory trees, in an ancient forest growing at 3,300 m near the head of Martinez Creek, San Juan National Forest, Colorado. Numbers under each tree species are means, with standard deviations in parentheses and sample size indicated by n. The column titled P indicates the significance of the difference between spruce and fir, based on the Wilcoxon signed rank test for density and basal area, and on a pooled variance t-test for diameters and ages. Species were combined for density and basal area of fallen dead trees because of difficulty in identifying boles in advanced stages of decomposition.

Picea engelmannii Abies lasiocarpa P

Density of living canopy trees 201 (84) n = 49 121 (90) n = 49 0.000 (stems/ha) Density of living understory 478 (360) n = 49 328 (265) n = 49 0.024 trees (stems/ha) Density of standing dead 15 (15) n = 49 20 (24) n = 49 0.138 canopy trees (stems/ha) Density of fallen dead trees, all 204 (67) n = 49 species combined (stems/ha)

Basal area of living canopy 28.63 (13.88) n = 49 11.67 (8.33) n = 0.000 trees (m2/ha) 49 Basal area of living understory 4.51 (2.78) n = 49 3.22 (2.58) n = 49 0.019 trees (m2/ha) Basal area of standing dead 3.26 (4.03) n = 49 2.61 (2.73) n = 49 0.361 canopy trees (m2/ha) Basal area of fallen dead trees, 22.43 (11.91) n = 49 all species combined (m2/ha)

Diameter of living canopy 40 (13) n = 240 36 (11) n = 208 0.000 trees (cm) Diameter of living understory 9 (6) n = 643 9 (6) n = 1023 0.112 trees (cm) Diameter of standing dead 50 (19) n = 58 39 (11) n = 75 0.000 canopy trees (cm) Diameter of fallen dead trees 49 (19) n = 141 40 (12) n = 141 0.000 that could be identified by species (sound or in early stages of decomposition)

Age at breast height of living 157 (54) n = 67 122 (40) n = 48 0.000 canopy trees in 1994 (years) Age at breast height of living 84 (37) n = 78 89 (35) n = 43 0.425 understory trees in 1994 (yr)


High-elevation landscapes of the as stands reached the later stages of South Central Highlands Section during development, the disturbance regime of the period of indigenous settlement were individual stands was dominated by composed of intermingling spruce-fir, chronic, fine-scale processes involving aspen, cold-wet and cool-moist mixed insects, fungi, and wind, that killed conifer forests, bristlecone pine individual trees or small groups of trees woodlands, meadows, grasslands, (Veblen et al. 1989, 1991a; Lertzman willow carrs, and sparsely vegetated and Krebs 1991, Roovers and Rebertus rock fields. This assemblage of 1993, and see below). distinctive vegetation types formed a coarse-grained mosaic (scale of 10 – 1. High-Elevation Fire Regimes: General 10,000s of ha) produced in part by abiotic gradients and discontinuities in Fire Frequency and Fire Size: elevation, topography, and substrate (Peet 1981, 1988). Within the forest Fires in high-elevation forests of patches was a somewhat finer-grained the Rocky Mountains were infrequent but still relatively coarse mosaic (scale and usually very small, because late- of 1 - 1000s of ha) of successional stages lying snowpacks and frequent summer following stand-replacing fires that had rain showers kept fuels too wet to burn occurred at various times in the past throughout most of the growing season. (Patten and Stromberg 1995, Wadleigh However, in the rare dry years when and Jenkins 1996). Finally, within the weather and fuel conditions were patches of late successional conifer suitable for extensive burning, large forest, was a fine-grained mosaic (scale portions of the subalpine landscape were of 0.1 - 10s of ha) of living and dead burned in severe, stand-destroying fires. trees produced by periodic insect These infrequent but extensive lethal outbreaks. fires left a lasting imprint on the The two most important and landscape, in the form of patches of ubiquitous kinds of disturbance in high- forest undergoing succession more-or- elevation landscapes during the period of less synchronously (Romme 1982, indigenous settlement were stand- Johnson 1992, Veblen et al. 1994, destroying fire and bark beetle outbreaks Veblen 2000). (Baker and Veblen 1990, Veblen et al. We determined that the fire 1994, Veblen 2000). There also were turnover time (the average time required numerous other kinds of disturbances, to burn an area equal in size to the entire including: snow avalanches, windthrow, study area, or the average interval spruce budworm outbreaks, and a variety between successive fires at a single site) of other tree-killing insects and fungi. in a spruce-fir dominated landscape of Stand-destroying fires generally initiated the western San Juan Mountains (Figure stand development and maintained a I-1) was ca. 300 years during the relatively coarse-grained mosaic of reference period from the mid - 1700s successional stages across the subalpine through the mid - 1900s (see below). landscape. During the long intervals Many individual stands escaped fire for between fires, however, and especially many hundreds of years. Despite our

96 inability to pinpoint the exact fire fir forest once again. At the highest turnover time (because fire intervals are elevations, and in other places where commonly longer than the life spans of aspen was not present, spruce and fir individual trees), it is clear that during directly re-colonized burned sites; this the period of indigenous settlement, was a very slow process and hundreds of extensive fires were far less frequent in years were required for a forest to again the spruce-fir zone than in the forest develop under these circumstances. In zones at lower elevations. Fire history limited areas, especially in the studies in high-elevation forests northeastern portion of the South Central elsewhere in the Rocky Mountains have Highlands Section, burned forests were found similar results. Return intervals of initially colonized by lodgepole pine major, stand-destroying fires varied with (Pinus contorta var. latifolia). This is a elevation, topography, and geographic rare forest type in the South Central area -- but usually were in the hundreds Highlands Section (see chapter VI), but of years (Romme and Knight 1981, it is very common in northern Colorado Romme 1982, Baker and Veblen 1990, and the northern Rocky Mountains. The Veblen et al. 1994, Wadleigh and overall result of variability in the Jenkins 1996, Romme et al. 1996, Baker physical environment, disturbance and Kipfmueller 2001, Buechling and history, and trajectories of post- Baker 2004). In general, fire intervals disturbance succession, was a complex were longest at the highest elevations landscape mosaic of stands that each had and in moist depressions and valley a more-or-less distinctive structure and bottoms, and somewhat shorter near the composition. lower elevational border of the spruce-fir Aplet et al. (1988) described the zone and on dry slopes and ridges. general successional sequence following fire in subalpine forests of the Post-fire Succession in Spruce- central Rocky Mountains where neither Fir Forests: lodgepole pine nor aspen is an important pioneer species. Both Fire was followed by either rapid Engelmann spruce and subalpine fir or gradual re-establishment of the seedlings become established at roughly dominant tree species via seedling the same time after the fire establishment of the conifers, or root- (colonization phase). Once a closed sprouting of aspen (Stahelin 1943, canopy is formed, spruce recruitment DeByle and Winokur 1985, Johnson and drops to a very low level, but the more Fryer 1989, Veblen et al. 1991a, Little et shade-tolerant fir continues to establish al. 1994, Patten and Stromberg 1995, (spruce exclusion phase). After about Turner et al. 1997). Especially in the 300 years, the aging individuals of the lower-elevation portion of the spruce-fir pioneer tree cohorts begin to die and zone, fires often were followed by rapid canopy gaps are created. This results in development of aspen forests with a second episode of spruce recruitment, spruce and fir in the understory (see and produces a bimodal size and age Chapter IV). After several hundred distribution of spruce (spruce re- years without further disturbance, the initiation phase). If a stand escapes fire spruce and fir largely displaced the for many centuries, all of the pioneer fir aspen and created a nearly pure spruce- and spruce will die and the forest will

97 be comprised entirely of individuals Although several studies have that became established beneath the documented fire history in southwestern canopy (second generation spruce-fir ponderosa pine forests, there have been forest phase). The bimodal structure of few studies of fire history in spruce may be lost, and the forest southwestern spruce-fir forests structure may reach a more-or-less (Grissino-Mayer et al. 1995, Veblen et “steady-state” condition (Peet 1981). al. 1994, Patten and Stromberg 1995, This final “steady-state” stage of Wadleigh and Jenkins 1996). One stand development has not been reason for the paucity of spruce-fir described in detail for Rocky Mountain studies is that the characteristic fire spruce-fir forests, because most stands regime of infrequent but lethal fires burn again before they reach this late leaves few fire-scarred trees from which stage of succession. In fact, nearly every prehistoric fire years can be determined. stand of aspen, lodgepole pine, or Therefore, it is necessary to use indirect spruce-fir forest in the central Rocky methods, based on dating and measuring Mountain region, including even old- the spatial extent of stands that have growth stands, still contains living trees developed in the wake of lethal fires, to that became established in the aftermath estimate quantitative parameters of the of the last stand-destroying fire (Aplet et fire regime (Johnson and Gutsell 1994). al. 1988, Roovers and Rebertus 1993, Because no previous research of this Brown et al. 1995; but see the section on kind had been conducted within the ancient forests below). However, South Central Highlands Section or several studies have characterized the nearby regions, we conducted a fire structure and dynamics of stands in the history study in a representative portion spruce re-initiation phase, which is often of the San Juan National Forest to regarded as “old growth.” Engelmann provide basic information on the spruce generally dominates or co- disturbance history of high-elevation dominates the canopy but subalpine fir landscapes in this region. Because fire dominates the understory (Peet 1981, scars are rare and postfire succession is Alexander 1987, Veblen 1986a,b, slow and variable in spruce-fir forests, Roovers and Rebertus 1993, Knight the results of this study were not nearly 1994). The abundance of fir is due to as precise as those from other forest the greater ability of fir seedlings to types. Nevertheless, our estimates of establish on deep organic litter and to historic fire years and turnover time for tolerate the shady conditions of the the spruce-fir forest type as a whole understory (Knapp and Smith 1982, Peet were sufficient for a broad initial 1981, Veblen et al. 1989). Spruce characterization of the historical fire maintains canopy dominance in the regime in spruce-forests of the South canopy because of its greater longevity Central Highlands Section. and lower mortality rates (Oosting and Reed 1952, Veblen 1986a,b, Veblen et Fire History Methods: al. 1991a). We selected two Land Type 2. Fire History in Spruce-Fir Forests of Associations in the central and western the Western San Juan Mountains: portions of the San Juan Mountains that are dominated by high-elevation forest

98 types, comprising an area of several dominant plant species). However, in thousand hectares. The study area stands that had evidence of fire within extended roughly from the last ca. 250 years, we collected 15 - westward to the Dolores River. Using a 20 increment cores from the spruce that GIS, we placed 100 random points appeared to form an even-aged cohort, in within forested areas throughout these addition to the site information. The two land type associations, at a density cores were returned to the lab, sanded, of approximately one point per square and their ages estimated by ring counting kilometer. We then located as many of (cores were not cross-dated). the points as possible on the ground and Once we had increment cores estimated the time that had elapsed since from stands that appeared to have the last lethal fire (below). We were developed after a lethal fire within the able to sample a total of 65 of these last ca. 250 years, it was necessary to stands in 1996; the remaining points on determine how soon after the last fire the the map were either physically extant trees had become established, inaccessible or proved not to be forested because there may be a considerable (due to edaphic factors or past clear- time lag in high-elevation forests cutting). (Stahelin 1943, Bollinger 1973, Little et The sampling procedure in each al. 1994). We located five spruce-fir stand was as follows. We first visually stands in which the year of the last fire assessed the stand for evidence of a fire could be determined precisely either within the last ca. 250 years. This from written records or from fire scars evidence included charred wood on the adjacent to the stand. These stands forest floor and/or what appeared to be a included the Lime Creek burn of 1879 roughly even-aged cohort of spruce trees (historical documentation) plus four with abundant lower branches stands near the headwaters of Rio de los (indicating that self-pruning due to light Piños (fire scars dating from 1851 and competition had not occurred or had 1864). In each of these stands we took begun to occur only recently). As an increment core from every tree within discussed below, we had previously a circular plot of sufficient size to characterized stand structure in five provide at least 20 samples from each stands having known fire dates within major tree species in the stand. The the past 150 years, and that information cores were sanded and aged, and the lag was the source of key characteristics to time between the fire and tree look for to estimate whether a stand of establishment was ascertained as unknown fire history had likely burned described below. within the past 250 years. If these evidences were not found, i.e., if there Estimating Stand Ages and was little or no charred wood, and the Prehistoric Fire Dates: trees appeared all-aged, including some obviously old trees that had shed most of Age structures for the five their lower branches, then the stand was sampled stands having known fire classified as > 250 years old and no history revealed that abundant additional sampling was done other than establishment of spruce usually did not recording site information (elevation, begin until several years after the fires, aspect, slope, geologic substrate, and and that the delay was greater in stands

99 at higher elevations or where no adult occur until 40 - 50 years after the fire. trees survived the fire. The intervals The longer delay at Granite Lake was between the year of the fire and the years probably due to inadequate local seed of spruce establishment are summarized source resulting from complete mortality in Table III-3. A few spruce trees of trees in the pre-fire stand; in the other became established within the first 10 two stands at about this same elevation years in three of the four stands below at least some of the adult trees had 3,300 m (11,000 ft), but abundant spruce survived the fire and provided a seed establishment did not occur in these source. We sampled only one stand stands until 10 - 30 years after the fire. above 3,300 m (11,000 ft), and in it there In the Granite Lake stand, at 3,150 m was a 30-year lag before the first spruce (10,400 ft), initial establishment began establishment occurred, and an 80-year somewhat later (10-20 years after the delay before abundant spruce began to fire), and abundant establishment did not grow.


Table III-3. Intervals between year of fire (based on fire scars) and years of spruce establishment in spruce-fir stands that developed after documented fires in the San Juan National Forest, Colorado. Fire years were determined from written records (Molas Pass stand) or from fire scars collected in close proximity to the stand (all others).

Years between Years between Presence of relict fire and initial fire and abundant spruce that Elevation spruce spruce Study Area Fire Year survived the fire (feet) establishment establishment

Divide Lake 1851 absent or rare 10,100 1 - 10 10 - 20 South or 1864

Canon Paso 1851 abundant 10,300 10 30 or 1864

Molas Pass 1879 some 10,400 1 - 10 30

Granite 1851 absent or rare 10,400 10 - 20 40 - 50 Lake or 1864

Elk Lake 1851 few 11,350 30 80

------We used these patterns in timing hanging branches, and charred wood on of post-fire spruce establishment to help the forest floor, we examined the ages of interpret the tree age data from the dominant trees to identify the oldest stands that we sampled in our extensive individuals and the most abundant age survey of spruce-fir fire history. For classes. For stands below 3,000 m those stands having an apparent even- (10,000 ft), we estimated that the last aged spruce cohort with persistent low- fire had occurred within the decade prior

100 to the date of establishment of the oldest report). Therefore, we summarized all tree in the stand (unless it was so much of the years in which fires occurred at older than all the others that it appeared three or more of our nine ponderosa pine to be a relict that survived the fire) or study sites (Table III-4), and assumed within two decades prior to the that these represented most of the years establishment of the most abundant age of severe burning conditions. Based on class. For stands between 3,000 – 3,300 this information, the years in which m (10,000 - 11,000 ft), we estimated that extensive fires most likely would have the fire had occurred within one or two occurred in the spruce-fir zone were decades prior to the establishment of the determined. In summary, for each stand oldest trees and within two to four in our extensive spruce-fir survey we decades prior to the dates of the most determined the likely decade of the last abundant age class. For stands above fire (as described above), and then 3,300 m (11,000 ft), estimation of fire selected the fire year from Table III-3 date is problematic, given the extremely that most closely matched the decade of long time lags that may occur between fire occurrence. fire occurrence and tree establishment (Table III-3). However, none of the Fire History and High-Elevation stands above 3,300 m (11,000 ft) in our Fire Turnover Times: random sample showed evidence of recent fire (i.e., none had an apparent By this method, we estimated even-aged cohort, persistent low that eight major fire years occurred branches, or charred wood on the forest within our spruce-fir survey area during floor), so all were classified as “too old the last 250 years (Table III-5). The to date the last fire,” i.e., greater than most extensive fires, as indicated by the 250 years old. relative number of sample stands that Once we had established an originated at these times, occurred in approximate decade within which the 1879, 1842, 1829, and 1806. We also last fire had occurred in our extensive detected apparently less extensive fires survey stands, we estimated the actual in 1851, 1817, 1786, and 1748. Some of year of the fire as follows. We assumed these fires, especially the ones in the that large fires in the subalpine zone 1700s, probably were more extensive occurred in the past -- as they do today -- than our data indicate, because some of only in unusually dry summers. In most their area was burned again in more years, the weather and fuels remain too recent fires. Of the 65 stands that we wet throughout the fire season to allow examined, 27 had evidence of fire within for extensive fire spread in this high- the last 250 years, and were assigned one elevation environment. In summers dry of the fire dates above. The remaining enough to allow fires in spruce-fir 38 stands (58% of the sample) had not forests, we would expect an unusual burned within the last 250 years, and number of fires at lower elevations, also. were so old that it was not possible to Past fires years in ponderosa pine forests determine the actual time since the last of the San Juan National Forest are well fire without very intensive sampling documented by our collection of fire- which was not feasible in this study. For scars from nine study areas distributed purposes of calculating fire history across the region (see chapter II of this statistics (see below), we aggregated our

101 time-since-fire estimates into 50-year falls in the 150 - 200 year old class; classes (Table III-5). This was because meaning that a quarter of the stands are of the inherent uncertainty in the actual 150 - 200 years old or younger, and year of the last lethal fire in many of our three-quarters are 150 - 200 years old or sampled stands, because we had only older. We cannot compute an actual fire tree establishment dates on which to interval or turnover time from these data, base our estimates. However, even if because the majority of sampled stands some of our estimates are off by as much were too old to estimate the actual date as a decade, we believe that they are all of the last fire. However, it is apparent placed within the correct half-century, that the average interval between and so we assumed this resolution in our successive fires at a point in the statistical analyses. landscape, or the time required for an Johnson and Gutsell (1994) area equal to an entire land type recommend applying time-since-fire association to burn, would be measured data of the kind presented in Table III-5 in centuries. to a statistical model such as the Weibull What kind of a landscape mosaic distribution, from which useful existed in the spruce-fir zone during the descriptive statistics can be obtained. period of indigenous settlement? We However, our data did not fit the subtracted 100 years from the ages of the Weibull model, or any other standard stands listed in Table III-5 to estimate distribution contained within the the distribution of stand ages in 1896, program “Best-Fit.” The main reason near the end of the reference period. It for poor fit was the large number of old can be seen in Table III-6 that about one- stands (> 250 years since fire) in our tenth of the landscape may have been data set (Figure III-1). Therefore, rather covered by young stands (< 50 years than attempting to interpret fire history old), and a little over a third by stands < from a poorly fit statistical model, we 100 years old. Most (58 %) of the forest derived some very simple fire history stands in the subalpine landscape were > statistics from inspection of the 150 years old, i.e., mature or old-growth. distribution of stand ages. Given that ca. half the stands were <150 It can be seen in Table III-5 that years old, we assumed that the median stand age in our sample was approximately twice this amount of time > 250 years. This means that half of the would be required for the cumulative stands sampled were > 250 years old in burned area to equal the size of the entire 1996, and half were 250 years old or study area, resulting in an estimated younger. The quartile of the distribution turnover time of ca. 300 years.

102 Table III-4. Years of extensive prehistoric fires in the San Juan National Forest, determined from analysis of 180 fire scars collected in nine ponderosa pine forest stands distributed across the Forest. The table lists years, with time elapsed since the fire (as of 1996) in parentheses.

Years in which four or more Years in which three of the nine ponderosa pine study areas of the nine ponderosa pine study areas recorded a fire recorded a fire 1880 (116 yr) 1879 (117 yr) 1851 (145 yr) 1847 (149 yr) 1842 (154 yr) 1829 (167 yr) 1817 (179 yr) 1806 (190 yr) 1796 (200 yr) 1789 (207 yr) 1786 (210 yr) 1778 (218 yr) 1773 (223 yr) 1748 (248 yr) 1735 (261 yr) 1729 (267 yr) 1724 (272 yr) 1685 (311 yr) 1667 (329)

Table III-5. Estimated dates of the last lethal fire in 65 spruce-fir forest stands in the San Juan National Forest.

Total number of stands dating Individual Fire Years Time Period from fire during (number of stands dating each 50-yr period from each) 1947 - 1996 0 -- 1897 - 1946 0 -- 1847 - 1896 7 stands 1879 (5 stands) 1851 (2 stands) 1797 - 1846 17 stands 1842 (4 stands) (quartile) 1829 (7 stands) 1817 (1 stand) 1806 (5 stands) 1747 - 1796 3 stands 1786 (1 stand) 1748 (2 stands) pre – 1747 38 stands Unknown (median)


Table III-6. Distribution of sampled stand ages in spruce-fir forests of the San Juan National Forest at the end of the reference period (ca 1897), estimated by subtracting 100 years from 1996 stand ages.

Cumulative % of Stands Stand Age (years) Number (%) of Stands Younger than a Specified Age 0 - 50 7 (11 %) 11 % < 50 yr old 50 - 100 17 (26 %) 37 % < 100 yr old 100 - 150 3 (5 %) 42 % < 150 yr old > 150 38 (58 %) Total 65 (100 %)


Figure III-1. Cumulative time-since-fire distribution for 65 spruce-fir forest stands sampled in the San Juan National Forest.


3. Ancient spruce-Fir Forests: Juan National Forest (Tables III-1, 2; and Romme et al. 1996). This stand An area of special ecological apparently has not burned for 600 years significance in the South Central or longer, nor has it been affected by Highlands Section is an ancient spruce- major windthrow events or severe insect fir forest comprising 180 ha at the outbreaks. In fact, this may be the oldest headwaters of Martinez Creek in the San spruce-fir forest described to date in the

104 Rocky Mountain region, in terms of the presumably also physiologically and time that has elapsed since the last lethal ecologically distinct -- from the northern fire or other major disturbance. It fir (Abies lasiocarpa var lasiocarpa). contains no evidence of a post-fire tree Engelmann spruce also appears to be cohort or of directional successional physiologically and ecologically changes (Figure III-2). Instead, it different in northern vs. southern appears to have more-or-less stable populations. The most striking structure and composition, maintained difference is in life span; spruce in by a chronic, fine-scale disturbance Wyoming and northern Colorado may regime of individual tree deaths and live from 500 - 850 years, but the oldest small gap formation by fungi, insects, spruce yet documented in Arizona or and wind (Peet 1981, Veblen 1986a,b, southwestern Colorado (including the Aplet et al. 1988, Lertzman and Krebs Martinez Creek study area) was less than 1991, Roovers and Rebertus 1993, 400 years old (Swetnam and Brown Veblen 2000). 1992, Brown et al. 1995). The reason(s) We do not know if this particular for shorter life spans in the southwest are stand is unique, or if there are other unknown, but may be related to longer comparably ancient stands on mesic sites growing seasons with more reliable late in the South Central Highlands Section, summer moisture, resulting in more because spruce-fir forests in this region rapid tree growth and earlier onset of have been little studied (Romme et al. senescence (Kaufmann 1992), and/or 1992). Most research on Rocky enhanced activity of fungal and insect Mountain subalpine forests has been pathogens. conducted in areas farther north. Even The relative youthfulness of the though floristic composition is similar in individual trees that dominate the spruce-fir forests throughout the region ancient forest near the head of Martinez (Peet 1988), there are important Creek was surprising. Despite the ecological differences between the apparent absence of any major northern and southern forests. For disturbance for 600+ years, the average example, northern Colorado and age at breast height of the canopy trees Wyoming are characterized by a wet was only 157 years for spruce and 122 spring and early summer, followed by a years for fir. The oldest tree found in the dry late summer and fall, whereas the area was a 400-year old spruce. Many southern Rockies have a dry early of the trees, including some of the summer but a wet late summer and fall oldest, had narrow rings near the center, (Mitchell 1976). The southern Rocky indicating that they had become Mountains also may receive a greater established beneath a mature canopy and proportion of precipitation in the form of grew slowly for many decades before a rain rather than snow (Alexander 1974). local canopy gap developed and they The same spruce species, Picea were able to grow into the canopy. This engelmannii, is a dominant canopy tree finding of relatively young trees in a in both northern and southern portions of very old stand has important the central Rockies, but the subalpine fir implications for efforts to evaluate old- in the south (Abies lasiocarpa var growth status of spruce-fir forests in the arizonica, corkbark fir) is southern Rockies. Some of the most morphologically distinct -- and ancient stands (in terms of time since the

105 last major disturbance) may be extrapolating from relatively well- dominated by comparatively young studied regions (e.g., northern Colorado trees. The striking differences in tree and southeastern Wyoming) to less well- ages within old-growth spruce-fir forests studied regions (e.g., the South Central also illustrates the potential hazards of Highlands Section).


Figure III-2. Age structure of canopy trees in an ancient spruce-fir forest near the head of Martinez Creek, San Juan National Forest.

106 4. Insects and Diseases in High- documented in the mountains of Elevation Forests: Colorado and northern New Mexico (Baker and Veblen 1990). In Disturbance by bark beetles: , widespread canopy disturbances (probably caused by The spruce beetle (Dendroctonus spruce beetles) occurred in spruce-fir rufipennis) is a native insect whose forests in the periods 1716-1750, 1827- larvae feed on the phloem of large, 1845, 1860-1870, and 1940-1960 living or dead, Engelmann spruce trees (Eisenhart and Veblen 2000). The most (Furniss and Carolin 1977, Schmid and recent major spruce beetle outbreak in Frye 1977, Schmid and Mata 1996). Colorado began in 1998 in the Most of the time, the beetles persist in mountains near Steamboat Springs, low-density, endemic populations that following a large blowdown in 1997, have little impact on forest structure. and is on-going (Baker et al. 2002, Periodically, however, populations Kulakowski and Veblen 2002). explode into an outbreak, and the beetles may kill millions of mature pine or Other Agents of Disturbance: spruce trees over areas of thousands of hectares. The mechanisms that cause a Snow avalanches were localized shift from endemic to outbreak but significant disturbances that removed conditions are poorly understood; forest cover from certain topographic however, it is known that spruce beetle locations (Johnson 1987, Veblen et al. outbreaks may begin when windthrow 1994). Severe, localized windstorms creates large quantities of dead, large- also may blow down all or nearly all of diameter spruce, in which the beetles can the trees within an area ranging from breed rapidly (Schmid and Mata 1996). tens to thousands of hectares (Baker et Severe outbreaks may result in the death al. 2002, Veblen et al. 1989, 1991a, of nearly all large-diameter spruce trees 2001). Windthrown trees often were in a stand, but small-diameter host trees predisposed to falling because of root rot and other tree species usually are not (caused by fungal infection, e.g., attacked by the beetles (Miller 1970, Armillaria spp.), but with the extreme Veblen et al. 1991b, Veblen 2000). winds that occasionally occur in the high Beetle outbreaks are followed not country even healthy trees can be felled. by establishment of new tree seedlings, For instance, a severe storm in October, but by accelerated growth of previously 1997, blew down a large percentage of suppressed sub-canopy and understory trees in an area of more than 10,000 ha individuals (Veblen et al. 1991b, 1994; of subalpine forest on the Routt National Eisenhart and Veblen 2000). Return Forest in northern Colorado. The intervals of extensive mountain pine greatest mortality of canopy trees beetle and spruce beetle outbreaks are generally was seen in older stands, in shorter than the intervals between spruce-fir stands, in dense stands, and in successive stand-destroying fires, but are stands located closer to ridgetops (Baker still in the range of decades to centuries et al. 2002, Kulakowski and Veblen (Veblen et al. 1994, Schmid and Mata 2002). Stand-level characteristics such 1996). A widespread spruce beetle as density and species composition had outbreak during the late 1800s has been the greatest influence on mortality

107 patterns in areas of moderate-severity to kill primarily the larger spruce trees in wind-throw; stand-level characteristics a stand. had relatively little influence where the Both spruce and fir may succumb winds were most severe (Veblen et al. to a variety of fungal pathogens, 2001). Although a recently blown down including Armillaria spp. which forest looks devastated, many of the sometimes causes small, localized smaller trees survive, and the response patches of heavy mortality (Holah et al. involves accelerated growth of the 1993). A variety of other tree-killing survivors as well as new seedling insects and fungi also influenced stand establishment (Veblen et al. 1989, structure and development, but their Kulakowski and Veblen 2003). The effects generally were overshadowed by frequency of major windthrow events the disturbance agents described above appears to vary greatly throughout the (Schmid and Mata 1996). Rocky Mountain region. Major blowdowns appear to be most frequent 5. Interactions Among Disturbances: in the Front Range of Colorado (Veblen et al. 1989, 1991a), but less frequent in The ecological effects of fires, the South Central Highlands Section. insect outbreaks, and other kinds of The western spruce budworm disturbance were spatially (Choristoneura occidentalis) is a native heterogeneous, and there were important insect that feeds on new foliage of interactions among these disturbances subalpine and other firs, and can kill or ((Baker and Veblen 1990, Veblen 2000). reduce growth rates in host trees. Wind-throw created conditions in which Despite its name, the spruce budworm an extensive spruce beetle outbreak usually does not feed on spruce trees, but could develop, but young forests (< ca prefers instead white fir, subalpine fir, 100 yr old), developing after stand- and Douglas-fir (Furniss and Carolin destroying fire or avalanche, were rarely 1977, Hadley and Veblen 1993, attacked by the beetles (Veblen et al. Swetnam and Lynch 1994). Low-level, 1994, Bebi et al. 2003, Kulakowski et al. endemic populations of spruce budworm 2003). Young stands also appear to be are nearly always present in spruce-fir generally less susceptible to wind-throw and mixed conifer stands, where they than older stands (Baker et al. 2002, have little impact on stand structure or Kulakowski and Veblen 2002). dynamics. However, periodic outbreaks It is widely believed or suggested of either local or regional extent may that blow-downs and bark beetle suppress or kill great numbers of trees outbreaks set the stage for catastrophic over large areas (Swetnam and Lynch wildfires because of increased fuel loads 1994, Schmid and Mata 1996). Spruce (e.g., Geizler et al. 1980, Schmid and budworm outbreaks occurred at intervals Amman 1992, McCullough et al. 1998). of 20 - 33 years in southern Colorado Although this interpretation sounds and northern New Mexico during the intuitive, there is very little scientific 18th and 19th centuries (Swetnam and evidence to support it, and about an Lynch 1994). The spruce budworm kills equal amount of scientific evidence to predominantly smaller fir trees and contradict it. For example, following the saplings, whereas the spruce beetle tends 1940s spruce beetle outbreak in the White River National Forest of northern

108 Colorado, which resulted in dead trees (Bigler et al. 2005). The major reason over an expanse of hundreds of square for the lack of strong effect of insect kilometers, there was no increase in the outbreaks on subsequent fire behavior in number of fires compared to unaffected spruce-fir forests is that fires in these subalpine forests (Bebi et al. 2003). ecosystems are controlled primarily by Large severe fires did occur in this weather conditions (Schoennagel et al. region in 2002 (a severe drought year), 2004), not by fuels. Under drought but the forests that were affected by the conditions, especially when 1940s outbreak and by the on-going accompanied by high winds, fires burn post-1998 outbreak did not burn more severely whether or not there has been extensively or more severely than forests previous insect-caused mortality. that had not been affected by outbreaks


In general, the effects of Euro- (Baker et al. 2002, Kulakowski and American activities have been less Veblen 2002). ubiquitous, or less intense, in high- elevation landscapes than in low- 1. Effects of Suppression: elevation landscapes of the American West -- although in localized areas the The effects of Euro-American impacts certainly have been just as great. activities on the fire regime are less Furthermore, some elements of the straightforward in high-elevation current disturbance regime at high landscapes than in low-elevation elevations appear to be little changed landscapes. Table III-5 shows that no from the period of indigenous fires occurred after 1879 among the 65 settlement. For example, insect spruce-fir stands that we sampled, outbreaks and major wind-throw events although some moderately large fires have continued to occur throughout the were reported in other parts of the 20th century (Schmid and Mata 1996). spruce-fir zone during the early years of Extensive outbreaks of mountain pine the 20th century by contemporary beetles occurred in the Front Range of observers (Anonymous, Forest History, Colorado during the 1970s, and a major San Juan National Forest). Few large spruce beetle outbreak affected the fires have occurred in spruce-fir forests White River Plateau in northwestern of the South Central Highlands Section Colorado in the 1940s (Miller 1970). during the 20th century, but given the Spruce budworm outbreaks affected long fire-return intervals that naturally many areas in northern New Mexico and characterize these systems, the current southern Colorado in the 1970s fire-free intervals may not be far outside (Swetnam and Lynch 1994). The most the range of variability in fire intervals recent large blowdown occurred in that characterized the period of October, 1997, when more than 1000 ha indigenous settlement. Certainly the of subalpine forest were knocked over in time that has elapsed since the last fire in a severe storm event on the Routt any individual stand is not exceptionally National Forest in northern Colorado long, but larger landscape units (e.g.,

109 watersheds) may have gone for longer would not have been very effective in than usual without a large fire. There controlling fires had severe fire weather was an increase in fire frequency in conditions occurred more often than they high-elevation forests during the late have in this century. Thus, the principal 19th century period of European reasons for the paucity of high-elevation settlement in many parts of the Rocky fires during this century may be related Mountains, including much of Colorado more to lack of ignitions or wet weather and at least parts of Utah (Veblen and conditions than to direct fire suppression Lorenz 1991, Wadleigh and Jenkins (but see Baker and Kipfmueller 2001, 1996). The reasons for increased who did find a measurable effect of fire burning in the late 19th century included suppression in a subalpine forest in human ignitions, but climatic conditions southeastern Wyoming). during this period were equally or more Perhaps the greatest effect of important than increased ignitions 20th century fire suppression on high- (Veblen et al. 2001). Sherriff et al. elevation forests actually has been (2001) concluded that fire suppression indirect, i.e., by excluding the formerly since the early 1900s had not reduced frequent low-elevation fires that fire frequency in high-elevation forests sometimes burned into higher elevations of national parks and national forests in as well. Some studies suggest that low- the Colorado Front Range. elevation fires were a major source of Even though active fire fires in the higher elevation forests suppression has been a widespread (Barrett 1994, Baisan and Swetnam policy throughout most of the 20th 1997), but more research is needed to century, our experience with the determine the relative importance of Yellowstone fires in 1988, and with local lightning ignitions in subalpine recent fires in the Canadian Rockies forests vs. fires sweeping in from lower (Romme and Despain 1989, Bessie and elevations. The behavior and ecological Johnson 1995, Weir et al. 1995) effects of the few high-elevation fires indicates that large fires in subalpine that have occurred during the 20th forests are controlled primarily by century, do not appear to be different regional weather conditions, i.e., from those of fires during the period of prolonged drought associated with indigenous settlement. persistent blocking high-pressure ridges, Our recent recognition of the often accompanied by strong winds. overarching influence of weather and Subtle differences in fuel loads, stand climate on the fire regimes of spruce-fir structure, and topography generally have forests (Schoennagel et al. 2004) leads to only a small influence on fire frequency one additional important consideration and severity in subalpine forests for high-elevation landscapes of this (Schoennagel et al. 2004), and fire region. The last extensive fires in high- suppression efforts are largely elevation forests of the South Central ineffective under the conditions of Highlands Section occurred during the extreme fire weather under which the Little Ice Age. A warming trend has most extensive burning occurs. These been documented during the 20th observations suggest that fire control century in many parts of the world, and efforts in the high-elevation forests of projections call for continued warming the South Central Highlands Section and potential shifts in precipitation

110 patterns during the next century South Central Highlands Section, these (Overpeck et al. 1990, Flannigan and activities did not occur extensively until Van Wagner 1991, Dale et al. 2002, after II. For example, there Whitlock et al. 2003, Westerling et al. still was almost no logging and little 2006). Therefore, fire frequency and road building in spruce-fir forests of the extent in high-elevation forests during central San Juan Mountains as late as the next century may be quite different 1950 (McGarigal et al. 2001). from the reference period used in this study (the several centuries just prior to Effects of Logging: the late 1800s, i.e., the Little Ice Age). If the warming trend is associated with The most conspicuous increased drought stress, then we may anthropogenic disturbance in high- see increased fire frequencies and a shift elevation forests of the late 20th century in the landscape mosaic to younger age is clear-cut logging. This method was classes -- even in Wilderness Areas used extensively during the 1950s - where logging does not occur (Romme 1970s, but generally has been and Turner 1991). However, if discontinued in spruce-fir because of precipitation also increases during the problems with stand regeneration (Noble next century, then the low fire and Ronco 1978). Although a relatively frequencies of the 20th century may small proportion of the total land area continue. was affected by clear-cutting without adequate reforestation, the legacy of this 2. Legacies of Logging and Road- activity will last for many decades or Building centuries. Direct effects of clear-cutting, without adequate tree regeneration, Although the impacts of 20th include a reduction in total forest area century fire suppression are equivocal, and the fragmentation of mature forest. other human activities since the late Indirect effects include a reduction in the 1800s have clearly altered disturbance future timber base, as well as reduced regimes and vegetation structure of high- habitat quality for some old-growth elevation landscapes in the South forest species that are sensitive to habitat Central Highlands Section (Table III-7). alteration, e.g., brown creeper, These activities are related mainly to Swainson’s thrush, red-backed vole, timber harvest, and to the extensive dusky shrew, masked shrew, and pine network of roads that have been marten (Raphael 1988, Hansen and constructed to support timber harvest, Urban 1992, Hutto et al. 1993, Ruggiero fire control, and recreation. In some et al. 1994). The legacy of clear-cuts ways, these are novel kinds of without reforestation is not altogether disturbance -- unprecedented in the “bad”: most of these areas appear to history of the landscape -- and as such, have adequate plant cover to retard they may potentially cause more serious erosion (predominantly herbs and shrubs changes in these ecological systems than rather than trees), and the removal of the the fires, insect outbreaks, and other forest probably increased stream flow disturbances that the biota have for agriculture and municipalities experienced throughout their (Troendle 1987), and improved habitat evolutionary history. In much of the for non-forest species (e.g., elk, deer).

111 Table III-7. Major legacies of past forest use and management in high-elevation forested landscapes of the South Central Highlands Section.

Human Activity Direct Effects Indirect Effects

Clear-cut logging, * Reduction in total forest -- Reduction in future timber base without adequate area -- Reduced habitat quality for old-growth tree regeneration * Fragmentation of mature plant & animal species forest -- Improved habitat for non-forest species

Clear-cut logging, *Fragmentation of mature -- Reduced habitat quality for old-growth with adequate tree forest plant & animal species regeneration * Development of -- Inadequate habitat for some early successional stands that lack successional species (cavity nesters & snags & large, coarse woody perching birds) debris -- Long-term reduction of soil organic * Homogeneous disturbance matter, soil microbial activity intensity throughout logging -- Reduced landscape heterogeneity, units sharper stand boundaries, compared to * Shift to younger stand age former fire-created patterns classes on productive portions -- Restriction of old-growth forests to of landscape less productive sites

Partial timber cuts * Maintenance of some -- Eventual loss of large trees, snags, and mature forest cover large coarse woody debris, with * Reduced structural contrast associated effects on soil structure & between logged & unlogged biota areas -- Eventual reduction in habitat quality for old-growth plant & animal species -- Extensive road system & frequent re- entry required

Extensive road * Fragmentation of the forest -- Spread of non-native weeds building for logging, landscape -- Human disturbance of wildlife grazing * Easy human access in most -- Easy accessibility & control for management, and areas prescribed fire fire control

Fire suppression * Some reduction in total area -- Loss of habitat for early post-fire burned, compared to previous successional species century (maybe less than we -- False sense of security with regards to think) future uncontrollable fires

Clear-cutting, even when intensity of organic matter removal in followed by regeneration, results in clear-cutting is unprecedented in the fragmentation of mature forests and a evolutionary history of these forests, shift in the forest patch mosaic to because fires, windstorms, and insect younger age classes. Moreover, the outbreaks all leave most of the large

112 woody material in place (Spies et al. entry in a long-term even-aged 1988, Wei et al. 1997). Indeed, young management strategy (Table III-7). stands developing after clear-cutting are Since most partial cutting involves structurally very different from young selective removal of the larger trees, stands developing after stand-destroying there is a gradual shift to smaller size fire (Hutto 1995). In particular, classes. Large snags and fallen logs -- regenerating clear-cuts lack the large key structural elements for many dead trees, both standing and fallen, that wildlife species and soil processes -- characterize recently burned forests. gradually disappear. Also, if a stand is Clear-cuts also lack the blackened soil, entered repeatedly for partial cutting the temporary reduction in herbaceous over a long time period, then a road plant cover, and brief nutrient pulse system must be maintained. associated with fire. The intensity of disturbance tends to be more spatially Effects of Roads: homogeneous in logged areas than in burned areas, and edges between Of all the novel kinds of disturbed and undisturbed patches are disturbances that humans have sharper. introduced in high-elevation forest of the Since the 1970s, silvicultural South Central Highlands Section during methods in spruce-fir forests have the last century, roads may be the most emphasized partial cutting techniques ubiquitous and significant long-term rather than clear-cutting. Although legacy of our activities. Please see partial cutting has less immediate impact Chapter VII (Opportunities and than clear-cutting, its long-term legacies Challenges) for an assessment of the may be just as significant, particularly if impact of roads on the landscapes of this the partial cutting is simply the first region.


Spruce-fir forests, dominated by and maintained a relatively coarse- Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) grained mosaic of successional stages and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), are across the subalpine landscape. During the coldest and wettest forest type in the the long intervals between fires, South Central Highlands Section, however, and especially as stands occurring at elevations of 2,720 – 3,580 reached the later stages of development, m. The ground layer vegetation in these the disturbance regime of individual forests is highly variable but typically stands was dominated by chronic, fine- includes a rich mixture of mesophytic scale processes involving insects, fungi, herbs. and wind, that killed individual trees or The two most important and small groups of trees ubiquitous kinds of disturbance in high- Fires in high-elevation forests of elevation landscapes during the period of the Rocky Mountains were infrequent indigenous settlement were stand- and usually very small, because late- destroying fire and bark beetle lying snowpacks and frequent summer outbreaks. Stand-destroying fires rain showers kept fuels too wet to burn generally initiated stand development throughout most of the growing season.

