Integration Between the Hydrogeological Modeling and Morphometric Analyses Using HEC-HMS and GIS Techniques: a Case Study of Atbara River Basin
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Eco. Env. & Cons. 26 (4) : 2020; pp. (1678-1687) Copyright@ EM International ISSN 0971–765X Integration between the hydrogeological modeling and morphometric analyses using HEC-HMS and GIS techniques: A case study of Atbara River basin A. Hamdan1* and M. Elrawy2 1Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Aswan University, Egypt 2Geography Department, Institute of African & Nile States Researches and Studies, Aswan University, Egypt (Received 30 April, 2020; Accepted 18 June, 2020) ABSTRACT Atbara River is the last tributary and one of the three main rivers flow their water into the main Nile River. The aim of the present work is to provide new scope for integration between the hydrogeological modeling and morphometric analyses using HEC-HMS and GIS techniques. In Atbara River basin that has in sufficient hydrogeological and morphometrical data for simulating rainfall-runoff events, using hydrogeological modeling of the watershed is appropriate. The hydrogeological HEC-HMS model simulates runoff at the present precipitation rate 15, 30, and 50 mm. As well as it simulates three scenarios in case of high precipitation rate according to any climate change effects (at 75, 100, and 150 mm). The modeling at precipitation rate 15 mm in 24 hours, the hydrographic curve and modeling results indicate that water volume at Atbara River basin is 868.9 X 1000 m3 with peak discharge with water volume rate is 1.10 m3/sec. The modeling at precipitation rate equal 30, 50, 75, 100, and 150 mm, the modeling results indicate that water volume are 391.64 X 106, 1.663 X 109, 4.22 X 109, 7.54 X 109, and 15.58 X 109 m3 with peak discharge with water volume rate are 475.9, 2023.3, 5228, 9809.4, and 22399.3 m3/sec respectively. Key words : Hydrogeological Model, HEC-HMS, Watershed, GIS, Morphometry, Atbara. Introduction a tool used for many hydrologic processes for differ- ent basins (Mokhtari et al., 2016; Chea and Oeurng Climate change has effects partially or completely 2017; Rauf and Ghumman, 2018). GIS technique and on one or more components of the normal hydro- Remote sensing (RS) are essential techniques to de- logical cycle especially the river basins. This can termine rainfall rate, land use, soil types, land cover, change the meteorological elements as intensity, fre- and modeling of rainfall and runoff which are very quency, and distribution of precipitation and risk of important for sustainable development of the water flooding in some parts than others. It also associated resources and coastal area management (Cetin et al., with changes in temperature, evaporation, and all 2018; Malik et al., 2019). the hydrologic events, which directly affect the wa- The aim of the present work is to estimate a new ter resources.Hydrogeological modeling is gener- scope for running and complete interpretation of ally used as tool to estimate the hydrological param- rainfall-runoff modeling. It attempts to get the inte- eters for small or large basins. The Hydrologic Mod- gration between Arc-GIS and Hydrologic Modeling eling System HEC-HMS, is an integrated modeling System (HEC-HMS) techniques to analyze the mor- HAMDAN AND ELRAWY 1679 phometric and hydrogeologic parameters for Materials and Methods Atbara River watershed. For river basin or watershed, the Hydrologic Mod- Study Area eling System (HEC-HMS) is a comprehensive Atbara River is the last tributary joins and flow into hydrogiologic modeling tools carried out to simu- the Nile River from Khartoum to the Mediterranean late the surface runoff. The present study applies Sea. It is one of the three main tributaries that feed the integration between ArcGIS 10.5 (Arc-hydro their water into the main Nile River with the White tool) and Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) Nile and the Blue Nile. The Atbara River basin is to analysis the morphometric and hydrogeologic spread over three countries: Sudan (northern part), parameters for Atbara River basin. The hydro-mor- Ethiopia (southern part), and Eritrea (eastern part). phometric analyses of the drainage system at the It located between latitudes 11° 40‘ and 19° 10‘ N study basins require delineation of all existing and between longitudes 33° 52‘ and 39° 50‘ E (Fig. streams. For collecting data that used for this study, 1). The Atbara Riverhas three main tributaries. different tools and techniques were carried out such Tekeze (Setit in Sudan) river originates from the as Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data highlands northern of Ethiopia plateau along Ethio- (90 m spatial resolution), Reflection Global Digital pia and Eritrea and flows downstream across the Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM data), and topo- lowlands of eastern Sudan. AngerebRiver and