ELIAMEP Occasional Papers OP07.03 INTELLIGENCE SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL SECURITY SYSTEM : THE CASE OF EYP OP07.03 by Pavlos Apostolidis1 1 Ambassador (ret.), former Director of the National Intelligence Service (1999-2004) & Special Advisor of ELIAMEP - 1 - ELIAMEP Occasional Papers OP07.03 Copyright © 2007 HELLENIC FOUNDATION FOR EUROPEAN AND FOREIGN POLICY (ELIAMEP) All rights reserved ISBN 978-960-8356-22-1 INTELLIGENCE SERVICES IN THE NATIONAL SECURITY SYSTEM : THE CASE OF EYP by Pavlos Apostolidis Ambassador (ret.), former Director of the National Intelligence Service (1999-2004) Special Advisor of ELIAMEP OP07.03 HELLENIC FOUNDATION FOR EUROPEAN & FOREIGN POLICY (ELIAMEP) 49 Vas. Sofias Av. 106 76 Athens, Greece Τel: (+30) 210 7257110 Fax: (+30) 210 7257114 e-mail:
[email protected] url: http://www.eliamep.gr _______________________________________________________________ The Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) was founded in 1988 and operates as an independent, non- profit, policy- oriented research and training institute. It functions as a forum of debate on international issues, as an information centre, as well as a point of contact for experts and policymakers. Over the years, ELIAMEP has developed into and influential think-tank on foreign policy and international relations issues. ELIAMEP neither expresses, nor represents, any specific political party view. It is only devoted to the right of free and well- documented discourse. 2 ELIAMEP Occasional Papers OP07.03 INTRODUCTION In February 2006, the Greek Government divulged at a press conference that a large number of Vodafone mobile telephones belonging to members of the Government, the Security Services and others, had been illegally tapped.