113 However, in the rare dry years when Beetle outbreaks are followed not by weather and fuel conditions were establishment of new tree seedlings, but suitable for extensive burning, large by accelerated growth of previously portions of the subalpine landscape were suppressed sub-canopy and understory burned in severe, stand-destroying fires. individuals. Return intervals of We determined that the fire turnover extensive mountain pine beetle and time (the average time required to burn spruce beetle outbreaks are shorter than an area equal in size to the entire study the intervals between successive stand- area, or the average interval between destroying fires, but are still in the range successive fires at a single site) in a of decades to centuries spruce-fir dominated landscape of the In general, the effects of Euro- western San Juan Mountains was ca. 300 American activities have been less years. Many individual stands escaped ubiquitous, or less intense, in spruce-fir fire for many hundreds of years. For forests than in lower-elevation forest example, an ancient spruce-fir forest types of the South Central highlands comprising 180 ha at the headwaters of Section--although in localized areas the Martinez Creek in the San Juan National impacts have been just as great. Despite Forest apparently has not burned for 600 policies of fire exclusion throughout years or longer, nor has it been affected much of the 20th century, the fire regime by major windthrow events or severe in spruce-fir forests apparently has insect outbreaks. Fires often were changed relatively little during the past followed by rapid development of aspen century, primarily because large fires in forests with spruce and fir in the subalpine forests are controlled primarily understory, especially in the lower- by regional weather conditions. Few elevation portion of the spruce-fir zone. large fires have occurred in spruce-fir At the highest elevations, and in other forests of the South Central Highlands places where aspen was not present, Section during the 20th century, but spruce and fir directly re-colonized given the long fire-return intervals that burned sites; this was a very slow naturally characterize these systems, the process and hundreds of years were current fire-free intervals may not be far required for a forest to again develop outside the range of variability in fire under these circumstances. intervals that characterized the period of The spruce beetle (Dendroctonus indigenous settlement. Certainly the rufipennis) is a native insect whose time that has elapsed since the last fire in larvae feed on the phloem of large, any individual stand is not exceptionally living or dead, Engelmann spruce trees. long, but larger landscape units (e.g., Most of the time, the beetles persist in watersheds) may have gone for longer low-density, endemic populations that than usual without a large fire. have little impact on forest structure. The most conspicuous Periodically, however, populations anthropogenic disturbances in spruce-fir explode into an outbreak, and the beetles forests are clear-cut logging and road- may kill many or most of the large- building. These activities generally diameter spruce trees over areas of came later to the spruce-fir forest zone thousands of hectares. However, small- than to forests at lower elevations. For diameter host trees and other tree species example, there was almost no logging usually are not attacked by the beetles. and little road building in spruce-fir

114 forests in a large portion of the central logs--key structural elements for many San Juan Mountains as late as 1950 wildlife species and soil processes-- Clear-cutting was used extensively gradually may disappear. Of all the during the 1950s - 1970s, but generally novel kinds of disturbances that humans has been discontinued in spruce-fir have introduced in high-elevation forest forests because of problems with stand of the South Central Highlands Section regeneration. Since the 1970s, during the last century, roads may be the silvicultural methods have emphasized most ubiquitous and significant long- partial cutting techniques rather than term legacy of our activities. The clear-cutting. Since most partial cutting impacts of roads and logging in high- involves selective removal of the larger elevation forests of this region are trees, there is a gradual shift to smaller assessed in Chapter VII size classes. Large snags and fallen (Opportunities and Challenges).


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William H. Romme, M. Lisa Floyd, David Hanna, Elisabeth J. Bartlett


Aspen forests form an important Aspen forests range from pure vegetation type between about 2,000 and aspen stands to stands that are co- 3,300 m throughout the mountainous dominated by aspen and conifer trees. portions of Colorado, Utah, and northern At the lowest elevations, aspen stands New Mexico (Robbins 1910, Cottam may interdigitate with ponderosa pine 1929, Langenheim 1962, Mueggler forests or grasslands, while at higher 1976, Mitton and Grant 1996, Knight elevations the aspen is found in and Reiners, 2000). They are common association with mixed conifer forests, between elevations of 2,730 – 3,330 m spruce-fir forests, or meadows. Aspen in the San Juan Mountains of forests vary greatly in species southwestern Colorado (Romme et al. composition and stand structure. 1992). Rocky Mountain aspen forests However, they are generally are found in areas having cool, relatively characterized by a luxuriant understory dry summers, and snowy winters, with of deciduous shrubs and herbs with little annual precipitation of 40 to >100 cm bare ground exposed (Reynolds 1969). (16 to >40 in) (Mueggler 1976). The Forbs dominate the herbaceous stratum lower elevational limit of aspen roughly in most stands, but grasses and forbs are corresponds with an average annual equally abundant in some stands temperature of 7 0 C (45 0 F) or with an (Mueggler 1985). Some common annual water isopleth of at least 3 cm understory herbaceous species include (7.5 in); the upper elevational limit Bromus ciliatus, Carex geyeri, probably is determined mainly by a Delphinum barbeyi, Fragaria ovalis, short growing season (Jones and DeByle Geranium richardsonii, Lathyrus 1985a). Aspen grows on a wide variety leucanthus, Ligusticum porteri, of geologic substrates and soil types Osmorhiza obtusa, Senecio serra, throughout the west, though best growth Thalictrum fendleri, Vicia americana, usually is seen on deep, loamy soils and Viola nuttallii (Langenheim 1962, having high nutrient availability Morgan 1969). Pteridium aquilinum ((Mueggler 1976, Jones and DeByle (brackenfern) is also very common 1985e). The San Juan Mountains in (Jeffery Redders, personal Colorado support some of the tallest communication) Snowberry aspen trees in the southwest, with (Symphoricarpos oreophilus) is a individuals exceeding 30 m (100 ft) dominant shrub in many aspen forests of (Jones and Schier 1985). Aspen is the San Juan Mountains and elsewhere dioecious; female trees tend to in the South Central Highlands Section. predominate at lower elevations whereas Aspen forests often are male trees are more common at higher associated with relatively rich, fertile elevations (Grant and Mitton 1979). soils having a deep A1 horizon and nearly neutral soil pH, high organic

121 matter content and base saturation, and a assumed differences in soils beneath relatively high availability of nitrogen, aspen vs. conifer stands are not nearly as calcium, and other plant nutrients consistent as the literature cited above (Langenheim 1962, Morgan 1969, would suggest (Jeff Redders, personal Bartos and DeByle 1981, Jones and communication). Binkley (personal DeByle 1985e). Pure or nearly pure communication) also reports that both stands of aspen often are found on aspen and conifer stands can be found on mollisols, Argic Pachic Cryoborolls, and all of the soil types listed above. It is Pachic Cryoborolls, all of which are important to be aware of this soils with a very dark, organically fundamental uncertainty about aspen soil enriched mineral soil layer (Cryer and relationships, because it is sometimes Murray 1992). Soils under aspen also assumed (i) that soils differences and usually support a great diversity and species-driven changes over time are at abundance of macro-invertebrates, such least partially responsible for as earthworms, snails, spiders, and ants successional changes from aspen to (Hoff 1957). It has been suggested that conifer dominance, and (ii) that these aspen and its associated species actually kinds of soils characteristics constrain create these rich soil conditions (Jones the capacity for aspen and conifers to and DeByle 1985e) by bringing up become established on a given site nutrients from deep soil layers (as much following disturbance. Neither of these as 2 m deep) and returning them to the assumptions is well supported by soil in the form of nutrient-rich, readily research. decomposable litter (Bartos and DeByle 1981, Parker and Parker 1983, Jones and 1. Aspen Morphology, Population DeByle 1985e). It has been further Structure, & Genetic Variability suggested that when conifers replace aspen through natural succession, the Aspen is a clonal species in mollic horizon may be replaced by an which a single genetic individual may albic horizon, soil pH may drop to 6.0 or cover a large area (up to several ha) and lower, and there may be loss of base be represented by tens, hundreds, or saturation, cation exchange capacity, even thousands of individual stems, or nutrient availability, and soil organic ramets (Jones and DeByle 1985c, Mitton matter (Cryer and Murray 1992). and Grant 1996). All or many of the However, these generalizations ramets share a single extensive root about aspen soils have not been system, although root connections tend adequately tested, and may be partially to break as stands grow older, and some or wholly incorrect (Dan Binkley, stems develop independent root systems personal communication). For example, even though they are genetically Giardina et al. (2001) documented identical with the other ramets in the greater rates of litter decomposition and clone (Day 1944, Barnes 1966, Peterson of C and N release under lodgepole pine and Peterson 1992, Shepperd 1993, stands than under nearby aspen stands. Shepperd and Smith 1993). The root Moreover, Jeff Redders, ecologist on the system consists of both shallow, laterally San Juan National Forest, has conducted spreading roots, and deep sinker roots extensive vegetation and soils surveys, (Barnes 1966, Peterson and Peterson and has found that the commonly 1992) The stems of a single aspen clone

122 usually all have the same sex, stem form, same habitat, have been documented branching habit, bark color, phenology, with respect to timing of bud break and leaf morphology, spring and fall foliage leaf expansion in the spring, leaf drop in color, and predisposition to disease and the fall, susceptibility to fungus-caused insect attack (Barnes 1966). An aspen diseases, leaf morphology, root and clone could live almost indefinitely, as shoot growth patterns, carbohydrate long as its root system remains intact reserves in the roots, root depths and and it continues to produce new stems diameters, and ability of new sprouts to via root sprouting or suckering. We form independent root systems (Cottam have no methods for determining the 1954, Egeberg 1963, Wall 1971, Barnes absolute ages of aspen clones in the 1975, Schier and Campbell 1978, Hinds Rocky Mountains, but some may be 1985, Peterson and Peterson 1992). thousands of years old (Baker 1925, Aspen stands that we recognize in the Cottam 1954, Barnes 1966). Aspen field may be composed of one or many regularly flower and produce viable seed genetically distinct clones. that germinates readily in a greenhouse, but seedlings are rarely found in the wild 2. Stable vs. Seral Aspen Communities because they cannot survive even temporary drying or competition from Aspen may be found in pure other established plants (Barnes 1966, stands, without any other tree species, or Grant and Mitton 1979, Peterson and as a seral species in stands going through Peterson 1992, Romme et al. 1997). The succession towards eventual domination great majority of aspen trees that one by conifers. The conifers that gradually encounters in the South Central replace aspen in seral stands of the South Highlands section probably originated as Central Highlands Section usually are root sprouts from pre-existing clones. Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) However, genetic studies in Yellowstone and subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa) at and Rocky Mountain National Parks higher elevations, and white fir (Abies reveal unexpectedly high levels of concolor) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga genetic diversity, which indicate that menziesii) at middle elevations. seedling recruitment must have occurred Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) is a episodically in the studied populations co-dominant with aspen in some stands (Tuskan et al. 1996 and unpublished at the lowest elevations, but it is unclear data). It follows that at least some whether either of these species is seedling establishment has occurred in replacing the other or whether the mixed the South Central Highlands Section, composition is stable. probably during cool, moist years of the The successional status of pure 20th century, and perhaps especially aspen stands is uncertain. Some people near upper timberline (Elliott and Baker view pure aspen stands as a stable 2004). vegetation type that resists establishment Although individual trees within of conifers, perhaps because of soil an aspen clone are genetically identical, conditions unfavorable for conifers. the genetic variation among clones is This interpretation is untested, and tremendous. Substantial differences probably is doubtful, considering the among clones, even among those uncertainties outlined above about growing adjacent to one another in the differences between aspen and conifer

123 soils. Other people suggest that that aspen stands often are richer than soils such stands were severely disturbed in under a mix of aspen and conifers the past and that successional conifer (Parker and Parker 1983, Cryer and replacement will eventually occur over Murray 1992), but the generality and very long time periods (centuries or significance of this difference are millennia). This interpretation also is uncertain, as described above. untested. We report offer an interpretation of stable vs. successional Stable vs. Seral Aspen in the aspen below, but stress that more Western San Juan National Forest: research is needed before we can confidently interpret the long-term To better understand the patterns dynamics of aspen stands in this region. and causes of stable vs. seral aspen Regardless of the long-term forests in the South Central Highlands successional status of pure aspen stands, Section, we surveyed 100 aspen stands it probably makes sense to regard them in the western portion of the San Juan as a stable vegetation type within the National Forest, representing the full intermediate time scales that managers range of elevation, substrate, and have to deal with (Fetherolf 1917, Baker topographic conditions in this portion of 1925, Langenheim 1962, Morgan 1969, the San Juan Mountains (Romme et al. Severson and Thilenius 1976, Mueggler 2001). We found that stable aspen 1985, Crawford et al. 1998, Kurzel 2004, stands were strongly associated with Kulakowski et al. 2004, Zier and Baker lower elevations, and weakly associated 2006). Stable aspen stands have an with shale substrates rather than uneven age structure and lack conifers sandstones or igneous rocks, whereas (Mueggler 1976, 1985, Betters and seral stands were found primarily at the Woods 1981, Smith and Smith 2005). higher elevations. Most of the stable They tend to be associated with certain stands were located adjacent to an combinations of elevation, topography, extensive zone of ponderosa pine, where and substrate, but the patterns of pre-1870 median fire intervals were association are weak. Baker (1925) around 10 years. reported that “heavy-soiled flats” are not We suggest the following favorable for conifers and support interpretation of this pattern. Fires were primarily aspen, whereas rocky soils ignited frequently in the ponderosa pine favor conifers. Pfister (unpublished and warm-dry mixed conifer zones, and dissertation, cited in Mueggler 1976) probably often spread into the aspen reported that stable aspen stands were forests located upwind and uphill. The common at lower elevations, but that resulting fire intervals in the low- higher-elevation aspen stands tended to elevation aspen forests were longer than be seral to conifers. Similarly, K. T. in the ponderosa pine forests, but still Harper (personal communication, cited shorter than the time required for conifer in Mueggler 1985) has observed that seedlings to reach reproductive age; stable aspen communities are commonly hence conifer seed sources were found at mid-elevations and on southerly eventually eliminated in this area. exposures, but that seral communities However, the aspen responded to predominate at higher elevations and on frequent fire by re-sprouting from the northerly exposures. Soils under pure roots, thus maintaining its local

124 dominance. Median fire intervals in primary hole-nesting birds such as aspen forests at the higher elevations, woodpeckers. remote from the ponderosa pine and Cavity nesters are a major warm-dry mixed conifer zones, were component of the bird fauna in western substantially longer than in aspen at aspen forests. Winternitz (1980) found lower elevations. High-elevation aspen that 38% of breeding bird species in stands are in proximity to spruce-fir Colorado aspen forests are cavity forests, where median fire intervals were nesters; Scott et al. (1980) reported 17- > 100 years (chapter III). Hence, conifer 60%. In a study of breeding bird seed sources persisted at the higher populations in aspen forests of Stoner elevations, and most aspen stands Mesa, located in the western San Juan remained seral. Baker (1925) similarly National Forest, Scott et al. (1980) found suggested that recurrent fires (ca 50-year nests of 12 cavity-nesting species in live rotation) may help maintain pure aspen aspen trees and snags, including: forests by eliminating conifer seedlings woodpeckers, swallows, house wren, and saplings. Based on this study and a black-capped chickadee, western review of the literature, we hypothesize flycatcher, and western bluebird. About that many stable aspen stands in the half of the 104 nests were in snags and South Central Highlands Section, half in living trees. Preferred snags especially those at lower elevations, may averaged 50 ft (15 m) tall and 16 in (40 have developed in response to very short cm) diameter (range 5 - 25 in (12 – 62 fire intervals in the past, and now persist cm)) with no preference for broken- without conifer invasion even in the topped snags as is the case with conifers. absence of fire because local conifer Peterson and Peterson (1992) reported a seed sources have been eliminated. similar study in aspen forests of Canada, However, the study we conducted is best where large aspen and poplar snags (>30 described as a pilot study; more cm (12 in) diameter) were preferred extensive and systematic investigation is nesting sites for flicker, yellow-bellied needed to further test this and alternative sapsucker, downy woodpecker, red- hypotheses. breasted and white-breasted nuthatches, black-capped chickadee, mountain 3. Aspen and Wildlife bluebird, tree and violet-green swallows, house wren, kestrel, saw-whet owl, Aspen forests provide some of bufflehead, goldeneye, and big brown the most important wildlife habitats in bat. Westworth and Telfer (1993) found the South Central Highlands Section that winter birds and woodpeckers (DeByle 1985). Winternitz (1980) especially preferred older aspen stands attributed the high density and diversity with large (>15 cm (6 in) diameter) trees of breeding birds in western aspen and snags. Both Peterson and Peterson forests to (1) the abundance and large (1992), and Westworth and Telfer size of insects living in the aspen (1993) stated that many of the bird understory, and (2) the availability of species associated with mature aspen nesting holes resulting from fungal forests cannot thrive in habitats where infections in the trees and the activity of large aspen trees and snags are not available.


The broad-scale geographic and elevations, but their study provided no elevational distribution of aspen during estimates of actual fire intervals in the the pre-1870 reference period probably aspen zone. was similar to what we see today (described above). Floristic composition 1. Effects of Fire in Aspen Forests probably also was generally similar. However, landscape-scale patterns of Aspen stems, with their thin bark, stand age, structure, and composition are easily killed even by relatively low- varied through time in response to intensity fire (Peterson and Peterson disturbance and successional processes. 1992). Most fire-killed aspen stems die The most important natural agent of within the first year, but some may take disturbance in aspen forests during the as long as 5 years to finally die (Brown reference period was fire; other natural and DeByle 1987, 1989). The aspen disturbances included windthrow, fungal root system usually is unharmed by fire diseases, tent caterpillars and other because it is insulated by the soil. With insects, snow damage, hail, lightning, death of the canopy trees, the hormones and sunscald (Jones and DeByle 1985d, that were formerly produced by living Jones et al.1985, Veblen 2000). apical meristems no longer suppress Jones and DeByle (1985b;77) development of root sprouts, and the observed that “... almost all even-aged root system responds by producing aspen stands in the West appear to be the prolific suckers within the first growing result of severe fire, whether or not the season after the fire. Highest densities aspen type is climax on the site.” Yet of sprouts are seen in the first or second despite this widespread recognition of year, and may be as high as five times the importance of past fire in aspen the pre-fire density of aspen sprouts forests, we have little specific (Jones and Trujillo 1975, Bartos and information on aspen fire history. Baker Mueggler 1981, Brown and DeByle (1925) studied fire scars in Ephraim 1987, 1989). Patton and Avant (1970) Canyon in central Utah, and concluded measured 30,000 - 35,000 sprouts/ha that light fires had occurred every 7 - 10 after a prescribed fire in the Sangre de years within the general region of his Cristo Mountains of northern New study area (actual extent of the study Mexico. Sprout density usually is highly area not specified). Meineke (1929) variable within a single stand, because of determined that fires had occurred in fine-scale variability in pre-fire every decade of the 19th century at the vegetation, animal effects (e.g., pocket Great Basin Range Experiment Station gophers), and fire severity (Brown and in the , Utah, but that the DeByle 1989). More intense fires only severe fire was in 1867. Harniss generally produce greater sprout and Harper (1982) found that the densities because they kill more of the conifers were older in subalpine fir - canopy trees and elevate soil aspen stands at higher elevations than in temperatures--both of which stimulate white fir - aspen stands at lower the roots’ sprouting response elevations, and suggested that this may (Hungerford 1988, Brown and DeByle reflect longer fire intervals at the higher 1989, Peterson and Peterson 1992,

126 et al. 2002). However, extremely Understory species that have been intense fires, especially those that burn observed to increase in cover after fire in for long periods on the soil surface, may aspen forests include the forbs injure the root system and therefore Chenopodium fremontii, Dracocephalum reduce aspen sprout density (Parker and parviflorum, Epilobium angustifolium, Parker 1983). Galium boreale, Iliamna rivularis, and Root sprouts may grow up to 2.5 the grasses Agrostis scabra, m tall in the first year, but grow more Calamagrostis canadensis, and slowly thereafter (Peterson and Peterson Calamagrostis rubescens. The shrub 1992). Sprout density rapidly decreases snowberry (Symphoricarpos after the second year, with as much as an rotundifolius) has been observed to 80% reduction by year 5, as smaller, less increase dramatically after prescribed vigorous sprouts having lower canopy fire in the Pagosa District of the San positions die, and few new sprouts are Juan National Forest (J. Redders, produced (Bartos and Mueggler 1981, personal communication). Other species Peterson and Peterson 1992). If a are injured by fire and exhibit reduced regenerating aspen stand is re-burned cover after burning, such as the herbs after only 2 - 6 years, the second fire Aquilegia coerulea, Astragalus miser, usually kills all or most of the sprouts, Fragaria vesca, Galium boreale, Linnea and the second sprouting response by the borealis, Lupinus spp, Maianthemum root system is much weaker than the first canadense, Thalictrum fendleri, (Perala 1974, Quintilio et al. 1991). Vaccinium spp, and all the shrubs Indeed, frequent re-burning at very short (Brown and DeByle 1989, Quintilio et intervals may essentially eliminate aspen al. 1991, Bartos et al. 1994). from a site (Buckman and Blankenship 1965). 2. Fire History in Aspen Forests of the In addition to killing the canopy San Juan National Forest and stimulating root sprouts, fire has major effects on the understory of aspen Given our lack of precise forests. Total understory production information on aspen fire history in the typically increases substantially after South Central Highlands Section during fire, especially after fires of moderate to the reference period, we conducted a high intensity, and may remain elevated detailed study of fire history in a portion for a decade or longer. Generally grass of the San Juan National Forest where and forb production increases, but shrub aspen is the predominant vegetation type production is reduced after fire (Brown (Romme et al. 2001). This area is and DeByle 1989, Bartos et al. 1994). located on the western flanks of the La Species richness also may be increased Plata Mountains in the western portion by fire. Anderson and Bailey (1980) of the San Juan National Forest (Figure compared aspen stands in Alberta’s I-1), adjacent to the “pine zone” study aspen parkland that had been burned area that was analyzed in the context of annually in the spring for 24 years with ponderosa pine forest history (Chapter other stands that had not burned. The II). burned stands had twice the number of herbaceous species per quadrat but Methodology: slightly fewer woody species.

127 Reconstructing fire history is cores were rotten, lacking centers, or more difficult in aspen forests than in otherwise unreadable). Because of ponderosa pine forests, because aspen small sample sizes, ages from the two are easily killed by fire and few fire- study sites were aggregated for this scarred trees can be found with which to analysis (Figure IV-1). We expected date past fires. Therefore, we used a less that the post-fire aspen cohort, which precise method of determining fire resprouted after the 1879 burn, would be history that was based on the statistical approximately 115 years old in 1995. distribution of current stand ages; i.e., Nearly 60 % of the aspen trees in our the time since the last lethal fire sample were, in fact, 105-115 years old. (Johnson and Gutsell 1994). To develop Thus, the oldest living aspen stems in this method, we began by sampling the stand today apparently represent the several aspen stands in 1995 within the initial post-fire cohort, even though Lime Creek burn, an area located near many individuals of younger age classes Silverton, Colorado, where an extensive were present due to continued fire in 1879 was documented by written recruitment of stems into the canopy for records. In two aspen stands, we several decades following the fire. The removed an increment core from every Lime Creek data also revealed that very stem, at a height of about 1 meter, within few aspen trees had survived the fire in a circular plot. We also collected 1879. The three trees in Figure IV-1 increment cores from 15 - 20 of the between 120-130 years old actually may largest and oldest appearing stems in have become initiated after the burn but three additional stands. The cores were were misdated due to difficulty in glued to slotted boards, air dried, sanded, counting annual rings in aspen (Jones et and stained. The number of annual rings al.1985). was counted under 20x power Figure IV-2 shows the age magnification using a dissecting distribution of 53 large aspen stems microscope. Additional years were sampled from among the dominant added to the estimate of stem age to stems (not all stems as in Figure IV-1) in compensate for cores that had missed the three additional sites in the 1879 burn. center of the tree; the number of years The greatest number of stems are added was based on the radius of clustered around the expected age, while curvature of the innermost rings. Three a small number of sampled trees, years were also added to the age of each although large in diameter, were later stem as an estimate of the time required recruits into the population. These to grow to coring height. results demonstrated that we could The age structure of aspen stems estimate the time since the last major fire in the 1879 Lime Creek burn was in an aspen stand from the oldest cohort constructed from all readable cores present. (about 20% of the sampled increment


Figure IV-1. Age structure in 1995 of an aspen stand that regenerated after the 1879 Lime Creek burn. All stems > 5 cm (2 in) dbh within the plot were sampled.

Figure IV-2. Age structure in 1995 of dominant aspen stems within three stands that regenerated after the 1879 Lime Creek burn. Smaller aspen stems were not sampled in these stands.

129 Landscape-Level Fire History: cells. In this way, each unit of the total study area had an equal probability of Once we had verified that being sampled (Johnson and Gutsell, post-fire aspen cohorts could still be 1994). The sampling sites identified on detected in aspen stands that burned the map then were located in the field. If >100 years ago, we applied this method the sampling point appeared to have to a large area of unknown fire history in recent disturbances such as logging, we the Mancos and Dolores Districts of the randomly selected another point within San Juan National Forest (Figure I-1). the 1 km grid cell. At each sampling The study site covered 77 km2 and point we visually classified the stand as spanned elevations of 2650 -3310 m. “stable,” lacking conifers in the Many stands, especially at the lowest understory, or “seral,” including conifers elevations, contained only aspen in the in the understory, and sampled the 20 tree canopy (stable stands); while at the largest, sound trees. The tree species higher elevations, we found mostly seral and diameter at breast height were stands consisting of both aspen and recorded, and an increment core was conifer understory, as well as some taken at breast height. Cores were glued to boards, sanded, stained, and dated as stable stands. A 1 km2 grid was described above. overlaid on the 7.5 minute topographic We then summarized the ages of quadrangles for the study area based dominant aspen stems in each stand, and upon the UTM 1,000 m grid tics. A estimated the decade in which the most sample point was randomly chosen recent lethal fire had occurred and the 2 within each 1 km grid cell as follows: current stand was generated. Criteria for a smaller grid of 100 ha grid cells was identifying and dating the post-fire placed over each 1 km2 cell and a cohorts in the stands that were sampled random number was generated to choose are summarized in Table IV-1. the sample point from these smaller


Table IV-1. Method used for estimating stand age (time since last stand-replacing fire) in aspen forests on the west side of the San Juan National Forest.

1. We assumed that no fires occurred in our aspen study area after 1880. This assumption was based on the fact that the fire record ended abruptly in 1880 within the five ponderosa pine stands on the west side of the San Juan National Forest where detailed fire histories were reconstructed using fire scars. In these five ponderosa pine stands (FPC, PLT, SMI, TCK, and BCN; chapter II), there was only one fire recorded after 1880, a 1904 burn that scarred a single tree. If there were few or no fires in the ponderosa pine zone after 1880, it seems unlikely that fires would continue to occur in the more mesic aspen forests adjacent to the pine zone. 2. We assumed that in the years when fires occurred in aspen forests there also were fires in the adjacent ponderosa pine zone. We have an extensive, high-resolution fire history for the pine zone (chapter 2 in this report). Therefore, we summarized the years in each decade in which fires were detected in the ponderosa pine study

130 area, and assumed that these were the likely years in each decade in which fires also occurred in aspen forests. Note that we assigned aspen stand origin dates only to a decade (not to individual fire years) because the relatively imprecise aspen stem age data did not allow determination of specific fire years. Fire dates on the west side of the San Juan National Forest include the following (asterisk indicates years of extensive fires detected in >1 ponderosa pine study area); in brackets are the maximum ages, in 1995, of post-fire cohorts that could have become established in each decade (e.g., the oldest stems in an 1879 post-fire cohort would be 116 years old in 1995, and the oldest stems in an 1872 cohort would be 123 years old in 1995): -- 1904 … [ 91 ] -- none in the 1890s -- 1880 … [ indistinguishable from 1879 cohort, so lumped with 1879 ] -- 1879* 1873 1872 … [ 116 - 123 ] -- 1868 1864 1861 1860 … [ 127 - 135 ] -- 1854 1851 … [ 141 - 144 ] -- 1847* 1842* … [ 148 - 153 ] -- 1837 1836 1831 … [ 158 - 164 ] -- 1829* 1826 1825 1824 1821 … [ 166 - 174 ] -- 1819 1818 1817 1814 1813* 1810 … [ 176 - 185 ] -- 1798 1796* 1790 … [ 197 - 205 ] -- 1789 1787 1786* 1785* 1783 1782 … [ 206 - 213 ] -- 1775 1773* 1772 … [ 220 - 223 ] -- 1768 1767 1765 1761 … [ 227 - 234 ] -- 1754* … [ 241 ] -- 1748* … [ 247 ] 3. We regarded the stems that established within 10 years after a fire date as a post-fire cohort. A post-fire cohort must be represented by at least 3 stems of the appropriate ages; we also recognized tentative cohorts based on only two stems of appropriate age.

4. Stands that contained no recognizable cohort were placed in one of two categories: a) If there were one or more stems that established before 1880, we assumed that the stand originated long ago (before the 1760s, which is the earliest date for which we have a recognizable post-fire cohort) and most of the original post-fire cohort had died through natural causes (disease, etc.). b) If there were no stems that established before 1880, then we assumed that the post-fire cohort had been removed by logging or other 20th century disturbances; such stands were deleted from the statistical analysis because their fire history could not be determined.


131 Fire History and the Landscape > 70 years old and half were < 70 years Mosaic during the Reference Period: old. If half of the landscape had burned within the previous 70 years, then it Table IV-2 summarizes the would require about twice this length of number of aspen stands that became time, or 140 years, for a cumulative area established in each decade from the equal to the entire landscape to burn. 1870s to the 1760s, as well as the Thus, our best estimate of the fire number of stands that originated earlier turnover time in an aspen-dominated than the 1760s, or in which stand age landscape, during the period of could not be determined. The table also indigenous settlement, is about 140 distinguishes between seral and stable years. aspen stands. There were extensive fires We also compared the in the 1870s and 1860s. Fewer stands distribution of stand ages in the mid- date from the early to mid 1800s, either 1880s for seral vs. stable aspen stands because there were fewer or less (Table IV-3). The median age appears extensive fires during that time, or substantially older for stable stands than because evidence of these early fires has for seral stands, but this is in part a been destroyed by the fires of the later statistical artifact resulting from the 1800s. We detected no stands large number of stable stands that were originating from the 1770s through the either >120 years old or impossible to first decade of the 1800s, but one stand date. Had we found only one or two had a clear post-fire cohort dating from additional stable stands from the early or the 1760s -- the oldest stand to which we mid-1800s, the medians would be about could assign a specific fire decade. A the same for seral and stable stands. substantial fraction of the sampled Looking at the 25% quartiles for seral stands appeared to be even older -- to and stable stands (Table IV-3), it is have last burned at some time prior to apparent that the youngest quarter of the the 1760s -- but we could not assign stable stands were very young (ca 10 yr specific fire decades to these stands, old) in the mid-1880s, whereas the because the oldest post-fire trees youngest quarter of the seral stands were apparently had disappeared through 10 - 30 years old. natural mortality. We conclude from this analysis What kind of a landscape that within this aspen dominated mosaic existed in the aspen zone during landscape during the period from the the pre-1880 reference period? Table mid-1700s to the late 1800s, IV-3 summarizes the distribution of approximately half of the aspen forest stand ages as they must have existed in consisted of relatively young stands the mid-1880s. These ages were developing after fires within the determined by subtracting 110 years preceding 70 years, and that half of the from the stand ages in 1995 (Table IV- stands had escaped fire for more than 2). Looking at all aspen stands about 70 years. Fires occurred combined (last column in Table IV-3), somewhere within the 77-km2 study the median stand age in the 1880s was area nearly every decade, but it required about 70 years. This means that about more than a century for a cumulative half of the stands in the landscape were area equal to the entire study area to be

132 burned. Some stands burned again at a century without burning. The fire relatively short intervals (< 70 years), turnover time in seral stands was roughly but many others persisted for more than comparable to that in stable stands.


Table IV-2. Summary of decades in which the last lethal fire occurred in aspen stands of the western San Juan National Forest, Colorado. Number of Aspen Number of Seral Number of Stable Stands (Seral & Decade of Last Fire Aspen Stands Aspen Stands Stable Combined) 1870s 4 6 10 1860s 4 2 6 1850s 2 0 2 1840s 3 0 3 1830s 3 1 4 1820s 2 0 2 1810s 2 0 2 1800s 0 0 0 1790s 0 0 0 1780s 0 0 0 1770s 0 0 0 1760s 1 0 1 Pre - 1760s 16 11 27 Unknown 6 13 19 Total 43 33 76 Total, exc. unknown 37 20 57


Caveats: distinguish between two or more fires within the same decade, nor can it Three important weakness of depict actual sizes or shapes of patches our fire-dating method should be created by individual fires. Finally, it is acknowledged. First, we cannot say in important to note that we probably which particular years fires occurred, detected only the relatively large fires because dating fires from post-fire age that occurred in the past. Many smaller cohorts is inherently less precise than fires undoubtedly occurred in places dendrochronological dating based on between the locations of our sample fire-scarred trees. However, because points, and were not detected. This may fire scars are so rare in aspen forests, the not be a serious error from the decade-level precision that we achieved standpoint of interpreting past fire is probably about the best that can be effects, however, because a few large done in aspen-dominated landscapes of fires probably were responsible for most the Rocky Mountains. A second of the burned area; this is the case today weakness of our method is that it cannot in boreal forest and several other types

133 of fire-dominated landscapes (Johnson period of reduced fire activity 1992, Moritz 1997). throughout the Southwest (Swetnam and It is also important to recognize Baisan 1996), when the age structure of that we have depicted the structure of the the aspen forest mosaic probably shifted aspen forest mosaic at a single time at towards a predominance of older stands. the very end of the reference period, viz., In contrast, the middle and later 1800s the 1880s. We do not know just how was a time of greater fire frequency in representative this particular time was of the Southwest, when the aspen landscape the entire period of indigenous mosaic may have been dominated by settlement. The landscape mosaic in younger stands. Therefore, in evaluating 1880 probably was similar in its broad today’s age structures and developing features to earlier mosaics, but there desired future conditions, the 70-year must have been substantial fluctuations median stand age that we determined for over time. Thus, in earlier periods, the the 1880s should be viewed only as an median stand age probably was greater approximate characterization of the or less than the 70 years that we reference period. In fact, this estimate determined for the mid-1880s. Note, for may be towards the younger end of the example, the period in the late 1700s and spectrum of median stand ages that early 1800s, a time when few aspen existed during the period of indigenous stands were regenerated by fire in our settlement, because of the extensive fires study area (Table IV-2). This was a that occurred just prior to 1880.


Table IV-3. Summary of stand ages in the mid-1880s, at the end of the period of indigenous settlement in the western San Juan National Forest. Number of Aspen Number of Seral Number of Stable Stands (Seral & Stand Age in 1880s Aspen Stands Aspen Stands Stable Combined) 10 yr 4 6 - 25% quartile 10 20 yr 4 2 6 - 25% quartile 30 yr 2 - 25% quartile 0 2 40 yr 3 0 3 50 yr 3 1 4 60 yr 2 0 2 70 yr 2 - median 0 2 - median 80 yr 0 0 0 90 yr 0 0 0 100 yr 0 0 0 110 yr 0 0 0 120 yr 1 0 1 > 120 yr 16 11 - median 27 Total 37 20 57

134 3. Fire Behavior in Aspen Forests has relatively low moisture content. However, the time period between Aspen forests in the Rocky snowmelt and greening of the Mountain region often do not burn herbaceous vegetation is relatively readily today (Perala 1974, Alexander short. The time between herbaceous 1982, Jones and DeByle 1985b, Brown senescence and development of snow and Simmerman 1986, Peterson and cover in the fall may be somewhat Peterson 1992). This is because of high longer, but fall is often wet in the San moisture content in the herbaceous fuels Juan country and short days with low that usually dominate the ground layer, temperatures would further reduce fire the high spreading architecture of aspen spread. Consequently, fires in aspen tree crowns, and the absence of forests during “ordinary” years probably flammable volatile substances in aspen were small. wood and foliage (as compared to A second consideration about conifer wood). Thus, the question arises fires in the aspen type prior to ca. 1880 how such forests could have burned as has to do with the makeup of the frequently in the past as is implied by herbaceous fuels. Prior to the onset of our fire history analyses. Two extensive and heavy grazing by considerations are important. livestock, the ground layer vegetation First, extensive aspen fires in the may have been dominated by different past probably occurred only in very dry species that were more conducive to fire years, when fuel moisture in the spread than are the species that herbaceous vegetation was low enough dominate aspen forests today. Baker in the summer to permit ignition and (1925) wrote that aspen litter was too fire spread. During the extremely dry scant to carry fire in stands grazed year of 2002, for example, fire-fighters heavily by livestock, but that in in the San Juan National Forest ungrazed pockets one finds “... rank observed more active and intense fire undergrowth of tall leafy grasses, such spread in aspen stands than had been as Bromus, Agropyron, and Stipa, as seen in the previous several decades. It well as herbs.” Similarly, Tanner and is likely that most of the cumulative Hayward (1934;213), working in Utah’s aspen forest area burned in half a in La Sal Mountains, stated that “Where century during the reference period was grazing has been prevented for a burned in just a few individual years in number of years, there is a luxuriant which very dry conditions prevailed. growth of grasses and other plants For example, we documented fires in among the .” More recently, aspen forests during the decade of the Jones and DeByle (1985b) reported that 1840s (above); probably all or nearly all livestock grazing can reduce herbaceous of the area that burned in this decade fuels such that fire cannot spread was burned in the one very dry year readily, and Brown and Simmerman 1842. During “ordinary” years (i.e., (1986) stated that “Grazing reduced fire when climatic conditions were close to behavior potential by 80 to 90 percent average), small fires may have occurred of ungrazed conditions.” Unfortunately, in aspen forests in the spring and/or we simply do not know what the early fall. These are seasons when the pre-1880 composition of aspen forests herbaceous vegetation is dormant and was in this area, or the extent to which

135 composition may have been changed by Johnson 1992). In seral aspen stands livestock grazing and other disturbances containing a large conifer component, (see sections below). Therefore, we crown fires and higher-intensity surface cannot determine the extent to which fires probably occurred in the past, as fire behavior in aspen forests may have they do today (Peterson and Peterson been altered by human activities of the 1992). Parker and Parker (1983) noted last hundred years. that the moderate-intensity fires that tend In pure or nearly pure stands of to occur in aspen stands also stimulate aspen, where there was little or no the greatest amount of aspen sprouting conifer understory, fires in the past (as after fire, thus contributing to aspen’s well as today) probably were surface continuing dominance on the site. In fires; i.e., they burned through the fuels contrast, the higher-intensity fires of on the forest floor but did not burn into conifer or conifer-aspen forests usually the tree crowns. However, even produce less aspen sprouting, and may low-intensity surface fires can be even provide an opportunity for conifers stand-destroying fires in an aspen forest, to establish dominance on sites that because aspen is thin-barked and easily could support either aspen or conifers. killed by fire (Jones and DeByle 1985b,


The aspen zone in the South small blocks up to about 40 acres in size. Central Highlands Section has been Clear-cutting removes the suppressing used throughout the last century for effects of hormones produced by apical timber production, livestock grazing, meristems, just as fire does, and usually and recreation. To facilitate these is followed by prolific sprouting of new activities, an extensive road network has stems from the root system (Shepperd been constructed in many portions of 1993). As with fire, maximum sprout the aspen zone, and fires have been densities are seen in year one or two. actively suppressed. Landscape-level Abundance of sprouts is directly related impacts of roads and logging are to the number of mature stems killed; evaluated in Chapter VII. Major clear-cutting stimulates more sprouts impacts include fragmentation of than partial cutting (Schier and Smith mature forests, shifts in the age class 1979). Documented sprout densities in structure of the landscape mosaic, the first two years after clear-cutting development of successional stands that range from 35,000 - 75,000 stems/ha lack important structural components (Jones 1975, Bartos and Mueggler 1982, (e.g. large snags and fallen logs), and Crouch 1981, 1983a,b). Sprouts grow easy human access. rapidly, and the dominant individuals may reach average heights of 4-5 ft (1.2 1. Stand-Level Effects of Logging in – 1.5 m) by the third year (Crouch Aspen Forests 1981). After the second year, the density of sprouts declines rapidly as Aspen in the Rocky Mountains smaller, less vigorous sprouts die and is usually harvested by clear-cutting few new sprouts are produced. Sprouts

136 also die from browsing by elk, sheep and Highlands Section during the past voles (Microtus montanus), trampling by century. How similar are the effects of livestock, insect damage, bacterial or fire and logging? Both kinds of fungal disease, snow damage, frost, and disturbance kill the canopy and stimulate other causes (Crouch 1981, 1983a,b, root sprouting, but logging is very Hinds and Shepperd 1987). different from fire in terms of post- Bartos et al. (1983; cited in disturbance environmental conditions, Bartos et al. 1991) estimated that at least nutrient dynamics, and responses by 10,000 healthy aspen suckers per hectare animals and herbaceous plants. Notably, are needed initially to ensure young stands of fire origin typically development of an adequately stocked contain abundant snags and fallen logs new stand after clear-cutting. This from the forest that was burned. This density is often achieved after clear- “biological legacy” of the previous cutting, and many stands that were cut forest provided important habitat for during the past 50 years appear to be birds and other fauna, and played a role regenerating adequately. However, in nutrient cycling and soil development some clear-cuts have failed to produce (see chapter VII). In the young stands sufficient sprouts to regenerate the cut developing after logging today, these stand (Crouch 1986, Johnston 2001, Rolf biological legacies are generally lacking. 2001). Failed regeneration may be most Consequently, species that evolved to likely to occur on relatively flat sites thrive in young aspen stands of fire having a high water table or heavy origin (e.g., many cavity nesting species; browsing by native or domestic Winternitz 1980, Scott et al. 1980, Hutto ungulates (Crouch 1986; Shepperd 1993, 1995) may be suffering for lack of 1996). quality habitat -- not only because of the Clear-cutting an aspen stand paucity of recent fires, but also from the often leads to increased understory fact that young stands of logging origin production (Bartos and Mueggler 1982), are not adequate substitutes for post-fire although in at least one documented aspen stands in terms of key habitat situation no increase was observed characteristics. For example, Westworth (Crouch 1983a,b). In contrast to the and Telfer (1993) conducted a census of effects of fire (increased species breeding birds in aspen forests of the diversity, increased forage production, Canadian Rockies, including recent decreased shrub production; see above), clear-cuts and post-fire stands up to 80 clear-cutting apparently does not yr old. They found the lowest richness increase native plant species diversity, (number of species) and lowest number though it may facilitate establishment of of territories in the clear-cut, and the invasive non-native species like highest richness and number of cheatgrass and Canada thistle (Paulson territories found in a 14-year old post- and Baker 2006). Clear-cutting also fire stand that contained snags and logs may stimulate shrub production more from the previous stand. than herbaceous production (Bartos and Comparisons of burned vs. Mueggler 1982). logged aspen stands also have shown Logging has largely replaced that fire stimulates increased herbaceous fire as the major disturbance process in production and species diversity in the aspen forests of the South Central understory, but logging either does not

137 enhance the herbaceous stratum or does Mountain region, native ungulates (deer so minimally (Anderson and Bailey and elk) have strongly affected aspen 1980, Bartos and Mueggler 1982, stand structure and dynamics. Deer and Crouch 1983a,b). Fire also rapidly elk prefer aspen browse over that of any decomposes some of the litter and duff conifer (Packard 1942, Jones 1974). on the forest floor, providing a pulse of Continual heavy browsing on aspen nutrients, and blackens the soil surface sprouts and on bark of mature trees sufficiently to increase soil temperatures. results in death of canopy trees and lack The post-fire increase in nutrients and of regeneration, with eventual soil temperatures is transient, lasting deterioration or loss of the stand (e.g., only a few years at most, but it may be Gysel 1960, Krebill 1972, Mueggler important in stimulating herbaceous 1985, Kay 1997). Heavy browsing by growth as well as aspen suckers. livestock and deer between about 1905 and 1934 is believed to have prevented 2. Effects of Livestock Grazing and establishment of new aspen stems during Native Ungulate Browsing that period in a portion of the in Utah, and deer Baker (1925;17) wrote that apparently eliminated the aspen sprouts “Mammals are the chief living enemies in a clear-cut in Arizona (Jones 1974, of aspen” and went on to say that sheep Mueggler and Bartos 1977). Aspen can eliminate aspen sprouts in clear-cut clones appear to vary greatly in their areas within 3 years. Similarly, susceptibility to damage from heavy Fleischner (1994) argues that livestock ungulate browsing, but once an aspen grazing has dramatically altered nearly stand begins to deteriorate, it may lose every plant community throughout the nearly all of its canopy trees within a west. The effects of heavy cattle and few decades (Schier 1975, Shields and sheep grazing in the late 19th and early Bockheim 1981). There is considerable 20th centuries have been fairly well controversy as to whether the effects of documented for ponderosa pine forests native ungulates on aspen forests in the of the South Central Highlands Section west are “natural” or have been (Chapter II), but we have little specific significantly altered by human activities information on effects of livestock (e.g., Romme et al. 1995, Kay 1997, grazing on aspen forests of this region. Hessl 2002, Hessl and Graumlich 2002). Anecdotal references (e.g., Baker 1925, Ungulate populations, particularly elk, Tanner and Hayward 1934) suggest that are much higher now than they were in the herbaceous component of aspen the early part of the 20th century, but forests may have been altered they had been reduced to unnaturally substantially by livestock grazing (in low levels at the turn of century by particular, abundance of grasses may indiscriminate hunting. We simply do have been reduced), but reliable not know what ungulate population quantitative data on species composition densities were like during the pre-1870 during the pre-1870 reference period are reference period, nor the extent to which not available. they naturally fluctuated in response to In some portions of the Rocky climatic variability and other factors.

