The President’s Message Conscious Compassion & Advocacy During a Time of Violence “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” ~Mother Teresa “Why are you interested in Multicultural healthy self-esteem, positive identity and Counseling? You are white,” said the head empowerment. We also have the profes- of the Department of Cross-Cultural sional commitment to serve our commu- Psychology at the Ohio State University nities, to facilitate effective communica- Joyce Marter, LCPC in 1993. tion, collaboration, connection, growth and evolution as a society. Joyce Marter, LCPC is founder and CEO “Isn’t that kind of the point - to increase of Urban Balance, a counseling practice awareness and acceptance of all human During a time of horrific violence, this with seven locations and nearly 80 thera- beings?” replied my 21 year-old self. mission becomes all the more urgent. In pists on staff. Prior to becoming President response, ICA has created two new task of ICA, she was President of IMHCA My request to conduct a senior honors forces. The Anti-Violence Task Force from 2013 to 2015. thesis was subsequently accepted. The is chaired by Chuck Hughes, LCPC study examined the relationships between (
[email protected]) racial identity attitudes and preference for and will focus on counselors supporting a counselor’s race. I learned a tremendous one another, our clients, and our com- amount about racial identity development, munities in responding to violence and a process of that moves through the biases facilitating peace. that we all have as part of the human condition and hopefully reaches a point of The Diversity in Leadership Task force is awareness of differences, deep acceptance, chaired by Dr.