WORLD WAR II A Timeline of World War II

December 16 November 9 BATTLE OF KRISTALLNACHT THE BULGE Nazi’s torch Last big synagogues, German vandalize homes June 6 offensive in and businesses D-DAY the west. of Jews - kill Secret Operation close to 100 Overlord begins. Jews June Allied invasion of BATTLE OF Western Europe - September 1931 December 7 MIDWAY Normandy, JAPAN INVADES JAPAN BOMBS August 23 PEARL HARBOR U.S defeats France. France MANCHURIA May 9 NON AGGRESSION June 22 As a result, the Japan at Midway would be V-E DAY FRANCE protested. PACT United States Islands, turning liberated 3 Germany Japan ignored the protests signed between SURRENDERS joins the war months later TO GERMANY the tide in the surrenders. and withdrew from the German and USSR Pacific. Allied victory League in Europe 1935 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1944 1930 1946 1931 1945

July 10 August 23 October 1935 BATTLE OF BATTLE OF Italy Invades BRITAIN January 20 STALINGRAD Ethiopia FINAL SOLUTION September 2 Hitler begins Germany V-J DAY Ethiopia protests to bombing Britain in Germans meet to attacks the city discuss the 'Final Japan the League of his quest to of Stalingrad. surrenders. September 1, solution of the Nations. The League conquer the Five months American does nothing 1939 Jewish Question'. country. Britain The 'Final later, Germany victory over HITLER INVADES never surrenders surrenders Japan. POLAND solution' was a August and after more code name for This marks the ATOMIC BOMBS than a year Hitler the murder of all beginning of World gives up. the Jews of dropped on War II Europe. Hiroshima and Nagasaki Name ______D ate______Class hour _____

WORLD WAR II A Timeline of World War II Analyze the timeline above to answer the following questions.

1. What happened earlier? A) Battle of the Stalingrad B) 2. What year was the Non Aggression Pact signed? ______3. What is the span (number of years shown) on this timeline?______4. What event happened September 1st, 1939? ______5. Why is the above date significant? ______6. What three events happened in 1942? ______7. What country did Italy invade in 1935? ______8. How many months long was the ?______9. Why did the United States join World War II? ______10. How effective was the League of Nations in preventing war? ______B. Why? Cite evidence from timeline. ______11. How long did it take from the for the U.S. to move from a defensive position to an offensive position? ______12. When was the last German offensive on the western front? ______13. How many years was WWII, from the to the ? ______14. What is the significance of the attack on Pearl Harbor? ______

Matching ___15. a. Final Solution ___16. Code name for the murder of all Jews in Europe b. World War II begins ___17. Hitler’s goal to invade Great Britain c. Nonaggression Pact ___18. September 1, 1939 d. VE-Day ___19. Germany surrenders e. D-Day ___20. USSR and Germany truce f.