138 3. Sudden Aspen Decline (SAD) inventory data from New Mexico and Arizona in 1962 and 1986, and found Extensive and seemingly that the total area classified as aspen had precipitous mortality of mature aspen declined by 222,000 acres (46%), stems has been observed in many parts presumably because of increased growth of Colorado and other western states of conifers (especially in smaller size since the early 2000s (Worrall et al. classes) and poor establishment of new 2008). The phenomenon has been aspen stems. He concluded that “If such labeled “Sudden Aspen Decline” or trends continue, unchanged by either “SAD.” The cause of the mortality has prescribed fire or cutting, aspen will not been determined. A number of cease to exist as a distinct cover type in insects and fungi are found on the dead about 25 years ...” (Johnson 1994:16), and dying trees, but most are and argued that we need more logging “secondary” species that feed on trees and prescribed fire to recreate more that have been killed by other agents. It natural conditions in forests of the is possible that the mortality is primarily southwest. A recent report by Club 20 a result of the severe drought that in 1998, entitled “Decline of the aspen,” affected Colorado from the late 1990s reiterates these same points. However, through early 2000s. The fact that the area covered by aspen forests mortality appears greater on drier and actually has remained stable or even lower-elevation sites supports this increased throughout the past century in interpretation. Some affected stands some parts of Colorado, notably around appear to have enough healthy sprouts to Grand Mesa (Kulakowski et al. 2004), regenerate the stand, but in other stands the Gunnison Basin (Crawford et al. the root systems appear to be dead, and 1998, Manier and Laven 2002), the regeneration is not assured. Overall, Uncompahgre Plateau (Jensen 2000, there is great uncertainty about the Smith and Smith 2005), and parts of the causes, the spatial patterns, and the San Juan Mountains (Elliott and Baker likely consequences of SAD, but 2006). research is underway to answer some of A key issue that confounds our the questions. attempts to evaluate the status of aspen in the West is the tremendous variability, 4. Is Aspen Declining in the South at both regional and local scales, in Central Highlands Section? aspen history and current trends (Romme et al. 2001, Hessl 2002). Charles Kay published a Rogers (2002) made a broad regional provocative paper in 1997 entitled “Is assessment of aspen status throughout aspen doomed?” in which he argued that much of Idaho, Wyoming, and Colorado, western aspen stands are being destroyed based on recently collected Forest by lack of fire coupled with excessive Health Monitoring data, and determined browsing by unnaturally high that aspen was being replaced by other populations of native ungulates, mainly species in 61% of the surveyed plots. In elk. Kay recommended more intensive the remaining 39% of plots, aspen management of ungulates and vegetation appeared stable, with multi-layered to alleviate aspen decline. Similarly, stands and no active conifer invasion. Johnson (1994) compared forest Replacement by conifers was most

139 prominent in eastern parts of the study fairly linear fashion with increasing age; area, whereas stable stands were in one study, 6 - 7% of 60-year old stems especially numerous in the western area, were classified as cull (unsuitable for including parts of Colorado. timber, usually because of decay or Another fundamental difficulty deformity), whereas 44 - 53% of 160- in assessing the magnitude and year old trees were so classified (Hinds significance of aspen decline is the fact and Wengert 1977). Meineke (1929) that investigators have used multiple, also reported a high incidence of cull in and often conflicting, concepts of stands greater than 90 years old, with “decline.” Kashian et al. (2007) almost 45% gross cull in the 121 - 130 evaluated aspen forests in northern age class. In the context of evaluating Colorado and determined that different aspen decline, it is also important to note definitions of aspen decline led to very that conifers are becoming increasingly different conclusions. In the sections dominant in many successional aspen below we evaluate the status of aspen in stands. For example, conifer basal area the South Central Highlands Section in increased from 10 to 23 m2/ha while the context of two different ecological aspen basal area decreased from 21 to 18 processes that have been interpreted as m2/ha between 1979 and 2001 in aspen “aspen decline.” These processes are (i) stands with conifer understories on the replacement of aspen by conifers in the Uncompahgre Plateau (Smith and Smith absence of fire or logging, and (ii) 2005). Similarly, Kashian et al. (2007) failure of aspen to regenerate because of reported increasing conifer dominance in chronic heavy browsing by native or a third of the stands sampled in the domestic ungulates. Colorado Front Range. If we define “aspen decline” as a decrease in aspen Replacement of Aspen by density, basal area, or cover over time, Conifers then aspen is declining in these portions of Colorado’s Uncompahgre Plateau and The frequency and extent of fires Front Range. in aspen forests during the 20th century From a different perspective, have been substantially reduced in however, we can view these changes in comparison with the pre-1870 reference conifer abundance as natural period. As a result, the age structure of successional processes that have always aspen stands across the landscape has occurred during long periods without shifted towards an increasing prevalence major stand disturbance. In fact, this is of older stands in at least some areas. how Smith and Smith (2005) interpreted Bartos et al. (1991) reported that two- the changes that they documented on the thirds of the aspen stands in the Uncompahgre Plateau. Kaye et al. Intermountain Region of the National (2003) evaluated 123 patches of aspen Forests are > 95 years old. within a 340 km2 portion of Rocky From a silvicultural perspective, Mountain National Park in northern these aging stands are becoming Colorado; they found that aspen was increasingly susceptible to disease and mixed with conifers in two-thirds of the mortality (Hinds 1985). Once aspen patches, but concluded that aspen was stems reach an age of about 60 years, the not declining when viewed over an incidence of decay begins to rise in a appropriately long time span of many

140 decades or centuries. Kashian et al. (Baker 1925, Fleischner 1994). Chronic (2007) documented a cyclic alternation heavy browsing can prevent aspen root of aspen dominance after fire followed sprouts from growing into new trees. If by conifer dominance during long canopy trees are dying, either gradually intervals between fires. In a further through natural aging processes or analysis of aspen in Rocky Mountain suddenly due to fire, insects, disease, or National Park, Kaye et al. (2005) found SAD (see above), then failure of the root that a dense growth of conifers resulted sprouts to regenerate the stand can lead in reduced establishment of new aspen to loss of the stand and loss of the stems but did not reduce growth or clone(s) represented in the stand (Kay increase mortality rates in already- 1997). This would represent aspen established aspen. decline by almost any definition. Our interpretation of aspen in the Declining stands of this kind are South Central Highlands Section is that found in places throughout the West, increasing conifer abundance does not including the South Central Highlands pose a serious threat to the long-term Section. However, we do not have a persistence or ecological function of good estimate of how much of the aspen aspen. Thus, conifers are not causing in this region is declining as a result of aspen to decline in this region. Even excessive ungulate browsing. One can though aspen cover has declined in some find aspen stands with good regeneration areas (Johnson 1994), we view this trend following fire or clear-cutting as well as as a natural successional process during other stands where browsing has a century of infrequent fire that followed inhibited regeneration (e.g., Crouch the extensive fires of the second half of 1981, Shepperd and Fairweather 1994, the 19th century. Fires have become Paulson and Baker 2006). more frequent in the past decade, and Consequently, we cannot say how will likely become even more frequent in extensive or ecologically significant is the coming century (Westerling et al. aspen decline due to excessive browsing 2006). These fires will reduce the in the South Central Highlands Section; conifer component and once again this is a topic for additional research. increase aspen dominance as described Although ungulate browsing by Kashian et al. (2007). appears to be a more significant process of aspen decline than replacement of Suppression of Aspen aspen by conifers, and “SAD” may Regeneration by Chronic Heavy become of greater importance in the Ungulate Browsing future (especially if we see increasing drought and warming temperatures), our Aspen sprouts are a favored overall assessment is that aspen does not browse of native ungulates, including appear to be in imminent danger of deer and elk Hessl 2002, Hessl and disappearing from landscapes of the Graumlich 2002), as well as domestic South Central Highlands Section. ungulates such as cattle and sheep


Aspen forests form an important and sunscald. Aspen stems are easily vegetation type between about 2,000 and killed even by relatively low-intensity 3,300 m throughout the mountainous fire. However, the aspen root system portions of Colorado, Utah, and northern usually is unharmed by fire, and it New Mexico These forests grow on a typically produces abundant root sprouts wide variety of geologic substrates and within the first growing season after the soil types, although best growth usually fire. A detailed study of fire history in is seen on deep, loamy soils having high the western portion of the San Juan nutrient availability. Aspen is a clonal National Forest revealed that there were species in which a single genetic extensive fires in the 1870s and 1860s, individual may cover a large area (up to but no large fires after that time. Median several hectare) and be represented by aspen stand age in the 1880s was about tens, hundreds, or even thousands of 70 years. If half of the landscape had individual stems. Ranging from pure burned within the previous 70 years, aspen stands (“stable aspen”) to stands then it would require about twice this that are co-dominated by aspen and length of time, or 140 years, for a conifer species (seral aspen”), aspen cumulative area equal to the entire forests generally are characterized by a landscape to burn. This is our best luxuriant understory of deciduous shrubs estimate of the fire turnover time in this and herbs and provide some of the most aspen-dominated landscape during the important wildlife habitats in the South period of indigenous settlement. Central Highlands Section. Aspen in the Rocky Mountains is In a survey of 100 stable and usually harvested by clear-cutting small seral aspen forests in the western portion blocks up to about 40 acres in size. of the San Juan National Forest, stable Clear-cutting usually is followed by aspen stands were strongly associated prolific sprouting of new stems from the with lower elevations near the ponderosa root system, and often leads to increased pine zone, and weakly associated with understory production as well. shale substrates rather than sandstones or However, some clear-cuts have failed to igneous rocks, whereas seral stands were produce sufficient sprouts to regenerate found primarily at the higher elevations. the cut stand, especially on relatively flat This pattern suggests that stable aspen sites having a high water table or heavy stands in the South Central Highlands browsing by native or domestic Section may have developed in response ungulates to very short fire intervals in the past, Extensive and seemingly but more research is needed to fully precipitous mortality of mature aspen explain the distribution of stable vs. seral stems has been observed in many parts aspen in this region. of Colorado and other western states The most important natural agent since about 2000. The phenomenon has of disturbance in aspen forests during the been labeled “Sudden Aspen Decline” or reference period was fire; other natural “SAD.” The cause of the mortality has disturbances included windthrow, fungal not been determined. diseases, tent caterpillars and other Aspen cover has decreased in insects, snow damage, hail, lightning, many areas since the early 1900s,

142 leading to concerns about aspen decline. ungulates. We view the first process—a However, the area covered by aspen trend of increasing conifer dominance-- forests actually has remained stable or as a natural successional process that has even increased throughout the past always occurred during long periods century in other areas. Assessing the without major stand disturbance and that magnitude and significance of aspen is not a serious threat to the long-term decline is complicated by the fact that persistence or ecological function of investigators have used multiple, and aspen. Future fires will reduce the often conflicting, concepts of “decline,” conifer component and once again and different definitions of aspen decline increase aspen dominance. The second lead to very different conclusions. We process—failure of stands to regenerate evaluated two different ecological because of excessive browsing—is a processes that have been interpreted as more serious form of aspen decline. “aspen decline:” (i) replacement of Unfortunately, we do not have a good aspen by conifers in the absence of fire estimate of how much of the aspen in or logging, and (ii) failure of aspen to this region is declining as a result of regenerate because of chronic heavy excessive ungulate browsing; this is an browsing by native or domestic important topic for future research.


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William H. Romme, Jeffery S. Redders, M. Lisa Floyd, David Hanna


Mixed conifer forests are perhaps regimes, aspect, and topography), the most variable and complex of any previous disturbance by fire or insects, forest type in the southwestern and past management practices mountains, in terms of species (particularly timber harvest and fire composition, stand structure, and exclusion). Timber harvest has dynamics. They also have received selectively removed Douglas-fir, relatively little research attention ponderosa pine, and Engelmann spruce (Romme et al. 1992). Consequently, we from many of these forests, while fire have a relatively poor understanding of exclusion has allowed white fir to the long-term ecological dynamics and increase on many sites. interactions that have shaped the mixed Environmental conditions, conifer landscape in the past, and that species composition, and disturbance explain biotic responses to current regimes in the mixed conifer zone are management activities. intermediate between the adjacent The mixed conifer forest type ponderosa pine zone at lower elevations occurs at elevations ranging from about (Chapter II) and the adjacent spruce-fir 2270 – 3030 m (7,500 – 10,000 ft). It is zone at higher elevations (Chapter III). associated with the montane and The high elevation spruce-fir and low subalpine climatic zones, the frigid and elevation ponderosa pine forests have cryic soil temperature regimes, and the distinctive and very different structural ustic and udic soil moisture regimes and dynamic characteristics, and the throughout the South Central Highlands mid-elevation mixed conifer forests Section. This diverse forest type represent a transition between these two includes the following major tree distinctive types, with characteristics of species: white fir (Abies concolor), both spruce-fir and ponderosa pine forest Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), types. This is one reason why mixed ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), conifer forests are so very complex and Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii), heterogeneous in structure, composition, subalpine/corkbark fir (Abies and disturbance history. lasiocarpa/arizonica), and quaking To help make sense of this aspen (Populus tremuloides). Blue complexity and variability within the spruce (Picea pungens) or southwestern mixed conifer zone, either two or three white pine (Pinus strobiformis) also may general sub-types or “phases” are be locally important, but are often absent commonly recognized within the wide or rare in mixed conifer stands. The spectrum of the mixed conifer forest distribution and abundance of these type in the South Central Highlands species within an individual stand is Section. The phases of mixed conifer dependent on microclimate (as reflected forest are distinguished on the basis of by soil temperature and moisture (i) soil and climatic conditions, (ii) tree

150 species composition, and (iii) (or near-absence) of ponderosa pine, a predominant disturbance regimes during greater abundance of Douglas-fir and the reference period. Unfortunately, white fir, and, on some sites, the research to date is not sufficient to occurrence of several species more permit a confident conclusion as to typical of the spruce-fir zone, notably which of these two classification subalpine/corkbark fir and Engelmann systems is most appropriate, and indeed, spruce. Disturbance regimes in the cool- each is useful for different purposes. moist mixed conifer zone also resemble Therefore, in this chapter we briefly the spruce-fir zone, as explained below. describe each classification, and then The three-phase classification of refer to one or the other throughout the mixed conifer forests (Table V-1b) remainder of the text, depending on retains the same warm-dry phase as in which system works better for a the two-phase classification, but particular question at hand. A high subdivides the former cool-moist phase priority for research is to improve our into two units: a cool-moist phase with understanding of the basic patterns of the same name as before but a different historical species distributions, the range definition, and a new cold-wet phase. of stand and landscape structures, and The warm-dry and cold-wet phases disturbance regimes of the mixed conifer represent the extremes in variability of forest zone. stand structure, composition, and The two-phase classification dynamics within this remarkably recognizes a warm-dry phase of mixed heterogeneous forest type, while the conifer forests, generally at lower cool-moist phase is intermediate. elevations, and a cool-moist phase, Douglas-fir and white fir are the constant generally at higher elevations (Table V- species occurring throughout the mixed 1a). Ponderosa pine is the key indicator conifer forest type in this three-phase species for the warm-dry phase, and classification, while ponderosa pine is many stands contain additional species the key indicator species for the warm- from the ponderosa pine forests of lower dry phase, and subalpine/corkbark fir elevations, e.g., Gambel oak (Quercus and Engelmann spruce are the key gambelii), Mahonia repens, and Poa indicator species for the cold-wet phase. fendleriana. Indeed, warm-dry mixed Ponderosa pine, Engelmann spruce, and conifer forests resemble ponderosa pine subalpine/corkbark fir are absent or only forests in terms of general stand minor components in the cool-moist structure and disturbance regimes. mixed conifer phase. However, warm-dry mixed conifer We can see the transition from forests differ significantly from warm-dry to cool-moist (in the two- ponderosa pine forests in that Douglas- phase classification) or cold-wet (in the fir and white fir are also important three-phase classification) mixed conifer components of most warm-dry mixed forests in the Sand Bench area, located conifer forests, and historical in the Pagosa District of the San Juan disturbance regimes also differ, as National Forest. Sand Bench is a explained below. The second sub-type relatively flat ridge-top underlain by of mixed conifer forest, the cool-moist Dakota sandstone and surrounded by phase, is characterized by the absence deep rugged canyons.

151 ------

Table V-1. Distinguishing features of mixed conifer forests in the South Central Highlands Section. (a) Comparison of warm-dry and cool-moist mixed conifer forests in the two-phase classification system (see text). (b) Comparison of warm-dry, cool- moist, and cold-wet mixed conifer forests in the three-phase classification system (see text). (a) Warm-Dry Mixed Conifer Cool-Moist Mixed Conifer

Environments lower elevations, mostly higher elevations, mostly southerly aspects northerly aspects

Major Species ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, white fir, subalpine fir, Douglas- white fir, Gambel oak, other fir, aspen, Engelmann spruce, shrubs snowberry, other shrubs

Disturbance recurrent, non-lethal fires (20-50 lethal fires at long intervals Regime yr intervals); rare lethal fires (>100 yr.); occasional small (>100 yr. intervals) non-lethal fires; landscape patch mosaic

Common Stand overstory of ponderosa pine even-aged or all-aged stands of Structure and/or Douglas-fir; understory variable species composition of white fir, and oak and structure

Regeneration of episodic establishment of pine Episodic or continual Canopy Trees and Douglas-fir, perhaps mainly establishment of conifers after fire; adult trees survive between fires; aspen and non-lethal fire possibly Douglas-fir establish primarily after fire

Regeneration of continual establishment of white continual establishment of white Understory fir during intervals between fir and other shade-tolerant Species fires; both mature and juvenile conifers during intervals fir killed by most fires between fires; most trees killed by most fires


(b) Warm-Dry Cool-Moist Cold-Wet Mixed Conifer Mixed Conifer Mixed Conifer

Environments lower elevations, middle elevations and higher elevations, mostly southerly all aspects mostly northerly aspects aspects

Major Species ponderosa pine, white fir, Douglas-fir, Engelmann spruce, Douglas-fir, white fir, aspen, snowberry, other white fir, subalpine fir, Gambel oak, other shrubs Douglas-fir, aspen, shrubs snowberry, other shrubs

Disturbance recurrent, non-lethal fires of mixed severity lethal fires at long Regime fires (20-50 yr (lethal and non-lethal) intervals (>200 yr.); intervals); rare lethal and highly variable occasional small non- fires (>100 yr. interval (50 – 200 yr) lethal fires; landscape intervals) patch mosaic

Common Stand overstory of even-aged or all-aged even-aged or all-aged Structure ponderosa pine, stands of variable stands of variable Douglas-fir and white species composition species composition fir; understory of and structure and structure white fir and oak

Regeneration of episodic Episodic or continual Episodic or continual Canopy Trees establishment of pine establishment of establishment of and Douglas-fir, conifers between fires; conifers between fires; perhaps mainly after aspen and possibly aspen and possibly fire; adult trees Douglas-fir establish Douglas-fir establish survive non-lethal primarily after fire primarily after fire fire

Regeneration of continual continual establishment continual establishment Understory establishment of of white fir and other of white fir and other Species white fir during shade-tolerant conifers shade-tolerant conifers intervals between during intervals during intervals fires; both mature and between fires; most between fires; most juvenile fir killed by trees killed by most trees killed by most most fires fires fires


153 The elevation gradually increases from rosea, Carex geyeri, Elymus elymoides, 2,700 m (9,000 ft) at the south end of the Erigeron formosissimus, Geranium ridge to 2,900 m (9,600 ft) at the north caespitosum, Koeleria macrantha, end, over a distance of 2 miles. Lathyrus leucanthus, Poa fendleriana, Jamieson and Romme (1991) Poa pratensis, Potentilla hippiana, characterized plant composition and Pseudocymopterus montanus, and forest structure in six unlogged stands on Solidago simplex. Sand Bench, including two stands at the Other common understory lower end, two in the middle, and two at species found in cool-moist or cold-wet the upper end. At the lower end of Sand mixed conifer forests of the South Bench, one finds warm-dry mixed Central Highlands Section include the conifer forest with ponderosa pine, shrub Rubus parviflorus, and the herbs Douglas-fir, white fir, aspen, the shrubs Actaea rubra, Aquilegia elegantula, Gambel oak, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Artemisia franserioides, Bromopsis and Chimaphila umbellatum, the herbs canadensis, Carex geyeri, Erigeron Delphinium nelsoni and Mertensia eximius, Fragaria vesca, Goodyera fusiformis, and other species oblongifolia, Lathyrus leucanthus, characteristic of lower elevations (Table Ligusticum porteri, Luzula parviflora, V-2). In contrast, the upper end of Sand Maianthemum stellatum, Mertensia Bench supports cool-moist or cold-wet ciliata, Oreochrysum parryi, Orthilia mixed conifer forest, with Douglas-fir, secunda, Osmorhiza depauperata, white fir, subalpine fir, Engelmann Pyrola minor, and Viola canadensis. spruce, aspen, the shrubs Lonicera As emphasized previously, much involucrata, Sambucus microbotrys, and additional research is needed to clarify Vaccinium myrtillis, the herbs Arnica species distribution patterns in this cordifolia, Erythronium grandiflorum, remarkably complex and heterogeneous Geranium richardsonii, Pedicularis forest type. For example, an especially racemosa, and other species curious and unexplained distribution characteristic of higher elevations (Table pattern is seen in white fir, which is V-2). present (often abundant) in most of the Other common understory mixed conifer forests of the South species found in warm-dry mixed Central Highlands Section, but is rare or conifer forests of the South Central absent in the country west of the Animas Highlands Section include the shrubs River watershed and throughout the Amelanchier alnifolia, Arctostaphylos Uncompahgre Plateau -- even though uva-ursi, Mahonia repens, soils, topography, and climate in these Symphoricarpos rotundifolius, and the latter areas do not appear to be strikingly herbs Achillea lanulosa, Antennaria different.


In the paragraphs below we reconstructed historical landscape summarize the results of empirical patterns and changes by means of a studies on historical fire regimes in dynamic landscape simulation model mixed conifer forests of the South (RMLANDS), which provides a Central Highlands. We also have somewhat different but complementary

154 ------

Table V-2. Density of tree species (stems/ha, all size classes > 1 m tall), determined by the point-quarter-distance method, and percent cover of selected shrub and herbaceous species, visually estimated, along an elevational gradient in the Sand Bench study area, San Juan National Forest. See Jamieson and Romme (1991) for sampling details and for complete floristic list (12 species of shrubs, 48 forbs, 10 graminoids, 1 fern, 1 lichen, and 10 bryophytes).

Upper Stands Middle Stands Lower Stands Species (9,500 - 9,600 (9,200 - 9,300 (9,000 - 9,100 ft) ft) ft) Trees: Abies lasiocarpa 520 76 0 Picea engelmannii 502 313 0 Populus tremuloides 82 152 45 Pseudotsuga menziesii 39 110 105 Abies concolor 18 30 92 Pinus ponderosa 0 0 53 Shrubs: Vaccinium myrtilus 50 - 75 % 50 - 75 % 25 - 50 % Sambucus microbotrys 1 - 5 % 0 0 Lonicera involucrata 1 - 5 % 0 0 Symphoricarpos oreophilus 1 - 5 % 1 - 5 % 1 - 5 % Pachystima myrsinites 1 - 5 % 1 - 5 % 1 - 5 % Mahonia repens 0 1 - 5 % 1 - 5 % Rosa sp. 0 1 - 5 % 1 - 5 % Quercus gambelii 0 0 1 - 5 % Arctostaphylos uva-ursi 0 0 1 - 5 % Chimaphila umbellata 0 0 1 - 5 % Herbs: Erythronium grandiflorum 5 - 25 % 1 - 5 % 1 - 5 % Geranium richardsonii 5 - 25 % 1 - 5 % 0 Pedicularis racemosa 5 - 25 % 1 - 5 % 0 Arnica cordifolia 5 - 25 % 25 - 50 % 0 Carex geyeri 1 - 5 % 25 - 50 % 1 - 5 % Bromus carinatus 1 - 5 % 5 - 25 % 1 - 5 % Claytonia lanceolata 0 0 1 - 5 % Delphinium nelsoni 0 0 1 - 5 % Mertensia fusiformis 0 0 1 - 5 % Mosses: Mnium arizonicum 1 - 5 % 1 - 5 % 0 Ceratodon purpureus 0 0 1 - 5 %


155 picture of the spatial and temporal Burnette Canyon; see Tables II-1 and II- variability that characterized this 2 in Chapter II), as part of a broader complex vegetation type. We do not study of fire history in ponderosa pine present the results of RMLANDS in this forests of the San Juan National Forest report, but refer the reader to McGarigal (Grissino-Mayer et al. 2004). Median and Romme (2005). fire intervals in these three stands during the pre-1870 reference period ranged 1. Warm-Dry Mixed Conifer Forests from 18 - 28 years when all fires are considered, or from 21 - 27 years for During the period of indigenous extensive fires that scarred at least 50 % settlement, many of the warm-dry of recorder trees. (See Chapter II for a mixed conifer forests of the South discussion of fire history methodology Central Highlands Section appear to and statistics.) Note that there is little have been composed of relatively open difference in these statistics for all fires stands dominated by large ponderosa and for extensive fires only, indicating pine, Douglas-fir, and white fir trees. that most fires in warm-dry mixed The understory contained saplings of conifer forests were relatively extensive. white fir, Douglas-fir, aspen in some This is in contrast to fire history in pure places, Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii), ponderosa pine forests where many fires and other shrubs. This kind of stand were very small and patchy, such that structure was maintained in part by median intervals for extensive fires were recurrent fires of relatively low to about twice as long as the intervals for moderate intensity, although patches of fires of any size (Chapter II). When we stand-replacing fire probably also were considered all fire intervals (rather than present. Research to date is not the median intervals referred to above), sufficient to permit any confident we determined that ninety percent of fire estimates of how large or how frequent intervals during the reference period these patches of stand-replacing fire may would be expected to lie between 3 and have been. Similar stand structures and 73 years for fires of any size, or between dynamics (but different composition in 4 and 82 years for extensive fires. These places) have been described for mixed intervals are longer than the intervals conifer forests in northern Arizona (Fule documented for pure ponderosa pine et al. 2003, Mast and Wolf 2004), forests (Chapter II), but substantially western Montana (McCune 1983), the shorter than intervals between successive eastern Cascades of Washington and fires in spruce-fir forests (Chapter III). Oregon (Agee 1993), eastern California With respect to fire intervals, as with (Taylor 1993, Taylor and Skinner 1998, many other ecological characteristics, Urban et al. 2000, Stephens 2001) Baja mixed conifer forests are intermediate California (Stephens et al. 2003, between the extremes of low-elevation Stephens and Gill 2005), and in the and high-elevation forests of the South southwestern region as a whole (Jones Central Highlands Section. 1974). Wu (1999) conducted a similar We documented pre-1880 fire fire history study at three sites in the history in three warm-dry mixed conifer Pagosa District of the San Juan National stands (Monument, Taylor Creek, and Forest. The sites were predominantly

156 warm-dry mixed conifer forest, although It has been suggested that portions of two of the sites could be recruitment of ponderosa pine, and classified as cool-moist mixed conifer. possibly also Douglas-fir, may have Median fire intervals (for fires that been at least partially dependent on scarred >25% of recorder trees) at these periodic, low-intensity fires of the kind three sites prior to 1880 ranged from 18- documented in warm-dry mixed conifer 41 years (Table 3.1, p. 74 in Wu 1999). forests; the reasoning is that such fires These intervals are similar to those would create suitable seed beds but not found by Grissino-Mayer et al. (2004), kill the seed source in the canopy. but the greater range in Wu’s study However, Wu (1999) found only weak further illustrates the variability in fire correlations between local fire dates and history of mixed conifer forests. tree establishment. Abundant aspen Roughly half of the fire scars recruitment (sprouting from surviving detected in the three mixed conifer root systems – Chapter IV) occurred stands sampled by Grissino-Mayer et al. consistently after fire, but ponderosa (2004) were formed during the summer pine, Douglas-fir, and white fir growing season, and half were formed established after some fires in some during the dormant season, either spring locations and not in others. More recent or early fall (Table II-4 in Chapter II). research by Brown and Wu (2005) Similarly, Wu (1999) found that most indicates that ponderosa pine recruitment fires burned either in the dormant season in the San Juan Mountains is more or early in the growing season. These closely associated with moist climatic fires apparently killed few of the mature periods than with fire. Nevertheless, canopy trees, but probably killed most of when climatic conditions are suitable, the small understory trees and shrubs. pine seedlings may become established During the longer intervals between most readily in an environment of bare fires, the understory species increased in mineral soil and freedom from density and size, and some white fir and competition. These conditions are Douglas-fir grew into the canopy. created by a low-severity fire, but they However, these species are relatively gradually disappear within several years fire-sensitive, especially when small, and after fire. Thus, it has been suggested many individuals were killed by the next that the canopy was composed of fire. In contrast, the mature ponderosa several, relatively discrete age classes of pine and Douglas-fir trees have thick pine and Douglas-fir that had established bark that would enable them to survive after fires in the past—although Wu’s most fires. Large, old white fir also have (1999) age structure data do not support relatively thick bark, and some of these this idea. In contrast to the shade- probably also survived low to moderate intolerant pine, white fir seedlings intensity fires. Occasionally, especially establish readily in a litter-covered soil under conditions of severe and under moderately shady conditions. prolonged dry weather, the warm-dry Thus, there was continual recruitment of mixed conifer stands probably were white fir during the intervals between subjected to intense crown fires that fire, but heavy mortality of fir in all age killed even the mature pine and Douglas- classes whenever fire occurred (Wu fir (Fule et al. 2003). 1999). Aspen and Gambel oak also are easily top-killed by fire, but both

157 reproduce vegetatively via root low tree mortality, resulting in a sprouting. These two species usually spatially complex and temporally produce a large cohort of new stems variable landscape mosaic of stands immediately after a fire, but also recruit having a spectrum of structural and new stems for at least a portion of the compositional characteristics. time between successive fires (as long as The successional process that the canopy remains relatively open). A may occur after lethal fires in cool-moist more extensive study of mixed conifer or cold-wet mixed conifer forests is age structure and fire history is extremely variable, and depends on the underway in the Piedra region of the San nature of the stand that burned as well as Juan National Forest (Brown and Wu, the details of fire intensity and behavior. unpublished data), which will improve If the fire is large and intense enough to our understanding of relationships kill all of the conifers and conifer seed in between tree establishment, fire, and the canopy, then the stand may come climate. back as an aspen forest. In a smaller or less intense fire, sufficient conifer seed 2. Cool-Moist or Cold-Wet Mixed may survive in the crowns of the fire- Conifer Forests killed trees or may be dispersed into the area from nearby survivors to restock the The cool-moist or cold-wet stand at something very nearly like its phase of mixed conifer forests pre-fire composition. Therefore, it is historically had a very different stand possible to find a wide range of variation structure and disturbance regime than in stand structure within cool-moist or the warm-dry mixed conifer forests. cold-wet mixed conifer forests, as a Cool-moist or cold-wet mixed conifer result of variation in the time since the forests grow in areas that are too wet for last fire, in the nature of that last fire, the frequent fires that characterize the and in the nature of the forest that lower-elevation forest types. Late-lying burned. At a landscape scale, cool- snowpacks and more frequent summer moist or cold-wet mixed conifer forest rains keep fuels moist throughout most may include conifer-dominated stands, of the fire season in most years. mixed stands of conifers and aspen, and Consequently, stands regularly may aspen-dominated patches. persist for many decades or centuries without fire. When fires finally do occur 3. Other Agents Of Disturbance In during prolonged dry periods, the fuel Mixed Conifer Forests: bed that has developed during the long fire-free period can support a high- In addition to fire, other intensity fire that kills most of the important agents of natural disturbance above-ground vegetation in the stand. in all mixed conifer forests during the Carissa Aoki (Colorado State University, reference period included windthrow, unpublished data) is completing a study fungal diseases, and outbreaks of various of fire history in a cool-moist mixed insect species. Although these conifer forest near Pagosa Springs, disturbances were important in localized Colorado. Pre-1900 fires in this area areas, they probably had far less impact burned at mixed severity, with patches on landscape-scale forest dynamics than of lethal fire interspersed with patches of fire – with the exception of spruce

158 budworm outbreaks, which may have fires in this forest type to provide us with been as important as fire. direct information on fire effects and The western spruce budworm biotic responses. Post-fire studies in the (Choristoneura occidentalis) is a native areas burned in 2002 will provide insect that feeds on the new foliage of important insights into fire effects and conifers, and can kill or reduce growth ecosystem responses to fires of variable rates in host trees. Despite its name, the intensity throughout a variety of mixed spruce budworm usually does not feed conifer forest stands. We also need on spruce trees, but prefers instead white additional research on disturbance fir, subalpine fir, and Douglas-fir history and successional processes in the (Furniss and Carolin 1977, Hadley and full range of mixed conifer forest types. Veblen 1992, Swetnam and Lynch The Williams Creek Research Natural 1994). Low-level, endemic populations Area is an excellent potential location of spruce budworm are nearly always for reconstructing stand dynamics in present in mixed conifer and spruce-fir cool-moist or cold-wet mixed conifer stands, where they have little impact on forests, but this potential has not yet stand structure or dynamics. However, been realized. As discussed in Chapter periodic outbreaks of either local or VII on management challenges and regional extent may suppress growth or opportunities, we also can gain kill great numbers of trees over large important insights into the basic ecology areas (Swetnam and Lynch 1994, of this forest type by including a Schmid and Mata 1996). The spruce research component in upcoming timber budworm kills predominantly smaller fir harvests and other management or Douglas-fir trees and saplings. activities. Individual Douglas-fir trees differ substantially in their resistance or 4. Alternative Successional Trajectories susceptibility to western spruce in Mixed Conifer Forests budworm defoliation (Chen et al. 2001). Spruce budworm outbreaks occurred at One of the key questions that intervals of 20 - 33 years in southern should be addressed in future research is Colorado and northern New Mexico the extent to which stand composition during the 18th and 19th centuries and structure vary over time on any (Swetnam and Lynch 1994). The most individual site within the mixed conifer recent major outbreak in the San Juan forest zone. Jones (1974) suggested that National Forest was in the late 1970s different successional trajectories could and early 1980s (personal observations). occur in mixed conifer forests, With respect to disturbance depending on local site conditions, the history and landscape-scale dynamics, nature and intensity of the disturbance, the mixed conifer forests probably are and other events (e.g., herbivory) the least well understood of all of the happening after disturbance. forest types in the South Central Unfortunately, Jones’ prescient ideas Highlands Section. One reason is their have not been further tested, and this inherent compositional variability and question remains very uncertain. We complexity. Another is the fact that – suggest that the physical environments until the Missionary Ridge and Million of the lowermost and uppermost portions fires in 2002 -- there were few recent of the mixed conifer zone in the South

159 Central Highlands Section can support dry mixed conifer forest that has a only a warm-dry or a cold-wet type of relatively open canopy and that is mixed conifer forest, respectively. maintained by non-lethal fires. If non- However, we hypothesize that the lethal fires occur at relatively short environment within the broad middle intervals (3 to 30 years), the canopy portion of the mixed conifer zone (the remains dominated by large ponderosa cool-moist mixed conifer phase in the pine, Douglas-fir, and white fir, and the three-phase classification) is potentially open stand structure provides suitable for the entire suite of mixed opportunities for the shade-intolerant conifer forest structures -- from warm- ponderosa pine component to regenerate dry mixed conifer forest, to cold-wet when favorable climatic conditions mixed conifer forest, to nearly pure occur. Thus, the classic warm-dry aspen forest. We hypothesize further mixed conifer forest structure is that many individual sites have switched maintained in part by recurrent, non- back and forth among these structural lethal fires, especially on relatively types over the last thousands of years in mesic sites at lower elevations that response to variability in disturbance potentially could support a canopy of frequency, intensity, and type. This shade-tolerant species in the absence of hypothesis is summarized in Figure V-1, disturbance. using the three-phase classification of If non-lethal fires occur in mixed conifer forests. We emphasize warm-dry mixed conifer forests at that this figure is intended mainly for very long intervals (hundreds of years), heuristic purposes; the model of or occur on the long end of the fire alternative successional trajectories that return interval (40 to 73 years), many of it depicts has not yet been adequately the understory individuals (including tested. ponderosa pine) will grow into the We begin with a “generic” mixed overstory canopy, and thus perpetuate conifer stand (upper center portion of the species composition and the Figure V-1). Such a stand may contain regeneration potential of the warm-dry any of the major tree species of the mixed conifer type. This latter scenario mixed conifer zone, and may exhibit a however may reduce the competitiveness wide array of structural and of the ponderosa pine component in the compositional characteristics, depending future, as the more closed overstory on its past history. This generic mixed canopy will favor the regeneration of the conifer stand may initially undergo any more shade-tolerant white and Douglas one of three major successional fir trees. trajectories, in response to the The trajectory moving further environmental gradients of elevation, down from the warm-dry phase on the aspect, and micro-climate (temperature left side of Figure V-1 results from lethal and moisture). fire and produces, at least initially, a The trajectory to the left of the seral Gambel oak-dominated generic mixed conifer forest in Figure V- shrubland. Because Gambel oak re- 1 takes one to warm, dry sites that sprouts readily and abundantly after fire, normally occur at lower elevations and whereas the conifers have to become often on southerly aspects, and leads to reestablished more slowly via seed the development of a “classic” warm- germination, the stand is initially

160 ------

Figure V-1. Hypothesized alternative successional trajectories in mixed conifer forests of the South Central Highlands Section. More research is needed to test this model.


