LOONS and [ ] Common Merganser [ ] Common [ ] Ruddy ---x OWLS [ ] Pied-billed ---x [ ] Barn Owl [ ] HAWKS, KITES and EAGLES [ ] Eared Grebe [ ] Northern Harrier SWIFTS and HUMMINGBIRDS [ ] [ ] Cooper’s Hawk [ ] White-throated Swift [ ] Clark’s Grebe [ ] Red-shouldered Hawk [ ] Anna’s Hummingbird---x [ ] Red-tailed Hawk KINGFISHERS PELICANS and [ ] Golden Eagle [ ] Belted Kingfisher [ ] Brown Pelican [ ] American Kestrel [ ] Double-crested [ ] White-tailed Kite WOODPECKERS [ ] Acorn Woodpecker BITTERNS, HERONS and EGRETS PHEASANTS and QUAIL [ ] Red-breasted Sapsucker [ ] American Bittern [ ] Ring-necked Pheasant [ ] Nuttall’s Woodpecker---x [ ] Great Blue Heron [ ] Quail [ ] Great Egret [ ] Downy Woodpecker [ ] Snowy Egret RAILS [ ] Northern Flicker [ ] Sora [ ] Green Heron---x TYRANT FLYCATCHERS [ ] Black-crowned Night-Heron---x [ ] Common Moorhen Pacific-slope Flycatcher [ ] American ---x [ ] NEW WORLD VULTURES [ ] Black Phoebe---x Say’s Phoebe [ ] Turkey Vulture SHOREBIRDS [ ] [ ] Killdeer---x [ ] Ash-throated Flycatcher WATERFOWL [ ] Greater Yellowlegs [ ] Western Kingbird [ ] Greater White-fronted [ ] Black-necked Stilt SHRIKES [ ] Ross’s Goose [ ] Spotted Sandpiper Loggerhead Shrike [ ] Goose---x [ ] Least Sandpiper [ ] [ ] Wood Duck [ ] Long-billed Dowitcher VIREOS Gadwall [ ] [ ] Wilson’s Snipe [ ] Warbling Vireo [ ] American Wigeon [ ] Mallard---x and TERNS JAYS and CROWS [ ] Cinnamon Teal [ ] Mew [ ] Western Scrub-Jay---x [ ] Northern Shoveler [ ] Ring-billed Gull [ ] American Crow---x [ ] Northern Pintail [ ] California Gull [ ] Common Raven [ ] Green-winged Teal [ ] Herring Gull [ ] Canvasback [ ] Glaucous-winged Gull SWALLOWS [ ] Redhead [ ] Caspian Tern [ ] Tree Swallow [ ] Ring-necked Duck [ ] Forster’s Tern [ ] Violet-green Swallow [ ] Lesser Scaup [ ] Northern Rough-winged Swallow [ ] Bufflehead PIGEONS and DOVES [ ] Cliff Swallow---x [ ] Common [ ] Rock Dove [ ] Barn Swallow---x [ ] Hooded Merganser [ ] Band-tailed Pigeon [ ] Mourning Dove---x CHICKADEES and TITMICE TANAGERS [ ] Chestnut-backed Chickadee---x [ ] Western Tanager [ ] Oak Titmouse---x TOWHEES, SPARROWS and BUSHTITS GROSBEAKS [ ] Bushtit---x [ ] Spotted Towhee [ ] California Towhee NUTHATCHES [ ] Lark Sparrow [ ] Red-breasted Nuthatch [ ] Fox Sparrow [ ] White-breasted Nuthatch [ ] Song Sparrow [ ] Lincoln’s Sparrow WRENS [ ] White-crowned Sparrow [ ] Bewick’s Wren [ ] Golden-crowned Sparrow Marsh Wren [ ] [ ] Dark-eyed Junco KINGLETS [ ] Black-headed Grosbeak [ ] Ruby-crowned Kinglet BLACKBIRDS and ORIOLES [ ] Red-winged Blackbird THRUSHES Tricolored Blackbird [ ] Western Bluebird [ ] [ ] Western Meadowlark [ ] Hermit Thrush Brewer’s Blackbird [ ] American Robin [ ] [ ] Great-tailed Grackle WRENTITS [ ] Brown-headed Cowbird [ ] Wrentit [ ] Bullock’s Oriole---x

MOCKINGBIRDS, THRASHERS FINCHES [ ] Northern Mockingbird---x [ ] House Finch [ ] California Thrasher [ ] Lesser Goldfinch [ ] American Goldfinch STARLINGS [ ] European Starling---x OLD WORLD SPARROWS [ ] House Sparrow WAXWINGS [ ] Cedar Waxwing

WOOD WARBLERS x---breeds in Heather Farm Park [ ] Orange-crowned Warbler [ ] Yellow Warbler [ ] Yellow-rumped Warbler [ ] Townsend’s Warbler [ ] Common Yellowthroat [ ] Wilson’s Warbler