(1) the Alphabetical List
fl1ItMP4T PRPIIMP! ED 030 579 SE 007 241 By -Westermann, G. E. G. Directory of Palaeontologists of the World (Excl. Soviet Union & Continental China), 2nd Edition. McMaster Univ., Hamilton (Ontario). Pub Date 68 . Note -264p. Available frOm-McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,Canada EDRS Price MF -$1.00 HC Not Available from EDRS. n escriptors -*Directories, Earth Science, International Programs, *PaleontOlogy, *Scientists The three major parts ofthisdirectory are (1)the alphabeticallistof. palaeontologists, (2)the indices of specialization, and (3) .the regionallist of institutions employing paleontologists. Listed' under Part 1 are name andbusiness ,address, malor and minor regional specializations, disciplinary specializations, and major and minor systematic specializationwith respective geoloigical ages. Part 2 (Indices) usually include major specializations only. The Index of Selected Disciplines were restricted to a few less commonfields such as polymorphism and sexual dimorphism, functional morphology, fossilization, techniques, and biometry. TheIndex of Regional Specializations is subdivided by geologic eras and periods. The Indexof Systematic SpeCializationsisusually limited to ordinal leVels and subdivided by geologic ages. The list of Institutions Employing Palaeontologists is in alphabetical order according to city and country. The names of employed paleontologists are* listed under their employing institution. (RS) . iNr\ U 1DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENI HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT,POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY '041r 41 , 4 A , (Oyer cOtplaOttloh) tramosa. Member 4:4 Lockport Fort matiOn. (Middle 8fluria0,, ,Canada ONehecl arid_ cut Stone ,quarty at thindaS, 9b.tario!Evicting'. OEMs (c, Lb) 'With Trilobita, $rachio- podaapsemblage also 13eating GastropOda, CephalopodkRi*Osa, flattacodh.
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