161 converted to a Gambel oak-dominated structure in several old stands of community. If another fire does not undisturbed cold-wet mixed conifer occur within the next few centuries, then forest, to improve our understanding of succession may return the stand to long-term successional dynamics in this something like its original mixed little-studied forest type. composition. However, if the Gambel The trajectory moving straight oak stand burns again within 50 years or down from the generic mixed conifer so (i.e., before the young conifers forest in Figure V-1 takes one to cool, become reproductive), then the stand moist sites that normally occur at may be converted to a stable Gambel elevations between those of the warm- oak-dominated shrubland that persists dry and cold-wet mixed conifer phases, for a very long time (potentially and leads to the development of a centuries) even without subsequent fires “classic” cool-moist mixed conifer (see Chapter VI). Hanks and Dick- forest that has a relatively closed canopy Peddie (1974) suggest a similar and a long fire-free disturbance interval prolonged successional stage dominated (many decades to centuries). Stands are by Quercus gambelii or Robinia dominated by shade-tolerant white fir neomexicana in the White Mountains of and Douglas-fir in both the overstory southeastern New Mexico. canopy and understory strata. This forest The trajectory to the right of the structure may persist indefinitely in the generic mixed conifer forest in Figure V- absence of disturbance, although 1 takes one to cold, wet sites that Douglas-fir is somewhat less shade- normally occur at higher elevations and tolerant than white fir, so it may often on northerly aspects, and leads to gradually decrease in abundance over the development of a “classic” cold-wet extremely long time periods without mixed conifer forest that has a closed major disturbance. canopy and a very long fire-free We must stress again that the disturbance interval (hundreds of years). successional trajectories in Figure V-1 Stands are dominated by shade-tolerant are partly speculative. The mixed white and subalpine firs, Engelmann conifer forest type is perhaps the most spruce, and Douglas-fir in both the complex and least well understood of all overstory canopy and understory strata. the types in the South Central Highlands This forest structure may persist Section. It appears that a wide range of indefinitely in the absence of stand structures and dynamics is possible disturbance. We note that Douglas-fir is within this elevational zone, depending somewhat less shade-tolerant than the on local climatic and soils conditions firs and spruce, so it may gradually and on the local disturbance history. decrease in abundance over extremely The mixed conifer forest type contains long time periods without major elements of the ecology of both the disturbance. However, because we ponderosa pine forests at lower currently have no detailed age structure elevations and the spruce-fir forests at data from very old stands of cold-wet higher elevations. A high priority for mixed conifer forest, the trends future research should be to rigorously described here are necessarily test ideas like those embodied in Figure speculative. A high research priority V-1, to improve our understanding of the should be to locate and sample age long-term successional dynamics and

162 inherent variability of mixed conifer Pseudotsuga menziesii, and Picea forests in the South Central Highlands pungens series at middle elevations Section. (corresponding to cool-moist mixed conifer forests), the Pinus ponderosa 5. Landscape Patterns in Mixed Conifer series at the lowest elevations Forests of the Hermosa Unit (corresponding to ponderosa pine and warm-dry mixed conifer forests), the We can gain a glimpse into the Abies lasiocarpa and Picea engelmannii natural patterns and processes of mid- series at the highest elevations elevation landscapes of the South (corresponding to cold-wet mixed Central Highlands Section by examining conifer forests or spruce-fir forests), and the Hermosa unit, a roadless area located riparian series along perennial streams just north of Durango in the San Juan (DeVelice et al. 1986, Romme et al. National Forest. This 80,000-acre area 1996). is relatively pristine; no logging has The structure, composition, and occurred, except around the fringes, but distribution of plant communities are fires have been suppressed, and livestock strongly controlled by gradients in grazing and recreation are important elevation and topography. At lower uses. In 1993, a team of Fort Lewis elevations, below about 2,700 m (9,000 College researchers sampled floristic ft), south-facing slopes are dominated composition, stand structure, and stand either by open forests of ponderosa pine age in 85 forest stands (10x30 m) with Gambel oak in the understory, or by distributed throughout the Hermosa area oak-dominated shrublands. North-facing (Romme et al. 1996). The sample stands slopes, at this elevation, generally were stratified into five general sub- support closed forests of ponderosa pine regions, which represented the full range and Douglas-fir. Middle elevations of elevation and topographic conditions (2,700 – 3,000 m (9,000 - 10,000 ft)) are within the study area. mostly forested with Engelmann spruce, The Hermosa unit contains subalpine/corkbark fir, and Douglas-fir mostly steep, rugged topography stands on north-facing slopes, and underlain by finely inter-bedded predominantly aspen stands on south- sandstones, shales, and limestones of the facing slopes. At the highest elevations Hermosa Formation (Pennsylvanian (>3,000 m (10,000 ft)) the forests are Period). Elevations range from 2,070 m mostly spruce-fir or aspen, with alpine (6,850 ft) in the Jones Creek region to meadows and rock fields at elevations 3,740 m (12,340 ft) in the Monument above timberline. Narrow strips of Hill region on the north slopes of the La riparian forest extend along major creeks Plata Mountains. In this study the and support a diverse assemblage of vegetation was classified according to trees, shrubs, and herbs. Small meadows habitat types – a classification system are found throughout the area on deep based on the species that would alluvial soils along streams or on dominate a site following a very long shallow soils on ridgetops and south- period without disturbance (DeVelice et facing slopes. al. 1986). A great variety of mixed The richness of vascular plants conifer forest types are represented in (number of species per 10 x 30 m plot) the Hermosa area: the Abies concolor, within the Hermosa study area was

163 strongly influenced by elevation. The warm-dry mixed conifer forests were greatest richness (40 + species per plot) affected primarily by frequent, low- was seen most often in stands at lower to severity fires that maintained an open middle elevations (<2,700 m (9,000 ft)), stand structure with a broad range of tree whereas higher elevation stands (>2,700 sizes and ages. In contrast, the cold-wet m (9,000 ft)) usually had < 30 species mixed conifer forests, spruce-fir forests, per plot (Table V-3). Aspect, steepness and aspen forests, all were influenced of the slope, and forest habitat type did mainly by infrequent stand-replacing not have significant effects on species fires that created a mosaic of stands of richness. varying ages across the middle and high The Hermosa landscape has been elevation portions of the landscape. shaped not only by gradients in elevation However, it is important to recognize and topography, but also by past fires. that low-severity fires occasionally Both of the major types of fire regimes occurred in the high elevation stands, that characterize the South Central and intense fires sometimes killed all of Highlands Section -- the low-elevation the trees in patches of the low elevation fire regime of frequent low-severity forests. The result is a complex and fires, and the high-elevation fire regime variable landscape pattern that of infrequent high-severity fires -- were apparently was characteristic of mixed important in the Hermosa landscape conifer forests throughout the South during the pre-1870 reference period. Central Highlands Section during the The pure ponderosa pine forests and period of indigenous settlement.


Table V-3. Richness of vascular plants (number of species per 10 x 30 m plot) in the Hermosa study area as a function of elevation zone. The numbers in the cells of the table depict the number of sample stands within each elevational zone that had the indicated number of vascular plant species.

Elevation (feet) Number of Species < 8,000 8,000 - 9,000 9,001 - 10,000 > 10,000 < 30 1 8 9 10 30 - 39 3 20 5 3 40 + 7 16 1 2


Spatial Patterns in Fire History history and fire effects from the in the Hermosa Unit: distribution of stand ages in different parts of the landscape. We collected 5 - Although the disturbance history 10 increment cores from the dominant of the Hermosa unit is complex and not trees in each of the 85 sample stands, completely understood, we can identify and estimated the approximate date of some of the major spatial patterns in fire stand origin from the age structure of the

164 dominant tree cohort. This was possible aspect. At any elevation the north- in most of the higher-elevation stands, facing slopes are relatively cooler and and some lower-elevation stands, where wetter than the south-facing slopes. the last disturbance was severe enough Accordingly, minimum, maximum, and to be followed soon afterwards by median stand ages are greater on mesic establishment of a more or less even- north-facing aspects than on xeric south- aged cohort of trees. It was not possible , west-, and east-facing aspects (Table in many lower-elevation stands, and V-5). some higher elevation stands, where Stand ages also differed among repeated low-severity fires had habitat types. Minimum, maximum, and maintained an all-aged tree population. median stand ages were greatest in In many stands, especially at the higher spruce-fir habitat types (Abies elevations, the last stand-replacing lasiocarpa series), somewhat less in disturbance had occurred so long ago cool-moist mixed conifer types (Abies that the initial post-fire tree cohort was concolor, Pseudotsuga menziesii, and no longer intact or recognizable. We Picea pungens series), and least in the were unable to assign a precise stand age aspen types (Table V-6). This pattern to these stands, but we did determine probably reflects the gradient in that they were at least as old as the moisture conditions from relatively dry oldest tree sampled (see Romme and aspen forests (mostly on south-facing Knight 1981, and Chapters III and IV in slopes in the Hermosa area) to the this report, for further discussion of the wettest conditions in high-elevation issues related to estimating stand age in spruce-fir forests (mostly on north- Rocky Mountain forests). facing slopes in the Hermosa area). Minimum, maximum, and Once again, the mixed conifer forests are median stand ages generally increased intermediate in this gradient from wet to with increasing elevation (Table V-4), dry. although the oldest stand actually was In addition to effects of found at a middle elevation. This trend elevation, aspect, and habitat type, indicates that fire intervals gradually landscape context (location of a stand lengthen as elevation increases, probably with respect to other elements of the because of wetter conditions at the landscape) influences fire intervals. The higher elevations. This interpretation is minimum, maximum, and median stand further supported by the very different ages are greater in stands located on the fire frequencies that we have west side of Hermosa Creek than in documented for ponderosa pine forests stands located on the east side (Table V- at the lowest elevations and spruce-fir 7). This indicates that fire intervals have forests at the highest elevations been generally longer on the west side of (Chapters II and III). What is interesting the creek, even though elevations are here is that the mixed conifer forest type comparable on both sides. The is intermediate between these two mechanism for this difference in fire extremes of fire regimes and exhibits history may be related to the presence of some characteristics of each extreme. a high alpine ridge (Indian Trail Ridge) One reason why stand ages do that extends along the western border of not increase monotonically with the study area. The ridge may act as a elevation is because of the effects of barrier to fires spreading into the

165 Hermosa area from the west (the by the wind into the area on the east side direction of prevailing winds). Thus, of the creek. Subtle variation in fires would have to be ignited directly disturbance history, similar to this within the forests on the west side of example in the Hermosa area, most Hermosa Creek to burn in that area. In likely characterize mixed conifer forests contrast, fires ignited almost anywhere throughout the South Central Highlands within the Hermosa unit could be driven Section.


Table V-4. Stand ages (time since last stand-replacing disturbance) with respect to elevation in mixed conifer forests of the Hermosa study area.

Number of Minimum Median Maximum Elevation (feet) Stands Stand Age Stand Age Stand Age < 8,000 4 85 115 160 8,001 - 9,000 22 95 183 > 322 9,001 - 10,000 8 50 138 220 > 10,000 4 195 220 > 243

Table V-5. Stand ages (time since last stand-replacing disturbance) with respect to aspect in mixed conifer forests of the Hermosa study area.

Number of Minimum Median Maximum Aspect Stands Stand Age Stand Age Stand Age Xeric (east, southeast, south, 19 50 135 > 311 southwest, & west) Mesic (north, northwest, & 18 100 198 > 322 northeast)

Table V-6. Stand ages (time since last stand-replacing disturbance) with respect to habitat type series (DeVelice et al. 1986) in mixed conifer forests of the Hermosa study area.

Habitat Type Number of Minimum Median Maximum Series Stands Stand Age Stand Age Stand Age Populus 3 50 95 120 tremuloides Abies concolor 10 70 125 > 296 Abies 23 110 200 > 322 lasiocarpa

166 Table V-7. Stand ages (time since last stand-replacing disturbance) with respect to landscape context (location east or west of Hermosa Creek) in mixed conifer forests of the Hermosa study area.

Landscape Number of Minimum Median Maximum Context Stands Stand Age Stand Age Stand Age East of 22 50 158 > 320 Hermosa Creek West of 16 95 220 > 322 Hermosa Creek



The major Euro-American formerly burned every 5 - 40 years, now impacts on warm-dry mixed conifer have had no fire for over 100 years. forests are similar to impacts in Livestock use on the National Forests ponderosa pine forests, which are has been regulated since the early 1930s, detailed in Chapter II of this report. but many areas at lower elevations Impacts in cool-moist or cold-wet (including ponderosa pine and warm- mixed conifer forests are similar to dry mixed conifer forests) may still impacts in spruce-fir forests (Chapter show the effects of excessive grazing at III). A brief summary of the major the turn of the 20th century. These effects is provided below. effects include altered herbaceous communities and unusually long fire 1. Legacies of Grazing and Fire intervals. Exclusion In contrast with the striking impacts of Euro-American settlement in The introduction of large herds lower elevation forests, the fire regimes of cattle and sheep, beginning in the of cool-moist or cold-wet mixed conifer 1870s, led to possibly profound changes and other high elevation forests, were in the herbaceous component of the not so strongly affected by early grazing forest communities (Fleischner 1994). and fire suppression. Fire frequency and Livestock grazing also removed fine behavior in high elevation forests were herbaceous fuels that formerly carried controlled primarily by weather low-intensity surface fires over extensive conditions, not fuels, and most fires that areas, and resulted in a relatively sudden covered large areas were severe, stand- and dramatic drop in fire frequency in replacing fires. Thus, removal of fine the late 19th century (Swetnam and herbaceous fuels by livestock grazing Baisan 1996). The Forest Service also did not have as much impact on fire actively suppressed fires throughout spread in these crown-fire ecosystems as most of the 20th century. As a result of it did in lower elevation forests. There heavy grazing and active fire control, were few large fires during the 20th many mixed conifer forest stands that century in cool, wet mixed conifer and

167 other high elevation forests of the South during the long fire-free period of the Central Highlands Section, but this may 20th century, and establishment of new be due as much to wet weather ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir conditions and limited ignitions as to individuals has tapered off or stopped in active fire suppression efforts. It should many stands, probably because of the be noted that fire exclusion at lower dense stand conditions (Wu 1999). A elevations (e.g., ponderosa pine forests) comparison of historic photos from the may partially explain the lack of fires at San Juan Mountains with the same higher elevations during the last century; scenes today reveals increased conifer in previous centuries, fires may have density in many places (Zier and Baker commonly ignited at lower elevations 2006). However, the exact mechanism and then spread into higher elevations underlying the increase in conifer when weather conditions were suitable. density cannot be determined from the This hypothesis needs further testing, photos alone, and it may be a however. combination of the factors described above. Moreover, we must stress that 2. Legacies of Logging and Road not all forests in the South Central Building Highlands Section have become more dense in the last century: Manier et al. Extensive logging occurred (2005) compared forest cover in 1937 throughout the lower elevation forests of and 1994 on the Uncompahgre Plateau the South Central Highlands Section, (Figure I-1), and found a very slight net beginning in the late 1800s and change, as small increases in conifer especially during the first half of the cover in some areas were balanced by 20th century. In nearly all of the small decreases in other areas, with a accessible stands of ponderosa pine complex spatial pattern of increases and forest, the large trees were selectively decreases. removed. As a result, current stand In contrast to lower-elevation structures are dominated by younger forests, the cool-moist or cold-wet trees that became established over the mixed conifer forests and other high first three decades of the 20th century. elevation forest types were not subjected Much of the warm-dry mixed conifer to extensive logging until the middle of forest zone also was logged in this the 20th century in many portions of the manner. The combination of fire South Central Highlands Section. exclusion, selective logging, and Nearly all of the timber harvests in favorable climatic conditions for young mixed conifer forests have involved tree establishment in the early 20th some form of partial cutting; little clear- century, has created an unusual stand cutting has occurred in this forest type. structure in many warm-dry mixed Both partial cutting and clear-cutting conifer forests today. The large, old usually require roads for access. The ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir trees history and impacts of logging and road- that formerly dominated the canopy are building on the San Juan National Forest now gone, and the stands are dominated are discussed in Chapter VII. by smaller, young individuals of pine, Many of the partial cuts in mixed Douglas-fir, and white fir. White fir conifer forests during the 1950s - 1970s especially has increased in density emphasized selective removal of the

168 high-value canopy trees, with little produced stand structures that would not disturbance to the smaller trees or the develop through natural successional species of lower economic value. This processes. Natural fires or budworm kind of treatment created some unusual outbreaks would kill a large proportion stand structures that do not resemble the of small trees, as well as some large kinds of structures resulting from natural ones, and would affect both Douglas-fir disturbances. In warm-dry mixed and true firs. In contrast, partial timber conifer forests, for example, low- harvests of the 1950s - 1970s generally severity fires formerly removed mainly focused on large individuals of smaller tree size classes and left most of commercially valuable species, and left the canopy dominants intact. The fires most of the true firs and small stems of also created suitable seedbeds for pine all species. Some of these stands are and Douglas-fir regeneration. Some of now dominated by a dense growth of the selective logging operations of the small to moderate sized firs and shrubs, 1950s - 1970s did just the reverse: they with little or no Douglas-fir removed the canopy dominants and left regeneration. Douglas-fir may not the understory intact, and did not create become re-established in such stands for forest floor conditions conducive to pine centuries, unless fire or restoration or Douglas-fir regeneration. treatment is applied. See Chapter VII Similarly, in some cool-moist or for some ideas on how to deal with these cold-wet mixed conifer forests, selective issues. removal of the large Douglas-fir


The mixed conifer forest type lower elevations and characteristics of occurs at elevations ranging from about the adjacent spruce-fir zone at higher 2270 – 3030 m (7,500 – 10,000 ft). elevations. Mixed conifer forests in the Mixed conifer forests are perhaps the South Central Highlands Section can be most variable and complex of any forest divided into either two or three general type in the southwestern mountains, in sub-types or “phases.” The two-phase terms of species composition, stand classification recognizes a warm-dry structure, and dynamics. They also have phase, generally at lower elevations, and received relatively little research a cool-moist phase, generally at higher attention Consequently, we have a elevations. Warm-dry mixed conifer relatively poor understanding of the forests resemble ponderosa pine forests long-term ecological dynamics and in general stand structure, but Douglas- interactions that have shaped the mixed fir and white fir are also important conifer landscape in the past, and that components of these forests. Cool- explain biotic responses to current moist mixed conifer forests typically management activities. lack ponderosa pine, have a greater Environmental conditions, abundance of Douglas-fir and white fir, species composition, and disturbance and, on some sites, include regimes in the mixed conifer zone are subalpine/corkbark fir and Engelmann intermediate between characteristics of spruce. The three-phase classification of the adjacent ponderosa pine zone at mixed conifer forests retains the same

169 warm-dry phase, but subdivides the most years. Consequently, stands cool-moist phase into two units: a cool- regularly may persist for many decades moist phase with the same name as or centuries without fire. When fires before but a different definition, and a finally do occur during prolonged dry new cold-wet phase. Ponderosa pine is periods, the fuel bed that has developed the key indicator of the warm-dry during the long fire-free period can phase, and subalpine/corkbark fir and support a high-intensity fire that kills Engelmann spruce are the key indicators most of the above-ground vegetation in of the cold-wet phase. Douglas-fir and the stand. Pre-1900 fires in cool-moist white fir are the constant species or cold-wet mixed conifer forests occurring throughout the mixed conifer occurred at intervals of many decades to forest type in this three-phase centuries, and typically burned at mixed classification, while ponderosa pine, severity, with patches of lethal fire Engelmann spruce, and interspersed with patches of low tree subalpine/corkbark fir are absent or only mortality. The result was a spatially minor components in the cool-moist complex and temporally variable mixed conifer phase of the three-phase landscape mosaic of stands having a classification. spectrum of structural and compositional During the period of indigenous characteristics. settlement, many of the warm-dry In addition to fire, other mixed conifer forests of the South important agents of natural disturbance Central Highlands Section appear to in all mixed conifer forests during the have been composed of relatively open reference period included windthrow, stands dominated by large ponderosa fungal diseases, and outbreaks of various pine, Douglas-fir, and white fir trees. insect species. Although these The understory contained saplings of disturbances were important in localized white fir, Douglas-fir, aspen in some areas, they probably had far less impact places, Gambel oak, and other shrubs. on landscape-scale forest dynamics than This kind of stand structure was fire – with the exception of spruce maintained in part by recurrent fires of budworm outbreaks, which may have relatively low to moderate intensity, been as important as fire. although patches of stand-replacing fire The major Euro-American probably also were present, and impacts on warm-dry mixed conifer relatively dense stands could be found in forests are generally similar to impacts places. Fire intervals in warm-dry in ponderosa pine forests. Extensive and mixed conifer forests typically were unregulated livestock grazing, which measured in decades, and were longer began in the late 1800s, removed fine than in ponderosa pine forests but herbaceous fuels that formerly carried shorter than in forest types at higher low-intensity surface fires, and resulted elevations. Cool-moist or cold-wet in a relatively sudden and dramatic drop mixed conifer forests grow in areas that in fire frequency. Today, many warm- are too wet for the frequent fires that dry mixed conifer stands have not characterize the lower-elevation forest burned in over one hundred years, and types. Late-lying snowpacks and more many have greater tree densities than frequent summer rains keep fuels moist was typical of the reference period. throughout most of the fire season in Euro-American impacts on cool-moist

170 or cold-wet mixed conifer forests are large, old ponderosa pine and Douglas- generally similar to impacts in spruce-fir fir trees that formerly dominated the forests. Fire regimes of cool-moist or canopy are gone, and the stands now are cold-wet mixed conifer were not so dominated by smaller, young individuals strongly affected by early grazing and of pine, Douglas-fir, and white fir. fire suppression. Fire frequency and White fir especially has increased in behavior in these and other high density during the long fire-free period elevation forests were controlled of the 20th century, and establishment of primarily by weather conditions, not new ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir fuels, and most fires that covered large individuals has tapered off or stopped in areas were severe, stand-replacing fires. many stands, probably because of the There were few large fires during the dense stand conditions 20th century in cool-wet mixed conifer In contrast to lower-elevation and other high elevation forests of the forests, the cool-moist or cold-wet South Central Highlands Section, but mixed conifer forests and other high this may be due as much to wet weather elevation forest types were not subjected conditions and limited ignitions as to to extensive logging until the middle of active fire suppression efforts. Many the 20th century in many portions of the cool-moist or cold-wet mixed conifer South Central Highlands Section. forests have high tree densities today, Nearly all of the timber harvests in but this does not represent a major mixed conifer forests have involved road departure from historical conditions in building and some form of partial these forests. cutting; little clear-cutting has occurred Extensive logging occurred in this forest type. Selective removal of throughout the lower elevation forests of the high-value canopy trees, with little the South Central Highlands Section, disturbance to the smaller trees or the beginning in the late 1800s and species of lower economic value, has especially during the first half of the created some unusual stand structures 20th century. In nearly all of the that do not resemble the kinds of accessible stands of ponderosa pine and structures resulting from natural warm-dry mixed conifer forest, the disturbances. Some of these stands are large trees were selectively removed. now dominated by a dense growth of The combination of fire exclusion, small to moderate sized firs and shrubs, selective logging, and favorable climatic with little or no Douglas-fir conditions for young tree establishment regeneration. Douglas-fir may not in the early 20th century, has created an become re-established in such stands for unusual stand structure in many warm- centuries, unless fire occurs or an active dry mixed conifer forests today. The restoration treatment is applied.


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171 Chen, Z., T. E. Kolb, and K. M. Clancy. 2001. Mechanisms of Douglas-fir resistance to spruce budworm defoliation: bud burst phenology, photosynthetic compensation and growth rate. Tree Physiology 21:1159-1169. DeVelice, R. L., J. A. Ludwig, W. H. Moir, and F. Ronco, Jr. 1986. A classification of forest habitat types of Northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-131. Fleischner, T. L. 1994. Ecological costs of livestock grazing in western North America. Conservation Biology 8:629-644. Fule, P. Z., J. E. Crouse, T. A. Heinlein, M. W. Moore, W. W. Covington, and G. Verkamp. 2003. Mixed-severity fire regime in a high-elevation forest of Grand Canyon, USA. Landscape Ecology 18:465-486. Furniss, R. L., and V. M. Carolin. 1977. Western forest insects. USDA Forest Service Miscellaneous Publication Number 1339. Washington, D.C. 654 p. Grissino- Mayer, H. D., W. H. Romme, M. L. Floyd, and D. D. Hanna. 2004. Climatic and human influences on fire regimes of the southern San Juan Mountains, Colorado, USA. Ecology 85:1708-1724. Hadley, K. S. and T. T. Veblen. 1992. Stand response to western spruce budworm and Douglas-fir bark beetle outbreaks, Colorado Front Range. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23: 479-491. Hanks, J. P., and W. A. Dick-Peddie. 1974. Vegetation patterns of the White Mountains, New Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 18:371-382. Jamieson, D. W., and W. H. Romme. 1991. A floristic and ecological assessment of the Sand Bench area, Archuleta and Hinsdale Counties, Colorado, San Juan National Forest. Unpublished report to the Colorado Natural Areas Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523. Jones, J. R. 1974. Silviculture of southwestern mixed conifers and aspen: the status of our knowledge. USDA Forest Service Research Paper RM-122. Manier, D. J., N. T. Hobbs, D. M. Theobald, R. M. Reich, M. A. Kalkhan, and M. R. Campbell. 2005. Canopy dynamics and human caused disturbance on a semi-arid landscape in the Rocky Mountains, USA. Landscape Ecology 20:1-17. Mast, J. N., and J. J. Wolf. 2004. Ecotonal changes and altered tree spatial patterns in lower mixed conifer forests, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona, U.S.A. Landscape Ecology 19:167-180. McCune, B. 1983. Fire frequency reduced two orders of magnitude in the Bitterroot Canyons, Montana. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 13:212-218. McGarigal, K., and W. H. Romme. 2005. Historic range of variability in landscape structure and wildlife habitat, San Juan National Forest (http://www.umass.edu/landeco/research/rmlands/rmlands.html). Romme, W. H., and D. H. Knight. 1981. Fire frequency and subalpine forest succession along a topographic gradient in Wyoming. Ecology 62:319-326. Romme, W.H., D.W. Jamieson, J.S. Redders, G. Bigsby, J. P. Lindsey, D. Kendall, R. Cowen, T. Kreykes, A.W. Spencer, and J.C. Ortega. 1992. Old growth forests of the San Juan National Forest in southwestern Colorado. Pages 154-165 in: Kaufmann, M.R., W. H. Moir and R.L. Bassett (Technical Coordinators). Old-growth forests in the southwest and Rocky Mountain regions: Proceedings of a Workshop. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-213.

172 Romme, W. H., D. W. Jamieson, D. Kendall, A. W. Spencer, S. Allerton, J. Follett, D. Grant, K. Kanigel, D. Kinnibrugh, M. March, Y. Potemkin, S. Sage, and T. Tichy. 1996. Biological diversity in the Hermosa unit, San Juan National Forest. Final report to San Juan National Forest, June 15, 1996. Biology Department, Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO 81301. Schmid, J. M., and S. A. Mata. 1996. Natural variability of specific forest insect populations and their associated effects in Colorado. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-GTR-275. Stephens, S. L. 2001. Fire history differences in adjacent Jeffrey pine and upper montane forests in the eastern Sierra Nevada. Internationa Journal of Wildland Fire 10:161- 167. Stephens, S. L., and S. J. Gill. 2005. Forest structure and mortality in an old-growth Jeffry pine - mixed conifer forest in north-western Mexico. Forest Ecology and Management 205:15-28. Stephens, S. L., C. N. Skinner, and S. J. Gill. 2003. Dendrochronology-based fire history of Jeffrey pine - mixed conifer forests in the Sierra San Pedro Martir, Mexico. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33:1090-1101. Swetnam, T. W., and A. M. Lynch. 1994. Multicentury, regional-scale patterns of western spruce budworm outbreaks. Ecological Monographs 63:399-424. Swetnam, T. W., and C. H. Baisan. 1996. Historical fire regime patterns in the southwestern United States since AD 1700. Pages 11-32 in Allen, C. D. (technical editor). 1996. Fire effects in southwestern forests: proceedings of the second La Mesa fire symposium, Los Alamos, 1994. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-GTR-286. Taylor, A. H. 1993. Fire history and structure of red fir (Abies magnifica) forests, Swain Mountain Experimental Forest, Cascade Range, northeastern California. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23:1672-1678. Taylor, A. H., and C. N. Skinner. 1998. Fire history and landscape dynamics in a late- successional reserve, Klamath Mountains, California, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 111:285-301. Urban, D. L., C. Miller, P. N. Halpin, and N. L. Stephenson. 2000. Forest gradient response in Sierran landscapes: the physical template. Landscape Ecology 15:603- 620. Wu, R. 1999. Fire history and forest structure in the mixed conifer forests of . Thesis, Department of Forest Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523. Zier, J. L., and W. L. Baker. 2006. A century of vegetation change in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado: An analysis using repeat photography. Forest Ecology and Management 228:251-262.


William H. Romme, Jeffery S. Redders, Lisa Floyd-Hanna, and David D. Hanna

In this chapter we examine seven northeastern portion of the South Central types of vegetation that cover relatively Highlands Section, and other small small areas within the mountainous stands have been planted elsewhere. portions of the South Central Highlands Bristlecone pine forests (G), are Section but are nevertheless of great restricted to high elevations primarily on importance ecologically. Piñon-juniper the east sides of high mountain masses, woodlands (A) are very extensive in the and cover only a small total area. region, but occupy only Another set of distinctive the lower elevation landscapes around vegetation types is found in the low- the margins of the mountainous area that elevation landscapes of the is the main focus of this report. Uncompahgre Plateau, which comprises Mountain grasslands (B) and riparian the northwestern portion of the South vegetation and wetlands (C) are found Central Highlands Section. These semi- over a large range of elevation arid vegetation types (e.g., salt desert throughout the region, but they tend to and semi-desert grassland) are not have patchy distributions and the total treated here, because this report focuses area covered by these types of vegetation on the higher-elevation ecosystems of is small. Alpine ecosystems (D) are the mountainous portions of the South found above the upper timberline, and Central Highlands Section. However, are most extensive in the San Juan we provide a detailed treatment of the Mountains. Mountain shrublands (E) low-elevation, semi-arid vegetation are interspersed within piñon –juniper types in a companion report that focuses woodlands and ponderosa pine forests, on the Uncompahgre Plateau area primarily at the lower elevations (Romme, W. H. 2003, Vegetation types, throughout the South Central Highlands condition classes, and successional Section. Lodgepole pine forests (F) are trajectories in the Uncompahgre Plateau very extensive in the mountains to the region, southwestern Colorado, north of our study area, but native stands unpublished report to GMUG National cover only a small area in the Forest, Delta, CO).


1. Vegetation Structure and Composition Utah, woodlands of Pinus edulis and Juniperus osteosperma (Colorado piñon Piñon-juniper vegetation covers a pine and Utah juniper) form the vast area in western North America, and dominant vegetative community (Floyd exhibits a wide range of stand structures 2003). Juniperus monosperma is also and dynamics (Romme et al. 2009). important in the southernmost portions Between 1650-2300 m elevations in of the South Central highlands Section Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and (Romme et al. 2009). At the lowest and

174 driest elevations, the woodland is flat, recurring natural disturbances such as represented by only scattered juniper fire and disease would create a mosaic of situated on sites that minimize habitats. Differences in soils arising out competition from shrubs and herbs. At of various parent rocks, depositional this low end of the zone, annual processes, and weathering create diverse precipitation may be less than 30 cm (12 microhabitats as well. Long-term climatic in). Juniper becomes more abundant as variability, as well as local anomalies mean annual precipitation increases with such as the rain shadow in the lee of elevation. Piñon appears and becomes Sleeping near Cortez, more common than juniper as the average Colorado, prevent the establishment of a annual precipitation approaches 35 cm single, uniform type of vegetation over (14 in) and increases to 45 cm (18 in). any large portion of the area. Generally, Piñon-juniper stands in this upper portion pinon and juniper form an open woodland of the zone grow taller and closer together on drier sites, but can form a closed- than in lower-elevation stands. Piñon- canopy forest on wetter sites, e.g., in parts juniper stands continue to occupy sites on of the Mesa Verde cuesta. Woodlands steep slopes with south exposures up to may include a prominent component of about 2600 m, especially those protected grass or shrubs, or may simply support against fire by cliffs or barren areas. The very sparse vegetation with much exposed Utah juniper of lower elevations is rock or bare soil. replaced by Juniperus scopulorum Although piñon-juniper (Rocky Mountain juniper) as moisture woodlands and forests are often thought increases and mean annual temperature of as low-diversity ecosystems, declines. Piñon pine and Rocky especially where the trees form a closed Mountain juniper continue as subordinate canopy (Huber et al 1999, Naillon et al. elements of the Gambel oak-Ponderosa 1999), they can support a rich understory pine community up to about 2900 m. flora. In Mesa Verde National Park, As a rule, the distribution of variation in canopy density had little piñon-juniper woodland is bounded below effect on species richness in the by the 30 cm (12 in) isohyet and above by understory. In a comprehensive the 45 - 50 cm (18 – 20 in) isohyet. The vegetation study involving nearly 400 upper boundary, however, is not a sampling areas, the number of physiological limit for any of the tree understory forbs and shrubs was the species; rather the more moist climate at same in open and dense canopies higher elevations apparently permits (averaging 12 species per 100 m2), with relatively more mesophytic species, e.g., a slightly greater number (16 species per ponderosa pine, Gambel oak, and 100 m2) in the intermediate canopies Douglas-fir, to out-compete piñon and (Floyd and Colyer 2003). Fungi, juniper. mosses, and organisms that form soil Precipitation patterns alone do not crusts also are very diverse in the old drive vegetation patterns. A piñon-juniper woodlands on the Mesa heterogeneous vegetational mosaic also Verde cuesta (Belnap 2003, Belnap and arises out of the complex dissection of the Lindsey 2003). Similar understory region into canyons and mesas, hills and diversity is reported from the valleys, and south-facing and north-facing Uncompahgre Plateau in western slopes. Even if the land were completely Colorado (P. Lyons, personal

175 communication) and northeastern Utah disturbance processes. Three (Austin 1999). Purshia tridentata fundamentally different kinds of piñon- (bitterbrush) is the dominant understory juniper vegetation can be identified shrub on much of the Mesa Verde based on canopy structure, understory cuesta, and other common species characteristics, and historical disturbance include Gambel oak, Utah serviceberry, regimes (Romme et al. 2008, 2009). The big sagebrush, Artemisia nova (black three kinds--persistent piñon-juniper sagebrush), Fendlera rupicola woodlands, piñon-juniper savannas, (fendlerbush), and Peraphyllum and wooded shrublands--are ramossisimum (squaw apple). The forb summarized in Table VI-A-1. It is layer varies considerably across important to distinguish among these elevations and among microsites, but kinds of piñon-juniper vegetation when common forbs include Astragalus discussing reference conditions, because scopulorum, Calochortus nuttallii, disturbance dynamics (especially with Commandra umbellata, Cryptantha regards to fire) differed greatly among bakerii, Cymopterus bulbosus, C. them. There is great diversity within purpurescens, Eriogonum racemosa, each of these general types with respect Lupinus ammophila, Lomatium to species composition and stand triternatum, L. grayii, Penstemon structure, but this classification linearoides, Pedicularis centranthera, represents much of the variability in Petradoria pumila, and Yucca baccata. piñon-juniper vegetation across the Grasses are abundant in some places, but western U.S. Two types, persistent not in others, depending on local soil woodlands and wooded shrublands, are conditions and history of grazing and common in the South Central Highlands fire. Dense patches of the common Poa Section. The third type, savannas, is fendleriana (muttongrass) attain 80% uncommon in our region but becomes cover in some areas on the Mesa Verde more prevalent in central and southern cuesta,, providing soil stability through New Mexico and Arizona. In the the plant’s intricate root system. sections below we summarize the main Muttongrass may be accompanied by features of historical disturbance regimes Agropyron smithii (western wheatgrass), in the different kinds of piñon-juniper A. trachycaulum (slender wheatgrass), vegetation. See Romme et al. (2008, Koeleria cristata (june grass), Oryzopsis 2009) for additional details and hymenoides (Indian rice grass), Sitanion documentation. hystrix (squirrel-tail grass), Stipa comata (needle and thread grass), and S. viridis Fire (green needle grass). Piñons and junipers are easily 2. Reference Conditions in Piñon-Juniper killed by even relatively low-intensity Woodlands fire, because their bark is relatively thin and provides little insulation for the In addition to variation in sensitive cambium located just below the structure and composition related to bark. Their foliage also is very gradients of elevation, substrate, and flammable, and often low-hanging, such topography, piñon-juniper woodlands that flames from a fire burning on the were shaped in part by a variety of ground can sweep into the crowns of the

176 Table VI-A-1. Three general types of piñon and juniper vegetation in the western U.S. A field key to the three types is provided in Romme et al. (2007).

