Focus on European Cities 12 Focus on European Cities

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Focus on European Cities 12 Focus on European Cities Focus on European cities 12 Focus on European cities Part of the Europe 2020 strategy focuses on sustainable and There were 36 cities with a population of between half a socially inclusive growth within the cities and urban areas million and 1 million inhabitants, including the following of the European Union (EU). These are often major centres capital cities: Amsterdam (the Netherlands), Riga (Latvia), for economic activity and employment, as well as transport Vilnius (Lithuania) and København (Denmark). A further network hubs. Apart from their importance for production, 85 cities were in the next tier, with populations ranging be- cities are also focal points for the consumption of energy and tween a quarter of a million and half a million, including other materials, and are responsible for a high share of total Bratislava, Tallinn and Ljubljana, the capital cities of Slova- greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, cities and urban re- kia, Estonia and Slovenia. Only two capital cities figured in gions often face a range of social difficulties, such as crime, the tier of 128 cities with 150 000 to 250 000 people, namely poverty, social exclusion and homelessness. The Urban Audit Lefkosia (Cyprus) and Valletta (Malta). The Urban Audit also assesses socioeconomic conditions across cities in the EU, provides results from a further 331 smaller cities in the EU, Norway, Switzerland, Croatia and Turkey, providing valuable with fewer than 150 000 inhabitants, including the smallest information in relation to Europe’s cities and urban areas. capital city, namely Luxembourg. Within each size category mentioned (more than two million inhabitants, between 1 and 2 million, between half a million and one million, between a quarter and half a million, be- Main statistical findings tween 150 000 and 250 000, less than 150 000) the aggregated population of all the cities covered by the Urban Audit was Cities are the home of most work places, businesses and ter- quite similar, between 22.5 million and 31.4 million for each tiary education institutions and often serve as hubs for inter- category. The entire population of the 606 EU Urban Audit city and suburban transport networks. This chapter presents cities was 160.6 million persons: Urban Audit information indicators reflecting the structure of the population, the use for 2011 is available for most of these. of transport within cities and urban areas, as well as infor- mation about the number of tourists and the satisfaction (of In Norway and Switzerland, the largest cities were Oslo with residents) with cultural facilities. The indicators presented 599 000 persons and Zürich with 373 000. Bergen in Nor- are just a few examples of the wide range of data available way was the only other city with more than 250 000 persons, from the Urban Audit. while Trondheim in Norway as well as Genève and Basel in Switzerland each had more than 150 000 inhabitants. Among the acceding and candidate countries the data availability is Living in cities and urban areas relatively complete for Turkey, although dating from 2004. The largest Turkish city, İstanbul, had 9.9 million inhabitants, Based on an urban–rural typology, 42.5 % of the EU-27’s larger than any city within the EU, while Ankara and İzmir population lived in predominantly urban regions as of 1 Jan- also belonged to the group of cities with more than 2 million uary 2012, and a further 35.3 % in intermediate regions. The inhabitants. Two more Turkish cities (Bursa and Adana) had two most populous cities in the EU were London and Paris. more than a million inhabitants, five more had more than Apart from these two megapolises, the EU has a polycentric half a million inhabitants. structure of large, medium and small cities: Map 12.1 il- lustrates the distribution of city dwellers across a range of Figure 12.1 analyses the nationality of the population in a different-sized cities in Europe. Each circle on the map rep- selection of Urban Audit cities, distinguishing between na- resents an Urban Audit city and the size of the circle reflects tionals of the country, nationals of EU Member States and, the number of inhabitants in the core city. finally, nationals of non-member countries. For the same 10 selected cities, the two parts of the figure contrast the The latest Urban Audit dataset includes data for more than situation in 2011 with that 20 years earlier in 1991; note that 600 cities in the EU, of which only four capital cities had more the graph for 1991 has been sorted in the same order as that than 3 million inhabitants, namely London (the United King- for 2011 to aid comparison between these two periods. In dom), Paris (France), Berlin (Germany) and Madrid (Spain) most of these cities, the share of