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Vanguard® Vanguard® FTSE Social Index Fund Product Summary Vanguard Style View : Large Growth Seeks to track the performance of the FTSE4Good US Select Index. Index of large- and mid-capitalization U.S. companies screened for certain social criteria. Market cap weighted index composed of large- and Investment style mid-capitalization stocks. Value Blend Growth Screened for certain environmental, social, and corporate Large governance (ESG) criteria. Specifically excludes stocks of certain companies in the following Mid industries: adult entertainment, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, fossil Small fuels, gambling, and nuclear power.* Market capitalization Excludes stocks of certain companies that do not meet standards Central tendency of U.N. global compact principles and companies that do not meet Expected range of fund holdings certain diversity criteria.* Employs a passively managed, full-replication approach. Quarterly Commentary People and Process The human toll of COVID-19 further mounted during the second Vanguard FTSE Social Index Fund seeks to track the performance quarter of 2021 amid fresh outbreaks of the virus and new of the FTSE4Good US Select Index, a market cap weighted index variants. The global economy nevertheless continued to rebound composed of large- and mid-capitalization stocks that is screened sharply if unevenly. Countries that have better succeeded in for certain environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) containing the virus—whether through vaccinations, lockdowns, or criteria by the Index sponsor, which is independent of Vanguard. both—tended to fare the best. With the reopening of economies Specifically, the Index excludes stocks of certain companies in the and pent-up demand boosting corporate profits, global stocks following industries: adult entertainment, alcohol, tobacco, finished the quarter significantly higher.
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