Persistent Piñon-Juniper Woodlands Canopy -- ranging from sparse stands of scattered small trees growing on poor substrates to relatively dense stands of large trees on more productive sites. The canopy may be dominated by either piñon or juniper or both Understory -- variable cover of shrubs, sub-shrubs, forbs, and grasses, but often sparse with extensive areas of litter (beneath canopies) and bare soil or rock (intercanopy) Site conditions -- associated with a wide variety of substrates and topographic settings, but most commonly found on rugged uplands with shallow, coarse-textured, and often rocky soils that support relatively sparse herbaceous cover; site conditions (soils and climate) and disturbance regimes (notably infrequent fire) are inherently favorable for tree growth Regional Distribution -- found in appropriate upland locations throughout the West. Persistent woodlands appear to be especially prevalent on portions of the Colorado Plateau, where precipitation is bimodal with small peaks in winter and summer

Piñon-Juniper Savannas Canopy -- low to moderate density and cover of piñon or juniper or both Understory -- well-developed and nearly continuous grass (with forb) cover; shrubs may be present but are usually only a minor component Site conditions -- typically found on moderately deep, coarse to fine-textured soils in gentle upland and transitional valley settings, or where local conditions are inherently favorable for grasses Regional Distribution -- especially prevalent in basins and foothills of New Mexico and Arizona where a large proportion of annual precipitation comes during the growing season

Wooded Shrublands Canopy -- variable tree component that may range from very sparse to relatively dense Understory -- well developed shrub stratum with variable grass-forb cover and composition; shrubs constitute the underlying biotic community in these ecosystems Site conditions -- associated with a wide variety of substrates and topographic settings, including shallow rocky soils on mountain slopes to deep soils of inter-montane valleys; site conditions are inherently favorable for shrub growth, thus the tree component naturally waxes and wanes over time in response to a variety of climatic and disturbance factors (“areas of potential expansion and contraction” in Romme et al. 2007) Regional Distribution -- especially prevalent in the Great Basin, where the precipitation pattern is winter-dominated and Artemisia tridentata is a dominant shrub species; however, wooded shrublands can be found throughout the West where local substrates favor shrub dominance

177 trees and consume all of the needles and and bark beetle outbreaks (Breshears et small twigs (Leopold 1924, Barney and al. 2005). Frischknect 1974, Koniak 1985). After Historical fire rotations (i.e., the severe fire, piñons and junipers can be time required for the cumulative area very slow to re-establish (Erdman 1970). burned to equal the size of the entire area They do not re-sprout, so seeds must be of interest) and fire intervals at the stand transported by birds and mammals into level, varied from place to place in piñon the burned area and buried in suitable and juniper woodlands but in many growing locations. The young seedlings places were very long (generally are vulnerable to spring drought, winter measured in centuries). Indeed, some freezing and thawing, and herbivory by piñon and juniper woodlands have been birds and small mammals. A new piñon stable for hundreds of years without fire, or juniper tree takes many decades to other than isolated lightning ignitions grow to maturity, and a stand of piñon- that burned only single trees or small juniper woodland requires centuries to patches and produced no significant develop the old-growth structural change in stand structure. Many piñon characteristics (Erdman 1970, Tress and and juniper woodlands today show no Klopatek 1987). evidence of past widespread fire, Spreading, low-intensity surface although they may have burned fires had a very limited role in molding extensively many hundreds or thousands stand structure and dynamics of many or of years ago. It appears that the longest most piñon and juniper woodlands in the fire rotations generally occurred in historical landscape. Historical fires persistent woodlands,, and were shorter generally did not “thin from below,” i.e., in wooded shrublands and savannas— they did not kill predominantly small although we have inadequate empirical trees. Instead, the dominant fire effect data on fire histories in the latter two was to kill most or all trees and to top- types of piñon and juniper vegetation kill most or all shrubs within the burned (Romme et al. 2008, 2009). area regardless of tree or shrub size. This statement also is true of most Insects and Fungal Diseases ecologically significant fires today (Romme et al. 2008, 2009). Stand structure and dynamics In many piñon and juniper during the reference period also were woodlands, stand dynamics are driven influenced by bark beetle outbreaks and, at more by climatic fluctuation, insects, least in places, a black stain root disease. and disease than by fire (Eisenhart 2004, The bark beetles and the black stain fungus Romme et al. 2008, 2009). Although attack only piñon – insects and diseases increases in piñon and juniper density generally have far less influence on juniper have received much attention in many trees, which may be one reason why areas (see below), loss of piñon and junipers often live longer than piñon. The juniper (especially from marginal sites) two most important bark beetles in pinyon also has occurred recently and in the trees of the South Central Highlands past. For example, a widespread and Section are the pine engraver (Ips pini) and severe piñon mortality event occurred in the piñon Ips (Ips confusus). Both species 2002-2004 in the Four Corners region as have a similar life cycle (Furniss and a result of drought, high temperatures, Carolin 1977). Adults bore through the

178 bark of piñon trees, and create “galleries” following years of well-distributed, heavy or tunnels, where they lay eggs. The larvae summer rain (J. Worrall, personal hatch and eat the inner bark, forming new communication). Extensive mortality from galleries and killing the tree. Within two to black stain rot fungus was observed in several months, the larvae pupate and then Mesa Verde National Park following moist emerge as adults to attack new trees. Trees periods in 1932-1934 (J. Worrall, personal that are infested with large numbers of communication) and in the early 1980s beetles die in the same season that they are (personal observations). In the Mesa Verde attacked, and their foliage turns brown in region, and perhaps elsewhere in the South late summer or fall. Several generations Central Highlands Section, the bark beetles may be produced in a single season, and root stain may interact so closely that depending on temperatures and food they can be treated as a single integrated supply. agent of piñon mortality. Individual trees The most important black stain root infected with black stain root fungus may disease in piñon trees of southwestern be more susceptible to bark beetle attack, Colorado is Leptographium wageneri var. and thus may sustain endemic bark beetle wageneri (Kearns and Jacobi 2005). The populations during moist periods when fungus is transmitted from tree to tree via piñon trees are otherwise resistant to bark root contacts -- and possibly also an insect beetle attack (J. Lundquist, personal vector, but the vector has not yet been communication). These endemic beetle identified (James Worrall, personal populations then explode into an outbreak communication). Because dispersal when drought conditions again arrive. distances apparently are limited, piñon A major mortality event occurred mortality from black stain root fungus tends from 2002 - 2004 in piñon populations of to occur in patches. Thirty such patches southwestern Colorado, northwestern New were analyzed in the western portion of the Mexico, and adjacent parts of Arizona and San Juan National Forest (Kearns and Utah (Breshears et al. 2005). An outbreak Jacobi 2005): an average of 68% of adult of Ips beetles contributed to the mortality piñon trees had died within the patches, of piñon trees, although many trees appear which ranged from 0.07 - 0.63 ha in size to have died from direct effects of drought and were expanding outward at an average stress. In addition to severe drought, the rate of 1.1 m/year, past decade has been characterized by Part of the architectural diversity in anomalously warm temperatures in the mature and old-growth piñon-juniper Four Corners region (and elsewhere); these forests is a result of canopy gaps formed by high temperatures probably intensified the bark beetle outbreaks and spread of root water stress to which the trees were disease. Bark beetle outbreaks commonly subjected, and may have accelerated occur during drought conditions, when growth and development in the bark beetles water stress reduces the host trees’ ability as well (Breshears et al. 2005). to resist the beetle attack. Outbreaks also occur following any disturbance that 3. Legacies of Euro-American Settlement creates large quantities of fresh piñon and Current Conditions boles, e.g., windthrow or mechanical thinning operations (Furniss and Carolin Piñon-juniper vegetation 1977). In contrast, black stain root fungus throughout its range of distribution has produces the greatest piñon mortality been heavily used, and in some places

179 greatly altered, during the last 120 years. below for additional discussion of this The most important impacts are those topic. related to grazing, mechanical tree removal, wood cutting, fire suppression, and exurban Mechanical Tree Removal and development (Scurlock 1998). Wood Cutting:

Grazing Impacts: Extensive programs of mechanical tree reduction were carried out in piñon- In most of the South Central juniper woodlands during the 1950s and Highlands Section, the first large herds of 1960s with a primary goal of increasing livestock were introduced in the late 1800s forage production for livestock. A as Euro-American settlers moved into the commonly used technique was “chaining” region (see Chapter II for details). Because in which a large anchor chain was attached the piñon-juniper zone was readily to a pair of bulldozers and pulled through a accessible, it received relatively heavy and stand, knocking down the canopy trees year-round grazing pressure by sheep and (Paulson and Baker 2006). Chaining has cattle throughout most of the South Central been much less utilized in the last two Highlands Section. Apparently almost no decades, but continues in some areas. portion of the piñon-juniper zone escaped Other techniques for thinning or removing heavy grazing during the late 1800s and the piñon-juniper canopy also are being early 1900s, but grazing has been largely experimented with, including herbicide excluded from some areas for the last application, mowing, and “hydro- several decades, e.g., in Mesa Verde mulching.” National Park (Floyd 2003). Grazing An important consequence of continues on most public lands and many chaining is fragmentation of piñon-juniper private lands throughout the South Central forests and woodlands (Knight et al. 2000). Highlands Section, but ecologically However, the ecological effects of this appropriate and sustainable grazing fragmentation have not received much practices now are being used in many areas research attention. The effects of chaining (Knight et al. 2002, White 2008). also are usually transient, because in many Where grazing continues to be places the canopy becomes re-established heavy and chronic, substantial changes in within one to a few decades. At one site on the flora have taken place (e.g., Fleischner the western side of the Unompahgre 1994). Even where grazing is now Plateau, chaining in the 1960s had removed sustainable, there may be persistent all canopy trees, but had not removed the legacies of the very heavy grazing that small piñon and juniper saplings. The occurred a century ago, e.g., some palatable saplings grew rapidly after removal of the species may have been locally extirpated canopy, and today the area is covered by a and not yet recovered. However, because dense, closed canopy stand of piñon and we have almost no specific information juniper trees (personal observations). about composition and structure of non- Thinning for fuel reduction and wildfire woody species during the reference period, mitigation is now being conducted over it is impossible to determine the magnitude extensive areas of piñon-juniper woodland and locations of persistent changes induced in southwestern Colorado and elsewhere in by previous grazing. See Chapter II and the region. However, the potential impacts the discussion of grassland ecosystems of this thinning on the native biota and

180 ecological processes such as nutrient recovery from severe fire or cycling have not been examined in any anthropogenic clearing in the past, or as detail. natural range expansion near the biogeographical limits of a tree species. Increasing Tree Densities Unfortunately, the mechanisms underlying increasing tree density in A striking pattern in many areas existing piñon and juniper woodlands, is a dramatic increase in density and and expansion of piñon and juniper into canopy coverage of piñon and juniper grasslands and shrublands, are not well during the last 150 years. Former understood in most situations. Possible grasslands and shrublands in some mechanisms include recovery from past regions also have been converted to severe disturbance, natural ongoing savanna or woodland as trees have Holocene range expansion, livestock expanded into previously non-woodland grazing, fire exclusion, and effects of sites. However, piñon and juniper climatic variability and rising densities have not changed substantially atmospheric CO2. In general there is in many other woodlands, and have even much uncertainty about the ecological declined in others; similarly, expansion process(es) driving tree density increases of trees into formerly non-woodland in any particular location. The evidence sites has been less common or nearly for and against each of these potential lacking in many regions. mechanisms is evaluated in Romme et Although the pattern of al. (2009). increasing tree density is well documented in many areas, the Large Severe Fires mechanisms driving these changes are unclear. This is an important issue, An upsurge of large fires (>400 because infill and expansion often are ha) in forested landscapes throughout attributed primarily to effects of fire much of the western U.S began in the exclusion; consequently vegetation mid-1980s (Westerling et al. 2006). treatments designed to reduce or Increasing trends in large fire frequency eliminate piñons and junipers often are and total area burned are particularly justified in part by the assumption that noticeable in some regions having past and present land uses have produced extensive piñon-juniper woodlands, “unnatural” increases in tree density. including the South Central Highlands Although this assumption is probably Section. For example, a greater correct in some situations, clearly it is proportion of the piñon-juniper not correct in all. For example, woodland on the Mesa Verde cuesta exclusion of low-severity surface fires burned in the decade between 1995 and during the 20th century cannot be the 2005 than had burned throughout the primary reason for infill of persistent previous 200 years (Floyd et al. 2004). woodlands, because low-severity fire We know that large severe fires occurred was never frequent in these ecosystems in piñon-juniper woodlands in the past, even before Euro-American settlement although we have little information on (Romme et al. 2008, 2009). spatial extent or patterns of those fires. Furthermore, in many places we can Truncated age structures of live piñon explain increasing tree density as trees and abundant charred juniper snags

181 document the occurrence of large fires involves the warmer temperatures, (at least hundreds of hectares in extent) longer fire seasons, and high amplitude in the 1700s on the Mesa Verde cuesta. of wet/dry years that have occurred in Thus, it follows that the recent recent decades (Westerling et al. 2006). occurrence of high-severity fires in Given the very long fire rotations piñon and juniper woodlands is not that naturally characterize piñon and unprecedented; however, we have juniper woodlands, especially persistent inadequate historical information with woodlands, we cannot yet determine which to confidently evaluate how the whether the recent increase in frequency frequency and extent of recent high- of large fires occurring in this vegetation severity fires in this vegetation type type represents genuine directional compare with historical fire events. change related to changing climate or Changes in fuel structure fuel conditions, or is simply a temporary probably have contributed to the recent episode of increased fire activity, increase in large fires in some parts of comparable to similar episodes in the the West. Invasion by highly flammable past. In any event, the suite of current annual grasses (e.g., cheatgrass, Bromus and upcoming broad-scale tectorum) has increased horizontal fuel environmental changes--warming continuity and likelihood of extensive temperatures, increasing tree densities in fire spread in many semi-arid vegetation some areas, and expansion of fire- types, including piñon-juniper promoting species such as cheatgrass— woodlands and shrublands of the Great all may all interact to dramatically Basin and Colorado Plateau (Whisenant increase the amount of burning in piñon- 1990; Knapp 1996). However, an equal juniper and other vegetation types over or possibly more important mechanism the next century.

4. Literature Cited

Austin, D. D. 1999. Changes in plant composition within a pinyon-juniper woodland. In Monsen, S. B., and R. Stevens (compilers), Proceedings: Ecology and management of pinyon-juniper communities within the interior west. USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-9. Barney, M. A., and N. C. Frischknecht. 1974. Vegetation changes following fire in the pinyon-juniper type of west-central Utah. Journal of Range Management 27:91- 96. Belnap, J. 2003. Magnificent microbes: biological soil crusts in pinyon-juniper communities. Pages 75-88 in Floyd (2003). Belnap, J., and J.P. Lindsey. 2003. At the ground level: fungi and mosses. Pages 61-74 in Floyd (2003). Breshears, D. D., N. S. Cobb, P. M. Rich, K. P. Price, C. D. Allen, R. G. Balice, W. H. Romme, J. H. Kastens, M. L. Floyd, J. Belnap, J. J. Anderson, O. B. Myers, and C. W. Meyer. 2005. Regional vegetation die-off in response to global-change-type drought. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102(42):15144-15148. Eisenhart, K. S. 2004. Historic range of variability and stand development in piñon-juniper woodlands of western Colorado. Dissertation, Geography Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.

182 Erdman, J. A. 1970. Piñon-juniper succession after natural fires on residual soils of Mesa Verde, Colorado. Brigham Young University Biological Series Vol. XI (2). 58 pp. Fleischner, T. L. 1994. Ecological costs of livestock grazing in western North America. Conservation Biology 8:629-644. Floyd, M. L. (editor). 2003. Ancient piñon-juniper woodlands: A natural history of Mesa Verde country. University Press of Colorado, Niwot, CO. Floyd, M. L.,and M. Colyer. 2003. Beneath the trees: shrubs, herbs, and some surprising rarities. Pages 31-60 in Floyd (2003). Floyd, M. L., D. D. Hanna, and W. H. Romme. 2004. Historical and recent fire regimes in piñon-juniper woodlands on Mesa Verde, Colorado, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 198:269-289. Furniss, R. L., and V. M. Carolin. 1977. Western forest insects. USDA Forest Service Miscellaneous Publication No. 1339. Washington, D.C. Huber, A. S. Goodrick, K. Anderson. 1999. Diversity with successional status in the pinyon- juniper/mountain mahogany/bluebunch wheatgrass community types near Dutch John, Utah. In Monsen, S., R. Stevens comps. Proceedings: ecology and management of pinyon-juniper communities with the Interior West, 1997 September 15-18, Provo, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-9. Ogden, UT. Kearns, H. S. J., and W. R. Jacobi. 2005. Impacts of black stain root disease in recently formed mortality centers in the piñon-juniper woodlands of southwestern Colorado. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35:461-471. Knapp, P.A. 1996. Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) dominance in the Great Basin desert: history, persistence, and influences of human activities. Global Environmental Change 6:37-52. Knight, R. L., F. W. Smith, S. W. Buskirk, W. H. Romme, and W. L. Baker (editors). 2000. Forest fragmentation in the southern Rocky Mountains, University Press of Colorado. Knight, R.L., W.C. Gilgert, and E. Marston (editors). 2002. Ranching west of the 100th meridian: Culture, ecology, and economics. Island Press, Washington, D.C. Koniak, S. 1985. Succession in pinyon-juniper woodlands following wildfire in the Great Basin. Great Basin Naturalist 45:556-566. Leopold, A. 1924. Grass, brush, timber, and fire in southern Arizona. Journal of Forestry 22(6):1-10. Naillon, D. K. Memmott, and S. B. Monsen. 1999. A comparison of understory species at three densities in a pinyon-juniper woodland. In Monsen, S., R. Stevens comps. Proceedings: ecology and management of pinyon-juniper communities with the Interior West, 1997 September 15-18, Provo, UT. Proc. RMRS-P-9. Ogden, UT. Paulson, D. D., and W. L. Baker. 2006. The nature of southwestern Colorado: Recognizing human legacies and restoring natural places. University Press of Colorado. Romme, W., C. Allen, J. Bailey, W. Baker, B. Bestelmeyer, P. Brown, K. Eisenhart, L. Floyd-Hanna, D. Huffman, B. Jacobs, R. Miller, E. Muldavin, T. Swetnam, R. Tausch, and P. Weisberg. 2007. Historical and modern disturbance regimes of piñon-juniper vegetation in the western U.S. Report by the Nature Conservancy, Fire Learning Network. 13 p. [a short version of Romme et al. 2008.

183 Romme, W., C. Allen, J. Bailey, W. Baker, B. Bestelmeyer, P. Brown, K. Eisenhart, L. Floyd-Hanna, D. Huffman, B. Jacobs, R. Miller, E. Muldavin, T. Swetnam, R. Tausch, and P. Weisberg. 2008. Historical and modern disturbance regimes of piñon-juniper vegetation in the western U.S. Report published by Colorado Forest Restoration Institute, Colorado State University, Fort Collins (http://www.cfri.colostate.edu/). Scurlock, D. 1998. From the Rio to the Sierra: An environmental history of the Middle Rio Grande Basin. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RMRS-GTR- 5. Tress, J. A., and J. M. Klopatek. 1987. Successional changes in community structure of pinyon-juniper woodlands of north-central Arizona. Pages 80-85 in:Everett, R. L. (compiler), Proceedings – pinyon-juniper conference. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report INT-215. Westerling, A.L., H.D. Hidalgo, D.R. Cayan, and T.W. Swetnam. 2006. Warming and earlier spring increase western U.S. forest wildfire activity. Science 313:940-943. Whisenant, S.G. 1990. Changing fire frequencies on Idaho's River Plains: ecological and management implications. In: E.D. McArthur, E.M. Romney, S.D. Smith, and P.T. Tueller (compilers), Proceedings – Symposium on cheatgrass invasion, shrub die-off, and other aspects of shrub biology and management. U.S. Forest Service General Technical Report INT-276. p. 4-10. White, C. 2008. Revolution on the range: The rise of a new ranch in the American West. Island Press / Shearwater Books, Washington, D.C.


1. Vegetation Structure and Composition Region of the Forest Service because of of Mountain Grasslands their limited extent, and because they have been heavily impacted by livestock Mountain grasslands are grazing and land development (Mullen intermixed in forest-dominated 1992). Grasslands are devoid of trees landscapes throughout the South Central and shrubs due to many factors including Highlands Section. These herbaceous competition from herbaceous plants, communities occur as openings in temperatures, grazing, soil heaving, and ponderosa pine, aspen, mixed-conifer, fire (Paulsen 1975). and spruce-fir forests at elevations Within the general mountain ranging from about 2,300 – 3,500 m grassland type, three more specific (7,500 - 11,600 ft). They occur on grassland types are dominant in the upland sites with well-drained soils in South Central Highlands Section. The mountain and mesa landscapes. Arizona fescue type (dominated by Although these grasslands are small in Festuca arizonica) occurs at elevations extent, they represent a significant from about 2,300 – 2,700 m (7,500 – component of the Section's biological 9,000 ft), and is primarily associated diversity (Mullen 1992). They are with ponderosa pine and warm-dry described as Sensitive Plant mixed-conifer forests. The Thurber Communities in the Rocky Mountain fescue type (dominated by Festuca

184 thurberi) occurs at higher elevations absent or minor components. This type from about 2,600 – 3,500 m (8,500 to commonly displays high amounts of 11,600 ft), and is primarily associated bare soil, minimal litter, and soil erosion with spruce-fir, cool-moist and cold-wet and compaction problems that reduce mixed-conifer forests. The Kentucky soil productivity. These grasslands can bluegrass type (dominated by Poa be regarded as a zootic disclimax that pratensis) occurs at elevations from persists because of sustained livestock about 2,300 – 3,500 m (7,500 – 11,600 grazing (Turner and Paulsen 1976). ft), and is associated with all forest These grasslands have undergone a types. process of retrogression in which the The Arizona fescue and native, late-seral grass species have been Thurber fescue types are tall, replaced by exotics, forbs, and annuals bunchgrass communities dominated by (Barbour et al. 1987). The amount of Arizona and Thurber fescue litter on these sites is low while the respectively. Arizona and Thurber amount of bare soil is high, which makes fescue can be described as keystone these grasslands highly susceptible to species for these types because of the runoff, erosion, compaction, and weed pivotal role they play in these invasions. Structural conditions reflect ecosystems (Noss and Cooperrider 1994. the open canopy associated with the Forbs, sod-forming grasses, and sedges great amount of bare soil and the sod- occupy the spaces between forming nature of Kentucky bluegrass, bunchgrasses. Sites in good ecological which tends to occur in a patchy pattern. condition display high canopy cover of The short, sparse foliage of the bluegrass Arizona or Thurber fescue, abundant and forbs provide limited litter and litter, minimal bare soil, and soils with organic matter for nutrient cycling and thick, organic-matter-rich surface soil development processes, and limited horizons. Sites where ecological protection to the soil surface. conditions are not as good display lower Some mountain grasslands in the canopy-cover of Arizona or Thurber South Central Highlands Section are fescue, higher cover of annuals and dominated by other exotic species, exotics including Kentucky bluegrass notably crested wheatgrass, intermediate and dandelion, less litter, more bare soil, wheatgrass, orchardgrass, smooth possible soil erosion and compaction brome, or timothy. These exotic species problems, and higher cover of native were purposely seeded in some increaser species including cinquefoil, grassland sites to improve forage mulesears, pussytoes, sneezeweed, conditions for livestock. They were also strawberry, trailing fleabane, and introduced throughout the region to re- yarrow. (See Table VI-B-1 for scientific vegetate roads, trails, and other disturbed names.) sites. The Kentucky bluegrass type is Common species of the Arizona a short, sod-forming type dominated by fescue type, in addition to Arizona the non-native Kentucky bluegrass and fescue, include the shrubs big sagebrush the native increaser species mentioned and black sagebrush, and the herbs above. Dandelion and annual forbs are mountain muhly, Parry oatgrass, common, and noxious weeds may be junegrass, bottlebrush squirreltail, present. Arizona and Thurber fescue are mountain brome, blue grama, needle-

185 and-thread, needlegrass, pine dropseed, Highlands Section looked like during the muttongrass, elk sedge, Kentucky period of indigenous settlement: bluegrass, American vetch, daisy, trailing fleabane, yarrow, dandelion, -- J.T.Rothrock in 1878 (cited in Cooper mulesears, lupine, fringed sage, 1960) wrote as he traveled through cinquefoil, buckwheat, peavine, southwest Colorado, "In the beautiful geranium, and goldenrod. Common valley of the Conejos River, we found species of the Thurber fescue type luxuriant bunch-grass covering the (Moir 1967), in addition to Thurber ground as thickly as it could stand". fescue, include the shrubs shrubby cinquefoil and snowberry, and the herbs -- E.F.Beale in 1858 (cited in Cooper timber oatgrass, junegrass, mountain 1960) wrote as he traveled through brome, needlegrass, wild rye, sedge, northern Arizona, "We came to a Kentucky bluegrass, cinquefoil, glorious forest of lofty pines, through American vetch, trailing fleabane, daisy, which we have traveled ten miles. The yarrow, sneezeweed, dandelion, country was beautifully undulating, harebell, meadowrue, and geranium. every foot being covered with the finest (See Table VI-B-1 for scientific names.) grass, and beautiful broad grassy vales Mountain grasslands in the extending in every direction." region also have been described as Mountain Grassland “potential-natural- Aside from historic anecdotal vegetation” Type (Kuchler 1964), descriptions, there is little information or Mountain Grassland Type (Paulsen scientific data pertaining to the condition 1975, Turner and Paulsen 1976), of mountain grasslands in the South Mountain Grassland Ecosystem Central Highlands Section during the (Kingery 1998, Garrison et al. 1977), reference period. Furthermore, intensive Arizona fescue, Thurber fescue, and livestock grazing since the reference Kentucky bluegrass series (Johnston period has eliminated many undisturbed 1987, 2001, Dick-Peddie 1993, reference sites that could have been used Komarkova 1986), Arizona fescue- to represent reference-period conditions. Mountain muhly, Arizona fescue- It is therefore difficult to accurately Danthonia parryi, and Thurber fescue- reconstruct the composition and Arizona fescue plant association structure of these plant communities (Johnston 1987), and Arizona fescue and prior to the arrival of domestic livestock Thurber fescue types (Turner and in the late 1800s. That considered the Paulsen 1976, Currie 1975, Johnston following description is based on the 2001). best reference sites available, and extensive field reconnaissance within

this Section. 2. Reference Conditions in Mountain During the reference period Grasslands many of the mountain grasslands of the

South Central Highlands Section Descriptions such as the apparently displayed high diversity and following give us insight and help paint cover of herbaceous species, particularly a picture of what the mountain the native bunchgrass species Arizona grasslands in the South Central and Thurber fescue that displayed a

186 combined canopy cover greater than desired forage species decreased. Since 50%. Forbs, sod-forming grasses, and the plant species associated with the sedges occupied the spaces between grasslands of this Section presumably bunchgrasses. Litter amounts were high were well adapted to the frequency, due to the large biomass associated with intensity, extent, and magnitude of the robust bunchgrasses. Total historic grazing by wild ungulates, the vegetation cover (including litter) was composition, structure, function, and about 80-90%. Bare soil occupied about productivity of these ecosystems were 10-20% of the ground surface. Exotic maintained during the reference period. species (including Kentucky bluegrass Periodic fire was a part of the and dandelion) and noxious weeds were natural-disturbance regime of many absent. Annual forbs and native North American grasslands (Sims 1988, increaser species such as yarrow, Wright and Bailey 1982). The grasslands strawberry, cinquefoil, sneezeweed, and of the Arizona fescue type were part of mulesears occurred to a minor extent. the overall forest-dominated landscape Soil erosion and compaction were absent associated with the fire-adapted or minimal. Soils had thick, organic ponderosa pine and warm-dry mixed- matter-rich surface horizons formed conifer forests (Currie 1975, Clary from the consistent supply of plant 1975). Since these forests were material associated with the abundant characterized by frequent, low-intensity and well-distributed vegetation. fires throughout the reference period Structural conditions displayed a (Chapters II and V), we assume that relatively closed canopy, reflecting the frequent fires also played a significant high density and well-distributed role in maintaining the composition, arrangement of the robust bunchgrasses. structure, and function of the adjacent The tall, thick foliage of these mountain grasslands during the reference bunchgrasses provided an abundance of period. The grasslands had plenty of litter and organic matter for energy flow, biomass serving as fine fuel to carry a nutrient cycling, and soil development fire through them. Fire functions to processes, and influenced hydrologic reduce litter, recycle nutrients to the soil, processes by protecting the soil surface stimulate new herbaceous growth, and from raindrop impacts, runoff, restrict woody-plant establishment in compaction, and erosion. grasslands. Fire probably was less The function of mountain important in the Thurber fescue type, grasslands of this Section during the since fire frequencies are much longer in reference period was associated with the the higher-elevation spruce-fir and cool- ecological processes of grazing by wild moist mixed-conifer forests with which ungulates and fire. Intermountain these grasslands are associated (Chapters grasslands of North America evolved III and V). with light grazing by wild herbivores, including elk and deer (Mack and 3. Legacies of Euro-American Settlement Thompson 1982). The numbers of wild and Current Conditions ungulates and patterns of their grazing likely varied from year to year. The Relative to the reference period, animals were free to move to new areas the current state of the mountain when the abundance or palatability of grasslands in the South Central

187 Highlands Section reflects impacts bunchgrasses that are so critical to the associated with livestock grazing, land ecological integrity of these ecosystems development, and land management have been extirpated in many areas, and activities. the abundance and distribution of Heavy and unsustainable grazing remaining bunchgrasses have been occurred in grasslands throughout most drastically reduced in others. Exotic of the South Central Highlands Section species (including Kentucky bluegrass, during the late 1800s and early 1900s dandelion, and noxious weeds), and (see Chapter II for details). Cattle graze native increaser species (including extensively in mountain grasslands yarrow, cinquefoil, mulesears, because these areas tend to be easily sneezeweed, and annual forbs) have accessible, forage is typically more taken the place of bunchgrasses in many abundant than in forests, and many places. This change in species grassland plant species are highly composition has altered the structure of palatable (Clary 1975, Paulsen 1975). many of these grasslands from tall, Poorly managed or excessive livestock bunchgrass-dominated community types grazing can lead to (i) alteration of to short, sod-dominated or forb- species composition, including decreases dominated types. Additional livestock in density and biomass of individual grazing-related changes in mountain species, and reduction of species grasslands include the reduction of litter, richness; (ii) disruption of ecosystem an increase in bare soil, increases in soil functioning, including interference in erosion and compaction resulting in a nutrient cycling and ecological loss of soil productivity, and a decrease succession; (iii) alteration of ecosystem in native species richness. These structure, including changes in changes in turn decreased the amount of vegetation stratification and community organic matter available for nutrient organization; (iv) a decrease in cycling in the soil, changed successional biological diversity; and (v) an increase pathways, and lessened the likelihood of in soil erosion (Fleischner 1994). low-intensity fires carrying through However, it is important to recognize these grasslands. that livestock grazing today is being Land development and recent conducted in ecologically appropriate land management activities also have and sustainable ways in many parts of introduced exotic plants and noxious the South Central Highlands Section, weeds into the mountain grasslands of where these new grazing systems are the South Central Highlands Section (see providing numerous ecological and Chapter VII). Roads and trails needed social benefits (Knight et al. 2002, White for home sites, recreation, timber sales, 2008). livestock grazing, mining, pipelines, The excessive livestock grazing communication towers, and fire of the late 1800s and early 1900s has suppression have been conduits for the resulted in a legacy of significant introduction and spread of exotic plants ecological changes in many of the into the forested landscapes where the mountain grasslands of the South grasslands occur. Mountain grasslands Central Highlands Section. Altered that have lost native species often have plant-community composition is the much bare soil exposed, which makes most obvious change. The dominant them susceptible to the establishment of

188 exotic plants. In addition, many roads intermediate wheatgrass, timothy, and grasslands were purposely seeded orchardgrass, Kentucky bluegrass, and with exotic species for erosion control yellow sweet clover). In many areas and to improve forage conditions for these non-native species still dominate livestock (e.g., smooth brome, the plant community.

4. Literature Cited

Barbour, M.G., J.H. Burk, W.D. Pitts.1987. Terrestrial plant ecology. 2nd edition. Benjamin/Cummings. Clary, W. P. 1975. Range Management and its Ecological Basis in the Ponderosa Pine Type of Arizona: The Status of Our Knowledge. USDA Forest Service Research Paper RM-158. Cooper, C.F. 1960. Changes in vegetation, structure, and growth of southwestern pine forests since white settlement. Ecological Monographs 30:129-164. Currie, P. O. 1975. Grazing Management of Ponderosa Pine-Bunchgrass Ranges of the Central Rocky Mountains: The Status of Our Knowledge. USDA Forest Service Research Paper RM-159. Dick-Peddie, W. A. 1993. New Mexico vegetation, past, present, and future. University of NM Press. Fleischner, T. L. 1994. Ecological costs of livestock grazing in western North America. Conservation Biology 8:629-644. Johnston, B. C. 1987. Plant Associations of Region Two. Edition 4. USDA Forest Service. R2-ECOL-87-2. Johnston, B. C. 2001. Ecological Types of the Upper Gunnison Basin. USDA Forest Service. Technical Report R2-RR-2001-01. Kingery, H.E. 1998. Colorado Breeding Bird Atlas. Published by Colorado Bird Atlas Partnership and Colorado Division of Wildlife. Knight, R.L., W.C. Gilgert, and E. Marston (editors). 2002. Ranching west of the 100th meridian: Culture, ecology, and economics. Island Press, Washington, D.C. Komarkova, V. 1986. Habitat types on selected parts of the Gunnison and Uncompahgre National Forests. Final Report to USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colorado. Kuchler, A.W. 1964. Potential Natural Vegetation of the conterminous U.S. American Geographic Society Special Publication 36. Mack, R.N. and J.N. Thompson 1982. Evolution in steppe with few large, hooved mammals. American Naturalist 119:757-772. Moir, W.H. 1967. The Subalpine Tall Grass, Festuca thurberi, community of Sierra Blanca, NM. The Southwestern Naturalist 12(3): 321-328. Mullen, L. D.1992. Biological Diversity Assessment, Rocky Mountain Regional Guide, USDA Forest Service Region 2, Lakewood, Colorado. Noss, R.F. and Cooperrider, A.Y. 1994. Saving Nature's Legacy - Protecting and Restoring Biodiversity. Island Press. Paulsen, H. A. Jr. 1975. Range Management in the Central and Southern Rocky Mountains: A summary of the status of our Knowledge by Range Ecosystems. USDA Foret Service Research Paper RM-154.

189 Sims, P. L. 1988. Grasslands. In: North American Terrestrial Vegetation, Barbour, M.G. and Billings, W.D. editors. Cambridge University Press. Turner, G.T. and Paulsen, H.A. 1976. Management of Mountain Grasslands in the Central Rockies: The Status of our Knowledge. USDA Forest Service Research Paper RM-161. Wright, H.A. and A.W. Bailey. 1982. Fire Ecology: United States and Southern Canada. John Wiley and Sons. White, C. 2008. Revolution on the range: The rise of a new ranch in the American West. Island Press / Shearwater Books, Washington, D.C.


Table VI-B-1. Plant species mentioned in the mountain grasslands section (alphabetical order by common name)

SHRUBS - big sagebrush (Seriphidium tridentatum ssp tridentatum), black sagebrush (Seriphidium novum), shrubby cinquefoil (Pentaphylloides floribunda), and snowberry (Symphoricarpos rotundifolius).

FORBS - American vetch (Vicia americana), beardstongue (Penstemon barbatus), buckwheat (Eriogonum umbellatum), butterweed (Packera neomexicana), cinquefoil (Potentilla hippiana), daisy (Erigeron formosissimus), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), deervetch (Lotus wrightii), fringed sage (Artemisia frigida), geranium (Geranium caespitosum), goldenrod (Solidago simplex), hairy goldenaster (Heterotheca villosa), harebell (Campanula rotundifolia), lupine (Lupinus argenteus), meadowrue (Thalictrum fendleri), mountain parsley (Pseudocymopterus montanus), mulesears (Wyethia arizonica), owlclover (Orthocarpus luteus), paintbrush (Castilleja integra), peavine (Lathyrus leucanthus), pussytoes (Antennaria rosea), sneezeweed (Dugaldia hoopesii), strawberry (Fragaria vesca and virginiana), trailing fleabane (Erigeron flagellaris), and yarrow (Achillea lanulosa).

GRAMINOIDS - Arizona fescue (Festuca arizonica), blue grama (Chondrosum gracile), bottlebrush squirreltail (Elymus elymoides), crested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum), elk sedge (Carex geyeri), Indian ricegrass (Achnatherum hymenoides), intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium), junegrass (Koeleria macrantha), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), mountain muhly (Muhlenbergia montana), mountain brome (Bromopsis pumpelliana), muttongrass (Poa fendleriana), needle-and-thread (Hesperostipa comata), needlegrass (Achnatherum nelsonii), orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata), Parry oatgrass (Danthonia parryi), ryegrass (Elymus glauca), sedge (Carex), smooth brome (Bromopsis inermis), Thurber fescue (Festuca thurberi), timber oatgrass (Danthonia intermedia), timothy (Phleum pratense), western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii), and wild rye (Elymus canadensis).



Riparian areas and wetlands Consequently, there is no single, occur at all elevations throughout the universally acceptable classification South Central Highlands Section. They system for these ecosystems. Baker occur on valley floors and in other low- (1989) sampled 115 stands distributed lying landscape positions, and are along most of the major rivers in western primarily associated with perennial Colorado, representing an elevational streams. Although limited in extent, gradient of 1,700 m and a latitudinal riparian and wetland ecosystems gradient of 300 km. Four major contribute a great diversity of native vegetation types were identified, each of vegetation communities and bird, fish, which could be subdivided into and vertebrate species to southwestern numerous subtypes as influenced landscapes (Howe and Knopf 1991, primarily by interacting elements of Durkin et al. 1995). Riparian areas and valley morphology, elevation, and flood wetlands store water, stabilize valley history. The four types were montane floors, enhance water quality, provide riparian forests (below about 2620 m) recreation and esthetic values, and dominated by Populus angustifolia and provide wildlife species with habitat, Picea pungens; subalpine riparian forests water, food, cover, and travel routes. (above about 2620 m) dominated by and Riparian areas and wetlands are Abies lasiocarpa Picea engelmannii; defined here together, as the interface lower subalpine carrs (generally at 2620- between the riverine aquatic ecosystem 3110 m elevation) dominated by tall and the adjacent upland ecosystem, willows including Salix drummondiana, where the water table is usually at or S. geyeri, and S. monticola; and upper near the land surface (Gregory et al. subalpine carrs (above 3110 m) 1991, Brinson et al. 1981). They are dominated by short willows including frequently flooded, or at least seasonally Salix brachycarpa, S. planifolia, and S. saturated by a fluctuating water table, wolfii. and have plant species, soils, and Focusing just on montane topography that differ considerably from riparian forests along the those of the adjacent uplands. Riparian in the San Juan Mountains of areas and wetlands support a prevalence southwestern Colorado, Walford and of hydrophytic vegetation adapted for Baker (1995) developed a finer-scale life in saturated soil conditions (Corps of classification of eight riparian vegetation Engineers 1987). types dominated by various combinations of Populus angustifolia, P. 1. Riparian Vegetation Structure and tremuloides, Picea pungens, Composition Pseudotsuga menziesii, and various shrubs and herbs. A far more detailed The structure and composition of classification of riparian and wetland riparian and wetland vegetation is vegetation types in the South Central typically complex and varies at fine Highlands Section is described in Table spatial scales, especially in rugged VI-C-1 within a hierarchy at the mountainous regions like the Couth Subclass, Alliance, and Community Central Highlands Section. Type levels (Grossman et al. 1998,

191 Muldavin et al. 2000, Redders 2000). streams of the South Central Highlands See also Kittel et al. (1999) and Johnston Section is best viewed as a continually (2001). shifting, fine-scale mosaic of patches, reflecting the dynamic interplay between 2. Reference Conditions in Riparian stable landscape features (valley Vegetation morphology and elevation) and periodic disturbance (floods and beavers). Specific information about riparian areas and wetlands during the 3. Legacies of Euro-American Settlement reference period in the South Central and Current Conditions Highlands Section is limited. Reference sites at low to middle elevations that Riparian areas and wetlands have could have been used to represent changed dramatically during the last reference-period conditions are century and a half in the southwestern especially rare due to extensive human United States due to human impacts. In impacts since EuroAmerican settlement New Mexico, riparian vegetation has (Baker 1989). However, we can infer probably been impacted more by human some of the important features of activities than any other type of riparian and wetland vegetation during vegetation (Dick-Peddie 1993). Human the reference period based on the impacts that have occurred in the South ecological processes that probably have Central Highlands Section include not been greatly altered. urbanization, agriculture, logging, It is important to recognize that livestock grazing, mining, recreation, riparian areas, especially those situated roads, dams, diversions, and the in rugged mountainous landscapes, are introduction of exotic species. dynamic ecosystems shaped both by Riparian areas and wetlands in relatively stable features of the the San Juan Mountains are among the landscape, including valley morphology lands that were first settled and and elevation, and by contingent factors developed for townsites, agriculture, and such as periodic flooding and resultant roads. Riparian trees were cut for fuel changes in channel morphology and and shelter, and to clear land for substrate characteristics (Baker 1989). agriculture and settlement (Dahms and Major floods, as occurred along the Geils 1997). Settlement and agriculture Animas River in southwestern Colorado occurred along riparian areas near towns in 1911, 1927, 1941, and 1957, throughout the South Central Highlands periodically wash out riparian Section. vegetation, deposit new sediments, and The construction of dams, initiate new successional processes reservoirs, and diversions not only (Baker 1990, Baker and Walford 1995). cleared the vegetation and modified the Beavers also play a large role in riparian topography, but also decreased and and wetland dynamics by creating regulated water flow, blocked ponds, which eventually washed out movements of aquatic organisms, and leaving moist sediments ideal for changed the natural geomorphic stream establishment of willows and water- processes of channel formation and loving herbs (Wohl 2001). Thus, erosion/deposition. The associated drop riparian vegetation along the rivers and in water tables and lack of flooding have

192 resulted in significant changes in the the South Central Highlands Section, abundance, distribution, and where these new grazing systems are reproductive mechanisms (germination providing numerous ecological and and seedling survival) of native riparian social benefits (Knight et al. 2002, White area/wetland plant species, particularly 2008). willows and cottonwoods (Glinski 1977, High-elevation mining without Brady et al. 1985). Regulated stream adequate handling of mine waste has flow is thought to be the most important caused severe degradation of many factor contributing to the decline of streams in the South Central Highlands cottonwood and willow riparian Section, notably in portions of the ecosystems in the West (Brown et al. western San Juan Mountains (Somers 1977, Fenner et al. 1985, Rood and and Floyd-Hanna 1996, Paulson and Heinze-Milne 1989, Rood and Mahoney Baker 2006). Logging also can affect 1990, 1993). Numerous dams and riparian areas and wetlands by removing reservoirs have been built throughout the vegetation, which decreases the South Central Highlands Section and interception and infiltration of water, and include, e.g., Big Meadows, Electra, increases runoff. With increased surface Lemon, McPhee, Platoro, Rio Grande, runoff, erosion increases and more Santa Marie, Vallecito, and Williams. sediment is dumped into stream systems. Heavy and unsustainable grazing Roads, built and maintained for logging occurred in grasslands throughout most activities, are the dominant source of soil of the South Central Highlands Section erosion and stream sediment in forest during the late 1800s and early 1900s environments (Swank and Crossley (see Chapter II for details). The effects 1988). Sediment fills gravel and cobble of livestock grazing on riparian areas beds that are sites of attachment for and wetlands are well documented in the insect eggs, larvae, macroinvertebrates, literature (Kauffman and Krueger 1984, and fish eggs (Noss and Cooperrider Platts and Raleigh 1984, Skovlin 1984, 1994). This greatly diminishes critical Clary and Webster 1989, Clary and fish habitat. Medin 1990, Schulz and Leininger 1990, The reduction or elimination of Fleischner 1994). The reduction or native riparian and wetland plant species elimination of woody riparian species by due to human impacts described above, livestock is particularly detrimental to has allowed exotic species such as riparian areas and wetlands that are Russian olive and salt cedar (tamarisk) dependant on those species to stabilize to become established and highly banks and hold those systems together. competitive in these ecosystems. The Even when environmental conditions are diversity of Southwestern riparian conducive to cottonwood and willow ecosystems has been greatly reduced by regeneration, stands of cottonwood and these two plants (Dick-Peddie 1993). willow can be destroyed by excessive Salt cedar and Russian olive apparently grazing by livestock (Glinski 1977, outcompete native cottonwoods and Carothers 1977, Kauffman et al. 1983). willows, limiting the regeneration However, it is important to recognize success of native woody plants (Finch et that livestock grazing today is being al. 1995). conducted in ecologically appropriate We lack details about changes and sustainable ways in many parts of since the reference period in most

193 specific areas of the South Central the river. We do not know if this is just Highlands Section. Nevertheless, we a curious anomaly, perhaps reflecting offer the following brief descriptions local cutting or burning just before the based on the best reference sites photos were taken, or if there is more to available and field reconnaissance within the story of riparian forests during the the South Central Highlands Section. reference period than we now recognize. Evergreen Forests - These forests Again, we emphasize the paucity of have probably been the least affected by specific historical information about human impacts due to their more remote these ecosystems.] locations and the limited access to them. Deciduous Shrublands - These During the reference period they looked shrublands have been significantly much like they do today, with subalpine affected by human impacts due to their fir, Engelmann spruce, and blue spruce easy access and their desirability for displaying a relatively open and patchy settlement, agriculture, livestock canopy cover along the stream channel grazing, and roads. During the reference and throughout the valley floor. period willows were abundant and well Deciduous Forests and Mixed distributed along perennial and Evergreen-Deciduous Forests - These intermittent streams, much more so than forests have probably been the most what is displayed in most places today. affected by human impacts due to their Palatable herbs, particularly graminoids, easy access and their desirability for were also more abundant and well settlement, agriculture, livestock distributed than what is displayed in grazing, and roads (as described below). most places today. The extensive During the reference period, cottonwood removal of beavers in the 19th century trees and willows were abundant and also eliminated one of the key processes well distributed along most perennial that formerly created moist sediments and intermittent streams, much more so conducive to willow seedling than what is displayed in most places establishment (Wohl 2001). today. Palatable herbs, particularly Perennial Forbs and Perennial graminoids, were also more abundant Graminoids - During the reference and well distributed than what is period these wetlands looked much like displayed in most places today. [An they do today, but total acreage has been exception to this general pattern is seen reduced due to human impacts in photographs of the Animas River associated with their desirability for where the town of Durango now lies. settlement, agriculture, livestock The photos show almost no trees along grazing, and roads.

4. Literature Cited

Baker, W.L. 1989. Macro- and microscale influences on riparian vegetation in western Colorado. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 79:65-78. Baker, W.L. 1990. Climatic and hydrologic effects on the regeneration of Populus angustifolia James along the Animas River, Colorado. Journal of Biogeography 17:59-73.