non-nationals grew, the and another two had more than 2 million inhabitants, name- only exceptions being Bratislava in Slovakia, where there was ly Athina (Greece) and Roma (Italy). Another 20 cities had a almost no change, and Liège in Belgium and Frankfurt am population of between 1 and 2 million inhabitants, of which Main in Germany where the share of the national popula- 11 were capital cities. Apart from capital cities, the largest cit- tion increased by 3.1 and 7.0 percentage points respectively. ies in the EU were Hamburg in Germany with 1.8 million The largest increases in the non-national populations among inhabitants and Barcelona in Spain with 1.6 million inhab- these 10 cities were in Luxembourg, Barcelona, Milano and itants, while there were three other large French cities with Praha — each rising by more than 10.0 percentage points. In over 1 million inhabitants (Lyon, Lille and Marseille), two Milano this large increase was mainly due to an increase in more in Germany (München and Köln), and one each in Ita- nationals of non-member countries, whereas in Luxembourg ly (Milano) and the United Kingdom (Birmingham). it was due to an increase in nationals of other EU Member 200 Eurostat regional yearbook 2013 Focus on European cities 12 MapTot a12.1:l resi Totaldent residentpopulati opopulationn in the U rinb athen A Urbanudit co Auditre ci tcoreies, 2cities,011 (2011¹) (1) (inhabitants)(inhabitants) Guadeloupe (FR) Martinique (FR) 0 25 0 20 Guyane (FR) Réunion (FR) 0 100 0 20 Açores (PT) Madeira (PT) 0 50 0 20 Canarias (ES) Malta 0 100 0 10 Liechtenstein 0 5 (inhabitants) Administrative boundaries: © EuroGeographics © UN-FAO © Turkstat <= 100 000 Cartography: Eurostat — GISCO, 04/2013 100 000 – 250 000 250 000 – 500 000 500 000 – 1 000 000 0 200 400 600 800 km 1 000 000 – 3 000 000 > 3 000 000 (1) For some cities an alternative reference period has been used, the exceptions are too lengthy to document; the information presented in the map relates to the most recent data available (¹)for Fo eachr som city.e cities an alternative reference period has been used, the exceptions are too lengthy to document; the information presented in the map relates to the most Source:recent dEurostatata ava ila(onlineble fo datar eac hcode: city. urb_icity) Source: Eurostat (online data code: urb_icity) Eurostat regional yearbook 2013 201 12 Focus on European cities States. In 2011, nationals of EU Member States other than The subject of foreigners in cities is continued in Figure 12.2, Luxembourg were in a majority (53.5 %) in Luxembourg city, but this looks at perceptions towards foreigners among all whereas in all of the other cities presented nationals of the residents. The survey was conducted in 2012 and results are country concerned were in a majority, albeit a relatively small available for a total of 78 cities from all EU Member States one in Genève, Switzerland. as well as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Croatia and Turkey. Figure 12.1: Breakdown of population by nationality in selected Urban Audit core cities, 1991 and 2011 (% share of total population) 1991 (1) 0 %25 %50 %75 %100 % Bratislava (SK) Thessaloniki (EL) Praha (CZ) Milano (IT) Barcelona (ES) Liège (BE) Wien (AT) Frankfurt am Main (DE) Genève (CH) Luxembourg (city) (LU) NationalsEU nationalsNon-EU nationals 2011 (2) 0 %25 %50 %75 %100 % Bratislava (SK) Thessaloniki (EL) Praha (CZ) Milano (IT) Barcelona (ES) Liège (BE) Wien (AT) Frankfurt am Main (DE) Genève (CH) Luxembourg (city) (LU) NationalsEU nationalsNon-EU nationals (1) Barcelona (ES), Praha (CZ) and Bratislava (SK), EU nationals and non-EU nationals are combined. (2) Milano (IT), 2010; Thessaloniki (EL), 2009; Luxembourg (city) (LU), Wien (AT) and Bratislava (SK), 2008; Frankfurt am Main (DE), 2007. Source: Eurostat (online data code: urb_icity) 202 Eurostat regional yearbook 2013 Focus on European cities 12 Concerning foreigners, the question asked was whether for- non-nationals, and Burgas, where nationals made up 99.7 % eigners are good for the city, with respondents’ answers classi- (2008 data) of the population. fied as agreeing or disagreeing, and with these further distin- guished between those holding stronger or weaker opinions. Among the 10 cities with the lowest proportion of respond- ents viewing the presence of foreigners positively were two The cities selected for inclusion in Figure 12.2 were those Greek cities (including the capital city), the capital city of with the largest and the smallest share of respondents agree- Cyprus, two Belgian cities, four cities spread across Italy ing (strongly or somewhat) that foreigners are good for the (including the capital city) and the French port city of Mar- city. The positive views ranged from 91 % in Cluj-Napoca seille. In four of these the proportion of respondents with (Romania) to 27 % in Athina, the Greek capital.
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