THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 2014 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Support for POW’s runs high during 26th Annual Freedom Ride BY DAN KANE their way through the the strength I need to Contributing Writer Motorcycle Week festiv- fight off this hopeless- GILFORD/MERE- ities at Weirs Beach and ness my captors see,” DITH — The Northeast on to the town docks in she said. “I have family Prisoner of War and Meredith, eventually who wait at home for Missing in Action Net- congregating at Hesky me with only tears of not work held its 26th an- Park, where the group knowing… With that, nual Freedom Ride last held a Memorial Vigil. our father in heaven, we Thursday, June 19, the Alicia Gorrell of Post 33 say please help us all.” longest running contin- American Legion deliv- Bob Williams, Viet- ual vigil in the United ered the opening prayer nam veteran and repre- States. from the perspective of a sentative leader of the Starting out in Gil- POW. group based in Manches- ford, the riders made “It is from God I ask ter, delivered the Pledge of Allegiance. Williams holds an awareness vigil of his own once a month Memories, life in Manchester. Steve Ainsworth and lessons shared at daughter Jessica sang the National Anthem to- fourth grade finale gether. BY ERIN PLUMMER lives. Host for the event Bob
[email protected] Bolduc said she want- Jones recognized a very It was a night of mem- ed the students spend special guest, 92-year-old ories and life lessons for time thinking less about ex-World War II POW the fourth grade class middle school and more Wes Wells, before be- at Gilford Elementary about the future, coming ginning the rest of the DAN KANE School during their fina- up with a plan for the event.