194 Baker, W.L., and G.M. Walford. 1995. Multiple stable states and models of riparian vegetation syccession on the Animas River, Colorado. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 85:320-338. Brinson, M., B. Swift, R. Plantico, and J. Barclay. 1981. Riparian ecosystems: their ecology and status. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FWS/OBS-81/17. Brown, D.E., Lowe, C.H., and J.F. Hausler. 1977. Southwestern riparian communities: Their biotic importance and management in Arizona: 201-211. In: Johnson, R. R., Jones, D.A., technical coordinators. Importance, preservation, and management of riparian habitats: A symposium, July 9, 1977. Tucson, AZ. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-43. Carothers, S.W. 1977. Importance, preservation, and management of riparian habitats: An overview: Pages 2-4 in: Johnson, R. R., Jones, D.A., technical coordinators. Importance, preservation, and management of riparian habitats: A symposium, July 9, 1977. Tucson, AZ. General Technical Report RM-43.

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195 tech. Cords. Importance, preservation and management of riparian habitats: A symposium, Tucson, AZ. 1977. GTR-RM-43. Gregory, S.V., F.J. Swanson, W.A McKee, and K.W. Cummins. 1991. An ecosystem perspective of riparian zones. Bioscience 41 (8): 540-551. Grossman, D.H., D.Faber-Langendoen, A.S. Weakley, M. Anderson, P. Bourgeron, R. Crawford, K. Goodin, S. Landaal, K. Metzler, K. Patterson, M. Pyne, M. Reid, and L. Sneddon. 1998. Terrestrial Vegetation of the United States. Volume 1, The National Vegetation Classification System. The Nature Conservancy. Howe, W.H. and F.L.Knopf. 1991. On the imminent decline of Rio Grande cottonwoods in central New Mexico. The Southwestern Naturalist 36 (2): 218-224. Johnston, B. C. 2001. Ecological Types of the Upper Gunnison Basin. USDA Forest Service. Technical Report R2-RR-2001-01. Kauffman, J. Boone and W. C. Krueger. 1984. Livestock Impacts on riparian ecosystem and streamside management implications – A Review. Journal of Range Management 37 (5): 430-438. Kauffman, J. Boone, W. C. Krueger, and M. Vavra. 1983. Impact of cattle on streambanks in Northeastern Oregon. Journal of Range Management 36: 683-685. Kittel, G., E. VanWie, M. Damm, R. Rondeau, S. Kettler, A. McMullen, and J. Sanderson. 1999c. A Classification of Riparian Wetland Plant Associations of Colorado: A User Guide to the Classification Project. Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. Knight, R.L., W.C. Gilgert, and E. Marston (editors). 2002. Ranching west of the 100th meridian: Culture, ecology, and economics. Island Press, Washington, D.C. Muldavin, E., P. Durkin, M. Bradley, M. Stuever, and P. Mehlhop. 2000. Handbook of Wetland Vegetation Communities of New Mexico. Volume 1: Classification and Community Descriptions. Mullen, L. D. 1992. Biological Diversity Assessment. Rocky Mountain Regional Guide, USDA Forest Service. Noss, R.F. and Cooperrider, A.Y. 1994. Saving Nature's Legacy - Protecting and Restoring Biodiversity. Island Press. Paulson, D. D., and W. L. Baker. 2006. The nature of southwestern Colorado: Recognizing human legacies and restoring natural places. University Press of Colorado. Platts, W.S. and R.F. Raleigh. 1984. Impacts of grazing on wetlands and riparian habitat. In: Developing strategies for rangeland management. National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences. Westview Press, Boulder, CO. pp.1105- 1118. Redders, J. S. 2000. Riparian Area and Wetlands Classification for the San Juan National Forest. Rood, S.B. and J.M Mahoney. 1990. The collapse of riparian poplar forests downstream from dams on the Western prairies: Probable causes and prospects for mitigation. Environmental Management. 14: 451-464. Rood, S.B. and J.M Mahoney. 1993. River damming and riparian cottonwoods: Management opportunities and problems. In: Tellman, B. Cortner, H.J., Wallace, M.G., DeBano, L.F., Hamre, R.H., tech coords. Riparian Management: Common threads and shared interests; A western regional conference on river management

196 strategies. 1993 Albuquerque, NM. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-226. Rood, S.B. and S. Heinze-Milne 1989. Abrupt riparian forest decline following river damming in Southern Alberta. Canadian Journal of Botany. 67: 1744-1749. Schulz, T.T. and W.C. Leininger. 1990. Differences in riparian vegetation structure between grazed areas and exclosures. Journal of Range Management 43 (4): 295- 299. Skovlin, J. M. 1984. Impacts of grazing on wetlands and riparian habitat: A review of our knowledge. In: Developing strategies for rangeland management. National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences. Westview Press, Boulder, CO. pp.1001-1103. Somers, L.P., and L. Floyd-Hanna. 1996. Wetlands, riparian habitats, and rivers. Pages 175-189 in: Blair, Rob, Casey, Tom A., Romme, W. H., and R.N. Ellis. 1996. The Western San Juan Mountains, Their Geology, Ecology, and Human History. University Press of Colorado. Swank, W.T. and D.A. Crossley Jr. 1988. Forest hydrology and ecology at Coweeta. Ecological Studies (66): 313-324. Springer-Verlan, New York. Walford, G.M., and W.L. Baker. 1995. Classification of the riparian vegetation along a 6- km reach of the Animas River, southwestern Colorado. Great Basin Naturalist 55:287-303. Wohl, E.E. 2001. Virtual rivers: Lessons from the mountain rivers of the Colorado Front Range. Yale University Press. White, C. 2008. Revolution on the range: The rise of a new ranch in the American West. Island Press / Shearwater Books, Washington, D.C.


Table VI-C-1. Riparian and wetland vegetation of the South Central Highlands Section (based on Grossman et al. 1998, Muldavin et al. 2000, Redders 2000). Community types are plant communities with definite floristic composition and uniform physiognomy, and named by species that dominate the uppermost canopy layer and a diagnostic species that occurs in the underlying strata (Grossman et al. 1998). Alliances are aggregations of community types named by species that dominate the uppermost canopy layer. Subclasses are aggregations of alliances, and based on the predominant leaf phenology of the life form in the upper canopy layer. Scientific names are listed at the end of this document. Alliances marked with an asterisk (*) have been described by the Forest Service as Sensitive Plant Communities that may need some type of special management or protection within the South Central Highlands Section (Mullen 1992). See Table VI- C-2 for a list of plant species names used in this table.

Subclass: Evergreen Forests Alliances: Subalpine Fir-Engelmann Spruce and Blue Spruce*. Community Types: Subalpine Fir-Engelmann Spruce/Alder, Subalpine Fir-Engelmann Spruce/ Drummond Willow, Subalpine Fir-Engelmann Spruce/Currant, Subalpine Fir-Engelmann Spruce/ Honeysuckle,

197 Subalpine Fir-Engelmann Spruce/Bluejoint Reedgrass, Subalpine Fir-Engelmann Spruce/Mesic Forb, Subalpine Fir-Engelmann Spruce/Mountain Bluebells, Blue Spruce/Alder, and Blue Spruce/Red-osier Dogwood.

This subclass is dominated by evergreen trees that occur throughout the South Central Highlands Section at elevations ranging from about 2,400 – 3,000 m (8,000 – 10,000 ft). Subalpine fir, Engelmann spruce, and blue spruce trees occur along the stream channel and throughout the valley floor, and commonly display a relatively open and often patchy canopy cover. Alder and Drummond willow are found along the stream channel and usually display high cover in the community types named after them. Honeysuckle, red-osier dogwood, and gooseberries occur throughout the valley floor (including along the channel) and display low to high cover in the community types named after them. Bluejoint reedgrass, mountain bluebells, and mesic forbs tend to be found in herb-dominated patches between trees in the community types named after them. Common shrubs and herbs associated with the Evergreen Forest type include alder, Drummond willow, honeysuckle, red-osier dogwood, currents, bittercress, cow parsnip, bluebells, Fendler cowbane, brook saxifrage, twisted stalk, horsetail, arrowleaf groundsel, goldenglow, geranium, and bluejoint reedgrass.

Subclass: Deciduous Forests Alliances: Narrowleaf Cottonwood*, Box Elder, Box Elder-Narrowleaf Cottonwood*, and Rio Grande Cottonwood*. Community Types: Narrowleaf Cottonwood/Alder, Narrowleaf Cottonwood/Red-osier Dogwood, Narrowleaf Cottonwood/Hawthorn, Narrowleaf Cottonwood/Serviceberry, Narrowleaf Cottonwood/Skunkbrush, Narrowleaf Cottonwood/Willow, Narrowleaf Cottonwood/Coyote Willow, and Box Elder/Red-osier Dogwood.

This subclass is dominated by broad-leaved deciduous trees that occur at elevations ranging from about 2,000 – 2,900 m (6,500 – 9,500 ft), with the Narrowleaf Cottonwood and Box Elder alliances occurring throughout the South Central Highlands Section at elevations from about 2,000 – 2,900 m (6,500 – 9,500 ft and the Rio Grande Cottonwood alliance occurring mostly in New Mexico at elevations below about 2,100 m (7,000 ft). Cottonwood and box elder trees occur along the stream channel and throughout the valley floor, and commonly display a relatively open and often patchy canopy cover. Alder and willows are found along the stream channel and usually display high cover in the community types named after them. Red-osier dogwood, serviceberry,

198 skunkbrush, and hawthorn occur throughout the valley floor (including along the channel) and display low to high cover in the community types named after them. Common shrubs and herbs associated with the Deciduous Forest type include alder, honeysuckle, red-osier dogwood, maple, rose, serviceberry, gooseberry, skunkbrush, hawthorn, coyote willow, Bebb willow, strapleaf willow, mountain willow, whiplash willow, Drummond willow, Geyer willow, false Solomon seal, bittercress, cow parsnip, bluebells, Fendler cowbane, brook saxifrage, horsetail, goldenglow, geranium, and Kentucky bluegrass.

Subclass: Mixed Evergreen-Deciduous Forests Alliances: Narrowleaf Cottonwood-Blue Spruce*, Subalpine Fir-Engelmann Spruce-Narrowleaf Cottonwood*, and Narrowleaf Cottonwood-Douglas-Fir. Community Types: Narrowleaf Cottonwood-Blue Spruce/Alder, Narrowleaf Cottonwood-Blue Spruce/Mixed Shrub, and Narrowleaf Cottonwood-Blue Spruce/Willow.

This subclass is dominated by evergreen and broad-leaved deciduous trees that occur throughout the South Central Highlands Section at elevations ranging from about 2,300 – 2,900 m (7,500 – 9,500 ft). Narrowleaf cottonwood, subalpine fir, Engelmann spruce, and blue spruce trees occur along the stream channel and throughout the valley floor, and commonly display a relatively open and often patchy canopy cover. Douglas- fir usually occurs in the valley floor away from the channel. Alder and willows are found along the channel and usually display high cover in the community types named after them. Honeysuckle, red-osier dogwood, serviceberry, snowberry, and maple occur throughout the valley floor (including along the channel) and display low to high cover in the Mixed Shrub community type. Common shrubs and herbs associated with the Mixed Evergreen-Deciduous Forest type are described above for the Deciduous and Evergreen Forests.

Subclass: Deciduous Shrublands Alliances: Bebb Willow*, Drummond Willow*, Geyer Willow*, Strapleaf Willow*, Mountain Willow*, Coyote Willow*, Shortfruit Willow*, Planeleaf Willow*, Wolf Willow*, Bluestem Willow*, Alder, Drummond Willow-Alder, Red osier Dogwood, Hawthorn, Silverberry, Shrubby Cinquefoil,

199 Bog Birch, River Birch, and Saltcedar. Community Types: Alder/Horsetail, Alder/Mesic Forb, River Birch/Mesic Graminoid, Shrubby Cinquefoil/Tufted Hairgrass, Drummond Willow/Mesic Forb, Mountain Willow/Mesic Forb, CoyoteWillow/Mesic Graminoid, Wolf Willow/Mesic Forb, Coyote willow/Bare Ground, Geyer willow/ Mesic Forb, Shortfruit Willow/Mesic Forb, Planeleaf Willow/Marsh Marigold, Planeleaf Willow/ Water Sedge, Wolf Willow/Water Sedge, and Wolf Willow/Beaked Sedge.

This subclass is dominated by tall deciduous shrubs that occur along the channel and throughout the valley floor, and display low to high cover. Alder, river birch, saltcedar, and the willows are found along the stream channel and usually display high cover in the alliances named after them. The other shrubs and Bebb willow occur throughout the valley floor (including along the channel) and display low to high cover in the alliances named after them. The Bog Birch, Planeleaf Willow, Wolf Willow, Shortfruit Willow, and Geyer Willow alliances are wetland types that occur at elevations above about 2,900 m (9,500 ft). Drummond Willow, Mountain Willow, and Alder alliances occur at mid to high elevations above about 2,400 m (8000 ft). The Bebb, Strapleaf, and Coyote Willow alliances, and Red osier Dogwood, Hawthorn, Saltcedar, and River Birch alliances occur at elevations from about 2,100 – 2,700 m (7,000 - 9,000 ft). Graminoids and Forbs tend to be found in herb-dominated patches between shrubs in the community types named after them. Common herbs associated with the Deciduous Shrubland type include marsh marigold, goldenglow, geranium, cow parsnip, bluebells, bedstraw, bittercress, Fendler cowbane, arrowleaf groundsel, brook saxifrage, pink stonecrop, strawberry, osha, elephant head, king’s crown, water sedge, beaked sedge, tufted hairgrass, mannagrass, Kentucky bluegrass, bluejoint reedgrass, and horsetail.

Subclass: Perennial Forbs Alliances: Marsh Marigold and Bittercress-Bluebells

This subclass is dominated by forbs that occur at elevations above about 2,700 m (9,000 ft). Common herbs associated with this type include marsh marigold, bluebells, bittercress, Fendler cowbane, arrowleaf groundsel, brook saxifrage, pink stonecrop, tall larkspur, elephant head, star gentian, willowherb, water sedge, and tufted hairgrass.

200 Subclass: Perennial Graminoids Alliances: Water Sedge*, Beaked Sedge*, Water Sedge-Beaked Sedge*, Smallwing Sedge, Mountain Sedge-Marsh Marigold, Tufted Hairgrass*, Reed Canarygrass, Threesquare Bulrush, Softstem Bulrush, Broadleaf Cattail*, Common Spikerush*, and Baltic Rush.

This subclass is dominated by grasses, sedges, and rushes that occur at all elevations of the South Central Highlands Section. Common herbs associated with this type include those named in the alliances above and wooly sedge, elephant head, brook saxifrage, willowherb, arrowleaf groundsel, and bluejoint reedgrass.


Table VI-C-2. Plant names used in Table VI-C-2, classification of riparian plant communities (alphabetical order by common name).

TREES - blue spruce (Picea pungens), box elder (Acer negundo), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii), narrowleaf cottonwood (Populus angustifolia), Rio Grande cottonwood (Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni), and subalpine fir/corkbark fir (Abies lasiocarpa) – Abies bifolia/Abies arizonica (Weber). Subalpine fir and corkbark fir are grouped together and referred to as subalpine fir in this document, due to their ecological similarities and the difficulty of differentiating them in the field. They both grow in the South Central Highlands Section and probably interbreed as well.

SHRUBS – Alder (Alnus incana ssp. tenufolia), Bebb willow (Salix bebbiana), bluestem willow (Salix irrorata), bog birch (Betula glandulosa), coyote willow (Salix exigua), Drummond willow (Salix drummondiana), Geyer willow (Salix geyeriana), gooseberry (Ribes montigenum), hawthorn (Crataegus rivularis), honeysuckle (Distegia involucrata), maple (Acer glabrum), mountain willow (Salix monticola), planeleaf willow (Salix planifolia), red osier dogwood (Cornus sericea), river birch (Betula fontinalis), rose (Rosa woodsii), Russian olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia), saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima), serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia), shortfruit willow (Salix brachycarpa), shrubby cinquefoil (Pentaphylloides floribunda), silverberry (Shepherdia argentea), skunkbush (Rhus trilobata), snowberry (Symphoricarpos rotundifolius), strapleaf willow (Salix eriocephala var. ligulifolia), and wolf willow (Salix wolfii).

201 FORBS – arrowleaf groundsel (Senecio triangularis), bedstraw (Galium triflorum), bittercress (Cardamine cordifolia), bluebells (Mertensia ciliata and fransiscana), broadleaf cattail (Typha latifolia), brook saxifrage (Micranthes odontoloma), cow parsnip (Heracleum lanatum), elephant head (Pedicularis groenlandica), false Solomon seal (Maianthemum racemosum and stellatum), Fendler cowbane (Oxypolis fendleri), geranium (Geranium richardsonii), goldenglow (Rudbeckia ampla), king’s crown (Rhodiola integrifolia), marsh marigold (Caltha leptosepala), osha (Ligusticum porteri), pink stonecrop (Sedum rhodanthum), star gentian (Swertia perennis), strawberry (Fragaria virginiana), tall larkspur (Delphinium barbeyi), twisted stalk (Streptopus amplexifolius), and willowherb (Epilobium hornmannii).

GRAMINOIDS - baltic rush (Juncus balticus), beaked sedge (Carex utriculata), bluejoint reedgrass (Calamagrostis canadensis), common spikerush (Eleocharis palustris), horsetail (Equisetum arvense and pratense), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), mannagrass (Glyceria striata), mountain sedge (Carex scopulorum), reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea), smallwing sedge (Carex microptera), softstem bulrush (Scirpus tabernaemontani), threesquare bulrush (Scirpus pungens), tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia cespitosa), water sedge (Carex aquatilis), and wooly sedge (Carex lanuginosa).



The alpine zone in the South and provide year-round snow Central Highlands Section occurs above accumulation and water storage for timberline at elevations above about summer runoff of streams. They provide 3,500 m (11,500 ft). Mean annual summer range for livestock, primarily precipitation ranges from about 75 – 125 sheep, and many wildlife species. They cm (30 - 50 in). The alpine environment are lands associated with mineral is characterized by short cool growing resources and mining. These “lands seasons, long cold winters, high wind, above the trees” also display stunning and intense light. Shaped by geologic panaramic vistas and a remote solitude uplift, erosion, frost action, and that attracts recreationalists. Much of glaciation, the alpine landscape is steep the alpine zone is unroaded and mostly and rugged in many places but gentle undisturbed by human activities. and smooth in others. Rock outcrop and Wildlife species of note in the talus slopes are common. Soils are alpine include brown-capped rosy finch shallow and rocky on steep slopes and (Leucosticte australis) which nests exposed ridges, and deeper and more exclusively in the alpine in deep crevices productive on other sites. in solid rock or in cracks on looser rock surfaces, and the white-tailed ptarmigan Much of the alpine zone in the (Lagopus leucurus) which is one of the western U.S. occurs on federal land, and only year-around residents of the alpine, much of it is in Wilderness Areas. spending the winter foraging in alpine Alpine lands are important watersheds tall willow communities (Kingery 1998). for agricultural and metropolitan uses,

202 Elk, lynx, marmot, pika, pocket gophers, The fellfield type occurs on and bighorn sheep are other common harsh, wind-swept sites with shallow, alpine occupants. The endangered rocky soils. It is dominated by short Uncompahgre Fritillary butterfly cushion plants (forbs) and displays a (Boloria acrochema) also makes the relatively low canopy cover. Common alpine its home, utilizing the dwarf- species of this type include Eremogone willow vegetation type (Povilitis 2000). fendleri, Lidia obtusiloba, Myosotis asiatica, Paronychia pulvinata, Phlox 1. Alpine Vegetation Structure and caespitosa, Silene acaulis, Trifolium Composition dasyphyllum, and Trifolium nanum. The turf type occurs on protected Alpine plants are uniquely sites away from excessive wind, and adapted to their environment. The major tends to have deeper, moister, and more adaptations include reduction in growth well-developed soils. It is dominated by height, perennial life cycle, herbaceous forbs and graminoids, and usually habit, and belowground biomass displays a relatively high canopy cover. (Thilenius 1975). High photosynthetic Within the general turf type, a number of efficiency, resistance to drought, fleshy community types can be recognized leaves, evergreen leaves, thick cuticles, including Carex elynoides, Festuca epidermal hairs, and dark scales are thurberi Geum rossii, and Kobresia other important adaptations. Alpine myosuroides. A combination vascular plants grow slowly, an turf/fellfield community (Carex adaptation to low temperatures, high rupestris/cushion plants) is also desiccation rates, and sudden recognized (Baker 1983, Dick-Peddie microclimatic changes. 1993). The wetland type primarily There is tremendous diversity of occurs on poorly-drained, low-lying sites species and vegetation communities in where water accumulates. It tends to the alpine zone, including mosses and display high cover and includes the lichens, which constitute a significant following community types: contribution to the total flora (Zwinger Deschampsia cespitosa, Juncus and Willard 1972, Hartman and Rottman drummondii, Potentilla fruiticosa, 1985, Jamieson et al. 1996, Johnston herbaceous wetland, and tall willow. The 2001). Community types change tall willow type is composed of Salix abruptly over short distances, due to planifolia and S. glauca, and occurs small-scale topographic changes that along riparian corridors that are often exert a significant influence on snow and connected to lower elevation subalpine moisture conditions and the associated streams. The herbaceous wetland type is vegetation. variable and displays a great diversity of Within the alpine zone of the species including Caltha leptosepala, South Central Highlands Section are Carex spp., Clementsia rhodantha, four general and widespread vegetation Pedicularis groenlandica, Primula types: fellfield, turf, wetland, and dwarf parryi, and Rhodiola integrifolia. willow (Baker 1983, Thilenius 1975, The dwarf willow type is Dick-Peddie 1993). composed of Salix arctica and S. reticulata, and commonly occurs on sites

203 with a heavy snowpack that extends into Since the late 1900s, sheep have the summer. been the principal domestic livestock Krummholz, composed of using alpine lands. The early sheepmen dwarfed conifers (mostly Picea moved their animals into the alpine zone engelmannii) and alpine herbaceous for summer grazing where the sheep species, is a transition type that occurs were grazed in tightly grouped bands between spruce-fir forests of the and continuously bedded in the same subalpine climate zone and true alpine. location for several nights in a row. A rockland or talus type is also These practices resulted in large losses recognized and dominated by Senecio of forage through trampling and in soil atratus, Ligularia soldanella, and damage from excessive trailing to and lichens (Dick-Peddie 1993 from the bedding ground to water (Thilenius 1975). Historic sheep 2. Reference Conditions in Alpine driveways in the alpine also exhibit local Vegetation range deterioration, including a lack forage plants and an increase in erosion Specific information about the and runoff. Management of sheep in the structure and function of alpine alpine zone has been better regulated ecosystems during the reference period andd more ecologically sound since the is almost nonexistant. Since the mid to mid-1930s, and range conditions have late 1800s, most alpine ranges in the improved greatly in many places, but South Central Highlands Section have legacies of uncontrolled grazing that been used almost continuously for occurred before that time are still with summer grazing, making it extremely us. difficult to reconstruct historical Mining has been a widespread condition (Thilenius 1975). Because activity in alpine ecosystems of the specific historical information is lacking, South Central Highlands Section since we cannot confidently describe the mid 1800s (Smith 1996). Old supply vegetation composition and structure of roads, deserted structures, settling ponds, alpine ecosystems during the reference and mine tailings are common mining period. We speculate that general features in many areas. When many of vegetation structure and distribution these mines were abandoned, steps to resembled what we see today, but that limit pollution from them were stopped species composition was different in or never initiated, causing major places that have received heavy sheep pollution problems (e.g., in the upper grazing. Animas River of the San Juan Mountains). Abandoned mine tailings

often contain soils that are highly acidic 3. Legacies of Euro-American Settlement and Current and laden with toxic concentrations of heavy metals. Erosion, acid-water Conditions in Alpine Ecosystems runoff, and sedimentation from mines

often result in adverse impacts to Alpine ecosystems in the South vegetation, streams, and aquatic Central Highlands Section today reflect ecosystems (Somers and Floyd-Hanna impacts associated primarily with 1996, Paulson and Baker 2006). livestock grazing, mining, and Recreational use of high mountain areas, recreation.

204 including the alpine, has increased recreational impacts are discussed in dramatically in the past half century; Chapter VII.

4. Literature Cited

Baker, W. L. 1983. Alpine Vegetation of Wheeler Peak, New Mexico, USA: Gradient Analysis, Classification, and Biogeography. Arctic and Alpine Research, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 223-240, 1983. Blair, R., Casey, T. A., Romme, W. H., and R.N. Ellis. 1996. The Western San Juan Mountains, Their Geology, Ecology, and Human History. University Press of Colorado. Fort Lewis College Foundation. Dick-Peddie, W. A. 1993. New Mexico vegetation, past, present, and future. University of NM Press. Hartman, E. L. and M. L. Rottman 1985. The Alpine Vascular Flora of Three Cirque Basins in the San Juan Mountains, Colorado. Madrono 32:253-272, 20 December 1985. Jamieson, D.W., W.H. Romme, and P. Somers. 1996. Biotic communities of the cool mountains. Pages 159-174 in Blair (1996). Johnston, B. C. 1987. Plant Associations of Region Two. Edition 4. USDA Forest Service. R2-ECOL-87-2. Kingery, H.E. 1998. Colorado Breeding Bird Atlas. Published by Colorado Bird Atlas Partnership and Colorado Division of Wildlife. Paulson, D. D., and W. L. Baker. 2006. The nature of southwestern Colorado: Recognizing human legacies and restoring natural places. University Press of Colorado. Povilitis, T. 2000. Slipping through our hands: imperiled wildlife of he Greater San Juans. Life Net Publishing, HCR Route 3, Box 3845, Willcox, AZ 85643. ISNB 0-9675986-0-5. Smith, D.A. 1996. The miners: “They builded better than they knew.” Pages 234-246 in Blair (1996). Somers, P., and L. Floyd-Hanna. 1996. Wetlands, riparian habitats, and rivers. Pages 175-189 in Blair (1996). Thilenius, J. F. 1975. Alpine Range Management In the Western United States – Principles, Practices, and Problems: The Status of Our Knowledge. USDA Forest Service Research Paper RM-157. Zwinger A. H. and B. E. Willard 1972. Land Above the Trees, A Guide to American Alpine Tundra.


Interspersed among piñon-juniper Floyd et al. 2000, Floyd 2003). The and ponderosa pine forests and woodlands shrublands are dominated by species such are extensive tracts of mountain shrubland as mountain-mahogany (Cercocarpus or Petran chaparral (Erdman 1970, Keeley montanus), Utah serviceberry and Keeley 1988, Spence et al. 1995, (Amelanchier utahensis), and fendlerbush

205 (Fendlera rupicola) on drier sites and at topographical setting (i.e., they can be lower elevations, and by species such as found across a very wide range of Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii), and elevations and topographic conditions), snowberry (Symphoricarpos spp) on suggests that the mountain shrublands are wetter sites and at higher elevations. primarily a result of disturbance. The Nearly all of the dominant species have disturbance may be low-intensity but extensive root systems and the capacity to chronic, or high-intensity and acute. For re-sprout after disturbance. Old oak- example, steep slopes underlain by dominated stands (undisturbed for 100+ unstable Mancos shale at elevations years) may contain relatively large where deep snow is frequent, are usually individuals up to 10 cm (4 in) in diameter covered with mountain shrubland -- and 5 m (16 ft) tall, but in most stands the perhaps because the sprouting shrubs with stems are < 5 cm (2 in) diameter and < 2 short-lived stems can tolerate the chronic, m (7 ft) tall. These shrublands are low-intensity disturbance generated by remarkably diverse in many places; for soil erosion and snow-creep, whereas example, Spencer and Romme (1996) long-lived trees that reproduce only by documented 32 species of shrubs and seed cannot tolerate this chronic subshrubs on the slopes around Fort disturbance. In contrast, stable substrates Lewis College in Durango, CO. of Dakota sandstone may support either Mountain shrublands cover a large area in ponderosa pine forest or oak shrubland in the South Central Highlands Section. the vicinity of Durango, Colorado, with They are especially prominent along the no obvious site differences between the southern and western slopes of the San forest and shrubland. It is possible that a Juan Mountains, on the Mesa Verde intense disturbance at some cuesta, and on the Uncompahgre Plateau. undocumented time in the past killed the However, they have received little ponderosa pine forest locally (e.g., a research attention, and we know little severe fire followed shortly by another about their historical composition and severe fire that killed the young trees re- dynamics. establishing after the first fire, or a severe The mechanisms explaining why mountain pine beetle outbreak followed mountain shrublands occur in by severe fire), and the trees were environments that appear suitable for subsequently unable to become re- forest or woodland are poorly understood established either because of inadequate (Spencer and Romme 1996). Overall seed sources or competition from the floristic composition of the shrublands well-established shrubs that re-sprouted generally is very similar to composition of after the disturbance. We stress, however, adjacent forests or woodlands – except that this is speculation, and that the exact that the tree component is absent or very reasons for the occurrence of shrubland in sparse. The species of shrubs and herbs many places throughout the South Central found in the shrublands also can be found Highlands are simply not understood. in nearby forests and woodlands – except One place where we have some that the shrub species are less abundant in specific information on the history and the latter locations. This floristic long-term dynamics of mountain similarity, coupled with the fact that the shrublands is in Mesa Verde National shrublands are not strongly associated Park. Shrublands of Gambel oak and with any particular elevational or Utah serviceberry dominate the upper

206 portions of the Mesa Verde cuesta (above humidy, low fuel moisture, and high about 1700 m), while the lower portions winds – conditions that occur about once of the cuesta are mostly piñon-juniper or twice a decade in Mesa Verde – fires in forest. Floyd et al. (2000) determined that piñon-juniper forest and mountain the fire turnover time in the shrublands shrublands cannot be controlled even with (the time required to burn a cumulative modern fire-fighting technology (Omi and area equal to the total extent of shrubland) Emrick 1980, Floyd et al. 2000). was about 100 years, whereas the Mountain shrublands are used turnover time for the piñon-juniper forest primarily for grazing, wood-cutting, and was about 400 years. Piñon-juniper forest recreation. Opportunities and interest in requires 300+ years to recover after fire restoring or improving or otherwise (Erdman 1970), whereas burned modifying this type of vegetation appear shrublands recover within a decade or two limited. Prescribed burning or (Floyd et al. 2000). Thus, it appears that mechanical removal of biomass is the shrublands on Mesa Verde are sometimes employed to improve forage maintained in large part by periodic fire. for elk, deer, and livestock, but the If fire were excluded for 300+ years, then effectiveness of such treatment is usually the piñon-juniper forest probably could short-lived because of the rapid re- expand into the areas now dominated by sprouting and growth of the shrubs. shrubland, since scattered piñon and Dense stands of Gambel oak are also juniper trees do grow in this area today. recognized as a fire hazard in the However, such a long period without fire wildland-urban interface because they can is highly unlikely. Indeed, Floyd et al. burn intensely under extreme fire weather (2000) found that the cumulative area conditions (Romme et al. 2006). At least burned in Mesa Verde during the second some component of tall, dense shrublands half of the 20th century (when the policy should be retained in the landscape was total fire suppression) was about the because they provide valuable nesting same as the cumulative area burned in the habitat for several bird species, including second half of the 19th century (when no green-tailed towhee and orange-crowned fire suppression was attempted). Under warbler. conditions of high temperatue, low

Literature Cited

Erdman, J. A. 1970. Piñon-juniper succession after natural fires on residual soils of Mesa Verde, Colorado. Brigham Young University Biological Series Vol. XI (2). 58 pp. Floyd, M. L. (editor). 2003. Ancient piñon-juniper woodlands: A natural history of Mesa Verde country. University Press of Colorado, Niwot, CO. Floyd, M. L., W. H. Romme, and D. D. Hanna. 2000. Fire history and vegetation pattern in Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, USA. Ecological Applications 10:1666- 1680. Keeley, J. E., and S. C. Keeley. 1988. Chaparral. Chapter 6 (pages 165-207) in: Barbour, M. G., and W. D. Billings (editors). North American terrestrial vegetation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England.

207 Omi, P., and L. Emrick. 1980. Fire and resource management in Mesa Verde National Park. Contract CS-1200-9-B015. Unpublished report, on file at Mesa Verde National Park. Romme, W. H., P. J. Barry, D. D. Hanna, M. L. Hanna, and S. White. 2006. A wildfire hazard assessment and map for La Plata Country, Colorado, USA. Fire Ecology 2:7-30 (on-line journal Spence, J. R., W. H. Romme, L. Floyd-Hanna, and P. G. Rowlands. 1995. A preliminary vegetation classification for the Colorado Plateau. Pages 193-213 in: C. van Riper III (editor), Proceedings for the second biennial conference on research in Colorado Plateau national parks. National Park Service Transactions and Proceedings Series NPS/NRNAU/NRTP-95/11. Spencer, A. W., and W. H. Romme. 1996. Ecological patterns, Pages 129-142 in: Blair, R. (managing editor), The western San Juan Mountains: their geology, ecology, and human history. University Press of Colorado, Niwot, CO.


Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Section. The extent to which we can var. latifolia) is a distinctly uncommon extrapolate from studies conducted farther species in the South Central Highlands north to the lodgepole pine forests in our Section. Natural stands of lodgepole pine area is unknown. Therefore, rather than are found only in the northeastern portion extensively summarizing that literature in of the area, at mid elevations on the this report, we conclude only that it may northern slopes of the La Garita Range. be applicable here or it may not, and that Lodgepole pine also has been planted in this vegetation type is simply not well the Lime Creek burn area near Molas Pass understood in our area. and , just south of The lodgepole pine stands that Silverton, CO, and several places on the were planted near Silverton are interesting Uncompahgre Plateau. in two respects. First, they were planted Lodgepole pine extends into in the middle decades of the 20th century south-central Colorado in the Sangre de because of concern over the slow rate of Cristo Range which lies to the east of the natural re-forestation in the Lime Creek South Central Highlands (Peet 1978, burn which occurred in 1879 and affected Allen et al. 1991). However, the ca. 25,000 acres (10,000 ha) of spruce-fir, lodgepole pine forests that grow on the aspen, and cold wet mixed conifer forest northern flank of the La Garita Range are at elevations of approximately 9,500 – at the southernmost limit of distribution of 10,500 ft (2,900 – 3,200 m) (Paulson and this species in southwestern Colorado. Baker 2006). The second interesting Lodgepole pine is a major forest type in aspect of these lodgepole pine stands is northern Colorado and Wyoming, where that they appear to be thriving. This is it has received extensive study (e.g., Peet surprising given the fact that they are 1988, Knight 1994, Knight and Reiners growing outside the pre-1900 range of the 2000, Veblen 2000). However, we are species. Two plausible explanations can aware of no reseaerch conducted in the be suggested. First, the species may not stands in the South Central Highlands have occupied all potentially suitable

208 habitat even before 1900, because of Although lodgepole pine is an barriers to dispersal or simply slow important timber species in northern dispersal into the San Juan region from Colorado and Wyoming, it is of limited sources to the north. However, there are economic importance in the South Central no obvious barriers between the La Garita Highlands Section because of its very population and the Lime Creek area, and restricted distribution and abundance. broad-scale migration patterns of this Consequently, opportunities for species during the last thousand years are management of lodgepole pine in our unknown. The second possible region are limited. In fact, there is explanation is that the potentially suitable concern that lodgepole pine could become range for this species has expanded in the an undesirable invasive species in 20th century as a result of climatic portions of the San Juan Mountains warming. At this time, we are aware of (Paulson and Baker 2006), as has no way to critically test these two occurred in other parts of the world such hypotheses. as Sweden (Engelmark et al. 2001).

Literature Cited

Allen, R. B., R. K. Peet, and W. L. Baker. 1991. Gradient analysis of latitudinal variation in southern Rocky Mountain forests. Journal of Biogeography 18:123-129. Engelmark, O., and several others. 2001. Ecological effects and management aspects of an exotic tree species: the case of lodgepole pine in Sweden. Forest Ecology and Management 141:3-13. Knight, D. H. 1994. Mountains and plains: The ecology of Wyoming landscapes. Yale University Press, New Haven and London. Knight, D. H., and W. A. Reiners. 2000. Natural patterns in southern Rocky Mountain landscapes and their relevance to forest management. Chapter 2 in Knight, R. L., F. W. Smith, S. W. Buskirk, W. H. Romme, and W. L. Baker (editors), Forest fragmentation in the southern Rocky Mountains. University Press of Colorado. Paulson, D. D., and W. L. Baker. 2006. The nature of southwestern Colorado: Recognizing human legacies and restoring natural places. University Press of Colorado. Peet, R. K. 1978. Latitudinal variation in Rocky Mountain forests. Journal of Biogeography 5:275-289. Peet, R. K. 1988. Forests of the Rocky Mountains. Chapter 3 (pages 63-101) in: Barbour, M. G., and W. D. Billings (editors), North American terrestrial vegetation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. Veblen, T. T. 2000. Disturbance patterns in southern Rocky Mountain forests. Chapter 3 in Knight, R. L., F. W. Smith, S. W. Buskirk, W. H. Romme, and W. L. Baker (editors), Forest fragmentation in the southern Rocky Mountains. University Press of Colorado.


Bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata) conglomerates (Ranne et al. 1997;22). is an uncommon species and forest type in Bristlecone pine in the San Juan the South Central Highlands, but adds an Mountains is largely confined to the interesting and important component of eastern and northeastern portions of the biodiversity where it does occur. The range, in the Rio Grande and Gunnison oldest trees in Colorado are 2,400+ year drainages (Baker 1992, Ranne et al. 1997, old bristlecone pine (Brunstein and and personal observations). Ranne et al. Yamaguchi 1992). Because bristlecone (1997) identified two major plant pine is relatively uncommon and associations dominated by bristlecone unimportant commercially, it has received pine in the San Juan Mountains: a Pinus little research attention in the South aristata / Festuca arizonica association at Central Highlands Section. However, two lower elevations, and a Pinus aristata / recent studies by W. L. Baker and Festuca thurberi association at higher colleagues (below) provide baseline elevations. Bristlecone pine apparently is information about distribution and not a “climax” species, but requires varaibility in community composition of disturbance for abundant regeneration bristlecone pine forests in the Colorado (Baker 1992). Snow avalanches can portion of the Section, while DeVelice et remove large patches of bristlecone pine, al. (1986) characterize some of the stands and some cutting for mine timbers in northern New Mexico. occurred in the late 19th century (Ranne Bristlecone pine forests grow et al. 1997;22). primarily on dry, steep, south-facing Given the limited distribution and slopes at elevations of 2700-3700 m in the economic importance of bristlecone pine Front, Mosquito, Sawatch, Sangre de in the South Central Highlands Section, Cristo, and San Juan Mountain Ranges opportunities for restoration or (Peet 1978, Baker 1992, Ranne et al. management are limited. It does not 1997). The environment generally is appear to face any imminent threats. harsh: soils are poorly developed, However, a potential future threat is white temperatures are cool even in summer, pine blister rust, an exotic fungal disease and strong winds are common. Many that has devastated five-needle pines in trees, especially larger and older the the northern Rocky Mountains. White individuals, exhibit partial cambial pine blister rust is rare in Colorado at this mortality (strips of bare wood where the time, and has not been reported in the bark has died and sloughed off), perhaps South Central Highlands Section. because of wind or other damage. Most However, it exists in the Colorado Front stands in the San Juan Mountains are on Range and in the , extrusive igneous substrates, including so could appear in this region at any time. andesitic lavas, breccias, tuffs, and

Literature Cited

Baker, W. L. 1992. Structure, disturbance, and change in the bristlecone pine forests of Colorado. Arctic and Alpine Research 24:17-26.

210 Brunstein, F. C., and D. K. Yamaguchi. 1992. The oldest known Rocky Mountain bristlecone pines (Pinus aristata Engelm.). Arctic and Alpine Research 24:253- 256. DeVelice, R. L., J. A. Ludwig, W. H. Moir, and F. Ronco, Jr. 1986. A classification of forest habitat types of Northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM-131. Peet, R. K. 1978. latitudinal variation in southern Rocky Mountain forests. Journal of Biogeography 5:275-289. Ranne, B. M., W. L. Baker, T. Andrews, and M. G. Ryan. 1997. Natural variability of vegetation, soils, and physiography in the bristlecone pine forests of the Rocky Mountains. Great Basin Naturalist 57:21-37.


William H. Romme, Jeffery S. Redders, M. Lisa Floyd, David Hanna, Kevin McGarigal, Michele Crist

Many of the ecosystems of the where logging and road-building have South Central Highlands Section today occurred. Many of the changes since the are substantially different from the reference period are regarded as ecosystems that existed during the undesirable; for example, the ponderosa reference period. These changes have pine forests of the region are currently at come about primarily through human risk from extensive insect outbreaks, activities during the last century uncontrollable wildfires, and reduced although some key climatic events also biological diversity. Long-term timber have played a role. However, the supply also is questionable in some magnitude and causes of change vary areas. greatly among ecosystem types. One of the major land Dramatic and extensive changes have management activities in the twenty-first occurred, for example, in mountain century likely will be restoration of grasslands (due primarily to grazing), ecosystems that were degraded during alpine ecosystems (grazing, mining, and the past century. In this chapter we first recreation), riparian vegetation (grazing review some of the major challenges and water diversion), and ponderosa pine facing land managers in the South forests (logging, grazing, and fire Central Highlands Section, and then exclusion). In contrast, much of the explore some of the opportunities for spruce-fir and cool moist mixed conifer mitigation and restoration of damaged or forest in the region has been little degraded components of the ecosystems altered, except in specific locations in the region.

