ecolonomics Paul Mobbs' newsletter of thoughts, ideas and observations on energy, economics and human ecology
[email protected] When You're Windows are Broken don't be Surprised if you Feel the Cold Draught of Distress The phone rings; against the background noise of a call centre a young man says, “I am phoning about your Windows computer”. I reply casually, “I don't have a Windoze com- puter” (I always make an effort to nasally sound the 'z' consonant). He apologises and rings off. Later his simple statement begins to bother me; why would anyone assume an automatic connection between the concepts “Windows” and “computer” when clearly Windoze is one of the worst operating systems that you can load onto a computer in order to use it creatively? Banbury, Thursday 23rd December 2010. I'm sitting in my office below the skylight. This I don't want to be here. There are so many oth- pretty much typifies my existence for the last few er more interesting things I could be doing months. However, whilst usually I'm labouring here today; as I sit looking through my window on the on behalf of someone else today I'm labouring here snowy-white world I'd certainly rather be out- for myself. It's nearly Christmas and, as usual (it's side. I'm here for one simple reason – it's neces- the quiet point in the year), I'm conducting my annu- sary. Whether I like it or not, I need computers to al systems back-up, re-stall and reload pantomime.