up- graphic maps (1:50,000 scale) of the Atbara River per Atbara River drain from an area that is located basins. in the northern part of Ethiopia plateau 30 km north The channels and stream ordering use Strahler’s of Lake Tana. The rainfall along the basin ranges method (Strahler, 1964) for classification. Basic hy- from below 400 mm/y in the east to more than 1200 dro-morphometric parameters were estimated. The mm/y in the south (Zenebe, 2009). It contributes HEC-HMS model in watershed modeling system approximately an average 13.4 % of the total Nile (WMS) program need preparing Digital Elevation water, essentially in the rainy season between July Model (DEM), flow directions using TOPAZ tools, and October (Hurst, 1952). The large amount of the flow accumulations, and morphometric elements. total rainfall per year (about 70%) falls in July and Preparing and data sources August, while it deceases during the dry season from October to February (Nyssen et al., 2005). To running the HEC-HMS model, many data pre- pared such as: digital elevation model (DEM)as shown in Figure (2), precipitation rates, SCS meth- ods to compute lag time, and landuse / landcover characteristics with soil types (using to compute Curve Numbers (CN), which very important to de- fine infiltration rates). From the output and results of models are time of peak, peak discharges, and to- tal water volume. As well as to analysis and extract the main Atbara River watershed hydrogeological parameters and its sub-basins (Fig. 3). Rainfall Distribution The rainfall considers as the factor controlling the hydrogeological rainfall modeling. The precipita- tion data of Atbara River catchment were collected from different meteorologicalstations distributed along Sudan, Ethiopia, and Eritrea (as Bahar Dar, Combolcha, Gondar stations from Ethiopia; and Kassala, Sennar, Damazine stations from Sudan). The variations of precipitation rate in August are 0, 15, 30, and 50 mm. Accordingly, rainfall modeling Fig. 1. Location map of Atbara River basin study the hydrogeological conditions along the ba- 1680 Eco. Env. & Cons. 26 (4) : 2020 Fig. 2. Digital Elevation Models (DEM). Fig. 3. Sub-basins boundaries map. 2 sin at the present precipitation rate 15, 30, and 50 32.6 % of study area (75177.5 km ). Composite mm. As well as the HEC-HMS model study other Curve Numbers (CN) as estimated along Atbara three scenarios in case of high precipitation rate at basin vary from 53.3 for upper basins to 78 for lower 75, 100, and 150 mm. The HEC-HMS model apply basins controlled by the soil properties and the li- II-24 h type. The model design uses the accumulated thology of the surface layer which the water runoff runoff and accumulated rainfall along the catch- ment area through 24 hours. Results and Discussion Land-use, soil Groups, and Curve Numbers (CN) The soil properties and the lithology of the surface layer effect on infiltration rate, accumulated rainfall, and runoff. According to the water infiltration rate, the soil classified into four hydrogeological groups, they are group A, B, C, and D (USDA 2009). Using ArcGIS 10.5 produce the hydrogeological soil groups and land-use maps of study area (Fig. 4). Soil Group A has low runoff potential due to high infiltration rates even when saturated (vary from 8.6 to 11.4 mm/h). It covered 43.4 % of study area (99874.4 km2). Soil Group B not detected along the area. Soil Group C has a moderately high runoff potential due to slow infiltration rates (vary from 1.3 to 3.8 mm/h). It covered 24 % of study area (55165.4 km2). Soil Group D has high runoff potential due to very slow infiltration rates (1.3 mm/h). It covered Fig. 4. Soil-distribution map of Atbara. HAMDAN AND ELRAWY 1681 and/or infiltrated through. and 207 X 1000 m3 respectively with peak discharge are 0.5 m3/s (in 06-Jul after 8640 min), 0.2 m3/s (in HEC-HMS hydrogeological modeling 10-Jul after 14400 min), 0.4 m3/s (in 05-Jul after 7200 The HEC-HMS hydrogeological modeling used to min), and 0.1 m3/s (in 04-Jul after 5760 min) respec- simulate the accumulated rainfall, runoff, and tively. hydrogeological conditions along the Atbara River Hydrogeological simulation modeling scenario at basin at the present precipitation rate (15, 30, and 50 precipitation rate 30 mm mm) and in case of future high precipitation rate at 75, 100, and 150 mm (Table 1). Atbara River basin The modeling carried out at precipitation rate 30 become extremely dangerous during a flash flood mm in 24 hours. The modeling results indicate that precipitation rate exceed 50 mm. This is related to the total water volume flow at the Atbara River ba- long runoff time along the watershed where the sin in its outlet is 391641 × 1000m3 with peak dis- water flow time is more than one month (Fig. 5). charge and highest flow is 475.9 m3/s (Fig. 5). As the The hydrological modeling proposed the rainfall previous model, the same result was obtained in start from first of July in 1:00 am.