A. Challenges: Forest Fragmentation by Roads & Logging

One of the major global view is that additional anthropogenic challenges to biodiversity and ecological fragmentation is especially deleterious in integrity is fragmentation of wildland landscapes that are already highly habitats by roads, logging, agriculture, fragmented (Buskirk et al. 2000, Knight home building, and other human and Reiners 2000). We do have some developments. It can be argued that information about the ecological effects habitat fragmentation by roads and of roads and forest fragmentation in the logging is a less serious issue in the Southern Rocky Mountains (Knight et Rocky Mountain region because the al. 2000), but new research is needed to topography and vegetation of these more fully evaluate the significance of landscapes are naturally heterogeneous, natural and anthropogenic fragmentation i.e., they are “naturally fragmented” to of habitats in this region. In this section begin with and the biota are well adapted we first examine some general impacts to such fragmentation. An alternative of roads in any kind of landscape, and

212 then focus specifically on effects of native species while limiting the roads and logging on forested landscapes movement of some sensitive native in the South Central Highlands Section. species; and (iv) landscape effects, e.g., We selected two representative areas for dissection of high-quality interior habitat detailed analysis: (i) forested portions of patches, and increased habitat edge. the San Juan National Forest as a whole and (ii) the high-elevation portion of the 2. Road Densities in Forests of the San Pagosa District of the San Juan National Juan National Forest Forest. Road densities within the 1. General Ecological Impacts of Roads: forested portions of the San Juan National Forest were estimated as Roads have greater impacts on follows. We overlaid the roads plants, wildlife, and natural ecological contained in a GIS cartographic features processes than almost any other feature file over the area covered by each of the of the human-influenced landscape. four major forest types -- ponderosa Roads are unprecedented features in pine, aspen, mixed conifer (referred to as ecological history (Forman 1995, Douglas-fir / white fir in the data base), Forman et al. 2003, Baker and Knight and spruce-fir -- within the Arc-Info 2000, Ritters and Wickham 2003), and environment. All kinds of roads, e.g., can cause greater fragmentation of improved and primitive, were mature forests than clear-cutting (Reed aggregated in the roads layer. We et al. 1996a, Tinker et al. 1997, determined the total number of miles of McGarigal et al. 2001). The total extent roads within each forest type, as well as, of roads in the Southwest and Southern the total square miles of each forest type. Rocky Mountain regions, including the We then divided miles of roads by South Central Highlands Section, is square miles of forest type to obtain a astonishing. For example, as of 1997 the measure of miles of road per square mile Rio Grande and San Juan National of forest. This analysis was done first Forests contained 5,150 miles of road, for the entire San Juan National Forest, for a road density of 0.88 miles of road including officially designated per square mile (Baker and Knight 2000; Wilderness and roadless areas, and then Table 5.1). These figures include the separately for the entire Forest but Wilderness Areas in those National excluding designated Wilderness Areas. Forests, so road density outside of Road densities are greatest in the Wilderness is even greater. Some of the ponderosa pine forest type, with 2.60 adverse ecological effects of these roads miles of road per square mile for the include the following (Baker and Knight entire Forest including Wilderness 2000; Table 5.1): (i) direct on-road Areas, or 2.61 miles of road per square effects, e.g., habitat loss and accidental mile excluding Wilderness Areas (Table road-kill; (ii) road-zone effects, e.g., VII-1). The reason for the small wildlife avoidance of the corridor along difference in these numbers is that very the road, and increased human access for little ponderosa pine forest is contained hunting and trampling of areas adjacent within officially designated Wilderness to the road; (iii) connectivity effects, e.g., Areas, which tend to be at higher providing avenues for the spread of non- elevations. Road density is somewhat

213 lower in spruce-fir forests: 1.07 miles of For comparison, Reed et al. road per square mile for the entire Forest (1996a) found 2.52 km of road per km2 but 1.75 miles of road per square mile (4.1 miles per mi2) in a subalpine for those areas outside of Wilderness landscape of the Medicine Bow - Routt Areas. Road densities are also lower in National Forest in southeastern the aspen type, with 1.11 miles of road Wyoming. Logging and road-building per square mile for the entire Forest or during the last 50 years had substantially 1.21 miles of road per square mile fragmented the forest in this watershed, outside of Wilderness Areas. Lowest to the extent that it was now more road densities are in the Douglas- fragmented than the Oregon Cascades fir/white fir (mixed conifer) type (0.87 (Reed et al. 1996b). Road densities in miles of road per square mile in the the San Juan National Forest are lower entire Forest), but even this forest type than this extreme example from has nearly a mile of road per square mile southeastern Wyoming, but nevertheless outside Wilderness Areas (Table VII-1). relatively high.


Table VII-1. Road densities in the four major forest types of the San Juan National Forest. Data are from RIS cover maps and cartographic feature files, overlain in Arc-Info environment. It should be noted that the road coverage is incomplete. Forest Service estimate that 20 - 30 % of the roads that actually exist on the ground are not included in the current GIS roads file. The roads GIS files will be updated within the next few years. However, the road densities in this table are under-estimates of actual road densities on the ground.

Miles of Road per Square Mile: Miles of Road per Square Entire San Juan National Forest Mile: San Juan NF Including Wilderness Areas Excluding Wilderness Areas (Total Number of (Total Number of Forest Type Square Miles in Parentheses) Square Miles in Parentheses)

Ponderosa Pine 2.60 miles/square mile 2.61 miles/square mile (472.4 square miles) (470.5 square miles)

Aspen 1.11 miles/square mile 1.21 miles/square mile (480.6 square miles) (444.3 square miles)

Douglas-Fir & 0.87 miles/square mile 0.97 miles/square mile White Fir (381.2 square miles) (340.1 square miles)

Spruce-Fir 1.07 miles/square mile 1.75 miles/square mile (876.5 square miles) (537.3 square miles)


214 3. Effects of Roads and Logging on a timber management records”), and High-Elevation Landscape of the supplemented this information by Pagosa District interviewing Stu Sarnow, recently retired silviculturalist for the Pagosa To obtain quantitative estimates District. Logging occurred in ponderosa of the impact of road-building and pine forests as early as the late 1800s, logging on high-elevation landscape and by the middle of the 20th century structure in the South Central Highlands most of the large, old-growth ponderosa Section, we first reconstructed the pine trees had been removed from lower- history of road-building and logging in elevation forests in the Pagosa District the area, and then measured changes in and throughout the San Juan National several metrics of landscape structure Forest (Chapter II). However, because using the program FRAGSTATS, as of inaccessibility and a short summer explained below. season, the high-elevation forests of the Pagosa District (and some other portions Logging History in High- of the South Central Highlands Section) Elevation Forests of the Pagosa District: were not logged extensively until after World War II. Virtually no written To evaluate quantitatively the records exist of logging operations prior effects of road-building and logging on to 1950. However, we are confident that high-elevation forests in a representative little activity occurred in high-elevation portion of the South Central Highlands forests prior to this date because nearly Section, we needed a detailed history of all of the roads that now exist in high- logging operations during the 20th elevation areas were documented as century. However, for most of the area, having been constructed during the last detailed records of this kind either do not 50 years. Therefore, we used the year exist, or are scattered throughout 1950 as a baseline and measured the numerous informal reports, paper files, changes that have occurred since that and recollections of individual foresters. time. To compile the records necessary for a The number of acres cut each rigorous analysis of landscape change as year (in all forest types combined) from a result of logging and road building, we 1951 – 1992 in the Pagosa District of the focused on the Pagosa District of the San San Juan National Forest is presented in Juan National Forest. This district is Figure VII-1. The number of acres located near the approximate geographic affected by logging each year increased center of the South Central Highlands through the 1950s and 1960s, reached a Section, contains extensive high- peak in the 1970s, and then declined elevation forests and other associated through the 1980s and 1990s. The vegetation types, and still has most of amount of clear-cut area was greatest in the records of its logging history. the late 1960s, and was low in the 1980s We reconstructed the logging and 1990s. Much of the clear-cutting in history of the last half-century by the 1960s was in spruce-fir forests, but tabulating the data contained in two nearly all of the recent clear-cutting has timber atlases on file at the Pagosa been in aspen forests. Both clear-cutting Ranger Station (“Piedra timber and partial cutting have been in management records” and “Pagosa predominantly small cutting units, < 250

215 acres, although a few relatively large emphasized partial-cut, selective harvest, units (up to 3,000 acres) exist (Table salvage sale, and shelter wood methods. VII-2). Largely because much of the Pagosa Logging history by forest type in District is in Wilderness Areas where the Pagosa District of the San Juan logging is not permitted, a half-century National Forest is summarized in Table of logging has directly affected only a VII-3. The most extensive logging small proportion (ca. 5 %) of the total activity in spruce-fir forests occurred spruce-fir forest acreage on the Pagosa during the 1960s and 1970s, decreased District. However, nearly all (85%) of somewhat in the 1980s, and decreased the suitable timber base in spruce-fir has further in the 1990s. No clear-cutting been entered at least once for timber has been done in spruce-fir forests since removal (last column in Table VII-3). the 1970s; recent logging has


Figure VII-1. Logging history in high-elevation forests (spruce-fir, cool moist mixed conifer, and high-elevation aspen forests) of the Pagosa District, San Juan National Forest, 1950-1992.


Since 1950, only about 20 % of possible. Of the mixed conifer forest the mixed conifer forest acreage in the lands currently considered suitable for Pagosa District has been entered for timber harvest, approximately 70 % have timber harvest. However, much of the received at least an initial harvest entry mixed conifer type grows on steep (Table VII-3). slopes or in administratively designated The most extensive logging in Wilderness Areas where logging is not aspen forests of the Pagosa District took

216 ------

Table VII-1. Road densities in the four major forest types of the San Juan National Forest. Data are from RIS cover maps and cartographic feature files, overlain in Arc-Info environment. It should be noted that the road coverage is incomplete. Forest Service staff estimate that 20 - 30 % of the roads that actually exist on the ground are not included in the current GIS roads file. The roads GIS files will be updated within the next few years. However, the road densities in this table are under-estimates of actual road densities on the ground.

Miles of Road per Square Mile: Miles of Road per Square Entire San Juan National Forest Mile: San Juan NF Including Wilderness Areas Excluding Wilderness Areas (Total Number of (Total Number of Forest Type Square Miles in Parentheses) Square Miles in Parentheses)

Ponderosa Pine 2.60 miles/square mile 2.61 miles/square mile (472.4 square miles) (470.5 square miles)

Aspen 1.11 miles/square mile 1.21 miles/square mile (480.6 square miles) (444.3 square miles)

Douglas-Fir & 0.87 miles/square mile 0.97 miles/square mile White Fir (381.2 square miles) (340.1 square miles)

Spruce-Fir 1.07 miles/square mile 1.75 miles/square mile (876.5 square miles) (537.3 square miles)


place in the 1950s through 1970s, when Caveats: In interpreting the a total of about 600 acres were cut. results of our fragmentation analysis, it Aspen timber production then was is important to acknowledge some of the substantially lower during the 1980s and inherent problems with the database we early 1990s. By 1992, about 1 % of the had to work with. First, the timber total extent of aspen forests in the cutting records are incomplete. Stu Pagosa District, and a little over 5 % of Sarnow believes that only 85-90 % of the aspen forests currently considered the actual cutting activity between 1950 suitable for timber production, had been and 1992 is contained within the two either clear-cut or partially cut (Table timber atlases. Additional logged areas VII-3). It should be noted that a much were identified from the Forest Service higher proportion of the aspen forest and RIS database and from recent landsat of the suitable timber base in aspen has and aerial photo coverage of the area. been logged since 1950 in the Dolores These additional areas were included in District of the San Juan National Forest the numbers presented in Table VII-3, (data not shown). but there may still be other areas that

217 were partially logged and are not 375,000 acres so designated in 1992. In represented in our data. Secondly, land addition, some of the clear-cut areas that classification systems have changed lack reforestation are currently classified during the period from 1950 - 1992. In as shrub, barren, or grass/forb cover- particular, the area of suitable timber types whereas they were originally base has been reduced. For the entire spruce-fir forest, and some recent San Juan National Forest, there were logging units included portions of 1,188,000 acres designated as suitable previously logged units. for commercial use in 1962, but only


Table VII-2. Size distribution of timber cutting units in the Pagosa District, San Juan National Forest, from 1950 - 1992. Data were compiled from two timber atlases on file at the Pagosa Ranger Station (“Piedra timber management records” and “Pagosa timber management records”), and supplemented by personal communications from Stu Sarnow, silviculturalist for the Pagosa District. Stu Sarnow believes that 85-90 % of the actual cutting activity between 1950 and 1992 is contained within the two timber atlases. The category “acres partially cut” includes partial-cut, selective harvest, salvage sale, and shelterwood methods. This tabulation includes all timber cutting units within the Pagosa District, including cuts in spruce-fir, mixed conifer, aspen and ponderosa pine forests.

Size of Unit (acres) Number of Partial Number of Clear- Total Number of Cut Units cut Units Cutting Units

1 - 250 113 41 154 251 - 500 23 4 27 501 - 750 24 0 24 751 - 1,000 10 0 10 1,001 - 1,250 15 0 15 1,251 - 1,500 2 0 2 1,501 - 1,750 4 0 4 1,751 - 2,000 2 0 2 2,001 - 2,250 2 0 2 2,251 - 2,500 2 0 2 2,501 - 2,750 0 0 0 2,751 - 3,000 0 0 0 3,001 - 3,250 1 0 1

Total, all sizes 198 45 243


218 Table VII-3. Logging history in high-elevation forests of the Pagosa District, San Juan National Forest, 1950 - 1992. Data were compiled from two timber atlases on file at the Pagosa Ranger Station (“Piedra timber management records” and “Pagosa timber management records”), and supplemented by personal communications from Stu Sarnow, silviculturalist for the Pagosa District. The category “acres partially cut” includes partial- cut, selective harvest, salvage sale, and shelterwood methods. It must be noted that there are several irremediable problems with this data set: (1) The timber cutting records are incomplete. Stu Sarnow believes that 85-90 % of the actual cutting activity between 1950 and 1992 is contained within the two timber atlases. Additional logged areas were identified from the Forest Service RIS database and from recent landsat and aerial photo coverage of the area. These additional areas are included in the numbers below. (2) Land classification systems have changed during the period from 1950 - 1992. In particular, the area of suitable timber base has been reduced. For the entire San Juan National Forest, there were 1,188,000 acres designated as suitable for commercial use in 1962, but only 375,000 acres so designated in 1992. In addition, some of the clear-cut areas that lack reforestation are currently classified as shrub, barren, or grass/forb cover types.

Cumulative Cumulative % Cumulative % of Acres Acres Total Total Acres of Total Forest Total Suitable Clear- Partially Acres Cut Since Area Cut Since Timber Base Cut Decade cut Cut Cut 1950 19501 Since 19502

Spruce-Fir Forest 1950-59 0 0 0 0 0 0 1960-69 2,751 158 2,909 2,909 1.7 28.4 1970-79 722 2,542 3,264 6,173 3.6 60.4 1980-89 0 2,480 2,480 8,653 5.0 84.6 1990-92 0 0 0 8,653 5.0 84.6

Mixed Conifer Forest 1950-59 0 3,087 3,087 3,087 2.6 9.5 1960-69 148 7,072 7,220 10,307 8.6 31.6 1970-79 0 9,483 9,483 19,790 16.5 60.7 1980-89 12 1,811 1,823 21,613 18.0 66.3 1990-92 21 1,047 1,068 22,681 18.9 70.0

Aspen Forest 1950-59 81 167 248 248 0.4 2.0 1960-69 85 88 173 421 0.7 3.4 1970-79 177 0 177 598 1.0 4.8 1980-89 9 0 9 607 1.0 4.9 1990-92 36 10 46 653 1.1 5.3

1 Total forest area on the Pagosa District: 2 Total suitable timber base: Spruce-Fir forest = 173,793 acres Spruce-Fir forest = 10,226 acres Mixed conifer forest = 120,279 acres Mixed conifer forest = 32,619 acres Aspen forest = 58,438 Aspen forest = 12,356 acres

219 Given these irremediable numerous “islands” of high-elevation shortcomings of the database, we cannot terrain surrounded by lower-elevation have complete confidence in any terrain in the foothills of the southern specific estimates of the percent of the and western portions of the District. To landscape or the percent of the suitable minimize map-edge effects in the timber base that have been affected by analysis, we subjectively smoothed this logging of spruce-fir forests during the initial GIS map, deleting a few small, last 50 years. A high priority for the isolated islands of high-elevation terrain, future should be to improve record- and incorporating small portions of keeping, e.g., to regularly incorporate all lower-elevation terrain to connect some timber harvest units and other activities of the larger high-elevation islands. The into the Forest’s GIS and other resulting map (Figure VII-2) depicted an databases. Especially as older Forest area of 225,843 ha, representing the Service staff members retire or leave the high-elevation landscape of the Pagosa area, it will become more and more District. difficult to compile a database of logging Within this study area, we then history of the kind we have presented created two GIS maps: the landscape of here. This kind of information will be 1950 and the landscape of 1993. We increasingly valuable to future users and regarded the 1950 map as representative forest managers. of the reference condition landscape, because we knew from our analysis of Methods of Fragmentation logging history that very little logging or Analysis: road-building had occurred in this area prior to 1950 (see above). There also To obtain quantitative estimates were no large fires or insect outbreaks in of the impact of 50 years of road- the area during the first half of the 20th building and logging on high-elevation century, so mature forests may have landscape structure in the South Central been more extensive and continuous in Highlands Section, we measured 1950 than at some earlier times during changes in several metrics of landscape the period of indigenous settlement. structure using the program However, the low frequency of fires FRAGSTATS. The following is a brief during the 20th century may not be a synopsis of results; see McGarigal et al. great departure from the reference period (2001) for additional details. range of variability of high-elevation For this analysis we first forests in this region (see above). Both identified a representative area of high- maps were created at a scale of 1 ha elevation forests in the Pagosa District of resolution (i.e., each pixel represents 1 the San Juan National Forest. Initially ha). we located all lands above 2,420 m To produce the 1993 landscape (8,000 ft), using the GIS. The resulting map, we began with a 1993 vegetation map showed a large block of high- map of the area that was derived from elevation landscape in the northern and aerial photos and satellite imagery. This eastern portions of the Pagosa District, map was reclassified (in the GIS along the main crest of the San Juan environment) into 14 categories (Table Mountain Range. In addition, there were VII-4).


Figure VII-2. High-elevation study area in the Pagosa District, San Juan National Forest, where logging history and forest fragmentation were studied.


We actually made four versions of the seedling & sapling class, but many 1993 landscape map. First, we simply partially cut areas were classified as reclassified the entire vegetation map forests with medium or large trees into these 14 categories. Areas that had because a large number of such trees had been logged during the last 50 years been left after logging. This map were assigned to one of the vegetation depicted a minimum impact of logging; classes, based solely on the structure of i.e., it assumed that partial cutting the remaining vegetation as perceived on produced no change in stand structure the aerial photos and satellite imagery. unless the canopy was almost Clear-cut areas were assigned to the completely removed.

221 ------

Table VII-4. Vegetation categories used in the fragmentation analysis of a 225,843-ha high-elevation study area in the Pagosa District of the San Juan National Forest (Figure VII-2).

-- spruce-fir forest, large or very large trees (9 + inches dbh ) -- spruce-fir forest, medium-sized trees (5 - 8.9 inches dbh ) -- spruce-fir forest, seedlings & saplings (< 5 inches dbh) -- mixed conifer forest, large or very large trees ( 9 + inches dbh ) -- mixed conifer forest, medium-sized trees (5 - 8.9 inches dbh ) -- mixed conifer forest, seedlings & saplings (< 5 inches dbh) -- aspen forest, large or very large trees (9 + inches dbh ) -- aspen forest, medium-sized trees (5 - 8.9 inches dbh ) -- aspen forest, saplings (< 5 inches dbh) -- other forest types (ponderosa pine, pinon-juniper) -- shrubland (oak, snowberry, willow carrs) -- riparian (water and riparian vegetation) -- nonforest (meadows, grasslands, rocky slopes and scree) -- roads


For the second 1993 landscape We created the 1950 landscape map, we overlaid the vegetation map map from the 1993 map by reclassifying described above with the timber harvest (in the GIS environment) all of the map that we had developed from logged areas as large/very large trees of historical records in the Pagosa District the forest type indicated by the major (see above), and classified all partially species of timber removed from the area logged and clear-cut areas as separate according to the timber records. We vegetation types, regardless of the nature thought it was reasonable to assume that of the residual vegetation. This provided the logged areas were all mature forest at a maximum estimate of the impact of the time of logging, because during this logging, because it assumed that any period most logging in high-elevation entry into a previously unlogged stand forests of this region was done as a first produced significant changes in stand entry into mature and “over-mature” structure or function. Both of these first stands. Roads were then reclassified as two maps included roads as a land cover the same cover types as surrounding type. For the third and fourth versions pixels. In effect, we thereby “removed” of the 1993 map, we reclassified the road all of the roads and timber-cutting pixels as adjacent vegetation types. This patches from the landscape (with the effectively “removed” the roads from the exception of a few roads known to have maps, so that we could evaluate the existed in 1950, e.g., the main highway relative contribution of roads to overall over ). changes in landscape structure.

222 Results of the Fragmentation that likely represents most of the old- Analysis: growth forests in the area) occupied 21.5 % of the study area in 1950, but only A comparison of landscape 20.0 % of the study area in 1993 if metrics for the 1950 map and for the partially cut areas are treated as a various 1993 maps reveals that the high- separate cover type (figure VII-7). This elevation landscape of the Pagosa is a relatively small change in overall District is more heterogeneous today extent of late successional forests, and than it was before the onset of extensive the changes in patch number and patch logging and road-building. Roads have size are more impressive. The number had a larger impact on landscape of patches of spruce-fir forest with large structure than logging, even when trees increased from 240 in 1950 to 280 partially cut areas are assigned their own in 1993 (including roads, and treating unique cover type. FRAGSTATS partial cuts as a separate cover type; determines 45 different metrics Figure VII-8). The average patch size of (measurements) of landscape structure. spruce-fir forests with large trees The average percentage change from decreased from 200 ha in 1950 to 150 ha 1950 - 1993, among all of these metrics, in 1993 (Figure VII-9). was 15 - 25 % when roads were A simple measure of the size of a included, but only 3 - 8 % when roads patch of late successional forest may be were excluded (Figure VII-3). misleading, because the perimeter of the In what specific ways has the patch is actually edge environment landscape changed since 1950? The where meteorological conditions and number of distinct patches has increased biotic pressures (e.g., nest predation and -- by 2 - 14% excluding roads, or by 22 - parasitism, human disturbance, sources 40 % if roads are included (Figure VII- of alien plant species) are quite different 4). Average patch size has decreased -- from the interior of the patch. by 2 - 12 % without roads, or 18 - 29 % Therefore, we also computed the “core” with roads (Figure VII-5). Including the area of each patch of spruce-fir forest effects of roads, the average size of a with large trees, by subtracting the area patch of any cover type was 55 ha in of each patch lying within 50 m of the 1950, but only 35 - 45 ha in 1993. Edge edge. Mean core area decreased from density (meters of edge between two 160 ha in 1950 to 120 ha in 1993 different cover types) has increased by 3 (including roads, and treating partial cuts - 5 % without roads or 18 - 23 % with as a separate cover type; Figure VII-10). roads (Figure VII-6). Of particular conservation Evaluating the Significance of significance is old-growth spruce-fir Forest Fragmentation in the Pagosa forest, which supports several species of District: plants, animals, and microbes that are thought to be sensitive to forest In some ways, the overall structural change and landscape landscape structure of this portion of the fragmentation (Romme et al. 1992). San Juan National Forest has been Spruce-fir forests with large tree size changed very little by a half century of classes (the cover class in our analysis logging and road-building.


Figure VII-3. Average change over all Figure VII-4. Change in number FRAGSTATS indices from 1950 – 1993 of patches from 1950 - 1993 in the high-elevation study area of the in the high-elevation study area Pagosa District, San Juan National Forest.

Figure VII-5. Change in mean patch size Figure VII-6. Change in edge density from 1950 – 1993 , in the high-elevation from 1950 - 1993, in the high-elevation study area study area


Figure VII-7. Change in percent of Figure VII-8. Change in number of landscape occupied by spruce-fir forests patches of spruce-fir forest with large with large or very large trees from 1950 – or very large trees from 1950 – 1993. 1993, in the high-elevation study area in the high-elevation study area. of the San Juan National Forest.

Figure VII-9. Change in mean size of Figure VII-10. Change in mean core patches of spruce-fir forest with large area per patch of spruce-fir forest or very large trees from 1950 - 1993 with large or very large trees in the high-elevation study area from 1950 - 1993

225 For example, the total extent of late implications of our finding that virtually successional spruce-fir forest has all of the spruce-fir forests considered decreased only from 21.5 % of the suitable for timber production have landscape to 20.0 %, even under the already sustained at least some degree of modeling assumptions that maximize the timber harvest activity. First, there fragmenting effects of human activities simply are few opportunities left for first (i.e., including roads and treating entries into unlogged stands, which were partially cut areas as a separate cover a predominant type of logging operation type; Figure VII-7). However, some of during the last half century. Future the more subtle landscape changes of the silviculture will need to shift from an last 50 years are probably significant emphasis on first entries to utilization or concerns for conservation of sensitive restoration of forests that have already interior forest species, e.g., the reduction had some of the timber taken out. in average size of core areas within The second implication has to do patches of late successional forest from with the fact that lands designated 160 ha to only 120 ha (Figure VII-10). suitable for timber production tend to be The magnitude of these quantitative the more biologically productive areas estimates of landscape change also is on relatively gentle terrain. Recent buffered by the presence of a large theoretical developments in ecology Wilderness Area within the Pagosa suggest that heavy utilization of the most District, where road-building and productive forests (i.e., the suitable logging are administratively prohibited. timber base) may potentially impair the A similar analysis for just those lands long-term maintenance of native suitable for timber production would biodiversity. Many species of plants and reveal much greater landscape change animals are now thought to exist as and fragmentation of mature forests. “meta-populations” consisting of Additional FRAGSTATS analyses for numerous small subpopulations that are the entire San Juan National Forest are more or less discrete, but periodically in progress to evaluate the functional exchange individuals via migration ecological significance of the changes (Pulliam 1988, Gilpin and Hanski 1991, we have detected in the high-elevation Robinson et al. 1995). Small landscape structure of the Pagosa populations are vulnerable to local District extinction, due to environmental (http://www.umass.edu/landeco/index.ht disturbances, genetic processes, or ml). random drift. Individual subpopulations A notable finding in our within the “meta-population” probably compilation of logging history was that go extinct on a regular basis, but they are nearly all of the suitable timber base in continually re-established by individuals the Pagosa District has been entered at migrating in from other subpopulations. least once since the mid 20th century From a conservation standpoint, the (Table VII-3). Does this matter for most critical subpopulations are those sensitive species or ecological processes, that sustain positive population growth, considering for example that ca. 90 % of i.e., in which production of new spruce-fir forests lie outside the suitable individuals exceeds mortality in most timber base and therefore remain years. These are referred to as “source” undisturbed? There are two important populations; whereas other

226 subpopulations, in which mortality landscapes. A top conservation priority usually exceeds recruitment, are called is to maintain the source populations of “sink” populations. Sink populations these species; if habitats become persist only because of the continued unsuitable for successful breeding in the flow of individuals from the source Southern Appalachians and Ozarks, then populations. If a sink population is neotropical migrant populations may extirpated, it can be easily re-established crash throughout eastern North America. if the source populations are still intact. Where are the key source However, if a source population is wiped populations for various species in the out -- by natural catastrophe or by South Central Highlands Section? We human activities -- then the entire meta- do not know. A better understanding of population may crash, even though many the meta-population structure of sink populations are still present, representative plants and animals of this because the sink populations are not self- region is a high research priority. Until sustaining. specific information becomes available, The practical difficulty in all of it may be a good coarse-filter strategy to this is that we generally do not know conserve habitats that have a high which subpopulations are sinks and probability of supporting source which are sources. Therefore, the fact populations. One such type of habitat that a species is relatively numerous and may be mature forests growing on widely distributed does not necessarily productive sites. The relatively high net mean that it is secure. Most of the primary productivity that is supported by individuals seen may in fact constitute these sites may also support relatively sink populations. For example, the high densities of animals and allow for neotropical migrant bird populations in production of surplus individuals that forest fragments of the upper Midwest can migrate to augment sink populations region are now regarded as sink in marginal habitats (Hansen and Rotella populations that persist only because of 1999). Considering that nearly every continued migration from source spruce-fir stand growing in productive populations in extensive forests of the sites (i.e., the suitable timber base) has Southern Appalachians and Ozark already had some level of timber cutting Plateaus (Robinson et al. 1995). Even during the last 50 years, the few though neotropical migrant birds can be remaining old-growth spruce-fir stands seen and heard mating and laying eggs within the suitable timber base probably every spring in the upper Midwest, very should not be disturbed by future few of the eggs survive the predators and logging until the meta-population nest parasites associated with structure of high-elevation species in this fragmented forests of agricultural region are better understood.

B. Challenges: Outdoor Recreation and Exurban Development

Outdoor recreation is now the 40 years (Cole and Landres 1995, cited principal use of most forests in the in Knight, 2000). Outdoor recreation is southern Rocky Mountains (Knight, often regarded as a benign activity that 2000). Recreational use of Wilderness has little or no adverse impact on Areas has increased ten-fold in the last ecological conditions or processes.

227 Unfortunately, this idea is far from the cosmopolitan robin was most abundant truth: outdoor recreation actually poses a in close proximity to trails (Miller et al. major threat to biodiversity and 1998). Other studies have demonstrated ecological integrity in many wildland that human use of recreational trails areas. Of all species federally listed as disturbs bears, deer, and elk, and alters endangered or threatened, 133 plants and their distribution in comparison with 70 animals are strongly affected by otherwise similar areas that lack outdoor recreation—compared with 112 regularly used trails (Knight 2000). plant and 61 animals affected by Trails also can function as conduits for grazing, 51 and 77 affected by logging, dispersal of weeds and other alien plant and 33 and 17 affected by hardrock species (Benninger-Traux et al. 1992). mining. Only water development has a Even more destructive impacts greater impact than recreation, with 67 can result from off-road recreational plants and 189 animals so affected vehicle use, especially in sensitive areas (Losos et al. 1995, cited in Knight 2000, like the alpine zone. The “Alpine Loop” Figure 7.1). In addition to traditional in the San Juan Mountains receives a forms of recreation, a new type of great deal of traffic each summer, most “recreation” has exploded in the last 20 of it conducted responsibly with vehicles years as increasing numbers of people remaining on the rough dirt roads that build homes in the forests and other traverse this spectacular route that lies wildlands of the Mountain West. Roads, largely above timberline. However, trails, and homes all fragment natural even a single vehicle driving off the road landscapes, affect native plants and can destroy the fragile alpine vegetation, wildlife, and constrain our options for leading to severe erosion and managing natural disturbance processes sedimentation which can become worse such as fire. with the passing of time. High-visibility vehicle scars and erosion channels of 1. Ecological Impacts of Outdoor this kind are very difficult to rehabilitate, Recreation: and may remain on the landscape for decades. Outdoor recreation affects plant Knight (2000) made a and wildlife species via direct harvest preliminary estimate that about 6 % of (hunting, fishing, and collecting), Forest Service lands in Colorado are disturbance (either accidental or directly affected by recreational trails. intentional), habitat modification, and Trail density in the San Juan - Rio pollution (Knight 2000). Recreationists Grande National Forest was estimated to often are unaware that their activities are be 0.26 km of trail per square kilometer agitating or displacing wildlife, but these of land, which is relatively low effects can be substantial. For example, compared with some other national a study of songbird distribution in forests in Colorado (Knight 2000). ponderosa pine forests managed by the However, trail densities should be added City of Boulder, Colorado, revealed that to road densities and off-road or off-trail several species (e.g., pygmy nuthatch, activities (unmeasured) to evaluate the chipping sparrow, and Townsend’s total impact of recreational activities on solitaire) were far less abundant within native plant and animal communities. 100 meters of a trail, whereas the

228 Recreational impacts can be this development pattern is referred to as reduced in a number of ways. When exurban. new roads and trails are being Exurban development poses developed, they can be consciously several significant challenges for land placed in less sensitive locations. Many managers and residents of the South older trails run along streams or lakes— Central Highlands Section. First, the visually appealing places but also sites houses and access roads fragment of high biodiversity and wildlife use— natural habitats and displace sensitive but new roads and trails can be built in wildlife. For example, if recent rates alternative locations and old roads and and patterns of exurban development in trails that were placed in especially La Plata County, Colorado, continue sensitive habitats can be closed (see until ca. 2020, a quarter of waterfowl Baker and Knight 2000; Table 5.3). breeding areas, a third of waterfowl winter concentration areas, and a third of 2. Ecological Impacts of Exurban elk winter concentration areas will lie Development: within or adjacent to rural subdivisions (Romme 1997). Second, exurban The human population in the development often occurs in ponderosa Rocky Mountain region is one of the pine forests and other vegetation types fastest growing in the nation. For where fire was formerly an important example, growth rates in this region ecological process. Not only are these from 1990-1996 were two to three times houses vulnerable to loss in wildfire, but the national average (Theobald 2000). restoration of a natural fire regime is Although much of this growth is severely constrained by the presence of occurring in urban and suburban areas, a vulnerable structures that must be recent trend has been accelerated protected from fire. Finally, the costs to expansion into rural and previously local governments of maintaining roads undeveloped landscapes. Many former and providing services (fire protection, ranches and farms are being converted to police, and schools) to these scattered exurban housing developments, as are residents usually exceed the revenues small private inholdings within tracts of generated by property taxes; in effect, public land (Knight 1997). The new residents in town are subsidizing the developments in these areas cannot be exurban life style. classified as traditional rural The ecological and social costs developments, for typically the new of exurban development can be reduced residents do not make their living on the in a number of ways. For example, local landscape. Rather they houses can be clustered rather than telecommute to urban centers or live on widely dispersed (Romme 1997, Paulson investment income. The most common and Baker 2006). A clustered pattern is widely dispersed houses on development pattern reduces the amount large lots, all connected by an extensive of habitat fragmentation and allows for road system. Especially popular are more efficient provision of social home sites nestled in forests adjacent to services. Another strategy for protecting public land, where aesthetic and agricultural land from subdivision is the recreational values are superb. Being use of conservation easements that not quite rural but not quite suburban, provide land owners with a financial

229 reward for keeping their land in development. production rather than selling it for

C. Challenges: Climate Change

It has become increasingly example, although the global trend of apparent that the earth’s climate is increasing temperature is well changing, that global temperatures are documented and likely to increase, some increasing, that shifts in precipitation localities may see no temperature patterns are likely to become increase or even a cooling trend in future pronounced in the next century, and that decades. Similarly, precipitation is weather related disturbances (e.g., expected to decrease in some areas but hurricanes and droughts) likely become remain the same or increase in other more frequent and severe (IPCC 2007). areas (IPCC 2007). The potential for large, severe fire also is Climate research continues, and increasing as snowpacks melt earlier in our forecasting ability will undoubtedly the spring, leading to longer fire seasons. increase substantially in coming years. An upsurge in the frequency of large In the meantime, Millar et al. (2007) fires began in the mid-1980s and is recommend that managers “accept expected to continue (Westerling et al. uncertainty yet certain change as 2006). premises for decision-making.” The Climate change complicates all Millar et al. (2007) article and Millar’s of our efforts in land management. One website provide a “toolbox” for of the greatest challenges relates to the managers, with a variety of potentially great uncertainty about how climate will useful adaptation and mitigation change in any particular place. For strategies.

D. Opportunities: Principles of Ecological Restoration

One of the major land entirely destroyed as the direct or management activities in the twenty-first indirect result of human activities. In century likely will be restoration of some cases, these impacts to ecosystems ecosystems that were degraded during have been caused or aggravated by the past century. The Society for natural agencies such as wildfire, floods, Ecological Restoration has defined and storms, or volcanic eruption, to the point described restoration as follows at which the ecosystem cannot recover (http://www.ser.org/content/ecological_r its predisturbance state or its historic estoration_primer.asp): developmental trajectory.

-- “Ecological restoration is an -- “Restoration attempts to return an intentional activity that initiates or ecosystem to its historic trajectory. accelerates the recovery of an ecosystem Historic conditions are therefore the with respect to its health, integrity and ideal starting point for restoration sustainability. Frequently, the ecosystem design. The restored ecosystem will not that requires restoration has been necessarily recover its former state, since degraded, damaged, transformed or contemporary constraints and conditions

230 may cause it to develop along an altered have shaped the landscape, and trajectory. The historic trajectory of a contemporary constraints and severely impacted ecosystem may be opportunities. In the simplest difficult or impossible to determine with circumstances, restoration consists of accuracy. Nevertheless, the general removing or modifying a specific direction and boundaries of that disturbance, thereby allowing ecological trajectory can be established through a processes to bring about an independent combination of knowledge of the recovery. For example, removing a dam damaged ecosystem’s pre-existing allows the return of an historical structure, composition and functioning, flooding regime. In more complex studies on comparable intact ecosystems, circumstances, restoration may also information about regional require the deliberate reintroduction of environmental conditions, and analysis native species that have been lost, and of other ecological, cultural and the elimination or control of harmful, historical reference information. These invasive exotic species to the greatest combined sources allow the historic practicable extent. Often, ecosystem trajectory or reference conditions to be degradation or transformation has charted from baseline ecological data multiple, protracted sources, and the and predictive models, and its emulation historical constituents of an ecosystem in the restoration process should aid in are substantially lost. Sometimes the piloting the ecosystem towards improved developmental trajectory of a degraded health and integrity. ecosystem is blocked altogether, and its recovery through natural processes -- “Restoration represents an indefinitely appears to be delayed indefinitely. In all long-term commitment of land and of these cases, however, ecological resources, and a proposal to restore an restoration aims to initiate or facilitate ecosystem requires thoughtful the resumption of those processes which deliberation. Collective decisions are will return the ecosystem to its intended more likely to be honored and trajectory. implemented than are those that are made unilaterally. For that reason, it -- “When the desired trajectory is behooves all stakeholders to arrive at the realized, the ecosystem under decision to initiate a restoration project manipulation may no longer require by consensus. Once the decision to external assistance to ensure its future restore is made, the project requires health and integrity, in which case careful and systematic planning and a restoration can be considered complete. monitored approach towards ecosystem Nevertheless, the restored ecosystem recovery. The need for planning often requires continuing management to intensifies when the unit of restoration is counteract the invasion of opportunist a complex landscape of contiguous species, the impacts of various human ecosystems. activities, climate change, and other unforeseeable events. In this respect, a -- “Interventions employed in restoration restored ecosystem is no different from vary widely among projects, depending an undamaged ecosystem of the same on the extent and duration of past kind, and both are likely to require some disturbances, cultural conditions that level of ecosystem management.

231 Although ecosystem restoration and persistent pinyon-juniper woodlands and ecosystem management form a wooded shrublands of the region, continuum and often employ similar overstory structure and composition are sorts of intervention, ecological not significantly departed from reference restoration aims at assisting or initiating conditions (see Chapter VI-A), but the recovery, whereas ecosystem herbaceous understory has been management is intended to guarantee the dramatically altered by heavy livestock continued well-being of the restored grazing. Especially where cheatgrass ecosystem thereafter.” has become a major component of the understory, its influence on the fire Two broad approaches to regime may lead eventually to ecological restoration are active significant functional changes in the restoration and passive restoration. system as well, viz., a shift from Passive restoration involves removal of infrequent to frequent fires. Because the stressors that have degraded an piñon and juniper are not fire-resistant, a ecosystem. Possible methods include new fire regime of frequent surface fires regulating livestock grazing, firewood carried by cheatgrass could potentially gathering, and recreational activity, and destroy the overstory and convert the allowing lightning-ignited fires to burn woodland to a shrub or herb-dominated without interference. Active restoration community composed largely of non- involves conscious manipulation and native species. Thus, an active program modification of an ecosystem to achieve of understory restoration is needed to a desired result. Commonly used eliminate or at least reduce the methods of active restoration in our cheatgrass component and augment the region include selective logging and native graminoid and forb components manager-ignited prescribed fire. It is of the herbaceous community. important to emphasize that active An important component of all restoration is not needed (nor is it restoration programs is protecting and feasible) in every location throughout maintaining those areas that have been the South Central Highlands Section. little altered, to serve as reference areas Many of the forests in the region, for restoration treatments in degraded especially unlogged stands at higher areas. A number of established elevations (spruce-fir, cool-moist mixed Research Natural Areas (RNAs) is conifer, and aspen forests) but also available for this purpose in the South including some ponderosa pine forests, Central Highlands Section (e.g., are relatively unaltered and still retain Narraguinnep and Williams Creek RNAs many or most of their pre-1870 on the San Juan National Forest), but characteristics. In these kinds of areas, a other potential high-quality RNAs exist passive restoration approach may be that have not received formal sufficient to maintain and augment the designation. Examples in the San Juan desirable ecological characteristics that National Forest include (i) an intact already exist. bunchgrass park along the Piedra Road Even where active restoration is (Paulson and Baker 2006;209), (ii) needed, only certain components of the ponderosa pine forests on Archuleta ecosystem may require intensive Mesa which have largely escaped treatment. For example, in many logging and grazing because the site is

232 inaccessible (Brown and Wu 2005), and extensive Hermosa and Piedra roadless (iii) mixed conifer forests in the areas.

E. Opportunities: Passive Restoration of Fire and Sustainable Grazing

Passive restoration involves altered by fire exclusion in this region, removal of the stressors that have but all vegetation types have been degraded an ecosystem. Two major affected to at least some degree, and stressors in the South Central Highlands changes related to the absence of natural Section are excessive fire suppression fire will only become greater in the and poorly conducted livestock grazing. future if fire continues to be excluded Note that neither fire suppression nor from these ecosystems. grazing is necessarily harmful; on the Land management agencies have contrary, we must protect life, property, opportunities to allow fires or portions of and resources from certain kinds of fire fires to burn naturally with minimal damage, and livestock grazing when human interference (the “2009 well conducted actually can enhance Implementation Guidelines for Fire ecological values (Knight et al. 2002, Management on Federal Lands”). Fires White 2008). The issue is not whether burning under this policy always are these activities are conducted, but how monitored closely, and suppression they are conducted. In the paragraphs actions can be initiated if they begin to below we explore opportunities for threaten human life, property, or modifying fire suppression and livestock significant resources. In the past, a grazing programs to reduce their given fire was designated as either a potential for adversely affecting “wildfire” to be suppressed or a ecosystems of the South Central “wildland fire use fire” to be allowed to Highlands Section. burn, and this same management was applied to the entire area within the fire 1. Restoring Natural Fire Regimes perimeter. However, the “2009 Implementation Guidelines for Fire Throughout most of the 20th Management on Federal Lands” century wildland fire was viewed by recognizes that some areas burning most people and agencies in the U.S. as within a single fire perimeter are simply bad—destructive, usually human- accomplishing management goals while caused, and largely unnatural (Pyne other parts of the same fire threaten life 1982). However, there is increasing or property or resources; thus it is recognition that fire is an essential appropriate to manage different parts of ecological process in many ecosystems, the fire differently. For example, a fire including ecosystems of the South in Yellowstone National Park was Central Highlands Section. ignited by a falling powerline in July, Consequently, efforts are being made to 2008. One flank of the fire was burning return fire to the places where it is most towards a Park housing facility, and this needed and where its long absence has flank was suppressed and contained. resulted in undesirable ecological However, the head of the fire was changes. Ponderosa pine forest (Chapter moving into a large wilderness area, and II) may be the vegetation type most this portion of the fire was allowed to

233 burn. Thus, two different management including continuous grazing, approaches were applied to the same overstocking, and overutilization. fire, resulting in both protection of Updated resource information, vulnerable structures in one area and innovative new management practices, ecological benefits of fire in another and new livestock grazing methods are area. This fire (the LeHardy fire) was available to help us manage and viewed by many as a test case of the new passively restore these grasslands for “appropriate management response” long-term viability and sustainability. policy, and it was deemed successful. Especially noteworthy and encouraging Allowing fires to burn under in this regard is the philosophy of conditions in which they achieve harmonizing human and natural resource management goals can be communities and the adaptive regarded as a form of passive experiments now being conducted by the restoration, even though agencies Quivira Coalition, headquartered in energetically monitor and continually re- Santa Fe, New Mexico (White 2008). evaluate such fires. However, allowing New approaches and closely fires to burn does not entail actively monitored experiments like those of the modifying ecosystem structure in the Quivira Coalition are urgently needed in way that mechanical thinning or planting many of the region’s mountain do, and allowing fires to burn naturally grasslands. Unfortunately, simple represents removal of the stressor that is removal of livestock from grasslands excessive active fire suppression. In that are in poor ecological condition may addition to the ecological benefits of not improve those conditions. When returning natural fire to fire-dependant grazing pressure is reduced or removed ecosystems, there is an economic from a site, the progression of the benefit: the cost of monitoring a vegetation back to a previous condition “wildland fire use fire” usually are far depends on the extent to which soils, less than the costs of actively seed banks, and vegetative regeneration suppressing the fire (Dale et al. 2005). potential of remaining plants has been modified. It cannot be assumed that the 2. Innovative Management of Livestock pathway of succession following Grazing in Mountain Grasslands reduction in grazing intensity will be a simple reversal of the pathway of Some of the greatest ecological retrogression. In fact, some grasslands changes since the reference period have may require an active restoration been seen in mountain grasslands of the component, e.g., planting of formerly South Central Highlands Section dominant native bunchgrass species that (Paulson and Baker 2006). Many of have disappeared altogether since the these changes are clearly undesirable: reference period. Nevertheless, passive ecological composition, structure, and restoration in the form of good livestock function have been profoundly altered, management will also be required. In and overall biological diversity has been fact, certain kinds of grazing actually reduced. Many of these undesirable can enhance the process of ecological changes are a legacy of poor livestock recovery (White 2008). grazing practices over the past century,

234 F. Opportunities: Active Restoration in Ponderosa Pine Forests

Perhaps the clearest opportunities and methods for active ecological restoration in the South Central 1. The Restoration Approach in Highlands Section are seen in ponderosa Ponderosa Pine Forests pine forests. As explained in Chapter II, many of the region’s ponderosa pine Table VII-5 summarizes some of forests differ substantially from the strategies that can be employed to reference conditions, with generally restore a more open forest structure and higher tree density and basal area, lower reduce the risk of destructive fire and herbaceous ground cover, and more insect outbreaks in some ponderosa pine homogeneous structure in today’s forests of the South Central Highlands forests. These changes are generally Section. These techniques have been regarded as undesirable, for they make recently implemented on an the forests more vulnerable to high- experimental basis in the westside pine severity fire and insect outbreaks, and zone of the San Juan National Forest, biodiversity at both stand and landscape and the results have been generally levels is probably lower than in the past. successful (Lynch et al. 2000, Berry et If the management approaches of the al. 2001, Romme et al. 2003). We also recent past are continued into the future, can learn much from the ongoing it is unlikely that conditions will experiments in ponderosa pine forest improve in many ponderosa pine forests, restoration being conducted by the since these past actions are in part Ecological Restoration Institute at responsible for the present condition. Northern Arizona University. For Similarly, if no action is taken, example, Wallin et al. (2004) recently conditions probably will not improve for reported variety of beneficial effects of a long time. The dominant trees in many restoration treatments on carbon, water, dense stands are all near the midpoint of and nitrogen relations, as well as insect their life spans and will not experience resistance, in the older (pre-1900) pines much natural thinning or mortality for that the treatments were designed to several decades, and the deep organic preserve -- though responses were litter layers and fuels will decompose sensitive to the details of the restoration only very slowly. In fact, with no action treatment (Skov et al. 2005). The basic or a continuation of current approach involves mechanical thinning management, there is a real possibility to reduce tree density and basal area and that an unusually large, uncontrollable to restore a clumped pattern of tree fire or bark beetle outbreak will produce dispersion in the stand, followed by a a disturbance event far outside the low-severity prescribed fire. Monitoring historical range of variability, thereby is implemented before treatment, introducing additional undesirable repeated just after treatment, and then ecological changes. continued for several years to detect short-term and long-term effects.

235 Table VII-5. Summary of major changes in ponderosa pine forest ecosystems of the South Central Highlands Section, and opportunities and challenges for restoration of desired ecological components and processes that have been lost.

Component Reference Current Restoration or Process Conditions Conditions Opportunities Pitfalls & Cautions

Predominant - low density, - high density, - restore diversity - not all stands canopy diversity of tree little diversity of of tree sizes by had open structure structure size and age size and age thinning mostly during reference classes, in most classes, few large small trees, with period; need to stands trees, in most retention of larger retain some dense stands trees and some stands also ... risk smaller trees in a of dwarf mistletoe clumped pattern spread Ground layer - diverse herb - depauperate - stimulate - risk of alien vegetation stratum co- herb layer; some herbaceous growth weeds increasing dominant with species (e.g., and diversity or invading burned shrubs & tree Arizona fescue, through canopy areas ... severely saplings mountain muhly) thinning, grazing degraded greatly reduced or control, and communities may locally extirpated prescribed fire require planting Fire regime - frequent, low- - infrequent, high- - restore frequent, - disproportionate intensity surface intensity crown low-intensity fire mortality of fire, causing fire, destroying the regime through remaining old- little canopy canopy prescribed fire growth trees ... mortality coupled with potential nutrient thinning and fuel loss & reduced site reduction productivity Organic litter - relatively - continuous, - reduce litter - a single layer on the shallow litter relatively deep layers and fuels prescribed burn forest floor and low fuels in litter layer, and with prescribed unlikely to be and overall most areas, due moderate to high fire coupled with adequate; requires fuel loads to frequent fire, fuel loads in most thinning long-term burning but patches of areas program locally high fuels and deep litter Vertebrate - apparently - probably less - restore large - some species communities diverse; poorly diverse, lower trees and snags (e.g., deer, elk, documented densities of through thinning turkey) are species dependent of smaller trees thriving in current on large trees, and prescribed fire stand conditions snags, & logs Soil organisms - poorly - probably altered - restore more - lack of and soil understood by altered stand heterogeneous information ... hard processes structure & fire stand structure and to assess regimes fire regime significance

236 Mechanical Thinning before thinning and then again afterwards, or to burn twice within a few To restore a more open canopy years after the thinning operations, to containing greater diversity of tree sizes significantly reduce organic litter and (including large trees), we can employ woody debris. Harrington (1987) selective harvesting to remove recommends midsummer burning at 2- predominantly smaller trees from a stand year intervals initially, to reduce Gambel that is overly dense and homogeneous. oak cover and density and create mineral The approach, recently developed in the seed beds for establishment of new westside pine zone project (Lynch et al. ponderosa pine seedlings. Harrington 2000, Romme et al. 2003), is to begin by (1981) and others have offered burning identifying and marking clumps of the prescriptions for reducing fuel loads in larger trees in the stand that resemble the southwestern ponderosa pine forests. clumps that existed in the forest prior to Once the stand has been thinned high-grade logging. There are no rigid and the fuel loads reduced in this way, it criteria for identifying these clumps, will be necessary to continue prescribed because they apparently varied in size burning into the indefinite future— and shape even in the forests of the otherwise the undesirable stand reference period. Stumps of the pre- conditions will re-develop over the next 1900 trees, if present, may give some several decades. Two general clues to the former clumping patterns, or approaches to designing a prescribed fire it may be necessary to rely on general program are as follows. First, managers familiarity with the pre-1900 forest could schedule average intervals structure. After marking the clumps, the between fires, the variability in fire loggers then remove most of the smaller intervals, and the seasonality of burning, trees plus a few larger trees from the to mimic the pre-1870 fire regime of the spaces between clumps, and leave the area (Chapter II). Such an approach is trees of all sizes within the clumps. problematic, however, for at least three Total tree density and basal area are reasons. First, it is important to reduced to something a little higher than emphasize that fire interval data are estimated pre-1900 density and basal strongly influenced by details of area (see Chapter II) -- the extra is sampling design, sampling intensity, and provided to compensate for subsequent size of study area. For example, more tree mortality resulting from windthrow historical fires will be detected in a after logging, or from prescribed fire larger study area and with a greater (below). number of fire-scar samples than in a smaller study area or with a smaller Prescribed Fire sample size. Consequently, the average fire interval computed for an area of Selective logging is followed by interest will be shorter with the former prescribed fire, to reduce slash and litter, study design and longer with the latter. top-kill the shrubs, expose mineral soil The data presented in Chapter II are for for pine seedling establishment, and study areas of ca. 50 ha with intensive stimulate sprouting and growth of sampling; but the numbers would be suppressed herbaceous plants. It may be different for a larger or smaller study appropriate in some stands to burn area. The second problem with using the

237 numbers in Chapter II as an explicit prescribed burning (perhaps coupled guide to the appropriate frequency of with selective logging) should set the prescribed burned is that historical fires ecosystem on a trajectory towards a did not burn uniformly; e.g., a 10-year more sustainable state. That state would fire interval does not necessarily mean resemble the pre-1870 state (e.g., lower that the fire at the beginning and at the tree density than today, periodic low- end of that interval both burned every severity fire), but would not exactly square meter of a stand. Composite fire replicate the pre-1870 state. Gradually intervals, of the kind reported in Chapter the system would develop new II, reflect fires that occurred somewhere characteristics that are similar to the within a stand, but do not tell us how 1870 characteristics but also congruent much of the stand actually burned. with 21st century climate and Thus, the interval between fires at a environmental context. single point on the ground (a statistic In any event, it is critical to that is extremely difficult to calculate) maintain a natural range of variability in actually is several times longer than the fire intervals, intensities, and seasons. composite fire interval for the stand as a For example, some intervals between whole (Baker and Ehle 2001). Finally, successive fires in a stand probably attempting to replicate exactly the fire should be as short as 2 - 3 years and as frequencies of the 1600s - 1800s is long as 15 - 20 years. There should be problematic because the climate and the some summer burns as well as spring overall ecological context (e.g., presence and fall burns. Two closely spaced fires of invasive non-native plants) will be during the growing season will knock different in the 21st century. back the shrubs, consume much of the Because of the problems litter layer, and create good seed beds for associated with attempting to exactly pine seedlings and native herbaceous replicate the reference period fire regime plants. (Such fires may kill a few (described in the previous paragraph), a canopy trees also, but the resulting snags second approach to designing a may benefit some animals.) During long prescribed fire program for restoration of intervals between fires, newly ponderosa pine forests would entail a germinated pine seedlings and herbs will less precise and more flexible protocol be able to grow large enough to survive for burning (e.g., Allen et al. 2002, the next fire. In any prescribed fire, Paulson and Baker 2006). Prescribed there should be portions of a stand that burning would be conducted somewhat burn relatively hot, others that burn only opportunistically, whenever weather and lightly, and still other places that do not fuel conditions and availability of burn at all. The shrubs are expected to personnel are become suitable for be relatively resilient to fires of almost conducting burns. The reference period any frequency and intensity (within the fire intervals in Chapter II would be used historic range of variation) because most only as a very general guide, not as an re-sprout readily from extensive root explicit prescription. For example, the systems. Eventually it may be possible data in these tables indicate that to allow most lightning-ignited fires to prescribed fires could be somewhat less burn in treated forests, rather than frequent at higher elevations. The key relying entirely on manager-ignited fires. idea underlying this approach is that

238 In a recent analysis of the 2002 the prescribed fire stimulated the Rodeo and Chediski fires in Arizona sprouting and growth of long-lived ponderosa pine forests, Finney et al. woody species. However, the single (2005) found that fire severity was prescribed fire did not re-invigorate the generally reduced in areas that had been growth of suppressed herbaceous plants prescribed burned within nine years in the long unburned stands, though it prior to the 2000 fires -- even during the did stimulate at least some of the herbs extreme fire weather that characterized in the recently burned stands. The the Rodeo-Chediski fire complex. authors concluded that unnaturally long Similarly, the 2002 Hayman fire in periods without fire now threaten the ponderosa pine forests of Colorado's persistence of several fire-adapted Front Range essentially stopped species in Florida pine forests, and that a spreading when it reached areas that had single prescribed fire was inadequate to burned within the previous 12 months recover those species. They (Finney et al. 2003), although older recommended a fire management prescribed burns in the Hayman area had program that would mimic the historic substantially less effect on fire spread fire regime in terms of variability in fire and severity. intervals, intensities, and seasons -- These studies by Finney et al. much like we recommend for ponderosa (2003, 2005) demonstrate the potential pine forests of the South Central effectiveness of prescribed burning in Highlands Section. reducing the extent and severity of In conjunction with the wildfires -- even when wildfires occur prescribed burning program, it is during extreme fire weather conditions. necessary to protect recently treated Nevertheless, a single prescribed fire stands from excessive livestock grazing. probably will not be sufficient to reduce Both domestic and native ungulates will abnormal fuel loads and litter layers or be attracted by the increased quantity to re-invigorate the long suppressed and quality of forage in thinned and herbaceous community in some stands. burned forests, and potentially may wipe A single prescribed fire did increase out the gains in the herbaceous herbaceous cover and richness in the vegetation that have been obtained pilot studies conducted in ponderosa through treatment. It also is critical that pine forests near Dolores, CO, but did invasive, non-native plants be dealt with, not reduce woody fuel loads on the as described below. forest floor (Lynch et al. 2000, Romme et al. 2003). Abrahamson and 2. Potential Pitfalls and Hazards of Abrahamson (1996) examined responses Active Restoration of Ponderosa to prescribed burning in pine forests of Pine Forests northern Florida, where fire history and community structure are similar in many Several important caveats and respects to ponderosa pine forests of the considerations must be dealt with before South Central Highlands Section. Some adopting a strategy like that described of the stands were long unburned (>35 above at a landscape scale (Table VII-5). years) but others had burned relatively These include the potential hazards of recently (<20 years before the prescribed prescribed fire, economic issues, weeds, burn of the current study). In all stands, and mistletoe.

239 suggested that late-season burning be Hazards of Prescribed Fire: coupled with mechanical fuel reduction to reduce damage to the old-growth There are numerous potential trees. pitfalls associated with a prescribed Prescribed fire also may cause burning program of the magnitude called significant nutrient loss, especially of for above. For one thing, prescribed fire nitrogen. The immediate, short-term has the potential to actually hasten the effect of burning usually is an increase demise of the few old-growth ponderosa in available soil nitrogen (Kovacic et al. pine that still remain in dense stands. 1986, Monleon et al. 1997). However, Following experimental burns in Crater over the next several years or decades, Lake National Park, Oregon, fire- there may be changes in mineralization induced mortality occurred up to several rate, quality of soil organic matter, and years after the fire, as weakened trees soil microbial activity, that result in succumbed to bark beetles, other reduced amounts of total nitrogen in the pathogens, and drought (Swezy and soil (Klemmedson 1976,Vance and Agee 1991). Mortality of large, old Henderson 1984, Monleon et al. 1997, ponderosa pine trees was significantly Kaye and Hart 1998, Neary et al. 1999, greater in the burned areas than in Tiedemann et al. 2000). In ponderosa unburned areas, and where early spring pine forests in central Oregon, stands burning had been conducted, the burned 4 months previously had mortality of these trees was > 30%. One increased soil inorganic nitrogen reason for high mortality with early- concentration, but there was reduced soil season burns was that fine root biomass nitrogen concentration and net nitrogen near the soil surface was especially high mineralization in stands burned 5 and 12 during this season, and fire-caused loss years previously (Monleon et al. 1997). of fine roots weakened the trees and Loss of nitrogen, due to volatilization made them susceptible to water stress during the fire and then reduced and pathogens. Raking away the litter substrate quality and quantity for several around the bases of the large old trees years after the fire, may lead to long- before the burn is a technique that has term decreases in site productivity and been used in northern Arizona to reduce tree growth -- especially on nutrient poor injury to old-growth trees (W. volcanic soils like those in central Covington, personal communication). Oregon. Many of the ponderosa pine However, this technique did not reduce forests in the South Central Highlands mortality in the Crater Lake study, Section are growing on sedimentary possibly because this removal of the substrates that may be inherently more litter allowed the duff to dry and then fertile than the poor soils described in burn more thoroughly than usual, the Oregon study, and therefore the generating a high heat flux into the fine forests in our area may be less root zone in the upper soil layers. susceptible to nutrient loss and reduced Swezy and Agee (1991) concluded that site productivity after prescribed fire. current fuel loads in some ponderosa However, no research has been pine stands may be too great to allow conducted to address this question in the spring burning (when the trees appear to South Central Highlands, so managers be most susceptible to injury), and should be aware of the possibility of

240 significant nutrient changes over the restoration effort. Logging alone will long term under the prescribed fire not reduce fuel loads, create mineral soil program recommended above. Another and reduce shrub competition for new potential and very undesirable effect of pine seedlings, or stimulate the growth prescribed burning relates to alien of suppressed herbaceous plants. weeds, as discussed below. Grazing must be controlled also, A final concern related to especially in the first few years after prescribed burning is the risk of property treatment, because livestock will be damage and liability on private lands attracted to the increased production and adjacent to or interspersed within public quality of forage in the burned areas, and lands. The current trend of exurban may counteract the positive effects of development in many parts of the South burning on the herb layer. Central Highlands Section is resulting in large numbers of expensive homes Issues related to Economics, within fire-adapted ecosystems like Weeds, and Mistletoe ponderosa pine (Romme 1997, Theobald 2000, Theobald and Romme 2007). Thinning operations may be Many of the homes are extremely difficult to implement in some areas vulnerable to destruction by fire and because of economic factors. An cannot be easily defended from fire economic assessment of three pilot (Cohen 2000, Cohen and Stratton 2003). projects conducted according to the It may be tempting to conduct fuel prescription described above in the reduction and prescribed burning westside pine zone of the San Juan programs in remote areas far from National Forest in 1995 and 1996 found exurban development, to reduce these that the loggers generally lost money on liability risks -- yet the areas around the smaller trees (products other than homes are some of the places most in logs -- POL) because of poor markets, need of treatment to reduce the hazards low financial value, and the cost of of uncontrollable wildfire. Education of hauling the material to a distant mill that new home buyers is needed, as is was willing to accept it (Lynch and cooperation with local home-owners Jones 1996, Lynch et al. 2000, Romme associations to reduce fire risk. The et al. 2003). However, they did make Falls Creek Ranch homeowners money on the sawlogs that were association, north of Durango, recently included in the harvest prescription. It implemented a prescribed fire / fuels was concluded that of the material cut in reduction program, in consultation with a stand (i.e., the trees outside the clumps the San Juan National Forest and the being retained for restoration purposes), Colorado State Forest Service. This approximately 40% needed to be of collaboration could serve as a model for sawtimber size for the operation to break future cooperative efforts between even financially. They also noted that federal land management agencies and this percentage would vary depending on private land owners to manage fire and current market conditions and fuel costs. reduce fire risks. Nevertheless, this study indicates that Despite all of these potential the best candidates for restoration of pitfalls, the prescribed fire program is a open, diverse stand structure generally critical component of the overall are stands that still have at least a small

241 component of larger trees. Stands protection) of the understory is equally having no or almost no sawtimber-size important. Indeed, Keeley (2006) warns trees (which may include many that are that the improvements gained through in the greatest need of restoration) ecological restoration and wildfire cannot be treated in this manner except mitigation, via thinning and prescribed in a below-cost mode of operation. If burning, may be largely nullified by local timber industries are able to post-treatment invasion of non-native develop new technologies and markets weed species. He concludes that to make better use of the smaller treatments are necessary in many places, diameter material, then this prescription because the current forest conditions are may be more broadly applicable. unsustainable -- but we must not naively Development of such markets and assume that all we need to do is thin technologies should be seen as a major forest canopies and re-introduce fire to challenge (and a potential opportunity) achieve sustainability. for the timber industry. A third general caution involves A second caution about thinning dwarf mistletoe, a parasitic plant that and prescribed fire has to do with the usually does not kill its host tree directly potential invasion of non-native plants but weakens the tree and distorts its following treatment. The conditions growth (Hawksworth and Wiens 1995). created by these treatments (increased This native plant generally is not a major light, nutrients, and bare mineral soil) threat to ecological integrity, but it can are ideal for establishment of weedy be a serious problem in areas devoted to species like cheatgrass (Anisantha wood fiber production. At present, (formerly Bromus) tectorum), Canada mistletoe is not a big problem in the pine thistle (Breea (formerly Cirsium) zone on the west side of the San Juan arvense), muskthistle (Carduus nutans), National Forest (Angwin and Raimo and oxeye daisy (Chrysanthemum 1994:16). Some 2,100 acres of the study leucanthemum). These species are area (3% of the lands that were widely distributed, especially along inventoried) received a moderate or high roads and trails and in meadows and dwarf mistletoe rating; 22,000 acres disturbed areas. If a stand is opened up (28%) were rated as low; and 55,000 and sources of these invasive species are acres (69%) had no mistletoe evident. close by, the weeds can become However, where mistletoe is already abundant in the area via sprouting from present, thinning and prescribed fire can rhizomes (e.g., Canada thistle and oxeye facilitate its spread into previously daisy) or seed dispersal (e.g., cheatgrass uninfected trees. Therefore, mistletoe and muskthistle). These aggressive needs to be explicitly considered in species may dominate the stand for designing specific restoration treatments many decades, to the detriment of the for ponderosa pine stands. native understory flora. Therefore, it is important to identify local weed Additional Considerations: populations and reduce or eradicate them before thinning or burning a stand. We cannot be certain that the Discussions of restoration of ponderosa treatment program outlined above will pine forests often focus on restoration of necessarily accomplish all of our the canopy—but restoration (or objectives. For example, even if we

242 create good seed beds by means of the stands that dominate the landscape thinning and prescribed fire, a new today (Shinneman and Baker 1997, Ehle cohort of pine seedlings will not become and Baker 2003). These dense stands established if there is not an adequate provide excellent habitat for many seed crop produced soon after treatment highly desirable species, e.g., elk, deer, or if severe drought occurs during the and turkey, and so they should not be first few years (Brown and Wu 2005). eliminated altogether. The main The herbaceous community in many problem to be addressed through stands has been so severely degraded by restoration is not that the dense, past grazing and competition with homogeneous stands we have today are woody plants that it may not recover undesirable in all respects, but that an simply from improved soil and light excessive proportion of the landscape conditions. Many formerly important appears to be covered by stands of this herbaceous species may have been kind -- a far higher proportion than locally extirpated, and will require occurred during the reference period. planting or seeding from nearby Restoration efforts should be surviving populations if they are to concentrated, at least initially, in areas become reestablished. that already have extensive road systems Given these and other and a long history of logging. The few considerations, it is important to remaining roadless areas and tracts of acknowledge that the ponderosa pine unlogged ponderosa pine forest are not restoration forest program outlined “pristine” -- they have the same legacies above is still in its formative stages. Its of early grazing and fire exclusion that ultimate effectiveness and unexpected characterize nearly all ponderosa pine side-effects are not yet known. forests in the region, and they may Therefore, careful monitoring needs to benefit in some ways from programs of be conducted to document successes and thinning and prescribed fire. However, detect any undesirable outcomes or by virtue of their lack of roads and lack surprises early on. In effect, restoration of logging history, they still retain of ponderosa pine forests is an certain characteristics of the reference experiment, and it should be linked to a period forests -- characteristics that are research program built around explicit, now gone from more heavily exploited testable hypotheses and questions. The stands, e.g., complete age structures in results of the associated research will aid the tree populations and absence or very in assessing and modifying the treatment low abundance of alien plant species. techniques, as well as provide valuable These special, relict areas should not be insights into the functioning of subjected to experimental restoration ponderosa pine forest ecosystems efforts until the restoration techniques (Jordan et al. 1987). have been tested and improved in other Restoration of an open stand areas already subjected to intensive structure should be applied only to some, human alterations. not all, ponderosa pine forests A final consideration before throughout the South Central Highlands embarking on an extensive program of Section. During the reference period, ponderosa pine forest restoration is how there apparently were some dense stands these restored stands will be managed of small ponderosa pine trees, similar to and used over the very long term (Allen

243 et al. 2002). The initial logging has been produced. However, it is not treatment can be done in one year, and a clear at this time just what kind of future prescribed burning regimen can be timber management strategy should be established within a decade (then to be employed in the restored ponderosa pine continued indefinitely). What next? forests. It obviously is premature to try What are the management objectives to make definitive plans, since so much over the next century or two? Within is still unknown about the future several decades after initial treatment, trajectories of stand development in the objectives of restoring large trees and treated stands. Nevertheless, some snags, a re-invigorated herb layer, and a general thinking and planning for the more appropriate fire regime, may be distant future may help clarify our accomplished. At that time it may be specific goals for the present desirable to enter the stands again to management of ponderosa pine forests in remove some of the new wood fiber that the South Central Highlands Section.

G. Opportunities: Emulating Natural Disturbance Processes in High-Elevation Forest Landscapes

In many places the management outbreaks, wind storms, and climatic emphasis is not on ecological restoration variability, as described in the chapters per se, but on sustainably harvesting an above. However, some recent economic product in such a way that anthropogenic disturbances probably are ecosystem services are not impaired or unprecedented; i.e., they are different in degraded. New and innovative type and/or intensity from any of the approaches to silviculture are being natural disturbances to which the developed in the Pacific Northwest, organisms are adapted. Therefore, a Canada, and elsewhere to address this coarse-filter strategy for reducing the goal. These approaches are based on impacts of anthropogenic disturbance is mimicking the kinds of natural to design the human-caused disturbances disturbances that have shaped these to mimic natural disturbances to the forests for hundreds or thousands of greatest extent possible (Romme et al. years (Kohm and Franklin 1997, Romme 2000, Fischer et al. 2006). Two types of et al. 2000, Perera et al. 2004). The idea forest in the South Central Highlands is that, because the native biota is Section that appear especially well already adapted to these kinds of suited to this idea of silviculture that disturbances, anthropogenic disturbances emulates natural disturbance processes of similar kind and intensity are less are high-elevation spruce-fir and cool likely to produce unexpected or moist mixed conifer forests. undesirable ecological surprises than are Strategies for making human disturbances that do not resemble anthropogenic disturbances mimic more the natural disturbance regime. closely the natural disturbance regime in The biota of the South Central high-elevation landscapes involve three Highlands Section are well adapted to primary considerations: (1) revising the the wide range of natural disturbances size, shape, and spatial arrangement of that have affected them during their logging units, (2) providing biological evolutionary history, e.g., fires, insect legacies of the former stand in logged

244 areas, and (3) minimizing roads (Table units given the target for timber VII-6). production that has been established Design of logging units since the through the broader planning process. 1970s has emphasized small cutting Recently logged areas in units widely dispersed across the subalpine forests of the central Rocky landscape. The rationale has been Mountains usually bear little reduction of aesthetic impacts of clear- resemblance to areas of recent fires or cuts, enhancement of tree regeneration, insect outbreaks. Most conspicuous is and buffering of undesirable effects such the paucity of large standing and fallen as soil erosion and stream sedimentation. dead trees in logged areas (Spies et al. However, recent empirical and 1988, Hutto 2008, Wei et al. 1997). theoretical research has demonstrated These and other “biological legacies” are clearly that this strategy maximizes critical structural elements for numerous fragmentation of mature and old-growth species and ecological processes forest (Franklin and Forman 1987, Li et involved in recovering from the al. 1993, Forman 1995, Franklin et al. disturbance (Franklin et al. 1997, Kaila 1997). Moreover, the natural fire regime et al. 1997, Spies 1997). Therefore, was one of infrequent but large Franklin et al. (1997) and others are now disturbances rather than frequent, small, recommending variable retention harvest spatially dispersed burns. Native biota systems, based on retaining structural have numerous adaptations enabling elements of a harvested stand (e.g., large them to become reestablished readily in trees and snags) for at least the next large, as well as, small burned patches rotation, to achieve three objectives: (i) (Turner et al. 1997). Many of the “lifeboating” species and processes problems of poor regeneration and immediately after logging, (ii) erosion in large clear-cuts are related to “enriching” the new forest stand with the lack of biological legacies in clear- structures that otherwise would be cuts rather than the initial disturbance lacking, and (iii) “enhancing itself (see below). Therefore, many connectivity” between patches of ecologists are now recommending that unlogged forest habitat (Franklin et al. logging units should be larger in size, 1997;115). An additional technique that and should be aggregated within a small has been suggested, but not yet much portion of the landscape with patch sizes studied or experimented with, is to and shapes that resemble fire-created follow a variable retention harvest with patches (Li et al. 1993, Crow and an extensive prescribed fire (not just Gustafson 1997, Franklin et al. 1997). burning of piles of slash) to rapidly This design minimizes fragmentation of decompose some of the smaller-sized mature forest and assures at least some organic matter, create blackened or large patches of mature forest. It also mineral soil surfaces, and temporarily mimics the natural disturbance regime reduce herbaceous cover. These kinds with respect to spatial patterns of of fire effects may be as important in disturbance. This recommendation does natural forest recovery processes as the not imply that a greater total area should maintaining of biological legacies, but be logged; rather it deals with the they obviously are not produced by a optimal spatial patterning of cutting variable retention harvest alone.

245 Table VII-6. Opportunities for mitigating the adverse effects of past and present human activity by emulating natural disturbance processes in high-elevation forested landscapes of the South Central Highlands Section.

Objective Possible Mitigating Action(s) Ecological Rationale

Minimize fragmentation of Cut timber in a few large Most of the area disturbed by mature forest by timber patches rather than in many fire in pre-1860 period was cutting operations small patches, disturbing the burned in a few large fires same total area but with rather than many small fires different spatial pattern

Minimize fragmentation of Minimize new road building; Roads are anthropogenic mature forest by roads close existing roads wherever landscape features that have no possible; implement logging ecological precedence, but have techniques that do not require negative effects on native biota roads, if possible

Provide heterogeneous Design logging units for less Fire severity in large fires tends stand structure within uniform cutting intensity, e.g., to be patchy, and creates a logged areas and softer mix partial cuts & clear-cuts, heterogeneous post-fire boundaries between leave patches of uncut or environment cutting units and uncut partially cut forest within and forest along edges of clear-cuts

Provide large snags, coarse Leave all large snags and fallen Fires leave great quantities of woody debris, and other logs within logged areas, as snags & coarse woody debris in biological legacies of the well as some large & small all size classes; this material is previous stand in logged canopy trees that will important in post-fire areas eventually become snags & succession, wildlife habitat, and fallen logs long-term soil development

Prevent the spread of alien Avoid planting abandoned Native plant species are capable plant species along roads roads & logged areas, or plant of rapidly re-vegetating bare and in logged areas with native genotypes; soil areas created by fire, but minimize road building the natives may be less competitive than the aliens in roads and logged areas

Restore early successional Introduce prescribed fire on a Young stands currently communities threatened by landscape scale developing after logging lack fire suppression key structural components of recently burned habitats, so are not adequate replacement

Provide old-growth forest retain existing old-growth & Pre-1860 landscape mosaic stands on productive sites restore previously cut stands on contained some old-growth on as well as less productive productive sites all kinds of sites, not just sites unproductive

246 Another important biological 100% of the ground surface area after a legacy that is often missing after fire was much less than after a clearcut, conventional forest harvest operations is and that this time interval became coarse wood (dead material larger than similar for a clearcut and fire only when about 7.5 cm (3 in) in diameter; it is slash amounts left on the ground were sometimes referred to as “coarse woody doubled from average amounts left using debris” but we prefer the less pejorative current management practices (in other term “coarse wood”). Dillon et al. words, 200% of current [coarse wood] (2003) have discussed the importance of amounts in slash could keep practices this material in forests of the Southern within the HRV on some sites).” Rocky Mountains: Finally, attention should be given -- “Natural disturbances do not remove to reducing the extent and impact of large pieces of wood from forests. Even roads, which have little or no precedent after an intensive fire, most of the wood in the evolutionary history of the native remains in the form of dead standing biota, and which strongly facilitate the trees (snags), which becomes [coarse fragmentation of interior forest habitats, wood] within two or three decades … dispersal of alien species, and human- The leaves, branches, and smaller wood caused disturbance of wildlife. Some are consumed by fires, but Tinker and roads obviously are necessary for Knight (2000) found that only about 8% management purposes, but the current of the wood >7.5 cm was burned after an road system in the national forests -- intense fire in Yellowstone National containing more miles than the interstate Park [YNP]. Other estimates for the highway system -- probably is more proportion of CWD consumed by extensive than is really needed canopy fires range from 12 to 65% (Riebesame 1997). Another advantage (Tinker 1999). With time, the downed of logging large, aggregated patches wood becomes incorporated into the rather than small dispersed patches is forest floor … creating the impression that the former spatial pattern requires a that many 100+-yr-old stands have very less extensive road system. Necessary little [coarse wood]. However, raking roads also can be placed in areas that the forest floor reveals the remains of minimize their fragmenting effects, e.g., many decomposing logs. New [coarse running around a large patch of mature wood] is added as the larger trees die forest rather than bisecting it (Reed et al. and fall, one by one during stand 1996a), and unnecessary roads can be development or in large numbers during permanently closed. Implementing a windstorm or after the next fire. logging techniques that do not require roads and skid trails -- e.g., removing -- “Tinker and Knight (2000), using logs with horses in winter -- should also YNP and Medicine Bow National Forest be considered. Economic limitations data, also concluded that the amount of may preclude such techniques in many CWD remaining after several clearcuts areas, but they should be explored and is less than after the same number of used where possible to reduce the heavy fires on comparable sites. Moreover, and impact of roads and mechanized as might be expected, they found that the equipment in forest ecosystems. time required for [coarse wood] to cover

247 In addition to modifying timber woodpecker are almost completely production strategies to minimize the dependent upon recently burned adverse effects of anthropogenic subalpine forests (Hutto 2008). fragmentation, managers should re- Manager-ignited fire probably is not introduce fire as a natural process in appropriate in most high-elevation high-elevation forests of the central forests, but many lightning-ignited fires Rocky Mountains. Some of the can be allowed to burn without ecological effects of fire can never be interference in order to provide unique entirely simulated by logging, even with early successional habitats that cannot be variable retention techniques, and some produced in any other way. native species like the black-backed

H. Summary

Many of the ecosystems of the Colorado contain 2.60 miles of road per South Central Highlands Section today square mile. are substantially different from the To evaluate quantitatively the ecosystems that existed during the effects of road-building and logging on reference period, and many of these high-elevation forests, we reconstructed changes are regarded as undesirable. In logging history in the Pagosa District of this chapter we first review some of the the San Juan National Forest. Although major challenges facing land managers logging began in the late 1800s in most in the South Central Highlands Section, of the ponderosa pine forests of the and then explore some of the region, very little logging occurred in opportunities for mitigation and high-elevation forests of this district restoration of damaged or degraded prior to 1950. The number of acres components of the ecosystems in the affected by logging each year increased region. through the 1950s and 1960s, reached a A. Challenges: Forest peak in the 1970s, and then declined Fragmentation by Roads & Logging: through the 1980s and 1990s. This half- One of the major global challenges to century of logging has directly affected biodiversity and ecological integrity is only a small proportion (ca. 5 %) of the fragmentation of wildland habitats by total spruce-fir forest acreage on the roads, logging, agriculture, home Pagosa District. However, nearly all building, and other human (85%) of the suitable timber base in developments. Roads are unprecedented spruce-fir has been entered at least once features in ecological history, and have for timber removal. We also measured greater impacts on plants, wildlife, and changes in several metrics of landscape natural ecological processes than almost structure between 1950 and 1992 using any other feature of the human- the program FRAGSTATS. For all 45 influenced landscape. Road densities are landscape metrics reported by surprisingly high throughout the South FRAGSTATS, the average percentage Central Highlands Section. For example change from 1950 - 1993 was 15 - 25 % ponderosa pine forests in the San Juan when roads were included, but only 3 - 8 National Forest in southwestern % when roads were excluded. The number of distinct patches has increased,

248 average patch size has decreased, edge costs to local governments of density (meters of edge between two maintaining roads and providing services different cover types) has increased, and (fire protection, police, and schools) to mean core area (patch area >50 m from these scattered residents usually exceed an edge) has decreased the revenues generated by property B. Challenges: Outdoor taxes; in effect, residents in town are Recreation, Roads, and Exurban subsidizing the exurban life style. The Development: Outdoor recreation is ecological and social costs of exurban now the principal use of most forests in development can be reduced in a number the southern Rocky Mountains. of ways, e.g., by clustering Although often regarded as a benign developments and protecting agricultural activity that has little or no adverse land through the use of conservation impact on ecological conditions or easements. processes, outdoor recreation actually C. Challenges: Climate poses a major threat to biodiversity and Change: The earth’s climate is ecological integrity. Of all species changing, global temperatures are federally listed as endangered or increasing, shifts in precipitation threatened, outdoor recreation affects patterns are likely to become more of these species than any other pronounced in the next century, and activity except water development. weather related disturbances (e.g., Outdoor recreation affects plant and hurricanes and droughts) are likely wildlife species via direct harvest become more frequent and severe. The (hunting, fishing, and collecting), potential for large, severe fire also is disturbance (either accidental or increasing. An upsurge in the frequency intentional), habitat modification, and of large fires began in the mid-1980s and pollution. is expected to continue. Climate change The human population in the complicates all of our efforts in land Rocky Mountain region is one of the management. fastest growing in the nation, and much D. Opportunities: Principles of of the new development is occurring in Ecological Restoration: One of the formerly rural or undeveloped areas. major land management activities in the Exurban development poses several twenty-first century likely will be important ecological and social restoration of ecosystems that were challenges in the South Central degraded during the past century. Highlands Section. First, the houses and Passive restoration involves removal of access roads fragment natural habitats the stressors that have degraded an and displace sensitive wildlife. Second, ecosystem, e.g., regulating livestock exurban development often occurs in grazing and recreational activity, and ponderosa pine forests and other allowing lightning-ignited fires to burn vegetation types where fire was formerly without interference. Active restoration an important ecological process. Not involves conscious modification of an only are these houses vulnerable to loss ecosystem to achieve a desired result, in wildfire, but restoration of a natural e.g., selective logging and manager- fire regime is severely constrained by the ignited prescribed fire. Active presence of vulnerable structures that restoration is not needed (nor is it must be protected from fire. Finally, the feasible) in every location throughout

249 the South Central Highlands Section. is implemented before treatment, An important component of all repeated just after treatment, and then restoration programs is protecting and continued for several years to detect maintaining those areas that have been short-term and long-term effects. It is little altered, to serve as reference areas important to emphasize that restoration for restoration treatments in degraded of an open stand structure should be areas. applied only to some, not all, ponderosa E. Opportunities: Passive pine forests throughout the South Restoration: Two major stressors in the Central Highlands Section. South Central Highlands Section are G. Opportunities: Emulating excessive fire suppression and poorly Natural Disturbance Processes in conducted livestock grazing. Land High-Elevation Forest Landscapes: management agencies now have Where the management emphasis is not opportunities to allow fires or portions of on ecological restoration per se, but on fires to burn naturally with minimal sustainably harvesting an economic human interference (2009 product in such a way that ecosystem Implementation Guidelines for Fire services are not impaired or degraded, Management on Federal Lands). innovative new approaches to Innovative new grazing management silviculture are being developed, based practices, such as those being conducted on mimicking the kinds of natural by the Quivira Coalition, headquartered disturbances that have shaped these in Santa Fe, New Mexico, are available forests for hundreds or thousands of to help manage and passively restore years. Because the native biota are these grasslands for long-term viability already adapted to these kinds of and sustainability. disturbances, anthropogenic disturbances F. Opportunities: Active of similar kind and intensity are less Restoration of Ponderosa Pine likely to produce unexpected or Forests: Perhaps the clearest undesirable ecological surprises than are opportunities and methods for active human disturbances that do not resemble ecological restoration in the South the natural disturbance regime. Possible Central Highlands Section are seen in strategies for making anthropogenic ponderosa pine forests. The basic disturbances mimic more closely the approach involves mechanical thinning natural disturbance regime in high- to reduce tree density and basal area and elevation landscapes involve: (i) revising to restore a clumped pattern of tree the size, shape, and spatial arrangement dispersion in the stand, followed by a of logging units, (ii) providing low-severity prescribed fire. In “biological legacies” of the former stand conjunction with the prescribed burning in logged areas by means of variable program, it is necessary to protect retention harvest systems and retaining recently treated stands from excessive coarse wood, and (iii) reducing the livestock grazing and to mitigate extent and impact of roads. invasive, non-native plants. Monitoring

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